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2018-10-07 04:38:45 -06:00
// +build integration
2018-06-14 04:41:03 -06:00
package server
import (
var (
// verifier functionality
2018-05-10 02:05:55 -06:00
verifylog = flag.String("verifylog", "", "path to logfile containing requests/responses")
wsurl = flag.String("wsurl", "", "URL of interface to verify")
newSocket = flag.Bool("newsocket", false, "Create new connection for each request")
type verifyStats struct {
Count int
SuccessCount int
TotalLogNs int64
TotalBlockbookNs int64
type logMessage struct {
ID int `json:"id"`
Et int64 `json:"et"`
Res json.RawMessage `json:"res"`
Req json.RawMessage `json:"req"`
type logRequestResponse struct {
Request, Response json.RawMessage
LogElapsedTime int64
func getStat(m string, stats map[string]*verifyStats) *verifyStats {
s, ok := stats[m]
if !ok {
s = &verifyStats{}
stats[m] = s
return s
func unmarshalResponses(t *testing.T, id int, lrs *logRequestResponse, bbResStr string, bbResponse interface{}, logResponse interface{}) error {
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(bbResStr), bbResponse)
if err != nil {
t.Log(id, ": error unmarshal BB request ", err)
return err
err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(lrs.Response), logResponse)
if err != nil {
t.Log(id, ": error unmarshal log request ", err)
return err
return nil
func getFullAddressHistory(addr []string, rr addrOpts, ws *gosocketio.Client) (*resultGetAddressHistory, error) {
rr.From = 0
rr.To = 100000000
rq := map[string]interface{}{
"method": "getAddressHistory",
"params": []interface{}{
rrq, err := json.Marshal(rq)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
res, err := ws.Ack("message", json.RawMessage(rrq), time.Second*30)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
bbResponse := resultGetAddressHistory{}
err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(res), &bbResponse)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &bbResponse, nil
func equalTx(logTx resTx, bbTx resTx) error {
if logTx.Hash != bbTx.Hash {
return errors.Errorf("Different Hash bb: %v log: %v", bbTx.Hash, logTx.Hash)
if logTx.Hex != bbTx.Hex {
return errors.Errorf("Different Hex bb: %v log: %v", bbTx.Hex, logTx.Hex)
2018-10-07 04:38:45 -06:00
if logTx.BlockTimestamp != bbTx.BlockTimestamp && logTx.BlockTimestamp != 0 {
return errors.Errorf("Different BlockTimestamp bb: %v log: %v", bbTx.BlockTimestamp, logTx.BlockTimestamp)
if logTx.FeeSatoshis != bbTx.FeeSatoshis {
return errors.Errorf("Different FeeSatoshis bb: %v log: %v", bbTx.FeeSatoshis, logTx.FeeSatoshis)
2018-10-07 04:38:45 -06:00
if logTx.Height != bbTx.Height && logTx.Height != -1 {
return errors.Errorf("Different Height bb: %v log: %v", bbTx.Height, logTx.Height)
if logTx.InputSatoshis != bbTx.InputSatoshis {
return errors.Errorf("Different InputSatoshis bb: %v log: %v", bbTx.InputSatoshis, logTx.InputSatoshis)
if logTx.Locktime != bbTx.Locktime {
return errors.Errorf("Different Locktime bb: %v log: %v", bbTx.Locktime, logTx.Locktime)
if logTx.OutputSatoshis != bbTx.OutputSatoshis {
return errors.Errorf("Different OutputSatoshis bb: %v log: %v", bbTx.OutputSatoshis, logTx.OutputSatoshis)
if logTx.Version != bbTx.Version {
return errors.Errorf("Different Version bb: %v log: %v", bbTx.Version, logTx.Version)
if len(logTx.Inputs) != len(bbTx.Inputs) {
return errors.Errorf("Different number of Inputs bb: %v log: %v", len(bbTx.Inputs), len(logTx.Inputs))
// blockbook parses bech addresses, it is ok for bitcore to return nil address and blockbook parsed address
for i := range logTx.Inputs {
if logTx.Inputs[i].Satoshis != bbTx.Inputs[i].Satoshis ||
(bbTx.Inputs[i].Address == nil && logTx.Inputs[i].Address != bbTx.Inputs[i].Address) ||
(logTx.Inputs[i].Address != nil && *logTx.Inputs[i].Address != *bbTx.Inputs[i].Address) ||
logTx.Inputs[i].OutputIndex != bbTx.Inputs[i].OutputIndex ||
logTx.Inputs[i].Sequence != bbTx.Inputs[i].Sequence {
return errors.Errorf("Different Inputs bb: %+v log: %+v", bbTx.Inputs, logTx.Inputs)
if len(logTx.Outputs) != len(bbTx.Outputs) {
return errors.Errorf("Different number of Outputs bb: %v log: %v", len(bbTx.Outputs), len(logTx.Outputs))
// blockbook parses bech addresses, it is ok for bitcore to return nil address and blockbook parsed address
for i := range logTx.Outputs {
if logTx.Outputs[i].Satoshis != bbTx.Outputs[i].Satoshis ||
(bbTx.Outputs[i].Address == nil && logTx.Outputs[i].Address != bbTx.Outputs[i].Address) ||
(logTx.Outputs[i].Address != nil && *logTx.Outputs[i].Address != *bbTx.Outputs[i].Address) {
return errors.Errorf("Different Outputs bb: %+v log: %+v", bbTx.Outputs, logTx.Outputs)
return nil
func equalAddressHistoryItem(logItem addressHistoryItem, bbItem addressHistoryItem) error {
if err := equalTx(logItem.Tx, bbItem.Tx); err != nil {
return err
if !reflect.DeepEqual(logItem.Addresses, bbItem.Addresses) {
return errors.Errorf("Different Addresses bb: %v log: %v", bbItem.Addresses, logItem.Addresses)
if logItem.Satoshis != bbItem.Satoshis {
return errors.Errorf("Different Satoshis bb: %v log: %v", bbItem.Satoshis, logItem.Satoshis)
return nil
func verifyGetAddressHistory(t *testing.T, id int, lrs *logRequestResponse, bbResStr string, stat *verifyStats, ws *gosocketio.Client, bbRequest map[string]json.RawMessage) {
bbResponse := resultGetAddressHistory{}
logResponse := resultGetAddressHistory{}
var bbFullResponse *resultGetAddressHistory
if err := unmarshalResponses(t, id, lrs, bbResStr, &bbResponse, &logResponse); err != nil {
// parse request to check params
addr, rr, err := unmarshalGetAddressRequest(bbRequest["params"])
if err != nil {
t.Log(id, ": getAddressHistory error unmarshal BB request ", err)
// mempool transactions are not comparable
if !rr.QueryMempoolOnly {
if (logResponse.Result.TotalCount != bbResponse.Result.TotalCount) ||
len(logResponse.Result.Items) != len(bbResponse.Result.Items) {
t.Log("getAddressHistory", id, "mismatch bb:", bbResponse.Result.TotalCount, len(bbResponse.Result.Items),
"log:", logResponse.Result.TotalCount, len(logResponse.Result.Items))
if logResponse.Result.TotalCount > 0 {
for i, logItem := range logResponse.Result.Items {
bbItem := bbResponse.Result.Items[i]
if err = equalAddressHistoryItem(logItem, bbItem); err != nil {
// if multiple addresses are specified, BlockBook returns transactions in different order
// which causes problems in paged responses
// we have to get all transactions from blockbook and check that they are in the logged response
var err1 error
if bbFullResponse == nil {
bbFullResponse, err1 = getFullAddressHistory(addr, rr, ws)
if err1 != nil {
t.Log("getFullAddressHistory error", err)
if bbFullResponse.Result.TotalCount != logResponse.Result.TotalCount {
t.Log("getFullAddressHistory count mismatch", bbFullResponse.Result.TotalCount, logResponse.Result.TotalCount)
found := false
for _, bbFullItem := range bbFullResponse.Result.Items {
err1 = equalAddressHistoryItem(logItem, bbFullItem)
if err1 == nil {
found = true
if err1.Error()[:14] != "Different Hash" {
if !found {
t.Log("getAddressHistory", id, "addresses", addr, "mismatch ", err)
func verifyGetInfo(t *testing.T, id int, lrs *logRequestResponse, bbResStr string, stat *verifyStats) {
bbResponse := resultGetInfo{}
logResponse := resultGetInfo{}
if err := unmarshalResponses(t, id, lrs, bbResStr, &bbResponse, &logResponse); err != nil {
if logResponse.Result.Blocks <= bbResponse.Result.Blocks &&
logResponse.Result.Testnet == bbResponse.Result.Testnet &&
logResponse.Result.Network == bbResponse.Result.Network {
} else {
t.Log("getInfo", id, "mismatch bb:", bbResponse.Result.Blocks, bbResponse.Result.Testnet, bbResponse.Result.Network,
"log:", logResponse.Result.Blocks, logResponse.Result.Testnet, logResponse.Result.Network)
func verifyGetBlockHeader(t *testing.T, id int, lrs *logRequestResponse, bbResStr string, stat *verifyStats) {
bbResponse := resultGetBlockHeader{}
logResponse := resultGetBlockHeader{}
if err := unmarshalResponses(t, id, lrs, bbResStr, &bbResponse, &logResponse); err != nil {
if logResponse.Result.Hash == bbResponse.Result.Hash {
} else {
t.Log("getBlockHeader", id, "mismatch bb:", bbResponse.Result.Hash,
"log:", logResponse.Result.Hash)
func verifyEstimateSmartFee(t *testing.T, id int, lrs *logRequestResponse, bbResStr string, stat *verifyStats) {
bbResponse := resultEstimateSmartFee{}
logResponse := resultEstimateSmartFee{}
if err := unmarshalResponses(t, id, lrs, bbResStr, &bbResponse, &logResponse); err != nil {
// it is not possible to compare fee directly, it changes over time,
// verify that the BB fee is in a reasonable range
if bbResponse.Result > 0 && bbResponse.Result < .1 {
} else {
t.Log("estimateSmartFee", id, "mismatch bb:", bbResponse.Result,
"log:", logResponse.Result)
func verifySendTransaction(t *testing.T, id int, lrs *logRequestResponse, bbResStr string, stat *verifyStats) {
bbResponse := resultSendTransaction{}
logResponse := resultSendTransaction{}
if err := unmarshalResponses(t, id, lrs, bbResStr, &bbResponse, &logResponse); err != nil {
bbResponseError := resultError{}
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(bbResStr), &bbResponseError)
if err != nil {
t.Log(id, ": error unmarshal resultError ", err)
// it is not possible to repeat sendTransaction, expect error
if bbResponse.Result == "" && bbResponseError.Error.Message != "" {
} else {
t.Log("sendTransaction", id, "problem:", bbResponse.Result, bbResponseError)
func verifyGetDetailedTransaction(t *testing.T, id int, lrs *logRequestResponse, bbResStr string, stat *verifyStats) {
bbResponse := resultGetDetailedTransaction{}
logResponse := resultGetDetailedTransaction{}
if err := unmarshalResponses(t, id, lrs, bbResStr, &bbResponse, &logResponse); err != nil {
if err := equalTx(logResponse.Result, bbResponse.Result); err != nil {
t.Log("getDetailedTransaction", id, err)
func verifyMessage(t *testing.T, ws *gosocketio.Client, id int, lrs *logRequestResponse, stats map[string]*verifyStats) {
req := make(map[string]json.RawMessage)
err := json.Unmarshal(lrs.Request, &req)
if err != nil {
t.Log(id, ": error unmarshal request ", err)
method := strings.Trim(string(req["method"]), "\"")
if method == "" {
t.Log(id, ": there is no method specified in request")
// send the message to blockbook
start := time.Now()
res, err := ws.Ack("message", lrs.Request, time.Second*30)
if err != nil {
t.Log(id, ",", method, ": ws.Ack error ", err)
getStat("ackError", stats).Count++
ts := time.Since(start).Nanoseconds()
stat := getStat(method, stats)
stat.TotalLogNs += lrs.LogElapsedTime
stat.TotalBlockbookNs += ts
switch method {
case "getAddressHistory":
verifyGetAddressHistory(t, id, lrs, res, stat, ws, req)
case "getBlockHeader":
verifyGetBlockHeader(t, id, lrs, res, stat)
case "getDetailedTransaction":
verifyGetDetailedTransaction(t, id, lrs, res, stat)
case "getInfo":
verifyGetInfo(t, id, lrs, res, stat)
case "estimateSmartFee":
verifyEstimateSmartFee(t, id, lrs, res, stat)
case "sendTransaction":
verifySendTransaction(t, id, lrs, res, stat)
// case "getAddressTxids":
// case "estimateFee":
// case "getMempoolEntry":
t.Log(id, ",", method, ": unknown/unverified method", method)
func connectSocketIO(t *testing.T) *gosocketio.Client {
tr := transport.GetDefaultWebsocketTransport()
tr.WebsocketDialer = websocket.Dialer{
TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: true},
ws, err := gosocketio.Dial(*wsurl, tr)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("Dial error ", err)
return nil
return ws
func Test_VerifyLog(t *testing.T) {
if *verifylog == "" || *wsurl == "" {
t.Skip("skipping test, flags verifylog or wsurl not specified")
t.Log("Verifying log", *verifylog, "against service", *wsurl)
var ws *gosocketio.Client
if !*newSocket {
ws = connectSocketIO(t)
2018-05-10 02:05:55 -06:00
defer ws.Close()
file, err := os.Open(*verifylog)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("File read error", err)
defer file.Close()
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(file)
buf := make([]byte, 1<<25)
scanner.Buffer(buf, 1<<25)
line := 0
stats := make(map[string]*verifyStats)
pairs := make(map[int]*logRequestResponse, 0)
for scanner.Scan() {
msg := logMessage{}
err := json.Unmarshal(scanner.Bytes(), &msg)
if err != nil {
t.Log("Line ", line, ": json error ", err)
lrs, exists := pairs[msg.ID]
if !exists {
lrs = &logRequestResponse{}
pairs[msg.ID] = lrs
if msg.Req != nil {
if lrs.Request != nil {
t.Log("Line ", line, ": duplicate request with id ", msg.ID)
lrs.Request = msg.Req
} else if msg.Res != nil {
if lrs.Response != nil {
t.Log("Line ", line, ": duplicate response with id ", msg.ID)
lrs.Response = msg.Res
lrs.LogElapsedTime = msg.Et
if lrs.Request != nil && lrs.Response != nil {
if *newSocket {
ws = connectSocketIO(t)
verifyMessage(t, ws, msg.ID, lrs, stats)
if *newSocket {
delete(pairs, msg.ID)
var keys []string
for k := range stats {
keys = append(keys, k)
failures := 0
t.Log("Processed", line, "lines")
for _, k := range keys {
s := stats[k]
failures += s.Count - s.SuccessCount
t.Log("Method:", k, "\tCount:", s.Count, "\tSuccess:", s.SuccessCount,
"\tTime log:", s.TotalLogNs, "\tTime BB:", s.TotalBlockbookNs,
"\tTime BB/log", float64(s.TotalBlockbookNs)/float64(s.TotalLogNs))
if failures != 0 {
t.Error("Number of failures:", failures)