Stop unexpected zero writing/reading from the FW

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Connor Rigby 2018-01-04 17:24:06 -08:00
parent 3c1bdfd4cc
commit c0506835cd

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@ -9,6 +9,11 @@ defmodule Farmbot.Firmware do
# If any command takes longer than this, exit.
@call_timeout 500_000
@new_params [
:movement_step_per_mm_x, :movement_step_per_mm_y, :movement_step_per_mm_z,
:movement_home_spd_x, :movement_home_spd_y, :movement_home_spd_z
@doc "Move the bot to a position."
def move_absolute(%Vec3{} = vec3, x_spd, y_spd, z_spd) do
call = {:move_absolute, [vec3, x_spd, y_spd, z_spd]}
@ -188,6 +193,13 @@ defmodule Farmbot.Firmware do
{:reply, {:error, :uninitialized}, [], state}
def handle_call({{:update_param, [param, 0] = args}}, from, state)
when param in @new_params do
Logger.warn 1, "#{param} reported zero when it shouldn't have!"
next_current = struct(Current, from: from, fun: :update_param, args: args)
do_reply(%{state | current: next_current}, {:error, :unexpected_zero})
def handle_call({fun, args}, from, state) do
next_current = struct(Current, from: from, fun: fun, args: args)
current_current = state.current
@ -312,6 +324,12 @@ defmodule Farmbot.Firmware do
defp handle_gcode({:report_parameter_value, param, 0}, state)
when param in @new_params do
Logger.warn 1, "one of #{inspect @new_params} (#{param}) was reported as zero. Not saving."
{nil, state}
defp handle_gcode({:report_parameter_value, param, value}, state) when (value == -1) do
Farmbot.System.ConfigStorage.update_config_value(:float, "hardware_params", to_string(param), nil)
{:mcu_params, %{param => nil}, %{state | params: Map.put(state.params, param, value)}}