
384 lines
9.2 KiB

#include "StepperControlAxis.h"
long interruptSpeed = 100;
StepperControlAxis::StepperControlAxis() {
lastCalcLog = 0;
pinStep = 0;
pinDirection = 0;
pinEnable = 0;
pinMin = 0;
pinMax = 0;
void StepperControlAxis::test() {
Serial.print("R99 ");
unsigned int StepperControlAxis::calculateSpeed(long sourcePosition, long currentPosition, long destinationPosition, long minSpeed, long maxSpeed, long stepsAccDec) {
int newSpeed = 0;
long curPos = abs(currentPosition);
long staPos;
long endPos;
if (abs(sourcePosition) < abs(destinationPosition)) {
staPos = abs(sourcePosition);
endPos = abs(destinationPosition);;
} else {
staPos = abs(destinationPosition);;
endPos = abs(sourcePosition);
unsigned long halfway = ((endPos - staPos) / 2) + staPos;
// Set the minimum speed if the position would be out of bounds
if (curPos < staPos || curPos > endPos) {
newSpeed = minSpeed;
} else {
if (curPos >= staPos && curPos <= halfway) {
// accelerating
if (curPos > (staPos + stepsAccDec)) {
// now beyond the accelleration point to go full speed
newSpeed = maxSpeed + 1;
} else {
// speeding up, increase speed linear within the first period
newSpeed = (1.0 * (curPos - staPos) / stepsAccDec * (maxSpeed - minSpeed)) + minSpeed;
} else {
// decelerating
if (curPos < (endPos - stepsAccDec)) {
// still before the deceleration point so keep going at full speed
newSpeed = maxSpeed + 2;
} else {
// speeding up, increase speed linear within the first period
newSpeed = (1.0 * (endPos - curPos) / stepsAccDec * (maxSpeed - minSpeed)) + minSpeed;
if (millis() - lastCalcLog > 1000) {
lastCalcLog = millis();
// Serial.print(" a ");
// Serial.print(endPos);
// Serial.print(" b ");
// Serial.print((endPos - stepsAccDec));
// Serial.print(" c ");
// Serial.print(curPos < (endPos - stepsAccDec));
Serial.print(" sta ");
Serial.print(" cur ");
Serial.print(" end ");
Serial.print(" half ");
Serial.print(" len ");
Serial.print(" min ");
Serial.print(" max ");
Serial.print(" spd ");
Serial.print(" ");
// Return the calculated speed, in steps per second
return newSpeed;
void StepperControlAxis::checkAxisDirection() {
if (coordHomeAxis){
// When home is active, the direction is fixed
movementUp = motorHomeIsUp;
movementToHome = true;
} else {
// For normal movement, move in direction of destination
movementUp = ( coordCurrentPoint < coordDestinationPoint );
movementToHome = (abs(coordCurrentPoint) >= abs(coordDestinationPoint));
if (coordCurrentPoint == 0) {
// Go slow when theoretical end point reached but there is no end stop siganl
axisSpeed = motorSpeedMin;
void StepperControlAxis::setDirectionAxis() {
if (((!coordHomeAxis && coordCurrentPoint < coordDestinationPoint) || (coordHomeAxis && motorHomeIsUp)) ^ motorMotorInv) {
} else {
void StepperControlAxis::checkMovement() {
if (((coordCurrentPoint != coordDestinationPoint) || coordHomeAxis) && axisActive) {
// home or destination not reached, keep moving
// Get the axis speed, in steps per second
axisSpeed = calculateSpeed( coordSourcePoint, coordCurrentPoint, coordDestinationPoint,
motorSpeedMin, motorSpeedMax, motorStepsAcc);
// If end stop reached, don't move anymore
if ((coordHomeAxis && !endStopAxisReached(false)) || (!coordHomeAxis && !endStopAxisReached(!movementToHome))) {
// Set the moments when the step is set to true and false
if (axisSpeed > 0)
// Take the requested speed (steps / second) and divide by the interrupt speed (interrupts per seconde)
// This gives the number of interrupts (called ticks here) before the pulse needs to be set for the next step
stepOnTick = moveTicks + (1000.0 * 1000.0 / interruptSpeed / axisSpeed / 2);
stepOffTick = moveTicks + (1000.0 * 1000.0 / interruptSpeed / axisSpeed );
else {
axisActive = false;
} else {
// Destination or home reached. Deactivate the axis.
axisActive = false;
// If end stop for home is active, set the position to zero
if (endStopAxisReached(false)) {
coordCurrentPoint = 0;
void StepperControlAxis::checkTiming() {
int i;
if (axisActive) {
if (moveTicks >= stepOffTick) {
// Negative flank for the steps
else {
if (moveTicks == stepOnTick) {
// Positive flank for the steps
void StepperControlAxis::setStepAxis() {
if (coordHomeAxis && coordCurrentPoint == 0) {
// Keep moving toward end stop even when position is zero
// but end stop is not yet active
if (motorHomeIsUp) {
coordCurrentPoint = -1;
} else {
coordCurrentPoint = 1;
if (coordCurrentPoint < coordDestinationPoint) {
} else if (coordCurrentPoint > coordDestinationPoint) {
// set a step on the motors
// if the home end stop is reached, set the current position
if (endStopAxisReached(false))
coordCurrentPoint = 0;
bool StepperControlAxis::endStopAxisReached(bool movement_forward) {
bool min_endstop = false;
bool max_endstop = false;
bool invert = false;
if (motorEndStopInv) {
invert = true;
// for the axis to check, retrieve the end stop status
if (!invert) {
min_endstop = endStopMin();
max_endstop = endStopMax();
} else {
min_endstop = endStopMax();
max_endstop = endStopMin();
// if moving forward, only check the end stop max
// for moving backwards, check only the end stop min
if((!movement_forward && min_endstop) || (movement_forward && max_endstop)) {
return 1;
return 0;
void StepperControlAxis::StepperControlAxis::loadPinNumbers(int step, int dir, int enable, int min, int max) {
pinStep = step;
pinDirection = dir;
pinEnable = enable;
pinMin = min;
pinMax = max;
void StepperControlAxis::loadMotorSettings(long speedMax, long speedMin, long stepsAcc, long timeOut, bool homeIsUp, bool motorInv, bool endStInv, long interruptSpeed) {
motorSpeedMax = speedMax;
motorSpeedMin = speedMin;
motorStepsAcc = stepsAcc;
motorTimeOut = timeOut;
motorHomeIsUp = homeIsUp;
motorMotorInv = motorInv;
motorEndStopInv = endStInv;
motorInterruptSpeed = interruptSpeed;
void StepperControlAxis::loadCoordinates(long sourcePoint, long destinationPoint, bool home) {
coordSourcePoint = sourcePoint;
coordCurrentPoint = sourcePoint;
coordDestinationPoint = destinationPoint;
coordHomeAxis = home;
// Limit normal movmement to the home position
if (!motorHomeIsUp && coordDestinationPoint < 0) {
coordDestinationPoint = 0;
if ( motorHomeIsUp && coordDestinationPoint > 0) {
coordDestinationPoint = 0;
// Initialize movement variables
moveTicks = 0;
axisActive = true;
void StepperControlAxis::enableMotor() {
digitalWrite(pinEnable, LOW);
void StepperControlAxis::disableMotor() {
digitalWrite(pinEnable, HIGH);
void StepperControlAxis::setDirectionUp() {
if (motorMotorInv) {
digitalWrite(pinDirection, LOW);
} else {
digitalWrite(pinDirection, HIGH);
void StepperControlAxis::setDirectionDown() {
if (motorMotorInv) {
digitalWrite(pinDirection, HIGH);
} else {
digitalWrite(pinDirection, LOW);
void StepperControlAxis::setDirectionHome() {
if (motorHomeIsUp) {
} else {
void StepperControlAxis::setDirectionAway() {
if (motorHomeIsUp) {
} else {
unsigned long StepperControlAxis::getLength(long l1, long l2) {
if (l1 > l2) {
return l1 - l2;
} else {
return l2 - l1;
bool StepperControlAxis::endStopsReached() {
return ((digitalRead(pinMin) == motorEndStopInv) || (digitalRead(pinMax) == motorEndStopInv));
bool StepperControlAxis::endStopMin() {
//return ((digitalRead(pinMin) == motorEndStopInv) || (digitalRead(pinMax) == motorEndStopInv));
return digitalRead(pinMin);
bool StepperControlAxis::endStopMax() {
//return ((digitalRead(pinMin) == motorEndStopInv) || (digitalRead(pinMax) == motorEndStopInv));
return digitalRead(pinMax);
bool StepperControlAxis::isAxisActive() {
return axisActive;
void StepperControlAxis::setMotorStep() {
digitalWrite(pinStep, HIGH);
void StepperControlAxis::resetMotorStep() {
digitalWrite(pinStep, LOW);
bool StepperControlAxis::pointReached(long currentPoint, long destinationPoint) {
return (destinationPoint == currentPoint);
long StepperControlAxis::currentPoint() {
return coordCurrentPoint;
void StepperControlAxis::setMaxSpeed(long speed) {
motorSpeedMax = speed;