
43 lines
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use Mix.Config
# Mix configs.
target = Mix.Project.config[:target]
env = Mix.env()
config :logger, utc_log: true
config :ssl, protocol_version: :"tlsv1.2"
# I force colors because they are important.
config :logger, :console,
colors: [enabled: true, info: :cyan],
metadata: [:module],
format: "$time $metadata[$level] $levelpad$message\n"
# Iex needs colors too.
config :iex, :colors, enabled: true
# This is usually in the `priv` dir of :tzdata, but our fs is read only.
config :tzdata, :data_dir, "/tmp"
config :tzdata, :autoupdate, :disabled
# Path for the `fs` module to watch.
config :fs, path: "/tmp/images"
# Configure your our system.
# Default implementation needs no special stuff.
config :farmbot, :init, [
# Configure Farmbot Behaviours.
config :farmbot, :behaviour, [
authorization: Farmbot.Bootstrap.Authorization,
# import config specific to our nerves_target
IO.puts "using #{target} - #{env} configuration."
import_config "hardware/#{target}/#{env}.exs"
config :nerves, :firmware,
rootfs_additions: "config/hardware/#{target}/rootfs-additions-#{env}"