
75 lines
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# defmodule Farmbot.BotState.Network do
# @moduledoc """
# Light wrapper for Farmbot Networking.
# """
# require Logger
# alias Farmbot.StateTracker
# alias Farmbot.BotState
# @behaviour StateTracker
# use StateTracker,
# name: __MODULE__,
# model: [
# connected?: false,
# connection: nil
# ]
# @type args :: any
# @type connection :: nil | :ethernet | {String.t, String.t}
# @type t :: %__MODULE__.State{
# connected?: boolean,
# connection: connection
# }
# @spec load(args) :: {:ok, t}
# def load(_) do
# # NetMan.put_pid(__MODULE__)
# case get_config(:connection) do
# {:ok, connection} ->
# start_connection(connection)
# f = %State{connected?: false, connection: connection}
# {:ok, f}
# _ ->
# # Starts configurator (Host APD)
# :ok = start_connection(nil)
# f = %State{connected?: false, connection: nil}
# {:ok, f}
# end
# end
# @spec start_connection(connection) :: :ok | {:error, atom}
# defp start_connection(connection) do
# # NetMan.connect(connection, __MODULE__)
# end
# def handle_call(event, _from, %State{} = state) do
# Logger.warn ">> got an unhandled call in " <>
# "Network State tracker: #{inspect event}"
# dispatch :unhandled, state
# end
# # for development mode
# def handle_cast({:connected, :dev, ip_address}, %State{} = state) do
# GenServer.cast(BotState.Configuration,
# {:update_info, :private_ip, ip_address})
# GenServer.cast(BotState.Authorization, :try_log_in)
# new_state = %State{state | connected?: true, connection: :dev}
# dispatch new_state
# end
# def handle_cast({:connected, connection, ip_address}, %State{} = state) do
# Process.sleep(2000) # I DONT KNOW WHY THIS HAS TO BE HERE
# BotState.set_time
# GenServer.cast(BotState.Configuration,
# {:update_info, :private_ip, ip_address})
# GenServer.cast(BotState.Authorization, :try_log_in)
# new_state = %State{state | connected?: true, connection: connection}
# put_config(:connection, connection)
# dispatch new_state
# end
# def handle_cast(event, %State{} = state) do
# Logger.warn ">> got an unhandled cast in " <>
# "Network State tracker: #{inspect event}"
# dispatch state
# end
# end