Added locale versions of documentation and scripts

Christophe Teyssier 2007-03-27 13:47:01 +00:00
parent 107ea6726f
commit 22e16c35c0
33 changed files with 6082 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ EXTRA_DIST = \
splashdir = $(pkgdatadir)/splash
splash_DATA = splash.png
SUBDIRS = src data extras textures models shaders fonts po po2
SUBDIRS = src data extras textures models shaders fonts po po2 locale
# Non-automake directories
NONAUTO = macosx

View File

@ -456,6 +456,7 @@ AC_CONFIG_FILES([ src/celestia/gtk/Makefile ])
AC_CONFIG_FILES([ src/celestia/gtk/data/Makefile ])
AC_CONFIG_FILES([ locale/Makefile ])

locale/COPYING_fr 100644
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@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
Adaptation française non officielle de la Licence Publique Générale GNU
source :
Licence Publique Générale GNU
Version 2, Juin 1991
Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
La copie et la distribution de copies exactes de ce document
sont autorisées, mais aucune modification n'est permise.
Les licences d'utilisation de la plupart des programmes sont définies pour
limiter ou supprimer toute liberté à l'utilisateur. À l'inverse, la Licence
Publique Générale (General Public License) est destinée à vous garantir la
liberté de partager et de modifier les logiciels libres, et de s'assurer que ces
logiciels sont effectivement accessibles à tout utilisateur.
Cette Licence Publique Générale s'applique à la plupart des programmes
de la Free Software Foundation, comme à tout autre programme dont l'auteur
l'aura décidé (d'autres logiciels de la FSF sont couverts pour leur part par la
Licence Publique Générale pour Bibliothèques GNU (LGPL)). Vous pouvez
aussi appliquer les termes de cette Licence à vos propres programmes, si
vous le désirez.
Liberté des logiciels ne signifie pas nécessairement gratuité. Notre Licence
est conçue pour vous assurer la liberté de distribuer des copies des
programmes, gratuitement ou non, de recevoir le code source ou de pouvoir
l'obtenir, de modifier les programmes ou d'en utiliser des éléments dans de
nouveaux programmes libres, en sachant que vous y êtes autorisé.
Afin de garantir ces droits, nous avons dû introduire des restrictions
interdisant à quiconque de vous les refuser ou de vous demander d'y
renoncer. Ces restrictions vous imposent en retour certaines obligations si
vous distribuez ou modifiez des copies de programmes protégés par la
Par exemple, si vous distribuez des copies de tels programmes, que ce soit
gratuitement ou non, il vous incombera de transmettre aux destinataires tous
les droits que vous possédez, de leur expédier le code source ou bien tenir
celui-ci à leur disposition, de leur remettre cette Licence afin qu'ils prennent
connaissance de leurs droits.
Nous protégeons vos droits de deux façons : (1) par le copyright du logiciel,
et (2) par la remise de cette Licence qui vous autorise légalement à copier,
distribuer et/ou modifier le logiciel.
En outre, pour protéger chaque auteur ainsi que la FSF, nous affirmons
solennellement que le programme concerné ne fait l'objet d'aucune garantie.
Si un tiers le modifie puis le redistribue, tous ceux qui en recevront une copie
doivent savoir qu'il ne s'agit pas de l'original afin qu'une copie défectueuse
n'entache pas la réputation de l'auteur original du logiciel.
Enfin, tout programme libre est sans cesse menacé par des dépôts de brevets.
Nous souhaitons à tout prix éviter que des distributeurs puissent déposer des
brevets sur les Logiciels Libres pour leur propre compte. Pour éviter cela, nous
stipulons bien que tout dépôt éventuel de brevet doit accorder expressément à
tout un chacun le libre usage du produit.
Les dispositions précises et les conditions de copie, de distribution et de
modification de nos logiciels sont les suivantes :
Article 0.
La présente Licence s'applique à tout Programme (ou autre travail) où figure
une note, placée par le détenteur des droits, stipulant que ledit Programme
ou travail peut être distribué selon les termes de la présente Licence. Le terme
Programme désigne aussi bien le Programme lui-même que tout travail qui en
est dérivé selon la loi, c'est-à-dire tout ouvrage reproduisant le Programme ou
une partie de celui-ci, à l'identique ou bien modifié, et/ou traduit dans une autre
langue (la traduction est considérée comme une modification). Chaque personne
concernée par la Licence Publique Générale sera désignée par le terme Vous.
Les activités autres que copie, distribution et modification ne sont pas couvertes
par la présente Licence et sortent de son cadre. Rien ne restreint l'utilisation du
Programme et les données issues de celui-ci ne sont couvertes que si leur
contenu constitue un travail basé sur le logiciel (indépendemment du fait d'avoir
été réalisé en lançant le Programme). Tout dépend de ce que le Programme
est censé produire.
Article 1.
Vous pouvez copier et distribuer des copies conformes du code source du
Programme, tel que Vous l'avez reçu, sur n'importe quel support, à condition
de placer sur chaque copie un copyright approprié et une restriction de garantie,
de ne pas modifier ou omettre toutes les stipulations se référant à la présente
Licence et à la limitation de garantie, et de fournir avec toute copie du
Programme un exemplaire de la Licence.
Vous pouvez demander une rétribution financière pour la réalisation de la copie
et demeurez libre de proposer une garantie assurée par vos soins, moyennant
Article 2.
Vous pouvez modifier votre copie ou vos copies du Programme ou partie de
celui-ci, ou d'un travail basé sur ce Programme, et copier et distribuer ces
modifications selon les termes de l'article 1, à condition de Vous conformer
également aux conditions suivantes :
a) Ajouter aux fichiers modifiés l'indication très claire des modifications
effectuées, ainsi que la date de chaque changement.
b) Distribuer sous les termes de la Licence Publique Générale l'ensemble
de toute réalisation contenant tout ou partie du Programme, avec ou sans
c) Si le Programme modifié lit des commandes de manière interactive lors
de son exécution, faire en sorte qu'il affiche, lors d'une invocation ordinaire,
le copyright approprié en indiquant clairement la limitation de garantie (ou
la garantie que Vous Vous engagez à fournir Vous-même), qu'il stipule que
tout utilisateur peut librement redistribuer le Programme selon les conditions
de la Licence Publique Générale GNU, et qu'il montre à tout utilisateur
comment lire une copie de celle-ci (exception : si le Programme original est
interactif mais n'affiche pas un tel message en temps normal, tout travail
dérivé de ce Programme ne sera pas non plus contraint de l'afficher).
Toutes ces conditions s'appliquent à l'ensemble des modifications. Si des
éléments identifiables de ce travail ne sont pas dérivés du Programme et
peuvent être raisonnablement considérés comme indépendants, la présente
Licence ne s'applique pas à ces éléments lorsque Vous les distribuez seuls.
Mais, si Vous distribuez ces mêmes éléments comme partie d'un ensemble
cohérent dont le reste est basé sur un Programme soumis à la Licence, ils lui
sont également soumis, et la Licence s'étend ainsi à l'ensemble du produit,
quel qu'en soit l'auteur.
Cet article n'a pas pour but de s'approprier ou de contester vos droits sur un
travail entièrement réalisé par Vous, mais plutôt d'ouvrir droit à un contrôle de
la libre distribution de tout travail dérivé ou collectif basé sur le Programme.
En outre, toute fusion d'un autre travail, non basé sur le Programme, avec le
Programme (ou avec un travail dérivé de ce dernier), effectuée sur un support
de stockage ou de distribution, ne fait pas tomber cet autre travail sous le
contrôle de la Licence.
Article 3.
Vous pouvez copier et distribuer le Programme (ou tout travail dérivé selon les
conditions énoncées dans l'article 1) sous forme de code objet ou exécutable,
selon les termes des articles 0 et 1, à condition de respecter l'une des clauses
suivantes :
a) Fournir le code source complet du Programme, sous une forme lisible
par un ordinateur et selon les termes des articles 0 et 1, sur un support
habituellement utilisé pour l'échange de données ; ou,
b) Faire une offre écrite, valable pendant au moins trois ans, prévoyant de
donner à tout tiers qui en fera la demande une copie, sous forme lisible par
un ordinateur, du code source correspondant, pour un tarif n'excédant pas
le coût de la copie, selon les termes des articles 0 et 1, sur un support
couramment utilisé pour l'échange de données informatiques ; ou,
c) Informer le destinataire de l'endroit où le code source peut être obtenu
(cette solution n'est recevable que dans le cas d'une distribution non
commerciale, et uniquement si Vous avez reçu le Programme sous forme
de code objet ou exécutable avec l'offre prévue à l'alinéa b ci-dessus).
Le code source d'un travail désigne la forme de cet ouvrage sous laquelle les
modifications sont les plus aisées. Sont ainsi désignés la totalité du code source
de tous les modules composant un Programme exécutable, de même que tout
fichier de définition associé, ainsi que les scripts utilisés pour effectuer la
compilation et l'installation du Programme exécutable. Toutefois, l'environnement
standard de développement du système d'exploitation mis en oeuvre (source ou
binaire) -- compilateurs, bibliothèques, noyau, etc. -- constitue une exception,
sauf si ces éléments sont diffusés en même temps que le Programme exécutable.
Si la distribution de l'exécutable ou du code objet consiste à offrir un accès
permettant de copier le Programme depuis un endroit particulier, l'offre d'un
accès équivalent pour se procurer le code source au même endroit est
considéré comme une distribution de ce code source, même si l'utilisateur
choisit de ne pas profiter de cette offre.
Article 4.
Vous ne pouvez pas copier, modifier, céder, déposer ou distribuer le Programme
d'une autre manière que l'autorise la Licence Publique Générale. Toute tentative
de ce type annule immédiatement vos droits d'utilisation du Programme sous cette
Licence. Toutefois, les tiers ayant reçu de Vous des copies du Programme ou le
droit d'utiliser ces copies continueront à bénéficier de leur droit d'utilisation tant
qu'ils respecteront pleinement les conditions de la Licence.
Article 5.
Ne l'ayant pas signée, Vous n'êtes pas obligé d'accepter cette Licence.
Cependant, rien d'autre ne Vous autorise à modifier ou distribuer le
Programme ou quelque travaux dérivés : la loi l'interdit tant que Vous
n'acceptez pas les termes de cette Licence. En conséquence, en modifiant
ou en distribuant le Programme (ou tout travail basé sur lui), Vous acceptez
implicitement tous les termes et conditions de cette Licence.
Article 6.
La diffusion d'un Programme (ou de tout travail dérivé) suppose l'envoi
simultané d'une licence autorisant la copie, la distribution ou la modification
du Programme, aux termes et conditions de la Licence. Vous n'avez pas le
droit d'imposer de restrictions supplémentaires aux droits transmis au
destinataire. Vous n'êtes pas responsable du respect de la Licence par un tiers.
Article 7.
Si, à la suite d'une décision de Justice, d'une plainte en contrefaçon ou pour
toute autre raison (liée ou non à la contrefaçon), des conditions Vous sont
imposées (que ce soit par ordonnance, accord amiable ou autre) qui se révèlent
incompatibles avec les termes de la présente Licence, Vous n'êtes pas pour
autant dégagé des obligations liées à celle-ci : si Vous ne pouvez concilier vos
obligations légales ou autres avec les conditions de cette Licence, Vous ne
devez pas distribuer le Programme.
Si une partie quelconque de cet article est invalidée ou inapplicable pour
quelque raison que ce soit, le reste de l'article continue de s'appliquer et
l'intégralité de l'article s'appliquera en toute autre circonstance.
Le présent article n'a pas pour but de Vous pousser à enfreindre des droits
ou des dispositions légales ni en contester la validité ; son seul objectif est
de protéger l'intégrité du système de distribution du Logiciel Libre. De
nombreuses personnes ont généreusement contribué à la large gamme de
Programmes distribuée de cette façon en toute confiance ; il appartient à
chaque auteur/donateur de décider de diffuser ses Programmes selon les
critères de son choix.
Article 8.
Si la distribution et/ou l'utilisation du Programme est limitée dans certains
pays par des brevets ou des droits sur des interfaces, le détenteur original
des droits qui place le Programme sous la Licence Publique Générale peut
ajouter explicitement une clause de limitation géographique excluant ces
pays. Dans ce cas, cette clause devient une partie intégrante de la Licence.
Article 9.
La Free Software Foundation se réserve le droit de publier périodiquement
des mises à jour ou de nouvelles versions de la Licence. Rédigées dans le
même esprit que la présente version, elles seront cependant susceptibles
d'en modifier certains détails à mesure que de nouveaux problèmes se font jour.
Chaque version possède un numéro distinct. Si le Programme précise un
numéro de version de cette Licence et « toute version ultérieure », Vous avez
le choix de suivre les termes et conditions de cette version ou de toute autre
version plus récente publiée par la Free Software Foundation. Si le Programme
ne spécifie aucun numéro de version, Vous pouvez alors choisir l'une
quelconque des versions publiées par la Free Software Foundation.
Article 10.
Si Vous désirez incorporer des éléments du Programme dans d'autres
Programmes libres dont les conditions de distribution diffèrent, Vous
devez écrire à l'auteur pour lui en demander la permission. Pour ce qui est
des Programmes directement déposés par la Free Software Foundation,
écrivez-nous : une exception est toujours envisageable. Notre décision sera
basée sur notre volonté de préserver la liberté de notre Programme ou de ses
dérivés et celle de promouvoir le partage et la réutilisation du logiciel en général.
Article 11.
Article 12.

locale/COPYING_it 100644
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@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
Copia del documento,
riferito dal sito
Questa è una traduzione italiana non ufficiale della Licenza Pubblica
Generica GNU. Non è pubblicata dalla Free Software Foundation e non
ha valore legale nell'esprimere i termini di distribuzione del
software che usa la licenza GPL. Solo la versione originale in inglese
della licenza ha valore legale. Ad ogni modo, speriamo che questa
traduzione aiuti le persone di lingua italiana a capire meglio il
significato della licenza GPL.
This is an unofficial translation of the GNU General Public
License into Italian. It was not published by the Free
Software Foundation, and does not legally state the
distribution terms for software that uses the GNU GPL--only
the original English text of the GNU GPL does that. However,
we hope that this translation will help Italian speakers
understand the GNU GPL better.
Versione 2, Giugno 1991
Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
Traduzione curata da gruppo Pluto, da ILS e dal gruppo italiano di
traduzione GNU. Ultimo aggiornamento 19 aprile 2000.
Chiunque può copiare e distribuire copie letterali di questo documento
di licenza, ma non ne è permessa la modifica.
Le licenze della maggior parte dei programmi hanno lo scopo di
togliere all'utente la libertà di condividere e modificare il
programma stesso. Viceversa, la Licenza Pubblica Generica GNU è intesa
a garantire la libertà di condividere e modificare il software libero,
al fine di assicurare che i programmi siano liberi per tutti i loro
utenti. Questa Licenza si applica alla maggioranza dei programmi
della Free Software Foundation e ad ogni altro programma i cui autori
hanno deciso di usare questa Licenza. Alcuni altri programmi della
Free Software Foundation sono invece coperti dalla Licenza Pubblica
Generica Minore. Chiunque può usare questa Licenza per i propri
Quando si parla di software libero (free software), ci si riferisce
alla libertà, non al prezzo. Le nostre Licenze (la GPL e la LGPL)
sono progettate per assicurarsi che ciascuno abbia la libertà di
distribuire copie del software libero (e farsi pagare per questo, se
vuole), che ciascuno riceva il codice sorgente o che lo possa ottenere
se lo desidera, che ciascuno possa modificare il programma o usarne
delle parti in nuovi programmi liberi e che ciascuno sappia di potere
fare queste cose.
Per proteggere i diritti dell'utente, abbiamo bisogno di creare delle
restrizioni che vietino a chiunque di negare questi diritti o di
chiedere di rinunciarvi. Queste restrizioni si traducono in certe
responsabilità per chi distribuisce copie del software e per chi lo
Per esempio, chi distribuisce copie di un programma coperto da GPL,
sia gratis sia in cambio di un compenso, deve concedere ai destinatari
tutti i diritti che ha ricevuto. Deve anche assicurarsi che i
destinatari ricevano o possano ottenere il codice sorgente. E deve
mostrar loro queste condizioni di licenza, in modo che essi conoscano
i propri diritti.
Proteggiamo i diritti dell'utente in due modi: (1) proteggendo il
software con un copyright, e (2) offrendo una licenza che dia il
permesso legale di copiare, distribuire e modificare il Programma.
Inoltre, per proteggere ogni autore e noi stessi, vogliamo assicurarci
che ognuno capisca che non ci sono garanzie per i programmi coperti da
GPL. Se il programma viene modificato da qualcun altro e
ridistribuito, vogliamo che gli acquirenti sappiano che ciò che hanno
non è l'originale, in modo che ogni problema introdotto da altri non
si rifletta sulla reputazione degli autori originari.
Infine, ogni programma libero è costantemente minacciato dai brevetti
sui programmi. Vogliamo evitare il pericolo che chi ridistribuisce un
programma libero ottenga la proprietà di brevetti, rendendo in pratica
il programma cosa di sua proprietà. Per prevenire questa evenienza,
abbiamo chiarito che ogni brevetto debba essere concesso in licenza
d'uso a chiunque, o non avere alcuna restrizione di licenza d'uso.
Seguono i termini e le condizioni precisi per la copia, la
distribuzione e la modifica.
0. Questa Licenza si applica a ogni programma o altra opera che
contenga una nota da parte del detentore del copyright che dica che
tale opera può essere distribuita sotto i termini di questa Licenza
Pubblica Generica. Il termine "Programma" nel seguito si riferisce ad
ogni programma o opera così definita, e l'espressione "opera basata
sul Programma" indica sia il Programma sia ogni opera considerata
"derivata" in base alla legge sul copyright; in altre parole, un'opera
contenente il Programma o una porzione di esso, sia letteralmente sia
modificato o tradotto in un'altra lingua. Da qui in avanti, la
traduzione è in ogni caso considerata una "modifica". Vengono ora
elencati i diritti dei beneficiari della licenza.
Attività diverse dalla copiatura, distribuzione e modifica non sono
coperte da questa Licenza e sono al di fuori della sua influenza.
L'atto di eseguire il Programma non viene limitato, e l'output del
programma è coperto da questa Licenza solo se il suo contenuto
costituisce un'opera basata sul Programma (indipendentemente dal fatto
che sia stato creato eseguendo il Programma). In base alla natura del
Programma il suo output può essere o meno coperto da questa Licenza.
1. È lecito copiare e distribuire copie letterali del codice
sorgente del Programma così come viene ricevuto, con qualsiasi mezzo,
a condizione che venga riprodotta chiaramente su ogni copia una
appropriata nota di copyright e di assenza di garanzia; che si
mantengano intatti tutti i riferimenti a questa Licenza e all'assenza
di ogni garanzia; che si dia a ogni altro destinatario del Programma
una copia di questa Licenza insieme al Programma.
È possibile richiedere un pagamento per il trasferimento fisico di una
copia del Programma, è anche possibile a propria discrezione
richiedere un pagamento in cambio di una copertura assicurativa.
2. È lecito modificare la propria copia o copie del Programma, o
parte di esso, creando perciò un'opera basata sul Programma, e copiare
o distribuire tali modifiche o tale opera secondo i termini del
precedente comma 1, a patto che siano soddisfatte tutte le condizioni
che seguono:
a) Bisogna indicare chiaramente nei file che si tratta di copie
modificate e la data di ogni modifica.
b) Bisogna fare in modo che ogni opera distribuita o pubblicata,
che in parte o nella sua totalità derivi dal Programma o da parti
di esso, sia concessa nella sua interezza in licenza gratuita ad
ogni terza parte, secondo i termini di questa Licenza.
c) Se normalmente il programma modificato legge comandi
interattivamente quando viene eseguito, bisogna fare in modo che
all'inizio dell'esecuzione interattiva usuale, esso stampi un
messaggio contenente una appropriata nota di copyright e di
assenza di garanzia (oppure che specifichi il tipo di garanzia che
si offre). Il messaggio deve inoltre specificare che chiunque può
ridistribuire il programma alle condizioni qui descritte e deve
indicare come reperire questa Licenza. Se però il programma di
partenza è interattivo ma normalmente non stampa tale messaggio,
non occorre che un'opera basata sul Programma lo stampi.
Questi requisiti si applicano all'opera modificata nel suo complesso.
Se sussistono parti identificabili dell'opera modificata che non siano
derivate dal Programma e che possono essere ragionevolmente
considerate lavori indipendenti, allora questa Licenza e i suoi
termini non si applicano a queste parti quando queste vengono
distribuite separatamente. Se però queste parti vengono distribuite
all'interno di un prodotto che è un'opera basata sul Programma, la
distribuzione di quest'opera nella sua interezza deve avvenire nei
termini di questa Licenza, le cui norme nei confronti di altri utenti
si estendono all'opera nella sua interezza, e quindi ad ogni sua
parte, chiunque ne sia l'autore.
Quindi, non è nelle intenzioni di questa sezione accampare diritti, né
contestare diritti su opere scritte interamente da altri; l'intento è
piuttosto quello di esercitare il diritto di controllare la
distribuzione di opere derivati dal Programma o che lo contengano.
Inoltre, la semplice aggregazione di un'opera non derivata dal
Programma col Programma o con un'opera da esso derivata su di un mezzo
di memorizzazione o di distribuzione, non è sufficente a includere
l'opera non derivata nell'ambito di questa Licenza.
3. È lecito copiare e distribuire il Programma (o un'opera basata su
di esso, come espresso al comma 2) sotto forma di codice oggetto o
eseguibile secondo i termini dei precedenti commi 1 e 2, a patto che
si applichi una delle seguenti condizioni:
a) Il Programma sia corredato del codice sorgente completo, in una
forma leggibile da calcolatore, e tale sorgente sia fornito
secondo le regole dei precedenti commi 1 e 2 su di un mezzo
comunemente usato per lo scambio di programmi.
b) Il Programma sia accompagnato da un'offerta scritta, valida per
almeno tre anni, di fornire a chiunque ne faccia richiesta una
copia completa del codice sorgente, in una forma leggibile da
calcolatore, in cambio di un compenso non superiore al costo del
trasferimento fisico di tale copia, che deve essere fornita
secondo le regole dei precedenti commi 1 e 2 su di un mezzo
comunemente usato per lo scambio di programmi.
c) Il Programma sia accompagnato dalle informazioni che sono state
ricevute riguardo alla possibilità di ottenere il codice sorgente.
Questa alternativa è permessa solo in caso di distribuzioni non
commerciali e solo se il programma è stato ottenuto sotto forma di
codice oggetto o eseguibile in accordo al precedente comma B.
Per "codice sorgente completo" di un'opera si intende la forma
preferenziale usata per modificare un'opera. Per un programma
eseguibile, "codice sorgente completo" significa tutto il codice
sorgente di tutti i moduli in esso contenuti, più ogni file associato
che definisca le interfacce esterne del programma, più gli script
usati per controllare la compilazione e l'installazione
dell'eseguibile. In ogni caso non è necessario che il codice sorgente
fornito includa nulla che sia normalmente distribuito (in forma
sorgente o in formato binario) con i principali componenti del sistema
operativo sotto cui viene eseguito il Programma (compilatore, kernel,
e così via), a meno che tali componenti accompagnino l'eseguibile.
Se la distribuzione dell'eseguibile o del codice oggetto è effettuata
indicando un luogo dal quale sia possibile copiarlo, permettere la
copia del codice sorgente dallo stesso luogo è considerata una valida
forma di distribuzione del codice sorgente, anche se copiare il
sorgente è facoltativo per l'acquirente.
4. Non è lecito copiare, modificare, sublicenziare, o distribuire
il Programma in modi diversi da quelli espressamente previsti da
questa Licenza. Ogni tentativo di copiare, modificare, sublicenziare
o distribuire altrimenti il Programma non è autorizzato, e farà
terminare automaticamente i diritti garantiti da questa Licenza.
D'altra parte ogni acquirente che abbia ricevuto copie, o diritti,
coperti da questa Licenza da parte di persone che violano la Licenza
come qui indicato non vedranno invalidata la loro Licenza, purché si
comportino conformemente ad essa.
5. L'acquirente non è tenuto ad accettare questa Licenza,
poiché non l'ha firmata. D'altra parte nessun altro documento
garantisce il permesso di modificare o distribuire il Programma o i
lavori derivati da esso. Queste azioni sono proibite dalla legge per
chi non accetta questa Licenza; perciò, modificando o distribuendo il
Programma o un'opera basata sul programma, si indica nel fare ciò
l'accettazione di questa Licenza e quindi di tutti i suoi termini e le
condizioni poste sulla copia, la distribuzione e la modifica del
Programma o di lavori basati su di esso.
6. Ogni volta che il Programma o un'opera basata su di esso vengono
distribuiti, l'acquirente riceve automaticamente una licenza d'uso da
parte del licenziatario originale. Tale licenza regola la copia, la
distribuzione e la modifica del Programma secondo questi termini e
queste condizioni. Non è lecito imporre restrizioni ulteriori
all'acquirente nel suo esercizio dei diritti qui garantiti. Chi
distribuisce programmi coperti da questa Licenza non e' comunque
tenuto a imporre il rispetto di questa Licenza a terzi.
7. Se, come conseguenza del giudizio di un tribunale, o di una
imputazione per la violazione di un brevetto o per ogni altra ragione
(non limitatamente a questioni di brevetti), vengono imposte
condizioni che contraddicono le condizioni di questa licenza, che
queste condizioni siano dettate dalla corte, da accordi tra le parti o
altro, queste condizioni non esimono nessuno dall'osservazione di
questa Licenza. Se non è possibile distribuire un prodotto in un modo
che soddisfi simultaneamente gli obblighi dettati da questa Licenza e
altri obblighi pertinenti, il prodotto non può essere affatto
distribuito. Per esempio, se un brevetto non permettesse a tutti
quelli che lo ricevono di ridistribuire il Programma senza obbligare
al pagamento di diritti, allora l'unico modo per soddisfare
contemporaneamente il brevetto e questa Licenza e' di non distribuire
affatto il Programma.
Se una qualunque parte di questo comma è ritenuta non valida o non
applicabile in una qualunque circostanza, deve comunque essere
applicata l'idea espressa da questo comma; in ogni altra circostanza
invece deve essere applicato questo comma nel suo complesso.
Non è nelle finalità di questo comma indurre gli utenti ad infrangere
alcun brevetto né ogni altra rivendicazione di diritti di proprietà,
né di contestare la validità di alcuna di queste rivendicazioni; lo
scopo di questo comma è unicamente quello di proteggere l'integrità
del sistema di distribuzione dei programmi liberi, che viene
realizzato tramite l'uso di licenze pubbliche. Molte persone hanno
contribuito generosamente alla vasta gamma di programmi distribuiti
attraverso questo sistema, basandosi sull'applicazione fedele di tale
sistema. L'autore/donatore può decidere di sua volontà se preferisce
distribuire il software avvalendosi di altri sistemi, e l'acquirente
non può imporre la scelta del sistema di distribuzione.
Questo comma serve a rendere il più chiaro possibile ciò che crediamo
sia una conseguenza del resto di questa Licenza.
8. Se in alcuni paesi la distribuzione o l'uso del Programma sono
limitati da brevetto o dall'uso di interfacce coperte da copyright, il
detentore del copyright originale che pone il Programma sotto questa
Licenza può aggiungere limiti geografici espliciti alla distribuzione,
per escludere questi paesi dalla distribuzione stessa, in modo che il
programma possa essere distribuito solo nei paesi non esclusi da
questa regola. In questo caso i limiti geografici sono inclusi in
questa Licenza e ne fanno parte a tutti gli effetti.
9. All'occorrenza la Free Software Foundation può pubblicare
revisioni o nuove versioni di questa Licenza Pubblica Generica. Tali
nuove versioni saranno simili a questa nello spirito, ma potranno
differire nei dettagli al fine di coprire nuovi problemi e nuove
Ad ogni versione viene dato un numero identificativo. Se il Programma
asserisce di essere coperto da una particolare versione di questa
Licenza e "da ogni versione successiva", l'acquirente può scegliere se
seguire le condizioni della versione specificata o di una successiva.
Se il Programma non specifica quale versione di questa Licenza deve
applicarsi, l'acquirente può scegliere una qualsiasi versione tra
quelle pubblicate dalla Free Software Foundation.
10. Se si desidera incorporare parti del Programma in altri
programmi liberi le cui condizioni di distribuzione differiscano da
queste, è possibile scrivere all'autore del Programma per chiederne
l'autorizzazione. Per il software il cui copyright è detenuto dalla
Free Software Foundation, si scriva alla Free Software Foundation;
talvolta facciamo eccezioni alle regole di questa Licenza. La nostra
decisione sarà guidata da due finalità: preservare la libertà di tutti
i prodotti derivati dal nostro software libero e promuovere la
condivisione e il riutilizzo del software in generale.

locale/COPYING_pt 100644
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@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
Versão 2, junho de 1991
This is an unofficial translation of the GNU General Public License into
Portuguese. It was not published by the Free Software Foundation, and does not
legally state the distribution terms for software that uses the GNU GPL -- only
the original English text of the GNU GPL does that. However, we hope that this
translation will help Portuguese speakers understand the GNU GPL better.
Esta é uma tradução não-oficial da Licença Pública Geral GNU ("GPL GNU") para
Português. Não foi publicada pela Free Software Foundation, e legalmente não
afirma os termos de distribuição de software que utilize a GPL GNU -- apenas o
texto original da GPL GNU, em inglês, faz isso. Contudo, esperamos que esta
tradução ajude aos que falam português a entender melhor a GPL GNU.
Para sugestões ou correcções a esta tradução, contacte:
--- Tradução do documento original a partir desta linha ---
Versão 2, junho de 1991
Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. 675 Mass Ave,
Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
A qualquer pessoa é permitido copiar e distribuir cópias deste documento de
licença, desde que sem qualquer alteração.
As licenças de software são normalmente desenvolvidas para restringir a
liberdade de compartilhá-lo e modifica-lo. Pelo contrário, a Licença Pública
Geral GNU pretende garantir a sua liberdade de compartilhar e modificar o
software livre -- garantindo que o software será livre para os seus
utilizadores. Esta Licença Pública Geral aplica-se à maioria do software da
Free Software Foundation e a qualquer outro programa ao qual o seu autor decida
aplicá-la. (Algum software da FSF é cobertos pela Licença Pública Geral de
Bibliotecas.) Também poderá aplicá-la aos seus programas.
Quando nos referimos a software livre, estamo-nos a referir à liberdade e não
ao preço. A Licença Pública Geral (GPL - General Public Licence - em Inglês.)
foi desenvolvida para garantir a sua liberdade de distribuir cópias de software
livre (e cobrar por isso, se quiser); receber o código-fonte ou ter acesso a
ele, se quiser; poder modificar o software ou utilizar partes dele em novos
programas livres; e que saiba que está no seu direito de o fazer.
Para proteger seus direitos, precisamos fazer restrições que impeçam a qualquer
um negar estes direitos ou solicitar que você abdique deles. Estas restrições
traduzem-se em certas responsabilidades para si, caso venha a distribuir cópias
do software, ou modificá-lo.
Por exemplo, se você distribuir cópias de um programa sobre este tipo de
licenciamento, gratuitamente ou por alguma quantia, tem que fornecer igualmente
todos os direitos que possui sobre ele. Tem igualmente que garantir que os
destinatários recebam ou possam obter o código-fonte. Além disto, tem que
fornecer-lhes estes termos para que possam conhecer seus direitos.
Nós protegemos seus direitos por duas formas que se completam: (1) com
copyright do software e (2) com a oferta desta licença, que lhe dá permissão
legal para copiar, distribuir e/ou modificar o software.
Além disso, tanto para a protecção do autor quanto a nossa, gostaríamos de
certificar-nos de que todos entendam que não há qualquer garantia sobre o
software livre. Se o software é modificado por alguém e redistribuído, queremos
que seus destinatários saibam que o que eles obtiveram não é original, de forma
que qualquer problema introduzido por terceiros não interfira na reputação do
autor original.
Finalmente, qualquer programa é ameaçado constantemente por patentes de
software. Queremos evitar o perigo de que distribuidores de software livre
obtenham patentes individuais sobre o software, o que teria o efeito de tornar
o software proprietário. Para prevenir isso, deixamos claro que qualquer
patente tem que ser licenciada para uso livre e gratuito por qualquer pessoa,
ou então que nem necessite ser licenciada.
Os termos e condições precisas para cópia, distribuição e modificação
encontram-se abaixo:
0. Esta licença aplica-se a qualquer programa ou outro trabalho que contenha um
aviso colocado pelo detentor dos direitos autorais informando que aquele pode
ser distribuído sob as condições desta Licença Pública Geral. O "Programa"
abaixo refere-se a qualquer programa ou trabalho e "trabalho baseado no
Programa" significa tanto o Programa em si, como quaisquer trabalhos derivados,
de acordo com a lei de direitos de autor: isto quer dizer um trabalho que
contenha o Programa ou parte dele, tanto na forma original ou modificado, e/ou
tradução para outros idiomas. ***(Doravante o termo "modificação" ou sinónimos
serão usados livremente.) *** Cada licenciado é mencionado como "você".
Actividades outras que a cópia, a distribuição e modificação não estão cobertas
por esta Licença; elas estão fora do seu âmbito. O acto de executar o Programa
não é restringido e o resultado do Programa é coberto pela licença apenas se o
seu conteúdo contenha trabalhos baseados no Programa (independentemente de
terem sido gerados pela execução do Programa). Este último ponto depende das
funcionalidades específicas de cada programa.
1. Você pode copiar e distribuir cópias fiéis do código-fonte do Programa da
mesma forma que você o recebeu, usando qualquer meio, deste que inclua em cada
cópia um aviso de direitos de autor e uma declaração de inexistência de
garantias; mantenha intactos todos os avisos que se referem a esta Licença e à
ausência total de garantias; e forneça aos destinatários do Programa uma cópia
desta Licença, em conjunto com o Programa.
Você pode cobrar pelo acto físico de transferir uma cópia e pode,
opcionalmente, oferecer garantias em troca de pagamento.
2. Você pode modificar sua cópia ou cópias do Programa, ou qualquer parte dele,
gerando assim um trabalho derivado, copiar e distribuir essas modificações ou
trabalhos sob os termos da secção 1 acima, desde que se enquadre nas seguintes
a) Os arquivos modificados devem conter avisos proeminentes afirmando que você
alterou os arquivos, incluindo a data de qualquer alteração.
b) Deve ser licenciado, sob os termos desta Licença, integralmente e sem custo
algum para terceiros, qualquer trabalho seu que contenha ou seja derivado do
Programa ou de parte dele.
c) Se qualquer programa modificado, quando executado, lê normalmente comandos
interactivamente, tem que fazer com que, quando iniciado o uso interactivo,
seja impresso ou mostrado um anúncio de que não há qualquer garantia (ou então
que você fornece a garantia) e que os utilizadores podem redistribuir o
programa sob estas condições, ainda informando os utilizadores como consultar
uma cópia desta Licença. (Excepção: se o Programa em si é interactivo mas
normalmente não imprime estes tipos de anúncios, então o seu trabalho derivado
não precisa imprimir um anúncio.)
Estas exigências aplicam-se ao trabalho derivado como um todo. Se secções
identificáveis de tal trabalho não são derivadas do Programa, e podem ser
razoavelmente consideradas trabalhos independentes e separados por si só, então
esta Licença, e seus termos, não se aplicam a estas secções caso as distribua
como um trabalho separado. Mas se distribuir as mesmas secções como parte de um
todo que constitui trabalho derivado, a distribuição como um todo tem que
enquadrar-se nos termos desta Licença, cujos direitos para outros licenciados
se estendem ao todo, portanto também para toda e qualquer parte do programa,
independente de quem a escreveu.
Desta forma, esta secção não tem a intenção de reclamar direitos ou contestar
seus direitos sobre o trabalho escrito completamente por si; ao invés disso, a
intenção é a de exercitar o direito de controlar a distribuição de trabalhos,
derivados ou colectivos, baseados no Programa.
Adicionalmente, a mera adição ao Programa (ou a um trabalho derivado deste) de
um outro trabalho num volume de armazenamento ou meio de distribuição não faz
esse outro trabalho seja incluído no âmbito desta Licença.
3. Você pode copiar e distribuir o Programa (ou trabalho derivado, conforme
descrito na Secção 2) em código-objecto ou em forma executável sob os termos
das Secções 1 e 2 acima, desde que cumpra uma das seguintes alienas:
a) O faça acompanhar com o código-fonte completo e em forma acessível por
máquinas, código esse que tem que ser distribuído sob os termos das Secções 1 e
2 acima e em meio normalmente utilizado para o intercâmbio de software; ou,
b) O acompanhe com uma oferta escrita, válida por pelo menos três anos, de
fornecer a qualquer um, com um custo não superior ao custo de distribuição
física do material, uma cópia do código-fonte completo e em forma acessível por
máquinas, código esse que tem que ser distribuído sob os termos das Secções 1
e 2 acima e em meio normalmente utilizado para o intercâmbio de software; ou,
c) O acompanhe com a informação que você recebeu em relação à oferta de
distribuição do código-fonte correspondente. (Esta alternativa é permitida
somente em distribuição não comerciais, e apenas se você recebeu o programa em
forma de código-objecto ou executável, com uma oferta de acordo com a Subsecção
b) acima.)
O código-fonte de um trabalho corresponde à forma de trabalho preferida para se
fazer modificações. Para um trabalho em forma executável, o código-fonte
completo significa todo o código-fonte de todos os módulos que ele contém, mais
quaisquer arquivos de definição de "interface", mais os "scripts" utilizados
para se controlar a compilação e a instalação do executável. Contudo, como
excepção especial, o código-fonte distribuído não precisa incluir qualquer
componente normalmente distribuído (tanto em forma original quanto binária) com
os maiores componentes (o compilador, o "kernel" etc.) do sistema operativo sob
o qual o executável funciona, a menos que o componente em si acompanhe o
Se a distribuição do executável ou código-objecto é feita através da oferta de
acesso a cópias em algum lugar, então oferecer o acesso equivalente a cópia, no
mesmo lugar, do código-fonte, equivale à distribuição do código-fonte, mesmo
que terceiros não sejam compelidos a copiar o código-fonte em conjunto com o
4. Você não pode copiar, modificar, sublicenciar ou distribuir o Programa,
excepto de acordo com as condições expressas nesta Licença. Qualquer outra
tentativa de cópia, modificação, sublicenciamento ou distribuição do Programa
não é valida, e cancelará automaticamente os direitos que lhe foram fornecidos
por esta Licença. No entanto, terceiros que receberam de si cópias ou direitos,
fornecidos sob os termos desta Licença, não terão a sua licença terminada,
desde que permaneçam em total concordância com ela.
5. Você não é obrigado a aceitar esta Licença já que não a assinou. No entanto,
nada mais lhe dará permissão para modificar ou distribuir o Programa ou
trabalhos derivados deste. Estas acções são proibidas por lei, caso você não
aceite esta Licença. Desta forma, ao modificar ou distribuir o Programa (ou
qualquer trabalho derivado do Programa), você estará a indicar a sua total
concordância com os termos desta Licença, nomeadamente os termos e condições
para copiar, distribuir ou modificar o Programa, ou trabalhos baseados nele.
6. Cada vez que redistribuir o Programa (ou qualquer trabalho derivado), os
destinatários adquirirão automaticamente do autor original uma licença para
copiar, distribuir ou modificar o Programa, sujeitos a estes termos e
condições. Você não poderá impor aos destinatários qualquer outra restrição ao
exercício dos direitos então adquiridos. Você não é responsável em garantir a
concordância de terceiros a esta Licença.
7. Se, em consequência de decisões judiciais ou alegações de violação de
patentes ou quaisquer outras razões (não limitadas a assuntos relacionados a
patentes), lhe forem impostas condições (por ordem judicial, acordos ou outras
formas) e que contradigam as condições desta Licença, elas não o livram das
condições desta Licença. Se não puder distribuir de forma a satisfazer
simultaneamente suas obrigações para com esta Licença e para com as outras
obrigações pertinentes, então como consequência você não poderá distribuir o
Programa. Por exemplo, se uma licença de patente não permitir a redistribuição,
sem obrigação ao pagamento de "royalties", por todos aqueles que receberem
cópias directa ou indirectamente de si, então a única forma de você satisfazer
a licença de patente e a esta Licença seria a de desistir completamente de
distribuir o Programa.
Se qualquer parte desta secção for considerada inválida ou não aplicável em
qualquer circunstância particular, o restante da secção aplica-se, e a secção
como um todo aplicar-se-á em outras circunstâncias.
O propósito desta secção não é o de induzi-lo a infringir quaisquer patentes ou
reivindicação de direitos de propriedade de outros, ou a contestar a validade
de quaisquer dessas reivindicações; esta secção tem como único propósito
proteger a integridade dos sistemas de distribuição de software livre, que é
implementado pela prática de licenças públicas. Várias pessoas têm contribuído
generosamente e em grande escala para software distribuído usando este sistema,
na certeza de que sua aplicação é feita de forma consistente; fica a critério
do autor/doador decidir se ele ou ela está disposto(a) a distribuir software
utilizando outro sistema, e um outro detentor de uma licença não pode impor
esta ou qualquer outra escolha.
Esta secção destina-se a tornar bastante claro o que se acredita ser
consequência do restante desta Licença.
8. Se a distribuição e/ou uso do Programa são restringidos em certos países por
patentes ou direitos de autor, o detentor dos direitos de autor original, que
colocou o Programa sob esta Licença, pode incluir uma limitação geográfica de
distribuição, excluindo aqueles países, de forma a apenas permitir a
distribuição nos países não excluídos. Nestes casos, esta Licença incorpora a
limitação como se a mesma constasse escrita nesta Licença.
9. A Free Software Foundation pode publicar versões revistas e/ou novas da
Licença Pública Geral de tempos em tempos. Estas novas versões serão similares
em espírito à versão actual, mas podem diferir em detalhes que resolvam novos
problemas ou situações.
A cada versão é dada um número distinto. Se o Programa especifica um número de
versão específico desta Licença que se aplica a ele e a "qualquer nova versão",
você tem a opção de aceitar os termos e condições daquela versão ou de qualquer
outra versão posterior publicada pela Free Software Foundation. Se o programa
não especificar um número de versão desta Licença, poderá escolher qualquer
versão publicada pela Free Software Foundation.
10. Se você pretende incorporar partes do Programa em outros programas livres
cujas condições de distribuição sejam diferentes, escreva ao autor e solicite
permissão para tal. Para o software que a Free Software Foundation detém
direitos de autor, escreva à Free Software Foundation; às vezes nós permitimos
excepções para estes casos. A nossa decisão será guiada por dois objectivos: o
de preservar a condição de liberdade de todas os trabalhos derivados do nosso
software livre, e o de promover a partilha e reutilização de software de um
modo geral.

locale/COPYING_ru 100644
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@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
Версия 2, июнь 1991 г.
Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111--1307, USA
Copyright (C) перевод на русский язык,
1993 Кузина О.В., Юфа В.М.
1998 Тихонов О.С.
Всем разрешается копировать и распространять дословные
копии этого лицензионного документа, но изменять его
Лицензии на большую часть программного обеспечения (ПО),
составлены так, чтобы лишить вас свободы совместно использовать
и изменять его. Напротив, Универсальная Общественная Лицензия
GNU предназначена гарантировать вашу свободу совместно
использовать и изменять свободное ПО, т.е. удостоверить, что ПО
является свободным для всех его пользователей. Эта Универсальная
Общественная Лицензия применима к большей части ПО Фонда
Свободного ПО и ко всем другим программам, чьи авторы принимают
на себя обязательства ее использовать. (Вместо нее для части ПО
Фонда Свободного ПО применяется Универсальная Общественная
Лицензия GNU для библиотек.) Вы тоже можете использовать ее для
своих программ.
Когда мы говорим о свободном ПО, мы имеем в виду свободу, а не
цену. Предполагается, что наши Универсальные Общественные
Лицензии гарантируют, что вы пользуетесь свободой распространять
копии свободного ПО (и получать за это вознаграждение, если вы
того желаете); что вы получаете исходный код или можете получить
его, если захотите; что вы можете изменять ПО или использовать
его части в новых свободных программах; и что вы знаете, что вы
можете все это делать.
Чтобы защитить ваши права, нам нужно ввести такие ограничения,
которые запретят кому бы то ни было отказывать вам в этих правах
или потребовать от вас отказаться от этих прав. Эти ограничения
переводятся в некоторые обязательства для вас, если вы
распространяете копии ПО или если вы модифицируете его.
Например, если вы распространяете копии такой программы
бесплатно или за вознаграждение, вы должны предоставить
получателям все права, которыми вы обладаете. Вы должны
гарантировать, что они тоже получат или смогут получить исходный
код. И вы должны показать им эти условия, чтобы они знали о своих
Мы защищаем ваши права в два этапа: (1) сохраняем авторские
права на ПО и (2) предлагаем вам эту лицензию, которая дает вам
законное право копировать, распространять и/или модифицировать ПО.
Также, чтобы защитить нас и каждого автора, мы хотим
удостовериться, что все понимают, что гарантий на это свободное
ПО нет. Если ПО модифицируется и передается кем-то еще, мы хотим,
чтобы получатели ПО знали, что то, что у них есть --- это не
оригинал, чтобы любые проблемы, созданные другими, не отразились
на репутации первоначальных авторов.
И наконец, каждой свободной программе постоянно угрожают
патенты на ПО. Мы хотим избежать опасности, что повторные
распространители свободной программы самостоятельно получат
патенты, делая программу таким образом частной собственностью.
Чтобы предотвратить это, мы явно заявляем, что любой патент
должен быть либо предоставлен всем для свободного использования,
либо не предоставлен никому.
Ниже следуют точные определения и условия для копирования,
распространения и модификации.
0.Эта Лицензия применима к любой программе или другому
произведению, содержащему уведомление, помещенное держателем
авторских прав и сообщающее о том, что оно может распространяться
при условиях, оговоренных в данной Универсальной Общественной
Лицензии. В последующем термин "Программа" относится к любой
такой программе или произведению, а термин "произведение,
основанное на Программе" означает Программу или любое
произведение, содержащее Программу или ее часть, дословную, или
модифицированную, и/или переведенную на другой язык. (Здесь и
далее перевод включается без ограничений в понятие "модификация".)
Каждый обладатель лицензии адресуется как "вы".
Виды деятельности, не являющиеся копированием, распространением
или модификацией не охватываются этой Лицензией; они за пределами
ее влияния. Использование Программы по ее функциональному
назначению не ограничено, и выходные данные Программы
охватываются этой Лицензией, только если их содержание является
произведением, основанным на Программе (вне зависимости от того,
были ли они получены в процессе использования Программы).
Являются ли они таковыми, зависит от того, что что именно делает
1.Вы можете копировать и распространять дословные копии исходного
кода Программы по его получении на любом носителе, при условии
что вы соответствующим образом помещаете на видном месте в каждой
копии соответствующее уведомление об авторских правах и отказ от
гарантий; оставляете нетронутыми все уведомления, относящиеся к
данной Лицензии и к отсутствию каких-либо гарантий; и передаете
всем другим получателям Программы копию данной Лицензии вместе с
Вы можете назначить плату за физический акт передачи копии и
можете по своему усмотрению предоставлять гарантии за
2.Вы можете изменять свою копию или копии Программы или любой ее
части, создавая таким образом произведение, основанное на
Программе, и копировать и распространять эти модификации или
произведение в соответствии с Разделом 1, приведенным выше, при
условии, что вы выполните все нижеследующие условия:
1. Вы обязаны снабдить модифицированные файлы заметными
уведомлениями, содержащими указания на то, что вы изменили
файлы, и дату каждого изменения.
2. Вы обязаны предоставить всем третьим лицам лицензию на
бесплатное использование каждого произведения, которое вы
распространяете или публикуете, целиком, и которое полностью
или частично содержит Программу или какую-либо ее часть, на
условиях, оговоренных в данной Лицензии.
3. Если модифицированная программа обычно читает команды в
интерактивном режиме работы, вы должны сделать так, чтобы при
запуске для работы в таком интерактивном режиме обычным для
нее способом она печатала или выводила на экран объявление,
содержащее соответствующее уведомление об авторских правах и
уведомление о том, что гарантий нет (или, наоборот, сообщающее
о том, что вы обеспечиваете гарантии), и что пользователи
могут повторно распространять программу при этих условиях, и
указывающее пользователю, как просмотреть копию данной
Лицензии. (Исключение: если сама Программа работает в
интерактивном режиме, но обычно не выводит подобное объявление,
то ваше произведение, основанное на Программе, не обязано
выводить объявление.)
Эти требования применяются к модифицированному произведению в
целом. Если известные части этого произведения не были основаны
на Программе и могут обоснованно считаться независимыми и
самостоятельными произведениями, то эта Лицензия и ее условия не
распространяются на эти части, если вы распространяете их как
отдельные произведения. Но если вы распространяете эти части как
часть целого произведения, основанного на Программе, то вы
обязаны делать это в соответствии с условиями данной Лицензии,
распространяя права получателей лицензии на все произведение и,
таким образом, на каждую часть, вне зависимости от того, кто ее
Таким образом, содержание этого раздела не имеет цели
претендовать на ваши права на произведение, написанное полностью
вами, или оспаривать их; цель скорее в том, чтобы развить право
управлять распространением производных или коллективных
произведений, основанных на Программе.
Кроме того, простое нахождение другого произведения, не
основанного на этой Программе, совместно с Программой (или с
произведением, основанным на этой Программе) на том же носителе
для постоянного хранения или распространяемом носителе не
распространяет действие этой Лицензии на другое произведение.
3.Вы можете копировать и распространять Программу (или
произведение, основанное на ней) согласно Разделу 2) в объектном
коде или в выполнимом виде в соответствии с Разделами 1 и 2,
приведенными выше, при условии, что вы также выполните одно из
следующих требований:
1. Сопроводите ее полным соответствующим машиночитаемым
исходным кодом, который должен распространяться в соответствии
с Разделами 1 и 2, приведенными выше, на носителе, обычно
используемом для обмена ПО;
2. Сопроводите ее письменным предложением, действительным по
крайней мере в течение трех лет, предоставить любому третьему
лицу за вознаграждение не большее стоимости физического акта
изготовления копии полную машиночитаемую копию
соответствующего исходного кода, подлежащую распространению в
соответствии с Разделами 1 и 2, приведенными выше;
3. Сопроводите ее информацией, полученной вами в качестве
предложения распространить соответствующий исходный код. (Эта
возможность допустима только для некоммерческого
распространения, и только если вы получили программу в
объектном коде или в выполнимом виде с предложением в
соответствии с Пунктом b) выше.)
Исходный код для призведения означает его вид, предпочтительный
для выполнения в нем модификаций. Для исполняемого произведения
полный исходный код означает все исходные коды для всех модулей,
которые он содержит, плюс любые связанные с произведением файлы
определения интерфейса, плюс сценарии, используемые для
управления компиляцией и установкой исполняемого произведения.
Однако, в виде особого исключения распространяемый исходный код
не обязан включать то, что обычно предоставляется с основными
компонентами операционной системы, под управлением которой
работает исполняемое произведение, за исключением случая, когда
сам компонент сопровождает исполняемое произведение.
Если распространение исполняемого произведения или объектного
кода происходит путем предоставления доступа для копирования с
обозначенного места, то предоставление доступа для копирования
исходного кода с того же места считается распространением
исходного кода, даже если третьи лица не принуждаются к
копированию исходного кода вместе с объектным кодом.
4.Вы не можете копировать, изменять, повторно лицензировать, или
распространять Программу иначе, чем это явно предусмотрено данной
Лицензией. Любая попытка копировать, изменять, повторно
лицензировать, или распространять Программу каким-либо другим
способом неправомерна и автоматически прекращает ваши права
данные вам этой Лицензией. Однако лицензии лиц, получивших от вас
копии или права согласно данной Универсальной Общественной
Лицензии, не прекратят своего действия до тех пор, пока эти лица
полностью соблюдают условия.
5.Вы не обязаны соглашаться с этой Лицензией, так как вы не
подписывали ее. Однако тогда вы не получаете права модифицировать
или распространять Программу или основанные на Программе
произведения. Эти действия запрещены законом, если вы не
принимаете к соблюдению эту Лицензию. А значит, изменяя или
распространяя Программу (или произведение, основанное на
Программе), вы изъявляете свое согласие с этой Лицензией и всеми
ее условиями о копировании, распространении или модификации
Программы или произведений, основанных на ней.
6.Каждый раз, когда вы повторно распространяете Программу (или
любое произведение, основанное на Программе), получатель
автоматически получает лицензию от первоначального держателя
лицензии на копирование, распространение или модификацию
Программы, обсуждаемую в этих определениях и условиях. Вы не
можете налагать каких-либо дополнительных ограничений на
осуществление получателем прав, предоставленных данным документом.
Вы не несете ответстенности за соблюдение третьими лицами условий
этой Лицензии.
7.Если в результате судебного разбирательства, или обвинения в
нарушении патента или по любой другой причине (не обязательно
связанной с патентами), вам навязаны условия, противоречащие
данной Лицензии (как по решению суда, так и нет), то это не
освобождает вас от соблюдения Лицензии. Если вы не можете
заниматься распространением так, чтобы одновременно удовлетворить
требованиям и этой Лицензии, и всем другим требованиям, то вы не
должны заниматься распространением Программы. Например, если
патент не позволяет безвозмездное повторное распространение
Программы всем, кто получил копии от вас непосредственно или
через посредников, то единственным способом удовлетворить и
патенту, и этой Лицензии будет ваш полный отказ от
распространения Программы.
Если какая-либо часть этого раздела не имеет силы или не может
быть применена при любых конкретных обстоятельствах, то
подразумевается, что имеет силу остальная часть раздела, и весь
Раздел имеет силу при других обстоятельствах.
Цель этого раздела не побудить вас делать заявления о
нарушениях прав на патент, или других претензиях на право
собственности, или оспаривать правильность подобных претензий;
единственная цель этого раздела --- защита целостности системы
распространения свободного ПО, которая реализуется использованием
общих лицензий. Многие люди благодаря этой системе внесли щедрый
вклад в широкий спектр распространяемого ПО полагаясь на
согласованное применение этой системы; автору принадлежит право
решать хочет ли он или она распространять ПО в этой системе или в
какой-то другой, и получатель лицензии не может влиять на
принятие этого решения.
Этот раздел предназначен для того, чтобы тщательно прояснить,
что полагается следствием из остальной части данной Лицензии.
8.Если распространение и/или применение Программы ограничено в
ряде стран либо патентами, либо авторскими правами на интерфейсы,
первоначальный обладатель авторских прав, выпускающий Программу
с этой Лицензией, может добавить явное ограничение на
географическое распространение, исключив такие страны, так что
распространение разрешается только в тех странах, которые не были
исключены. В этом случае данная Лицензия включает в себя это
ограничение, как если бы оно было написано в тексте данной
9.Фонд Свободного ПО может время от времени публиковать
пересмотренные и/или новые версии Универсальной Общественной
Лицензии. Такие новые версии будут сходны по духу с настоящей
версией, но могут отличаться в деталях, направленных на новые
проблемы или обстоятельства.
Каждой версии придается отличительный номер версии. Если в
Программе указан номер версии данной Лицензии, которая к ней
применима, и слова "любая последующая версия", вы можете по
выбору следовать определениям и условиям либо данной версии, либо
любой последующей версии, опубликованной Фондом Свободного ПО.
Если в Программе не указан номер версии данной Лицензии, вы
можете выбрать любую версию, когда-либо опубликованную Фондом
Свободного ПО.
10.Если вы хотите встроить части Программы в другие свободные
программы с иными условиями распространения, напишите автору с
просьбой о разрешении. Для ПО, которое охраняется авторскими
правами Фонда Свободного ПО, напишите в Фонд Свободного ПО; мы
иногда делаем исключения для этого. Наше решение будет
руководствоваться двумя целями: сохранения свободного статуса
всех производных нашего свободного ПО и содействия совместному и
повторному использованию ПО вообще.

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@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
Det här är en inofficiell svensk översättning av GNU General Public License.
Den har inte publicerats av Free Software Foundation och fastställer inte
heller de juridiska villkor för distribuering för programvara som använder
GNU GPL — det gör endast den ursprungliga engelska texten av GNU GPL. Dock
hoppas vi att denna översättning kan hjälpa svenska läsare att förstå GNU
GPL bättre.
Version 2, Juni 1991
Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
Var och en äger kopiera och distribuera exakta kopior av det här licensavtalet,
men att ändra det är inte tillåtet.
De flesta programvarulicenser är skapade för att ta bort din frihet att
ändra och dela med dig av programvaran. GNU General Public License är tvärtom
skapad för att garantera din frihet att dela med dig av och förändra fri
programvara -- för att försäkra att programvaran är fri för alla dess användare.
Den här licensen [General Public License] används för de flesta av Free Software
Foundations programvaror och för alla andra program vars upphovsmän använder sig
av General Public License. (Viss programvara från Free Software Foundation
använder istället GNU Library General Public License.) Du kan använda licensen
för dina program.
När vi talar om fri programvara syftar vi på frihet och inte på pris. Våra
[General Public License-] licenser är skapade för att garantera din rätt
distribuera och sprida kopior av fri programvara (och ta betalt för den här
tjänsten om du önskar), att garantera att du får källkoden till programvaran
eller kan få den om du så önskar, att garantera att du kan ändra och modifiera
programvaran eller använda dess delar i ny fri programvara samt slutligen att
garantera att du är medveten om dessa rättigheter.
För att skydda dina rättigheter, måste vi begränsa var och ens möjlighet att
hindra dig från att använda dig av dessa rättigheter samt från att kräva att
du ger upp dessa rättigheter. Dessa begränsningar motsvaras av en förpliktelse
för dig om du distribuerar kopior av programvaran eller om du ändrar eller
modifierar programvaran.
Om du exempelvis distribuerar kopior av en fri programvara, oavsett om du gör
det gratis eller mot en avgift, måste du ge mottagaren alla de rättigheter du
själv har. Du måste också tillse att mottagaren får källkoden eller kan få den
om mottagaren så önskar. Du måste också visa dessa licensvillkor för mottagaren
så att mottagaren känner till sina rättigheter.
Vi skyddar dina rättigheter i två steg: (1) upphovsrätt till programvaran och
(2) dessa licensvillkor som ger dig rätt att kopiera, distribuera och eller
ändra programvaran.
För varje upphovsmans säkerhet och vår säkerhet vill vi för tydlighets skull
klargöra att det inte lämnas några garantier för den här fria programvaran. Om
programvaran förändras av någon annan än upphovsmannen vill vi klargöra för
mottagaren att det som mottagaren har är inte originalversionen av programvaran
och att förändringar av och felaktigheter i programvaran inte skall belasta den
ursprunglige upphovsmannen.
Slutligen skall det sägas att all fri programvara ständigt hotas av programvaru-
patent. Vi vill undvika att en distributör [eller vidareutvecklare] av fri
programvara individuellt skaffar patentlicenser till programvaran och därmed gör
programvaran till föremål för äganderätt. För att undvika det här har vi gjort
det tydligt att samtliga programvarupatent måste registreras för allas fria
användning eller inte registreras alls.
Här nedan följer licensvillkoren för att kopiera, distribuera och ändra
0. Dessa licensvillkor gäller varje programvara eller annat verk som
innehåller en hänvisning till dessa licensvillkor där upphovsrättsinnehavaren
stadgat att programvaran kan distribueras enligt [General Public License]
dessa villkor. "Programvaran" enligt nedan syftar på varje sådan programvara
eller verk och "Verk baserat på Programvaran" syftar på antingen Programvaran
eller på derivativa verk, såsom ett verk som innehåller Programvaran eller en
del av Programvaran, antingen en exakt kopia eller en ändrad kopia och/eller
översatt till ett annat språk. (översättningar ingår nedan utan begränsningar
i begreppet "förändringar", "förändra" samt "ändringar" eller "ändra".) Varje
licenstagare benämns som "Du".
Åtgärder utom kopiering, distribution och ändringar täcks inte av dessa
licensvillkor. Användningen av Programvaran är inte begränsad och resultatet
av användningen av Programvaran täcks endast av dessa licensvillkor om
resultatet utgör ett Verk baserat på Programvaran (oberoende av att det
skapats av att programmet körts). Det beror på vad Programvaran gör.
1. Du äger kopiera och distribuera exakta kopior av Programvarans källkod
såsom du mottog den, i alla medier, förutsatt att Du tydligt och på ett skäligt
sätt på varje exemplar fäster en riktig upphovsrättsklausul och garantiavsägelse
vidhåller alla hänvisningar till dessa licensvillkor och till alla garanti-
avsägelser samt att till alla mottagaren av Programvaran ge en kopia av dessa
licensvillkor tillsammans med Programvaran.
Du äger utta en avgift för mekaniseringen [att fysiskt fästa Programvaran på
ett medium, såsom en diskett eller en CD-ROM-skiva] eller överföringen av en
kopia och du äger erbjuda en garanti för Programvaran mot en avgift.
2. Du äger ändra ditt exemplar eller andra kopior av Programvaran eller
någon del av Programvaran och därmed skapa ett Verk baserat på Programvaran,
samt att kopiera och distribuera sådana förändrade versioner av Programvaran
eller verk enligt villkoren i paragraf 1 ovan, förutsatt att du också uppfyller
följande villkor:
a) Du tillser att de förändrade filerna har ett tydligt meddelande som
berättar att Du ändrat filerna samt vilket datum dessa ändringar gjordes.
b) Du tillser att alla verk som du distribuerar eller offentliggör som
till en del eller i sin helhet innehåller eller är härlett från
Programvaran eller en del av Programvaran, licensieras i sin helhet,
utan kostnad till tredje man enligt dessa licensvillkor.
c) Om den förändrade Programvaran i sitt normala utförande kan utföra
interaktiv kommandon när det körs, måste Du tillse att när Programmet
startas skall det skriva ut eller visa, på ett enkelt tillgängligt sätt,
ett meddelande som tydligt och på ett skäligt sätt på varje exemplar
fäster en riktig upphovsrättsklausul och garantiavsägelse (eller i
förekommande fall ett meddelande som klargör att du tillhandahåller en
garanti) samt att mottagaren äger distribuera Programvaran enligt dessa
licensvillkor samt berätta hur mottagaren kan se dessa licensvillkor.
(Från den här skyldigheten undantas det fall att Programvaran förvisso är
interaktiv, men i sitt normala utförande inte visar ett meddelande av den
här typen. I sådant fall behöver Verk baserat Programvaran inte visa ett
sådant meddelande som nämns ovan.)
Dessa krav gäller det förändrade verket i dess helhet. Om identifierbara delar
av verket inte härrör från Programvaran och skäligen kan anses vara fristående
och självständiga verk i sig, då skall dessa licensvillkor inte gälla i de
delarna när de distribueras som egna verk. Men om samma delar distribueras till-
sammans med en helhet som innehåller verk som härrör från Programvaran, måste
distributionen i sin helhet ske enligt dessa licensvillkor. Licensvillkoren
skall i sådant fall gälla för andra licenstagare för hela verket och sålunda
till alla delar av Programvaran, oavsett vem som är upphovsman till vilka
delar av verket.
Den här paragrafen skall sålunda inte tolkas som att anspråk görs på rättigheter
eller att ifrågasätta Dina rättigheter till programvara som skrivits helt av
Dig. Syftet är att tillse att rätten att kontrollera distributionen av
derivativa eller samlingsverk av Programvaran.
Förekomsten av ett annat verk på ett lagringsmedium eller samlingsmedium som
innehåller Programvaran eller Verk baserat på Programvaran leder inte till att
det andra verket omfattas av dessa licensvillkor.
3. Du äger kopiera och distribuera Programvaran (eller Verk baserat på
Programvaran enligt paragraf 2) i objektkod eller i körbar form enligt villkoren
i paragraf 1 och paragraf 2 förutsatt att Du också gör en av följande saker:
a) Bifogar den kompletta källkoden i maskinläsbar form, som måste distri-
bueras enligt villkoren i paragraf 1 och 2 på ett medium som i allmänhet
används för utbyte av programvara, eller
b) Bifogar ett skriftligt erbjudande, med minst tre års giltighet, att ge
tredje man, mot en avgift som högst uppgår till Din kostnad att utföra
fysisk distribution, en fullständig kopia av källkoden i maskinläsbar
form, distribuerad enligt villkoren i paragraf 1 och 2 på ett medium som
i allmänhet används för utbyte av programvara, eller
c) Bifogar det skriftligt erbjudande Du fick att erhålla källkoden.
(Det här alternativet kan endast användas för icke-kommersiell
distribution och endast om Du erhållit ett program i objektkod eller
körbar form med ett erbjudande i enlighet med b ovan.)
Källkoden för ett verk avser den form av ett verk som är att föredra för att
göra förändringar av verket. För ett körbart verk avser källkoden all källkod
för moduler det innehåller, samt alla tillhörande gränssnittsfiler, definitioner
scripts för att kontrollera kompilering och installation av den körbara
Programvaran. Ett undantag kan dock göras för sådant som normalt distribueras,
antingen i binär form eller som källkod, med huvudkomponterna i operativsystemet
(kompliator, kärna och så vidare) i vilket den körbara programvaran körs, om
inte den här komponenten medföljer den körbara programvaran.
Om distributionen av körbar Programvara eller objektkod görs genom att erbjuda
tillgång till att kopiera från en bestämd plats, då skall motsvarande tillgång
till att kopiera källkoden från samma plats räknas som distribution av källkoden
även om trejde man inte behöver kopiera källkoden tillsammans med objektkoden.
4. Du äger inte kopiera, ändra, licensiera eller distribuera Programvaran utom
på dessa licensvillkor. All övrig kopiering, ändringar, licensiering eller
distribution av Programvaran är ogiltig och kommer automatiskt medföra att Du
förlorar Dina rättigheter enligt dessa licensvillkor. Tredje man som har
mottagit kopior eller rättigheter från Dig enligt dessa licensvillkor kommer
dock inte att förlora sina rättigheter så länge de följer licensvillkoren.
5. Du åläggs inte att acceptera licensvillkoren, då du inte har skrivit under
det här avtalet. Du har dock ingen rätt att ändra eller distribuera Programvaran
eller Verk baserat på Programvaran. Sådan verksamhet är förbjuden i lag om du
inte accepterar och följer dessa licensvillkor. Genom att ändra eller distribuer
programvaran (eller verk baserat på Programvaran) visar du med genom ditt
handlande att du accepterar licensvillkoren och alla villkor för att kopiera,
distribuera eller ändra Programvaran eller Verk baserat på Programvaran.
6. Var gång du distributerar Progamvaran (eller Verk baserat på Programvaran),
kommer mottagaren per automatik att få en licens från den första licensgivaren
att kopiera, distribuera eller ändra Programvaran enligt dessa licensvillkor.
Du äger inte ålägga mottagaren några andra restriktioner än de som följer av
licensvillkoren. Du är inte skyldig att tillse att tredje man följer
7. Om Du på grund av domstolsdom eller anklagelse om patentintrång eller på
grund av annan anledning (ej begränsat till patentfrågor), Du får villkor
(oavsett om de kommer via domstols dom, avtal eller på annat sätt) som strider
mot dessa licensvillkor så fråntar de inte Dina förpliktelser enligt dessa
licensvillkor. Om du inte kan distribuera Programvaran och samtidigt uppfylla
licensvillkor och andra skyldigheter, får du som en konsekvens inte distribuera
Programvaran. Om exempelvis ett patent gör att Du inte distribuera Programvaran
fritt till alla de som mottager kopior direkt eller indirekt från Dig, så
måste Du helt sluta distribuera Programvaran.
Om delar av den här paragrafen förklaras ogiltig eller annars inte kan
verkställas skall resten av paragrafen äga fortsatt giltighet och paragrafen i
sin helhet äga fortsatt giltighet i andra sammanhang.
Syftet med den här paragrafen är inte att förmå Dig att begå patentintrång eller
att begå intrång i andra rättigheter eller att förmå Dig att betrida giltigheten
i sådana rättigheter. Den här paragrafen har ett enda syfte, vilket är att
skydda distributionssystemet för fri programvara vilket görs genom användandet
av dessa licensvillkor. Många har bidragit till det stora utbudet av
programvara som distribueras med hjälp av dessa licensvillkor och den fortsatta
giltigheten och användningen av det här systemet, men det är upphovsmannen
själv som måste besluta om han eller hon vill distribuera Programvaran genom
det här systemet eller ett annat och en licenstagare kan inte tvinga en
upphovsman till ett annat beslut.
Den här paragrafen har till syfte att ställa det utom tvivel vad som anses följa
av resten av dessa licensvillkor.
8. Om distributionen och/eller användningen av Programvaran är begränsad i
vissa länder på grund av patent eller upphovsrättsligt skyddade gränssnitt kan
upphovsmannen till Programvaran lägga till en geografisk spridningsklausul,
enligt vilken distribution är tillåten i länder förutom dem i vilket det är
förbjudet. Om så är fallet kommer begränsningen att utgöra en fullvärdig del
av licensvillkoren.
9. The Free Software Foundation kan offentliggöra ändrade och/eller nya
versioner av the General Public License från tid till annan. Sådana nya
versioner kommer i sin helhet att påminna om nuvarande version av the General
Public License, men kan vara ändrade i detaljer för att behandla nya problem
eller göra nya överväganden. Varje version ges ett särskiljande versionsnummer.
Om Programvaran specificerar ett versionsnummer av licensvillkoren samt "alla
senare versioner" kan Du välja mellan att följa dessa licensvillkor eller
licensvillkoren i alla senare versioner offentliggjorda av the Free Software
Foundation. Om Programvaran inte specificerar ett versionnummer av
licensvillkoren kan Du välja fritt bland samtliga versioner som någonsin
10. Om du vill använda delar av Programvaran i annan fri programvara som
distribueras enligt andra licensvillkor, begär tillstånd från upphovsmannen.
För Programvaran var upphovsrätt innehas av Free Software Foundation, skriv
till Free Software Foundation, vi gör ibland undantag för det här. Vårt beslut
grundas på våra två mål att bibehålla den fria statusen av alla verk som härleds
från vår Programvara och främjandet av att dela med sig av och återanvända
programvara i allmänhet.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
pkgdatadir = @datadir@/@PACKAGE@/
pkgdata_DATA = $(wildcard COPYING_*) $(wildcard controls_*.txt) $(wildcard *.cel)
EXTRA_DIST = $(pkgdata_DATA)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
Commandes de contrôle Souris/Clavier pour Celestia
Commandes de contrôle Souris :
Clique-gauche maintenu avec déplacement : orienter la caméra
Clique-droit maintenu avec déplacement : orbiter l'objet sélectionné
Roulette : ajuster la distance par rapport à la sélection
Clique-droit + Clique-gauche maintenus avec déplacement : ajuster la
distance par rapport à la sélection
Ctrl + Clique-gauche maintenu avec déplacement : ajuster la distance
par rapport à la sélection
Maj + Clique-gauche maintenu avec déplacement : changer le champ
de vue (ex. => vue télescopique)
Clique-roulette : basculer le champ de vue entre 45 degrés et le champ
précédent (ex. => vue télescopique)
Clique-gauche : sélectionner un objet
Double clique-gauche : centrer la sélection
Clique-droit : afficher le menu contextuel
Commandes de contrôle (raccourcis) Clavier :
Navigation :
H : Sélectionner le Soleil (Home)
C : Centrer l'objet sélectionné (Center)
G : Aller à l'objet sélectionné (Goto)
F : Suivre l'objet sélectionné (Follow)
Y : Se mettre en orbite synchrone par rapport à l'objet sélectionné
: : Verrouiller l'objet sélectionné
" : Chasser l'objet sélectionné (l'orientation est basée sur la vitesse de la
T : Pister l'objet sélectionné (garder l'objet sélectionné centré sur l'écran)
DEBUT : Se rapprocher d'un objet
* : Vue à 180° (regarder en arrière)
FIN : S'éloigner d'un objet
Echap : Annuler un déplacement ou un script
Maj+C : Centrer/orbiter -- centrer l'objet sélectionné sans changer la position
de l'object de référence.
Flèches directionnelles Gauche / Droite : Pivoter la caméra dans le plan de
Flèches directionnelles Haut / Bas : Pivoter la caméra dans un plan vertical
Maj+Flèches : Orbiter un objet
1-9 : Sélectionner les planètes présentes autour d'une étoile
Temps :
Espace : Arrêter le temps
L : Accélérer le temps > 10x plus vite
K : Rallentir le temps > 10x moins vite
J : Inverser le temps
! : Régler le temps sur la date actuelle
? : Afficher le temps de trajet de la lumière entre l'observateur et l'objet
- : Activer / Désactiver l'inclusion du temps de trajet de la lumière dans
la date de simulation actuelle.
Affichage des Noms et Repères :
= : Activer / Désactiver l'affichage du nom des constellations
B : Activer / Désactiver l'affichage du nom des étoiles
E : Activer / Désactiver l'affichage du nom des galaxies
M : Activer / Désactiver l'affichage du nom des lunes
W : Activer / Désactiver l'affichage du nom des comètes et astéroïdes
N : Activer / Désactiver l'affichage du nom des astronefs
P : Activer / Désactiver l'affichage du nom des planètes
& : Activer / Désactiver l'affichage du nom des repères
V : Basculer entre les différents niveaux d'affichage du texte d'information
Options de rendu :
I : Activer / Désactiver l'affichage des textures de nuages
U : Activer / Désactiver l'affichage des galaxies
O : Activer / Désactiver l'affichage des orbites des planètes
/ : Activer / Désactiver l'affichage des constellations
^ : Activer / Désactiver l'affichage des nébuleuses
% : Basculer entre les différentes tables de couleur des étoiles
; : Activer / Désactiver l'affichage de la grille céleste
[ : Si Magnitudes Automatiques DESACTIVÉES : baisser la magnitude limite
(moins d'étoiles visibles)
Si Magnitudes Automatiques ACTIVÉES : baisser la magnitude limite à 45°
] : Si Magnitudes Automatiques DESACTIVÉES : augmenter la magnitude limite
(plus d'étoiles visibles)
Si Magnitudes Automatiques ACTIVÉES : augmenter la magnitude limite à 45°
{ : Diminuer l'intensité de la lumière ambiante
} : Augmenter l'intensité de la lumière ambiante
( : Diminuer la luminosité des galaxies indépendemment de celle des étoiles
) : Augmenter la luminosité des galaxies indépendemment de celle des étoiles
, : Réduire le champ de vue
. : Élargir le champ de vue
Retour arrière : Annuler la sélection courante
Ctrl+A : Activer / Désactiver l'affichage des atmosphères
Ctrl+B : Activer / Désactiver l'affichage des limites des constellations
Ctrl+E : Activer / Désactiver l'affichage du rendu des ombres des éclipses
Ctrl+K : Activer / Désactiver l'affichage des marqueurs
Ctrl+L : Activer / Désactiver l'affichage des textures nocturnes
Ctrl+P : Activer / Désactiver le marquage de l'objet sélectionné
Ctrl+S : Basculer entre les différents styles de rendu des étoiles :
points flous, points, échelles de disques
Ctrl+T : Activer / Désactiver l'affichage du rendu des queues des comètes
Ctrl+V : Basculer entre les différents chemins de rendu supportés
Ctrl+W : Activer / Désactiver l'affichage en mode "fil de fer"
Ctrl+X : Activer / Désactiver l'anticrénelage
Ctrl+Y : Activer / Désactiver les Magnitudes automatiques = adaptation
automatique de la visibilité des étoiles en fonction du champ de vue
r R : Diminuer ou augmenter la résolution des textures
+ : Basculer entre les textures "artistique" et "monde connu" des planètes
Vues multiples :
Ctrl+R : Scinder la vue verticalement
Ctrl+U : Scinder la vue horizontalement
TAB : Basculer entre les différentes vues actives
DEL : Supprimer la vue active
Ctrl+D : Supprimer toutes les vues sauf la vue active
Voyage spatial :
F1 : S'arrêter
F2 : Régler la vitesse sur 1 km/s
F3 : Régler la vitesse 1,000 km/s
F4 : Régler la vitesse sur celle de la lumière
F5 : Régler la vitesse sur 10x la vitesse de la lumière
F6 : Régler la vitesse 1 ua/s
F7 : Régler la vitesse 1 al/s
A : Augmenter la vitesse
Z : Diminuer la vitesse
Q : Inverser la direction du déplacement
X : Régler la direction du déplacement vers le centre de l'écran
Clavier numérique :
4 : Virer à gauche
6 : Virer à droite
8 : Pivoter vers le bas
2 : Pivoter vers le haut
7 : Pivoter vers la gauche
9 : Pivoter vers la droite
5 : Arrêter la rotation
Manette de jeu :
axe X : Pivoter horizontalement
axe Y : Pivoter verticalement
bouton de gauche : Pivoter vers la gauche
bouton de droite : Pivoter vers la droite
bouton 1 : Plus lentement
bouton 2 : Plus vite
Autres :
D : Lancer la démo
F8 : Activer / Désactiver l'utilisation de la manette de jeu
F10 : Effectuer une capture d'image
` : Afficher le nombre d'images rendues par seconde
Entrée : Sélectionner un objet en tapant son nom
Ctrl+C, Ctrl+Inser : Copier une URL dans le Presse-Papier

View File

@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
Controlli Mouse e Tastiera di Celestia
Funzioni Mouse:
Trascinamento Sinistro: orientamento telecamera
Trascinamento Destro: ruota l'oggetto selezionato
Rotella (rotazione): modifica distanza dalla selezione
Trascinamento DX + SX: modifica distanza dalla selezione
Ctrl + Trascinamento SX: modifica distanza dalla selezione
Shift + Trascinamento SX: cambio ampiezza visuale (es: vista telescopica)
Rotella (pulsante centrale): scambia l'ampiezza visuale fra 45° e l'ampiezza
precedente (es: vista telescopica)
Tasto Sinistro: seleziona oggetto
Doppio click (sinistro): centra selezione
Tasto Destro: mostra menu contestuale
Comandi da Tastiera:
H : Seleziona il Sole (Home)
C : Centra l'oggetto selezionato
G : Vai all'oggetto selezionato
F : Segui l'oggetto selezionato
Y : Orbita l'oggetto selezionato ad una velocità
sincronizzata con la sua rotazione
: : Aggancia l'oggetto selezionato
" : Insegui l'oggetto selezionato (l'orientamento è basato
sulla velocità della selezione)
T : Traccia l'oggetto selezionato (mantieni centrato nella
vista l'oggetto selezionato)
HOME : Avvicinamento all'oggetto
* : Guarda indietro
END : Allontanamento dall'oggetto
ESC : Annulla il movimento o l'esecuzione dello script
Shift+C : Centra/centra sull'orbita l'oggetto selezionato senza
cambiare la posizione dell'oggetto di riferimento.
Freccie DX/SX : Rollìo Telecamera
Freccie Su/Giù : Beccheggio Telecamera
Shift+Freccie : Ruota oggetto
1-9 : Seleziona i pianeti attorno al sole vicino
Spazio : Ferma il tempo
L : Tempo 10x più veloce
K : Tempo 10x più lento
J : Inverti il tempo
! : Imposta il Tempo all'istante attuale
? : Visualizza il tempo di viaggio della luce fra l'osservatore
e l'oggetto selezionato
- : Sottrae il tempo di viaggio della luce dal tempo di
simulazione corrente
= : Mostra/nasconde i nomi delle constellazioni
B : Mostra/nasconde i nomi delle stelle
E : Mostra/nasconde i nomi delle galassie
M : Mostra/nasconde i nomi delle lune
W : Mostra/nasconde i nomi di asteroidi e comete
N : Mostra/nasconde i nomi dei veicoli spaziali
P : Mostra/nasconde i nomi dei pianeti
& : Mostra/nasconde i nomi dei luoghi
V : Cambia il livello di dettaglio del testo informativo
I : Mostra/nasconde le textures delle nubi
U : Attiva/disattiva il rendering delle galassie
O : Mostra/nasconde le orbite dei pianeti
/ : Mostra/nasconde i disegni delle costellazioni
^ : Attiva/disattiva il rendering delle nebulose
% : Mostra/nasconde le tabelle fei colori delle stelle
; : Mostra la sfera delle coordinate equatoriali riferite alla Terra
[ : Se autoMag OFF : Diminuisce il limite di magnitudine
(meno stelle visibli)
Se autoMag ON : Diminuisce il limite di magnitudine
ad un campo visivo di 45°
] : Se autoMag OFF : Aumenta il limite di magnitudine
(più stelle visibli)
Se autoMag ON : Aumenta il limite di magnitudine
ad un campo visivo di 45°
{ : Diminuisce la luminosità ambientale
} : Aumenta la luminosità ambientale
( : Diminuisce la luminosità delle galassie, indipendentemente
dalla luminosità delle stelle
) : Aumenta la luminosità delle galassie, indipendentemente
dalla luminosità delle stelle
, : Restringe il campo visivo
. : Allarga il campo visivo
Backspace : Annulla la selezione corrente
Ctrl+A : Mostra/nasconde le atmosfere
Ctrl+B : Mostra/nasconde i confini delle costellazioni
Ctrl+E : Mostra/nasconde le ombre delle eclissi
Ctrl+K : Mostra/nasconde i marcatori
Ctrl+L : Mostra/nasconde le luci notturne (inquinamento luminoso)
Ctrl+P : Marca l'oggetto selezionato
Ctrl+S : Seleziona ciclicamente lo stile delle stelle tra
dischi sfocati, punti o dischi in scala
Ctrl+T : Mostra/nasconde la coda delle comete
Ctrl+V : Seleziona ciclicamente i percorsi render OpenGL supportati
Ctrl+W : Attiva/disattiva la modalità wireframe
Ctrl+X : Attiva/disattiva l'antialias delle linee
Ctrl+Y : Attiva/disattiva autoMag = adattamento automatico
della visibilità delle stelle al campo visivo
r R : Aumenta o diminuisce la risoluzione della texture
+ : Scambia la texture dei pianeti fra artistica ed ai limiti delle
Ctrl+R : Dividi verticalmente la vista
Ctrl+U : Dividi orizzontalmente la vista
TAB : Seleziona ciclicamente la vista attiva
DEL : Cancella la vista attiva
Ctrl+D : Cancella tutte le viste eccetto quella attiva
Volo spaziale:
F1 : Stop
F2 : Imposta la velocità a 1 km/s
F3 : Imposta la velocità a 1,000 km/s
F4 : Imposta la velocità alla velocità della luce
F5 : Imposta la velocità alla velocità della luce x10
F6 : Imposta la velocità a 1 UA/s
F7 : Imposta la velocità a 1 ly/s
A : Aumenta la velocità
Z : Diminuisci la velocità
Q : Inverti la direzione
X : Imposta la direzione di movimento verso il centro
dello schermo
Tastierino numerico:
4 : Imbardata sinistra
6 : Imbardata destra
8 : Picchiata
2 : Cabrata
7 : Rollìo sinistro
9 : Rollìo destro
5 : Ferma la rotazione
Asse X : Imbardata
Asse Y : Beccheggio
Grilletto + SX : Rollìo sinistro
Grilletto + DX : Rollìo destro
Pulsante 1 : Rallenta
Pulsante 2 : Accelera
D : Avvia la demo
F8 : Abilita il joystick
F10 : Cattura l'immagine in un file
` : Visualizza il numero di fotogrammi al secondo
ENTER : Seleziona una stella o un pianeta scrivendo il suo nome
Ctrl+C, Ctrl+INS : Copia l'URL del luogo negli appunti

View File

@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
Controlos de Rato e Teclado para o Celestia
Funções do Rato:
Botão esquerdo e arrastar: orientar a câmara
Botão direito e arrastar: orbitar o objecto seleccionado
Roda: ajustar a distância ao objecto seleccionado
Botão direito + Botão esquerdo e arrastar: ajustar a distância ao objecto seleccionado
Ctrl + Botão esquerdo e arrastar: ajustar a distância ao objecto seleccionado
Shift + Botão esquerdo e arrastar: alterar o campo de visão (e.g. => visão telescópica)
Clicar na Roda (botão do meio): alternar o campo de visão entre 45 graus e o campo de visão anterior (e.g. visão telescópica)
Botão esquerdo: seleccionar objecto
Botão esquerdo duplo clique: centrar na selecção
Botão direito: fazer aparecer menu contextual
Comandos do Teclado:
H : Seleccionar o Sol (Casa)
C : Centrar no objecto seleccionado
G : Ir para o objecto seleccionado
F : Seguir o objecto seleccionado
Y : Orbitar o objecto seleccionado a um ritmo sincronizado com a sua rotação (Órbita Geoestacionária)
: : Fixar no objecto seleccionado
" : Perseguir o objecto seleccionado (a orientação é baseada na velocidade do objecto seleccionado)
T : Seguir a rota do objecto seleccionado (manter o objecto seleccionado centrado no panorama)
HOME : Aproximar do objecto
* : Olhar para trás
END : Afastar do objecto
ESC : Cancelar o movimento ou o script
Shift+C : Centrar/orbitar -- Centrar o objecto seleccionado sem mudar a posição do objecto de referência.
Setas Direita/Esquerda : Rolar a câmara
Setas Cima/Baixo : Alterar a inclinação vertical da câmara
Shift + Setas : Orbitar o objecto
1-9 : Seleccionar planetas à volta da estrela mais próxima
Espaço : Parar o tempo
L : Tempo 10x mais rápido
K : Tempo 10x mais lento
J : Inverter o tempo
! : Definir o tempo para a hora actual
? : Mostrar o atraso da viagem da luz entre o observador e o objecto seleccionado
- : Subtrair o atraso da viagem da luz para a hora da simulação actual
= : Ligar/Desligar legendas das constelações
B : Ligar/Desligar legendas das estrelas
E : Ligar/Desligar legendas das galáxias
M : Ligar/Desligar legendas das luas
W : Ligar/Desligar legendas dos asteróides e dos cometas
N : Ligar/Desligar legendas das naves espaciais
P : Ligar/Desligar legendas dos planetas
& : Ligar/Desligar legendas das localizações
V : Alterar a quantidade de texto informativo
I : Ligar/Desligar texturas de nuvens
U : Ligar/Desligar renderização de galáxias
O : Ligar/Desligar órbitas dos planetas
/ : Ligar/Desligar diagramas das constelações
^ : Ligar/Desligar renderização de nebulosas
% : Ligar/Desligar tabelas de cores estelares
; : Mostrar um esfera equatorial de coordenadas baseada na Terra
[ : Se a magnitude automática estiver OFF: Diminuir a magnitude limite (menos estrelas visíveis)
Se a magnitude automática estiver ON : Diminuir a magnitude limite num campo de visão de 45 graus
] : Se a magnitude automática estiver OFF: Aumentar a magnitude limite (mais estrelas visíveis)
: Se a magnitude automática estiver ON : Aumentar a magnitude limite num campo de visão de 45 graus
{ : Diminuir a iluminação ambiente
} : Aumentar a iluminação ambiente
( : Dimunuir o brilho das galáxias independentemente do brilho das estrelas
) : Aumentar o brilho das galáxias independentemente do brilho das estrelas
, : Apertar o campo de visão
. : Alargar o campo de visão
BACKSPACE: Cancelar a actual selecção
Ctrl+A : Ligar/Desligar atmosferas
Ctrl+B : Ligar/Desligar as fronteiras das constelações
Ctrl+E : Ligar/Desligar a renderização de sombras de eclipses
Ctrl+K : Ligar/Desligar os marcadores
Ctrl+L : Ligar/Desligar os mapas dos lados nocturnos dos planetas (poluição luminosa)
Ctrl+P : Marcar o objecto seleccionado
Ctrl+S : Alternar o estilo de estrelas entre pontos indistintos, pontos e discos à escala.
Ctrl+T : Ligar/Desligar a renderização de caudas de cometas
Ctrl+V : Alternar entre os caminhos de renderização OpenGL suportados
Ctrl+W : Ligar/Desligar modo wireframe
Ctrl+X : Ligar/Desligar linhas anti-serrilhadas
Ctrl+Y : Ligar/Desligar magnitude automática, ou seja, a adaptação automática da visibilidade estelar ao campo de visão
r R : Baixar ou aumentar a resolução das texturas
+ : Alternar entre as texturas artísticas e as do limite do conhecimento nos planetas
Ctrl+R : Dividir o panorama verticalmente
Ctrl+U : Dividir o panorama horizontalmente
TAB : Alternar o panorama activo
DEL : Apagar o panorama activo
Ctrl+D : Apagar todos os panoramas excepto o activo
Comandos da nave:
F1 : Parar
F2 : Definir a velocidade para 1 km/s
F3 : Definir a velocidade para 1 000 km/s
F4 : Definir a velocidade para a velocidade da luz
F5 : Definir a velocidade para 10x a velocidade da luz
F6 : Definir a velocidade para 1 UA/s
F7 : Definir a velocidade para 1 a.l./s
A : Aumentar a velocidade
Z : Diminuir a velocidade
Q : Inverter o sentido
X : Definir a direcção do movimento para o centro do ecrã
Bloco numérico:
4 : Guinar para a esquerda
6 : Guinar para a direita
8 : Descer
2 : Subir
7 : Rolar à esquerda
9 : Rolar à direita
5 : Parar a rotação
Eixo X : Guinar
Eixo Y : Subir/Descer
Gatilho Esq : Rolar à esquerda
Gatilho Dir : Rolar à direita
Botão 1 : mais devagar
Botão 2 : mais depressa
D : Correr demonstração
F8 : Activar o joystick
F10 : Capturar imagem para ficheiro
` : Mostrar as frames renderizadas por segundo
ENTER : Escolher um objecto escrevendo o seu nome
Ctrl+C, Ctrl+INS : Copy localização de um URL para o clipboard

View File

@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
Список команд
Щелчок левой: выбрать объект
Правая+перемещение: вращение вокруг выбраннонго объекта
Левая+перемещение: вращение вокруг своей оси
Вращение колесика: приблизиться/удалиться от объекта
Правая+Левая+перемещение: приблизиться/удалиться от объекта
Ctrl+Левая+перемещение: приблизиться/удалиться от объекта
Shift+Левая+перемещение: изменение поля зрения (FOV) (т.н. вид в телескоп)
Щелчок колесиком (или средней): переключение поля зрения между 45 и предыдущим значением
Двойной щелчок левой: выбранный объект в центр экрана
Щелчок правой: вызов контекстного меню
Настройка изображения:
R :Уменьшить детализацию текстур
Shift+R :Увеличить детализацию текстур
U :Вкл\Выкл галактики и туманности
O :Вкл\Выкл орбиты планет
I :Вкл\Выкл облака
; :Вкл\Выкл координатную сетку
/ :Вкл\Выкл очертание созвездий
Ctrl+A :Вкл\Выкл атмосферу
Ctrl+B :Вкл\Выкл границы созвездий
Ctrl+E :Вкл\Выкл затмения
Ctrl+L :Вкл\Выкл свет на ночной стороне
Ctrl+S :Переключение отображения звезд (точки, диски,туманные точки)
Ctrl+T :Вкл\Выкл хвосты комет
Ctrl+V :Переключение между режимами vertex shading
Ctrl+W :Вкл\Выкл режим wireframe (отображает объекты в виде проволочного каркаса)
Ctrl+X :Вкл\Выкл антиалиазинг (сглаживание)
Ctrl+Y :Вкл\Выкл AutoMag = автоподстройка количества отображаемых звезд
[ :При ВКЛ AutoMag: Уменьшить звездную величину (уменьшить количество звезд)
При ВЫКЛ AutoMag: Уменьшить звездную величину 45 FOV
] :При ВЫКЛ AutoMag: Увеличить звездную величину (увеличить количество звезд)
При ВКЛ AutoMag: Увеличить звездную величину 45 FOV
Shift+{ :Уменьшить рассеянный свет
Shift+} :Увеличить рассеянный свет
Alt+Enter :Вкл\Выкл полноэкранный режим
P :Вкл\Выкл названия планет
M :Вкл\Выкл названия спутников
E :Вкл\Выкл названия галактик и туманностей
B :Вкл\Выкл названия звезд
W :Вкл\Выкл названия комет и астероидов
N :Вкл\Выкл названия космических аппаратов
= :Вкл\Выкл названия созвездий
& :Вкл\Выкл «Планетографию»
V :Вкл\Выкл информационный текст
H :Выбрать Солнце
C :Выбранный объект в центр экрана
G :Лететь к выбранному объекту
Ctrl+G :Опуститься на поверхность объекта
F :Следовать за выбранным объектом
Y :Лететь по орбите вокруг объекта синхронно с его вращением
. :Увеличить поле зрения (FOV)
, :Уменьшить поле зрения (FOV)
Shift+: :Закрепить выделение. Выберите второй объект и нажмите снова для закрепления пары
Shift+" :Преследовать выделенный объект
T :Следить за выделенным объектом (удерживает объект в центре экрана)
HOME :Приблизиться к объекту
END :Удалиться от объекта
Стрелки вверх/вниз :Изображение вверх/вниз
Стрелки лево/право :Поворот камеры
Shift+стрелка :Вращаться по орбите вокруг объекта
Shift+* :Посмотреть назад (зеркало заднего вида)
1-9 :Выбор планеты по ее порядковому номеру (для ближайшей звезды)
Esc :Отмена команд, примененных к объекту, остановка сценария
Backspace :Отмена текущего выделения
Управление временем:
Пробел :Пауза (вкл\выкл)
L :Ускорить время в 10 раз
K :Замедлить время в 10 раз
J :Реверс (обратный ход времени)
\ :Вернуться к реальному течению времени
Shift+! :Время приравнивается к текущему системному времени
Shift+? :Показать задержку светового сигнала между наблюдателем и выделенным объектом
- :Поправка на задержку светового сигнала (вкл\выкл)
(Замечание: назначения кнопок джойстика могут не совпадать, поэкспериментируйте)
Ось X :Рыскание
Ось Y :Тангаж
L триггер :Повернуться влево
R триггер :Повернуться вправо
Кнопка 1 :Медленнее
Кнопка 2 :Быстрее
Цифровая панель:
4 :Повернуться влево
6 :Повернуться вправо
8 :Изображение вниз
2 :Изображение вверх
7 :Вращение изображения против часовой стрелки
9 :Вращение изображения по часовой стрелке
5 :Остановить все движения
Ctrl+R :Разделить по вертикали
Ctrl+U :Разделить по горизонтали
TAB :Переключение между экранами
DEL :Удалить активный экран
Ctrl+D :Удалить все экраны кроме активного
Управление космическим кораблем:
A :Увеличить скорость
Z :Уменьшить скорость
Q :Реверс направления
X :Двигаться в направлении, совпадающим с центром экрана
S :Стоп
F1 :Стоп
F2 :Скорость 1 км/с
F3 :Скорость 1000 км/с
F4 :Скорость равна скорости света
F5 :Скорость 10 световых.
F6 :Скороcть 1 а.е. (астрономическая единица) в секунду
F7 :Скорость 1 световой год в секунду
Другие команды:
D :Запустить демо
` :Вкл/Откл. количество кадров в секунду
F8 :Вкл\Выкл джойстик
F10 :Сохранить изображение в файл
F11 :Запустить запись видео
F12 :Остановить запись видео
ENTER :Выбрать звезду или планету, набрав ее имя с клавиатуры, затем снова нажать Enter
Ctrl+INS, Ctrl+C :Копировать URL вашего местонахождения в буфер обмен (clipboard) (Windows)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
Mus- och tangentbordskontroller för Celestia
Vänsterdrag: flytta kameran
Högerdrag: kretsa runt det markerade objektet i valfri riktning
Mushjul: ändra avståndet till markerat objekt
Höger + vänsterdrag: ändra avståndet till markerat objekt
Ctrl + vänsterdrag: ändra avståndet till markerat objekt
Skift + vänsterdrag: ändra synfält (t.ex. => teleskopvy)
Hjulklick (mittenknappen): växla mellan 45-graders synfält och
och det föregående synfälktet(t.ex. teleskopvy)
Vänster - klick: markera objekt
Vänster dubbelklick: centrera markering
Höger - klick: visa snabbvalsmeny
H : Markera solen (Hem)
C : Centrera markerat objekt
G : Gå till markerat objekt
F : Följ markerat objekt
Y : Kretsa runt ett markerat objekt i en hastighet som är
synkroniserad med objektets rotation
: : Lås på markerat objekt
" : Jaga markerat objekt (orientering är baserad på markeringens hastighet)
T : Spåra markerat objekt (behåll markerat objekt centrerad i synfältet)
HOME : Flytta närmare objektet
* : Se bakåt
END : Flytta längre bort från objektet
ESC : Avbryt rörelse eller skript
Skift+C : Centrera/kretsa--centrera markerat objekt utan att ändra
positionen för referensobjektet.
Vänster/högerpilar : Vrid kamera
Upp/nedpilar : Ändra kameravinkel
Skift+piltangenter : Kretsa runt objekt
1-9 : Markera planeter runt närliggande sol
Blanksteg : stoppa tiden
L : Tid 10x snabbare
K : Tid 10x långsammare
J : Omvänd tid
! : Ställ in tid till nutid
? : Visa ljusförskjutning mellan observatör och markerat objekt
- : Räkna bort ljusförskjutning från aktuell simulerad tid
= : Växla etiketter för stjärnbilder
B : Växla etiketter för stjärnor
E : Växla etiketter för galaxer
M : Växla etiketter för månar
W : Växla etiketter för asteroid- och komet
N : Växla etiketter för rymdfarkoster
P : Växla etiketter för planeter
& : Växla etiketter för geografiska platser
V : Växla informationsnivå för text
I : Växla molntexturer
U : Växla visning av galaxer
O : Växla planeternas omloppsbanor
/ : Växla diagram över stjärnbilder
^ : Växla visning av nebulosor
% : Växla färgtabeller för stjärnor
; : Visa en jordbaserad ekvatorial koordinatsfär
[ : Om autoMag är AV : Minska magnitud (färre antal stjärnor synliga)
Om autoMag är PÅ : Minska magnitud vid ett synfält om 45 grader
] : Om autoMag är AV : Öka magnitud (fler antal stjärnor synliga)
Om autoMag är PÅ : Öka magnitud vid ett synfält om 45 grader
{ : Minska omgivande ljus
} : Öka omgivande ljus
( : Minska galaxers ljusstyrka oberoende av stjärnors ljusstyrka
) : Öka galaxers ljusstyrka oberoende av stjärnors ljusstyrka
, : Minska synfältet
. : Öka synfälet
Backsteg: Cancel current selection
Ctrl+A : Vaxla atmosfärer
Ctrl+B : Vaxla stjärnbildernas gränser
Ctrl+E : Vaxla förmörkelseskuggor
Ctrl+K : Vaxla visning av markeringar
Ctrl+L : Vaxla nattljus
Ctrl+P : Markera valt objekt
Ctrl+S : Växla stjärnor som punkter, skivor eller suddiga punkter
Ctrl+T : Vaxla visning av kometsvansar
Ctrl+V : Växla mellan olika OpenGL-metoder som stöds
Ctrl+W : Vaxla trådmodellsläge
Ctrl+X : Vaxla kantutjämning
Ctrl+Y : Vaxla autoMag = automatisk anpassning av mängden synliga stjärnor
i synfältet
r R: minska eller öka texturupplösning
+ : Växla mellan artistiska eller kunskapsbegränsade planettexturer
Ctrl+R : Dela vy vertikalt
Ctrl+U : Dela vy horisonelltSplit view horizontally
TAB : Växla mellan aktiva vyer
DEL : Ta bort aktiv vy
Ctrl+D : Ta bort alla vyer förutom den aktiva
F1 : Stanna
F2 : Ställ in hastighet till 1 km/s
F3 : Ställ in hastighet till 1000 km/s
F4 : Ställ in hastighet till ljusets hastighet
F5 : Ställ in hastighet till 10x ljusets hastighet.
F6 : Ställ in hastighet till 1 ae/s
F7 : Ställ in hastighet till 1 ly/s
A : Öka hastighet
Z : Minska hastighet
Q : Backa
X : Ställ in rörelseriktningen mot skärmens centrum
Numeriska tangentbordet:
4 : Gira vänster
6 : Gira höger
8 : Luta nedåt
2 : Luta uppåt
7 : Rotera vänster
9 : Rotera höger
5 : Stoppa rotering
X-axel : gira
Y-axel : lutning
V avtryckare : rotera åt vänster
H avtryckare : rotera åt höger
Knapp 1 : långsammare
Knapp 2 : snabbare
D : Kör demonstration
F8 : Aktivera styrspak
F10 : Fånga bild till fil
` : Visa antalet utritade bilder per sekund
ENTER : Markera en stjärna eller planet genom att ange dess namn
Ctrl+C, Ctrl+INS : Kopiera platsens url till urklipp

locale/demo_fr.cel 100644
View File

@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
# Script de démonstration de Celestia
# traduction française : Vincent
# contact :
timerate { rate 0 }
labels { clear "planets|minorplanets|stars|constellations" }
renderflags { set "stars|planets"
clear "constellations|orbits|cloudmaps" }
print { text "Début de la démo...\nPressez [Echap] pour l'arrêter." origin "center" column -10 duration 2 }
wait { duration 2.0 }
print { text "Démarrons tout près de chez nous..." row -5 column 2}
select { object "Sol/Earth" }
cancel {}
# goto { time 0 distance 3 upframe "ecliptical" }
# gotolonglat { time 0 distance 3 longitude -122 latitude 47 }
synchronous {}
gotoloc { time 0.0 position [ 0 0 26500 ] }
wait { duration 0.1 }
center { time 0.1 }
wait { duration 3.0 }
follow {}
print { text "Nous sommes en orbite autour de\nla Terre à une altitude d'environ 20 000 km." row -5 column 2 duration 5 }
orbit { axis [ 0 1 0 ] rate 30 duration 10 }
print { text "C'est encore mieux avec des nuages." row -5 column 2}
renderflags { set "cloudmaps" }
orbit { axis [ 0 1 0 ] rate 30 duration 6 }
wait { duration 3 }
print { text "Étape suivante : la Lune." row -5 column 2 }
select { object "Moon" }
goto { time 5 distance 5 upframe "equatorial" }
wait { duration 5.5 }
print { text "La Terre et le Soleil sont visibles en arrière plan." row -5 column 2}
orbit { axis [ 0 1 0 ] rate 30 duration 10 }
print { text "Direction : le Soleil" row -5 column 2}
select { object "Sol" }
goto { time 8 distance 12 upframe "equatorial" up [ 0 1 0 ] }
wait { duration 8.5 }
print { text "À cette distance, nous pouvons\napercevoir les taches solaires à sa surface." row -5 column 2}
orbit { axis [ 0 1 0 ] rate 20 duration 10 }
print { text "Prenons du recul pour avoir une vue\nd'ensemble du système solaire interne." row -5 column 2}
orbit { axis [ 1 0 0 ] rate 45 duration 2 }
renderflags { set "orbits" }
changedistance { duration 5.0 rate 1.0 }
print { text "Affichons les noms des planètes..." row -5 column 2}
labels { set "planets" }
wait { duration 3.0 }
print { text "Accélérons le temps pour\nobserver le mouvement des planètes." row -5 column 2}
timerate { rate 2592000 }
wait { duration 4.0 }
print { text "Chaque seconde correspond à un mois." row -5 column 2}
wait { duration 7.0 }
timerate { rate 1 }
print { text "Revenons en temps réel." row -5 column 2}
wait { duration 1.0 }
print { text "Prochaine destination : Saturne." row -5 column 2}
select { object "Saturn" }
center { time 2 }
renderflags { clear "orbits" }
wait { duration 2 }
goto { time 8 distance 6 up [ 0 1 0 ] upframe "equatorial" }
wait { duration 6.5 }
labels { clear "planets" }
print { text "Les points brillants dans le voisinage\ndes anneaux sont des lunes de Saturne." row -5 column 2 duration 5}
orbit { axis [ 0 1 0 ] rate 30 duration 12 }
select { object "Mimas" }
goto { time 5 distance 4 upframe "equatorial" }
print { text "Mimas est l'une des nombreuses lunes de Saturne.\nSon site le plus remarquable est le cratère Herschel." row -5 column 2 duration 9 }
labels { set "locations" }
orbit { axis [ 0 1 0 ] rate 30 duration 12 }
changedistance { duration 6.0 rate 0.5 }
labels { clear "locations" }
select { object "Sol" }
center { time 2 }
print { text "À cette distance, le Soleil nous semble bien loin." row -5 column 2 }
wait { duration 5 }
print { text "Intéressons-nous aux étoiles qui nous entourent." row -5 column 2 duration 3 }
wait { duration 5 }
select { object "Polaris" }
center { time 2 }
wait { duration 2 }
print { text "Nous sommes centrés sur Polaris, l'étoile Polaire." row -5 column 2}
wait { duration 1 }
labels { set "stars" }
wait { duration 2 }
print { text "Polaris fait partie de la constellation de la Petite Ourse." row -5 column 2}
wait { duration 3 }
print { text "Affichons les limites des constellations..." row -5 column 2}
renderflags { set "constellations" }
wait { duration 3 }
print { text "...ainsi que leurs noms..." row -5 column 2}
labels { clear "i18nconstellations" }
labels { set "constellations" }
wait { duration 3 }
print { text "...en français." row -5 column 2}
labels { set "i18nconstellations" }
wait { duration 4 }
select { object "Alnilam" }
center { time 4 }
wait { duration 2 }
print { text "Voici la constellation d'Orion." row -5 column 2 duration 3 }
wait { duration 6 }
select { object "Alioth" }
center { time 2 }
print { text "Les habitants de l'hémisphère nord\nreconnaîtrons la Grande Ourse." row -5 column 2 duration 4 }
wait { duration 6 }
select { object "Beta Cru" }
center { time 4 }
wait { duration 2 }
print { text "La croix du sud est plus familière\naux habitants de l'hémisphère sud." row -5 column 2 duration 4 }
wait { duration 6 }
print { text "En arrière plan, nous pouvons apercevoir d'autres galaxies..." row -5 column 2 duration 4 }
rotate { axis [ 0.707 0.707 0 ] rate 20 duration 14 }
renderflags { set "galaxies" }
rotate { axis [ 0.707 0.707 0 ] rate 20 duration 10 }
select { object "Antares" }
center { time 5 }
wait { duration 3 }
print { text "Approchons nous d'Antarès,\nune étoile de la constellation du Scorpion." row -5 column 2 duration 5 }
wait { duration 2 }
renderflags { clear "constellations" }
labels { clear "constellations|stars" }
wait { duration 1 }
goto { time 8 distance 200 }
wait { duration 8.5 }
goto { time 5 distance 7 }
wait { duration 5.0 }
print { text "Antarès est une géante rouge. Elle est\npresque 500 fois plus grosse que notre Soleil !" row -5 column 2}
wait { duration 4.0 }
print { text "Sortons des limites de notre galaxie..." row -5 column 2}
changedistance { duration 10.5 rate 2.0 }
select { object "Milky Way" }
print { text "Voici la Voie Lactée dans sa totalité.\nC'est là que nous habitons." row -5 column 2 duration 6 }
orbit { axis [ 1 0 0 ] rate 30 duration 16.0 }
print { text "Il est temps de rentrer à la maison.\nEn avant toute, distorsion 2" row -5 column 2}
select { object "Sol/Earth" }
goto { time 20 distance 10 upframe "equatorial" }
wait { duration 20.0 }
timerate { rate 1000 }
print { text "La démo est terminée." row -5 column 2}
wait { duration 3.0 }

locale/demo_it.cel 100644
View File

@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
# Script di dimonstrazione di Celestia
# traduzione italiana: Mauro Santandrea
# email:
timerate { rate 0 }
labels { clear "planets|minorplanets|stars|constellations" }
renderflags { set "stars|planets"
clear "constellations|orbits|cloudmaps" }
print { text "Inizia la dimostrazione . . .\nPremere ESC per terminare." origin "center" duration 2 }
wait { duration 2.0 }
print { text "Partiamo dai dintorni di casa . . ." row -3 }
select { object "Sol/Earth" }
cancel {}
# goto { time 0 distance 3 upframe "ecliptical" }
# gotolonglat { time 0 distance 3 longitude -122 latitude 47 }
synchronous {}
gotoloc { time 0.0 position [ 0 0 20000 ] }
wait { duration 0.1 }
center { time 0.1 }
wait { duration 1.0 }
follow {}
print { text "Stiamo orbitando intorno alla Terra ad un'altitudine di circa 12500km." row -3 duration 5 }
orbit { axis [ 0 1 0 ] rate 30 duration 10 }
print { text "La Terra ha un aspetto molto più familiare, con le nuvole." row -3}
wait { duration 0.1 }
renderflags { set "cloudmaps" }
orbit { axis [ 0 1 0 ] rate 30 duration 6 }
print { text "Prossima fermata: la Luna." row -3 }
select { object "Moon" }
goto { time 5 distance 4 upframe "equatorial" }
wait { duration 5.5 }
print { text "Osserviamo la Terra ed il Sole, mentre orbitiamo intorno alla Luna" row -3}
orbit { axis [ 0 1 0 ] rate 30 duration 10 }
print { text "Rotta verso il Sole." row -3}
select { object "Sol" }
goto { time 8 distance 12 upframe "equatorial" up [ 0 1 0 ] }
wait { duration 8.5 }
print { text "A questa distanza, le macchie solari sono ben visibili sulla superficie del Sole." row -3}
orbit { axis [ 0 1 0 ] rate 20 duration 10 }
print { text "Allontaniamoci per avere una panoramica del sistema solare interno." row -3}
orbit { axis [ 1 0 0 ] rate 45 duration 2 }
renderflags { set "orbits" }
changedistance { duration 4.0 rate 1.0 }
print { text "Visualizziamo i nomi dei pianeti . . ." row -3}
labels { set "planets" }
wait { duration 1.0 }
print { text "Possiamo aumentare la velocità del tempo per osservare i pianeti orbitare intorno al sole." row -3}
timerate { rate 2592000 }
wait { duration 3.0 }
print { text "Nella simulazione, ogni secondo corrisponde ad un mese reale." row -3}
wait { duration 12.0 }
timerate { rate 1 }
print { text "Ora il tempo è stato fermato completamente." row -3}
wait { duration 1.0 }
print { text "La nostra prossima destinazione è Saturno." row -3}
select { object "Saturn" }
center { time 2 }
wait { duration 2 }
goto { time 8 distance 6 up [ 0 1 0 ] upframe "equatorial" }
wait { duration 6.5 }
renderflags { clear "orbits" }
labels { clear "planets" }
print { text "Alcune delle lune di Saturno sono visibili come punti brillanti" row -3 duration 3}
orbit { axis [ 0 1 0 ] rate 30 duration 12 }
select { object "Mimas" }
goto { time 5 distance 4 upframe "equatorial" }
print { text "La caratteristica principale lella luna di Saturno Mimas è l'enorme cratere d'impatto Herschel." row -3 duration 9 }
orbit { axis [ 0 1 0 ] rate 30 duration 12 }
changedistance { duration 6.0 rate 0.5 }
select { object "Sol" }
center { time 2 }
print { text "Notate come appare debole il Sole a questa distanza." row -3 }
wait { duration 2 }
print { text "Diamo uno sguardo intorno alle stelle nel cielo." row -3 duration 2 }
wait { duration 2 }
select { object "Alpha UMa" }
center { time 2 }
print { text "Gli abitanti dell Emisfero Boreale riconosceranno il Gran Carro, nella costellazione dell'Orsa Maggiore." row -3 duration 3 }
wait { duration 4 }
select { object "Polaris" }
center { time 2 }
wait { duration 2 }
print { text "Ora siamo centrati sulla Polare, la Stella del Nord." row -3}
wait { duration 1 }
labels { set "stars" }
wait { duration 2 }
print { text "La Polare fa parte dell'asterismo chiamato il Piccolo Carro." row -3}
wait { duration 2 }
print { text "Per aiutarci ad orientarci nel cielo, Celestia può tracciare i disegni delle costellazioni . . ." row -3}
renderflags { set "constellations" }
wait { duration 2 }
print { text ". . . ed i nomi delle costellazioni" row -3}
labels { set "constellations" }
wait { duration 2 }
select { object "Alnilam" }
center { time 4 }
wait { duration 2 }
print { text "Orione è la costellazione più riconoscibile del cielo." row -3 duration 3 }
wait { duration 4 }
select { object "Beta Cru" }
center { time 4 }
wait { duration 2 }
print { text "La Croce del Sud è una vista familiare nei cieli dell'Emisfero Australe." row -3 duration 4 }
wait { duration 4 }
rotate { axis [ 0.707 0.707 0 ] rate 20 duration 7 }
print { text "Abilitiamo il rendering delle galassie, in modo da vedere la Via Lattea." row -3 duration 4 }
renderflags { set "galaxies" }
rotate { axis [ 0.707 0.707 0 ] rate 20 duration 14 }
rotate { axis [ 0.707 0.707 0 ] rate 20 duration 10 }
select { object "Antares" }
center { time 5 }
wait { duration 3 }
print { text "Ora viaggeremo fino ad Antares, una gigante rossa nello Scorpione." row -3 duration 5 }
wait { duration 2 }
renderflags { clear "constellations" }
labels { clear "constellations|stars" }
wait { duration 1 }
goto { time 8 distance 200 }
wait { duration 8.5 }
goto { time 5 distance 10 }
wait { duration 5.0 }
print { text "Pur essendo lontani da Antares più di 10 volte la distanza della Terra dal Sole, \nugualmente la massiccia gigante rossa incombe enorme nel cielo." row -3}
wait { duration 4.0 }
print { text "Allontaniamoci ancora per avere la visione d'insieme . . ." row -3}
changedistance { duration 10.0 rate 2.0 }
select { object "Milky Way" }
print { text "Stiamo osservando l'intera galassia della Via Lattea." row -3 duration 6 }
orbit { axis [ 1 0 0 ] rate 30 duration 16.0 }
print { text "È ora di tornare a casa . . ." row -3}
select { object "Sol/Earth" }
goto { time 20 distance 10 upframe "equatorial" }
wait { duration 20.0 }
print { text "Dimostrazione completata." row -3}
wait { duration 3.0 }

locale/demo_ko.cel 100644
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@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
timerate { rate 0 }
labels { clear "planets|minorplanets|stars|constellations" }
renderflags { set "stars|planets"
clear "constellations|orbits|cloudmaps" }
print { text "데모를 시작합니다 . . .\nESC키를 누르면 종료합니다." origin "center" duration 2 }
wait { duration 2.0 }
print { text "가까운 곳부터 시작합시다 . . .\nLet's start near home . . ." row -3 }
select { object "Sol/Earth" }
cancel {}
# goto { time 0 distance 3 upframe "ecliptical" }
# gotolonglat { time 0 distance 3 longitude -122 latitude 47 }
synchronous {}
gotoloc { time 0.0 position [ 0 0 20000 ] }
wait { duration 0.1 }
center { time 0.1 }
wait { duration 1.0 }
follow {}
print { text "지구위 12,500km 궤도에 있습니다\nWe're now orbiting about 12,500km above the Earth" row -3 duration 5 }
orbit { axis [ 0 1 0 ] rate 30 duration 10 }
print { text "구름이 있으면 좀더 익숙한 모습입니다\nEarth looks much more familiar with clouds." row -3}
wait { duration 0.1 }
renderflags { set "cloudmaps" }
orbit { axis [ 0 1 0 ] rate 30 duration 10 }
print { text "다음은 달입니다.\nNext stop: the Moon." row -3 }
select { object "Moon" }
goto { time 5 distance 4 upframe "equatorial" }
wait { duration 5.5 }
print { text "Watch for the Earth and Sun as we orbit the Moon" row -3}
orbit { axis [ 0 1 0 ] rate 30 duration 10 }
print { text "자, 다음은 태양으로 갑니다.\nOff toward the Sun." row -3}
select { object "Sol" }
goto { time 8 distance 12 upframe "equatorial" up [ 0 1 0 ] }
wait { duration 8.5 }
print { text "여기에서는 태양표면의 흑점을 볼수 있습니다.\nAt this distance, dark sunspots are visible on the Sun's surface." row -3}
orbit { axis [ 0 1 0 ] rate 20 duration 10 }
print { text "태양계 안쪽을 잘수있게 확대를 해 보겠습니다.\nLet's zoom out for an overview of the inner solar system." row -3}
orbit { axis [ 1 0 0 ] rate 45 duration 2 }
renderflags { set "orbits" }
changedistance { duration 4.0 rate 1.0 }
print { text "행성들의 이름을 봅시다 . . .\nTurning on planet labels . . ." row -3}
labels { set "planets" }
wait { duration 1.0 }
print { text "행성들이 태양주위를 도는 모습을 보기위해\n 시간을 빨리가도록 하겠습니다.\nWe can speed up time to watch the planets orbit the sun." row -3}
timerate { rate 2592000 }
wait { duration 3.0 }
print { text "1초마다 월식이 보입니다.\nFor each second, a month of time elapses in the simulation." row -3}
wait { duration 12.0 }
timerate { rate 1 }
print { text "자, 시간이 멈추었습니다.\nNow, time has been stopped completely." row -3}
wait { duration 1.0 }
print { text "다음 목적지는 토성입니다.\nOur next destination is Saturn." row -3}
select { object "Saturn" }
center { time 2 }
wait { duration 2 }
goto { time 8 distance 6 up [ 0 1 0 ] upframe "equatorial" }
wait { duration 6.5 }
renderflags { clear "orbits" }
labels { clear "planets" }
print { text "몇몇 토성의 달은 밝은 점으로 보입니다\nSeveral of the moons of Saturn are visible as bright dots" row -3 duration 3}
orbit { axis [ 0 1 0 ] rate 30 duration 12 }
select { object "Mimas" }
goto { time 5 distance 4 upframe "equatorial" }
print { text "토성 달 '미마스'에서 가장 잘알려진 특징은 거대한 충돌 분화구 '허셜'입니다.\nThe most prominent feature on Saturn's moon Mimas is the huge impact crater Herschel." row -3 duration 9 }
orbit { axis [ 0 1 0 ] rate 30 duration 12 }
changedistance { duration 6.0 rate 0.5 }
select { object "Sol" }
center { time 2 }
print { text "이 거리에서 태양이 얼마나 희미한지 잘 보시기 바랍니다.\nNote how faint the Sun appears at this distance." row -3 }
wait { duration 2 }
print { text "하늘의 별을 보세요.\nLet's look around at the stars in the sky." row -3 duration 2 }
wait { duration 2 }
select { object "Earth" }
center { time 2 }
wait { duration 2 }
goto { time 2 distance 6 }
wait { duration 2 }
changedistance { duration 4.0 rate 1.0 }
select { object "Alpha UMa" }
center { time 2 }
print { text "지구의 북반구 사는 사라들은 '큰곰'자리의 북두칠성을 알겁니다.\nNorthern Hemisphere residents should recognize the Big Dipper in the constellation Ursa Major." row -3 duration 3 }
wait { duration 4 }
select { object "Polaris" }
center { time 2 }
wait { duration 2 }
print { text "북극성을 중심으로 봅시다.\nWe're now centered on Polaris, the North Star." row -3}
wait { duration 1 }
labels { set "stars" }
wait { duration 2 }
print { text "북극성은 '작은곰'자리의 일부분입니다.\nPolaris is part of the asterism commonly called the Little Dipper." row -3}
wait { duration 2 }
print { text "셀레스티아는 별자리도 그려줍니다.\nTo help us get oriented in the sky, Celestia can draw constellation diagrams for us . . ." row -3}
renderflags { set "constellations" }
wait { duration 2 }
print { text "그리고 별자리 이름도 . . .\n. . . and constellation names" row -3}
labels { set "constellations" }
wait { duration 2 }
renderflags { set "nubulae"}
labels {set "constellations"}
wait { duration 1 }
select { object "Alnilam" }
center { time 4 }
wait { duration 2 }
print { text "오리온은 하늘을 가장 유명한 별자리 입니다.\nOrion is the sky's most prominent constellation." row -3 duration 3 }
wait { duration 4 }
select { object "Beta Cru" }
center { time 4 }
wait { duration 2 }
print { text "남십자자리는 남반구에서 잘 볼이는 별자리입니다.\nThe Southern Cross is a familiar sight in Southern Hemisphere skies." row -3 duration 4 }
wait { duration 4 }
rotate { axis [ 0.707 0.707 0 ] rate 20 duration 7 }
print { text "다음은 은하수를 보겠습니다.\nLet's enable galaxy rendering so that we can see the Milky Way" row -3 duration 4 }
renderflags { set "galaxies" }
rotate { axis [ 0.707 0.707 0 ] rate 20 duration 14 }
rotate { axis [ 0.707 0.707 0 ] rate 20 duration 10 }
select { object "Antares" }
center { time 5 }
wait { duration 3 }
print { text "전갈자리의 적생거성 안타레스로 가겠습니다.\nWe'll now travel to Antares, a red giant star in Scorpius." row -3 duration 5 }
wait { duration 2 }
renderflags { clear "nubulae"}
renderflags { clear "constellations" }
labels { clear "constellations|stars" }
wait { duration 1 }
goto { time 8 distance 200 }
wait { duration 8.5 }
goto { time 5 distance 10 }
wait { duration 5.0 }
print { text "태양에서 지구까지 거리의 10배보다 더 큰, 많은 적색거성이 \nEven though we are now 10 times farther from Antares than\nEarth is from the Sun, the massive red giant star still looms huge in the sky." row -3}
wait { duration 4.0 }
print { text "넓게 봅시다\nLet's zoom out and get the big picture . . ." row -3}
changedistance { duration 10.0 rate 2.0 }
select { object "Milky Way" }
print { text "우리은하의 모습입니다.\nWe're viewing the entire Milky Way galaxy." row -3 duration 6 }
orbit { axis [ 1 0 0 ] rate 30 duration 16.0 }
print { text "이제 집으로 돌아갈 시간입니다.\nTime to go home . . ." row -3}
select { object "Sol/Earth" }
goto { time 20 distance 10 upframe "equatorial" }
wait { duration 20.0 }
print { text "데모를 마칩니다.\nDemo completed." row -3}
wait { duration 3.0 }

locale/demo_lv.cel 100644
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@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
timerate { rate 0 }
labels { clear "planets|minorplanets|stars|constellations" }
renderflags { set "stars|planets"
clear "constellations|orbits|cloudmaps" }
print { text "Tiek s\u0101kta demonostr\u0101cija . . .\nLai aptur\u0113tu nopiediet ESC." origin "center" duration 2 }
wait { duration 2.0 }
print { text "S\u0101ksim tuv\u0101k m\u0101j\u0101m . . ." row -3 }
select { object "Sol/Earth" }
cancel {}
# goto { time 0 distance 3 upframe "ecliptical" }
# gotolonglat { time 0 distance 3 longitude -122 latitude 47 }
synchronous {}
gotoloc { time 0.0 position [ 0 0 20000 ] }
wait { duration 0.1 }
center { time 0.1 }
wait { duration 1.0 }
follow {}
print { text "Tagad m\u0113s atrodamies orb\u012bt\u0101, 12,500km augstum\u0101 ap Zemi." row -3 duration 5 }
orbit { axis [ 0 1 0 ] rate 30 duration 10 }
print { text "Ar m\u0101ko\u0146iem gan t\u0101 izskat\u0101s daudz pierast\u0101k." row -3}
wait { duration 0.1 }
renderflags { set "cloudmaps" }
orbit { axis [ 0 1 0 ] rate 30 duration 6 }
print { text "N\u0101kam\u0101 pietura: M\u0113ness" row -3 }
select { object "Moon" }
goto { time 5 distance 4 upframe "equatorial" }
wait { duration 5.5 }
print { text "Iev\u0113rojiet Zemi un Sauli, kam\u0113r apri\u0146osim M\u0113nesi" row -3}
orbit { axis [ 0 1 0 ] rate 30 duration 10 }
print { text "Un tagad dosimies uz Saules pusi" row -3}
select { object "Sol" }
goto { time 8 distance 12 upframe "equatorial" up [ 0 1 0 ] }
wait { duration 8.5 }
print { text "\u0160\u0101d\u0101 att\u0101lum\u0101 var redz\u0113t tum\u0161os Saules plankumus" row -3}
orbit { axis [ 0 1 0 ] rate 20 duration 10 }
print { text "Tagad att\u0101lin\u0101simies, lai uzmestu aci iek\u0161\u0113jai Saules sist\u0113mas da\u013cai" row -3}
orbit { axis [ 1 0 0 ] rate 45 duration 2 }
renderflags { set "orbits" }
changedistance { duration 4.0 rate 1.0 }
print { text "Iesl\u0113dzam plan\u0113tu nosaukums . . ." row -3}
labels { set "planets" }
wait { duration 1.0 }
print { text ". . . un tagad varam pa\u0101trin\u0101t laiku, lai apl\u016bkotu k\u0101 t\u0101s apri\u0146\u0137o Sauli" row -3}
timerate { rate 2592000 }
wait { duration 3.0 }
print { text "Katru sekunde ir piel\u012bdzin\u0101ma veselam m\u0113nesim \u0161ai simul\u0101cij\u0101. " row -3}
wait { duration 12.0 }
timerate { rate 1 }
print { text "Un tagad laiks ir aptur\u0113ts pavisam." row -3}
wait { duration 1.0 }
print { text "N\u0101kamais pieturas punkts ir Saturns" row -3}
select { object "Saturn" }
center { time 2 }
wait { duration 2 }
goto { time 8 distance 6 up [ 0 1 0 ] upframe "equatorial" }
wait { duration 6.5 }
renderflags { clear "orbits" }
labels { clear "planets" }
print { text "Vair\u0101ki Saturna pavado\u0146i ir saskat\u0101mi k\u0101 spo\u017ei punkti ap to." row -3 duration 3}
orbit { axis [ 0 1 0 ] rate 30 duration 12 }
select { object "Mimas" }
goto { time 5 distance 4 upframe "equatorial" }
print { text "Uz Saturna pavado\u0146a Mimasa, visiev\u0113rojam\u0101kais ir milz\u012bgais kr\u0101teris Her\u0161els" row -3 duration 9 }
orbit { axis [ 0 1 0 ] rate 30 duration 12 }
changedistance { duration 6.0 rate 0.5 }
select { object "Sol" }
center { time 2 }
print { text "Paskatieties cik Saule ir bl\u0101va no \u0161\u0101da att\u0101luma" row -3 }
wait { duration 2 }
print { text "Tagad paskat\u012bsimies uz zvaigzn\u0113m" row -3 duration 2 }
wait { duration 2 }
select { object "Alpha UMa" }
center { time 2 }
print { text "J\u016bs dro\u0161ie vien atpaz\u012bsiet Lielos Greizos Ratus jeb Lielo L\u0101ci" row -3 duration 3 }
wait { duration 4 }
select { object "Polaris" }
center { time 2 }
wait { duration 2 }
print { text "Tagad esam iecentr\u0113ju\u0161i Pol\u0101rzvaigzni (Polaris)." row -3}
wait { duration 1 }
labels { set "stars" }
wait { duration 2 }
print { text "Pol\u0101rzvaigznes pieder pie zvaig\u017e\u0146u sakopojuma ko taut\u0101 sauc par Mazajiem Greizajiem Ratiem" row -3}
wait { duration 2 }
print { text "Lai lab\u0101k pal\u012bdz\u0113tu orient\u0113ties, Celestia var izz\u012bm\u0113t zvaigzn\u0101ju apveidus . . ." row -3}
renderflags { set "constellations" }
wait { duration 2 }
print { text ". . . un nosaukumus" row -3}
labels { set "constellations" }
wait { duration 2 }
select { object "Alnilam" }
center { time 4 }
wait { duration 2 }
print { text "Orions ir visiev\u0113rojam\u0101kais zvaigzn\u0101js m\u016bsu plan\u0113tas debes\u012bs" row -3 duration 3 }
wait { duration 4 }
select { object "Beta Cru" }
center { time 4 }
wait { duration 2 }
print { text "Dienvidu Krustus ir paz\u012bstams apveids Dienvidu puslod\u0113 dz\u012bvojo\u0161ajiem." row -3 duration 4 }
wait { duration 4 }
rotate { axis [ 0.707 0.707 0 ] rate 20 duration 7 }
print { text "Tagad iesl\u0113gsim galaktiku izz\u012bm\u0113\u0161anu, lai var\u0113tu apl\u016bkot Piena Ce\u013cu" row -3 duration 4 }
renderflags { set "galaxies" }
rotate { axis [ 0.707 0.707 0 ] rate 20 duration 14 }
rotate { axis [ 0.707 0.707 0 ] rate 20 duration 10 }
select { object "Antares" }
center { time 5 }
wait { duration 3 }
print { text "Aizce\u013cosim tagad l\u012bdz zvaigznei Antares, kas ir sarkanais p\u0101rmilzis Skorpiona zvaigzn\u0101j\u0101." row -3 duration 5 }
wait { duration 2 }
renderflags { clear "constellations" }
labels { clear "constellations|stars" }
wait { duration 1 }
goto { time 8 distance 200 }
wait { duration 8.5 }
goto { time 5 distance 10 }
wait { duration 5.0 }
print { text "Lai gan tagad m\u0113s atrodamies 10x t\u0101l\u0101k no Antares\nnek\u0101 zeme no Saules, milz\u012bg\u0101 sarkan\u0101 zvaigznes joproj\u0101m aiz\u0146em liel\u0101ku da\u013cu skata." row -3}
wait { duration 4.0 }
print { text "Tagad att\u0101lin\u0101simies atkal, lai apl\u016bkotu kopainu . . ." row -3}
changedistance { duration 10.0 rate 2.0 }
select { object "Milky Way" }
print { text "Tagad m\u0113s redzam visu Piena Ce\u013ca galaktiku no malas." row -3 duration 6 }
orbit { axis [ 1 0 0 ] rate 30 duration 16.0 }
print { text "Laiks doties m\u0101j\u0101s . . ." row -3}
select { object "Sol/Earth" }
goto { time 20 distance 10 upframe "equatorial" }
wait { duration 20.0 }
print { text "Demonstr\u0101cija pabeigta." row -3}
wait { duration 3.0 }

locale/demo_pt.cel 100644
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@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
# Script de Demonstração do Celestia
# Tradução Portuguesa : José Raeiro
# contacto :
timerate { rate 0 }
labels { clear "planets|minorplanets|stars|constellations" }
renderflags { set "stars|planets"
clear "constellations|orbits|cloudmaps" }
print { text "A iniciar a Demonstração . . .\nPressione ESC para acabar." origin "center" duration 2 }
wait { duration 2.0 }
print { text "Vamos começar perto de casa . . ." row -3 }
select { object "Sol/Earth" }
cancel {}
# goto { time 0 distance 3 upframe "ecliptical" }
# gotolonglat { time 0 distance 3 longitude -122 latitude 47 }
synchronous {}
gotoloc { time 0.0 position [ 0 0 20000 ] }
wait { duration 0.1 }
center { time 0.1 }
wait { duration 1.0 }
follow {}
print { text "Estamos agora a orbitar a cerca de 12 500km acima da Terra" row -3 duration 5 }
orbit { axis [ 0 1 0 ] rate 30 duration 10 }
print { text "A Terra é muito mais familiar com nuvens." row -3}
wait { duration 0.1 }
renderflags { set "cloudmaps" }
orbit { axis [ 0 1 0 ] rate 30 duration 6 }
print { text "Próxima paragem: a Lua." row -3 }
select { object "Moon" }
goto { time 5 distance 4 upframe "equatorial" }
wait { duration 5.5 }
print { text "Observe a Terra e o Sol enquanto orbitamos a Lua" row -3}
orbit { axis [ 0 1 0 ] rate 30 duration 10 }
print { text "A caminho do Sol!" row -3}
select { object "Sol" }
goto { time 8 distance 12 upframe "equatorial" up [ 0 1 0 ] }
wait { duration 8.5 }
print { text "A esta distância, as manchas solares escuras são visíveis na superfície do Sol." row -3}
orbit { axis [ 0 1 0 ] rate 20 duration 10 }
print { text "Vamos afastar-nos para uma visão geral do Sistema Solar interior." row -3}
orbit { axis [ 1 0 0 ] rate 45 duration 2 }
renderflags { set "orbits" }
changedistance { duration 4.0 rate 1.0 }
print { text "A ligar as legendas dos plantas . . ." row -3}
labels { set "planets" }
wait { duration 1.0 }
print { text "Podemos acelerar o tempo para ver os planetas a orbitar o Sol." row -3}
timerate { rate 2592000 }
wait { duration 3.0 }
print { text "Em cada segundo, passa um mês na simulação." row -3}
wait { duration 12.0 }
timerate { rate 1 }
print { text "Agora, o tempo parou completamente." row -3}
wait { duration 1.0 }
print { text "O nosso próximo destino é Saturno." row -3}
select { object "Saturn" }
center { time 2 }
wait { duration 2 }
goto { time 8 distance 6 up [ 0 1 0 ] upframe "equatorial" }
wait { duration 6.5 }
renderflags { clear "orbits" }
labels { clear "planets" }
print { text "Várias das luas de Saturno são visíveis como pontos brilhantes" row -3 duration 3}
orbit { axis [ 0 1 0 ] rate 30 duration 12 }
select { object "Mimas" }
goto { time 5 distance 4 upframe "equatorial" }
print { text "A feiçao mais proeminente em Mimas, uma lua de Saturno, é a enorme cratera de impacto Herschel." row -3 duration 9 }
orbit { axis [ 0 1 0 ] rate 30 duration 12 }
changedistance { duration 6.0 rate 0.5 }
select { object "Sol" }
center { time 2 }
print { text "Repare o quão ténue o Sol aparece a esta distância." row -3 }
wait { duration 2 }
print { text "Vamos olhar à volta para as estrelas do céu." row -3 duration 2 }
wait { duration 2 }
select { object "Alpha UMa" }
center { time 2 }
print { text "Os habitantes do Hemisfério Norte deverão reconhecer o Arado na constelação da Ursa Maior." row -3 duration 3 }
wait { duration 4 }
select { object "Polaris" }
center { time 2 }
wait { duration 2 }
print { text "Estamos agora centrados na Polar, a Estrela do Norte." row -3}
wait { duration 1 }
labels { set "stars" }
wait { duration 2 }
print { text "A Polar é parte de um asterismo normalmente conhecido por Pequeno Arado." row -3}
wait { duration 2 }
print { text "Para ajudar a nossa orientação no céu, o Celestia pode desenhar para nós os diagramas das constelações . . ." row -3}
renderflags { set "constellations" }
wait { duration 2 }
print { text ". . . e os respectivos nomes." row -3}
labels { set "constellations" }
wait { duration 2 }
select { object "Alnilam" }
center { time 4 }
wait { duration 2 }
print { text "Orionte é a constelação mais proeminente do céu." row -3 duration 3 }
wait { duration 4 }
select { object "Beta Cru" }
center { time 4 }
wait { duration 2 }
print { text "O Cruzeiro do Sul é uma visão familiar nos céus do Hemisfério Sul." row -3 duration 4 }
wait { duration 4 }
rotate { axis [ 0.707 0.707 0 ] rate 20 duration 7 }
print { text "Vamos activar a renderização de galáxias para podermos ver a Via Láctea" row -3 duration 4 }
renderflags { set "galaxies" }
rotate { axis [ 0.707 0.707 0 ] rate 20 duration 14 }
rotate { axis [ 0.707 0.707 0 ] rate 20 duration 10 }
select { object "Antares" }
center { time 5 }
wait { duration 3 }
print { text "Iremos agora viajar até Antares, um estrela gigante-vermelha no Escorpião." row -3 duration 5 }
wait { duration 2 }
renderflags { clear "constellations" }
labels { clear "constellations|stars" }
wait { duration 1 }
goto { time 8 distance 200 }
wait { duration 8.5 }
goto { time 5 distance 10 }
wait { duration 5.0 }
print { text "Apesar de estarmos 10 vezes mais longe de antares do que a\nTerra está do Sol, a massiva estrela gigante-vermelha avulta-se gigantesca no céu." row -3}
wait { duration 4.0 }
print { text "Vamos afastar-nos para ver o panorama geral . . ." row -3}
changedistance { duration 10.0 rate 2.0 }
select { object "Milky Way" }
print { text "Estamos a ver toda a Galáxia da Via Láctea." row -3 duration 6 }
orbit { axis [ 1 0 0 ] rate 30 duration 16.0 }
print { text "São horas de ir para casa . . ." row -3}
select { object "Sol/Earth" }
goto { time 20 distance 10 upframe "equatorial" }
wait { duration 20.0 }
print { text "Demonstração completa." row -3}
wait { duration 3.0 }

locale/demo_ru.cel 100644
View File

@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
timerate { rate 0 }
labels { clear "planets|minorplanets|stars|constellations" }
renderflags { set "stars|planets"
clear "constellations|orbits|cloudmaps" }
print { text "\u0417\u043d\u0430\u043a\u043e\u043c\u0441\u0442\u0432\u043e \u0441 \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0433\u0440\u0430\u043c\u043c\u043e\u0439 Celestia . . .\n\u0414\u043b\u044f \u0432\u044b\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0430 \u043d\u0430\u0436\u043c\u0438\u0442\u0435 ESC." origin "center" duration 5 }
wait { duration 3.0 }
print { text "\u0418\u0442\u0430\u043a, \u043d\u0430\u0447\u043d\u0435\u043c \u0441 \u043d\u0430\u0448\u0435\u0433\u043e \u0434\u043e\u043c\u0430 . . ." row -3 }
select { object "Sol/Earth" }
cancel {}
# goto { time 0 distance 3 upframe "ecliptical" }
# gotolonglat { time 0 distance 3 longitude -122 latitude 47 }
synchronous {}
gotoloc { time 0.0 position [ 0 0 20000 ] }
wait { duration 0.5 }
center { time 0.1 }
wait { duration 2.0 }
follow {}
print { text "\u041c\u044b \u043d\u0430\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u043c\u0441\u044f \u043d\u0430 \u0432\u044b\u0441\u043e\u0442\u0435 12,500 \u043a\u043c \u043d\u0430\u0434 \u0417\u0435\u043c\u043b\u0435\u0439" row -3 duration 5 }
orbit { axis [ 0 1 0 ] rate 30 duration 10 }
print { text "\u041d\u0430\u0438\u0431\u043e\u043b\u0435\u0435 \u0440\u0435\u0430\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e \u0417\u0435\u043c\u043b\u044f \u0432\u044b\u0433\u043b\u044f\u0434\u0438\u0442 \u0441 \u043e\u0431\u043b\u0430\u043a\u0430\u043c\u0438." row -3}
wait { duration 0.5 }
renderflags { set "cloudmaps" }
orbit { axis [ 0 1 0 ] rate 30 duration 6 }
print { text "\u0421\u043b\u0435\u0434\u0443\u044e\u0449\u0430\u044f \u043e\u0441\u0442\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u043a\u0430: \u041b\u0443\u043d\u0430." row -3 }
select { object "Moon" }
goto { time 5 distance 4 upframe "equatorial" }
wait { duration 5.5 }
print { text "\u0421\u0435\u0439\u0447\u0430\u0441 \u041b\u0443\u043d\u0430 \u043d\u0430\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0441\u044f \u043c\u0435\u0436\u0434\u0443 \u0417\u0435\u043c\u043b\u0451\u0439 \u0438 \u0421\u043e\u043b\u043d\u0446\u0435\u043c" row -3}
orbit { axis [ 0 1 0 ] rate 30 duration 10 }
print { text "\u0410 \u0442\u0435\u043f\u0435\u0440\u044c \u043f\u043e\u043b\u0435\u0442\u0435\u043b\u0438 \u043a \u0421\u043e\u043b\u043d\u0446\u0443." row -3}
select { object "Sol" }
goto { time 8 distance 12 upframe "equatorial" up [ 0 1 0 ] }
wait { duration 8.5 }
print { text "\u041d\u0430 \u044d\u0442\u043e\u043c \u0440\u0430\u0441\u0441\u0442\u043e\u044f\u043d\u0438\u0438 \u0445\u043e\u0440\u043e\u0448\u043e \u0432\u0438\u0434\u043d\u044b \u0442\u0435\u043c\u043d\u044b\u0435 \u043f\u044f\u0442\u043d\u0430 \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u043e\u0432\u0435\u0440\u0445\u043d\u043e\u0441\u0442\u0438 \u0421\u043e\u043b\u043d\u0446\u0430." row -3}
orbit { axis [ 0 1 0 ] rate 20 duration 10 }
print { text "\u0418\u0437\u043c\u0435\u043d\u0438\u043c \u043c\u0430\u0441\u0448\u0442\u0430\u0431 \u0434\u043b\u044f \u043e\u0431\u0437\u043e\u0440\u0430 \u0421\u043e\u043b\u043d\u0435\u0447\u043d\u043e\u0439 \u0441\u0438\u0441\u0442\u0435\u043c\u044b." row -3}
orbit { axis [ 1 0 0 ] rate 45 duration 1 }
renderflags { set "orbits" }
changedistance { duration 4.0 rate 1.0 }
print { text "\u0412\u043a\u043b\u044e\u0447\u0438\u043c \u043e\u0442\u043e\u0431\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435 \u043d\u0430\u0437\u0432\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0439 \u043f\u043b\u0430\u043d\u0435\u0442 . . ." row -3}
labels { set "planets" }
wait { duration 2.0 }
print { text "\u041c\u044b \u043c\u043e\u0436\u0435\u043c \u0443\u0441\u043a\u043e\u0440\u0438\u0442\u044c \u0432\u0440\u0435\u043c\u044f \u0434\u043b\u044f \u043d\u0430\u0431\u043b\u044e\u0434\u0435\u043d\u0438\u044f \u0434\u0432\u0438\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u044f \u043f\u043b\u0430\u043d\u0435\u0442 \u043f\u043e \u043e\u0440\u0431\u0438\u0442\u0435." row -3}
timerate { rate 2592000 }
wait { duration 3.0 }
print { text "\u041c\u043e\u0436\u043d\u043e \u043c\u043e\u0434\u0435\u043b\u0438\u0440\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043b\u044e\u0431\u043e\u0435 \u0432\u0440\u0435\u043c\u044f - \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0448\u043b\u043e\u0435, \u043d\u0430\u0441\u0442\u043e\u044f\u0449\u0435\u0435 \u0438 \u0431\u0443\u0434\u0443\u0449\u0435\u0435." row -3}
wait { duration 12.0 }
timerate { rate 1 }
print { text "\u0422\u0435\u043f\u0435\u0440\u044c \u0432\u0440\u0435\u043c\u044f \u0431\u044b\u043b\u043e \u043f\u043e\u043b\u043d\u043e\u0441\u0442\u044c\u044e \u043e\u0441\u0442\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u043b\u0435\u043d\u043e." row -3}
wait { duration 1.0 }
print { text "\u041d\u0430\u0448\u0430 \u0441\u043b\u0435\u0434\u0443\u044e\u0449\u0430\u044f \u043e\u0441\u0442\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432\u043a\u0430 - \u043f\u043b\u0430\u043d\u0435\u0442\u0430 \u0421\u0430\u0442\u0443\u0440\u043d." row -3}
select { object "Saturn" }
center { time 2 }
wait { duration 2 }
goto { time 8 distance 6 up [ 0 1 0 ] upframe "equatorial" }
wait { duration 6.5 }
renderflags { clear "orbits" }
labels { clear "planets" }
print { text "\u041d\u0435\u043a\u043e\u0442\u043e\u0440\u044b\u0435 \u0441\u043f\u0443\u0442\u043d\u0438\u043a\u0438 \u0421\u0430\u0442\u0443\u0440\u043d\u0430 \u0432\u0438\u0434\u043d\u044b \u043a\u0430\u043a \u044f\u0440\u043a\u0438\u0435 \u0442\u043e\u0447\u043a\u0438." row -3 duration 3}
orbit { axis [ 0 1 0 ] rate 30 duration 12 }
select { object "Mimas" }
goto { time 5 distance 4 upframe "equatorial" }
print { text "\u0410 \u0432\u043e\u0442 \u0434\u043e\u0441\u0442\u043e\u043f\u0440\u0438\u043c\u0435\u0447\u0430\u0442\u0435\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e\u0441\u0442\u044c \u0441\u043f\u0443\u0442\u043d\u0438\u043a\u0430\n\u041c\u0438\u043c\u0430\u0441 - \u043e\u0433\u0440\u043e\u043c\u043d\u044b\u0439 \u043a\u0440\u0430\u0442\u0435\u0440 \u0443\u0434\u0430\u0440\u043d\u043e\u0433\u043e \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0438\u0441\u0445\u043e\u0436\u0434\u0435\u043d\u0438\u044f Herschel." row -3 duration 9 }
orbit { axis [ 0 1 0 ] rate 30 duration 12 }
changedistance { duration 6.0 rate 0.5 }
select { object "Sol" }
center { time 2 }
print { text "\u041e\u0431\u0440\u0430\u0442\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0432\u043d\u0438\u043c\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0435, \u043a\u0430\u043a \u0441\u043b\u0430\u0431\u043e \u0441\u0432\u0435\u0442\u0438\u0442 \u0421\u043e\u043b\u043d\u0446\u0435 \u043d\u0430 \u044d\u0442\u043e\u043c \u0440\u0430\u0441\u0441\u0442\u043e\u044f\u043d\u0438\u0438." row -3 }
wait { duration 2 }
print { text "\u0422\u0435\u043f\u0435\u0440\u044c \u043f\u043e\u0441\u043c\u043e\u0442\u0440\u0438\u043c \u043d\u0430 \u0437\u0432\u0435\u0437\u0434\u044b, \u043e\u043a\u0440\u0443\u0436\u0430\u0449\u0438\u0435 \u043d\u0430\u0441." row -3 duration 2 }
wait { duration 2 }
select { object "Alpha UMa" }
center { time 3 }
print { text "\u0412\u043e\u0442, \u043d\u0430\u043f\u0440\u0438\u043c\u0435\u0440, \u0441\u043e\u0437\u0432\u0435\u0437\u0434\u0438\u0435 \u0421\u0435\u0432\u0435\u0440\u043d\u043e\u0433\u043e \u043f\u043e\u043b\u0443\u0448\u0430\u0440\u0438\u044f \u0411\u043e\u043b\u044c\u0448\u0430\u044f \u043c\u0435\u0434\u0432\u0435\u0434\u0438\u0446\u0430." row -3 duration 3 }
wait { duration 4 }
select { object "Polaris" }
center { time 2 }
wait { duration 2 }
print { text "\u0410 \u044d\u0442\u043e \u0446\u0435\u043d\u0440\u0430\u043b\u044c\u043d\u0430\u044f \u0437\u0432\u0435\u0437\u0434\u0430 - \u041f\u043e\u043b\u044f\u0440\u043d\u0430\u044f." row -3}
wait { duration 2 }
labels { set "stars" }
wait { duration 2 }
print { text "\u041f\u043e\u043b\u044f\u0440\u043d\u0430\u044f \u0437\u0432\u0435\u0437\u0434\u0430 \u044f\u0432\u043b\u044f\u0435\u0442\u0441\u044f \u0447\u0430\u0441\u0442\u044c\u044e \u0441\u043e\u0437\u0432\u0435\u0437\u0434\u0438\u044f, \u043d\u0430\u0437\u044b\u0432\u0430\u0435\u043c\u043e\u0433\u043e \u041c\u0430\u043b\u0430\u044f \u043c\u0435\u0434\u0432\u0435\u0434\u0438\u0446\u0430." row -3}
wait { duration 3 }
print { text "\u0414\u043b\u044f \u043b\u0443\u0447\u0448\u0435\u0439 \u043e\u0440\u0438\u0435\u043d\u0442\u0430\u0446\u0438\u0438 \u043f\u043e \u043d\u0435\u0431\u0443 \u0432\u043a\u043b\u044e\u0447\u0438\u043c \u043e\u0442\u043e\u0431\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435 \u043a\u043e\u043d\u0442\u0443\u0440\u043e\u0432 \u0441\u043e\u0437\u0432\u0435\u0437\u0434\u0438\u0439. . ." row -3}
renderflags { set "constellations" }
wait { duration 3 }
print { text ". . . \u0438 \u0438\u0445 \u043d\u0430\u0437\u0432\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0439" row -3}
labels { set "constellations" }
wait { duration 5 }
select { object "Alnilam" }
center { time 4 }
wait { duration 2 }
print { text "\u0421\u043e\u0437\u0432\u0435\u0437\u0434\u0438\u0435 \u041e\u0440\u0438\u043e\u043d\u0430." row -3 duration 3 }
wait { duration 4 }
select { object "Beta Cru" }
center { time 4 }
wait { duration 2 }
print { text "\u042e\u0436\u043d\u044b\u0439 \u043a\u0440\u0435\u0441\u0442 - \u0441\u0430\u043c\u043e\u0435 \u0443\u0437\u043d\u0430\u0432\u0430\u0435\u043c\u043e\u0435 \u0441\u043e\u0437\u0432\u0435\u0437\u0434\u0438\u0435 \u042e\u0436\u043d\u043e\u0433\u043e \u043f\u043e\u043b\u0443\u0448\u0430\u0440\u0438\u044f." row -3 duration 4 }
wait { duration 4 }
rotate { axis [ 0.707 0.707 0 ] rate 20 duration 7 }
print { text "\u0422\u0435\u043f\u0435\u0440\u044c \u0432\u043a\u043b\u044e\u0447\u0438\u043c \u043e\u0442\u043e\u0431\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435 \u0433\u0430\u043b\u0430\u043a\u0442\u0438\u043a, \u0447\u0442\u043e\u0431\u044b \u043c\u043e\u0436\u043d\u043e \u0431\u044b\u043b\u043e \u0443\u0432\u0438\u0434\u0435\u0442\u044c \u041c\u043b\u0435\u0447\u043d\u044b\u0439 \u043f\u0443\u0442\u044c" row -3 duration 4 }
renderflags { set "galaxies" }
rotate { axis [ 0.707 0.707 0 ] rate 20 duration 14 }
rotate { axis [ 0.707 0.707 0 ] rate 20 duration 10 }
select { object "Antares" }
center { time 5 }
wait { duration 3 }
print { text "\u0410 \u0441\u0435\u0439\u0447\u0430\u0441 \u043e\u0442\u043f\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0438\u043c\u0441\u044f \u043a \u0437\u0432\u0435\u0437\u0434\u0435 \u0410\u043d\u0442\u0430\u0440\u0435\u0441, \u043a\u0440\u0430\u0441\u043d\u043e\u043c\u0443 \u0433\u0438\u0433\u0430\u043d\u0442\u0443 \u0441\u043e\u0437\u0432\u0435\u0437\u0434\u0438\u044f \u0421\u043a\u043e\u0440\u043f\u0438\u043e\u043d." row -3 duration 5 }
wait { duration 2 }
renderflags { clear "constellations" }
labels { clear "constellations|stars" }
wait { duration 1 }
goto { time 8 distance 200 }
wait { duration 8.5 }
goto { time 5 distance 10 }
wait { duration 5.0 }
print { text "\u0412\u044b \u043c\u043e\u0436\u0435\u0442\u0435 \u0441\u0430\u043c\u0438 \u0443\u0432\u0438\u0434\u0435\u0442\u044c \u043a\u0430\u043a \u0432\u0435\u043b\u0438\u043a\u0430 \u044d\u0442\u0430 \u0437\u0432\u0435\u0437\u0434\u0430. \u041c\u044b \u043d\u0430\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u043c\u0441\u044f \u043d\u0430 \u0440\u0430\u0441\u0441\u0442\u043e\u044f\u043d\u0438\u0438\n\u0432 10 \u0440\u0430\u0437 \u043f\u0440\u0435\u0432\u044b\u0448\u0430\u044e\u0449\u0438\u043c \u0440\u0430\u0441\u0441\u0442\u043e\u044f\u043d\u0438\u0435 \u0417\u0435\u043c\u043b\u0438 \u043e\u0442 \u0421\u043e\u043b\u043d\u0446\u0430, \u0430 \u044d\u0442\u0430 \u0437\u0432\u0435\u0437\u0434\u0430 \u0432\u0441\u0435 \u0435\u0449\u0435 \u0432\u0435\u043b\u0438\u043a\u0430!" row -3}
wait { duration 4.0 }
print { text "\u0410 \u0442\u0435\u043f\u0435\u0440\u044c \u0443\u043c\u0435\u043d\u044c\u0448\u0438\u043c \u043c\u0430\u0441\u0448\u0442\u0430\u0431 . . ." row -3}
changedistance { duration 10.0 rate 2.0 }
select { object "Milky Way" }
print { text "\u041f\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0434 \u043d\u0430\u043c\u0438 \u0433\u0430\u043b\u0430\u043a\u0442\u0438\u043a\u0430 \u041c\u043b\u0435\u0447\u043d\u044b\u0439 \u043f\u0443\u0442\u044c, \u0437\u0434\u0435\u0441\u044c \u043d\u0430\u0445\u043e\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0441\u044f \u043d\u0430\u0448 \u0434\u043e\u043c - \u043f\u043b\u0430\u043d\u0435\u0442\u0430 \u0417\u0435\u043c\u043b\u044f." row -3 duration 6 }
orbit { axis [ 1 0 0 ] rate 30 duration 16.0 }
print { text "\u041f\u043e\u0440\u0430 \u0432\u043e\u0437\u0432\u0440\u0430\u0449\u0430\u0442\u044c\u0441\u044f \u0434\u043e\u043c\u043e\u0439 . . ." row -3}
select { object "Sol/Earth" }
goto { time 20 distance 10 upframe "equatorial" }
wait { duration 20.0 }
print { text "\u0412\u043e\u0442 \u043c\u044b \u0438 \u0434\u043e\u043c\u0430. \u0412\u0430\u043c \u043f\u043e\u043d\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0438\u043b\u043e\u0441\u044c?\n\u0412\u0430\u0441 \u0436\u0434\u0435\u0442 \u0435\u0449\u0435 \u043c\u043d\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0443\u0434\u0438\u0432\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e\u0433\u043e \u043d\u0430 \u043f\u0443\u0442\u0438 \u0438\u0441\u0441\u043b\u0435\u0434\u043e\u0432\u0430\u043d\u0438\u044f \u0432\u0441\u0435\u043b\u0435\u043d\u043d\u043e\u0439.\n\u0423\u0434\u0430\u0447\u0438!" row -5 duration 6 }
wait { duration 3.0 }

locale/demo_sv.cel 100644
View File

@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
timerate { rate 0 }
labels { clear "planets|minorplanets|stars|constellations" }
renderflags { set "stars|planets"
clear "constellations|orbits|cloudmaps" }
print { text "Startar demo . . .\nTryck ESC för att avsluta." origin "center" duration 2 }
wait { duration 2.0 }
print { text "Let's start near home . . ." row -3 }
select { object "Sol/Earth" }
cancel {}
# goto { time 0 distance 3 upframe "ecliptical" }
# gotolonglat { time 0 distance 3 longitude -122 latitude 47 }
synchronous {}
gotoloc { time 0.0 position [ 0 0 20000 ] }
wait { duration 0.1 }
center { time 0.1 }
wait { duration 1.0 }
follow {}
print { text "Vi kretsar nu ungefär 12 500 km ovanför jorden." row -3 duration 5 }
orbit { axis [ 0 1 0 ] rate 30 duration 10 }
print { text "Jorden ser mycket mer bekant ut med moln." row -3}
wait { duration 0.1 }
renderflags { set "cloudmaps" }
orbit { axis [ 0 1 0 ] rate 30 duration 6 }
print { text "Nästa stopp: Månen." row -3 }
select { object "Moon" }
goto { time 5 distance 4 upframe "equatorial" }
wait { duration 5.5 }
print { text "Titta efter jorden och solen medan vi kretsar runt månen." row -3}
orbit { axis [ 0 1 0 ] rate 30 duration 10 }
print { text "Mot solen!" row -3}
select { object "Sol" }
goto { time 8 distance 12 upframe "equatorial" up [ 0 1 0 ] }
wait { duration 8.5 }
print { text "På det här avståndet så kan vi de de mörka solfläckarna på solens yta." row -3}
orbit { axis [ 0 1 0 ] rate 20 duration 10 }
print { text "Låt oss zooma ut så att vi får en överblick över det inre solsystemet." row -3}
orbit { axis [ 1 0 0 ] rate 45 duration 2 }
renderflags { set "orbits" }
changedistance { duration 4.0 rate 1.0 }
print { text "Aktiverar planetetiketter . . ." row -3}
labels { set "planets" }
wait { duration 1.0 }
print { text "Genom att accelerera tiden så kan vi se planeterna röra sig runt solen." row -3}
timerate { rate 2592000 }
wait { duration 3.0 }
print { text "För varje sekund som går så passerar en månad i simuleringen." row -3}
wait { duration 12.0 }
timerate { rate 1 }
print { text "Nu har tiden helt stannat." row -3}
wait { duration 1.0 }
print { text "Vår nästa destination är Saturnus." row -3}
select { object "Saturn" }
center { time 2 }
wait { duration 2 }
goto { time 8 distance 6 up [ 0 1 0 ] upframe "equatorial" }
wait { duration 6.5 }
renderflags { clear "orbits" }
labels { clear "planets" }
print { text "Flera av Saturnus månar är synliga som ljusa prickar." row -3 duration 3}
orbit { axis [ 0 1 0 ] rate 30 duration 12 }
select { object "Mimas" }
goto { time 5 distance 4 upframe "equatorial" }
print { text "Den mest framträdande formationen på Saturnusmånen Mimas är den enorma nedslagskratern Herschel." row -3 duration 9 }
orbit { axis [ 0 1 0 ] rate 30 duration 12 }
changedistance { duration 6.0 rate 0.5 }
select { object "Sol" }
center { time 2 }
print { text "Se hur svag solen är på det här avståndet." row -3 }
wait { duration 2 }
print { text "Låt oss nu ta en titt på himlens stjärnor." row -3 duration 2 }
wait { duration 2 }
select { object "Alpha UMa" }
center { time 2 }
print { text "Invånare på norra halvklotet bör känna igen Karlavagnen i stjärnbilden Stora Björnen." row -3 duration 3 }
wait { duration 4 }
select { object "Polaris" }
center { time 2 }
wait { duration 2 }
print { text "WE'RE NOW CENTERED ON Polaris, nordstjärnan." row -3}
wait { duration 1 }
labels { set "stars" }
wait { duration 2 }
print { text "Polaris är en del av den asterism som vanligtvis kallas Lilla Björnen." row -3}
wait { duration 2 }
print { text "För att hjälpa oss med orienteringen på himlavalvet så kan Celestia rita upp diagram över sjärnbilderna . . ." row -3}
renderflags { set "constellations" }
wait { duration 2 }
print { text ". . . och visa stjärnbildernas namn." row -3}
labels { set "constellations" }
wait { duration 2 }
select { object "Alnilam" }
center { time 4 }
wait { duration 2 }
print { text "Orion är himlens mest framträdande stjärnbild." row -3 duration 3 }
wait { duration 4 }
select { object "Beta Cru" }
center { time 4 }
wait { duration 2 }
print { text "Det södra korset är en välkänd syn på södra halvklotets himmel." row -3 duration 4 }
wait { duration 4 }
rotate { axis [ 0.707 0.707 0 ] rate 20 duration 7 }
print { text "Låt oss aktivera visningen av galaxer så att vi kan se Vintergatan." row -3 duration 4 }
renderflags { set "galaxies" }
rotate { axis [ 0.707 0.707 0 ] rate 20 duration 14 }
rotate { axis [ 0.707 0.707 0 ] rate 20 duration 10 }
select { object "Antares" }
center { time 5 }
wait { duration 3 }
print { text "Nu ska vi resa till Antares, en röd jättestjärna i Skorpionen." row -3 duration 5 }
wait { duration 2 }
renderflags { clear "constellations" }
labels { clear "constellations|stars" }
wait { duration 1 }
goto { time 8 distance 200 }
wait { duration 8.5 }
goto { time 5 distance 10 }
wait { duration 5.0 }
print { text "Trots att vi nu befinner oss tio gånger längre bort från Antares än vad\njorden är från solen så tornar denna massiva, röda jätte ändå upp sig på himlen." row -3}
wait { duration 4.0 }
print { text "Nu zoomar vi ut så att vi kan se helheten . . ." row -3}
changedistance { duration 10.0 rate 2.0 }
select { object "Milky Way" }
print { text "Vi ser nu hela Vintergatan." row -3 duration 6 }
orbit { axis [ 1 0 0 ] rate 30 duration 16.0 }
print { text "Dags att åka hem . . ." row -3}
select { object "Sol/Earth" }
goto { time 20 distance 10 upframe "equatorial" }
wait { duration 20.0 }
print { text "Demo avslutad." row -3}
wait { duration 3.0 }

locale/guide_fr.cel 100644
View File

@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
Name "Jupiter"
Target "Sol/Jupiter"
Description "Jupiter, la 5ème planète, est la plus grande de notre
système solaire. Comme les autres grandes planètes
externes, Jupiter est une géante gazeuse, sans
surface solide. La grande tâche rouge est le plus
vaste et le plus ancien des ouragans de l'atmosphère
turbulente de Jupiter; Cette tempête de la taille de la
Terre dure depuis au moins 300 ans."
Name "Pluton et Charon"
Target "Sol/Pluto"
Distance 40000
DistanceUnits "km"
Description "Pluton tourne autour du soleil à une distance
moyenne de près de six milliards de kilomètres.
Charon, sa principale lune, est si grande que le
couple a souvent été considéré comme un système
de 'planètes doubles'."
Name "Eros"
Target "Sol/Eros"
Description "Eros est un astéroïde de forme patatoïde d'environ
33 km de long. Grace à la sonde 'NEAR Shoemaker',
on en sait plus sur lui que sur tout autre astéroïde.
Le 14 Février 2001 'NEAR' est descendue sur Eros,
devenant ainsi la première sonde de l'histoire à
'atterrir' sur un astéroïde."
Name "Alpha du Centaure"
Target "Alpha Centauri"
Distance 90
DistanceUnits "au"
Description "Alpha du Centaure A et B sont, avec Proxima du
Centaure, nos plus proches étoiles. Alpha Cen A
est très similaire à notre soleil, quoiqu'un peu plus
vieille et plus brillante. Alpha Cen B est plus pâle et
plus rouge. Quant à la lueur de Proxima, elle est si
faible qu'elle n'est pas visible à l'oeil nu, même
si elle est l'étoile la plus proche de notre soleil."
Name "Les Pléïades"
Target "Alcyone"
Distance 35
DistanceUnits "ly"
Description "Le groupe des Pleiades est composé d'étoiles
brillantes récemment formées. 'Pleiades' est le nom
donné à sept soeurs de la mythologie grecque.
Cependant, les télescopes ont révélés qu'il y avait
beaucoup plus que sept étoiles dans cet ensemble."
Name "Les Hyades"
Target "63 Tau"
Distance 25
DistanceUnits "ly"
Description "Les Hyades forment le groupement d'étoiles le plus
visible de notre ciel nocturne. 'Hyades' était le nom
donné aux cinq filles d'Atlas et d'Aethra. On estime
que l'age des étoiles qui composent le groupe des
Hyades est d'environ 660 millions d'années, soit
plus de 6 fois plus vieilles que l'étoile la plus chaude
et bleue des Pleiades qui apparait dans notre ciel
Name "Gliese 876 b"
Target "Gliese 876/b"
Description "Gliese 876 b est une exoplanète qui tourne autour
d'une naine rouge. Son orbite est en résonnance 2:1
avec une autre planète connue de ce système."
Name "Ida et Dactyl"
Target "Sol/Ida"
Distance 200
DistanceUnits "km"
Description "La sonde Galileo a photographié l'astéroïde Ida 243
lors de son voyage vers Jupiter en 1993. Les photos
ont révélé qu'Ida avait un petit satellite appelé
Dactyl. Depuis, on a découvert que plusieurs autres
astéroïdes avaient aussi des satellites."
Name "51 Peg b"
Target "51 Peg/b"
Description "51 Pegasi b a été la première planète découverte
tournant autour d'une étoile 'normale' autre que notre
soleil. C'est une géante gazeuse dont l'orbite est très
proche de son soleil : moins d'un cinquième de la
distance entre Mercure et notre soleil. Qu'une géante
gazeuse puisse exister si près d'une étoile a forcé les
astronomes à sérieusement revoir leurs théories sur la
formation des systèmes solaires."
Name "Albireo"
Target "Albireo"
Distance 0.6
Description "A cause du contraste entre les couleurs orange et
blanc-bleu des étoiles qui le composent, le système
double d'Albireo est considéré comme le plus beau
couple de notre ciel nocturne. L'étoile orange est une
géante de type K, et sa compagne une étoile naine
de type B."
Name "Comète Borrelly"
Target "Sol/Borrelly"
Description "Le 22 Septembre 2001, la comète Borrelly est
devenue la deuxième comète photographiée de près
par une sonde. Bien que son vol n'ait pas été prévu
pour cela, Deep Space 1 s'est approchée à
seulement 2200 kilomètres du noyau de Borrelly,
nous offrant ainsi les premières images haute
résolution du noyau d'une comète."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
Name "Giove"
Target "Sol/Jupiter"
Description "Giove è il pianeta più grande del nostro sistema solare ed è il quinto dal Sole. Come gli altri grandi pianeti esterni, Giove è un gigante gassoso, senza una superficie solida. La Grande Macchia Rossa è la più grande e longeva delle molte tempeste dell'atmosfera turbolenta di Giove; questa tempesta delle dimensioni della Terra è in corso da almeno 300 anni."
Name "Plutone e Caronte"
Target "Sol/Pluto"
Distance 40000
DistanceUnits "km"
Description "Plutone orbita intorno al Sole ad una distanza media di circa sei miliardi di chilometri. La sua sola luna conosciuta, Caronte, è così grande che ai due ci si riferisce spesso come ad un 'pianeta doppio'."
Name "Eros"
Target "Sol/Eros"
Description "Eros è un asteroide a forma di patata vicino alla Terra, lungo circa 33km. Grazie alla sonda NEAR Shoemaker si possiedono più conoscenze su Eros che su ogni altro Asteroide. Il 14 Febbraio 2001 NEAR è discesa su Eros ed è divenuto il primo veicolo spaziale mai atterrato su un asteroide."
Name "Alpha Centauri"
Target "Alpha Centauri"
Distance 90
DistanceUnits "au"
Description "Alpha Centauri A e B sono, assieme a Proxima Centauri, il sistema stellare più vicino a noi. Alpha Cen A è molto simile al nostro Sole, anche se leggermente più vecchia e brillante. B è più fioca e più rossa, e Proxima è così fioca che non può essere vista ad occhio nudo, nonostante sia la stella più vicina al Sole."
Name "Pleiadi"
Target "Alcyone"
Distance 35
DistanceUnits "ly"
Description "L'ammasso stellare delle Pleiadi è un gruppo di stelle brillanti formatesi recentemente. Le Pleiadi prendono il nome dalle sette sorelle della mitologia greca, nonostante i telescopi abbiano rivelato che ci siano considerevolmente più di sette stelle nell'ammasso."
Name "Iadi"
Target "63 Tau"
Distance 25
DistanceUnits "ly"
Description "Chiamate come le cinque figlie di Atlante ed Aethra, le Iadi sono uno dei principali ammassi aperti del cielo. È stimato che le stelle delle Iadi abbiano approssimativamente un'età di 660 milioni di anni--oltre sei volte più antiche delle più calde stelle blu delle Pleiadi che appaiono vicine nel nostro cielo notturno."
Name "Gliese 876 b"
Target "Gliese 876/b"
Description "Gliese 876 b è un pianeta gigante orbitante intorno ad una stella nana rossa. È in una risonanza orbitale di 2:1 con gli altri pianeti conosciuti del sistema."
Name "Ida e Dactyl"
Target "Sol/Ida"
Distance 200
DistanceUnits "km"
Description "La sonda Galileo ha fotografato l'asteroide 243 Ida in 1993 nel suo viaggio per Giove. Queste immagini hanno rivelato che Ida possiede un piccolo satellite, chiamato successivamente Dactyl. È stato scoperto che anche altri asteroidi possiedono satelliti."
Name "51 Peg b"
Target "51 Peg/b"
Description "51 Pegasi b fu il primo pianeta scoperto ad orbitare intorno ad una stella normale che non fosse il Sole. È un pianeta gigante gassoso ed orbita estremamente vicino alla sua stella madre--meno di un quinto della distanza fra Mercurio ed il nostro Sole. Il fatto che un gigante gassoso possa esistere così vicino ad una stella ha forzato gli astronomi a riconsiderare seriamente le loro teorie sulla formazione dei sistemi solari."
Name "Albireo"
Target "Albireo"
Distance 0.6
Description "Per via del contrasto dei colori arancio e bianco-blu delle stelle che lo compongono, il sistema di stelle doppie Albireo è considerato una delle più belle coppie del cielo. La stella arancio è una gigante di tipo K, e la sua compagna è una nana B."
Name "Cometa Borrelly"
Target "Sol/Borrelly"
Description "Il 22 Settembre 2001, la cometa Borrelly divenne la seconda cometa ad essere fotografata da vicino da una sonda spaziale. Nonostante non fosse stata progettata per il flyby con la cometa, Deep Space 1 si avvicinò entro 2200 chilometri dal nucleo della Borrelly per restituire le fotografie a più alta risoluzione che abbiamo di un nucleo di cometa."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
Name "목성"
Target "Sol/Jupiter"
Description "Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system and the fifth from the sun. Like the other large outer planets, Jupiter is a gas giant, with no solid surface. The Great Red Spot is the biggest and longest-lived of the many storms in Jupiter's turbulent atmosphere; this Earth-sized tempest has been around for at least 300 years."
Name "명왕성과 카론"
Target "Sol/Pluto"
Distance 40000
DistanceUnits "km"
Description "Pluto orbits our sun at a average distance of nearly six billion kilometers. Its single known moon Charon is so large, that the two are often referred to as a 'double planet'."
Name "에로스"
Target "Sol/Eros"
Description "Eros is a potato-shaped near-Earth asteroid about 33 km long. Thanks to the NEAR Shoemaker spacecraft, more is known about Eros than any other Asteroid. On Feb 14, 2001 NEAR descended on Eros and became the first spacecraft ever to land on an asteroid."
Name "켄타우루스 자리의 알파(α)별"
Target "Alpha Centauri"
Distance 90
DistanceUnits "au"
Description "Alpha Centauri A and B are together with Proxima Centauri, the nearest star system to us. Alpha Cen A is very similar to our own Sun, though slightly older and brighter. B is dimmer and redder, and Proxima is so dim that it is can't be seen by the naked eye even though it is the star nearest to the Sun."
Name "플레이아데스"
Target "Alcyone"
Distance 35
DistanceUnits "ly"
Description "The Pleiades star cluster is a group of bright recently-formed stars. The Pleiades are named for the seven sisters from Greek mythology, though telescopes have revealed that there are considerable more than seven stars in the cluster."
Name "히아데스"
Target "63 Tau"
Distance 25
DistanceUnits "ly"
Description "Named for the five daughters of Atlas and Aethra, the Hyades is one of the most prominent open star clusters in the sky. It is estimated that the stars of the Hyades are approximately 660 million years old--over six times older than the hotter, bluer Pleiades stars which appear nearby in our night sky."
Name "글리스 876 b"
Target "Gliese 876/b"
Description "Gliese 876 b is a giant planet orbiting a red dwarf star. It is in a 2:1 orbital resonance with the other known planet in the system."
Name "이다와 다크릴"
Target "Sol/Ida"
Distance 200
DistanceUnits "km"
Description "The Galileo spacecraft photographed the asteroid 243 Ida in 1993 on its way to Jupiter. These pictures revealed that Ida had a tiny satellite that was later named Dactyl. Several other asteroids have since been discovered also to have satellites."
Name "페가수스 자리 51번항성 b"
Target "51 Peg/b"
Description "51 Pegasi b was the first planet discovered orbiting a normal star other than our Sun. It is a gas giant planet and orbits extremely close to its parent star--less than one fifth the distance between Mercury and our sun. That a gas giant could exist so close to a star has forced astronomers to seriously revise their theories of solar system formation."
Name "알비레오"
Target "Albireo"
Distance 0.6
Description "Because of the contrasting orange and blue-white colors of its component stars, the Albireo double star system is considered one of the most beautiful pairs in the sky. The orange star is a Type K giant, and its companion is a B dwarf."
Name "보렐리 혜성"
Target "Sol/Borrelly"
Description "One September 22, 2001, Comet Borrelly became the second comet to be imaged at close range by a spacecraft. Despite not being designed for a comet flyby, Deep Space 1 approached within 2200 kilometers of the Borrelly's nucleus to return the highest resolution pictures we have of a cometary core."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
# Translation to Portuguese of guide.cel
# Translator: José Raeiro
# Contact:
Name "Jupiter"
Target "Sol/Jupiter"
Description "Júpiter é o maior planeta no Sistema Solar e o quinto a contar do Sol. Como os outros planetas exteriores grandes, Júpiter é um gigantes gasoso, sem superfície sólida. A Grande Mancha Vermelha é a tempestade maior e mais antiga entre muitas da atmosfera turbulenta de Júpiter; esta tempestade do tamanho da Terra existe há pelo menos 300 anos."
Name "Pluto and Charon"
Target "Sol/Pluto"
Distance 40000
DistanceUnits "km"
Description "Plutão orbita o nosso Sol a uma distância média de quase seis mil milhões de quilómetros. A sua Lua principal, Caronte, é tão grande, que os dois normalmente são apelidados de planetóide duplo."
Name "Eros"
Target "Sol/Eros"
Description "Eros é um asteróide near-Earth em forma de batata com cerca de 33 km de comprimento. Graças à sonda NEAR Shoemaker, sabe-se mais acerca de Eros do que qualquer outro asteróide. Em 14 de Fev de 2001, a NEAR aterrou em Eros e tornou-se a primeira sonda a ter aterrado num asteróide."
Name "Alpha Centauri"
Target "Alpha Centauri"
Distance 90
DistanceUnits "au"
Description "As Alfa do Centauro A e B formam, juntamente com a Próxima do Centauro, o sistema estelar mais próximo de nós. A Alfa do Cen A é muito parecida com o nosso Sol, apesar de ligeiramente mais velha e brilhante. A B é mais ténue e mais avermelhada, e a Próxima é tão ténue que não pode ser vista a olho nu apesar de ser a estrela mais próxima do Sol."
Name "Pleiades"
Target "Alcyone"
Distance 35
DistanceUnits "ly"
Description "O enxame estelar das Plêiades é um grupo de estrelas brilhantes recentemente formadas. As Plêiades foram baptizadas em honra das sete irmãs da mitologia grega, apesar dos telescópios terem revelado que existe consideravelmente um maior número de estrelas no enxame."
Name "Hyades"
Target "63 Tau"
Distance 25
DistanceUnits "ly"
Description "Baptizado em honra das cinco filhas de Atlas e de Aethra, as Híades são um dos enxames abertos mais proeminentes do céu. Estima-se que as estrelas das Híades têm aproximadamente 660 milhões de anos de idade--seis vezes mais velhas que as estrelas das Plêiades, mais quentes e azuis, que aparecem próximas no nosso céu nocturno."
Name "Gliese 876 b"
Target "Gliese 876/b"
Description "O Gliese 876 b é um planeta gigante a orbitar uma estrela anã-vermelha. Está em ressonância orbital 2:1 com o outro planeta conhecido no sistema."
Name "Ida and Dactyl"
Target "Sol/Ida"
Distance 200
DistanceUnits "km"
Description "A Sonda Galileo fotografou o asteróide 243 Ida em 1993 na sua viagem para Júpiter. Estas fotografias revelaram que Ida tinha um pequeno satélite que foi posteriormente baptizado por Dactyl. Vários outros asteróides com satélites foram posteriormente descobertos."
Name "51 Peg b"
Target "51 Peg/b"
Description "51 do Pégaso b foi o primeiro planeta a ser descoberto a orbitar uma estrela que não o Sol. É um planeta gigante gasoso e orbita extremamente próximo da sua esterla mãe--menos que um quinto da distância entre Mercúrio e o nosso Sol. O facto de ser possível existir um gigante gasoso tão próximo de uma estrela obrigou os astrónomos a rever seriamente as teorias acerca da formação do Sistema Solar."
Name "Albireo"
Target "Albireo"
Distance 0.6
Description "Por causa das cores contrastantes de laranja e azul-claro das suas estrelas componentes, o sistema estelar duplo de Albireu é considerado um dos mais belos pares do céu. A estrela laranja é uma gigante de Classe K, e a sua companheira é uma anã de Classe B."
Name "Comet Borrelly"
Target "Sol/Borrelly"
Description "Em 22 de Setembro de 2001, o Cometa Borrely tornou-se o segundo cometa a ser fotografado de perto por uma sonda. Apesar de não ter sido desenhada para sobrevooar um cometa, a Deep Space 1 aproximou-se a 2200 quilómetros do núcleo do Borrely e enviou de volta as fotografias de maior resolução que temos do núcleo de um cometa."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
Name "Юпитер"
Target "Sol/Jupiter"
Description "Юпитер - самая большая планета в Солнечной системе и пятая от Солнца. По своим характеристикам Юпитер занимает промежуточное положение между планетными и звездными образованиями, и его окончательное формирование еще до сих пор не завершилось. Одна из особенностей Юпитера - Большое Красное Пятно, известное уже на протяжении 300 лет наблюдений и представляющее собой мощный антициклон размерами 15000х30000 км."
Name "Плутон и Харон"
Target "Sol/Pluto"
Distance 40000
DistanceUnits "km"
Description "Плутон - самая удаленная, девятая планета Солнечной системы. Движется по эллиптической орбите, вытянутой настолько, что оказывается ближе к Солнцу, чем планета Нептун. Подобно Урану и Венере, Плутон вращается вокруг оси в обратном направлении. Имеет один спутник Харон, который всего лишь в два раза меньше Плутона. В 2006 году на Всемирном Астрономическом конгрессе Плутон был исключен из состава планет Солнечной системы и переведен в группу астероидов."
Name "Эрос"
Target "Sol/Eros"
Description "Эрос - околоземный астероид длиной около 33 км, имеющий форму картофелины. Благодаря космическому кораблю NEAR Shoemaker, об Эросе известно больше, чем о других астероидах. 14 февраля 2001 г. NEAR спустился на Эрос и стал первым космическим кораблем, приземлившимся на астероид."
Name "Проксима Центавра"
Target "Proxima Centauri"
Distance 4000000
DistanceUnits "km"
Description "Проксима Центавра - холодный красный карлик класса М - в настоящее время является самой близкой к нам звездой. Она входит в систему звезд Альфа Центавра, где две звезды класса G2 (как наше Солнце) и K5 вращаются вокруг общего центра масс за 80,1 года на расстоянии 25 а.е., а сама Проксимой Центавра обращается вокруг них на расстоянии 50 000 а.е. с периодом в 10 000 лет."
Name "Плеяды"
Target "Alcyone"
Distance 35
DistanceUnits "ly"
Description "Звездное скопление Плеяды - группа ярких молодых звезд в созвездии Тельца. Плеяды названы именами семи сестер из греческой мифологии. Невооруженным глазом видно 6 ярких голубых гигантов, но если навести телескоп, то в поле зрения вы увидите бриллиантовую россыпь звезд."
Name "Гиады"
Target "63 Tau"
Distance 25
DistanceUnits "ly"
Description "Названные по имени пяти дочерей Атласа и Этры, Гиады - одно из самых заметных рассеянных скоплений на небе. Звездам Гиад приблизительно 660 миллионов лет - они более чем в шесть раз старше более горячих, более голубых звезд Плеяд, хотя скопления находятся на небе рядом."
Name "51 Пегаса b"
Target "51 Peg/b"
Description "В 1995 г. два швейцарских исследователя - М.Майор и Д.Квелоц объявили об открытии первой внесолнечной планеты. Её обнаружили возле неприметной звезды 51 Пегаса. Этот газовый гигант обращается вокруг звезды на расстоянии, которое более чем в 5 раз меньше расстояния от Меркурия до Солнца. То, что планета может находиться так близко к звезде, заставляет астрономов серьезно пересмотреть теорию формирования Солнечной системы."
Name "Глизе 876 b"
Target "Gliese 876/b"
Description "Еще одна из планетарных систем, обнаруженных позже - Глизе 876. Состоит из трех планет класса газовых гигантов (подобно Юпитеру), обращающихся вокруг красного карлика."
Name "Альбирео"
Target "Albireo"
Distance 0.6
Description "Из-за контраста оранжевого и голубого цвета звезд, двойную систему Альбирео считают одной из самых красивых пар на небе. Оранжевый гигант относится к классу K, а его голубой спутник - к классу B."
Name "Ида и Дактиль"
Target "Sol/Ida"
Distance 200
DistanceUnits "km"
Description "В 1993 г., во время полета АМС 'Галилей' к Юпитеру, был сфотографирован астероид Ида (поперечный размер 56 км). Снимки показали, что на расстоянии около 100 км у Иды имеется крошечный спутник размерами 1,5 км, который позже назвали Дактилем. Со временем были обнаружены еще несколько астероидов со спутниками."
Name "Комета Боррелли"
Target "Sol/Borrelly"
Description "22 сентября 2001 г. комета Боррелли стала второй кометой, сфотографированной с близкого расстояния. Deep Space 1 приблизился к ядру кометы на расстояние 2200 км, чтобы получить снимки кометного ядра высокого разрешения."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
Name "Jupiter"
Target "Sol/Jupiter"
Description "Jupiter är den största planeten i vårt solsysten och den femte från solen. I likhet med de andra yttre, stora planerterna så består Jupiter av gas och har ingen fast yta. Den stora röda fläcken är den största och mest långlivade stormen i Jupiters turbulenta atmosfär; Denna storm i jordens storlek har funnits i minst 300 år."
Name "Pluto och Charon"
Target "Sol/Pluto"
Distance 40000
DistanceUnits "km"
Description "Pluto kretsar kring solen på ett medelavstånd av nästan sex miljarder kilometer. Dess enda kända måne, Charon, är så stor att de två ibland klassas som en 'dubbelplanet'."
Name "Eros"
Target "Sol/Eros"
Description "Eros är en potatisformad NEAR-EARTH asteroid med en längd på ungefär 33 km. Tack vare farkosten NEAR Shoemaker så vet vi mer om Eros än om någon annan asteroid. Den 14 februari 2001 så DESCENDED NEAR på Eros och blev den första farkosten någonsin att landa på en asteroid."
Name "Alpha Centauri"
Target "Alpha Centauri"
Distance 90
DistanceUnits "au"
Description "Alpha Centauri A och B är, tillsammans med Proxima Centauri, det stjärnsystem som ligger närmast vårt. Alpha Cen A påminner mycket om vår egen sol, om än något äldre och mer ljusstark. B är svagare och mer rödaktig, och Proxima är så svag att den inte kan ses med blotta ögat trots att den är den stjärna som befinner sig närmast vår sol."
Name "Pleiades"
Target "Alcyone"
Distance 35
DistanceUnits "ly"
Description "Stjärnhopen Pleiaderna är en grupp av unga, starkt lysande stjärnor. Pleiaderna har fått sitt namn från de sju systrarna i den grekiska mytologin, trots att teleskop har avslöjat att hopen består av betydligt fler än sju stjärnor."
Name "Hyades"
Target "63 Tau"
Distance 25
DistanceUnits "ly"
Description "Hyades har fått namn efter Atlas och Aethras fem döttrar och är en av de mest PROMINENT öppna stjärnhoparna på himlavalvet. Det uppskattas att Hyades stjärnor är ungefär 660 miljoner år gamla--över sex gånger äldre än de hetare, blåare Pleiaderna WHICH APPEAR NEARBY IN OUR NIGHT SKY."
Name "Gliese 876 b"
Target "Gliese 876/b"
Description "Gliese 876 b är en jätteplanet som kretsar kring en röd dvärgstjärna. Den befinner sig i en 2:1-resonans med den andra planeten i systemet."
Name "Ida och Dactyl"
Target "Sol/Ida"
Distance 200
DistanceUnits "km"
Description "Rymdfarkosten Galileo fotograferade år 1993 asteroiden 243 Ida på sin väg mot Jupiter. Dessa bilder avslöjade att Ida hade en liten satellit som senare fick namnet Dactyl. Sedan dess har det avslöjats att åtskilliga andra asteroider också har satelliter."
Name "51 Peg b"
Target "51 Peg/b"
Description "51 Pegasi b var den första planeten man upptäckte som kretsar runt en normal stjärna annan än vår sol. Planeten är en gasjätte som kretsar extremt nära sin stjärna -- mindre än en femtedel av avståndet mellan Merkurius och solen. Det faktum att en gasjätte kunde existera så nära en stjärna fick astronomerna att allvarligt revidera sina teorier om solsystemet."
Name "Albireo"
Target "Albireo"
Distance 0.6
Description "På grund av kontrasten mellan de brandgula och blåvita färgerna hos de ingående stjärnorna så är dubbelstjärnsystemet Albireo ansett som ett av de vackraste paren på himlavalvet. Den brandgula stjärnan är en klass K-jätte och dess partner är en dvärg av klass B."
Name "Kometen Borrelly"
Target "Sol/Borrelly"
Description "Den 22 september 2001 så blev kometen Borrely den andra kometen att bli fotograferad på nära håll av en rymdfarkost. Trots att den inte var konstruerad för en förbiflygning av kometen så kom Deep Space 1 mindre än 2 200 kilometer från Borrellys kärna och sände tillbaka de mest högupplösta bilder vi har av en kometkärna."

locale/start_fr.cel 100644
View File

@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
# ... Beginning of script
# *
# START.CEL - Startup script for Celestia *
# (version 2.1) *
# *
# *
# This script is run automatically, every time you run Celestia. *
# *
# NOTE: Do not remove the curly braces located as the first and last *
# characters of this file. They define this file as a CEL script. *
# *
# You can modify this script in many ways, to suit your specific needs. *
# Simply uncomment one or more of the lines below, as noted. Each line or *
# section of code contains comments describing what it does. To UNcomment *
# a line of code, simply remove the "#" character from the beginning of *
# that line. *
# *
# If you decide to modify this script, please copy it to a safe place *
# BEFORE you begin, so you will have it to refer to at a later date. *
# *
preloadtex { object "Sol/Earth" }
preloadtex { object "Sol/Earth/Moon" }
select {object "Sol"}
goto {time 3.0 distance 30}
wait {duration 3.0}
select {object "Sol/Earth"}
follow {}
goto {time 3.0 distance 6.0}
wait {duration 2.0}
print {text "Bienvenue dans Celestia !" row -3 column 1 duration 3}
wait {duration 3.0}
# The lines of code above are the entire start.cel script. Below, is a *
# description of what each command does. We go to Sol first, so that when *
# we go to Earth, it will be displaying it's sunny side, regardless of *
# what your local time might be... *
# *
# preloadtex: Tells Celestia to load the textures for the named object. *
# Otherwise Celestia would load the texture when the object *
# comes into view, which would be noticeable as a small delay. *
# *
# select: Tells Celestia what object (planet, moon, spacecraft, etc.) to *
# define as the currently selected object. Sol defines our solar *
# system, the "/" character is merely a hierarchy divider, Earth *
# is the object we want to select. If you wanted to select our *
# Moon, the select command would look like the following: *
# select {object "Sol/Earth/Moon"} *
# *
# goto: Tells Celestia to travel to the currently selected object, just *
# like pressing the "G" key on the keyboard. The time parameter *
# defines how many seconds it should take to travel there. The *
# distance parameter defines how far away from the object to be *
# positioned, in units of the object's radius, plus 1. For *
# example, if the object's radius is 10000 km, and you specify *
# 6.0 for distance, you will be positioned 50000 km from the *
# center of the object. *
# *
# wait: Since the goto command is telling Celestia to take some time to *
# do something, we need to give Celestia that same amount of time *
# to actually DO it. When going to Sol, the wait command tells *
# Celestia to wait for 3 seconds while the goto takes place (for *
# 3 seconds). The duration parameter value is normally the same *
# as the time parameter in the goto command. However, there are *
# always exceptions (grin). *
# *
# When we are going to Earth, the wait command after the goto, *
# waits for only 2 seconds. The next command is a print command, *
# which displays some text on the screen and has another wait *
# command after it, that waits for another 3 seconds. It's all *
# just a matter of timing. The goto command allows us to display *
# some text on-screen WHILE it is executing. So, we simply make *
# sure that the total number of wait duration values, listed *
# after a goto, adds up to AT LEAST the time value specified in *
# the goto command. It can be longer, if desired. *
# *
# follow: Tells Celestia to follow the selected object through space, *
# just like pressing the "F" key on the keyboard. You could *
# replace the follow {} command with synchronous {}, which allows *
# you to remain in a stationary, or geosynchronous orbit above *
# the selected object. *
# *
# print: Tells Celestia to display (print) some text on the screen. The *
# text parameter defines the text to be displayed. The row *
# parameter defines how many rows from the bottom of the window to *
# start displaying the text at. The column parameter defines how *
# many columns from the left edge of the window to start *
# displaying the text. The duration parameter defines how many *
# seconds the text should be displayed on the screen. Which is *
# then followed by the wait command, as described above. *
# If you want to be positioned above YOUR specific location on Earth, use *
# the gotolonglat command shown below. Step-by-step instructions... *
# *
# * Copy the entire line of code. *
# *
# * Paste it below the "goto" command above. *
# *
# * Remove the "#" character at the beginning of the line. This UNcomments *
# the line of code so it will be executed. *
# *
# * Add a "#" character to the beginning of the original goto command. *
# This turns the line of code into a comment, so it will NOT be run. *
# *
# * Change the longitude and latitude values to those of your location. *
# *
# * Since you are going to a specific position on the Earth, it might not *
# be daytime there, so you could comment-out the following lines of *
# code by adding a "#" character to the beginning of each line... *
# select {object "Sol"} *
# goto {time 3.0 distance 30} *
# wait {duration 3.0} *
# If you WANT to display your location in the daytime, use the time *
# command described next. *
# gotolonglat {time 5.0 distance 4.0 longitude 0.0 latitude 0.0}
# If you would like Celestia to always start at a specific date/time, use *
# the time command, as shown below. *
# *
# WARNING: Starting Celestia with a pre-determined date/time requires that *
# you physically press the "!" (exclamation mark) key in order to *
# RESET the time to "current time", whenever you want to do some *
# exploring -- IF the actual time makes a difference. *
# *
# Step-by-step instructions... *
# *
# * Determine if you want to set the date via a calendar UTC date/time *
# string, or a Julian day (see below). *
# *
# * Copy the one line of code with the time command you want to use. *
# *
# * Paste it above the "goto" command above (top of file). *
# *
# * Remove the "#" character at the beginning of the line. This UNcomments *
# the line of code so it will be executed. *
# *
# * Change the date/time value to YOUR required date/time. *
# Set the time via a calendar UTC date/time string...
# time { utc "2003-08-11T09:29:24.0000" }
# Note the "T" .........^ ... (this is required)
# Set the time via a Julian day value...
# time { jd JulianDate }
# U.S. Navy Calendar Date/Time to Julian Date/Time converter:
# The commands listed below allow you to define several of Celestia's *
# settings, that will be set every time you start Celestia. Modify any of *
# the settings you want to. *
# Field of View (UNcomment / modify to meet your needs)...
# Default is 25 degrees, at a screen resolution of 1024 x 768
# set {name "FOV" value 25.0}
# Ambient light level (UNcomment / modify to meet your needs)...
# 0.0 to 0.5 is a good Lo-Hi range
# set {name "AmbientLightLevel" value 0.1}
# Faintest visible star magnitude (brightness)...
# (UNcomment / modify to meet your needs)
# Celestia UI: 0.8 to 15.2, default is 6.0
# setvisibilitylimit {magnitude 6.0}
# Faintest auto-magnitude brightness, at 45 degrees, Default is 8.5...
# (UNcomment / modify to meet your needs)
# setfaintestautomag45deg {magnitude 8.5}
# Items to be displayed (rendered):
# Do NOT render the following objects (UNcomment to suit your needs)...
# renderflags {clear "atmospheres"}
# renderflags {clear "automag"}
# renderflags {clear "boundaries"}
# renderflags {clear "cloudmaps"}
# renderflags {clear "comettails"}
# renderflags {clear "constellations"}
# renderflags {clear "eclipseshadows"}
# renderflags {clear "galaxies"}
# renderflags {clear "grid"}
# renderflags {clear "markers"}
# renderflags {clear "nightmaps"}
# renderflags {clear "orbits"}
# renderflags {clear "planets"}
# renderflags {clear "pointstars"}
# renderflags {clear "ringshadows"}
# renderflags {clear "stars"}
# renderflags {clear "partialtrajectories"}
# Items to be displayed (rendered):
# DO render the following objects (UNcomment to suit your needs)...
# renderflags {set "atmospheres"}
# renderflags {set "automag"}
# renderflags {set "boundaries"}
# renderflags {set "cloudmaps"}
# renderflags {set "comettails"}
# renderflags {set "constellations"}
# renderflags {set "eclipseshadows"}
# renderflags {set "galaxies"}
# renderflags {set "grid"}
# renderflags {set "markers"}
# renderflags {set "nightmaps"}
# renderflags {set "orbits"}
# renderflags {set "planets"}
# renderflags {set "pointstars"}
# renderflags {set "ringshadows"}
# renderflags {set "stars"}
# renderflags {set "partialtrajectories"}
# Text labels:
# Do NOT label the following objects (UNcomment to suit your needs)...
# labels {clear "asteroids"}
# labels {clear "constellations"}
# labels {clear "galaxies"}
# labels {clear "moons"}
# labels {clear "planets"}
# labels {clear "spacecraft"}
# labels {clear "stars"}
# Text labels:
# DO label the following objects (UNcomment to suit your needs)...
# labels {set "asteroids"}
# labels {set "constellations"}
# labels {set "galaxies"}
# labels {set "moons"}
# labels {set "planets"}
# labels {set "spacecraft"}
# labels {set "stars"}
# Marker control:
# Unmark any objects that are currently Marked and disable Marker display...
# (UNcomment to suit your needs)
# unmarkall { }
# Minimum orbit diameter to be rendered (in pixels)...
# (UNcomment / modify to suit your needs)
# set {name "MinOrbitSize" value 1.0}
# Furthest visible star distance, default is 1000000...
# (UNcomment / modify to suit your needs)
# set {name "StarDistanceLimit" value 1000000}
# Time rate (1x, 100x, 1000x, etc.)...
# (UNcomment / modify to suit your needs)
# Negative value = Reverse Time
# 0 = Pause Time
# 1.0 = Real Time (default)
# 1000.0 = Good moon orbit motion
# timerate {rate 1.0}
# If you are using large textures, you can have Celestia pre-load them *
# into your graphics card memory by listing them below. *
# Examples...
# preloadtex {object "earth.*"}
# preloadtex {object "earth.png"}
# orbit is a fun command to play with. The axis is specified in [X Y Z] *
# order, and each axis can be either 0 or 1. rate = how fast, duration = *
# number of seconds. Just make sure you have an object selected. *
# orbit {axis [0 1 0] rate 10.0 duration 7.0}
# To learn more about scripting in Celestia, visit: *
# *
# * Scripting forum: ( *
# * Don G's Celestia page: ( *
# * Harald's Celestia page: ( *
# *
# Don G's page includes a guide for CEL scripting. Harald's page includes *
# a guide for CELX (Lua) scripting. Both also have example scripts and *
# other goodies. *
# End of script...

locale/start_it.cel 100644
View File

@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
# ... Beginning of script
# *
# START.CEL - Startup script for Celestia *
# (version 2.1) *
# *
# *
# This script is run automatically, every time you run Celestia. *
# *
# NOTE: Do not remove the curly braces located as the first and last *
# characters of this file. They define this file as a CEL script. *
# *
# You can modify this script in many ways, to suit your specific needs. *
# Simply uncomment one or more of the lines below, as noted. Each line or *
# section of code contains comments describing what it does. To UNcomment *
# a line of code, simply remove the "#" character from the beginning of *
# that line. *
# *
# If you decide to modify this script, please copy it to a safe place *
# BEFORE you begin, so you will have it to refer to at a later date. *
# *
preloadtex { object "Sol/Earth" }
preloadtex { object "Sol/Earth/Moon" }
select {object "Sol"}
goto {time 3.0 distance 30}
wait {duration 3.0}
select {object "Sol/Earth"}
follow {}
goto {time 3.0 distance 6.0}
wait {duration 2.0}
print {text "Benvenuti in Celestia!" row -3 column 1 duration 3}
wait {duration 3.0}
# The lines of code above are the entire start.cel script. Below, is a *
# description of what each command does. We go to Sol first, so that when *
# we go to Earth, it will be displaying it's sunny side, regardless of *
# what your local time might be... *
# *
# preloadtex: Tells Celestia to load the textures for the named object. *
# Otherwise Celestia would load the texture when the object *
# comes into view, which would be noticeable as a small delay. *
# *
# select: Tells Celestia what object (planet, moon, spacecraft, etc.) to *
# define as the currently selected object. Sol defines our solar *
# system, the "/" character is merely a hierarchy divider, Earth *
# is the object we want to select. If you wanted to select our *
# Moon, the select command would look like the following: *
# select {object "Sol/Earth/Moon"} *
# *
# goto: Tells Celestia to travel to the currently selected object, just *
# like pressing the "G" key on the keyboard. The time parameter *
# defines how many seconds it should take to travel there. The *
# distance parameter defines how far away from the object to be *
# positioned, in units of the object's radius, plus 1. For *
# example, if the object's radius is 10000 km, and you specify *
# 6.0 for distance, you will be positioned 50000 km from the *
# center of the object. *
# *
# wait: Since the goto command is telling Celestia to take some time to *
# do something, we need to give Celestia that same amount of time *
# to actually DO it. When going to Sol, the wait command tells *
# Celestia to wait for 3 seconds while the goto takes place (for *
# 3 seconds). The duration parameter value is normally the same *
# as the time parameter in the goto command. However, there are *
# always exceptions (grin). *
# *
# When we are going to Earth, the wait command after the goto, *
# waits for only 2 seconds. The next command is a print command, *
# which displays some text on the screen and has another wait *
# command after it, that waits for another 3 seconds. It's all *
# just a matter of timing. The goto command allows us to display *
# some text on-screen WHILE it is executing. So, we simply make *
# sure that the total number of wait duration values, listed *
# after a goto, adds up to AT LEAST the time value specified in *
# the goto command. It can be longer, if desired. *
# *
# follow: Tells Celestia to follow the selected object through space, *
# just like pressing the "F" key on the keyboard. You could *
# replace the follow {} command with synchronous {}, which allows *
# you to remain in a stationary, or geosynchronous orbit above *
# the selected object. *
# *
# print: Tells Celestia to display (print) some text on the screen. The *
# text parameter defines the text to be displayed. The row *
# parameter defines how many rows from the bottom of the window to *
# start displaying the text at. The column parameter defines how *
# many columns from the left edge of the window to start *
# displaying the text. The duration parameter defines how many *
# seconds the text should be displayed on the screen. Which is *
# then followed by the wait command, as described above. *
# If you want to be positioned above YOUR specific location on Earth, use *
# the gotolonglat command shown below. Step-by-step instructions... *
# *
# * Copy the entire line of code. *
# *
# * Paste it below the "goto" command above. *
# *
# * Remove the "#" character at the beginning of the line. This UNcomments *
# the line of code so it will be executed. *
# *
# * Add a "#" character to the beginning of the original goto command. *
# This turns the line of code into a comment, so it will NOT be run. *
# *
# * Change the longitude and latitude values to those of your location. *
# *
# * Since you are going to a specific position on the Earth, it might not *
# be daytime there, so you could comment-out the following lines of *
# code by adding a "#" character to the beginning of each line... *
# select {object "Sol"} *
# goto {time 3.0 distance 30} *
# wait {duration 3.0} *
# If you WANT to display your location in the daytime, use the time *
# command described next. *
# gotolonglat {time 5.0 distance 4.0 longitude 0.0 latitude 0.0}
# If you would like Celestia to always start at a specific date/time, use *
# the time command, as shown below. *
# *
# WARNING: Starting Celestia with a pre-determined date/time requires that *
# you physically press the "!" (exclamation mark) key in order to *
# RESET the time to "current time", whenever you want to do some *
# exploring -- IF the actual time makes a difference. *
# *
# Step-by-step instructions... *
# *
# * Determine if you want to set the date via a calendar UTC date/time *
# string, or a Julian day (see below). *
# *
# * Copy the one line of code with the time command you want to use. *
# *
# * Paste it above the "goto" command above (top of file). *
# *
# * Remove the "#" character at the beginning of the line. This UNcomments *
# the line of code so it will be executed. *
# *
# * Change the date/time value to YOUR required date/time. *
# Set the time via a calendar UTC date/time string...
# time { utc "2003-08-11T09:29:24.0000" }
# Note the "T" .........^ ... (this is required)
# Set the time via a Julian day value...
# time { jd JulianDate }
# U.S. Navy Calendar Date/Time to Julian Date/Time converter:
# The commands listed below allow you to define several of Celestia's *
# settings, that will be set every time you start Celestia. Modify any of *
# the settings you want to. *
# Field of View (UNcomment / modify to meet your needs)...
# Default is 25 degrees, at a screen resolution of 1024 x 768
# set {name "FOV" value 25.0}
# Ambient light level (UNcomment / modify to meet your needs)...
# 0.0 to 0.5 is a good Lo-Hi range
# set {name "AmbientLightLevel" value 0.1}
# Faintest visible star magnitude (brightness)...
# (UNcomment / modify to meet your needs)
# Celestia UI: 0.8 to 15.2, default is 6.0
# setvisibilitylimit {magnitude 6.0}
# Faintest auto-magnitude brightness, at 45 degrees, Default is 8.5...
# (UNcomment / modify to meet your needs)
# setfaintestautomag45deg {magnitude 8.5}
# Items to be displayed (rendered):
# Do NOT render the following objects (UNcomment to suit your needs)...
# renderflags {clear "atmospheres"}
# renderflags {clear "automag"}
# renderflags {clear "boundaries"}
# renderflags {clear "cloudmaps"}
# renderflags {clear "comettails"}
# renderflags {clear "constellations"}
# renderflags {clear "eclipseshadows"}
# renderflags {clear "galaxies"}
# renderflags {clear "grid"}
# renderflags {clear "markers"}
# renderflags {clear "nightmaps"}
# renderflags {clear "orbits"}
# renderflags {clear "planets"}
# renderflags {clear "pointstars"}
# renderflags {clear "ringshadows"}
# renderflags {clear "stars"}
# renderflags {clear "partialtrajectories"}
# Items to be displayed (rendered):
# DO render the following objects (UNcomment to suit your needs)...
# renderflags {set "atmospheres"}
# renderflags {set "automag"}
# renderflags {set "boundaries"}
# renderflags {set "cloudmaps"}
# renderflags {set "comettails"}
# renderflags {set "constellations"}
# renderflags {set "eclipseshadows"}
# renderflags {set "galaxies"}
# renderflags {set "grid"}
# renderflags {set "markers"}
# renderflags {set "nightmaps"}
# renderflags {set "orbits"}
# renderflags {set "planets"}
# renderflags {set "pointstars"}
# renderflags {set "ringshadows"}
# renderflags {set "stars"}
# renderflags {set "partialtrajectories"}
# Text labels:
# Do NOT label the following objects (UNcomment to suit your needs)...
# labels {clear "asteroids"}
# labels {clear "constellations"}
# labels {clear "galaxies"}
# labels {clear "moons"}
# labels {clear "planets"}
# labels {clear "spacecraft"}
# labels {clear "stars"}
# Text labels:
# DO label the following objects (UNcomment to suit your needs)...
# labels {set "asteroids"}
# labels {set "constellations"}
# labels {set "galaxies"}
# labels {set "moons"}
# labels {set "planets"}
# labels {set "spacecraft"}
# labels {set "stars"}
# Marker control:
# Unmark any objects that are currently Marked and disable Marker display...
# (UNcomment to suit your needs)
# unmarkall { }
# Minimum orbit diameter to be rendered (in pixels)...
# (UNcomment / modify to suit your needs)
# set {name "MinOrbitSize" value 1.0}
# Furthest visible star distance, default is 1000000...
# (UNcomment / modify to suit your needs)
# set {name "StarDistanceLimit" value 1000000}
# Time rate (1x, 100x, 1000x, etc.)...
# (UNcomment / modify to suit your needs)
# Negative value = Reverse Time
# 0 = Pause Time
# 1.0 = Real Time (default)
# 1000.0 = Good moon orbit motion
# timerate {rate 1.0}
# If you are using large textures, you can have Celestia pre-load them *
# into your graphics card memory by listing them below. *
# Examples...
# preloadtex {object "earth.*"}
# preloadtex {object "earth.png"}
# orbit is a fun command to play with. The axis is specified in [X Y Z] *
# order, and each axis can be either 0 or 1. rate = how fast, duration = *
# number of seconds. Just make sure you have an object selected. *
# orbit {axis [0 1 0] rate 10.0 duration 7.0}
# To learn more about scripting in Celestia, visit: *
# *
# * Scripting forum: ( *
# * Don G's Celestia page: ( *
# * Harald's Celestia page: ( *
# *
# Don G's page includes a guide for CEL scripting. Harald's page includes *
# a guide for CELX (Lua) scripting. Both also have example scripts and *
# other goodies. *
# End of script...

locale/start_ko.cel 100644
View File

@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
# ... Beginning of script
# *
# START.CEL - Startup script for Celestia *
# (version 2.1) *
# *
# *
# This script is run automatically, every time you run Celestia. *
# *
# NOTE: Do not remove the curly braces located as the first and last *
# characters of this file. They define this file as a CEL script. *
# *
# You can modify this script in many ways, to suit your specific needs. *
# Simply uncomment one or more of the lines below, as noted. Each line or *
# section of code contains comments describing what it does. To UNcomment *
# a line of code, simply remove the "#" character from the beginning of *
# that line. *
# *
# If you decide to modify this script, please copy it to a safe place *
# BEFORE you begin, so you will have it to refer to at a later date. *
# *
preloadtex { object "Sol/Earth" }
preloadtex { object "Sol/Earth/Moon" }
select {object "Sol"}
goto {time 3.0 distance 30}
wait {duration 3.0}
select {object "Sol/Earth"}
follow {}
goto {time 3.0 distance 6.0}
wait {duration 2.0}
print {text "Celestia를 시작합니다!" row -3 column 1 duration 3}
wait {duration 3.0}
# The lines of code above are the entire start.cel script. Below, is a *
# description of what each command does. We go to Sol first, so that when *
# we go to Earth, it will be displaying it's sunny side, regardless of *
# what your local time might be... *
# *
# preloadtex: Tells Celestia to load the textures for the named object. *
# Otherwise Celestia would load the texture when the object *
# comes into view, which would be noticeable as a small delay. *
# *
# select: Tells Celestia what object (planet, moon, spacecraft, etc.) to *
# define as the currently selected object. Sol defines our solar *
# system, the "/" character is merely a hierarchy divider, Earth *
# is the object we want to select. If you wanted to select our *
# Moon, the select command would look like the following: *
# select {object "Sol/Earth/Moon"} *
# *
# goto: Tells Celestia to travel to the currently selected object, just *
# like pressing the "G" key on the keyboard. The time parameter *
# defines how many seconds it should take to travel there. The *
# distance parameter defines how far away from the object to be *
# positioned, in units of the object's radius, plus 1. For *
# example, if the object's radius is 10000 km, and you specify *
# 6.0 for distance, you will be positioned 50000 km from the *
# center of the object. *
# *
# wait: Since the goto command is telling Celestia to take some time to *
# do something, we need to give Celestia that same amount of time *
# to actually DO it. When going to Sol, the wait command tells *
# Celestia to wait for 3 seconds while the goto takes place (for *
# 3 seconds). The duration parameter value is normally the same *
# as the time parameter in the goto command. However, there are *
# always exceptions (grin). *
# *
# When we are going to Earth, the wait command after the goto, *
# waits for only 2 seconds. The next command is a print command, *
# which displays some text on the screen and has another wait *
# command after it, that waits for another 3 seconds. It's all *
# just a matter of timing. The goto command allows us to display *
# some text on-screen WHILE it is executing. So, we simply make *
# sure that the total number of wait duration values, listed *
# after a goto, adds up to AT LEAST the time value specified in *
# the goto command. It can be longer, if desired. *
# *
# follow: Tells Celestia to follow the selected object through space, *
# just like pressing the "F" key on the keyboard. You could *
# replace the follow {} command with synchronous {}, which allows *
# you to remain in a stationary, or geosynchronous orbit above *
# the selected object. *
# *
# print: Tells Celestia to display (print) some text on the screen. The *
# text parameter defines the text to be displayed. The row *
# parameter defines how many rows from the bottom of the window to *
# start displaying the text at. The column parameter defines how *
# many columns from the left edge of the window to start *
# displaying the text. The duration parameter defines how many *
# seconds the text should be displayed on the screen. Which is *
# then followed by the wait command, as described above. *
# If you want to be positioned above YOUR specific location on Earth, use *
# the gotolonglat command shown below. Step-by-step instructions... *
# *
# * Copy the entire line of code. *
# *
# * Paste it below the "goto" command above. *
# *
# * Remove the "#" character at the beginning of the line. This UNcomments *
# the line of code so it will be executed. *
# *
# * Add a "#" character to the beginning of the original goto command. *
# This turns the line of code into a comment, so it will NOT be run. *
# *
# * Change the longitude and latitude values to those of your location. *
# *
# * Since you are going to a specific position on the Earth, it might not *
# be daytime there, so you could comment-out the following lines of *
# code by adding a "#" character to the beginning of each line... *
# select {object "Sol"} *
# goto {time 3.0 distance 30} *
# wait {duration 3.0} *
# If you WANT to display your location in the daytime, use the time *
# command described next. *
# gotolonglat {time 5.0 distance 4.0 longitude 0.0 latitude 0.0}
# If you would like Celestia to always start at a specific date/time, use *
# the time command, as shown below. *
# *
# WARNING: Starting Celestia with a pre-determined date/time requires that *
# you physically press the "!" (exclamation mark) key in order to *
# RESET the time to "current time", whenever you want to do some *
# exploring -- IF the actual time makes a difference. *
# *
# Step-by-step instructions... *
# *
# * Determine if you want to set the date via a calendar UTC date/time *
# string, or a Julian day (see below). *
# *
# * Copy the one line of code with the time command you want to use. *
# *
# * Paste it above the "goto" command above (top of file). *
# *
# * Remove the "#" character at the beginning of the line. This UNcomments *
# the line of code so it will be executed. *
# *
# * Change the date/time value to YOUR required date/time. *
# Set the time via a calendar UTC date/time string...
# time { utc "2003-08-11T09:29:24.0000" }
# Note the "T" .........^ ... (this is required)
# Set the time via a Julian day value...
# time { jd JulianDate }
# U.S. Navy Calendar Date/Time to Julian Date/Time converter:
# The commands listed below allow you to define several of Celestia's *
# settings, that will be set every time you start Celestia. Modify any of *
# the settings you want to. *
# Field of View (UNcomment / modify to meet your needs)...
# Default is 25 degrees, at a screen resolution of 1024 x 768
# set {name "FOV" value 25.0}
# Ambient light level (UNcomment / modify to meet your needs)...
# 0.0 to 0.5 is a good Lo-Hi range
# set {name "AmbientLightLevel" value 0.1}
# Faintest visible star magnitude (brightness)...
# (UNcomment / modify to meet your needs)
# Celestia UI: 0.8 to 15.2, default is 6.0
# setvisibilitylimit {magnitude 6.0}
# Faintest auto-magnitude brightness, at 45 degrees, Default is 8.5...
# (UNcomment / modify to meet your needs)
# setfaintestautomag45deg {magnitude 8.5}
# Items to be displayed (rendered):
# Do NOT render the following objects (UNcomment to suit your needs)...
# renderflags {clear "atmospheres"}
# renderflags {clear "automag"}
# renderflags {clear "boundaries"}
# renderflags {clear "cloudmaps"}
# renderflags {clear "comettails"}
# renderflags {clear "constellations"}
# renderflags {clear "eclipseshadows"}
# renderflags {clear "galaxies"}
# renderflags {clear "nebulae"}
# renderflags {clear "grid"}
# renderflags {clear "markers"}
# renderflags {clear "nightmaps"}
# renderflags {clear "orbits"}
# renderflags {clear "planets"}
# renderflags {clear "pointstars"}
# renderflags {clear "ringshadows"}
# renderflags {clear "stars"}
# renderflags {clear "partialtrajectories"}
# Items to be displayed (rendered):
# DO render the following objects (UNcomment to suit your needs)...
# renderflags {set "atmospheres"}
# renderflags {set "automag"}
# renderflags {set "boundaries"}
# renderflags {set "cloudmaps"}
# renderflags {set "comettails"}
# renderflags {set "constellations"}
# renderflags {set "eclipseshadows"}
# renderflags {set "galaxies"}
# renderflags {set "nebulae"}
# renderflags {set "grid"}
# renderflags {set "markers"}
# renderflags {set "nightmaps"}
# renderflags {set "orbits"}
# renderflags {set "planets"}
# renderflags {set "pointstars"}
# renderflags {set "ringshadows"}
# renderflags {set "stars"}
# renderflags {set "partialtrajectories"}
# Text labels:
# Do NOT label the following objects (UNcomment to suit your needs)...
# labels {clear "asteroids"}
# labels {clear "constellations"}
# labels {clear "galaxies"}
# labels {clear "moons"}
# labels {clear "planets"}
# labels {clear "spacecraft"}
# labels {clear "stars"}
# Text labels:
# DO label the following objects (UNcomment to suit your needs)...
# labels {set "asteroids"}
# labels {set "constellations"}
# labels {set "galaxies"}
# labels {set "moons"}
# labels {set "planets"}
# labels {set "spacecraft"}
# labels {set "stars"}
# Marker control:
# Unmark any objects that are currently Marked and disable Marker display...
# (UNcomment to suit your needs)
# unmarkall { }
# Minimum orbit diameter to be rendered (in pixels)...
# (UNcomment / modify to suit your needs)
# set {name "MinOrbitSize" value 1.0}
# Furthest visible star distance, default is 1000000...
# (UNcomment / modify to suit your needs)
# set {name "StarDistanceLimit" value 1000000}
# Time rate (1x, 100x, 1000x, etc.)...
# (UNcomment / modify to suit your needs)
# Negative value = Reverse Time
# 0 = Pause Time
# 1.0 = Real Time (default)
# 1000.0 = Good moon orbit motion
# timerate {rate 1.0}
# If you are using large textures, you can have Celestia pre-load them *
# into your graphics card memory by listing them below. *
# Examples...
# preloadtex {object "earth.*"}
# preloadtex {object "earth.png"}
# orbit is a fun command to play with. The axis is specified in [X Y Z] *
# order, and each axis can be either 0 or 1. rate = how fast, duration = *
# number of seconds. Just make sure you have an object selected. *
# orbit {axis [0 1 0] rate 10.0 duration 7.0}
# To learn more about scripting in Celestia, visit: *
# *
# * Scripting forum: ( *
# * Don G's Celestia page: ( *
# * Harald's Celestia page: ( *
# *
# Don G's page includes a guide for CEL scripting. Harald's page includes *
# a guide for CELX (Lua) scripting. Both also have example scripts and *
# other goodies. *
# End of script...

locale/start_lv.cel 100644
View File

@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
# ... Beginning of script
# *
# START.CEL - Startup script for Celestia *
# (version 2.1) *
# *
# *
# This script is run automatically, every time you run Celestia. *
# *
# NOTE: Do not remove the curly braces located as the first and last *
# characters of this file. They define this file as a CEL script. *
# *
# You can modify this script in many ways, to suit your specific needs. *
# Simply uncomment one or more of the lines below, as noted. Each line or *
# section of code contains comments describing what it does. To UNcomment *
# a line of code, simply remove the "#" character from the beginning of *
# that line. *
# *
# If you decide to modify this script, please copy it to a safe place *
# BEFORE you begin, so you will have it to refer to at a later date. *
# *
preloadtex { object "Sol/Earth" }
preloadtex { object "Sol/Earth/Moon" }
select {object "Sol"}
goto {time 3.0 distance 30}
wait {duration 3.0}
select {object "Sol/Earth"}
follow {}
goto {time 3.0 distance 6.0}
wait {duration 2.0}
print {text "Laipni l\u016bdzam Celestia!" row -3 column 1 duration 3}
wait {duration 3.0}
# The lines of code above are the entire start.cel script. Below, is a *
# description of what each command does. We go to Sol first, so that when *
# we go to Earth, it will be displaying it's sunny side, regardless of *
# what your local time might be... *
# *
# preloadtex: Tells Celestia to load the textures for the named object. *
# Otherwise Celestia would load the texture when the object *
# comes into view, which would be noticeable as a small delay. *
# *
# select: Tells Celestia what object (planet, moon, spacecraft, etc.) to *
# define as the currently selected object. Sol defines our solar *
# system, the "/" character is merely a hierarchy divider, Earth *
# is the object we want to select. If you wanted to select our *
# Moon, the select command would look like the following: *
# select {object "Sol/Earth/Moon"} *
# *
# goto: Tells Celestia to travel to the currently selected object, just *
# like pressing the "G" key on the keyboard. The time parameter *
# defines how many seconds it should take to travel there. The *
# distance parameter defines how far away from the object to be *
# positioned, in units of the object's radius, plus 1. For *
# example, if the object's radius is 10000 km, and you specify *
# 6.0 for distance, you will be positioned 50000 km from the *
# center of the object. *
# *
# wait: Since the goto command is telling Celestia to take some time to *
# do something, we need to give Celestia that same amount of time *
# to actually DO it. When going to Sol, the wait command tells *
# Celestia to wait for 3 seconds while the goto takes place (for *
# 3 seconds). The duration parameter value is normally the same *
# as the time parameter in the goto command. However, there are *
# always exceptions (grin). *
# *
# When we are going to Earth, the wait command after the goto, *
# waits for only 2 seconds. The next command is a print command, *
# which displays some text on the screen and has another wait *
# command after it, that waits for another 3 seconds. It's all *
# just a matter of timing. The goto command allows us to display *
# some text on-screen WHILE it is executing. So, we simply make *
# sure that the total number of wait duration values, listed *
# after a goto, adds up to AT LEAST the time value specified in *
# the goto command. It can be longer, if desired. *
# *
# follow: Tells Celestia to follow the selected object through space, *
# just like pressing the "F" key on the keyboard. You could *
# replace the follow {} command with synchronous {}, which allows *
# you to remain in a stationary, or geosynchronous orbit above *
# the selected object. *
# *
# print: Tells Celestia to display (print) some text on the screen. The *
# text parameter defines the text to be displayed. The row *
# parameter defines how many rows from the bottom of the window to *
# start displaying the text at. The column parameter defines how *
# many columns from the left edge of the window to start *
# displaying the text. The duration parameter defines how many *
# seconds the text should be displayed on the screen. Which is *
# then followed by the wait command, as described above. *
# If you want to be positioned above YOUR specific location on Earth, use *
# the gotolonglat command shown below. Step-by-step instructions... *
# *
# * Copy the entire line of code. *
# *
# * Paste it below the "goto" command above. *
# *
# * Remove the "#" character at the beginning of the line. This UNcomments *
# the line of code so it will be executed. *
# *
# * Add a "#" character to the beginning of the original goto command. *
# This turns the line of code into a comment, so it will NOT be run. *
# *
# * Change the longitude and latitude values to those of your location. *
# *
# * Since you are going to a specific position on the Earth, it might not *
# be daytime there, so you could comment-out the following lines of *
# code by adding a "#" character to the beginning of each line... *
# select {object "Sol"} *
# goto {time 3.0 distance 30} *
# wait {duration 3.0} *
# If you WANT to display your location in the daytime, use the time *
# command described next. *
# gotolonglat {time 5.0 distance 4.0 longitude 0.0 latitude 0.0}
# If you would like Celestia to always start at a specific date/time, use *
# the time command, as shown below. *
# *
# WARNING: Starting Celestia with a pre-determined date/time requires that *
# you physically press the "!" (exclamation mark) key in order to *
# RESET the time to "current time", whenever you want to do some *
# exploring -- IF the actual time makes a difference. *
# *
# Step-by-step instructions... *
# *
# * Determine if you want to set the date via a calendar UTC date/time *
# string, or a Julian day (see below). *
# *
# * Copy the one line of code with the time command you want to use. *
# *
# * Paste it above the "goto" command above (top of file). *
# *
# * Remove the "#" character at the beginning of the line. This UNcomments *
# the line of code so it will be executed. *
# *
# * Change the date/time value to YOUR required date/time. *
# Set the time via a calendar UTC date/time string...
# time { utc "2003-08-11T09:29:24.0000" }
# Note the "T" .........^ ... (this is required)
# Set the time via a Julian day value...
# time { jd JulianDate }
# U.S. Navy Calendar Date/Time to Julian Date/Time converter:
# The commands listed below allow you to define several of Celestia's *
# settings, that will be set every time you start Celestia. Modify any of *
# the settings you want to. *
# Field of View (UNcomment / modify to meet your needs)...
# Default is 25 degrees, at a screen resolution of 1024 x 768
# set {name "FOV" value 25.0}
# Ambient light level (UNcomment / modify to meet your needs)...
# 0.0 to 0.5 is a good Lo-Hi range
# set {name "AmbientLightLevel" value 0.1}
# Faintest visible star magnitude (brightness)...
# (UNcomment / modify to meet your needs)
# Celestia UI: 0.8 to 15.2, default is 6.0
# setvisibilitylimit {magnitude 6.0}
# Faintest auto-magnitude brightness, at 45 degrees, Default is 8.5...
# (UNcomment / modify to meet your needs)
# setfaintestautomag45deg {magnitude 8.5}
# Items to be displayed (rendered):
# Do NOT render the following objects (UNcomment to suit your needs)...
# renderflags {clear "atmospheres"}
# renderflags {clear "automag"}
# renderflags {clear "boundaries"}
# renderflags {clear "cloudmaps"}
# renderflags {clear "comettails"}
# renderflags {clear "constellations"}
# renderflags {clear "eclipseshadows"}
# renderflags {clear "galaxies"}
# renderflags {clear "grid"}
# renderflags {clear "markers"}
# renderflags {clear "nightmaps"}
# renderflags {clear "orbits"}
# renderflags {clear "planets"}
# renderflags {clear "pointstars"}
# renderflags {clear "ringshadows"}
# renderflags {clear "stars"}
# renderflags {clear "partialtrajectories"}
# Items to be displayed (rendered):
# DO render the following objects (UNcomment to suit your needs)...
# renderflags {set "atmospheres"}
# renderflags {set "automag"}
# renderflags {set "boundaries"}
# renderflags {set "cloudmaps"}
# renderflags {set "comettails"}
# renderflags {set "constellations"}
# renderflags {set "eclipseshadows"}
# renderflags {set "galaxies"}
# renderflags {set "grid"}
# renderflags {set "markers"}
# renderflags {set "nightmaps"}
# renderflags {set "orbits"}
# renderflags {set "planets"}
# renderflags {set "pointstars"}
# renderflags {set "ringshadows"}
# renderflags {set "stars"}
# renderflags {set "partialtrajectories"}
# Text labels:
# Do NOT label the following objects (UNcomment to suit your needs)...
# labels {clear "asteroids"}
# labels {clear "constellations"}
# labels {clear "galaxies"}
# labels {clear "moons"}
# labels {clear "planets"}
# labels {clear "spacecraft"}
# labels {clear "stars"}
# Text labels:
# DO label the following objects (UNcomment to suit your needs)...
# labels {set "asteroids"}
# labels {set "constellations"}
# labels {set "galaxies"}
# labels {set "moons"}
# labels {set "planets"}
# labels {set "spacecraft"}
# labels {set "stars"}
# Marker control:
# Unmark any objects that are currently Marked and disable Marker display...
# (UNcomment to suit your needs)
# unmarkall { }
# Minimum orbit diameter to be rendered (in pixels)...
# (UNcomment / modify to suit your needs)
# set {name "MinOrbitSize" value 1.0}
# Furthest visible star distance, default is 1000000...
# (UNcomment / modify to suit your needs)
# set {name "StarDistanceLimit" value 1000000}
# Time rate (1x, 100x, 1000x, etc.)...
# (UNcomment / modify to suit your needs)
# Negative value = Reverse Time
# 0 = Pause Time
# 1.0 = Real Time (default)
# 1000.0 = Good moon orbit motion
# timerate {rate 1.0}
# If you are using large textures, you can have Celestia pre-load them *
# into your graphics card memory by listing them below. *
# Examples...
# preloadtex {object "earth.*"}
# preloadtex {object "earth.png"}
# orbit is a fun command to play with. The axis is specified in [X Y Z] *
# order, and each axis can be either 0 or 1. rate = how fast, duration = *
# number of seconds. Just make sure you have an object selected. *
# orbit {axis [0 1 0] rate 10.0 duration 7.0}
# To learn more about scripting in Celestia, visit: *
# *
# * Scripting forum: ( *
# * Don G's Celestia page: ( *
# * Harald's Celestia page: ( *
# *
# Don G's page includes a guide for CEL scripting. Harald's page includes *
# a guide for CELX (Lua) scripting. Both also have example scripts and *
# other goodies. *
# End of script...

locale/start_pt.cel 100644
View File

@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
# ... Beginning of script
# *
# START.CEL - Startup script for Celestia *
# (version 2.1) *
# *
# *
# This script is run automatically, every time you run Celestia. *
# *
# NOTE: Do not remove the curly braces located as the first and last *
# characters of this file. They define this file as a CEL script. *
# *
# You can modify this script in many ways, to suit your specific needs. *
# Simply uncomment one or more of the lines below, as noted. Each line or *
# section of code contains comments describing what it does. To UNcomment *
# a line of code, simply remove the "#" character from the beginning of *
# that line. *
# *
# If you decide to modify this script, please copy it to a safe place *
# BEFORE you begin, so you will have it to refer to at a later date. *
# *
preloadtex { object "Sol/Earth" }
preloadtex { object "Sol/Earth/Moon" }
select {object "Sol"}
goto {time 3.0 distance 30}
wait {duration 3.0}
select {object "Sol/Earth"}
follow {}
goto {time 3.0 distance 6.0}
wait {duration 2.0}
print {text "Bem-vindo ao Celestia!" row -3 column 1 duration 3}
wait {duration 3.0}
# The lines of code above are the entire start.cel script. Below, is a *
# description of what each command does. We go to Sol first, so that when *
# we go to Earth, it will be displaying it's sunny side, regardless of *
# what your local time might be... *
# *
# preloadtex: Tells Celestia to load the textures for the named object. *
# Otherwise Celestia would load the texture when the object *
# comes into view, which would be noticeable as a small delay. *
# *
# select: Tells Celestia what object (planet, moon, spacecraft, etc.) to *
# define as the currently selected object. Sol defines our solar *
# system, the "/" character is merely a hierarchy divider, Earth *
# is the object we want to select. If you wanted to select our *
# Moon, the select command would look like the following: *
# select {object "Sol/Earth/Moon"} *
# *
# goto: Tells Celestia to travel to the currently selected object, just *
# like pressing the "G" key on the keyboard. The time parameter *
# defines how many seconds it should take to travel there. The *
# distance parameter defines how far away from the object to be *
# positioned, in units of the object's radius, plus 1. For *
# example, if the object's radius is 10000 km, and you specify *
# 6.0 for distance, you will be positioned 50000 km from the *
# center of the object. *
# *
# wait: Since the goto command is telling Celestia to take some time to *
# do something, we need to give Celestia that same amount of time *
# to actually DO it. When going to Sol, the wait command tells *
# Celestia to wait for 3 seconds while the goto takes place (for *
# 3 seconds). The duration parameter value is normally the same *
# as the time parameter in the goto command. However, there are *
# always exceptions (grin). *
# *
# When we are going to Earth, the wait command after the goto, *
# waits for only 2 seconds. The next command is a print command, *
# which displays some text on the screen and has another wait *
# command after it, that waits for another 3 seconds. It's all *
# just a matter of timing. The goto command allows us to display *
# some text on-screen WHILE it is executing. So, we simply make *
# sure that the total number of wait duration values, listed *
# after a goto, adds up to AT LEAST the time value specified in *
# the goto command. It can be longer, if desired. *
# *
# follow: Tells Celestia to follow the selected object through space, *
# just like pressing the "F" key on the keyboard. You could *
# replace the follow {} command with synchronous {}, which allows *
# you to remain in a stationary, or geosynchronous orbit above *
# the selected object. *
# *
# print: Tells Celestia to display (print) some text on the screen. The *
# text parameter defines the text to be displayed. The row *
# parameter defines how many rows from the bottom of the window to *
# start displaying the text at. The column parameter defines how *
# many columns from the left edge of the window to start *
# displaying the text. The duration parameter defines how many *
# seconds the text should be displayed on the screen. Which is *
# then followed by the wait command, as described above. *
# If you want to be positioned above YOUR specific location on Earth, use *
# the gotolonglat command shown below. Step-by-step instructions... *
# *
# * Copy the entire line of code. *
# *
# * Paste it below the "goto" command above. *
# *
# * Remove the "#" character at the beginning of the line. This UNcomments *
# the line of code so it will be executed. *
# *
# * Add a "#" character to the beginning of the original goto command. *
# This turns the line of code into a comment, so it will NOT be run. *
# *
# * Change the longitude and latitude values to those of your location. *
# *
# * Since you are going to a specific position on the Earth, it might not *
# be daytime there, so you could comment-out the following lines of *
# code by adding a "#" character to the beginning of each line... *
# select {object "Sol"} *
# goto {time 3.0 distance 30} *
# wait {duration 3.0} *
# If you WANT to display your location in the daytime, use the time *
# command described next. *
# gotolonglat {time 5.0 distance 4.0 longitude 0.0 latitude 0.0}
# If you would like Celestia to always start at a specific date/time, use *
# the time command, as shown below. *
# *
# WARNING: Starting Celestia with a pre-determined date/time requires that *
# you physically press the "!" (exclamation mark) key in order to *
# RESET the time to "current time", whenever you want to do some *
# exploring -- IF the actual time makes a difference. *
# *
# Step-by-step instructions... *
# *
# * Determine if you want to set the date via a calendar UTC date/time *
# string, or a Julian day (see below). *
# *
# * Copy the one line of code with the time command you want to use. *
# *
# * Paste it above the "goto" command above (top of file). *
# *
# * Remove the "#" character at the beginning of the line. This UNcomments *
# the line of code so it will be executed. *
# *
# * Change the date/time value to YOUR required date/time. *
# Set the time via a calendar UTC date/time string...
# time { utc "2003-08-11T09:29:24.0000" }
# Note the "T" .........^ ... (this is required)
# Set the time via a Julian day value...
# time { jd JulianDate }
# U.S. Navy Calendar Date/Time to Julian Date/Time converter:
# The commands listed below allow you to define several of Celestia's *
# settings, that will be set every time you start Celestia. Modify any of *
# the settings you want to. *
# Field of View (UNcomment / modify to meet your needs)...
# Default is 25 degrees, at a screen resolution of 1024 x 768
# set {name "FOV" value 25.0}
# Ambient light level (UNcomment / modify to meet your needs)...
# 0.0 to 0.5 is a good Lo-Hi range
# set {name "AmbientLightLevel" value 0.1}
# Faintest visible star magnitude (brightness)...
# (UNcomment / modify to meet your needs)
# Celestia UI: 0.8 to 15.2, default is 6.0
# setvisibilitylimit {magnitude 6.0}
# Faintest auto-magnitude brightness, at 45 degrees, Default is 8.5...
# (UNcomment / modify to meet your needs)
# setfaintestautomag45deg {magnitude 8.5}
# Items to be displayed (rendered):
# Do NOT render the following objects (UNcomment to suit your needs)...
# renderflags {clear "atmospheres"}
# renderflags {clear "automag"}
# renderflags {clear "boundaries"}
# renderflags {clear "cloudmaps"}
# renderflags {clear "comettails"}
# renderflags {clear "constellations"}
# renderflags {clear "eclipseshadows"}
# renderflags {clear "galaxies"}
# renderflags {clear "grid"}
# renderflags {clear "markers"}
# renderflags {clear "nightmaps"}
# renderflags {clear "orbits"}
# renderflags {clear "planets"}
# renderflags {clear "pointstars"}
# renderflags {clear "ringshadows"}
# renderflags {clear "stars"}
# renderflags {clear "partialtrajectories"}
# Items to be displayed (rendered):
# DO render the following objects (UNcomment to suit your needs)...
# renderflags {set "atmospheres"}
# renderflags {set "automag"}
# renderflags {set "boundaries"}
# renderflags {set "cloudmaps"}
# renderflags {set "comettails"}
# renderflags {set "constellations"}
# renderflags {set "eclipseshadows"}
# renderflags {set "galaxies"}
# renderflags {set "grid"}
# renderflags {set "markers"}
# renderflags {set "nightmaps"}
# renderflags {set "orbits"}
# renderflags {set "planets"}
# renderflags {set "pointstars"}
# renderflags {set "ringshadows"}
# renderflags {set "stars"}
# renderflags {set "partialtrajectories"}
# Text labels:
# Do NOT label the following objects (UNcomment to suit your needs)...
# labels {clear "asteroids"}
# labels {clear "constellations"}
# labels {clear "galaxies"}
# labels {clear "moons"}
# labels {clear "planets"}
# labels {clear "spacecraft"}
# labels {clear "stars"}
# Text labels:
# DO label the following objects (UNcomment to suit your needs)...
# labels {set "asteroids"}
# labels {set "constellations"}
# labels {set "galaxies"}
# labels {set "moons"}
# labels {set "planets"}
# labels {set "spacecraft"}
# labels {set "stars"}
# Marker control:
# Unmark any objects that are currently Marked and disable Marker display...
# (UNcomment to suit your needs)
# unmarkall { }
# Minimum orbit diameter to be rendered (in pixels)...
# (UNcomment / modify to suit your needs)
# set {name "MinOrbitSize" value 1.0}
# Furthest visible star distance, default is 1000000...
# (UNcomment / modify to suit your needs)
# set {name "StarDistanceLimit" value 1000000}
# Time rate (1x, 100x, 1000x, etc.)...
# (UNcomment / modify to suit your needs)
# Negative value = Reverse Time
# 0 = Pause Time
# 1.0 = Real Time (default)
# 1000.0 = Good moon orbit motion
# timerate {rate 1.0}
# If you are using large textures, you can have Celestia pre-load them *
# into your graphics card memory by listing them below. *
# Examples...
# preloadtex {object "earth.*"}
# preloadtex {object "earth.png"}
# orbit is a fun command to play with. The axis is specified in [X Y Z] *
# order, and each axis can be either 0 or 1. rate = how fast, duration = *
# number of seconds. Just make sure you have an object selected. *
# orbit {axis [0 1 0] rate 10.0 duration 7.0}
# To learn more about scripting in Celestia, visit: *
# *
# * Scripting forum: ( *
# * Don G's Celestia page: ( *
# * Harald's Celestia page: ( *
# *
# Don G's page includes a guide for CEL scripting. Harald's page includes *
# a guide for CELX (Lua) scripting. Both also have example scripts and *
# other goodies. *
# End of script...

locale/start_ru.cel 100644
View File

@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
# ... Beginning of script
# *
# START.CEL - Startup script for Celestia *
# (version 2.1) *
# *
# *
# This script is run automatically, every time you run Celestia. *
# *
# NOTE: Do not remove the curly braces located as the first and last *
# characters of this file. They define this file as a CEL script. *
# *
# You can modify this script in many ways, to suit your specific needs. *
# Simply uncomment one or more of the lines below, as noted. Each line or *
# section of code contains comments describing what it does. To UNcomment *
# a line of code, simply remove the "#" character from the beginning of *
# that line. *
# *
# If you decide to modify this script, please copy it to a safe place *
# BEFORE you begin, so you will have it to refer to at a later date. *
# *
preloadtex { object "Sol/Earth" }
preloadtex { object "Sol/Earth/Moon" }
select {object "Sol"}
goto {time 9.0 distance 30}
wait {duration 9.0}
select {object "Sol/Earth"}
follow {}
goto {time 3.0 distance 6.0}
wait {duration 3.0}
print {text "\u0414\u043e\u0431\u0440\u043e \u043f\u043e\u0436\u0430\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0442\u044c!" row -3 column 1 duration 5}
wait {duration 5.0}
# The lines of code above are the entire start.cel script. Below, is a *
# description of what each command does. We go to Sol first, so that when *
# we go to Earth, it will be displaying it's sunny side, regardless of *
# what your local time might be... *
# *
# preloadtex: Tells Celestia to load the textures for the named object. *
# Otherwise Celestia would load the texture when the object *
# comes into view, which would be noticeable as a small delay. *
# *
# select: Tells Celestia what object (planet, moon, spacecraft, etc.) to *
# define as the currently selected object. Sol defines our solar *
# system, the "/" character is merely a hierarchy divider, Earth *
# is the object we want to select. If you wanted to select our *
# Moon, the select command would look like the following: *
# select {object "Sol/Earth/Moon"} *
# *
# goto: Tells Celestia to travel to the currently selected object, just *
# like pressing the "G" key on the keyboard. The time parameter *
# defines how many seconds it should take to travel there. The *
# distance parameter defines how far away from the object to be *
# positioned, in units of the object's radius, plus 1. For *
# example, if the object's radius is 10000 km, and you specify *
# 6.0 for distance, you will be positioned 50000 km from the *
# center of the object. *
# *
# wait: Since the goto command is telling Celestia to take some time to *
# do something, we need to give Celestia that same amount of time *
# to actually DO it. When going to Sol, the wait command tells *
# Celestia to wait for 3 seconds while the goto takes place (for *
# 3 seconds). The duration parameter value is normally the same *
# as the time parameter in the goto command. However, there are *
# always exceptions (grin). *
# *
# When we are going to Earth, the wait command after the goto, *
# waits for only 2 seconds. The next command is a print command, *
# which displays some text on the screen and has another wait *
# command after it, that waits for another 3 seconds. It's all *
# just a matter of timing. The goto command allows us to display *
# some text on-screen WHILE it is executing. So, we simply make *
# sure that the total number of wait duration values, listed *
# after a goto, adds up to AT LEAST the time value specified in *
# the goto command. It can be longer, if desired. *
# *
# follow: Tells Celestia to follow the selected object through space, *
# just like pressing the "F" key on the keyboard. You could *
# replace the follow {} command with synchronous {}, which allows *
# you to remain in a stationary, or geosynchronous orbit above *
# the selected object. *
# *
# print: Tells Celestia to display (print) some text on the screen. The *
# text parameter defines the text to be displayed. The row *
# parameter defines how many rows from the bottom of the window to *
# start displaying the text at. The column parameter defines how *
# many columns from the left edge of the window to start *
# displaying the text. The duration parameter defines how many *
# seconds the text should be displayed on the screen. Which is *
# then followed by the wait command, as described above. *
# If you want to be positioned above YOUR specific location on Earth, use *
# the gotolonglat command shown below. Step-by-step instructions... *
# *
# * Copy the entire line of code. *
# *
# * Paste it below the "goto" command above. *
# *
# * Remove the "#" character at the beginning of the line. This UNcomments *
# the line of code so it will be executed. *
# *
# * Add a "#" character to the beginning of the original goto command. *
# This turns the line of code into a comment, so it will NOT be run. *
# *
# * Change the longitude and latitude values to those of your location. *
# *
# * Since you are going to a specific position on the Earth, it might not *
# be daytime there, so you could comment-out the following lines of *
# code by adding a "#" character to the beginning of each line... *
# select {object "Sol"} *
# goto {time 3.0 distance 30} *
# wait {duration 3.0} *
# If you WANT to display your location in the daytime, use the time *
# command described next. *
# gotolonglat {time 5.0 distance 4.0 longitude 0.0 latitude 0.0}
# If you would like Celestia to always start at a specific date/time, use *
# the time command, as shown below. *
# *
# WARNING: Starting Celestia with a pre-determined date/time requires that *
# you physically press the "!" (exclamation mark) key in order to *
# RESET the time to "current time", whenever you want to do some *
# exploring -- IF the actual time makes a difference. *
# *
# Step-by-step instructions... *
# *
# * Determine if you want to set the date via a calendar UTC date/time *
# string, or a Julian day (see below). *
# *
# * Copy the one line of code with the time command you want to use. *
# *
# * Paste it above the "goto" command above (top of file). *
# *
# * Remove the "#" character at the beginning of the line. This UNcomments *
# the line of code so it will be executed. *
# *
# * Change the date/time value to YOUR required date/time. *
# Set the time via a calendar UTC date/time string...
# time { utc "2003-08-11T09:29:24.0000" }
# Note the "T" .........^ ... (this is required)
# Set the time via a Julian day value...
# time { jd JulianDate }
# U.S. Navy Calendar Date/Time to Julian Date/Time converter:
# The commands listed below allow you to define several of Celestia's *
# settings, that will be set every time you start Celestia. Modify any of *
# the settings you want to. *
# Field of View (UNcomment / modify to meet your needs)...
# Default is 25 degrees, at a screen resolution of 1024 x 768
# set {name "FOV" value 25.0}
# Ambient light level (UNcomment / modify to meet your needs)...
# 0.0 to 0.5 is a good Lo-Hi range
# set {name "AmbientLightLevel" value 0.1}
# Faintest visible star magnitude (brightness)...
# (UNcomment / modify to meet your needs)
# Celestia UI: 0.8 to 15.2, default is 6.0
# setvisibilitylimit {magnitude 6.0}
# Faintest auto-magnitude brightness, at 45 degrees, Default is 8.5...
# (UNcomment / modify to meet your needs)
# setfaintestautomag45deg {magnitude 8.5}
# Items to be displayed (rendered):
# Do NOT render the following objects (UNcomment to suit your needs)...
# renderflags {clear "atmospheres"}
# renderflags {clear "automag"}
# renderflags {clear "boundaries"}
# renderflags {clear "cloudmaps"}
# renderflags {clear "comettails"}
# renderflags {clear "constellations"}
# renderflags {clear "eclipseshadows"}
# renderflags {clear "galaxies"}
# renderflags {clear "grid"}
# renderflags {clear "markers"}
# renderflags {clear "nightmaps"}
# renderflags {clear "orbits"}
# renderflags {clear "planets"}
# renderflags {clear "pointstars"}
# renderflags {clear "ringshadows"}
# renderflags {clear "stars"}
# renderflags {clear "partialtrajectories"}
# Items to be displayed (rendered):
# DO render the following objects (UNcomment to suit your needs)...
# renderflags {set "atmospheres"}
# renderflags {set "automag"}
# renderflags {set "boundaries"}
# renderflags {set "cloudmaps"}
# renderflags {set "comettails"}
# renderflags {set "constellations"}
# renderflags {set "eclipseshadows"}
# renderflags {set "galaxies"}
# renderflags {set "grid"}
# renderflags {set "markers"}
# renderflags {set "nightmaps"}
# renderflags {set "orbits"}
# renderflags {set "planets"}
# renderflags {set "pointstars"}
# renderflags {set "ringshadows"}
# renderflags {set "stars"}
# renderflags {set "partialtrajectories"}
# Text labels:
# Do NOT label the following objects (UNcomment to suit your needs)...
# labels {clear "asteroids"}
# labels {clear "constellations"}
# labels {clear "galaxies"}
# labels {clear "moons"}
# labels {clear "planets"}
# labels {clear "spacecraft"}
# labels {clear "stars"}
# Text labels:
# DO label the following objects (UNcomment to suit your needs)...
# labels {set "asteroids"}
# labels {set "constellations"}
# labels {set "galaxies"}
# labels {set "moons"}
# labels {set "planets"}
# labels {set "spacecraft"}
# labels {set "stars"}
# Marker control:
# Unmark any objects that are currently Marked and disable Marker display...
# (UNcomment to suit your needs)
# unmarkall { }
# Minimum orbit diameter to be rendered (in pixels)...
# (UNcomment / modify to suit your needs)
# set {name "MinOrbitSize" value 1.0}
# Furthest visible star distance, default is 1000000...
# (UNcomment / modify to suit your needs)
# set {name "StarDistanceLimit" value 1000000}
# Time rate (1x, 100x, 1000x, etc.)...
# (UNcomment / modify to suit your needs)
# Negative value = Reverse Time
# 0 = Pause Time
# 1.0 = Real Time (default)
# 1000.0 = Good moon orbit motion
# timerate {rate 1.0}
# If you are using large textures, you can have Celestia pre-load them *
# into your graphics card memory by listing them below. *
# Examples...
# preloadtex {object "earth.*"}
# preloadtex {object "earth.png"}
# orbit is a fun command to play with. The axis is specified in [X Y Z] *
# order, and each axis can be either 0 or 1. rate = how fast, duration = *
# number of seconds. Just make sure you have an object selected. *
# orbit {axis [0 1 0] rate 10.0 duration 7.0}
# To learn more about scripting in Celestia, visit: *
# *
# * Scripting forum: ( *
# * Don G's Celestia page: ( *
# * Harald's Celestia page: ( *
# *
# Don G's page includes a guide for CEL scripting. Harald's page includes *
# a guide for CELX (Lua) scripting. Both also have example scripts and *
# other goodies. *
# End of script...

locale/start_sv.cel 100644
View File

@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
# ... Skriptets början
# *
# START.CEL - Uppstartskript för Celestia *
# (version 2.1) *
# *
# *
# Det här skriptet körs automatiskt varje gång du startar Celestia. *
# *
# NOTERA: Ta inte bort klammerparenteserna som står i början och slutet av *
# denna fil. De definierar filen som ett CEL-skript. *
# *
# Du kan modifiera detta skript på många sätt så att det passar dina egna *
# behov. Detta gör du genom att helt enkelt avkommentera en eller flera *
# av raderna här nedan. *
# Varje sträng eller kodsektion innehåller kommentarer som beskriver vad *
# den gör. Ta bort tecket "#" i början av textsträngen om du vill *
# AVkommentera den raden. *
# *
# Om du bestämmer dig för att modifiera det här skriptet så se först till *
# att göra en säkerhetskopia så att du har något att referera till senare. *
# *
preloadtex { object "Sol/Earth" }
preloadtex { object "Sol/Earth/Moon" }
select {object "Sol"}
goto {time 3.0 distance 30}
wait {duration 3.0}
select {object "Sol/Earth"}
follow {}
goto {time 3.0 distance 6.0}
wait {duration 2.0}
print {text "Välkommen till Celestia!" row -3 column 1 duration 3}
wait {duration 3.0}
# Kodsträngarna här ovan innehåller hela uppstartskriptet. Här nedanför *
# finns en beskrivning av vad varje kommando har för uppgift. Först så *
# reser vi till solen, när vi sedan reser vidare till jorden så kommer *
# denna att visas från sin solsida oberoende av din lokala tidzon... *
# *
# preloadtex: Säger åt Celestia att ladda texturer för det namngivna *
# objektet. I annat fall så skulle Celestia ladda texturen när *
# objektet kom i bild vilket skulle märkas som en kort fördröjning.*
# *
# select: Talar om vilket objekt (planet, måne, rymdfarkost, etc.) som *
# Celestia ska ha som aktuellt valt objekt. "Sol" definierar vårt *
# solsystem medan symbolen "/" bara är en avskiljare i hierarkin. *
# Jorden är det objekt som vi har valt. Om du istället hade velat *
# välja månen så hade kommandot 'select' sett ut så här: *
# select {object "Sol/Earth/Moon"} *
# *
# goto: Säger åt Celestia att gå till det valda objektet, på samma sätt *
# som när man trycker ner tangenten "G" på tangentbordet. *
# Parametern 'time' talar om hur många sekunder det ska ta att *
# resa till objektet. Parametern 'distance' bestämmer hur långt *
# ifrån objektet man vill stanna, detta avstånd uttrycks genom *
# objektets radie plus 1. Exempel, om objektets radie är 10 000 km,*
# och du sätter distansen till 6.0, så kommer du att hamna 50 000 *
# km från objektets centrum. *
# *
# wait: Eftersom kommandot 'goto' säger till Celestia att ta en viss tid *
# på sig för att göra något så måste vi även ge Celestia samma tid *
# för att faktiskt utföra uppgiften. När vi reser mot solen så *
# säger kommandot 'wait' till Celestia att ta en paus i tre *
# sekunder medan 'goto' urförs (i tre sekunder). Parametern *
# 'duration's värde är i normala fall detsamma som tidsparametern *
# i kommandot 'goto'. Det finns dock alltid undantag (flina). *
# *
# När vi beger oss mot jorden så lägger kommandot 'wait', efter *
# kommandot 'goto', in en tvåsekunders paus. Nästa kommando är ett *
# 'print'-kommando som visar lite text på skärmen innan ännu ett *
# 'wait' följer. Detta lägger in ytterligare tre sekunders paus. *
# Det hela är bara en fråga om tajming. *
# Kommandot 'goto' tillåter oss att visa text på skärmen MEDAN *
# kommandot utförs. Det enda vi behöver göra är alltså att se till *
# att den totala väntetiden, angiven efter ett 'goto', är MINST *
# lika stor som värdet som angetts i 'goto'-kommandot. Värdet kan *
# dock vara större om så önskas. *
# *
# follow: Säger till Celestia att följa det valda objektet genom rymden på *
# samma sätt som när man trycker ner tangenten "F" på *
# tangentbordet. Du kan ersätta kommandot follow {} med *
# synchronous {}, vilket håller kvar dig i en stationär, eller *
# geosynkron bana över det valda objektet. *
# *
# print: Säger till Celestia att visa (skriva ut) text på skärmen. *
# Parametern 'text' preciserar vilken text som ska skrivas ut. *
# Parametern 'row' bestämmer hur många rader från fönstrets *
# nederkant som texten ska börja visas. Parametern 'column' *
# bestämmer hur många kolumner från skärmens vänstra kant som *
# texten ska börja visas. Parametern 'duration' bestämmer hur *
# många sekunder som texten ska visas. Denna följs sedan av *
# kommandot 'wait' som beskrivs ovan. *
# Om du vill placeras ovanför din egen plats på jorden så ska du använda *
# kommandot 'gotolonglat' som visas nedan. Här följer *
# steg-för-steg-instruktioner... *
# *
# * Kopiera hela kodsträngen. *
# *
# * Klistra in den nedanför "goto"-kommandot här ovan. *
# *
# * Ta bort tecknet "#" i början av raden. Detta avkommenterar koden så *
# att den kommer att köras. *
# *
# * Lägg till tecknet "#" i början av det ursprungliga 'goto'-kommandot. *
# Detta förvandlar kodsträngen till en kommentar så att den INTE kommer *
# att köras. *
# *
# * Ändra longitud- och latitudvärdena så att de stämmer med din plats. *
# *
# * Eftersom du reser till en specifik plats på jorden så kan det hända *
# att det inte råder dag där, då kan du kommentera bort följande *
# kodsträngar genom att lägga till tecknet "#" i början av varje rad... *
# select {object "Sol"} *
# goto {time 3.0 distance 30} *
# wait {duration 3.0} *
# Om du VILL visa din plats i dagsljus så kan du använda kommandot *
# 'time' som vi beskriver härnäst. *
# gotolonglat {time 5.0 distance 4.0 longitude 0.0 latitude 0.0}
# If you would like Celestia to always start at a specific date/time, use *
# the time command, as shown below. *
# *
# WARNING: Starting Celestia with a pre-determined date/time requires that *
# you physically press the "!" (exclamation mark) key in order to *
# RESET the time to "current time", whenever you want to do some *
# exploring -- IF the actual time makes a difference. *
# *
# Step-by-step instructions... *
# *
# * Determine if you want to set the date via a calendar UTC date/time *
# string, or a Julian day (see below). *
# *
# * Copy the one line of code with the time command you want to use. *
# *
# * Paste it above the "goto" command above (top of file). *
# *
# * Remove the "#" character at the beginning of the line. This UNcomments *
# the line of code so it will be executed. *
# *
# * Change the date/time value to YOUR required date/time. *
# Set the time via a calendar UTC date/time string...
# time { utc "2003-08-11T09:29:24.0000" }
# Note the "T" .........^ ... (this is required)
# Set the time via a Julian day value...
# time { jd JulianDate }
# U.S. Navy Calendar Date/Time to Julian Date/Time converter:
# The commands listed below allow you to define several of Celestia's *
# settings, that will be set every time you start Celestia. Modify any of *
# the settings you want to. *
# Field of View (UNcomment / modify to meet your needs)...
# Default is 25 degrees, at a screen resolution of 1024 x 768
# set {name "FOV" value 25.0}
# Ambient light level (UNcomment / modify to meet your needs)...
# 0.0 to 0.5 is a good Lo-Hi range
# set {name "AmbientLightLevel" value 0.1}
# Faintest visible star magnitude (brightness)...
# (UNcomment / modify to meet your needs)
# Celestia UI: 0.8 to 15.2, default is 6.0
# setvisibilitylimit {magnitude 6.0}
# Faintest auto-magnitude brightness, at 45 degrees, Default is 8.5...
# (UNcomment / modify to meet your needs)
# setfaintestautomag45deg {magnitude 8.5}
# Items to be displayed (rendered):
# Do NOT render the following objects (UNcomment to suit your needs)...
# renderflags {clear "atmospheres"}
# renderflags {clear "automag"}
# renderflags {clear "boundaries"}
# renderflags {clear "cloudmaps"}
# renderflags {clear "comettails"}
# renderflags {clear "constellations"}
# renderflags {clear "eclipseshadows"}
# renderflags {clear "galaxies"}
# renderflags {clear "grid"}
# renderflags {clear "markers"}
# renderflags {clear "nightmaps"}
# renderflags {clear "orbits"}
# renderflags {clear "planets"}
# renderflags {clear "pointstars"}
# renderflags {clear "ringshadows"}
# renderflags {clear "stars"}
# renderflags {clear "partialtrajectories"}
# Items to be displayed (rendered):
# DO render the following objects (UNcomment to suit your needs)...
# renderflags {set "atmospheres"}
# renderflags {set "automag"}
# renderflags {set "boundaries"}
# renderflags {set "cloudmaps"}
# renderflags {set "comettails"}
# renderflags {set "constellations"}
# renderflags {set "eclipseshadows"}
# renderflags {set "galaxies"}
# renderflags {set "grid"}
# renderflags {set "markers"}
# renderflags {set "nightmaps"}
# renderflags {set "orbits"}
# renderflags {set "planets"}
# renderflags {set "pointstars"}
# renderflags {set "ringshadows"}
# renderflags {set "stars"}
# renderflags {set "partialtrajectories"}
# Text labels:
# Do NOT label the following objects (UNcomment to suit your needs)...
# labels {clear "asteroids"}
# labels {clear "constellations"}
# labels {clear "galaxies"}
# labels {clear "moons"}
# labels {clear "planets"}
# labels {clear "spacecraft"}
# labels {clear "stars"}
# Text labels:
# DO label the following objects (UNcomment to suit your needs)...
# labels {set "asteroids"}
# labels {set "constellations"}
# labels {set "galaxies"}
# labels {set "moons"}
# labels {set "planets"}
# labels {set "spacecraft"}
# labels {set "stars"}
# Marker control:
# Unmark any objects that are currently Marked and disable Marker display...
# (UNcomment to suit your needs)
# unmarkall { }
# Minimum orbit diameter to be rendered (in pixels)...
# (UNcomment / modify to suit your needs)
# set {name "MinOrbitSize" value 1.0}
# Furthest visible star distance, default is 1000000...
# (UNcomment / modify to suit your needs)
# set {name "StarDistanceLimit" value 1000000}
# Time rate (1x, 100x, 1000x, etc.)...
# (UNcomment / modify to suit your needs)
# Negative value = Reverse Time
# 0 = Pause Time
# 1.0 = Real Time (default)
# 1000.0 = Good moon orbit motion
# timerate {rate 1.0}
# If you are using large textures, you can have Celestia pre-load them *
# into your graphics card memory by listing them below. *
# Examples...
# preloadtex {object "earth.*"}
# preloadtex {object "earth.png"}
# orbit is a fun command to play with. The axis is specified in [X Y Z] *
# order, and each axis can be either 0 or 1. rate = how fast, duration = *
# number of seconds. Just make sure you have an object selected. *
# orbit {axis [0 1 0] rate 10.0 duration 7.0}
# To learn more about scripting in Celestia, visit: *
# *
# * Scripting forum: ( *
# * Don G's Celestia page: ( *
# * Harald's Celestia page: ( *
# *
# Don G's page includes a guide for CEL scripting. Harald's page includes *
# a guide for CELX (Lua) scripting. Both also have example scripts and *
# other goodies. *
# End of script...