Update changlog, revert unneeded changes.

Rick Carlino 2020-05-06 19:13:34 -05:00
parent 420c87601e
commit 0ccb44ff41
2 changed files with 3 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
* Deprecate `resource_update` RPC
* Introduce `update_resource` RPC, which allows users to modify variables from the sequence editor.
* Allow Express users to upgrade from RPi0 => RPi3 (requires 40 pin ribbon cable and USB adapter).
* Genesis v1.5 and Express v1.0 firmware updates.
# 9.2.2

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@ -68,8 +68,8 @@ defmodule FarmbotCeleryScript.Compiler do
compile_entry_point(compile_ast(ast, env), env, [])
def compile_entry_point([{_, new_env, _} = compiled | rest], old_env, acc) do
env = Keyword.merge(old_env, new_env)
def compile_entry_point([{_, new_env, _} = compiled | rest], env, acc) do
env = Keyword.merge(env, new_env)
debug_mode?() && print_compiled_code(compiled)
# entry points must be evaluated once more with the calling `env`
# to return a list of compiled `steps`
@ -77,9 +77,7 @@ defmodule FarmbotCeleryScript.Compiler do
# TODO: investigate why i have to turn this to a string
# before eval ing it?
# case Code.eval_quoted(compiled, [], __ENV__) do
result = Macro.to_string(compiled) |> Code.eval_string(new_env, __ENV__)
case result do
case Macro.to_string(compiled) |> Code.eval_string(new_env, __ENV__) do
{fun, new_env} when is_function(fun, 1) ->
env = Keyword.merge(env, new_env)
compile_entry_point(rest, env, acc ++ apply(fun, [env]))