Fix bug causing sync errors in farmware-envs

Connor Rigby 2019-11-13 13:27:29 -08:00 committed by Connor Rigby
parent 381be026d6
commit 0ba112c9c5
1 changed files with 50 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ defmodule FarmbotCore.Asset.Private do
Farmbot that _are not_ stored in the API, but
_are_ stored in Farmbot's database.
require Logger
require FarmbotCore.Logger
alias FarmbotCore.{Asset.Repo,
@ -33,9 +35,54 @@ defmodule FarmbotCore.Asset.Private do
from(lm in LocalMeta, where: lm.asset_local_id == ^asset.local_id and lm.table == ^table)
) || Ecto.build_assoc(asset, :local_meta)
|> LocalMeta.changeset(Map.merge(params, %{table: table, status: "dirty"}))
|> Repo.insert_or_update!()
## NOTE(Connor): 19/11/13
# the try/catch here seems unneeded here, but because of how sqlite/ecto works, it is 100% needed.
# Because sqlite can't test unique constraints before a transaction, if this function gets called for
# the same asset more than once asyncronously, the asset can be marked dirty twice at the same time
# causing the `unique constraint` error to happen in either `ecto` OR `sqlite`. I've
# caught both errors here as they are both essentially the same thing, and can be safely
# discarded. Doing an `insert_or_update/1` (without the bang) can still result in the sqlite
# error being thrown.
changeset = LocalMeta.changeset(local_meta, Map.merge(params, %{table: table, status: "dirty"}))
try do
:error, %Sqlite.DbConnection.Error{
message: "UNIQUE constraint failed: local_metas.table, local_metas.asset_local_id",
sqlite: %{code: :constraint}
} ->
Logger.warn """
Caught race condition marking data as dirty (sqlite)
table: #{inspect(table)}
id: #{inspect(asset.local_id)}
:error, %Ecto.InvalidChangesetError{
changeset: %{
action: :insert,
errors: [
table: {"LocalMeta already exists.", [
validation: :unsafe_unique,
fields: [:table, :asset_local_id]
} ->
Logger.warn """
Caught race condition marking data as dirty (ecto)
table: #{inspect(table)}
id: #{inspect(asset.local_id)}
type, reason ->
FarmbotCore.Logger.error 1, """
Caught unexpected error marking data as dirty
table: #{inspect(table)}
id: #{inspect(asset.local_id)}
error type: #{inspect(type)}
reason: #{inspect(reason)}
@doc "Remove the `local_meta` record from an object."