
713 lines
21 KiB

package api
import (
// Worker is handle to api worker
type Worker struct {
db *db.RocksDB
txCache *db.TxCache
chain bchain.BlockChain
chainParser bchain.BlockChainParser
is *common.InternalState
// NewWorker creates new api worker
func NewWorker(db *db.RocksDB, chain bchain.BlockChain, txCache *db.TxCache, is *common.InternalState) (*Worker, error) {
w := &Worker{
db: db,
txCache: txCache,
chain: chain,
chainParser: chain.GetChainParser(),
is: is,
return w, nil
func (w *Worker) getAddressesFromVout(vout *bchain.Vout) (bchain.AddressDescriptor, []string, bool, error) {
addrDesc, err := w.chainParser.GetAddrDescFromVout(vout)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, false, err
a, s, err := w.chainParser.GetAddressesFromAddrDesc(addrDesc)
return addrDesc, a, s, err
// setSpendingTxToVout is helper function, that finds transaction that spent given output and sets it to the output
// there is no direct index for the operation, it must be found using addresses -> txaddresses -> tx
func (w *Worker) setSpendingTxToVout(vout *Vout, txid string, height uint32) error {
err := w.db.GetAddrDescTransactions(vout.ScriptPubKey.AddrDesc, height, ^uint32(0), func(t string, index uint32, isOutput bool) error {
if isOutput == false {
tsp, err := w.db.GetTxAddresses(t)
if err != nil {
return err
} else if tsp == nil {
glog.Warning("DB inconsistency: tx ", t, ": not found in txAddresses")
} else if len(tsp.Inputs) > int(index) {
if tsp.Inputs[index].ValueSat.Cmp(&vout.ValueSat) == 0 {
spentTx, spentHeight, err := w.txCache.GetTransaction(t)
if err != nil {
glog.Warning("Tx ", t, ": not found")
} else {
if len(spentTx.Vin) > int(index) {
if spentTx.Vin[index].Txid == txid {
vout.SpentTxID = t
vout.SpentHeight = int(spentHeight)
vout.SpentIndex = int(index)
return &db.StopIteration{}
return nil
return err
// GetSpendingTxid returns transaction id of transaction that spent given output
func (w *Worker) GetSpendingTxid(txid string, n int) (string, error) {
start := time.Now()
tx, err := w.GetTransaction(txid, false)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if n >= len(tx.Vout) || n < 0 {
return "", NewAPIError(fmt.Sprintf("Passed incorrect vout index %v for tx %v, len vout %v", n, tx.Txid, len(tx.Vout)), false)
err = w.setSpendingTxToVout(&tx.Vout[n], tx.Txid, uint32(tx.Blockheight))
if err != nil {
return "", err
glog.Info("GetSpendingTxid ", txid, " ", n, " finished in ", time.Since(start))
return tx.Vout[n].SpentTxID, nil
// GetTransaction reads transaction data from txid
func (w *Worker) GetTransaction(txid string, spendingTxs bool) (*Tx, error) {
start := time.Now()
bchainTx, height, err := w.txCache.GetTransaction(txid)
if err != nil {
return nil, NewAPIError(fmt.Sprintf("Tx not found, %v", err), true)
var ta *db.TxAddresses
var blockhash string
if bchainTx.Confirmations > 0 {
ta, err = w.db.GetTxAddresses(txid)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "GetTxAddresses %v", txid)
blockhash, err = w.db.GetBlockHash(height)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "GetBlockHash %v", height)
var valInSat, valOutSat, feesSat big.Int
vins := make([]Vin, len(bchainTx.Vin))
for i := range bchainTx.Vin {
bchainVin := &bchainTx.Vin[i]
vin := &vins[i]
vin.Txid = bchainVin.Txid
vin.N = i
vin.Vout = bchainVin.Vout
vin.Sequence = int64(bchainVin.Sequence)
vin.ScriptSig.Hex = bchainVin.ScriptSig.Hex
// bchainVin.Txid=="" is coinbase transaction
if bchainVin.Txid != "" {
// load spending addresses from TxAddresses
tas, err := w.db.GetTxAddresses(bchainVin.Txid)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "GetTxAddresses %v", bchainVin.Txid)
if tas == nil {
// mempool transactions are not in TxAddresses but confirmed should be there, log a problem
if bchainTx.Confirmations > 0 {
glog.Warning("DB inconsistency: tx ", bchainVin.Txid, ": not found in txAddresses")
// try to load from backend
otx, _, err := w.txCache.GetTransaction(bchainVin.Txid)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "txCache.GetTransaction %v", bchainVin.Txid)
if len(otx.Vout) > int(vin.Vout) {
vout := &otx.Vout[vin.Vout]
vin.ValueSat = vout.ValueSat
vin.AddrDesc, vin.Addresses, vin.Searchable, err = w.getAddressesFromVout(vout)
if err != nil {
glog.Errorf("getAddressesFromVout error %v, vout %+v", err, vout)
} else {
if len(tas.Outputs) > int(vin.Vout) {
output := &tas.Outputs[vin.Vout]
vin.ValueSat = output.ValueSat
vin.Value = w.chainParser.AmountToDecimalString(&vin.ValueSat)
vin.AddrDesc = output.AddrDesc
vin.Addresses, vin.Searchable, err = output.Addresses(w.chainParser)
if err != nil {
glog.Errorf("output.Addresses error %v, tx %v, output %v", err, bchainVin.Txid, i)
vin.Value = w.chainParser.AmountToDecimalString(&vin.ValueSat)
valInSat.Add(&valInSat, &vin.ValueSat)
vouts := make([]Vout, len(bchainTx.Vout))
for i := range bchainTx.Vout {
bchainVout := &bchainTx.Vout[i]
vout := &vouts[i]
vout.N = i
vout.ValueSat = bchainVout.ValueSat
vout.Value = w.chainParser.AmountToDecimalString(&bchainVout.ValueSat)
valOutSat.Add(&valOutSat, &bchainVout.ValueSat)
vout.ScriptPubKey.Hex = bchainVout.ScriptPubKey.Hex
vout.ScriptPubKey.AddrDesc, vout.ScriptPubKey.Addresses, vout.ScriptPubKey.Searchable, err = w.getAddressesFromVout(bchainVout)
if err != nil {
glog.V(2).Infof("getAddressesFromVout error %v, %v, output %v", err, bchainTx.Txid, bchainVout.N)
if ta != nil {
vout.Spent = ta.Outputs[i].Spent
if spendingTxs && vout.Spent {
err = w.setSpendingTxToVout(vout, bchainTx.Txid, height)
if err != nil {
glog.Errorf("setSpendingTxToVout error %v, %v, output %v", err, vout.ScriptPubKey.AddrDesc, vout.N)
// for coinbase transactions valIn is 0
feesSat.Sub(&valInSat, &valOutSat)
if feesSat.Sign() == -1 {
// for now do not return size, we would have to compute vsize of segwit transactions
// size:=len(bchainTx.Hex) / 2
r := &Tx{
Blockhash: blockhash,
Blockheight: int(height),
Blocktime: bchainTx.Blocktime,
Confirmations: bchainTx.Confirmations,
Fees: w.chainParser.AmountToDecimalString(&feesSat),
FeesSat: feesSat,
Locktime: bchainTx.LockTime,
Time: bchainTx.Time,
Txid: bchainTx.Txid,
ValueIn: w.chainParser.AmountToDecimalString(&valInSat),
ValueInSat: valInSat,
ValueOut: w.chainParser.AmountToDecimalString(&valOutSat),
ValueOutSat: valOutSat,
Version: bchainTx.Version,
Hex: bchainTx.Hex,
Vin: vins,
Vout: vouts,
if spendingTxs {
glog.Info("GetTransaction ", txid, " finished in ", time.Since(start))
return r, nil
func (w *Worker) getAddressTxids(addrDesc bchain.AddressDescriptor, mempool bool) ([]string, error) {
var err error
txids := make([]string, 0, 4)
if !mempool {
err = w.db.GetAddrDescTransactions(addrDesc, 0, ^uint32(0), func(txid string, vout uint32, isOutput bool) error {
txids = append(txids, txid)
return nil
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
m, err := w.chain.GetMempoolTransactionsForAddrDesc(addrDesc)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
txids = append(txids, m...)
return txids, nil
func (t *Tx) getAddrVoutValue(addrDesc bchain.AddressDescriptor) *big.Int {
var val big.Int
for _, vout := range t.Vout {
if bytes.Equal(vout.ScriptPubKey.AddrDesc, addrDesc) {
val.Add(&val, &vout.ValueSat)
return &val
func (t *Tx) getAddrVinValue(addrDesc bchain.AddressDescriptor) *big.Int {
var val big.Int
for _, vin := range t.Vin {
if bytes.Equal(vin.AddrDesc, addrDesc) {
val.Add(&val, &vin.ValueSat)
return &val
// UniqueTxidsInReverse reverts the order of transactions (so that newest are first) and removes duplicate transactions
func UniqueTxidsInReverse(txids []string) []string {
i := len(txids)
ut := make([]string, i)
txidsMap := make(map[string]struct{})
for _, txid := range txids {
_, e := txidsMap[txid]
if !e {
ut[i] = txid
txidsMap[txid] = struct{}{}
return ut[i:]
func (w *Worker) txFromTxAddress(txid string, ta *db.TxAddresses, bi *db.BlockInfo, bestheight uint32) *Tx {
var err error
var valInSat, valOutSat, feesSat big.Int
vins := make([]Vin, len(ta.Inputs))
for i := range ta.Inputs {
tai := &ta.Inputs[i]
vin := &vins[i]
vin.N = i
vin.ValueSat = tai.ValueSat
vin.Value = w.chainParser.AmountToDecimalString(&vin.ValueSat)
valInSat.Add(&valInSat, &vin.ValueSat)
vin.Addresses, vin.Searchable, err = tai.Addresses(w.chainParser)
if err != nil {
glog.Errorf("tai.Addresses error %v, tx %v, input %v, tai %+v", err, txid, i, tai)
vouts := make([]Vout, len(ta.Outputs))
for i := range ta.Outputs {
tao := &ta.Outputs[i]
vout := &vouts[i]
vout.N = i
vout.ValueSat = tao.ValueSat
vout.Value = w.chainParser.AmountToDecimalString(&vout.ValueSat)
valOutSat.Add(&valOutSat, &vout.ValueSat)
vout.ScriptPubKey.Addresses, vout.ScriptPubKey.Searchable, err = tao.Addresses(w.chainParser)
if err != nil {
glog.Errorf("tai.Addresses error %v, tx %v, output %v, tao %+v", err, txid, i, tao)
vout.Spent = tao.Spent
// for coinbase transactions valIn is 0
feesSat.Sub(&valInSat, &valOutSat)
if feesSat.Sign() == -1 {
r := &Tx{
Blockhash: bi.Hash,
Blockheight: int(ta.Height),
Blocktime: bi.Time,
Confirmations: bestheight - ta.Height + 1,
Fees: w.chainParser.AmountToDecimalString(&feesSat),
Time: bi.Time,
Txid: txid,
ValueIn: w.chainParser.AmountToDecimalString(&valInSat),
ValueOut: w.chainParser.AmountToDecimalString(&valOutSat),
Vin: vins,
Vout: vouts,
return r
func computePaging(count, page, itemsOnPage int) (Paging, int, int, int) {
from := page * itemsOnPage
totalPages := (count - 1) / itemsOnPage
if totalPages < 0 {
totalPages = 0
if from >= count {
page = totalPages
from = page * itemsOnPage
to := (page + 1) * itemsOnPage
if to > count {
to = count
return Paging{
ItemsOnPage: itemsOnPage,
Page: page + 1,
TotalPages: totalPages + 1,
}, from, to, page
// GetAddress computes address value and gets transactions for given address
func (w *Worker) GetAddress(address string, page int, txsOnPage int, onlyTxids bool) (*Address, error) {
start := time.Now()
if page < 0 {
page = 0
addrDesc, err := w.chainParser.GetAddrDescFromAddress(address)
if err != nil {
return nil, NewAPIError(fmt.Sprintf("Invalid address, %v", err), true)
// ba can be nil if the address is only in mempool!
ba, err := w.db.GetAddrDescBalance(addrDesc)
if err != nil {
return nil, NewAPIError(fmt.Sprintf("Address not found, %v", err), true)
// convert the address to the format defined by the parser
addresses, _, err := w.chainParser.GetAddressesFromAddrDesc(addrDesc)
if err != nil {
glog.V(2).Infof("GetAddressesFromAddrDesc error %v, %v", err, addrDesc)
if len(addresses) == 1 {
address = addresses[0]
txc, err := w.getAddressTxids(addrDesc, false)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "getAddressTxids %v false", address)
txc = UniqueTxidsInReverse(txc)
var txm []string
// if there are only unconfirmed transactions, ba is nil
if ba == nil {
ba = &db.AddrBalance{}
page = 0
txm, err = w.getAddressTxids(addrDesc, true)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "getAddressTxids %v true", address)
txm = UniqueTxidsInReverse(txm)
// check if the address exist
if len(txc)+len(txm) == 0 {
return &Address{
AddrStr: address,
}, nil
bestheight, _, err := w.db.GetBestBlock()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "GetBestBlock")
pg, from, to, page := computePaging(len(txc), page, txsOnPage)
var txs []*Tx
var txids []string
if onlyTxids {
txids = make([]string, len(txm)+to-from)
} else {
txs = make([]*Tx, len(txm)+to-from)
txi := 0
// load mempool transactions
var uBalSat big.Int
for _, tx := range txm {
tx, err := w.GetTransaction(tx, false)
// mempool transaction may fail
if err != nil {
glog.Error("GetTransaction in mempool ", tx, ": ", err)
} else {
uBalSat.Add(&uBalSat, tx.getAddrVoutValue(addrDesc))
uBalSat.Sub(&uBalSat, tx.getAddrVinValue(addrDesc))
if page == 0 {
if onlyTxids {
txids[txi] = tx.Txid
} else {
txs[txi] = tx
if len(txc) != int(ba.Txs) {
glog.Warning("DB inconsistency for address ", address, ": number of txs from column addresses ", len(txc), ", from addressBalance ", ba.Txs)
for i := from; i < to; i++ {
txid := txc[i]
if onlyTxids {
txids[txi] = txid
} else {
ta, err := w.db.GetTxAddresses(txid)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "GetTxAddresses %v", txid)
if ta == nil {
glog.Warning("DB inconsistency: tx ", txid, ": not found in txAddresses")
bi, err := w.db.GetBlockInfo(ta.Height)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "GetBlockInfo %v", ta.Height)
if bi == nil {
glog.Warning("DB inconsistency: block height ", ta.Height, ": not found in db")
txs[txi] = w.txFromTxAddress(txid, ta, bi, bestheight)
if onlyTxids {
txids = txids[:txi]
} else {
txs = txs[:txi]
r := &Address{
Paging: pg,
AddrStr: address,
Balance: w.chainParser.AmountToDecimalString(&ba.BalanceSat),
TotalReceived: w.chainParser.AmountToDecimalString(ba.ReceivedSat()),
TotalSent: w.chainParser.AmountToDecimalString(&ba.SentSat),
TxApperances: len(txc),
UnconfirmedBalance: w.chainParser.AmountToDecimalString(&uBalSat),
UnconfirmedTxApperances: len(txm),
Transactions: txs,
Txids: txids,
glog.Info("GetAddress ", address, " finished in ", time.Since(start))
return r, nil
// GetAddressUtxo returns unspent outputs for given address
func (w *Worker) GetAddressUtxo(address string) ([]AddressUtxo, error) {
start := time.Now()
addrDesc, err := w.chainParser.GetAddrDescFromAddress(address)
if err != nil {
return nil, NewAPIError(fmt.Sprintf("Invalid address, %v", err), true)
r := make([]AddressUtxo, 0, 8)
// get utxo from mempool
txm, err := w.getAddressTxids(addrDesc, true)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "getAddressTxids %v true", address)
txm = UniqueTxidsInReverse(txm)
for _, txid := range txm {
bchainTx, _, err := w.txCache.GetTransaction(txid)
// mempool transaction may fail
if err != nil {
glog.Error("GetTransaction in mempool ", txid, ": ", err)
} else {
for i := range bchainTx.Vout {
bchainVout := &bchainTx.Vout[i]
vad, err := w.chainParser.GetAddrDescFromVout(bchainVout)
if err == nil && bytes.Equal(addrDesc, vad) {
r = append(r, AddressUtxo{
Txid: bchainTx.Txid,
Vout: uint32(i),
AmountSat: bchainVout.ValueSat,
Amount: w.chainParser.AmountToDecimalString(&bchainVout.ValueSat),
// get utxo from index
ba, err := w.db.GetAddrDescBalance(addrDesc)
if err != nil {
return nil, NewAPIError(fmt.Sprintf("Address not found, %v", err), true)
var checksum big.Int
// ba can be nil if the address is only in mempool!
if ba != nil && ba.BalanceSat.Uint64() > 0 {
type outpoint struct {
txid string
vout uint32
outpoints := make([]outpoint, 0, 8)
err = w.db.GetAddrDescTransactions(addrDesc, 0, ^uint32(0), func(txid string, vout uint32, isOutput bool) error {
if isOutput {
outpoints = append(outpoints, outpoint{txid, vout})
return nil
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var lastTxid string
var ta *db.TxAddresses
checksum = ba.BalanceSat
b, _, err := w.db.GetBestBlock()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
bestheight := int(b)
for i := len(outpoints) - 1; i >= 0 && checksum.Int64() > 0; i-- {
o := outpoints[i]
if lastTxid != o.txid {
ta, err = w.db.GetTxAddresses(o.txid)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
lastTxid = o.txid
if ta == nil {
glog.Warning("DB inconsistency: tx ", o.txid, ": not found in txAddresses")
} else {
if len(ta.Outputs) <= int(o.vout) {
glog.Warning("DB inconsistency: txAddresses ", o.txid, " does not have enough outputs")
} else {
if !ta.Outputs[o.vout].Spent {
v := ta.Outputs[o.vout].ValueSat
r = append(r, AddressUtxo{
Txid: o.txid,
Vout: o.vout,
AmountSat: v,
Amount: w.chainParser.AmountToDecimalString(&v),
Height: int(ta.Height),
Confirmations: bestheight - int(ta.Height) + 1,
checksum.Sub(&checksum, &v)
if checksum.Uint64() != 0 {
glog.Warning("DB inconsistency: ", address, ": checksum is not zero")
glog.Info("GetAddressUtxo ", address, ", ", len(r), " utxos, finished in ", time.Since(start))
return r, nil
// GetBlocks returns BlockInfo for blocks on given page
func (w *Worker) GetBlocks(page int, blocksOnPage int) (*Blocks, error) {
start := time.Now()
if page < 0 {
page = 0
b, _, err := w.db.GetBestBlock()
bestheight := int(b)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "GetBestBlock")
pg, from, to, page := computePaging(bestheight+1, page, blocksOnPage)
r := &Blocks{Paging: pg}
r.Blocks = make([]db.BlockInfo, to-from)
for i := from; i < to; i++ {
bi, err := w.db.GetBlockInfo(uint32(bestheight - i))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if bi == nil {
r.Blocks = r.Blocks[:i]
r.Blocks[i-from] = *bi
glog.Info("GetBlocks page ", page, " finished in ", time.Since(start))
return r, nil
// GetBlock returns paged data about block
func (w *Worker) GetBlock(bid string, page int, txsOnPage int) (*Block, error) {
start := time.Now()
if page < 0 {
page = 0
// try to decide if passed string (bid) is block height or block hash
// if it's a number, must be less than int32
var hash string
height, err := strconv.Atoi(bid)
if err == nil && height < int(^uint32(0)) {
hash, err = w.db.GetBlockHash(uint32(height))
if err != nil {
hash = bid
} else {
hash = bid
bi, err := w.chain.GetBlockInfo(hash)
if err != nil {
if err == bchain.ErrBlockNotFound {
return nil, NewAPIError("Block not found", true)
return nil, NewAPIError(fmt.Sprintf("Block not found, %v", err), true)
dbi := &db.BlockInfo{
Hash: bi.Hash,
Height: bi.Height,
Time: bi.Time,
txCount := len(bi.Txids)
bestheight, _, err := w.db.GetBestBlock()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "GetBestBlock")
pg, from, to, page := computePaging(txCount, page, txsOnPage)
glog.Info("GetBlock ", bid, ", page ", page, " finished in ", time.Since(start))
txs := make([]*Tx, to-from)
txi := 0
for i := from; i < to; i++ {
txid := bi.Txids[i]
ta, err := w.db.GetTxAddresses(txid)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "GetTxAddresses %v", txid)
if ta == nil {
glog.Warning("DB inconsistency: tx ", txid, ": not found in txAddresses")
txs[txi] = w.txFromTxAddress(txid, ta, dbi, bestheight)
txs = txs[:txi]
bi.Txids = nil
return &Block{
Paging: pg,
BlockInfo: *bi,
TxCount: txCount,
Transactions: txs,
}, nil
// GetSystemInfo returns information about system
func (w *Worker) GetSystemInfo(internal bool) (*SystemInfo, error) {
start := time.Now()
ci, err := w.chain.GetChainInfo()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "GetChainInfo")
vi := common.GetVersionInfo()
ss, bh, st :=
ms, mt, msz :=
var dbc []common.InternalStateColumn
var dbs int64
if internal {
dbc =
dbs =
bi := &BlockbookInfo{
Version: vi.Version,
GitCommit: vi.GitCommit,
BuildTime: vi.BuildTime,
InSync: ss,
BestHeight: bh,
LastBlockTime: st,
InSyncMempool: ms,
LastMempoolTime: mt,
MempoolSize: msz,
DbSize: w.db.DatabaseSizeOnDisk(),
DbSizeFromColumns: dbs,
DbColumns: dbc,
About: Text.BlockbookAbout,
glog.Info("GetSystemInfo finished in ", time.Since(start))
return &SystemInfo{bi, ci}, nil