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package server
import (
2018-06-26 05:02:53 -06:00
const blockbookAbout = "Blockbook - blockchain indexer for TREZOR wallet Do not use for any other purpose."
2018-09-05 07:13:45 -06:00
const txsOnPage = 25
const txsInAPI = 1000
// PublicServer is a handle to public http server
type PublicServer struct {
binding string
certFiles string
socketio *SocketIoServer
https *http.Server
db *db.RocksDB
txCache *db.TxCache
chain bchain.BlockChain
chainParser bchain.BlockChainParser
2018-06-26 05:02:53 -06:00
api *api.Worker
explorerURL string
metrics *common.Metrics
is *common.InternalState
templates []*template.Template
debug bool
// NewPublicServer creates new public server http interface to blockbook and returns its handle
func NewPublicServer(binding string, certFiles string, db *db.RocksDB, chain bchain.BlockChain, txCache *db.TxCache, explorerURL string, metrics *common.Metrics, is *common.InternalState, debugMode bool) (*PublicServer, error) {
2018-06-27 16:36:56 -06:00
api, err := api.NewWorker(db, chain, txCache, is)
2018-06-26 05:02:53 -06:00
if err != nil {
return nil, err
socketio, err := NewSocketIoServer(db, chain, txCache, metrics, is)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
addr, path := splitBinding(binding)
serveMux := http.NewServeMux()
https := &http.Server{
Addr: addr,
Handler: serveMux,
s := &PublicServer{
binding: binding,
certFiles: certFiles,
https: https,
2018-06-26 05:02:53 -06:00
api: api,
socketio: socketio,
db: db,
txCache: txCache,
chain: chain,
chainParser: chain.GetChainParser(),
explorerURL: explorerURL,
metrics: metrics,
is: is,
debug: debugMode,
// favicon
serveMux.Handle(path+"favicon.ico", http.FileServer(http.Dir("./static/")))
// support for tests of interface
serveMux.Handle(path+"test.html", http.FileServer(http.Dir("./static/")))
// redirect to wallet requests for tx and address, possibly to external site
serveMux.HandleFunc(path+"tx/", s.txRedirect)
serveMux.HandleFunc(path+"address/", s.addressRedirect)
2018-06-26 05:02:53 -06:00
// explorer
serveMux.HandleFunc(path+"explorer/tx/", s.htmlTemplateHandler(s.explorerTx))
serveMux.HandleFunc(path+"explorer/address/", s.htmlTemplateHandler(s.explorerAddress))
2018-09-13 06:25:24 -06:00
serveMux.HandleFunc(path+"explorer/search/", s.htmlTemplateHandler(s.explorerSearch))
serveMux.Handle(path+"static/", http.StripPrefix("/static/", http.FileServer(http.Dir("./static/"))))
// API calls
serveMux.HandleFunc(path+"api/block-index/", s.jsonHandler(s.apiBlockIndex))
serveMux.HandleFunc(path+"api/tx/", s.jsonHandler(s.apiTx))
serveMux.HandleFunc(path+"api/address/", s.jsonHandler(s.apiAddress))
// handle
serveMux.Handle(path+"", socketio.GetHandler())
// default handler
serveMux.HandleFunc(path, s.index)
s.templates = parseTemplates()
return s, nil
// Run starts the server
func (s *PublicServer) Run() error {
if s.certFiles == "" {
glog.Info("public server: starting to listen on http://", s.https.Addr)
return s.https.ListenAndServe()
glog.Info("public server starting to listen on https://", s.https.Addr)
return s.https.ListenAndServeTLS(fmt.Sprint(s.certFiles, ".crt"), fmt.Sprint(s.certFiles, ".key"))
// Close closes the server
func (s *PublicServer) Close() error {
glog.Infof("public server: closing")
return s.https.Close()
// Shutdown shuts down the server
func (s *PublicServer) Shutdown(ctx context.Context) error {
glog.Infof("public server: shutdown")
return s.https.Shutdown(ctx)
// OnNewBlock notifies users subscribed to bitcoind/hashblock about new block
func (s *PublicServer) OnNewBlock(hash string, height uint32) {
// OnNewTxAddr notifies users subscribed to bitcoind/addresstxid about new block
func (s *PublicServer) OnNewTxAddr(txid string, addr string, isOutput bool) {
s.socketio.OnNewTxAddr(txid, addr, isOutput)
func (s *PublicServer) txRedirect(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if s.explorerURL != "" {
http.Redirect(w, r, joinURL(s.explorerURL, r.URL.Path), 302)
2018-09-13 16:18:13 -06:00
s.metrics.ExplorerViews.With(common.Labels{"action": "tx-redirect"}).Inc()
func (s *PublicServer) addressRedirect(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if s.explorerURL != "" {
http.Redirect(w, r, joinURL(s.explorerURL, r.URL.Path), 302)
2018-09-13 16:18:13 -06:00
s.metrics.ExplorerViews.With(common.Labels{"action": "address-redirect"}).Inc()
func splitBinding(binding string) (addr string, path string) {
i := strings.Index(binding, "/")
if i >= 0 {
return binding[0:i], binding[i:]
return binding, "/"
func joinURL(base string, part string) string {
if len(base) > 0 {
if len(base) > 0 && base[len(base)-1] == '/' && len(part) > 0 && part[0] == '/' {
return base + part[1:]
return base + part
return part
func getFunctionName(i interface{}) string {
return runtime.FuncForPC(reflect.ValueOf(i).Pointer()).Name()
func (s *PublicServer) jsonHandler(handler func(r *http.Request) (interface{}, error)) func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
type jsonError struct {
Error string `json:"error"`
return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var data interface{}
var err error
defer func() {
if e := recover(); e != nil {
glog.Error(getFunctionName(handler), " recovered from panic: ", e)
if s.debug {
data = jsonError{fmt.Sprint("Internal server error: recovered from panic ", e)}
} else {
data = jsonError{"Internal server error"}
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8")
data, err = handler(r)
if err != nil || data == nil {
if apiErr, ok := err.(*api.ApiError); ok {
data = jsonError{apiErr.Error()}
} else {
if err != nil {
glog.Error(getFunctionName(handler), " error: ", err)
if s.debug {
data = jsonError{fmt.Sprintf("Internal server error: %v, data %+v", err, data)}
} else {
data = jsonError{"Internal server error"}
func (s *PublicServer) newTemplateData() *TemplateData {
return &TemplateData{
func (s *PublicServer) newTemplateDataWithError(text string) *TemplateData {
return &TemplateData{
Error: &api.ApiError{Text: text},
func (s *PublicServer) htmlTemplateHandler(handler func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (tpl, *TemplateData, error)) func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var t tpl
var data *TemplateData
var err error
defer func() {
if e := recover(); e != nil {
glog.Error(getFunctionName(handler), " recovered from panic: ", e)
t = errorTpl
if s.debug {
data = s.newTemplateDataWithError(fmt.Sprint("Internal server error: recovered from panic ", e))
} else {
data = s.newTemplateDataWithError("Internal server error")
// noTpl means the handler completely handled the request
if t != noTpl {
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8")
if err := s.templates[t].ExecuteTemplate(w, "base.html", data); err != nil {
if s.debug {
// reload templates on each request
// to reflect changes during development
s.templates = parseTemplates()
t, data, err = handler(w, r)
if err != nil || (data == nil && t != noTpl) {
t = errorTpl
if apiErr, ok := err.(*api.ApiError); ok {
data = s.newTemplateData()
data.Error = apiErr
} else {
if err != nil {
glog.Error(getFunctionName(handler), " error: ", err)
if s.debug {
data = s.newTemplateDataWithError(fmt.Sprintf("Internal server error: %v, data %+v", err, data))
} else {
data = s.newTemplateDataWithError("Internal server error")
type tpl int
const (
noTpl = tpl(iota)
2018-09-05 07:13:45 -06:00
type TemplateData struct {
CoinName string
CoinShortcut string
Address *api.Address
AddrStr string
Tx *api.Tx
Error *api.ApiError
2018-09-05 07:13:45 -06:00
Page int
PrevPage int
NextPage int
PagingRange []int
func parseTemplates() []*template.Template {
templateFuncMap := template.FuncMap{
"formatUnixTime": formatUnixTime,
"formatAmount": formatAmount,
"setTxToTemplateData": setTxToTemplateData,
"stringInSlice": stringInSlice,
2018-09-05 07:13:45 -06:00
t := make([]*template.Template, tplCount)
t[errorTpl] = template.Must(template.New("error").Funcs(templateFuncMap).ParseFiles("./static/templates/error.html", "./static/templates/base.html"))
t[txTpl] = template.Must(template.New("tx").Funcs(templateFuncMap).ParseFiles("./static/templates/tx.html", "./static/templates/txdetail.html", "./static/templates/base.html"))
2018-09-05 07:13:45 -06:00
t[addressTpl] = template.Must(template.New("address").Funcs(templateFuncMap).ParseFiles("./static/templates/address.html", "./static/templates/txdetail.html", "./static/templates/paging.html", "./static/templates/base.html"))
return t
func formatUnixTime(ut int64) string {
return time.Unix(ut, 0).Format(time.RFC1123)
// for now return the string as it is
// in future could be used to do coin specific formatting
func formatAmount(a string) string {
return a
// called from template to support txdetail.html functionality
func setTxToTemplateData(td *TemplateData, tx *api.Tx) *TemplateData {
td.Tx = tx
return td
func (s *PublicServer) explorerTx(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (tpl, *TemplateData, error) {
2018-06-26 05:02:53 -06:00
var tx *api.Tx
2018-09-13 16:18:13 -06:00
s.metrics.ExplorerViews.With(common.Labels{"action": "tx"}).Inc()
2018-06-26 05:02:53 -06:00
if i := strings.LastIndexByte(r.URL.Path, '/'); i > 0 {
txid := r.URL.Path[i+1:]
bestheight, _, err := s.db.GetBestBlock()
if err == nil {
tx, err = s.api.GetTransaction(txid, bestheight, true)
if err != nil {
return errorTpl, nil, err
2018-06-26 05:02:53 -06:00
data := s.newTemplateData()
data.Tx = tx
return txTpl, data, nil
2018-06-26 05:02:53 -06:00
func (s *PublicServer) explorerAddress(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (tpl, *TemplateData, error) {
var address *api.Address
var err error
2018-09-13 16:18:13 -06:00
s.metrics.ExplorerViews.With(common.Labels{"action": "address"}).Inc()
if i := strings.LastIndexByte(r.URL.Path, '/'); i > 0 {
page, ec := strconv.Atoi(r.URL.Query().Get("page"))
if ec != nil {
page = 0
address, err = s.api.GetAddress(r.URL.Path[i+1:], page, txsOnPage, false)
if err != nil {
return errorTpl, nil, err
data := s.newTemplateData()
data.AddrStr = address.AddrStr
data.Address = address
data.Page = address.Page
data.PagingRange, data.PrevPage, data.NextPage = getPagingRange(address.Page, address.TotalPages)
return addressTpl, data, nil
2018-09-13 06:25:24 -06:00
func (s *PublicServer) explorerSearch(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (tpl, *TemplateData, error) {
2018-09-13 06:25:24 -06:00
q := strings.TrimSpace(r.URL.Query().Get("q"))
var tx *api.Tx
var address *api.Address
var err error
2018-09-13 16:18:13 -06:00
s.metrics.ExplorerViews.With(common.Labels{"action": "search"}).Inc()
if len(q) > 0 {
if i := strings.LastIndexByte(r.URL.Path, '/'); i > 0 {
bestheight, _, err := s.db.GetBestBlock()
if err == nil {
tx, err = s.api.GetTransaction(q, bestheight, false)
if err == nil {
http.Redirect(w, r, joinURL("/explorer/tx/", tx.Txid), 302)
return noTpl, nil, nil
address, err = s.api.GetAddress(q, 0, 1, true)
2018-09-13 06:25:24 -06:00
if err == nil {
http.Redirect(w, r, joinURL("/explorer/address/", address.AddrStr), 302)
return noTpl, nil, nil
2018-09-13 06:25:24 -06:00
if err == nil {
err = api.NewApiError(fmt.Sprintf("No matching records found for '%v'", q), true)
return errorTpl, nil, err
2018-09-05 07:13:45 -06:00
func getPagingRange(page int, total int) ([]int, int, int) {
if total < 2 {
return nil, 0, 0
pp, np := page-1, page+1
if np > total {
np = total
if pp < 1 {
pp = 1
r := make([]int, 0, 8)
if total < 6 {
for i := 1; i <= total; i++ {
r = append(r, i)
} else {
r = append(r, 1)
if page > 3 {
r = append(r, 0)
if pp == 1 {
if page == 1 {
r = append(r, np)
r = append(r, np+1)
r = append(r, np+2)
} else {
r = append(r, page)
r = append(r, np)
r = append(r, np+1)
} else if np == total {
if page == total {
r = append(r, pp-2)
r = append(r, pp-1)
r = append(r, pp)
} else {
r = append(r, pp-1)
r = append(r, pp)
r = append(r, page)
} else {
r = append(r, pp)
r = append(r, page)
r = append(r, np)
if page <= total-3 {
r = append(r, 0)
r = append(r, total)
return r, pp, np
type resAboutBlockbookPublic struct {
Coin string `json:"coin"`
Host string `json:"host"`
Version string `json:"version"`
GitCommit string `json:"gitcommit"`
BuildTime string `json:"buildtime"`
InSync bool `json:"inSync"`
BestHeight uint32 `json:"bestHeight"`
LastBlockTime time.Time `json:"lastBlockTime"`
InSyncMempool bool `json:"inSyncMempool"`
LastMempoolTime time.Time `json:"lastMempoolTime"`
About string `json:"about"`
// TODO - this is temporary, return html status page
func (s *PublicServer) index(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
vi := common.GetVersionInfo()
ss, bh, st :=
ms, mt, _ :=
a := resAboutBlockbookPublic{
Version: vi.Version,
GitCommit: vi.GitCommit,
BuildTime: vi.BuildTime,
InSync: ss,
BestHeight: bh,
LastBlockTime: st,
InSyncMempool: ms,
LastMempoolTime: mt,
About: blockbookAbout,
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8")
buf, err := json.MarshalIndent(a, "", " ")
if err != nil {
func (s *PublicServer) apiBlockIndex(r *http.Request) (interface{}, error) {
type resBlockIndex struct {
BlockHash string `json:"blockHash"`
About string `json:"about"`
var err error
var hash string
height := -1
if i := strings.LastIndexByte(r.URL.Path, '/'); i > 0 {
if h, err := strconv.Atoi(r.URL.Path[i+1:]); err == nil {
height = h
if height >= 0 {
hash, err = s.db.GetBlockHash(uint32(height))
} else {
_, hash, err = s.db.GetBestBlock()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return resBlockIndex{
BlockHash: hash,
About: blockbookAbout,
}, nil
func (s *PublicServer) apiTx(r *http.Request) (interface{}, error) {
var tx *api.Tx
var err error
2018-09-13 16:18:13 -06:00
s.metrics.ExplorerViews.With(common.Labels{"action": "api-tx"}).Inc()
if i := strings.LastIndexByte(r.URL.Path, '/'); i > 0 {
txid := r.URL.Path[i+1:]
bestheight, _, err := s.db.GetBestBlock()
if err == nil {
tx, err = s.api.GetTransaction(txid, bestheight, true)
return tx, err
func (s *PublicServer) apiAddress(r *http.Request) (interface{}, error) {
var address *api.Address
var err error
2018-09-13 16:18:13 -06:00
s.metrics.ExplorerViews.With(common.Labels{"action": "api-address"}).Inc()
if i := strings.LastIndexByte(r.URL.Path, '/'); i > 0 {
page, ec := strconv.Atoi(r.URL.Query().Get("page"))
if ec != nil {
page = 0
address, err = s.api.GetAddress(r.URL.Path[i+1:], page, txsInAPI, true)
return address, err