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package coins
import (
2018-03-15 01:19:02 -06:00
2018-03-08 11:39:21 -07:00
2018-03-13 04:34:49 -06:00
type blockChainFactory func(config json.RawMessage, pushHandler func(*bchain.MQMessage)) (bchain.BlockChain, error)
var blockChainFactories = make(map[string]blockChainFactory)
func init() {
blockChainFactories["btc"] = btc.NewBitcoinRPC
2018-03-13 09:07:24 -06:00
blockChainFactories["btc-testnet"] = btc.NewBitcoinRPC
2018-03-08 11:39:21 -07:00
blockChainFactories["zec"] = zec.NewZCashRPC
2018-03-15 01:19:02 -06:00
blockChainFactories["eth"] = eth.NewEthRPC
blockChainFactories["eth-testnet"] = eth.NewEthRPC
// NewBlockChain creates bchain.BlockChain of type defined by parameter coin
func NewBlockChain(coin string, configfile string, pushHandler func(*bchain.MQMessage), metrics *common.Metrics) (bchain.BlockChain, error) {
bcf, ok := blockChainFactories[coin]
if !ok {
return nil, errors.New(fmt.Sprint("Unsupported coin ", coin, ". Must be one of ", reflect.ValueOf(blockChainFactories).MapKeys()))
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(configfile)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "Error reading file %v", configfile)
var config json.RawMessage
err = json.Unmarshal(data, &config)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "Error parsing file %v", configfile)
bc, err := bcf(config, pushHandler)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &blockChainWithMetrics{b: bc, m: metrics}, nil
type blockChainWithMetrics struct {
b bchain.BlockChain
m *common.Metrics
func (c *blockChainWithMetrics) observeRPCLatency(method string, start time.Time, err error) {
var e string
if err != nil {
e = err.Error()
c.m.RPCLatency.With(common.Labels{"method": method, "error": e}).Observe(float64(time.Since(start)) / 1e6) // in milliseconds
func (c *blockChainWithMetrics) Initialize() error {
return c.b.Initialize()
2018-03-21 07:50:38 -06:00
func (c *blockChainWithMetrics) Shutdown() error {
return c.b.Shutdown()
func (c *blockChainWithMetrics) IsTestnet() bool {
return c.b.IsTestnet()
func (c *blockChainWithMetrics) GetNetworkName() string {
return c.b.GetNetworkName()
func (c *blockChainWithMetrics) GetBestBlockHash() (v string, err error) {
defer func(s time.Time) { c.observeRPCLatency("GetBestBlockHash", s, err) }(time.Now())
return c.b.GetBestBlockHash()
func (c *blockChainWithMetrics) GetBestBlockHeight() (v uint32, err error) {
defer func(s time.Time) { c.observeRPCLatency("GetBestBlockHeight", s, err) }(time.Now())
return c.b.GetBestBlockHeight()
func (c *blockChainWithMetrics) GetBlockHash(height uint32) (v string, err error) {
defer func(s time.Time) { c.observeRPCLatency("GetBlockHash", s, err) }(time.Now())
return c.b.GetBlockHash(height)
func (c *blockChainWithMetrics) GetBlockHeader(hash string) (v *bchain.BlockHeader, err error) {
defer func(s time.Time) { c.observeRPCLatency("GetBlockHeader", s, err) }(time.Now())
return c.b.GetBlockHeader(hash)
func (c *blockChainWithMetrics) GetBlock(hash string, height uint32) (v *bchain.Block, err error) {
defer func(s time.Time) { c.observeRPCLatency("GetBlock", s, err) }(time.Now())
return c.b.GetBlock(hash, height)
func (c *blockChainWithMetrics) GetMempool() (v []string, err error) {
defer func(s time.Time) { c.observeRPCLatency("GetMempool", s, err) }(time.Now())
return c.b.GetMempool()
func (c *blockChainWithMetrics) GetTransaction(txid string) (v *bchain.Tx, err error) {
defer func(s time.Time) { c.observeRPCLatency("GetTransaction", s, err) }(time.Now())
return c.b.GetTransaction(txid)
func (c *blockChainWithMetrics) EstimateSmartFee(blocks int, conservative bool) (v float64, err error) {
defer func(s time.Time) { c.observeRPCLatency("EstimateSmartFee", s, err) }(time.Now())
return c.b.EstimateSmartFee(blocks, conservative)
2018-03-27 02:30:30 -06:00
func (c *blockChainWithMetrics) EstimateFee(blocks int) (v float64, err error) {
defer func(s time.Time) { c.observeRPCLatency("EstimateFee", s, err) }(time.Now())
return c.b.EstimateFee(blocks)
func (c *blockChainWithMetrics) SendRawTransaction(tx string) (v string, err error) {
defer func(s time.Time) { c.observeRPCLatency("SendRawTransaction", s, err) }(time.Now())
return c.b.SendRawTransaction(tx)
func (c *blockChainWithMetrics) ResyncMempool(onNewTxAddr func(txid string, addr string)) (err error) {
defer func(s time.Time) { c.observeRPCLatency("ResyncMempool", s, err) }(time.Now())
return c.b.ResyncMempool(onNewTxAddr)
func (c *blockChainWithMetrics) GetMempoolTransactions(address string) (v []string, err error) {
defer func(s time.Time) { c.observeRPCLatency("GetMempoolTransactions", s, err) }(time.Now())
return c.b.GetMempoolTransactions(address)
func (c *blockChainWithMetrics) GetMempoolSpentOutput(outputTxid string, vout uint32) (v string) {
return c.b.GetMempoolSpentOutput(outputTxid, vout)
func (c *blockChainWithMetrics) GetMempoolEntry(txid string) (v *bchain.MempoolEntry, err error) {
defer func(s time.Time) { c.observeRPCLatency("GetMempoolEntry", s, err) }(time.Now())
return c.b.GetMempoolEntry(txid)
func (c *blockChainWithMetrics) GetChainParser() bchain.BlockChainParser {
return c.b.GetChainParser()