
553 lines
16 KiB

package main
import (
_ "net/http/pprof"
// debounce too close requests for resync
const debounceResyncIndexMs = 1009
// debounce too close requests for resync mempool (ZeroMQ sends message for each tx, when new block there are many transactions)
const debounceResyncMempoolMs = 1009
// store internal state about once every minute
const storeInternalStatePeriodMs = 59699
var (
blockchain = flag.String("blockchaincfg", "", "path to blockchain RPC service configuration json file")
dbPath = flag.String("datadir", "./data", "path to database directory")
dbCache = flag.Int("dbcache", 1<<29, "size of the rocksdb cache")
dbMaxOpenFiles = flag.Int("dbmaxopenfiles", 1<<14, "max open files by rocksdb")
blockFrom = flag.Int("blockheight", -1, "height of the starting block")
blockUntil = flag.Int("blockuntil", -1, "height of the final block")
rollbackHeight = flag.Int("rollback", -1, "rollback to the given height and quit")
queryAddress = flag.String("address", "", "query contents of this address")
synchronize = flag.Bool("sync", false, "synchronizes until tip, if together with zeromq, keeps index synchronized")
repair = flag.Bool("repair", false, "repair the database")
prof = flag.String("prof", "", "http server binding [address]:port of the interface to profiling data /debug/pprof/ (default no profiling)")
syncChunk = flag.Int("chunk", 100, "block chunk size for processing in bulk mode")
syncWorkers = flag.Int("workers", 8, "number of workers to process blocks in bulk mode")
dryRun = flag.Bool("dryrun", false, "do not index blocks, only download")
debugMode = flag.Bool("debug", false, "debug mode, return more verbose errors, reload templates on each request")
internalBinding = flag.String("internal", "", "internal http server binding [address]:port, (default no internal server)")
publicBinding = flag.String("public", "", "public http server binding [address]:port[/path] (default no public server)")
certFiles = flag.String("certfile", "", "to enable SSL specify path to certificate files without extension, expecting <certfile>.crt and <certfile>.key (default no SSL)")
explorerURL = flag.String("explorer", "", "address of blockchain explorer")
noTxCache = flag.Bool("notxcache", false, "disable tx cache")
computeColumnStats = flag.Bool("computedbstats", false, "compute column stats and exit")
// resync index at least each resyncIndexPeriodMs (could be more often if invoked by message from ZeroMQ)
resyncIndexPeriodMs = flag.Int("resyncindexperiod", 935093, "resync index period in milliseconds")
// resync mempool at least each resyncMempoolPeriodMs (could be more often if invoked by message from ZeroMQ)
resyncMempoolPeriodMs = flag.Int("resyncmempoolperiod", 60017, "resync mempool period in milliseconds")
var (
chanSyncIndex = make(chan struct{})
chanSyncMempool = make(chan struct{})
chanStoreInternalState = make(chan struct{})
chanSyncIndexDone = make(chan struct{})
chanSyncMempoolDone = make(chan struct{})
chanStoreInternalStateDone = make(chan struct{})
chain bchain.BlockChain
index *db.RocksDB
txCache *db.TxCache
metrics *common.Metrics
syncWorker *db.SyncWorker
internalState *common.InternalState
callbacksOnNewBlock []bchain.OnNewBlockFunc
callbacksOnNewTxAddr []bchain.OnNewTxAddrFunc
chanOsSignal chan os.Signal
inShutdown int32
func init() {
glog.MaxSize = 1024 * 1024 * 8
func getBlockChainWithRetry(coin string, configfile string, pushHandler func(bchain.NotificationType), metrics *common.Metrics, seconds int) (bchain.BlockChain, error) {
var chain bchain.BlockChain
var err error
timer := time.NewTimer(time.Second)
for i := 0; ; i++ {
if chain, err = coins.NewBlockChain(coin, configfile, pushHandler, metrics); err != nil {
if i < seconds {
glog.Error("rpc: ", err, " Retrying...")
select {
case <-chanOsSignal:
return nil, errors.New("Interrupted")
case <-timer.C:
} else {
return nil, err
return chain, nil
func main() {
defer glog.Flush()
chanOsSignal = make(chan os.Signal, 1)
signal.Notify(chanOsSignal, syscall.SIGHUP, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGQUIT, syscall.SIGTERM)
glog.Infof("Blockbook: %+v, debug mode %v", common.GetVersionInfo(), *debugMode)
if *prof != "" {
go func() {
log.Println(http.ListenAndServe(*prof, nil))
if *repair {
if err := db.RepairRocksDB(*dbPath); err != nil {
glog.Fatalf("RepairRocksDB %s: %v", *dbPath, err)
if *blockchain == "" {
glog.Fatal("Missing blockchaincfg configuration parameter")
coin, coinShortcut, err := coins.GetCoinNameFromConfig(*blockchain)
if err != nil {
glog.Fatal("config: ", err)
gspt.SetProcTitle("blockbook-" + normalizeName(coin))
metrics, err = common.GetMetrics(coin)
if err != nil {
glog.Fatal("metrics: ", err)
if chain, err = getBlockChainWithRetry(coin, *blockchain, pushSynchronizationHandler, metrics, 60); err != nil {
glog.Fatal("rpc: ", err)
index, err = db.NewRocksDB(*dbPath, *dbCache, *dbMaxOpenFiles, chain.GetChainParser(), metrics)
if err != nil {
glog.Fatal("rocksDB: ", err)
defer index.Close()
internalState, err = newInternalState(coin, coinShortcut, index)
if err != nil {
glog.Error("internalState: ", err)
if internalState.DbState != common.DbStateClosed {
if internalState.DbState == common.DbStateInconsistent {
glog.Error("internalState: database is in inconsistent state and cannot be used")
glog.Warning("internalState: database was left in open state, possibly previous ungraceful shutdown")
if *computeColumnStats {
internalState.DbState = common.DbStateOpen
err = index.ComputeInternalStateColumnStats(chanOsSignal)
if err != nil {
glog.Error("internalState: ", err)
glog.Info("DB size on disk: ", index.DatabaseSizeOnDisk(), ", DB size as computed: ", internalState.DBSizeTotal())
syncWorker, err = db.NewSyncWorker(index, chain, *syncWorkers, *syncChunk, *blockFrom, *dryRun, chanOsSignal, metrics, internalState)
if err != nil {
glog.Fatalf("NewSyncWorker %v", err)
// set the DbState to open at this moment, after all important workers are initialized
internalState.DbState = common.DbStateOpen
err = index.StoreInternalState(internalState)
if err != nil {
glog.Fatal("internalState: ", err)
if *rollbackHeight >= 0 {
bestHeight, bestHash, err := index.GetBestBlock()
if err != nil {
glog.Error("rollbackHeight: ", err)
if uint32(*rollbackHeight) > bestHeight {
glog.Infof("nothing to rollback, rollbackHeight %d, bestHeight: %d", *rollbackHeight, bestHeight)
} else {
hashes := []string{bestHash}
for height := bestHeight - 1; height >= uint32(*rollbackHeight); height-- {
hash, err := index.GetBlockHash(height)
if err != nil {
glog.Error("rollbackHeight: ", err)
hashes = append(hashes, hash)
err = syncWorker.DisconnectBlocks(uint32(*rollbackHeight), bestHeight, hashes)
if err != nil {
glog.Error("rollbackHeight: ", err)
if txCache, err = db.NewTxCache(index, chain, metrics, !*noTxCache); err != nil {
glog.Error("txCache ", err)
// report BlockbookAppInfo metric, only log possible error
if err = blockbookAppInfoMetric(index, chain, txCache, internalState, metrics); err != nil {
glog.Error("blockbookAppInfoMetric ", err)
var internalServer *server.InternalServer
if *internalBinding != "" {
internalServer, err = server.NewInternalServer(*internalBinding, *certFiles, index, chain, txCache, internalState)
if err != nil {
glog.Error("https: ", err)
go func() {
err = internalServer.Run()
if err != nil {
if err.Error() == "http: Server closed" {
glog.Info("internal server: closed")
} else {
var publicServer *server.PublicServer
if *publicBinding != "" {
// start public server in limited functionality, extend it after sync is finished by calling ConnectFullPublicInterface
publicServer, err = server.NewPublicServer(*publicBinding, *certFiles, index, chain, txCache, *explorerURL, metrics, internalState, *debugMode)
if err != nil {
glog.Error("socketio: ", err)
go func() {
err = publicServer.Run()
if err != nil {
if err.Error() == "http: Server closed" {
glog.Info("public server: closed")
} else {
callbacksOnNewBlock = append(callbacksOnNewBlock, publicServer.OnNewBlock)
callbacksOnNewTxAddr = append(callbacksOnNewTxAddr, publicServer.OnNewTxAddr)
if *synchronize {
internalState.SyncMode = true
internalState.InitialSync = true
if err := syncWorker.ResyncIndex(nil); err != nil {
glog.Error("resyncIndex ", err)
var mempoolCount int
if mempoolCount, err = chain.ResyncMempool(nil); err != nil {
glog.Error("resyncMempool ", err)
go syncIndexLoop()
go syncMempoolLoop()
internalState.InitialSync = false
go storeInternalStateLoop()
if *publicBinding != "" {
// start full public interface
if *blockFrom >= 0 {
if *blockUntil < 0 {
*blockUntil = *blockFrom
height := uint32(*blockFrom)
until := uint32(*blockUntil)
address := *queryAddress
if address != "" {
if err = index.GetTransactions(address, height, until, printResult); err != nil {
glog.Error("GetTransactions ", err)
} else if !*synchronize {
if err = syncWorker.ConnectBlocksParallel(height, until); err != nil {
glog.Error("connectBlocksParallel ", err)
if internalServer != nil || publicServer != nil || chain != nil {
waitForSignalAndShutdown(internalServer, publicServer, chain, 10*time.Second)
if *synchronize {
func blockbookAppInfoMetric(db *db.RocksDB, chain bchain.BlockChain, txCache *db.TxCache, is *common.InternalState, metrics *common.Metrics) error {
api, err := api.NewWorker(db, chain, txCache, is)
if err != nil {
return err
si, err := api.GetSystemInfo(false)
if err != nil {
return err
"blockbook_version": si.Blockbook.Version,
"blockbook_commit": si.Blockbook.GitCommit,
"backend_version": si.Backend.Version,
"backend_subversion": si.Backend.Subversion,
"backend_protocol_version": si.Backend.ProtocolVersion}).Set(float64(0))
return nil
func newInternalState(coin string, coinShortcut string, d *db.RocksDB) (*common.InternalState, error) {
is, err := d.LoadInternalState(coin)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
is.CoinShortcut = coinShortcut
name, err := os.Hostname()
if err != nil {
glog.Error("get hostname ", err)
} else {
if i := strings.IndexByte(name, '.'); i > 0 {
name = name[:i]
is.Host = name
return is, nil
func tickAndDebounce(tickTime time.Duration, debounceTime time.Duration, input chan struct{}, f func()) {
timer := time.NewTimer(tickTime)
var firstDebounce time.Time
for {
select {
case _, ok := <-input:
if !timer.Stop() {
// exit loop on closed input channel
if !ok {
break Loop
if firstDebounce.IsZero() {
firstDebounce = time.Now()
// debounce for up to debounceTime period
// afterwards execute immediately
if firstDebounce.Add(debounceTime).After(time.Now()) {
} else {
case <-timer.C:
// do the action, if not in shutdown, then start the loop again
if atomic.LoadInt32(&inShutdown) == 0 {
firstDebounce = time.Time{}
func syncIndexLoop() {
defer close(chanSyncIndexDone)
glog.Info("syncIndexLoop starting")
// resync index about every 15 minutes if there are no chanSyncIndex requests, with debounce 1 second
tickAndDebounce(time.Duration(*resyncIndexPeriodMs)*time.Millisecond, debounceResyncIndexMs*time.Millisecond, chanSyncIndex, func() {
if err := syncWorker.ResyncIndex(onNewBlockHash); err != nil {
glog.Error("syncIndexLoop ", errors.ErrorStack(err))
glog.Info("syncIndexLoop stopped")
func onNewBlockHash(hash string, height uint32) {
for _, c := range callbacksOnNewBlock {
c(hash, height)
func syncMempoolLoop() {
defer close(chanSyncMempoolDone)
glog.Info("syncMempoolLoop starting")
// resync mempool about every minute if there are no chanSyncMempool requests, with debounce 1 second
tickAndDebounce(time.Duration(*resyncMempoolPeriodMs)*time.Millisecond, debounceResyncMempoolMs*time.Millisecond, chanSyncMempool, func() {
if count, err := chain.ResyncMempool(onNewTxAddr); err != nil {
glog.Error("syncMempoolLoop ", errors.ErrorStack(err))
} else {
glog.Info("syncMempoolLoop stopped")
func storeInternalStateLoop() {
stopCompute := make(chan os.Signal)
defer func() {
var computeRunning bool
lastCompute := time.Now()
// randomize the duration between ComputeInternalStateColumnStats to avoid peaks after reboot of machine with multiple blockbooks
computePeriod := 9*time.Hour + time.Duration(rand.Float64()*float64((2*time.Hour).Nanoseconds()))
lastAppInfo := time.Now()
logAppInfoPeriod := 15 * time.Minute
glog.Info("storeInternalStateLoop starting with db stats recompute period ", computePeriod)
tickAndDebounce(storeInternalStatePeriodMs*time.Millisecond, (storeInternalStatePeriodMs-1)*time.Millisecond, chanStoreInternalState, func() {
if !computeRunning && lastCompute.Add(computePeriod).Before(time.Now()) {
computeRunning = true
go func() {
err := index.ComputeInternalStateColumnStats(stopCompute)
if err != nil {
glog.Error("computeInternalStateColumnStats error: ", err)
lastCompute = time.Now()
computeRunning = false
if err := index.StoreInternalState(internalState); err != nil {
glog.Error("storeInternalStateLoop ", errors.ErrorStack(err))
if lastAppInfo.Add(logAppInfoPeriod).Before(time.Now()) {
if err := blockbookAppInfoMetric(index, chain, txCache, internalState, metrics); err != nil {
glog.Error("blockbookAppInfoMetric ", err)
lastAppInfo = time.Now()
glog.Info("storeInternalStateLoop stopped")
func onNewTxAddr(txid string, addr string, isOutput bool) {
for _, c := range callbacksOnNewTxAddr {
c(txid, addr, isOutput)
func pushSynchronizationHandler(nt bchain.NotificationType) {
if atomic.LoadInt32(&inShutdown) != 0 {
glog.V(1).Infof("MQ: notification ", nt)
if nt == bchain.NotificationNewBlock {
chanSyncIndex <- struct{}{}
} else if nt == bchain.NotificationNewTx {
chanSyncMempool <- struct{}{}
} else {
glog.Error("MQ: unknown notification sent")
func waitForSignalAndShutdown(internal *server.InternalServer, public *server.PublicServer, chain bchain.BlockChain, timeout time.Duration) {
sig := <-chanOsSignal
atomic.StoreInt32(&inShutdown, 1)
glog.Infof("shutdown: %v", sig)
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), timeout)
defer cancel()
if internal != nil {
if err := internal.Shutdown(ctx); err != nil {
glog.Error("internal server: shutdown error: ", err)
if public != nil {
if err := public.Shutdown(ctx); err != nil {
glog.Error("public server: shutdown error: ", err)
if chain != nil {
if err := chain.Shutdown(ctx); err != nil {
glog.Error("rpc: shutdown error: ", err)
func printResult(txid string, vout uint32, isOutput bool) error {
glog.Info(txid, vout, isOutput)
return nil
func normalizeName(s string) string {
s = strings.ToLower(s)
s = strings.Replace(s, " ", "-", -1)
return s