root directory non hidden files

George Hotz 2020-01-17 10:22:00 -08:00
parent 3fe9bbe665
commit 012535a84e
26 changed files with 4880 additions and 0 deletions

31 100644
View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
# How to contribute
Our software is open source so you can solve your own problems without needing help from others. And if you solve a problem and are so kind, you can upstream it for the rest of the world to use.
Most open source development activity is coordinated through our [Discord]( A lot of documentation is available on our [medium](
## Getting Started
* Join our [Discord](
* Make sure you have a [GitHub account](
* Fork [our repositories]( on GitHub
## Testing
### Local Testing
You can test your changes on your machine by running ``. This will run some automated tests in docker against your code.
### Automated Testing
All PRs are automatically checked by travis. Check out `.travis.yml` for what travis runs. Any new tests sould be added to travis.
### Code Style and Linting
Code is automatically check for style by travis as part of the automated tests. You can also run these yourself by running ``.
## Car Ports (openpilot)
We've released a [Model Port guide]( for porting to Toyota/Lexus models.
If you port openpilot to a substantially new car brand, see this more generic [Brand Port guide]( You might also be eligible for a bounty. See our bounties at [](

Dockerfile.dev_ci 100644
View File

@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
FROM ubuntu:16.04
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
build-essential \
bzip2 \
clang \
cmake \
curl \
ffmpeg \
git \
libarchive-dev \
libbz2-dev \
libcurl4-openssl-dev \
libeigen3-dev \
libffi-dev \
libglew-dev \
libglfw3-dev \
libglib2.0-0 \
liblzma-dev \
libmysqlclient-dev \
libomp-dev \
libopencv-dev \
libssl-dev \
libsqlite3-dev \
libusb-1.0-0-dev \
libzmq5-dev \
locales \
ocl-icd-libopencl1 \
ocl-icd-opencl-dev \
opencl-headers \
python-dev \
python-pip \
screen \
sudo \
vim \
RUN sed -i -e 's/# en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8/' /etc/locale.gen && locale-gen
COPY ./external/opencl /tmp/openpilot/external/opencl
RUN dpkg -i /tmp/openpilot/external/opencl/*.deb
RUN mkdir -p /etc/OpenCL/vendors; cp /tmp/openpilot/external/opencl/intel.icd /etc/OpenCL/vendors/intel.icd
RUN curl -L | bash
ENV PATH="/root/.pyenv/bin:/root/.pyenv/shims:${PATH}"
RUN pyenv install 3.7.3
RUN pyenv global 3.7.3
RUN pyenv rehash
RUN pip install pipenv==2018.11.26
COPY Pipfile /tmp/
COPY Pipfile.lock /tmp/
RUN python --version
RUN cd /tmp && pipenv install --system --deploy --dev
RUN mkdir -p /home/batman
ENV HOME /home/batman
ENV PATH /tmp/openpilot/external/capnp/bin/:${PATH}
COPY ./apk /tmp/openpilot/apk
COPY ./cereal /tmp/openpilot/cereal
COPY ./common /tmp/openpilot/common
COPY ./external /tmp/openpilot/external
COPY ./laika /tmp/openpilot/laika
COPY ./models /tmp/openpilot/models
COPY ./opendbc /tmp/openpilot/opendbc
COPY ./tools /tmp/openpilot/tools
COPY ./panda /tmp/openpilot/panda
COPY ./phonelibs /tmp/openpilot/phonelibs
COPY ./pyextra /tmp/openpilot/pyextra
COPY ./release /tmp/openpilot/release
COPY ./selfdrive /tmp/openpilot/selfdrive
COPY ./xx/ /tmp/openpilot/xx/
COPY ./xx/chffr /tmp/openpilot/xx/chffr
COPY ./xx/pipeline /tmp/openpilot/xx/pipeline
COPY ./xx/uncommon /tmp/openpilot/xx/uncommon
COPY ./xx/tools/ /tmp/openpilot/xx/tools/
COPY ./xx/tools/rldriving /tmp/openpilot/xx/tools/rldriving
COPY ./xx/models /tmp/openpilot/xx/models/
COPY ./xx/tools/mlmonitoring /tmp/openpilot/xx/tools/mlmonitoring
COPY ./xx/tools/reporter /tmp/openpilot/xx/tools/reporter
COPY /tmp/openpilot/
COPY /tmp/openpilot/
COPY .pylintrc /tmp/openpilot/.pylintrc
# Azure keys
ENV AZUTIL_KEYS /tmp/openpilot/selfdrive/test/commadataci.json

View File

@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
FROM ubuntu:16.04
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
autoconf \
build-essential \
bzip2 \
clang \
cmake \
curl \
ffmpeg \
git \
libarchive-dev \
libbz2-dev \
libcurl4-openssl-dev \
libeigen3-dev \
libffi-dev \
libglew-dev \
libgles2-mesa-dev \
libglfw3-dev \
libglib2.0-0 \
liblzma-dev \
libmysqlclient-dev \
libomp-dev \
libopencv-dev \
libssl-dev \
libsqlite3-dev \
libtool \
libusb-1.0-0-dev \
libzmq5-dev \
locales \
ocl-icd-libopencl1 \
ocl-icd-opencl-dev \
opencl-headers \
python-dev \
python-pip \
screen \
sudo \
vim \
RUN sed -i -e 's/# en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8/' /etc/locale.gen && locale-gen
RUN curl -L | bash
ENV PATH="/root/.pyenv/bin:/root/.pyenv/shims:${PATH}"
RUN pyenv install 3.7.3
RUN pyenv global 3.7.3
RUN pyenv rehash
RUN pip install pipenv==2018.11.26
COPY Pipfile /tmp/
COPY Pipfile.lock /tmp/
RUN python --version
RUN cd /tmp && pipenv install --system --deploy
# Install subset of dev dependencies needed for CI
RUN pip install matplotlib==3.1.1 dictdiffer==0.8.0 fastcluster==1.1.25 aenum==2.2.1 scipy==1.3.1 lru-dict==1.1.6 tenacity==5.1.1 azure-common==1.1.23 azure-nspkg==3.0.2 azure-storage-blob==2.1.0 azure-storage-common==2.1.0 azure-storage-nspkg==3.1.0 pycurl==
COPY phonelibs/ /tmp/
RUN /tmp/
RUN git clone --branch v0.7 /tmp/openpilot/tools
COPY ./.pylintrc /tmp/openpilot/.pylintrc
COPY ./common /tmp/openpilot/common
COPY ./cereal /tmp/openpilot/cereal
COPY ./opendbc /tmp/openpilot/opendbc
COPY ./selfdrive /tmp/openpilot/selfdrive
COPY ./phonelibs /tmp/openpilot/phonelibs
COPY ./pyextra /tmp/openpilot/pyextra
COPY ./panda /tmp/openpilot/panda
COPY SConstruct /tmp/openpilot/SConstruct
RUN mkdir -p /tmp/openpilot/selfdrive/test/out
RUN cd /tmp/openpilot && scons -j$(nproc)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
FROM ubuntu:16.04
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
build-essential \
bzip2 \
clang \
cmake \
curl \
ffmpeg \
git \
libarchive-dev \
libbz2-dev \
libcurl4-openssl-dev \
libeigen3-dev \
libffi-dev \
libglew-dev \
libgles2-mesa-dev \
libglfw3-dev \
libglib2.0-0 \
liblzma-dev \
libmysqlclient-dev \
libomp-dev \
libopencv-dev \
libssl-dev \
libsqlite3-dev \
libusb-1.0-0-dev \
libzmq5-dev \
locales \
ocl-icd-libopencl1 \
ocl-icd-opencl-dev \
opencl-headers \
python-dev \
python-pip \
screen \
sudo \
vim \
RUN sed -i -e 's/# en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8/' /etc/locale.gen && locale-gen
COPY ./external/opencl /tmp/openpilot/external/opencl
RUN dpkg -i /tmp/openpilot/external/opencl/*.deb
RUN mkdir -p /etc/OpenCL/vendors; cp /tmp/openpilot/external/opencl/intel.icd /etc/OpenCL/vendors/intel.icd
RUN curl -L | bash
ENV PATH="/root/.pyenv/bin:/root/.pyenv/shims:${PATH}"
RUN pyenv install 3.7.3
RUN pyenv global 3.7.3
RUN pyenv rehash
RUN pip install pipenv==2018.11.26
COPY Pipfile /tmp/
COPY Pipfile.lock /tmp/
RUN python --version
RUN cd /tmp && pipenv install --system --deploy
# Install subset of dev dependencies needed for CI
RUN pip install matplotlib==3.1.1 dictdiffer==0.8.0 fastcluster==1.1.25 aenum==2.2.1 scipy==1.3.1 lru-dict==1.1.6 tenacity==5.1.1 azure-common==1.1.23 azure-nspkg==3.0.2 azure-storage-blob==2.1.0 azure-storage-common==2.1.0 azure-storage-nspkg==3.1.0 pycurl==
RUN mkdir -p /home/batman
ENV HOME /home/batman
ENV PATH /tmp/openpilot/external/capnp/bin/:${PATH}
COPY ./apk /tmp/openpilot/apk
COPY ./cereal /tmp/openpilot/cereal
COPY ./common /tmp/openpilot/common
COPY ./external /tmp/openpilot/external
COPY ./laika /tmp/openpilot/laika
COPY ./models /tmp/openpilot/models
COPY ./opendbc /tmp/openpilot/opendbc
COPY ./tools /tmp/openpilot/tools
COPY ./panda /tmp/openpilot/panda
COPY ./phonelibs /tmp/openpilot/phonelibs
COPY ./pyextra /tmp/openpilot/pyextra
COPY ./release /tmp/openpilot/release
COPY ./selfdrive /tmp/openpilot/selfdrive
COPY ./xx/ /tmp/openpilot/xx/
COPY ./xx/chffr /tmp/openpilot/xx/chffr
COPY ./xx/pipeline /tmp/openpilot/xx/pipeline
COPY ./xx/uncommon /tmp/openpilot/xx/uncommon
COPY ./xx/tools/ /tmp/openpilot/xx/tools/
COPY ./xx/tools/rldriving /tmp/openpilot/xx/tools/rldriving
COPY ./xx/models /tmp/openpilot/xx/models/
COPY /tmp/openpilot/
COPY /tmp/openpilot/
COPY .pylintrc /tmp/openpilot/.pylintrc
COPY SConstruct /tmp/openpilot/SConstruct
# Azure keys
ENV AZUTIL_KEYS /tmp/openpilot/selfdrive/test/commadataci.json
RUN cd /tmp/openpilot && scons -c && scons -j$(nproc)

Jenkinsfile vendored 100644
View File

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
pipeline {
agent any
environment {
AUTHOR = """${sh(
returnStdout: true,
script: "git --no-pager show -s --format='%an' ${GIT_COMMIT}"
GIT_COMMIT_DESC = """${sh(
returnStdout: true,
script: "git log --format=%B -n 1 ${GIT_COMMIT}"
returnStdout: true,
script: "git rev-parse --short=8 ${GIT_COMMIT}"
COMMA_JWT = credentials('athena-test-jwt')
stages {
stage('Builds') {
parallel {
stage('EON Build/Test') {
steps {
lock(resource: "", label: 'eon', inversePrecedence: true, variable: 'eon_name', quantity: 1){
timeout(time: 90, unit: 'MINUTES') {
dir(path: 'selfdrive/test') {
ansiColor('xterm') {
sh './'
stage('LEON Build/Test') {
steps {
lock(resource: "", label: 'leon', inversePrecedence: true, variable: 'leon_name', quantity: 1){
timeout(time: 90, unit: 'MINUTES') {
dir(path: 'selfdrive/test') {
ansiColor('xterm') {
sh './'
post {
failure {
slackSend(color:'danger', message:"Failed: one » ${env.JOB_NAME} [${env.BUILD_NUMBER}] (<${env.RUN_DISPLAY_URL}|Open>)\n- ${env.GIT_COMMIT_DESC} (<${env.GIT_COMMIT}|${env.GIT_COMMIT_SHORT}> on ${env.GIT_BRANCH} by ${env.CHANGE_AUTHOR})")

LICENSE 100644
View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
Copyright (c) 2018,, Inc.
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

Makefile 100644
View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
code_dir := $(shell pwd)
# TODO: Add a global build system
.PHONY: all
cd selfdrive && PYTHONPATH=$(code_dir) PREPAREONLY=1 ./

Pipfile 100644
View File

@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
name = "pypi"
url = ""
verify_ssl = true
opencv-python= "=="
PyQt5 = "*"
ipython = "*"
networkx = "==2.3"
azure-core = "==1.1.1"
azure-common = "==1.1.24"
azure-nspkg = "==3.0.2"
azure-storage-blob = "==2.1.0"
azure-storage-common = "==2.1.0"
azure-storage-nspkg = "==3.1.0"
boto = "*"
"boto3" = "*"
control = "*"
datadog = "*"
dlib = "*"
elasticsearch = "*"
future = "*"
futures = "*"
pycocotools = {git = "",subdirectory = "PythonAPI"}
gunicorn = "*"
"h5py" = "*"
hexdump = "*"
"html5lib" = "*"
imageio = "*"
ipykernel = "*"
joblib = "*"
json-logging-py = "*"
jupyter = "*"
libarchive = "*"
lru-dict = "*"
"mpld3" = "*"
msgpack-python = "*"
nbstripout = "*"
numpy = "*"
osmium = "*"
pbr = "*"
percache = "*"
pprofile = "*"
pycurl = "*"
git-pylint-commit-hook = "*"
pymongo = "*"
"pynmea2" = "*"
pypolyline = "*"
python-logstash = "*"
redis = "*"
"s2sphere" = "*"
scikit-image = "*"
"subprocess32" = "*"
tenacity = "*"
tensorflow-gpu = ""
PyJWT = "==1.4.1"
PyMySQL = "==0.9.2"
Werkzeug = "*"
"backports.lzma" = "*"
Flask-Cors = "*"
Flask-SocketIO = "*"
"GeoAlchemy2" = "*"
Pygments = "*"
PyNaCl = "*"
"PySDL2" = "*"
reverse_geocoder = "*"
Shapely = "*"
SQLAlchemy = "*"
scipy = "*"
fastcluster = "*"
backports-abc = "*"
pygame = "*"
simplejson = "*"
python-logstash-async = "*"
seaborn = "*"
pyproj = "*"
mock = "*"
matplotlib = "*"
dictdiffer = "*"
aenum = "*"
coverage = "*"
azure-cli-core = "*"
paramiko = "*"
aiohttp = "*"
overpy = {git = "",ref = "f86529af402d4642e1faeb146671c40284007323"}
atomicwrites = "*"
cffi = "*"
crcmod = "*"
hexdump = "*"
libusb1 = "*"
numpy = "*"
psutil = "*"
pycapnp = "*"
cryptography = "*"
pyserial = "*"
python-dateutil = "*"
pyzmq = "*"
raven = "*"
requests = "*"
setproctitle = "*"
six = "*"
smbus2 = "*"
sympy = "*"
tqdm = "*"
Cython = "*"
PyYAML = "*"
websocket_client = "*"
Logentries = {git = "",ref = "feaeacb48f7f4bdb02c0a8fc092326d4e101b7f2"}
urllib3 = "*"
chardet = "*"
idna = "*"
gunicorn = "*"
utm = "*"
json-rpc = "*"
Flask = "*"
PyJWT = "*"
"Jinja2" = "*"
nose = "*"
flake8 = "*"
pylint = "*"
pycryptodome = "*"
pillow = "*"
scons = "*"
cysignals = "*"
python_version = "3.7.3"

Pipfile.lock generated 100644

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

302 100644
View File

@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
Table of Contents
* [What is openpilot?](#what-is-openpilot)
* [Integration with Stock Features](#integration-with-stock-features)
* [Supported Hardware](#supported-hardware)
* [Supported Cars](#supported-cars)
* [Community Maintained Cars and Features](#community-maintained-cars-and-features)
* [Installation Instructions](#installation-instructions)
* [Limitations of openpilot ALC and LDW](#limitations-of-openpilot-alc-and-ldw)
* [Limitations of openpilot ACC and FCW](#limitations-of-openpilot-acc-and-fcw)
* [Limitations of openpilot DM](#limitations-of-openpilot-dm)
* [User Data and comma Account](#user-data-and-comma-account)
* [Safety and Testing](#safety-and-testing)
* [Testing on PC](#testing-on-pc)
* [Community and Contributing](#community-and-contributing)
* [Directory Structure](#directory-structure)
* [Licensing](#licensing)
What is openpilot?
[openpilot]( is an open source driver assistance system. Currently, openpilot performs the functions of Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC), Automated Lane Centering (ALC), Forward Collision Warning (FCW) and Lane Departure Warning (LDW) for a growing variety of supported [car makes, models and model years](#supported-cars). In addition, while openpilot is engaged, a camera based Driver Monitoring (DM) feature alerts distracted and asleep drivers.
<td><a href="" title="YouTube" rel="noopener"><img src=""></a></td>
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<td><a href="" title="YouTube" rel="noopener"><img src=""></a></td>
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<td><a href="" title="YouTube" rel="noopener"><img src=""></a></td>
<td><a href="" title="YouTube" rel="noopener"><img src=""></a></td>
Integration with Stock Features
In all supported cars:
* Stock Lane Keep Assist (LKA) and stock ALC are replaced by openpilot ALC, which only functions when openpilot is engaged by the user.
* Stock LDW is replaced by openpilot LDW.
Additionally, on specific supported cars (see ACC column in [supported cars](#supported-cars)):
* Stock ACC is replaced by openpilot ACC.
* openpilot FCW operates in addition to stock FCW.
openpilot should preserve all other vehicle's stock features, including, but are not limited to: FCW, Automatic Emergency Braking (AEB), auto high-beam, blind spot warning, and side collision warning.
Supported Hardware
At the moment, openpilot supports the [EON DevKit]( and the [comma two]( A [car harness]( is recommended to connect the EON or comma two to the car. In the future, we'd like to support other platforms as well, like gaming PCs.
Supported Cars
| Make | Model (US Market Reference) | Supported Package | ACC | No ACC accel below | No ALC below |
| ----------| ------------------------------| ------------------| -----------------| -------------------| -------------|
| Acura | ILX 2016-18 | AcuraWatch Plus | openpilot | 25mph<sup>5</sup> | 25mph |
| Acura | RDX 2016-18 | AcuraWatch Plus | openpilot | 25mph<sup>5</sup> | 12mph |
| Chrysler | Pacifica 2017-18 | Adaptive Cruise | Stock | 0mph | 9mph |
| Chrysler | Pacifica Hybrid 2017-18 | Adaptive Cruise | Stock | 0mph | 9mph |
| Chrysler | Pacifica Hybrid 2019 | Adaptive Cruise | Stock | 0mph | 39mph |
| Honda | Accord 2018-19 | All | Stock | 0mph | 3mph |
| Honda | Accord Hybrid 2018-19 | All | Stock | 0mph | 3mph |
| Honda | Civic Sedan/Coupe 2016-18 | Honda Sensing | openpilot | 0mph | 12mph |
| Honda | Civic Sedan/Coupe 2019 | Honda Sensing | Stock | 0mph | 2mph |
| Honda | Civic Hatchback 2017-19 | Honda Sensing | Stock | 0mph | 12mph |
| Honda | CR-V 2015-16 | Touring | openpilot | 25mph<sup>5</sup> | 12mph |
| Honda | CR-V 2017-19 | Honda Sensing | Stock | 0mph | 12mph |
| Honda | CR-V Hybrid 2017-2019 | Honda Sensing | Stock | 0mph | 12mph |
| Honda | Fit 2018-19 | Honda Sensing | openpilot | 25mph<sup>5</sup> | 12mph |
| Honda | Odyssey 2018-20 | Honda Sensing | openpilot | 25mph<sup>5</sup> | 0mph |
| Honda | Passport 2019 | All | openpilot | 25mph<sup>5</sup> | 12mph |
| Honda | Pilot 2016-18 | Honda Sensing | openpilot | 25mph<sup>5</sup> | 12mph |
| Honda | Pilot 2019 | All | openpilot | 25mph<sup>5</sup> | 12mph |
| Honda | Ridgeline 2017-19 | Honda Sensing | openpilot | 25mph<sup>5</sup> | 12mph |
| Hyundai | Santa Fe 2019<sup>1</sup> | All | Stock | 0mph | 0mph |
| Hyundai | Elantra 2017-19<sup>1</sup> | SCC + LKAS | Stock | 19mph | 34mph |
| Hyundai | Genesis 2018<sup>1</sup> | All | Stock | 19mph | 34mph |
| Jeep | Grand Cherokee 2016-18 | Adaptive Cruise | Stock | 0mph | 9mph |
| Jeep | Grand Cherokee 2019 | Adaptive Cruise | Stock | 0mph | 39mph |
| Kia | Optima 2019<sup>1</sup> | SCC + LKAS | Stock | 0mph | 0mph |
| Kia | Sorento 2018<sup>1</sup> | All | Stock | 0mph | 0mph |
| Kia | Stinger 2018<sup>1</sup> | SCC + LKAS | Stock | 0mph | 0mph |
| Lexus | CT Hybrid 2017-18 | All | Stock<sup>4</sup>| 0mph | 0mph |
| Lexus | ES Hybrid 2019 | All | openpilot | 0mph | 0mph |
| Lexus | RX Hybrid 2016-19 | All | Stock<sup>4</sup>| 0mph | 0mph |
| Lexus | IS 2017-2019 | All | Stock | 22mph | 0mph |
| Lexus | IS Hybrid 2017 | All | Stock | 0mph | 0mph |
| Subaru | Crosstrek 2018-19 | EyeSight | Stock | 0mph | 0mph |
| Subaru | Impreza 2019-20 | EyeSight | Stock | 0mph | 0mph |
| Toyota | Avalon 2016 | TSS-P | Stock<sup>4</sup>| 20mph<sup>5</sup> | 0mph |
| Toyota | Avalon 2017-18 | All | Stock<sup>4</sup>| 20mph<sup>5</sup> | 0mph |
| Toyota | Camry 2018-19 | All | Stock | 0mph<sup>2</sup> | 0mph |
| Toyota | Camry Hybrid 2018-19 | All | Stock | 0mph<sup>2</sup> | 0mph |
| Toyota | C-HR 2017-19 | All | Stock | 0mph | 0mph |
| Toyota | C-HR Hybrid 2017-19 | All | Stock | 0mph | 0mph |
| Toyota | Corolla 2017-19 | All | Stock<sup>4</sup>| 20mph<sup>5</sup> | 0mph |
| Toyota | Corolla 2020 | All | openpilot | 0mph | 0mph |
| Toyota | Corolla Hatchback 2019 | All | openpilot | 0mph | 0mph |
| Toyota | Corolla Hybrid 2020 | All | openpilot | 0mph | 0mph |
| Toyota | Highlander 2017-19 | All | Stock<sup>4</sup>| 0mph | 0mph |
| Toyota | Highlander Hybrid 2017-19 | All | Stock<sup>4</sup>| 0mph | 0mph |
| Toyota | Prius 2016 | TSS-P | Stock<sup>4</sup>| 0mph | 0mph |
| Toyota | Prius 2017-19 | All | Stock<sup>4</sup>| 0mph | 0mph |
| Toyota | Prius Prime 2017-20 | All | Stock<sup>4</sup>| 0mph | 0mph |
| Toyota | Rav4 2016 | TSS-P | Stock<sup>4</sup>| 20mph<sup>5</sup> | 0mph |
| Toyota | Rav4 2017-18 | All | Stock<sup>4</sup>| 20mph<sup>5</sup> | 0mph |
| Toyota | Rav4 2019 | All | openpilot | 0mph | 0mph |
| Toyota | Rav4 Hybrid 2016 | TSS-P | Stock<sup>4</sup>| 0mph | 0mph |
| Toyota | Rav4 Hybrid 2017-18 | All | Stock<sup>4</sup>| 0mph | 0mph |
| Toyota | Sienna 2018 | All | Stock<sup>4</sup>| 0mph | 0mph |
| Volkswagen| Golf 2016-19<sup>3</sup> | Driver Assistance | Stock | 0mph | 0mph |
<sup>1</sup>Requires a [panda]( and open sourced [Hyundai giraffe](, designed for the 2019 Sante Fe; pinout may differ for other Hyundai and Kia models. <br />
<sup>2</sup>28mph for Camry 4CYL L, 4CYL LE and 4CYL SE which don't have Full-Speed Range Dynamic Radar Cruise Control. <br />
<sup>3</sup>Requires a [custom connector]( for the [car harness]( <br />
Community Maintained Cars and Features
| Make | Model (US Market Reference) | Supported Package | ACC | No ACC accel below | No ALC below |
| ----------| ------------------------------| ------------------| -----------------| -------------------| -------------|
| Buick | Regal 2018<sup>6</sup> | Adaptive Cruise | openpilot | 0mph | 7mph |
| Chevrolet | Malibu 2017<sup>6</sup> | Adaptive Cruise | openpilot | 0mph | 7mph |
| Chevrolet | Volt 2017-18<sup>6</sup> | Adaptive Cruise | openpilot | 0mph | 7mph |
| Cadillac | ATS 2018<sup>6</sup> | Adaptive Cruise | openpilot | 0mph | 7mph |
| GMC | Acadia Denali 2018<sup>6</sup>| Adaptive Cruise | openpilot | 0mph | 7mph |
| Holden | Astra 2017<sup>6</sup> | Adaptive Cruise | openpilot | 0mph | 7mph |
<sup>4</sup>When disconnecting the Driver Support Unit (DSU), openpilot ACC will replace stock ACC. For DSU locations, see [Toyota Wiki page]( ***NOTE: disconnecting the DSU disables Automatic Emergency Braking (AEB).*** <br />
<sup>5</sup>[Comma Pedal]( is used to provide stop-and-go capability to some of the openpilot-supported cars that don't currently support stop-and-go. Here is how to [build a Comma Pedal]( ***NOTE: The Comma Pedal is not officially supported by [comma](*** <br />
<sup>6</sup>Requires a [panda]( and [community built giraffe]( ***NOTE: disconnecting the ASCM disables Automatic Emergency Braking (AEB).*** <br />
Community Maintained Cars and Features are not verified by comma to meet our [safety model]( Be extra cautious using them. They are only available after enabling the toggle in `Settings->Developer->Enable Community Features`.
Installation Instructions
Install openpilot on a EON by entering ```` during the installer setup.
Follow this [video instructions]( to properly mount the EON on the windshield. Note: openpilot features an automatic pose calibration routine and openpilot performance should not be affected by small pitch and yaw misalignments caused by imprecise EON mounting.
Before placing the device on your windshield, check the state and local laws and ordinances where you drive. Some state laws prohibit or restrict the placement of objects on the windshield of a motor vehicle.
You will be able to engage openpilot after reviewing the onboarding screens and finishing the calibration procedure.
Limitations of openpilot ALC and LDW
openpilot ALC and openpilot LDW do not automatically drive the vehicle or reduce the amount of attention that must be paid to operate your vehicle. The driver must always keep control of the steering wheel and be ready to correct the openpilot ALC action at all times.
While changing lanes, openpilot is not capable of looking next to you or checking your blind spot. Only nudge the wheel to initiate a lane change after you have confirmed it's safe to do so.
Many factors can impact the performance of openpilot ALC and openpilot LDW, causing them to be unable to function as intended. These include, but are not limited to:
* Poor visibility (heavy rain, snow, fog, etc.) or weather conditions that may interfere with sensor operation.
* The road facing camera is obstructed, covered or damaged by mud, ice, snow, etc.
* Obstruction caused by applying excessive paint or adhesive products (such as wraps, stickers, rubber coating, etc.) onto the vehicle.
* The EON is mounted incorrectly.
* When in sharp curves, like on-off ramps, intersections etc...; openpilot is designed to be limited in the amount of steering torque it can produce.
* In the presence of restricted lanes or construction zones.
* When driving on highly banked roads or in presence of strong cross-wind.
* Extremely hot or cold temperatures.
* Bright light (due to oncoming headlights, direct sunlight, etc.).
* Driving on hills, narrow, or winding roads.
The list above does not represent an exhaustive list of situations that may interfere with proper operation of openpilot components. It is the driver's responsibility to be in control of the vehicle at all times.
Limitations of openpilot ACC and FCW
openpilot ACC and openpilot FCW are not systems that allow careless or inattentive driving. It is still necessary for the driver to pay close attention to the vehicles surroundings and to be ready to re-take control of the gas and the brake at all times.
Many factors can impact the performance of openpilot ACC and openpilot FCW, causing them to be unable to function as intended. These include, but are not limited to:
* Poor visibility (heavy rain, snow, fog, etc.) or weather conditions that may interfere with sensor operation.
* The road facing camera or radar are obstructed, covered, or damaged by mud, ice, snow, etc.
* Obstruction caused by applying excessive paint or adhesive products (such as wraps, stickers, rubber coating, etc.) onto the vehicle.
* The EON is mounted incorrectly.
* Approaching a toll booth, a bridge or a large metal plate.
* When driving on roads with pedestrians, cyclists, etc...
* In presence of traffic signs or stop lights, which are not detected by openpilot at this time.
* When the posted speed limit is below the user selected set speed. openpilot does not detect speed limits at this time.
* In presence of vehicles in the same lane that are not moving.
* When abrupt braking maneuvers are required. openpilot is designed to be limited in the amount of deceleration and acceleration that it can produce.
* When surrounding vehicles perform close cut-ins from neighbor lanes.
* Driving on hills, narrow, or winding roads.
* Extremely hot or cold temperatures.
* Bright light (due to oncoming headlights, direct sunlight, etc.).
* Interference from other equipment that generates radar waves.
The list above does not represent an exhaustive list of situations that may interfere with proper operation of openpilot components. It is the driver's responsibility to be in control of the vehicle at all times.
Limitations of openpilot DM
openpilot DM should not be considered an exact measurements of the status of alertness of the driver.
Many factors can impact the performance of openpilot DM, causing it to be unable to function as intended. These include, but are not limited to:
* Low light conditions, such as driving at night or in dark tunnels.
* Bright light (due to oncoming headlights, direct sunlight, etc.).
* The driver face is partially or completely outside field of view of the driver facing camera.
* Right hand driving vehicles.
* The driver facing camera is obstructed, covered, or damaged.
The list above does not represent an exhaustive list of situations that may interfere with proper operation of openpilot components. A driver should not rely on openpilot DM to assess their level of attention.
User Data and comma Account
By default, openpilot uploads the driving data to our servers. You can also access your data by pairing with the comma connect app ([iOS](, [Android]( We use your data to train better models and improve openpilot for everyone.
openpilot is open source software: the user is free to disable data collection if they wish to do so.
openpilot logs the road facing camera, CAN, GPS, IMU, magnetometer, thermal sensors, crashes, and operating system logs.
The driver facing camera is only logged if you explicitly opt-in in settings. The microphone is not recorded.
By using openpilot, you agree to [our Privacy Policy]( You understand that use of this software or its related services will generate certain types of user data, which may be logged and stored at the sole discretion of comma. By accepting this agreement, you grant an irrevocable, perpetual, worldwide right to comma for the use of this data.
Safety and Testing
* openpilot observes ISO26262 guidelines, see []( for more detail.
* openpilot has software in the loop [tests]( that run on every commit.
* The safety model code lives in panda and is written in C, see [code rigor]( for more details.
* panda has software in the loop [safety tests](
* Internally, we have a hardware in the loop Jenkins test suite that builds and unit tests the various processes.
* panda has additional hardware in the loop [tests](
* We run the latest openpilot in a testing closet containing 10 EONs continuously replaying routes.
Testing on PC
Check out [openpilot-tools]( lots of tools you can use to replay driving data, test and develop openpilot from your pc.
Community and Contributing
openpilot is developed by [comma]( and by users like you. We welcome both pull requests and issues on [GitHub]( Bug fixes and new car ports are encouraged.
You can add support for your car by following guides we have written for [Brand]( and [Model]( ports. Generally, a car with adaptive cruise control and lane keep assist is a good candidate. [Join our Discord]( to discuss car ports: most car makes have a dedicated channel.
Want to get paid to work on openpilot? [comma is hiring]( We also have a [bounty program](
And [follow us on Twitter](
Directory Structure
├── apk # The apk files used for the UI
├── cereal # The messaging spec and libs used for all logs on EON
├── common # Library like functionality we've developed here
├── installer/updater # Manages auto-updates of openpilot
├── opendbc # Files showing how to interpret data from cars
├── panda # Code used to communicate on CAN
├── phonelibs # Libraries used on EON
├── pyextra # Libraries used on EON
└── selfdrive # Code needed to drive the car
├── assets # Fonts and images for UI
├── athena # Allows communication with the app
├── boardd # Daemon to talk to the board
├── camerad # Driver to capture images from the camera sensors
├── car # Car specific code to read states and control actuators
├── common # Shared C/C++ code for the daemons
├── controls # Perception, planning and controls
├── debug # Tools to help you debug and do car ports
├── locationd # Soon to be home of precise location
├── logcatd # Android logcat as a service
├── loggerd # Logger and uploader of car data
├── modeld # Driving and monitoring model runners
├── proclogd # Logs information from proc
├── sensord # IMU / GPS interface code
├── tests # Unit tests, system tests and a car simulator
└── ui # The UI
To understand how the services interact, see `cereal/service_list.yaml`.
openpilot is released under the MIT license. Some parts of the software are released under other licenses as specified.
Any user of this software shall indemnify and hold harmless, Inc. and its directors, officers, employees, agents, stockholders, affiliates, subcontractors and customers from and against all allegations, claims, actions, suits, demands, damages, liabilities, obligations, losses, settlements, judgments, costs and expenses (including without limitation attorneys fees and costs) which arise out of, relate to or result from any use of this software by user.
<img src="" width="75"></img> <img src="*C87EjxGeMPrkTuVRVWVg4w.png" width="225"></img>

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@ -0,0 +1,504 @@
Version 0.7.2 (2020-XX-XX)
* Improve driver monitoring under extreme lighting and add low accuracy alert
Version 0.7.1 (2020-01-20)
* comma two support!
* Lane Change Assist above 45 mph!
* Replace zmq with custom messaging library, msgq!
* Supercombo model: calibration and driving models are combined for better lead estimate
* More robust updater thanks to jyoung8607! Requires NEOS update
* Improve low speed ACC tuning
Version 0.7 (2019-12-13)
* Move to SCons build system!
* Add Lane Departure Warning (LDW) for all supported vehicles!
* NEOS update: increase wifi speed thanks to jyoung8607!
* Adaptive driver monitoring based on scene
* New driving model trained end-to-end: improve lane lines and lead detection
* Smarter torque limit alerts for all cars
* Improve GM longitudinal control: proper computations for 15Hz radar
* Move GM port, Toyota with DSU removed, comma pedal in community features; toggle switch required
* Remove upload over cellular toggle: only upload qlog and qcamera files if not on wifi
* Refactor Panda code towards ISO26262 and SIL2 compliancy
* Forward stock FCW for Honda Nidec
* Volkswagen port now standard: comma Harness intercepts stock camera
Version 0.6.6 (2019-11-05)
* Volkswagen support thanks to jyoung8607!
* Toyota Corolla Hybrid with TSS 2.0 support thanks to u8511049!
* Lexus ES with TSS 2.0 support thanks to energee!
* Fix GM ignition detection and lock safety mode not required anymore
* Log panda firmware and dongle ID thanks to martinl!
* New driving model: improve path prediction and lead detection
* New driver monitoring model, 4x smaller and running on DSP
* Display an alert and don't start openpilot if panda has wrong firmware
* Fix bug preventing EON from terminating processes after a drive
* Remove support for Toyota giraffe without the 120Ohm resistor
Version 0.6.5 (2019-10-07)
* NEOS update: upgrade to Python3 and new installer!
* comma Harness support!
* New driving model: improve path prediction
* New driver monitoring model: more accurate face and eye detection
* Redesign offroad screen to display updates and alerts
* Increase maximum allowed acceleration
* Prevent car 12V battery drain by cutting off EON charge after 3 days of no drive
* Lexus CT Hybrid support thanks to thomaspich!
* Louder chime for critical alerts
* Add toggle to switch to dashcam mode
* Fix "invalid vehicle params" error on DSU-less Toyota
Version 0.6.4 (2019-09-08)
* Forward stock AEB for Honda Nidec
* Improve lane centering on banked roads
* Always-on forward collision warning
* Always-on driver monitoring, except for right hand drive countries
* Driver monitoring learns the user's normal driving position
* Honda Fit support thanks to energee!
* Lexus IS support
Version 0.6.3 (2019-08-12)
* Alert sounds from EON: requires NEOS update
* Improve driver monitoring: eye tracking and improved awareness logic
* Improve path prediction with new driving model
* Improve lane positioning with wide lanes and exits
* Improve lateral control on RAV4
* Slow down for turns using model
* Open sourced regression test to verify outputs against reference logs
* Open sourced regression test to sanity check all car models
Version 0.6.2 (2019-07-29)
* New driving model!
* Improve lane tracking with double lines
* Strongly improve stationary vehicle detection
* Strongly reduce cases of braking due to false leads
* Better lead tracking around turns
* Improve cut-in prediction by using neural network
* Improve lateral control on Toyota Camry and C-HR thanks to zorrobyte!
* Fix unintended openpilot disengagements on Jeep thanks to adhintz!
* Fix delayed transition to offroad when car is turned off
Version 0.6.1 (2019-07-21)
* Remote SSH with comma prime and [](
* Panda code Misra-c2012 compliance, tested against cppcheck coverage
* Lockout openpilot after 3 terminal alerts for driver distracted or unresponsive
* Toyota Sienna support thanks to wocsor!
Version 0.6 (2019-07-01)
* New model, with double the pixels and ten times the temporal context!
* Car should not take exits when in the right lane
* openpilot uses only ~65% of the CPU (down from 75%)
* Routes visible in connect/explorer after only 0.2% is uploaded (qlogs)
* loggerd and sensord are open source, every line of openpilot is now open
* Panda safety code is MISRA compliant and ships with a signed version on release2
* New NEOS is 500MB smaller and has a reproducible usr/pipenv
* Lexus ES Hybrid support thanks to wocsor!
* Improve tuning for supported Toyota with TSS 2.0
* Various other stability improvements
Version 0.5.13 (2019-05-31)
* Reduce panda power consumption by 70%, down to 80mW, when car is off (not for GM)
* Reduce EON power consumption by 40%, down to 1100mW, when car is off
* Reduce CPU utilization by 20% and improve stability
* Temporarily remove mapd functionalities to improve stability
* Add openpilot record-only mode for unsupported cars
* Synchronize controlsd to boardd to reduce latency
* Remove panda support for Subaru giraffe
Version 0.5.12 (2019-05-16)
* Improve lateral control for the Prius and Prius Prime
* Compress logs before writing to disk
* Remove old driving data when storage reaches 90% full
* Fix small offset in following distance
* Various small CPU optimizations
* Improve offroad power consumption: require NEOS Update
* Add default speed limits for Estonia thanks to martinl!
* Subaru Crosstrek support thanks to martinl!
* Toyota Avalon support thanks to njbrown09!
* Toyota Rav4 with TSS 2.0 support thanks to wocsor!
* Toyota Corolla with TSS 2.0 support thanks to wocsor!
Version 0.5.11 (2019-04-17)
* Add support for Subaru
* Reduce panda power consumption by 60% when car is off
* Fix controlsd lag every 6 minutes. This would sometimes cause disengagements
* Fix bug in controls with new angle-offset learner in MPC
* Reduce cpu consumption of ubloxd by rewriting it in C++
* Improve driver monitoring model and face detection
* Improve performance of visiond and ui
* Honda Passport 2019 support
* Lexus RX Hybrid 2019 support thanks to schomems!
* Improve road selection heuristic in mapd
* Add Lane Departure Warning to dashboard for Toyota thanks to arne182
Version 0.5.10 (2019-03-19)
* Self-tuning vehicle parameters: steering offset, tire stiffness and steering ratio
* Improve longitudinal control at low speed when lead vehicle harshly decelerates
* Fix panda bug going unexpectedly in DCP mode when EON is connected
* Reduce white panda power consumption by 500mW when EON is disconnected by turning off WIFI
* New Driver Monitoring Model
* Support QR codes for login using comma connect
* Refactor comma pedal FW and use CRC-8 checksum algorithm for safety. Reflashing pedal is required.
Please see `#hw-pedal` on [discord]( for assistance updating comma pedal.
* Additional speed limit rules for Germany thanks to arne182
* Allow negative speed limit offsets
Version 0.5.9 (2019-02-10)
* Improve calibration using a dedicated neural network
* Abstract planner in its own process to remove lags in controls process
* Improve speed limits with country/region defaults by road type
* Reduce mapd data usage with gzip thanks to eFiniLan
* Zip log files in the background to reduce disk usage
* Kia Optima support thanks to emmertex!
* Buick Regal 2018 support thanks to HOYS!
* Comma pedal support for Toyota thanks to wocsor! Note: tuning needed and not maintained by comma
* Chrysler Pacifica and Jeep Grand Cherokee support thanks to adhintz!
Version 0.5.8 (2019-01-17)
* Open sourced visiond
* Auto-slowdown for upcoming turns
* Chrysler/Jeep/Fiat support thanks to adhintz!
* Honda Civic 2019 support thanks to csouers!
* Improve use of car display in Toyota thanks to arne182!
* No data upload when connected to Android or iOS hotspots and "Enable Upload Over Cellular" setting is off
* EON stops charging when 12V battery drops below 11.8V
Version 0.5.7 (2018-12-06)
* Speed limit from OpenStreetMap added to UI
* Highlight speed limit when speed exceeds road speed limit plus a delta
* Option to limit openpilot max speed to road speed limit plus a delta
* Cadillac ATS support thanks to vntarasov!
* GMC Acadia support thanks to CryptoKylan!
* Decrease GPU power consumption
* NEOSv8 autoupdate
Version 0.5.6 (2018-11-16)
* Refresh settings layout and add feature descriptions
* In Honda, keep stock camera on for logging and extra stock features; new openpilot giraffe setting is 0111!
* In Toyota, option to keep stock camera on for logging and extra stock features (e.g. AHB); 120Ohm resistor required on giraffe.
* Improve camera calibration stability
* More tuning to Honda positive accelerations
* Reduce brake pump use on Hondas
* Chevrolet Malibu support thanks to tylergets!
* Holden Astra support thanks to AlexHill!
Version 0.5.5 (2018-10-20)
* Increase allowed Honda positive accelerations
* Fix sporadic unexpected braking when passing semi-trucks in Toyota
* Fix gear reading bug in Hyundai Elantra thanks to emmertex!
Version 0.5.4 (2018-09-25)
* New Driving Model
* New Driver Monitoring Model
* Improve longitudinal mpc in mid-low speed braking
* Honda Accord hybrid support thanks to energee!
* Ship mpc binaries and sensibly reduce build time
* Calibration more stable
* More Hyundai and Kia cars supported thanks to emmertex!
* Various GM Volt improvements thanks to vntarasov!
Version 0.5.3 (2018-09-03)
* Hyundai Santa Fe support!
* Honda Pilot 2019 support thanks to energee!
* Toyota Highlander support thanks to daehahn!
* Improve steering tuning for Honda Odyssey
Version 0.5.2 (2018-08-16)
* New calibration: more accurate, a lot faster, open source!
* Enable orbd
* Add little endian support to CAN packer
* Fix fingerprint for Honda Accord 1.5T
* Improve driver monitoring model
Version 0.5.1 (2018-08-01)
* Fix radar error on Civic sedan 2018
* Improve thermal management logic
* Alpha Toyota C-HR and Camry support!
* Auto-switch Driver Monitoring to 3 min counter when inaccurate
Version 0.5 (2018-07-11)
* Driver Monitoring (beta) option in settings!
* Make visiond, loggerd and UI use less resources
* 60 FPS UI
* Better car parameters for most cars
* New sidebar with stats
* Remove Waze and Spotify to free up system resources
* Remove rear view mirror option
* Calibration 3x faster
Version (2018-06-25)
* Fix loggerd lag issue
* No longer prompt for updates
* Mitigate right lane hugging for properly mounted EON (procedure on wiki)
Version (2018-06-18)
* Fix Acura ILX steer faults
* Fix bug in mock car
Version 0.4.7 (2018-06-15)
* New model!
* GM Volt (and CT6 lateral) support!
* Honda Bosch lateral support!
* Improve actuator modeling to reduce lateral wobble
* Minor refactor of car abstraction layer
* Hack around orbd startup issue
Version 0.4.6 (2018-05-18)
* NEOSv6 required! Will autoupdate
* Stability improvements
* Fix all memory leaks
* Update C++ compiler to clang6
* Improve front camera exposure
Version 0.4.5 (2018-04-27)
* Release notes added to the update popup
* Improve auto shut-off logic to disallow empty battery
* Added onboarding instructions
* Include orbd, the first piece of new calibration algorithm
* Show remaining upload data instead of file numbers
* Fix UI bugs
* Fix memory leaks
Version 0.4.4 (2018-04-13)
* EON are flipped! Flip your EON's mount!
* Alpha Honda Ridgeline support thanks to energee!
* Support optional front camera recording
* Upload over cellular toggle now applies to all files, not just video
* Increase acceleration when closing lead gap
* User now prompted for future updates
* NEO no longer supported :(
Version (2018-03-29)
* Improve autofocus
* Improve driving when only one lane line is detected
* Added fingerprint for Toyota Corolla LE
* Fixed Toyota Corolla steer error
* Full-screen driving UI
* Improved path drawing
Version (2018-03-19)
* Improve autofocus
* Add check for MPC solution error
* Make first distracted warning visual only
Version 0.4.3 (2018-03-13)
* Add HDR and autofocus
* Update UI aesthetic
* Grey panda works in Waze
* Add alpha support for 2017 Honda Pilot
* Slight increase in acceleration response from stop
* Switch CAN sending to use CANPacker
* Fix pulsing acceleration regression on Honda
* Fix openpilot bugs when stock system is in use
* Change starting logic for chffrplus to use battery voltage
Version 0.4.2 (2018-02-05)
* Add alpha support for 2017 Lexus RX Hybrid
* Add alpha support for 2018 ACURA RDX
* Updated fingerprint to include Toyota Rav4 SE and Prius Prime
* Bugfixes for Acura ILX and Honda Odyssey
Version 0.4.1 (2018-01-30)
* Add alpha support for 2017 Toyota Corolla
* Add alpha support for 2018 Honda Odyssey with Honda Sensing
* Add alpha support for Grey Panda
* Refactored car abstraction layer to make car ports easier
* Increased steering torque limit on Honda CR-V by 30%
Version (2018-01-18)
* Add focus adjustment slider
* Minor bugfixes
Version (2017-12-21)
* New UI to match chffrplus
* Improved lateral control tuning to fix oscillations on Civic
* Add alpha support for 2017 Toyota Rav4 Hybrid
* Reduced CPU usage
* Removed unnecessary utilization of fan at max speed
* Minor bug fixes
Version 0.3.9 (2017-11-21)
* Add alpha support for 2017 Toyota Prius
* Improved longitudinal control using model predictive control
* Enable Forward Collision Warning
* Acura ILX now maintains openpilot engaged at standstill when brakes are applied
Version (2017-10-30)
* Add alpha support for 2017 Toyota RAV4
* Smoother lateral control
* Stay silent if stock system is connected through giraffe
* Minor bug fixes
Version 0.3.7 (2017-09-30)
* Improved lateral control using model predictive control
* Improved lane centering
* Improved GPS
* Reduced tendency of path deviation near right side exits
* Enable engagement while the accelerator pedal is pressed
* Enable engagement while the brake pedal is pressed, when stationary and with lead vehicle within 5m
* Disable engagement when park brake or brake hold are active
* Fixed sporadic longitudinal pulsing in Civic
* Cleanups to vehicle interface
Version (2017-08-15)
* Mitigate low speed steering oscillations on some vehicles
* Include board steering check for CR-V
Version 0.3.6 (2017-08-08)
* Fix alpha CR-V support
* Improved GPS
* Fix display of target speed not always matching HUD
* Increased acceleration after stop
* Mitigated some vehicles driving too close to the right line
Version 0.3.5 (2017-07-30)
* Fix bug where new devices would not begin calibration
* Minor robustness improvements
Version 0.3.4 (2017-07-28)
* Improved model trained on more data
* Much improved controls tuning
* Performance improvements
* Bugfixes and improvements to calibration
* Driving log can play back video
* Acura only: system now stays engaged below 25mph as long as brakes are applied
Version 0.3.3 (2017-06-28)
* Improved model trained on more data
* Alpha CR-V support thanks to energee and johnnwvs!
* Using the opendbc project for DBC files
* Minor performance improvements
* UI update thanks to pjlao307
* Power off button
* 6% more torque on the Civic
Version 0.3.2 (2017-05-22)
* Minor stability bugfixes
* Added metrics and rear view mirror disable to settings
* Update model with more crowdsourced data
Version 0.3.1 (2017-05-17)
* visiond stability bugfix
* Add logging for angle and flashing
Version 0.3.0 (2017-05-12)
* Add CarParams struct to improve the abstraction layer
* Refactor visiond IPC to support multiple clients
* Add raw GPS and beginning support for navigation
* Improve model in visiond using crowdsourced data
* Add improved system logging to diagnose instability
* Rewrite baseui in React Native
* Moved calibration to the cloud
Version 0.2.9 (2017-03-01)
* Retain compatibility with NEOS v1
Version 0.2.8 (2017-02-27)
* Fix bug where frames were being dropped in minute 71
Version 0.2.7 (2017-02-08)
* Better performance and pictures at night
* Fix ptr alignment issue in boardd
* Fix brake error light, fix crash if too cold
Version 0.2.6 (2017-01-31)
* Fix bug in visiond model execution
Version 0.2.5 (2017-01-30)
* Fix race condition in manager
Version 0.2.4 (2017-01-27)
* OnePlus 3T support
* Enable installation as NEOS app
* Various minor bugfixes
Version 0.2.3 (2017-01-11)
* Reduce space usage by 80%
* Add better logging
* Add Travis CI
Version 0.2.2 (2017-01-10)
* Board triggers started signal on CAN messages
* Improved autoexposure
* Handle out of space, improve upload status
Version 0.2.1 (2016-12-14)
* Performance improvements, removal of more numpy
* Fix boardd process priority
* Make counter timer reset on use of steering wheel
Version 0.2 (2016-12-12)
* Car/Radar abstraction layers have shipped, see cereal/car.capnp
* controlsd has been refactored
* Shipped plant model and testing maneuvers
* visiond exits more gracefully now
* Hardware encoder in visiond should always init
* ui now turns off the screen after 30 seconds
* Switch to openpilot release branch for future releases
* Added preliminary Docker container to run tests on PC
Version 0.1 (2016-11-29)
* Initial release of openpilot
* Adaptive cruise control is working
* Lane keep assist is working
* Support for Acura ILX 2016 with AcuraWatch Plus
* Support for Honda Civic 2016 Touring Edition

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@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
openpilot Safety
openpilot is an Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) and Automated Lane Centering (ALC) system.
Like other ACC and ALC systems, openpilot is a failsafe passive system and it requires the
driver to be alert and to pay attention at all times.
In order to enforce driver alertness, openpilot includes a driver monitoring feature
that alerts the driver when distracted.
However, even with an attentive driver, we must make further efforts for the system to be
safe. We repeat, **driver alertness is necessary, but not sufficient, for openpilot to be
used safely** and openpilot is provided with no warranty of fitness for any purpose.
openpilot is developed in good faith to be compliant with FMVSS requirements and to follow
industry standards of safety for Level 2 Driver Assistance Systems. In particular, we observe
ISO26262 guidelines, including those from [pertinent documents](
released by NHTSA. In addition, we impose strict coding guidelines (like [MISRA C : 2012](
on parts of openpilot that are safety relevant. We also perform software-in-the-loop,
hardware-in-the-loop and in-vehicle tests before each software release.
Following Hazard and Risk Analysis and FMEA, at a very high level, we have designed openpilot
ensuring two main safety requirements.
1. The driver must always be capable to immediately retake manual control of the vehicle,
by stepping on either pedal or by pressing the cancel button.
2. The vehicle must not alter its trajectory too quickly for the driver to safely
react. This means that while the system is engaged, the actuators are constrained
to operate within reasonable limits.
For vehicle specific implementation of the safety concept, refer to `panda/board/safety/`.
**Extra note**: strongly discourages the use of openpilot forks with safety code either missing or
not fully meeting the above requirements.

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@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
import os
import subprocess
import sys
help='build test files')
help='turn on ASAN')
arch = subprocess.check_output(["uname", "-m"], encoding='utf8').rstrip()
if arch == "aarch64":
lenv = {
"LD_LIBRARY_PATH": '/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/lib',
"PATH": os.environ['PATH'],
cpppath = [
libpath = [
cflags = ["-DQCOM", "-mcpu=cortex-a57"]
cxxflags = ["-DQCOM", "-mcpu=cortex-a57"]
rpath = ["/system/vendor/lib64"]
lenv = {
"PATH": "#external/bin:" + os.environ['PATH'],
cpppath = [
libpath = [
rpath = ["phonelibs/capnp-cpp/x64/lib",
# allows shared libraries to work globally
rpath = [os.path.join(os.getcwd(), x) for x in rpath]
cflags = []
cxxflags = []
ccflags_asan = ["-fsanitize=address", "-fno-omit-frame-pointer"] if GetOption('asan') else []
ldflags_asan = ["-fsanitize=address"] if GetOption('asan') else []
# change pythonpath to this
lenv["PYTHONPATH"] = Dir("#").path
env = Environment(
] + cflags + ccflags_asan,
CPPPATH=cpppath + [
CFLAGS=["-std=gnu11"] + cflags,
CXXFLAGS=["-std=c++14"] + cxxflags,
LIBPATH=libpath +
if os.environ.get('SCONS_CACHE'):
node_interval = 5
node_count = 0
def progress_function(node):
global node_count
node_count += node_interval
sys.stderr.write("progress: %d\n" % node_count)
if os.environ.get('SCONS_PROGRESS'):
Progress(progress_function, interval=node_interval)
SHARED = False
def abspath(x):
if arch == 'aarch64':
pth = os.path.join("/data/pythonpath", x[0].path)
env.Depends(pth, x)
return File(pth)
# rpath works elsewhere
return x[0].path.rsplit("/", 1)[1][:-3]
#zmq = 'zmq'
# still needed for apks
zmq = FindFile("libzmq.a", libpath)
Export('env', 'arch', 'zmq', 'SHARED')
# cereal and messaging are shared with the system
cereal = abspath([File('cereal/')])
messaging = abspath([File('cereal/')])
cereal = [File('#cereal/libcereal.a')]
messaging = [File('#cereal/libmessaging.a')]
Export('cereal', 'messaging')
Import('_common', '_visionipc', '_gpucommon', '_gpu_libs')
common, visionipc, gpucommon = abspath(common), abspath(visionipc), abspath(gpucommon)
common = [_common, 'json']
visionipc = _visionipc
gpucommon = [_gpucommon] + _gpu_libs
Export('common', 'visionipc', 'gpucommon')
if arch == "aarch64":
# TODO: finish cereal, dbcbuilder, MPC

azure-pipelines.yml 100644
View File

@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
pr: none
- group: shared-variables
- job: build
vmImage: 'ubuntu-16.04'
- checkout: self
lfs: true
submodules: true
persistCredentials: true
- script: |
HEADER=$(git config http.
mkdir xx
cd xx
git init
git remote add origin
git config 0
git lfs install --local
git -c http.extraheader="$HEADER" fetch --force --tags --prune --progress --no-recurse-submodules origin
HASH=$(git rev-parse origin/master)
git -c http."$HEADER" lfs fetch origin $HASH
git checkout --progress --force $HASH
displayName: Checkout xx
- script: |
until docker login -u commaregistry -p "${COMMAREGISTRY_PASSWORD}"
echo "Try again"
displayName: Registry login
- script: |
docker pull $(grep -ioP '(?<=^from)\s+\S+' Dockerfile.openpilot_ci) || true
docker pull || true
docker build \
--cache-from \
-t \
-f Dockerfile.openpilot_ci .
displayName: Docker build
- script: |
docker push
displayName: Docker push
- job: linter
displayName: Linter
endpoint: commaregistry
dependsOn: build
- checkout: none
- script: |
sudo -i -u root bash << EOF
set -e
export PATH=/root/.pyenv/bin:/root/.pyenv/shims:$PATH
export PYTHONPATH=/tmp/openpilot
cd /tmp/openpilot
displayName: Linter
- job: unittest
displayName: Unit Tests
endpoint: commaregistry
dependsOn: linter
- checkout: none
- script: |
sudo -i -u root bash << EOF
set -e
export PATH=/root/.pyenv/bin:/root/.pyenv/shims:/tmp/openpilot/external/bin:$PATH
export PYTHONPATH=/tmp/openpilot
cd /tmp/openpilot
python -m unittest discover common
python -m unittest discover selfdrive/car
python -m unittest discover selfdrive/boardd
python -m unittest discover selfdrive/loggerd
python -m unittest discover selfdrive/controls
python -m unittest discover selfdrive/locationd
python -m unittest discover selfdrive/athena
displayName: Unittests
- job: quick_check
displayName: Test car models
endpoint: commaregistry
options: --shm-size 1G
dependsOn: linter
- checkout: none
- script: |
sudo -i -u root bash << EOF
set -e
export PATH=/root/.pyenv/bin:/root/.pyenv/shims:/tmp/openpilot/external/bin:$PATH
export PYTHONPATH=/tmp/openpilot
export EXTERNAL=1
export CI=1
export AZUTIL_KEYS=/tmp/openpilot/selfdrive/test/commadataci.json
export UNLOGGER_PATH=xx/chffr/unlogger/
mkdir -p /data/params
cd /tmp/openpilot
- job: longitudinal_test
displayName: Longitudinal Test
endpoint: commaregistry
- /tmp/out:/tmp/out
options: --shm-size 1G
dependsOn: linter
- checkout: none
- script: |
sudo -i -u root bash << EOF
set -e
export PATH=/root/.pyenv/bin:/root/.pyenv/shims:/tmp/openpilot/external/bin:$PATH
export PYTHONPATH=/tmp/openpilot
cd /tmp/openpilot
cp -r /tmp/openpilot/out/longitudinal /tmp/out
- task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1
pathtoPublish: /tmp/out
artifactName: out
- job: process_replay
displayName: Process Replay
endpoint: commaregistry
- /tmp/out:/tmp/out
options: --shm-size 1G
dependsOn: linter
- checkout: none
- script: |
sudo -i -u root bash << EOF
set -e
export PATH=/root/.pyenv/bin:/root/.pyenv/shims:/tmp/openpilot/external/bin:$PATH
export PYTHONPATH=/tmp/openpilot
export CI=1
cd /tmp/openpilot
pip install coverage==4.5.4
coverage run --branch --concurrency=thread -p /tmp/openpilot/selfdrive/test/process_replay/
coverage combine
coverage html -d /tmp/out/coverage
displayName: Run replay
- script: |
sudo -i -u root bash << EOF
cp /tmp/openpilot/selfdrive/test/process_replay/diff.txt /tmp/out/diff.txt
condition: succeededOrFailed()
displayName: Copy diff
- task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1
pathtoPublish: /tmp/out/diff.txt
artifactName: diff.txt
condition: succeededOrFailed()
- task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1
pathtoPublish: /tmp/out/coverage
artifactName: coverage
condition: succeededOrFailed()

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
# Only pyflakes checks (--select=F)
flake8 --select=F $(find . -iname "*.py" | grep -vi "^\./pyextra.*" | grep -vi "^\./panda")
if [ $RESULT -eq 0 ]; then
pylint $(find . -iname "*.py" | grep -vi "^\./pyextra.*" | grep -vi "^\./panda")
RESULT=$? & 3
[ $RESULT -ne 0 ] && exit 1
exit 0

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# only pyflakes check (--select=F)
RESULT=$(python3 -m flake8 --select=F $(eval echo $(cat <(find cereal) <(find opendbc) release/files_common release/files_common | tr '\n' ' ') | tr ' ' '\n' | grep "\.py$"))
if [[ $RESULT ]]; then
echo "Pyflakes found errors in the code. Please fix and try again"
echo "$RESULT"
exit 1

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
#!/usr/bin/env sh
if [ -z $(which flake8) ]; then
echo "Installing flake8"
sudo pip install flake8
echo "Setting up commit hook"
cp -u --remove-destination .git/hooks/pre-commit

laika 120000
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

9 100755
View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
export PASSIVE="0"
export BASEDIR="/data/data/com.termux/files/one"
# Copy internal SSH keys
cp $HOME/one/ssh/authorized_keys /data/params/d/GithubSshKeys
exec ./

View File

@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
if [ -z "$BASEDIR" ]; then
if [ -z "$PASSIVE" ]; then
export PASSIVE="1"
function launch {
# Wifi scan
wpa_cli IFNAME=wlan0 SCAN
# Check to see if there's a valid overlay-based update available. Conditions
# are as follows:
# 1. The BASEDIR init file has to exist, with a newer modtime than anything in
# the BASEDIR Git repo. This checks for local development work or the user
# switching branches/forks, which should not be overwritten.
# 2. The FINALIZED consistent file has to exist, indicating there's an update
# that completed successfully and synced to disk.
if [ -f "${BASEDIR}/.overlay_init" ]; then
find ${BASEDIR}/.git -newer ${BASEDIR}/.overlay_init | grep -q '.' 2> /dev/null
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "${BASEDIR} has been modified, skipping overlay update installation"
if [ -f "${STAGING_ROOT}/finalized/.overlay_consistent" ]; then
if [ ! -d /data/safe_staging/old_openpilot ]; then
echo "Valid overlay update found, installing"
mv $BASEDIR /data/safe_staging/old_openpilot
mv "${STAGING_ROOT}/finalized" $BASEDIR
# The mv changed our working directory to /data/safe_staging/old_openpilot
cd "${BASEDIR}"
echo "Restarting launch script ${LAUNCHER_LOCATION}"
echo "openpilot backup found, not updating"
# TODO: restore backup? This means the updater didn't start after swapping
# no cpu rationing for now
echo 0-3 > /dev/cpuset/background/cpus
echo 0-3 > /dev/cpuset/system-background/cpus
echo 0-3 > /dev/cpuset/foreground/boost/cpus
echo 0-3 > /dev/cpuset/foreground/cpus
echo 0-3 > /dev/cpuset/android/cpus
DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" >/dev/null && pwd )"
# Remove old NEOS update file
# TODO: move this code to the updater
if [ -d /data/neoupdate ]; then
rm -rf /data/neoupdate
# Check for NEOS update
if [ $(< /VERSION) != "14" ]; then
if [ -f "$DIR/scripts/" ]; then
cp "$DIR/scripts/" "/data/data/com.termux/files/"
"$DIR/installer/updater/updater" "file://$DIR/installer/updater/update.json"
# handle pythonpath
ln -sfn $(pwd) /data/pythonpath
# start manager
cd selfdrive
# if broken, keep on screen error
while true; do sleep 1; done

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
export PASSIVE="0"
exec ./

15 100644
View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
git stash -q --keep-index
$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)/
if [ $RESULT -eq 0 ]; then
IGNORE_REGEXP=$(echo -n "^(?!"; echo $(cat release/files_common release/files_common | tr '\n' ' ') | tr ' ' '\n' | grep "py$" | tr '\n' '|' | sed s'/|$//'; echo ").*")
git-pylint-commit-hook --ignore $IGNORE_REGEXP
git stash pop -q
[ $RESULT -ne 0 ] && exit 1
exit 0

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
python3 -m pylint --disable=R,C,W $(eval echo <(find cereal) <(find opendbc) $(cat release/files_common release/files_common | tr '\n' ' ') | tr ' ' '\n' | grep "\.py$")
(( res = exit_status & 3 ))
if [[ $res != 0 ]]; then
echo "Pylint found errors in the code. Please fix and try again"
exit 1

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
set -e
SETUP="cd /tmp/openpilot && "
RUN="docker run --shm-size 1G --rm tmppilot /bin/sh -c"
docker build -t tmppilot -f Dockerfile.openpilot .
$RUN "$SETUP cd /tmp/openpilot/selfdrive/test/ && ./"
$RUN 'cd /tmp/openpilot/ && flake8 --select=F $(find . -iname "*.py" | grep -vi "^\./pyextra.*" | grep -vi "^\./panda" | grep -vi "^\./tools")'
$RUN 'cd /tmp/openpilot/ && pylint --disable=R,C,W $(find . -iname "*.py" | grep -vi "^\./pyextra.*" | grep -vi "^\./panda" | grep -vi "^\./tools"); exit $(($? & 3))'
$RUN "$SETUP python -m unittest discover common"
$RUN "$SETUP python -m unittest discover opendbc/can"
$RUN "$SETUP python -m unittest discover selfdrive/boardd"
$RUN "$SETUP python -m unittest discover selfdrive/controls"
$RUN "$SETUP python -m unittest discover selfdrive/loggerd"
$RUN "$SETUP cd /tmp/openpilot/selfdrive/test/longitudinal_maneuvers && OPTEST=1 ./"
$RUN "$SETUP cd /tmp/openpilot/selfdrive/test/process_replay/ && ./"
$RUN "$SETUP mkdir -p /data/params && cd /tmp/openpilot/selfdrive/test/ && ./"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
sudo -- bash -c "source /etc/profile.d/; pyenv global 3.7.3"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
#!/bin/bash -e
DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" >/dev/null && pwd )"
cd "$DIR"
sudo -- bash -c "source /etc/profile.d/; pip install pip==19.2.3 git+git://; pipenv install --dev --deploy --system"