Fix search for stars orbiting barycenters

Closes: #1126
Hleb Valoshka 2021-12-22 00:09:19 +02:00
parent f2caba91f1
commit 29d76471f2
1 changed files with 37 additions and 16 deletions

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@ -22,15 +22,26 @@ uint32_t StarNameDatabase::findCatalogNumberByName(const string& name, bool i18n
if (catalogNumber != AstroCatalog::InvalidIndex)
return catalogNumber;
string priName = name;
string priName(name);
string altName;
bool isOrbitingStar = false; // star is an orbiting one if it looks like `Barycenter A`
// See if the name is a Bayer or Flamsteed designation
string::size_type pos = name.find(' ');
if (pos != 0 && pos != string::npos && pos < name.length() - 1)
auto pos = name.find(' ');
auto nameLength = name.length();
if (pos != 0 && pos != string::npos && pos < nameLength - 1)
auto pos1 = name.rfind(' ');
char starLetter = '\0';
if (pos1 != string::npos && pos1 > pos && pos1 < nameLength - 1 && isalpha(name[pos1 + 1]))
starLetter = name[pos1 + 1];
isOrbitingStar = true;
do { --pos1; } while (isspace(name[pos1]));
string prefix(name, 0, pos);
string conName(name, pos + 1, string::npos);
string conName(name, pos + 1, isOrbitingStar ? pos1 - pos : string::npos);
Constellation* con = Constellation::getConstellation(conName);
if (con != nullptr)
@ -51,7 +62,7 @@ uint32_t StarNameDatabase::findCatalogNumberByName(const string& name, bool i18n
// of the name. Next, we see if the first part of
// the name is a greek letter.
const string& letter = Greek::canonicalAbbreviation(string(prefix, 0, len));
if (letter != "")
if (!letter.empty())
// Matched . . . this is a Bayer designation
if (digit == ' ')
@ -71,25 +82,35 @@ uint32_t StarNameDatabase::findCatalogNumberByName(const string& name, bool i18n
// Something other than a Bayer designation
priName = prefix + ' ' + con->getAbbreviation();
if (isOrbitingStar)
char star[3] = {' ', starLetter, '\0'};
catalogNumber = getCatalogNumberByName(priName, i18n);
if (catalogNumber != AstroCatalog::InvalidIndex)
return catalogNumber;
catalogNumber = getCatalogNumberByName(priName, i18n);
if (catalogNumber != AstroCatalog::InvalidIndex)
return catalogNumber;
priName += " A"; // try by appending an A
catalogNumber = getCatalogNumberByName(priName, i18n);
if (catalogNumber != AstroCatalog::InvalidIndex)
return catalogNumber;
if (!isOrbitingStar)
priName.append(" A"); // try by appending an A
catalogNumber = getCatalogNumberByName(priName, i18n);
if (catalogNumber != AstroCatalog::InvalidIndex)
return catalogNumber;
// If the first search failed, try using the alternate name
if (altName.length() != 0)
if (!altName.empty())
catalogNumber = getCatalogNumberByName(altName, i18n);
if (catalogNumber == AstroCatalog::InvalidIndex)
if (catalogNumber == AstroCatalog::InvalidIndex && !isOrbitingStar)
altName += " A";
altName.append(" A");
catalogNumber = getCatalogNumberByName(altName, i18n);
} // Intentional fallthrough.