(49.2%, FAILING) Move groups stuff into its own test for now.

Rick Carlino 2020-01-19 09:01:30 -06:00
parent 88ace0db19
commit eba61d34f8
2 changed files with 94 additions and 67 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
defmodule FarmbotCeleryScript.CompilerGroupsTest do
use ExUnit.Case, async: true
alias FarmbotCeleryScript.AST
alias Farmbot.TestSupport.CeleryScript.TestSysCalls
# alias FarmbotCeleryScript.Compiler
# # Only required to compile
# alias FarmbotCeleryScript.SysCalls, warn: false
# alias FarmbotCeleryScript.Compiler.IdentifierSanitizer
setup do
{:ok, shim} = TestSysCalls.checkout()
[shim: shim]
test "compilation of point_group in parameter application", %{shim: shim} do
main = %AST{
args: %{
locals: %AST{
args: %{},
body: [
args: %{
default_value: %AST{
args: %{pointer_id: 1670, pointer_type: "Plant"},
body: [],
comment: nil,
kind: :point,
meta: nil
label: "parent"
body: [],
comment: nil,
kind: :parameter_declaration,
meta: nil
args: %{
data_value: %AST{
args: %{point_group_id: 34},
body: [],
comment: nil,
kind: :point_group,
meta: nil
label: "parent"
body: [],
comment: nil,
kind: :parameter_application,
meta: nil
comment: nil,
kind: :scope_declaration,
meta: nil
sequence_name: "Pogo",
version: 20_180_209
body: [],
comment: nil,
kind: :sequence,
meta: %{sequence_name: "Pogo"}
pid = self()
:ok =
TestSysCalls.handle(shim, fn kind, args ->
case kind do
:get_point_group ->
send(pid, {kind, args})
%{name: "woosh", point_ids: [4, 5, 6]}
:step_complete ->
send(pid, {kind, args})
:point ->
IO.puts("============== NoOoOoOooooo: " <> inspect(kind))
%{hmm: args}
result = FarmbotCeleryScript.Compiler.Sequence.sequence(main, [])
IO.puts("Now what!?")
assert result

View File

@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ defmodule FarmbotCeleryScript.CompilerTest do
# Only required to compile
alias FarmbotCeleryScript.SysCalls, warn: false
alias FarmbotCeleryScript.Compiler.IdentifierSanitizer
alias Farmbot.TestSupport.CeleryScript.TestSysCalls
test "compiles a sequence with unbound variables" do
sequence = %AST{
@ -52,7 +51,8 @@ defmodule FarmbotCeleryScript.CompilerTest do
compiled_celery_env = Compiler.Utils.compile_params_to_function_args(celery_env, [])
compiled_celery_env =
Compiler.Utils.compile_params_to_function_args(celery_env, [])
[body_item] = Compiler.compile(sequence, compiled_celery_env)
assert body_item.() == 600
@ -355,71 +355,6 @@ defmodule FarmbotCeleryScript.CompilerTest do
test "wow" do
main = %FarmbotCeleryScript.AST{
args: %{
locals: %FarmbotCeleryScript.AST{
args: %{},
body: [
args: %{
default_value: %FarmbotCeleryScript.AST{
args: %{pointer_id: 1670, pointer_type: "Plant"},
body: [],
comment: nil,
kind: :point,
meta: nil
label: "parent"
body: [],
comment: nil,
kind: :parameter_declaration,
meta: nil
args: %{
data_value: %FarmbotCeleryScript.AST{
args: %{point_group_id: 34},
body: [],
comment: nil,
kind: :point_group,
meta: nil
label: "parent"
body: [],
comment: nil,
kind: :parameter_application,
meta: nil
comment: nil,
kind: :scope_declaration,
meta: nil
sequence_name: "Pogo",
version: 20_180_209
body: [],
comment: nil,
kind: :sequence,
meta: %{sequence_name: "Pogo"}
pid = self()
{:ok, shim} = TestSysCalls.checkout()
:ok =
TestSysCalls.handle(shim, fn :get_point_group = kind, args ->
send(pid, {kind, args})
%{point_ids: []}
result = FarmbotCeleryScript.Compiler.Sequence.sequence(main, [])
assert :ok == result
defp compile(ast) do
|> Compiler.compile_ast([])