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defmodule Farmbot.Firmware.SideEffects do
alias Farmbot.Firmware.{GCODE, Param}
@type axis :: :x | :y | :z
@doc "While in state `:boot`, the firmware needs to load its params."
@callback load_params :: [{Param.t(), float() | nil}]
@callback handle_position(x: float(), y: float(), z: float()) :: any()
@callback handle_position_change([{axis(), float()}]) :: any()
@callback handle_encoders_scaled(x: float(), y: float(), z: float()) :: any()
@callback handle_encoders_raw(x: float(), y: float(), z: float()) :: any()
@callback handle_paramater_value([{Param.t(), float()}]) :: any()
@callback handle_end_stops(xa: 0 | 1, xb: 0 | 1, ya: 0 | 1, yb: 0 | 1, za: 0 | 1, zb: 0 | 1) ::
@callback handle_emergency_lock() :: any()
@callback handle_emergency_unlock() :: any()
@callback handle_pin_value(p: integer(), v: integer()) :: any()
@callback handle_software_version([String.t()]) :: any()
@callback handle_busy(boolean()) :: any()
@type axis_state :: :stop | :idle | :begin | :crawl | :decelerate | :accelerate
@callback handle_axis_state([{axis(), axis_state}]) :: any()
@type calibration_state :: :idle | :home | :end
@callback handle_calibration_state([{axis(), calibration_state()}]) :: any()
@callback handle_input_gcode(GCODE.t()) :: any()
@callback handle_output_gcode(GCODE.t()) :: any()
@callback handle_debug_message([String.t()]) :: any()