Added documentaion of "About" and "TOS" config

Jakub Matys 2018-10-17 18:10:34 +02:00
parent 9fdd15c758
commit fe722050aa
1 changed files with 10 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -103,3 +103,13 @@ where *.path* can be for example *.Blockbook.BlockChain.Parse*. Go uses CamelCas
as well. Note that dot at the beginning is mandatory. Go template syntax is fully documented
## Built-in text
Since Blockbook is an open-source project and we don't prevent anybody from running independent instances, it is possible
to alter built-in text that is specific for Trezor. Text fields that could be updated are:
* about A note about instance shown on the Application status page and returned by an API.
* tos A link to Terms of service shown as the footer on the Explorer pages.
Text data are stored as plain text files in *build/text* directory and are embedded to binary during build. A change of
theese files is mean for a private purpose and PRs that would update them won't be accepted.