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# galmon
galileo/GPS/GLONASS/BeiDou open source monitoring. GPL3 licensed.
(C) AHU Holding BV - -
Live website:
Theoretically multi-vendor, although currently only the U-blox 8 and 9
chipsets are supported. Navilock NL-8012U receiver works really well, as
does the U-blox evaluation kit for the 8MT. In addition, many stations have
reported success with this very cheap [AliExpress sourced
device]( The best and
most high-end receiver, which does all bands, all the time, is the Ublox
F9P, several of us use the
[ArdusimpleRTK2B]( board.
An annotated presentation about our project aimed at GNSS professionals can
be found [here](
> NOTE: One of our programs is called 'ubxtool'. Sadly, we did not do our
> research, and there is another '[ubxtool](' already, part of
> [gpsd]( You might have ended up on our page by mistake.
> Sorry!
To deliver data to the project, please read
[The Galmon GNSS Monitoring Project](
and consult the rules outlined in [the operator
* Processes raw frames/strings/words from GPS, GLONASS, BeiDou and Galileo
* All-band support (E1, E5b, B1I, B2I, Glonass L1, Glonass L2, GPS L1C/A)
so far, GPS L2C and Galileo E5a pending).
* Calculate ephemeris positions
* Comparison of ephemerides to independent SP3 data to determine SISE
* Globally, locally, worst user location
* Record discontinuities between subsequent ephemerides (in time and space)
* Compare doppler shift as reported by receiver with that expected from ephemeris
* Track atomic clock & report jumps
* Coverage maps (number of satellites >5, >10, >20 elevation)
* Compare orbit to TLE, match up to best matching satellite
* Tear out every bit that tells us how well an SV is doing
* Full almanac processing to see what _should_ be transmitting
* Distributed receivers, combined into a single source of all messages
* Ready to detect/report spoofing/jamming
Data is made available as JSON, as a user-friendly website and as a
time-series database. This time-series database is easily mated to the
industry standard Matplotlib/Pandas/Jupyter combination (details
There is also tooling to extract raw frames/strings/words from specific
1) Support multiple wildly distributed receivers
2) Combine these into a forensic archive of all Galileo/GPS NAV messages
3) Make this archive available, offline and as a stream
4) Consume this stream and turn it into an attractive live website
( As part of this, perform higher-level calculations
to determine ephemeris discontinuities, live gst/gps/galileo time
offsets, atomic clock jumps etc.
5) Populate an InfluxDB timeseries database with raw measurements and higher
order calculations
Works on Linux (including Raspbian Buster on Pi Zero W), OSX and OpenBSD.
Build locally
To get started, make sure you have a C++17 compiler (like g++ 8 or higher),
git, protobuf-compiler. Then run 'make ubxtool navdump' to build the
receiver-only tools.
To build everything, including the webserver, try:
apt-get install protobuf-compiler libh2o-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libssl-dev libprotobuf-dev \
libh2o-evloop-dev libwslay-dev libncurses5-dev libeigen3-dev
git clone --recursive
cd galmon
If this doesn't succeed with an error about h2o, make sure you have this
library installed. If you get an error about 'wslay', do the following, and run make again:
echo WSLAY=-lwslay > Makefile.local
Build in Docker
To build it in Docker:
git clone --recursive
docker build -t galmon --build-arg MAKE_FLAGS=-j2 .
To run a container with a shell in there (this will also expose a port so you can view the UI too and assumes a ublox GPS device too - you may need to tweak as necessary):
docker run -it --rm --device=/dev/ttyACM0 -p 10000:10000 galmon
Once compiled, run for example `./ubxtool --wait --port /dev/ttyACM0
--station 1 --stdout --galileo | ./navparse --bind [::1]:10000`
Next up, browse to http://[::1]:10000 (or try http://localhost:10000/ and
you should be in business. ubxtool changes (non-permanently) the
configuration of your u-blox receiver so it emits the required frames for
GPS and Galileo. If you have a u-blox timing receiver it will also enable
the doppler frames.
By default the ublox receiver module will be configured to use the USB port,
if you want to use a different interface port on the ublox module then add
the `--ubxport <id>` option using one of the following numeric IDs:
0 : DDC (aka. I2C)
1 : UART[1]
2 : UART2
3 : USB (default)
4 : SPI
To see what is going on, try:
./ubxtool --wait --port /dev/ttyACM0 --station 1 --stdout --galileo | ./navdump
To distribute data to a remote `navrecv`, use:
./ubxtool --wait --port /dev/ttyACM0 --galileo --station 255 --destination
This will send protobuf to You can add as many destinations
as you want, they will buffer and automatically reconnect. To also send data
to stdout, add `--stdout`.
* ubxtool: can configure a u-blox 8 chipset, parses its output & will
convert it into a protbuf stream of GNSS NAV frames + metadata
Adds 64-bit timestamps plus origin information to each message
* xtool: if you have another chipset, build something that extracts NAV
frames & metadata. Not done yet.
* navrecv: receives GNSS NAV frames and stores them on disk, split out per
* navnexus: tails the files stored by navrecv, makes them available over
* navparse: consumes these ordered nav updates for a nice website
and puts "ready to graph" data in influxdb - this is the first
step that breaks "store everything in native format". Also does
computations on ephemerides.
* grafana dashboard: makes pretty graphs
Linux Systemd
First make sure 'ubxtool' has been compiled (run: make ubxtool). Then, as
mkdir /usr/local/ubxtool
cp ubxtool /usr/local/ubxtool/
cp ubxtool.service /etc/systemd/system/
Then please reach out as indicated in [] to obtain your
station ID and the receiver hostname and run:
echo RECEIVER-NAME > /usr/local/ubxtool/destination
echo STATION-NUMBER > /usr/local/ubxtool/station
Then start up the service (as root):
systemctl enable ubxtool
systemctl start ubxtool
To check if it is all working, do 'service ubxtool status'.
> NOTE! If you don't use one of the AliExpress or Navilock devices, it may
> be that your U-blox is not connected to the USB-port of the U-blox chip
> but to the UART1 or UART2 port. If so, you'll need to edit the script so
> it finds your USB-to-serial adapter. At the very least you'll have to
> update the DEVICE line. You'll likely also have to add --ubxport 1 at the
> end, and likely also the baudrate (-b) and/or --rtscts=0.
To change the default constellations, create a file called
/usr/local/ubxtool/constellations and set your favorites. To set all four
constellations (which only F9-receivers support), do as root:
echo --gps --glonass --beidou --galileo > /usr/local/ubxtool/constellations
And then 'service ubxtool restart'.
Distributed setup
Run `navrecv -b :: --storage ./storage` to receive frames on port 29603 of
::, aka all your IPv6 addresses (and IPv4 too on Linux). This allows anyone
to send you frames, so be aware.
Next up, run `navnexus --storage ./storage -b ::`, which will serve your
recorded data from port 29601. It will merge messages coming in from all
sources and serve them in time order.
Finally, you can do `nc 29601 | ./navdump`, which will give you all messages over the past 24 hours, and stream you more.
This also works for `navparse` for the pretty website and influx storage, `nc 29601 | ./navparse --influxdb=galileo`,
if you have an influxdb running on localhost with a galileo database in there.
The default URL is
The transport format consists of repeats of:
1) Four byte magic value
2) Two-byte frame length
3) A protobuf frame
The magic value is there to help us resync from partially written data.
The whole goal is that we can continue to rebuild the database by
rerunning 'navstore' and 'navinflux'.
* [BeiDou](
* [Galileo](
old 1998 version, but unlike newer versions, this one is not full of
mistakes. [New version]( is more complete but is worryingly messy.
not actually relevant for the CDMA aspects, but has appendices on more
precise orbit determinations.
* [GPS](
* [U-blox 8 interface specification](
* [U-blox 9 interface specification](
* [U-blox 9 integration manual](
Data sources
The software can interpret SP3 files, good sources:
* ESA/ESOC: - pick the
relevant GPS week number, and then a series (.sp3 extension):
* ESU = ultra rapid, 2-8h delay, only GPS and GLONASS
* ESR = rapid, 2-26h delay, only GPS and GLONASS
* ESM = finals, 6-13d delay, GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, BeiDou, QZSS
* File format is esXWWWWD.sp3 - where X is U, R or M, WWWW is the
(non-wrapping) GPS week number and D is day of week, Sunday is 0.
* Further description:
* GFZ Potsdam:
* The GBM series covers GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, BeiDou, QZSS and appears
to have less of a delay than the ESA ESM series.
* GBU = ultra rapid, still a few days delay, but much more recent.
Uncompress and concatenate all downloaded files into 'all.sp3' and run
'navdump ' on collected protobuf, and it will output 'sp3.csv' with fit data.
* ubxtool: Configure and use a Ublox chip to gather messages, and send as
protobuf to standard output or a remote server (with buffering).
* navdump: convert protobuf format data into a textual display of messages
* navparse: consume protobuf and turn into a webserver with data, plus
optionally fill an influxdb time-series database for graphing and analysis
* navrecv: receive protobuf messages over the network and store them on
* navnexus: serve protobuf messages from disk over the network
* navcat: serve protobuf messages from disk directly to stdout
* reporter: make "the weekly galileo report"
* rinreport: rinex analysis tooling (not generically useful yet)
* galmonmon: monitor a navparse instance for changes, tweet them out
* navdisplay: some eye-candy that converts protobuf into a live display
(not very good)
Global coverage (via volunteers)
In alphabetical order:
* Austria (Vienna area)
* Brazil
* Holland (Nootdorp, Hilversum, etc)
* India (New Delhi area)
* Israel (Jerusalem)
* Italy (Rome)
* New Zealand (Auckland area)
* Rusia (Moscow area)
* Singapore
* South Africa (Cape Town area)
* Spain
* Tonga
* Alaska (Anchorage)
* California (Santa Cruz, Los Angeles area, etc)
* Massachusetts (Boston area)
* Uruguay
Additional sites are welcome (and encouraged) as the more data receiving sites that exist, then more accurate data and absolute coverage of each constellation can be had.
The galmon project is very grateful to all its volunteering receiving stations.
* Will also spool raw serial data to disk (in a filename that includes the
start date)
* Can also read from disk
* Careful to add the right timestamps