Unify processing of query parameters in address and xpub api

Martin Boehm 2019-03-18 18:23:03 +01:00
parent 133d6f9c59
commit 846b20c795
2 changed files with 215 additions and 105 deletions

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@ -565,70 +565,48 @@ func (s *PublicServer) explorerSpendingTx(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request
return errorTpl, nil, err
func (s *PublicServer) explorerAddress(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (tpl, *TemplateData, error) {
var address *api.Address
var filter string
var fn = api.AddressFilterVoutOff
var err error
s.metrics.ExplorerViews.With(common.Labels{"action": "address"}).Inc()
if i := strings.LastIndexByte(r.URL.Path, '/'); i > 0 {
page, ec := strconv.Atoi(r.URL.Query().Get("page"))
if ec != nil {
page = 0
filter = r.URL.Query().Get("filter")
if len(filter) > 0 {
if filter == "inputs" {
fn = api.AddressFilterVoutInputs
} else if filter == "outputs" {
fn = api.AddressFilterVoutOutputs
} else {
fn, ec = strconv.Atoi(filter)
if ec != nil || fn < 0 {
filter = ""
fn = api.AddressFilterVoutOff
address, err = s.api.GetAddress(r.URL.Path[i+1:], page, txsOnPage, api.AccountDetailsTxHistoryLight, &api.AddressFilter{Vout: fn})
if err != nil {
return errorTpl, nil, err
data := s.newTemplateData()
data.AddrStr = address.AddrStr
data.Address = address
data.Page = address.Page
data.PagingRange, data.PrevPage, data.NextPage = getPagingRange(address.Page, address.TotalPages)
if filter != "" {
data.PageParams = template.URL("&filter=" + filter)
data.Address.Filter = filter
return addressTpl, data, nil
func (s *PublicServer) getXpubAddress(r *http.Request, xpub string, pageSize int, option api.AccountDetails) (*api.Address, api.TokensToReturn, error) {
var fn = api.AddressFilterVoutOff
func (s *PublicServer) getAddressQueryParams(r *http.Request, accountDetails api.AccountDetails, maxPageSize int) (int, int, api.AccountDetails, *api.AddressFilter, string, int) {
var voutFilter = api.AddressFilterVoutOff
page, ec := strconv.Atoi(r.URL.Query().Get("page"))
if ec != nil {
page = 0
filter := r.URL.Query().Get("filter")
if len(filter) > 0 {
if filter == "inputs" {
fn = api.AddressFilterVoutInputs
} else if filter == "outputs" {
fn = api.AddressFilterVoutOutputs
pageSize, ec := strconv.Atoi(r.URL.Query().Get("pageSize"))
if ec != nil || pageSize > maxPageSize {
pageSize = maxPageSize
from, ec := strconv.Atoi(r.URL.Query().Get("from"))
if ec != nil {
from = 0
to, ec := strconv.Atoi(r.URL.Query().Get("to"))
if ec != nil {
to = 0
filterParam := r.URL.Query().Get("filter")
if len(filterParam) > 0 {
if filterParam == "inputs" {
voutFilter = api.AddressFilterVoutInputs
} else if filterParam == "outputs" {
voutFilter = api.AddressFilterVoutOutputs
} else {
fn, ec = strconv.Atoi(filter)
if ec != nil || fn < 0 {
fn = api.AddressFilterVoutOff
voutFilter, ec = strconv.Atoi(filterParam)
if ec != nil || voutFilter < 0 {
voutFilter = api.AddressFilterVoutOff
gap, ec := strconv.Atoi(r.URL.Query().Get("gap"))
if ec != nil {
gap = 0
switch r.URL.Query().Get("details") {
case "basic":
accountDetails = api.AccountDetailsBasic
case "tokens":
accountDetails = api.AccountDetailsTokens
case "tokenBalances":
accountDetails = api.AccountDetailsTokenBalances
case "txids":
accountDetails = api.AccountDetailsTxidHistory
case "txs":
accountDetails = api.AccountDetailsTxHistory
tokensToReturn := api.TokensToReturnNonzeroBalance
switch r.URL.Query().Get("tokens") {
@ -639,32 +617,72 @@ func (s *PublicServer) getXpubAddress(r *http.Request, xpub string, pageSize int
case "nonzero":
tokensToReturn = api.TokensToReturnNonzeroBalance
a, err := s.api.GetXpubAddress(xpub, page, pageSize, option, &api.AddressFilter{Vout: fn, TokensToReturn: tokensToReturn}, gap)
return a, tokensToReturn, err
gap, ec := strconv.Atoi(r.URL.Query().Get("gap"))
if ec != nil {
gap = 0
return page, pageSize, accountDetails, &api.AddressFilter{
Vout: voutFilter,
TokensToReturn: tokensToReturn,
FromHeight: uint32(from),
ToHeight: uint32(to),
}, filterParam, gap
func (s *PublicServer) explorerXpub(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (tpl, *TemplateData, error) {
var address *api.Address
var tokensToReturn api.TokensToReturn
var err error
s.metrics.ExplorerViews.With(common.Labels{"action": "xpub"}).Inc()
if i := strings.LastIndexByte(r.URL.Path, '/'); i > 0 {
address, tokensToReturn, err = s.getXpubAddress(r, r.URL.Path[i+1:], txsOnPage, api.AccountDetailsTxHistoryLight)
if err != nil {
return errorTpl, nil, err
func (s *PublicServer) explorerAddress(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (tpl, *TemplateData, error) {
var addressParam string
i := strings.LastIndexByte(r.URL.Path, '/')
if i > 0 {
addressParam = r.URL.Path[i+1:]
if len(addressParam) == 0 {
return errorTpl, nil, api.NewAPIError("Missing address", true)
s.metrics.ExplorerViews.With(common.Labels{"action": "address"}).Inc()
page, _, _, filter, filterParam, _ := s.getAddressQueryParams(r, api.AccountDetailsTxHistoryLight, txsOnPage)
// do not allow details to be changed by query params
address, err := s.api.GetAddress(addressParam, page, txsOnPage, api.AccountDetailsTxHistoryLight, filter)
if err != nil {
return errorTpl, nil, err
data := s.newTemplateData()
data.AddrStr = address.AddrStr
data.Address = address
data.Page = address.Page
data.PagingRange, data.PrevPage, data.NextPage = getPagingRange(address.Page, address.TotalPages)
filter := r.URL.Query().Get("filter")
if filter != "" {
data.PageParams = template.URL("&filter=" + filter)
data.Address.Filter = filter
if filterParam != "" {
data.PageParams = template.URL("&filter=" + filterParam)
data.Address.Filter = filterParam
data.NonZeroBalanceTokens = tokensToReturn == api.TokensToReturnNonzeroBalance
return addressTpl, data, nil
func (s *PublicServer) explorerXpub(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (tpl, *TemplateData, error) {
var xpub string
i := strings.LastIndexByte(r.URL.Path, '/')
if i > 0 {
xpub = r.URL.Path[i+1:]
if len(xpub) == 0 {
return errorTpl, nil, api.NewAPIError("Missing xpub", true)
s.metrics.ExplorerViews.With(common.Labels{"action": "xpub"}).Inc()
page, _, _, filter, filterParam, gap := s.getAddressQueryParams(r, api.AccountDetailsTxHistoryLight, txsOnPage)
// do not allow txsOnPage and details to be changed by query params
address, err := s.api.GetXpubAddress(xpub, page, txsOnPage, api.AccountDetailsTxHistoryLight, filter, gap)
if err != nil {
return errorTpl, nil, err
data := s.newTemplateData()
data.AddrStr = address.AddrStr
data.Address = address
data.Page = address.Page
data.PagingRange, data.PrevPage, data.NextPage = getPagingRange(address.Page, address.TotalPages)
if filterParam != "" {
data.PageParams = template.URL("&filter=" + filterParam)
data.Address.Filter = filterParam
data.NonZeroBalanceTokens = filter.TokensToReturn == api.TokensToReturnNonzeroBalance
return xpubTpl, data, nil
@ -865,64 +883,84 @@ func (s *PublicServer) apiBlockIndex(r *http.Request, apiVersion int) (interface
func (s *PublicServer) apiTx(r *http.Request, apiVersion int) (interface{}, error) {
var txid string
i := strings.LastIndexByte(r.URL.Path, '/')
if i > 0 {
txid = r.URL.Path[i+1:]
if len(txid) == 0 {
return nil, api.NewAPIError("Missing txid", true)
var tx *api.Tx
var err error
s.metrics.ExplorerViews.With(common.Labels{"action": "api-tx"}).Inc()
if i := strings.LastIndexByte(r.URL.Path, '/'); i > 0 {
txid := r.URL.Path[i+1:]
spendingTxs := false
p := r.URL.Query().Get("spending")
if len(p) > 0 {
spendingTxs, err = strconv.ParseBool(p)
if err != nil {
return nil, api.NewAPIError("Parameter 'spending' cannot be converted to boolean", true)
tx, err = s.api.GetTransaction(txid, spendingTxs, false)
if err == nil && apiVersion == apiV1 {
return s.api.TxToV1(tx), nil
spendingTxs := false
p := r.URL.Query().Get("spending")
if len(p) > 0 {
spendingTxs, err = strconv.ParseBool(p)
if err != nil {
return nil, api.NewAPIError("Parameter 'spending' cannot be converted to boolean", true)
tx, err = s.api.GetTransaction(txid, spendingTxs, false)
if err == nil && apiVersion == apiV1 {
return s.api.TxToV1(tx), nil
return tx, err
func (s *PublicServer) apiTxSpecific(r *http.Request, apiVersion int) (interface{}, error) {
var txid string
i := strings.LastIndexByte(r.URL.Path, '/')
if i > 0 {
txid = r.URL.Path[i+1:]
if len(txid) == 0 {
return nil, api.NewAPIError("Missing txid", true)
var tx json.RawMessage
var err error
s.metrics.ExplorerViews.With(common.Labels{"action": "api-tx-specific"}).Inc()
if i := strings.LastIndexByte(r.URL.Path, '/'); i > 0 {
txid := r.URL.Path[i+1:]
tx, err = s.chain.GetTransactionSpecific(&bchain.Tx{Txid: txid})
tx, err = s.chain.GetTransactionSpecific(&bchain.Tx{Txid: txid})
return tx, err
func (s *PublicServer) apiAddress(r *http.Request, apiVersion int) (interface{}, error) {
var addressParam string
i := strings.LastIndexByte(r.URL.Path, '/')
if i > 0 {
addressParam = r.URL.Path[i+1:]
if len(addressParam) == 0 {
return nil, api.NewAPIError("Missing address", true)
var address *api.Address
var err error
s.metrics.ExplorerViews.With(common.Labels{"action": "api-address"}).Inc()
if i := strings.LastIndexByte(r.URL.Path, '/'); i > 0 {
page, ec := strconv.Atoi(r.URL.Query().Get("page"))
if ec != nil {
page = 0
address, err = s.api.GetAddress(r.URL.Path[i+1:], page, txsInAPI, api.AccountDetailsTxidHistory, &api.AddressFilter{Vout: api.AddressFilterVoutOff})
if err == nil && apiVersion == apiV1 {
return s.api.AddressToV1(address), nil
page, pageSize, details, filter, _, _ := s.getAddressQueryParams(r, api.AccountDetailsTxidHistory, txsInAPI)
address, err = s.api.GetAddress(addressParam, page, pageSize, details, filter)
if err == nil && apiVersion == apiV1 {
return s.api.AddressToV1(address), nil
return address, err
func (s *PublicServer) apiXpub(r *http.Request, apiVersion int) (interface{}, error) {
var xpub string
i := strings.LastIndexByte(r.URL.Path, '/')
if i > 0 {
xpub = r.URL.Path[i+1:]
if len(xpub) == 0 {
return nil, api.NewAPIError("Missing xpub", true)
var address *api.Address
var err error
s.metrics.ExplorerViews.With(common.Labels{"action": "api-xpub"}).Inc()
if i := strings.LastIndexByte(r.URL.Path, '/'); i > 0 {
address, _, err = s.getXpubAddress(r, r.URL.Path[i+1:], txsInAPI, api.AccountDetailsTxidHistory)
if err == nil && apiVersion == apiV1 {
return s.api.AddressToV1(address), nil
page, pageSize, details, filter, _, gap := s.getAddressQueryParams(r, api.AccountDetailsTxidHistory, txsInAPI)
address, err = s.api.GetXpubAddress(xpub, page, pageSize, details, filter, gap)
if err == nil && apiVersion == apiV1 {
return s.api.AddressToV1(address), nil
return address, err

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