
connor rigby 2017-07-27 09:02:57 -07:00
parent dd85831802
commit cab454876a
2 changed files with 3 additions and 15 deletions

View File

@ -265,10 +265,10 @@ defmodule Farmbot.HTTP do
defp maybe_close_file(nil), do: :ok
defp maybe_close_file(fd), do: :file.close(fd)
defp maybe_log_progress(%Buffer{file: file}) when is_nil(file), do: :ok
defp maybe_log_progress(%Buffer{file: file, progress_callback: pcb})
when is_nil(file) or is_nil(pcb), do: :ok
defp maybe_log_progress(%Buffer{file: _file} = buffer) do
data_mbs = buffer.data |> byte_size() |> bytes_to_mb()
case Enum.find_value(buffer.headers, fn({header, val}) -> if header == "Content-Length", do: val, else: nil end) do
numstr when is_binary(numstr) ->
total = numstr |> String.to_integer() |> bytes_to_mb()
@ -277,18 +277,6 @@ defmodule Farmbot.HTTP do
defp do_log(num, percent \\ true)
defp do_log(num, percent) when (rem(round(num), 5)) == 0 do
id = if percent, do: "%", else: "MB"
Logger.info "Download progress: #{round(num)}#{id}", type: :busy
defp do_log(_,_), do: :ok
defp bytes_to_mb(bytes), do: (bytes / 1024) / 1024
defp to_percent(part, whole), do: (part / whole) * 100
defp do_api_request({_method, _url, _body, _headers, _opts, from}, %{token: nil} = state) do
GenServer.reply(from, {:error, :no_token})
{:noreply, state}

View File

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ defmodule Farmbot.Mixfile do
version: @version,
target: @target,
commit: commit(),
archives: [nerves_bootstrap: "~> 0.5.1"],
archives: [nerves_bootstrap: "~> 0.6.0"],
build_embedded: Mix.env == :prod,
start_permanent: Mix.env == :prod,
build_path: "_build/#{Mix.env()}/#{@target}",