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# Utility for i18n on Win32
# Author: Christophe Teyssier <chris@teyssier.org>
# date: July 2006
# - Loads translations from the po files and produces translated .rc files in src/celestia/res
# - Produces a dll with the translated resources for each po file in the locale/ dir
# - Produces a list of unicode codepoints for each language in the current dir
# (to generate txf font textures)
# - Compiles .po files and installs catalogs under locale/
# Requirements:
# - rc.exe link.exe and msgfmt.exe must be in the PATH
use Encode;
use File::Basename;
my $dir = dirname $0;
my $resource_file = "$dir/../src/celestia/res/celestia.rc";
my $output_dir = "$dir/../src/celestia/res/";
opendir(DIR, $dir);
my @po_files = sort (grep( /\.po$/, readdir(DIR) ));
closedir DIR;
open RES, "< $resource_file";
my $resource;
local $/;
$resource = <RES>;
close RES;
# LangID and code page
# http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/intl/nls_238z.asp
my %lang = (
ar => [ '401', 1256 ],
bg => [ '402', 1251 ],
de => [ '407', 1252 ],
el => [ '408', 1253 ],
en => [ '409', 1252 ],
es => [ '40a', 1252 ],
fr => [ '40c', 1252 ],
hu => [ '40e', 1250 ],
it => [ '410', 1252 ],
ja => [ '411', 932 ],
2006-09-09 09:59:19 -06:00
ko => [ '412', 949 ],
lv => [ '426', 1257 ],
nl => [ '413', 1252 ],
pt_BR => [ '416', 1252 ],
pt => [ '816', 1252 ],
ru => [ '419', 1251 ],
sv => [ '41d', 1252 ],
uk => [ '422', 1251 ],
zh_CN => [ '804', 936 ],
mkdir "$dir\\..\\locale" if ! -d "$dir\\..\\locale";
my %codepoints; # hash holds unicode codepoints used by language
foreach my $po (@po_files) {
my $strings = load_po_strings("$dir\\$po");
my $res = $resource;
my $lang = basename $po;
$lang =~ s/\..*//o;
mkdir "$dir\\..\\locale\\$lang" if ! -d "$dir\\..\\locale\\$lang";
mkdir "$dir\\..\\locale\\$lang\\LC_MESSAGES" if ! -d "$dir\\..\\locale\\$lang\\LC_MESSAGES";
while (my ($k, $v) = each %$strings) {
map { $codepoints{$lang}{$_} = 1; } map { sprintf '%04X', ord($_); } split //, Encode::decode_utf8($v);
Encode::from_to($v, 'UTF-8', "CP$lang{$lang}[1]");
map { $c{ord($_)} = 1; } split //, Encode::decode("UTF-8", $v);
$res =~ s/"\Q$k\E"/"$v"/g;
$res=~ s/\Q#pragma code_page(1252)\E/#pragma code_page($lang{$lang}[1])/;
open OUT, "> $output_dir/celestia_$lang.rc";
print OUT $res;
close OUT;
system qq{rc /l $lang{$lang}[0] /d "NDEBUG" /fo $dir\\..\\src\\celestia\\celestia_$lang.res /i "$dir\\..\\src\\celestia\\res" $dir\\..\\src\\celestia\\res\\celestia_$lang.rc};
system qq{link /nologo /noentry /dll /machine:I386 /out:$dir\\..\\locale\\res_$lang.dll $dir\\..\\src\\celestia\\celestia_$lang.res};
system qq{msgfmt $dir\\$lang.po -o $dir\\..\\locale\\$lang\\LC_MESSAGES\\celestia.mo};
opendir(DIR, "$dir\\..\\po2");
my @po_files = sort (grep( /\.po$/, readdir(DIR) ));
closedir DIR;
foreach my $po (@po_files) {
my $lang = basename $po;
$lang =~ s/\..*//o;
my $strings = load_po_strings("$dir\\..\\po2\\$po");
while (my ($k, $v) = each %$strings) {
map { $codepoints{$lang}{$_} = 1; } map { sprintf '%04X', ord($_); } split //, Encode::decode_utf8($v);
mkdir "$dir\\..\\locale\\$lang" if ! -d "$dir\\..\\locale\\$lang";
mkdir "$dir\\..\\locale\\$lang\\LC_MESSAGES" if ! -d "$dir\\..\\locale\\$lang\\LC_MESSAGES";
system qq{msgfmt $dir\\..\\po2\\$lang.po -o $dir\\..\\locale\\$lang\\LC_MESSAGES\\celestia_constellations.mo};
foreach my $lang (keys %codepoints) {
# list of unicode codepoints to generate font textures
my $chr;
map { $chr .= "$_ \n"; } sort keys %{$codepoints{$lang}};
open CHR, "> $dir/codepoints_$lang.txt";
print CHR $chr;
close CHR;
sub load_po_strings {
my $po = shift;
my %strings;
open PO, "< $po";
my $l1;
my $l2;
my $l3;
while ($l3 = <PO>) {
# The po file is read by groups of three lines.
# we can safely ignore multiline msgids since resource files
# use only single line strings
if ($l2 =~ /^msgid\s+"(.*)"/) {
my $msgid = $1;
if ($l3 =~ /^msgstr\s+"(.+)"/ && $l1 !~ /fuzzy/ ) {
$strings{$msgid} = $1;
$l1 = $l2;
$l2 = $l3;
close PO;
return \%strings;