Remove unnecessary inputs processing from getAddressHistory

Martin Boehm 2018-03-12 17:40:03 +01:00
parent b55306b6eb
commit bd001bdcfa
1 changed files with 3 additions and 45 deletions

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@ -374,57 +374,15 @@ func (s *SocketIoServer) getAddressHistory(addr []string, rr *reqRange) (res res
txids := txr.Result
res.Result.TotalCount = len(txids)
res.Result.Items = make([]addressHistoryItem, 0)
localCache := make(map[string]*bchain.Tx, len(txids))
for i, txid := range txids {
if i >= rr.From && i < rr.To {
tx, ok := localCache[txid]
if !ok {
tx, err = s.txCache.GetTransaction(txid, bestheight)
if err != nil {
return res, err
localCache[txid] = tx
tx, err := s.txCache.GetTransaction(txid, bestheight)
if err != nil {
return res, err
ads := make(map[string]addressHistoryIndexes)
hi := make([]txInputs, 0)
ho := make([]txOutputs, 0)
for _, vin := range tx.Vin {
ai := txInputs{
Script: &vin.ScriptSig.Hex,
Sequence: int64(vin.Sequence),
OutputIndex: int(vin.Vout),
if vin.Txid != "" {
otx, ok := localCache[vin.Txid]
if !ok {
otx, err = s.txCache.GetTransaction(vin.Txid, bestheight)
if err != nil {
return res, err
localCache[vin.Txid] = otx
if len(otx.Vout) > int(vin.Vout) {
vout := otx.Vout[vin.Vout]
if len(vout.ScriptPubKey.Addresses) == 1 {
a := vout.ScriptPubKey.Addresses[0]
ai.Address = &a
if stringInSlice(a, addr) {
hi, ok := ads[a]
if ok {
hi.InputIndexes = append(hi.InputIndexes, int(vout.N))
} else {
hi := addressHistoryIndexes{}
hi.InputIndexes = append(hi.InputIndexes, int(vout.N))
hi.OutputIndexes = make([]int, 0)
ads[a] = hi
ai.Satoshis = int64(vout.Value * 1E8)
hi = append(hi, ai)
for _, vout := range tx.Vout {
ao := txOutputs{
Satoshis: int64(vout.Value * 1E8),