Doc updates and dead code removal

Rick Carlino 2020-03-04 15:14:48 -06:00
parent a7b476a601
commit 835e535e40
3 changed files with 35 additions and 36 deletions

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@ -12,35 +12,53 @@ defmodule FarmbotCore.Asset.CriteriaRetriever do
You have a PointGroup with a criteria
of `points WHERE x > 10`.
where group.criteria.number_gt.x == 10
Passing that PointGroup to this module
will return an array of `Point` assets
with an x property that is greater than
# We will not query any string/numeric fields other than these.
# Updating the PointGroup / Point models may require an update
# to these fields.
@numberic_fields ["radius", "x", "y", "z"]
@string_fields ["name", "openfarm_slug", "plant_stage", "pointer_type"]
@doc """
You provide it a %PointGroup{},
it provides you an array of
point IDs (int) that match
point records (%Point{}) that match
the group's criteria.
def run(%PointGroup{point_ids: static_ids} = pg) do
# = = = Handle point_id criteria
# pg.point_ids is *always* include in search results,
# even if it does not match pg.criteria in any way.
always_ok = Repo.all(from(p in Point, where: in ^static_ids, select: p))
# = = = Handle AND criteria
# Now we need a list of point IDs that actually match
# the pg.criteria fields. We only get the ID because
# we are circumventing Ecto and doing raw SQL.
# There may be better ways to do this:
dynamic_ids = find_matching_point_ids(pg)
dynamic_query = from(p in Point, where: in ^dynamic_ids, select: p)
needs_meta_filter = Repo.all(dynamic_query)
# = = = Handle meta.* criteria
search_matches = search_meta_fields(pg, needs_meta_filter)
# Once we have a list of matching criteria, we can run a
# SQL query through Ecto to return real %Point{} structs...
dynamic_query = from(p in Point, where: in ^dynamic_ids, select: p)
# ...but we're not done! If the criteria contains meta fields,
# we need to perform a lookup in memory
needs_meta_filter = Repo.all(dynamic_query)
# There we go. We have all the matching %Point{}s
search_matches = search_meta_fields(pg, needs_meta_filter)
# ...but there are duplicates. We can remove them via uniq_by:
Enum.uniq_by((search_matches ++ always_ok), fn p -> end)
@doc """
Takes intermediate search results and makes them
more specific by iterating over the search results
and only returning the ones that match the meta.*
field provided in pg.criteria
def search_meta_fields(%PointGroup{} = pg, points) do
meta = "meta."
meta_len = String.length(meta)
@ -66,13 +84,9 @@ defmodule FarmbotCore.Asset.CriteriaRetriever do
def matching_ids_no_meta(%PointGroup{} = pg) do
# Find all point IDs that are matched by a PointGroup
# This is not including any meta.* search terms,
# since `meta` is a JSON coolumn that must be
# since `meta` is a JSON column that must be
# manually searched in memory.
defp find_matching_point_ids(%PointGroup{} = pg) do
results = {pg, []}
@ -91,6 +105,8 @@ defmodule FarmbotCore.Asset.CriteriaRetriever do
# EDGE CASE: If the user _only_ wants to put static points
# in their group, we need to perform 0 SQL queries.
def finalize({_, []}) do
@ -138,6 +154,10 @@ defmodule FarmbotCore.Asset.CriteriaRetriever do
Map.merge(results, %{"#{lhs} #{op}" => rhs})
# Interpolatinng data turned out to be hard.
# Pretty sure there is an easier way to do this.
# NOT OK: Repo.query("SELECT foo WHERE bar IN $0", [[1, 2, 3]])
# OK: Repo.query("SELECT foo WHERE bar IN ($0, $1, $2)", [1, 2, 3])
defp stage_3({sql, args}, {full_query, full_args, count0}) when is_list(args) do
final = count0 + Enum.count(args) - 1
initial_state = {sql, count0}

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@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ defmodule FarmbotCore.Asset.PointGroup do
# Map<string, number | undefined>,
"number_lt" => %{},
# Map<string, number | undefined>,
"number_gt" => %{}
"number_gt" => %{},
schema "point_groups" do

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@ -90,27 +90,6 @@ defmodule FarmbotCore.Asset.CriteriaRetrieverTest do
test "matching_ids_no_meta - Finds point group critera (excluding meta attrs)" do
expect(Timex, :now, fn -> @now end)
pg = point_group_with_fake_points()
perfect_match =
id: 999,
created_at: @five_days_ago,
openfarm_slug: "five",
meta: %{"created_by" => "plant-detection"},
radius: 10.0,
x: 6.0,
z: 9.0
expected = []
results = CriteriaRetriever.matching_ids_no_meta(pg)
assert Enum.count(expected) == Enum.count(results), fn id -> assert Enum.member?(results, id) end)
test "run/1" do
expect(Timex, :now, fn -> @now end)
pg = point_group_with_fake_points()