
918 lines
24 KiB

package btc
import (
// BitcoinRPC is an interface to JSON-RPC bitcoind service.
type BitcoinRPC struct {
client http.Client
rpcURL string
user string
password string
Mempool *bchain.MempoolBitcoinType
ParseBlocks bool
pushHandler func(bchain.NotificationType)
mq *bchain.MQ
ChainConfig *Configuration
RPCMarshaler RPCMarshaler
// Configuration represents json config file
type Configuration struct {
CoinName string `json:"coin_name"`
CoinShortcut string `json:"coin_shortcut"`
RPCURL string `json:"rpc_url"`
RPCUser string `json:"rpc_user"`
RPCPass string `json:"rpc_pass"`
RPCTimeout int `json:"rpc_timeout"`
Parse bool `json:"parse"`
MessageQueueBinding string `json:"message_queue_binding"`
Subversion string `json:"subversion"`
BlockAddressesToKeep int `json:"block_addresses_to_keep"`
MempoolWorkers int `json:"mempool_workers"`
MempoolSubWorkers int `json:"mempool_sub_workers"`
AddressFormat string `json:"address_format"`
SupportsEstimateFee bool `json:"supports_estimate_fee"`
SupportsEstimateSmartFee bool `json:"supports_estimate_smart_fee"`
XPubMagic uint32 `json:"xpub_magic,omitempty"`
XPubMagicSegwitP2sh uint32 `json:"xpub_magic_segwit_p2sh,omitempty"`
XPubMagicSegwitNative uint32 `json:"xpub_magic_segwit_native,omitempty"`
Slip44 uint32 `json:"slip44,omitempty"`
AlternativeEstimateFee string `json:"alternative_estimate_fee,omitempty"`
AlternativeEstimateFeeParams string `json:"alternative_estimate_fee_params,omitempty"`
MinimumCoinbaseConfirmations int `json:"minimumCoinbaseConfirmations,omitempty"`
// NewBitcoinRPC returns new BitcoinRPC instance.
func NewBitcoinRPC(config json.RawMessage, pushHandler func(bchain.NotificationType)) (bchain.BlockChain, error) {
var err error
var c Configuration
err = json.Unmarshal(config, &c)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "Invalid configuration file")
// keep at least 100 mappings block->addresses to allow rollback
if c.BlockAddressesToKeep < 100 {
c.BlockAddressesToKeep = 100
// default MinimumCoinbaseConfirmations is 100
if c.MinimumCoinbaseConfirmations == 0 {
c.MinimumCoinbaseConfirmations = 100
// at least 1 mempool worker/subworker for synchronous mempool synchronization
if c.MempoolWorkers < 1 {
c.MempoolWorkers = 1
if c.MempoolSubWorkers < 1 {
c.MempoolSubWorkers = 1
// btc supports both calls, other coins overriding BitcoinRPC can change this
c.SupportsEstimateFee = true
c.SupportsEstimateSmartFee = true
transport := &http.Transport{
Dial: (&net.Dialer{KeepAlive: 600 * time.Second}).Dial,
MaxIdleConns: 100,
MaxIdleConnsPerHost: 100, // necessary to not to deplete ports
s := &BitcoinRPC{
BaseChain: &bchain.BaseChain{},
client: http.Client{Timeout: time.Duration(c.RPCTimeout) * time.Second, Transport: transport},
user: c.RPCUser,
password: c.RPCPass,
ParseBlocks: c.Parse,
ChainConfig: &c,
pushHandler: pushHandler,
RPCMarshaler: JSONMarshalerV2{},
return s, nil
// Initialize initializes BitcoinRPC instance.
func (b *BitcoinRPC) Initialize() error {
b.ChainConfig.SupportsEstimateFee = false
ci, err := b.GetChainInfo()
if err != nil {
return err
chainName := ci.Chain
params := GetChainParams(chainName)
// always create parser
b.Parser = NewBitcoinParser(params, b.ChainConfig)
// parameters for getInfo request
if params.Net == wire.MainNet {
b.Testnet = false
b.Network = "livenet"
} else {
b.Testnet = true
b.Network = "testnet"
glog.Info("rpc: block chain ", params.Name)
if b.ChainConfig.AlternativeEstimateFee == "whatthefee" {
if err = InitWhatTheFee(b, b.ChainConfig.AlternativeEstimateFeeParams); err != nil {
glog.Error("InitWhatTheFee error ", err, " Reverting to default estimateFee functionality")
// disable AlternativeEstimateFee logic
b.ChainConfig.AlternativeEstimateFee = ""
return nil
// CreateMempool creates mempool if not already created, however does not initialize it
func (b *BitcoinRPC) CreateMempool(chain bchain.BlockChain) (bchain.Mempool, error) {
if b.Mempool == nil {
b.Mempool = bchain.NewMempoolBitcoinType(chain, b.ChainConfig.MempoolWorkers, b.ChainConfig.MempoolSubWorkers)
return b.Mempool, nil
// InitializeMempool creates ZeroMQ subscription and sets AddrDescForOutpointFunc to the Mempool
func (b *BitcoinRPC) InitializeMempool(addrDescForOutpoint bchain.AddrDescForOutpointFunc, onNewTxAddr bchain.OnNewTxAddrFunc, onNewTx bchain.OnNewTxFunc) error {
if b.Mempool == nil {
return errors.New("Mempool not created")
b.Mempool.AddrDescForOutpoint = addrDescForOutpoint
b.Mempool.OnNewTxAddr = onNewTxAddr
b.Mempool.OnNewTx = onNewTx
if == nil {
mq, err := bchain.NewMQ(b.ChainConfig.MessageQueueBinding, b.pushHandler)
if err != nil {
glog.Error("mq: ", err)
return err
} = mq
return nil
// Shutdown ZeroMQ and other resources
func (b *BitcoinRPC) Shutdown(ctx context.Context) error {
if != nil {
if err :=; err != nil {
glog.Error("MQ.Shutdown error: ", err)
return err
return nil
// GetCoinName returns the coin name
func (b *BitcoinRPC) GetCoinName() string {
return b.ChainConfig.CoinName
// GetSubversion returns the backend subversion
func (b *BitcoinRPC) GetSubversion() string {
return b.ChainConfig.Subversion
// getblockhash
type CmdGetBlockHash struct {
Method string `json:"method"`
Params struct {
Height uint32 `json:"height"`
} `json:"params"`
type ResGetBlockHash struct {
Error *bchain.RPCError `json:"error"`
Result string `json:"result"`
// getbestblockhash
type CmdGetBestBlockHash struct {
Method string `json:"method"`
type ResGetBestBlockHash struct {
Error *bchain.RPCError `json:"error"`
Result string `json:"result"`
// getblockcount
type CmdGetBlockCount struct {
Method string `json:"method"`
type ResGetBlockCount struct {
Error *bchain.RPCError `json:"error"`
Result uint32 `json:"result"`
// getblockchaininfo
type CmdGetBlockChainInfo struct {
Method string `json:"method"`
type ResGetBlockChainInfo struct {
Error *bchain.RPCError `json:"error"`
Result struct {
Chain string `json:"chain"`
Blocks int `json:"blocks"`
Headers int `json:"headers"`
Bestblockhash string `json:"bestblockhash"`
Difficulty common.JSONNumber `json:"difficulty"`
SizeOnDisk int64 `json:"size_on_disk"`
Warnings string `json:"warnings"`
} `json:"result"`
// getnetworkinfo
type CmdGetNetworkInfo struct {
Method string `json:"method"`
type ResGetNetworkInfo struct {
Error *bchain.RPCError `json:"error"`
Result struct {
Version common.JSONNumber `json:"version"`
Subversion common.JSONNumber `json:"subversion"`
ProtocolVersion common.JSONNumber `json:"protocolversion"`
Timeoffset float64 `json:"timeoffset"`
Warnings string `json:"warnings"`
} `json:"result"`
// getrawmempool
type CmdGetMempool struct {
Method string `json:"method"`
type ResGetMempool struct {
Error *bchain.RPCError `json:"error"`
Result []string `json:"result"`
// getblockheader
type CmdGetBlockHeader struct {
Method string `json:"method"`
Params struct {
BlockHash string `json:"blockhash"`
Verbose bool `json:"verbose"`
} `json:"params"`
type ResGetBlockHeader struct {
Error *bchain.RPCError `json:"error"`
Result bchain.BlockHeader `json:"result"`
// getblock
type CmdGetBlock struct {
Method string `json:"method"`
Params struct {
BlockHash string `json:"blockhash"`
Verbosity int `json:"verbosity"`
} `json:"params"`
type ResGetBlockRaw struct {
Error *bchain.RPCError `json:"error"`
Result string `json:"result"`
type BlockThin struct {
Txids []string `json:"tx"`
type ResGetBlockThin struct {
Error *bchain.RPCError `json:"error"`
Result BlockThin `json:"result"`
type ResGetBlockFull struct {
Error *bchain.RPCError `json:"error"`
Result bchain.Block `json:"result"`
type ResGetBlockInfo struct {
Error *bchain.RPCError `json:"error"`
Result bchain.BlockInfo `json:"result"`
// getrawtransaction
type CmdGetRawTransaction struct {
Method string `json:"method"`
Params struct {
Txid string `json:"txid"`
Verbose bool `json:"verbose"`
} `json:"params"`
type ResGetRawTransaction struct {
Error *bchain.RPCError `json:"error"`
Result json.RawMessage `json:"result"`
type ResGetRawTransactionNonverbose struct {
Error *bchain.RPCError `json:"error"`
Result string `json:"result"`
// estimatesmartfee
type CmdEstimateSmartFee struct {
Method string `json:"method"`
Params struct {
ConfTarget int `json:"conf_target"`
EstimateMode string `json:"estimate_mode"`
} `json:"params"`
type ResEstimateSmartFee struct {
Error *bchain.RPCError `json:"error"`
Result struct {
Feerate common.JSONNumber `json:"feerate"`
Blocks int `json:"blocks"`
} `json:"result"`
// estimatefee
type CmdEstimateFee struct {
Method string `json:"method"`
Params struct {
Blocks int `json:"nblocks"`
} `json:"params"`
type ResEstimateFee struct {
Error *bchain.RPCError `json:"error"`
Result common.JSONNumber `json:"result"`
// sendrawtransaction
type CmdSendRawTransaction struct {
Method string `json:"method"`
Params []string `json:"params"`
type ResSendRawTransaction struct {
Error *bchain.RPCError `json:"error"`
Result string `json:"result"`
// getmempoolentry
type CmdGetMempoolEntry struct {
Method string `json:"method"`
Params []string `json:"params"`
type ResGetMempoolEntry struct {
Error *bchain.RPCError `json:"error"`
Result *bchain.MempoolEntry `json:"result"`
// GetBestBlockHash returns hash of the tip of the best-block-chain.
func (b *BitcoinRPC) GetBestBlockHash() (string, error) {
glog.V(1).Info("rpc: getbestblockhash")
res := ResGetBestBlockHash{}
req := CmdGetBestBlockHash{Method: "getbestblockhash"}
err := b.Call(&req, &res)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if res.Error != nil {
return "", res.Error
return res.Result, nil
// GetBestBlockHeight returns height of the tip of the best-block-chain.
func (b *BitcoinRPC) GetBestBlockHeight() (uint32, error) {
glog.V(1).Info("rpc: getblockcount")
res := ResGetBlockCount{}
req := CmdGetBlockCount{Method: "getblockcount"}
err := b.Call(&req, &res)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
if res.Error != nil {
return 0, res.Error
return res.Result, nil
// GetChainInfo returns information about the connected backend
func (b *BitcoinRPC) GetChainInfo() (*bchain.ChainInfo, error) {
glog.V(1).Info("rpc: getblockchaininfo")
resCi := ResGetBlockChainInfo{}
err := b.Call(&CmdGetBlockChainInfo{Method: "getblockchaininfo"}, &resCi)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if resCi.Error != nil {
return nil, resCi.Error
glog.V(1).Info("rpc: getnetworkinfo")
resNi := ResGetNetworkInfo{}
err = b.Call(&CmdGetNetworkInfo{Method: "getnetworkinfo"}, &resNi)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if resNi.Error != nil {
return nil, resNi.Error
rv := &bchain.ChainInfo{
Bestblockhash: resCi.Result.Bestblockhash,
Blocks: resCi.Result.Blocks,
Chain: resCi.Result.Chain,
Difficulty: string(resCi.Result.Difficulty),
Headers: resCi.Result.Headers,
SizeOnDisk: resCi.Result.SizeOnDisk,
Subversion: string(resNi.Result.Subversion),
Timeoffset: resNi.Result.Timeoffset,
rv.Version = string(resNi.Result.Version)
rv.ProtocolVersion = string(resNi.Result.ProtocolVersion)
if len(resCi.Result.Warnings) > 0 {
rv.Warnings = resCi.Result.Warnings + " "
if resCi.Result.Warnings != resNi.Result.Warnings {
rv.Warnings += resNi.Result.Warnings
return rv, nil
// IsErrBlockNotFound returns true if error means block was not found
func IsErrBlockNotFound(err *bchain.RPCError) bool {
return err.Message == "Block not found" ||
err.Message == "Block height out of range"
// GetBlockHash returns hash of block in best-block-chain at given height.
func (b *BitcoinRPC) GetBlockHash(height uint32) (string, error) {
glog.V(1).Info("rpc: getblockhash ", height)
res := ResGetBlockHash{}
req := CmdGetBlockHash{Method: "getblockhash"}
req.Params.Height = height
err := b.Call(&req, &res)
if err != nil {
return "", errors.Annotatef(err, "height %v", height)
if res.Error != nil {
if IsErrBlockNotFound(res.Error) {
return "", bchain.ErrBlockNotFound
return "", errors.Annotatef(res.Error, "height %v", height)
return res.Result, nil
// GetBlockHeader returns header of block with given hash.
func (b *BitcoinRPC) GetBlockHeader(hash string) (*bchain.BlockHeader, error) {
glog.V(1).Info("rpc: getblockheader")
res := ResGetBlockHeader{}
req := CmdGetBlockHeader{Method: "getblockheader"}
req.Params.BlockHash = hash
req.Params.Verbose = true
err := b.Call(&req, &res)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "hash %v", hash)
if res.Error != nil {
if IsErrBlockNotFound(res.Error) {
return nil, bchain.ErrBlockNotFound
return nil, errors.Annotatef(res.Error, "hash %v", hash)
return &res.Result, nil
// GetBlock returns block with given hash.
func (b *BitcoinRPC) GetBlock(hash string, height uint32) (*bchain.Block, error) {
var err error
if hash == "" {
hash, err = b.GetBlockHash(height)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !b.ParseBlocks {
return b.GetBlockFull(hash)
// optimization
if height > 0 {
return b.GetBlockWithoutHeader(hash, height)
header, err := b.GetBlockHeader(hash)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
data, err := b.GetBlockRaw(hash)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
block, err := b.Parser.ParseBlock(data)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "hash %v", hash)
block.BlockHeader = *header
return block, nil
// GetBlockInfo returns extended header (more info than in bchain.BlockHeader) with a list of txids
func (b *BitcoinRPC) GetBlockInfo(hash string) (*bchain.BlockInfo, error) {
glog.V(1).Info("rpc: getblock (verbosity=1) ", hash)
res := ResGetBlockInfo{}
req := CmdGetBlock{Method: "getblock"}
req.Params.BlockHash = hash
req.Params.Verbosity = 1
err := b.Call(&req, &res)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "hash %v", hash)
if res.Error != nil {
if IsErrBlockNotFound(res.Error) {
return nil, bchain.ErrBlockNotFound
return nil, errors.Annotatef(res.Error, "hash %v", hash)
return &res.Result, nil
// GetBlockWithoutHeader is an optimization - it does not call GetBlockHeader to get prev, next hashes
// instead it sets to header only block hash and height passed in parameters
func (b *BitcoinRPC) GetBlockWithoutHeader(hash string, height uint32) (*bchain.Block, error) {
data, err := b.GetBlockRaw(hash)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
block, err := b.Parser.ParseBlock(data)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "%v %v", height, hash)
block.BlockHeader.Hash = hash
block.BlockHeader.Height = height
return block, nil
// GetBlockRaw returns block with given hash as bytes
func (b *BitcoinRPC) GetBlockRaw(hash string) ([]byte, error) {
glog.V(1).Info("rpc: getblock (verbosity=0) ", hash)
res := ResGetBlockRaw{}
req := CmdGetBlock{Method: "getblock"}
req.Params.BlockHash = hash
req.Params.Verbosity = 0
err := b.Call(&req, &res)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "hash %v", hash)
if res.Error != nil {
if IsErrBlockNotFound(res.Error) {
return nil, bchain.ErrBlockNotFound
return nil, errors.Annotatef(res.Error, "hash %v", hash)
return hex.DecodeString(res.Result)
// GetBlockFull returns block with given hash
func (b *BitcoinRPC) GetBlockFull(hash string) (*bchain.Block, error) {
glog.V(1).Info("rpc: getblock (verbosity=2) ", hash)
res := ResGetBlockFull{}
req := CmdGetBlock{Method: "getblock"}
req.Params.BlockHash = hash
req.Params.Verbosity = 2
err := b.Call(&req, &res)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "hash %v", hash)
if res.Error != nil {
if IsErrBlockNotFound(res.Error) {
return nil, bchain.ErrBlockNotFound
return nil, errors.Annotatef(res.Error, "hash %v", hash)
for i := range res.Result.Txs {
tx := &res.Result.Txs[i]
for j := range tx.Vout {
vout := &tx.Vout[j]
// convert vout.JsonValue to big.Int and clear it, it is only temporary value used for unmarshal
vout.ValueSat, err = b.Parser.AmountToBigInt(vout.JsonValue)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
vout.JsonValue = ""
return &res.Result, nil
// GetMempoolTransactions returns transactions in mempool
func (b *BitcoinRPC) GetMempoolTransactions() ([]string, error) {
glog.V(1).Info("rpc: getrawmempool")
res := ResGetMempool{}
req := CmdGetMempool{Method: "getrawmempool"}
err := b.Call(&req, &res)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if res.Error != nil {
return nil, res.Error
return res.Result, nil
// IsMissingTx return true if error means missing tx
func IsMissingTx(err *bchain.RPCError) bool {
if err.Code == -5 { // "No such mempool or blockchain transaction"
return true
return false
// GetTransactionForMempool returns a transaction by the transaction ID
// It could be optimized for mempool, i.e. without block time and confirmations
func (b *BitcoinRPC) GetTransactionForMempool(txid string) (*bchain.Tx, error) {
glog.V(1).Info("rpc: getrawtransaction nonverbose ", txid)
res := ResGetRawTransactionNonverbose{}
req := CmdGetRawTransaction{Method: "getrawtransaction"}
req.Params.Txid = txid
req.Params.Verbose = false
err := b.Call(&req, &res)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "txid %v", txid)
if res.Error != nil {
if IsMissingTx(res.Error) {
return nil, bchain.ErrTxNotFound
return nil, errors.Annotatef(res.Error, "txid %v", txid)
data, err := hex.DecodeString(res.Result)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "txid %v", txid)
tx, err := b.Parser.ParseTx(data)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "txid %v", txid)
return tx, nil
// GetTransaction returns a transaction by the transaction ID
func (b *BitcoinRPC) GetTransaction(txid string) (*bchain.Tx, error) {
r, err := b.getRawTransaction(txid)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
tx, err := b.Parser.ParseTxFromJson(r)
tx.CoinSpecificData = r
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "txid %v", txid)
return tx, nil
// GetTransactionSpecific returns json as returned by backend, with all coin specific data
func (b *BitcoinRPC) GetTransactionSpecific(tx *bchain.Tx) (json.RawMessage, error) {
if csd, ok := tx.CoinSpecificData.(json.RawMessage); ok {
return csd, nil
return b.getRawTransaction(tx.Txid)
// getRawTransaction returns json as returned by backend, with all coin specific data
func (b *BitcoinRPC) getRawTransaction(txid string) (json.RawMessage, error) {
glog.V(1).Info("rpc: getrawtransaction ", txid)
res := ResGetRawTransaction{}
req := CmdGetRawTransaction{Method: "getrawtransaction"}
req.Params.Txid = txid
req.Params.Verbose = true
err := b.Call(&req, &res)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "txid %v", txid)
if res.Error != nil {
if IsMissingTx(res.Error) {
return nil, bchain.ErrTxNotFound
return nil, errors.Annotatef(res.Error, "txid %v", txid)
return res.Result, nil
// EstimateSmartFee returns fee estimation
func (b *BitcoinRPC) EstimateSmartFee(blocks int, conservative bool) (big.Int, error) {
// use EstimateFee if EstimateSmartFee is not supported
if !b.ChainConfig.SupportsEstimateSmartFee && b.ChainConfig.SupportsEstimateFee {
return b.EstimateFee(blocks)
glog.V(1).Info("rpc: estimatesmartfee ", blocks)
res := ResEstimateSmartFee{}
req := CmdEstimateSmartFee{Method: "estimatesmartfee"}
req.Params.ConfTarget = blocks
if conservative {
req.Params.EstimateMode = "CONSERVATIVE"
} else {
req.Params.EstimateMode = "ECONOMICAL"
err := b.Call(&req, &res)
var r big.Int
if err != nil {
return r, err
if res.Error != nil {
return r, res.Error
r, err = b.Parser.AmountToBigInt(res.Result.Feerate)
if err != nil {
return r, err
return r, nil
// EstimateFee returns fee estimation.
func (b *BitcoinRPC) EstimateFee(blocks int) (big.Int, error) {
// use EstimateSmartFee if EstimateFee is not supported
if !b.ChainConfig.SupportsEstimateFee && b.ChainConfig.SupportsEstimateSmartFee {
return b.EstimateSmartFee(blocks, true)
glog.V(1).Info("rpc: estimatefee ", blocks)
res := ResEstimateFee{}
req := CmdEstimateFee{Method: "estimatefee"}
req.Params.Blocks = blocks
err := b.Call(&req, &res)
var r big.Int
if err != nil {
return r, err
if res.Error != nil {
return r, res.Error
r, err = b.Parser.AmountToBigInt(res.Result)
if err != nil {
return r, err
return r, nil
// SendRawTransaction sends raw transaction
func (b *BitcoinRPC) SendRawTransaction(tx string) (string, error) {
glog.V(1).Info("rpc: sendrawtransaction")
res := ResSendRawTransaction{}
req := CmdSendRawTransaction{Method: "sendrawtransaction"}
req.Params = []string{tx}
err := b.Call(&req, &res)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if res.Error != nil {
return "", res.Error
return res.Result, nil
// GetMempoolEntry returns mempool data for given transaction
func (b *BitcoinRPC) GetMempoolEntry(txid string) (*bchain.MempoolEntry, error) {
glog.V(1).Info("rpc: getmempoolentry")
res := ResGetMempoolEntry{}
req := CmdGetMempoolEntry{
Method: "getmempoolentry",
Params: []string{txid},
err := b.Call(&req, &res)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if res.Error != nil {
return nil, res.Error
res.Result.FeeSat, err = b.Parser.AmountToBigInt(res.Result.Fee)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
res.Result.ModifiedFeeSat, err = b.Parser.AmountToBigInt(res.Result.ModifiedFee)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return res.Result, nil
func safeDecodeResponse(body io.ReadCloser, res interface{}) (err error) {
var data []byte
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
glog.Error("unmarshal json recovered from panic: ", r, "; data: ", string(data))
if len(data) > 0 && len(data) < 2048 {
err = errors.Errorf("Error: %v", string(data))
} else {
err = errors.New("Internal error")
data, err = ioutil.ReadAll(body)
if err != nil {
return err
return json.Unmarshal(data, &res)
// Call calls Backend RPC interface, using RPCMarshaler interface to marshall the request
func (b *BitcoinRPC) Call(req interface{}, res interface{}) error {
httpData, err := b.RPCMarshaler.Marshal(req)
if err != nil {
return err
httpReq, err := http.NewRequest("POST", b.rpcURL, bytes.NewBuffer(httpData))
if err != nil {
return err
httpReq.SetBasicAuth(b.user, b.password)
httpRes, err := b.client.Do(httpReq)
// in some cases the httpRes can contain data even if it returns error
// see
if httpRes != nil {
defer httpRes.Body.Close()
if err != nil {
return err
// if server returns HTTP error code it might not return json with response
// handle both cases
if httpRes.StatusCode != 200 {
err = safeDecodeResponse(httpRes.Body, &res)
if err != nil {
return errors.Errorf("%v %v", httpRes.Status, err)
return nil
return safeDecodeResponse(httpRes.Body, &res)