
205 lines
5.6 KiB

package nuls
import (
vlq ""
// magic numbers
const (
MainnetMagic wire.BitcoinNet = 0xbd6b0cbf
TestnetMagic wire.BitcoinNet = 0xffcae2ce
RegtestMagic wire.BitcoinNet = 0xdcb7c1fc
AddressHashLength = 24
// chain parameters
var (
MainNetParams chaincfg.Params
TestNetParams chaincfg.Params
RegtestParams chaincfg.Params
func init() {
MainNetParams = chaincfg.MainNetParams
MainNetParams.Net = MainnetMagic
// Address encoding magics
MainNetParams.AddressMagicLen = 3
// Address encoding magics
MainNetParams.PubKeyHashAddrID = []byte{4, 35, 1} // base58 prefix: Ns
MainNetParams.ScriptHashAddrID = []byte{4, 35, 1} // base58 prefix: Ns
TestNetParams = chaincfg.TestNet3Params
TestNetParams.Net = TestnetMagic
// Address encoding magics
TestNetParams.PubKeyHashAddrID = []byte{140} // base58 prefix: y
TestNetParams.ScriptHashAddrID = []byte{19} // base58 prefix: 8 or 9
RegtestParams = chaincfg.RegressionNetParams
RegtestParams.Net = RegtestMagic
// Address encoding magics
RegtestParams.PubKeyHashAddrID = []byte{140} // base58 prefix: y
RegtestParams.ScriptHashAddrID = []byte{19} // base58 prefix: 8 or 9
// NulsParser handle
type NulsParser struct {
// NewNulsParser returns new NulsParser instance
func NewNulsParser(params *chaincfg.Params, c *btc.Configuration) *NulsParser {
return &NulsParser{BitcoinParser: btc.NewBitcoinParser(params, c)}
// GetChainParams contains network parameters for the main Gincoin network,
// the regression test Gincoin network, the test Gincoin network and
// the simulation test Gincoin network, in this order
func GetChainParams(chain string) *chaincfg.Params {
if !chaincfg.IsRegistered(&MainNetParams) {
err := chaincfg.Register(&MainNetParams)
if err == nil {
err = chaincfg.Register(&TestNetParams)
if err == nil {
err = chaincfg.Register(&RegtestParams)
if err != nil {
switch chain {
case "test":
return &TestNetParams
case "regtest":
return &RegtestParams
return &MainNetParams
// PackedTxidLen returns length in bytes of packed txid
func (p *NulsParser) PackedTxidLen() int {
return 34
// GetAddrDescFromAddress returns internal address representation (descriptor) of given address
func (p *NulsParser) GetAddrDescFromAddress(address string) (bchain.AddressDescriptor, error) {
addressByte := base58.Decode(address)
return bchain.AddressDescriptor(addressByte), nil
// GetAddrDescFromVout returns internal address representation (descriptor) of given transaction output
func (p *NulsParser) GetAddrDescFromVout(output *bchain.Vout) (bchain.AddressDescriptor, error) {
addressStr := output.ScriptPubKey.Hex
addressByte := base58.Decode(addressStr)
return bchain.AddressDescriptor(addressByte), nil
// GetAddressesFromAddrDesc returns addresses for given address descriptor with flag if the addresses are searchable
func (p *NulsParser) GetAddressesFromAddrDesc(addrDesc bchain.AddressDescriptor) ([]string, bool, error) {
var addrs []string
if addrDesc != nil {
addrs = append(addrs, base58.Encode(addrDesc))
return addrs, true, nil
// PackTx packs transaction to byte array
func (p *NulsParser) PackTx(tx *bchain.Tx, height uint32, blockTime int64) ([]byte, error) {
txBytes, error := json.Marshal(tx)
if error != nil {
return nil, error
buf := make([]byte, 4+vlq.MaxLen64)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(buf[0:4], height)
vlq.PutInt(buf[4:4+vlq.MaxLen64], blockTime)
resByes := bytes.Join([][]byte{buf, txBytes}, []byte(""))
return resByes, nil
// UnpackTx unpacks transaction from byte array
func (p *NulsParser) UnpackTx(buf []byte) (*bchain.Tx, uint32, error) {
height := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(buf)
bt, _ := vlq.Int(buf[4 : 4+vlq.MaxLen64])
tx, err := p.ParseTx(buf[4+vlq.MaxLen64:])
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
tx.Blocktime = bt
return tx, height, nil
// ParseTx parses tx from blob
func (p *NulsParser) ParseTx(b []byte) (*bchain.Tx, error) {
tx := bchain.Tx{}
err := json.Unmarshal(b, &tx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &tx, err
// DeriveAddressDescriptorsFromTo derives address descriptors from given xpub for addresses in index range
func (p *NulsParser) DeriveAddressDescriptorsFromTo(xpub string, change uint32, fromIndex uint32, toIndex uint32) ([]bchain.AddressDescriptor, error) {
if toIndex <= fromIndex {
return nil, errors.New("toIndex<=fromIndex")
extKey, err := hdkeychain.NewKeyFromString(xpub, p.Params.Base58CksumHasher)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
changeExtKey, err := extKey.Child(change)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ad := make([]bchain.AddressDescriptor, toIndex-fromIndex)
for index := fromIndex; index < toIndex; index++ {
indexExtKey, err := changeExtKey.Child(index)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
s, err := indexExtKey.Address(p.Params)
if err != nil && indexExtKey != nil {
return nil, err
addHashs := make([]byte, AddressHashLength)
copy(addHashs[0:3], p.Params.PubKeyHashAddrID)
copy(addHashs[3:], s.ScriptAddress())
copy(addHashs[23:], []byte{p.xor(addHashs[0:23])})
//addressStr := base58.Encode(addHashs)
ad[index-fromIndex] = addHashs
return ad, nil
func (p *NulsParser) xor(body []byte) byte {
var xor byte = 0x00
for i := 0; i < len(body); i++ {
xor ^= body[i]
return xor