Fork 0

197 lines
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Raw Normal View History

import csv
import logging
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from django.conf import settings
from django.core.mail import send_mail
2018-01-06 04:25:23 -07:00
from django.contrib.sites.models import Site
from django.template.loader import render_to_string
2017-09-08 09:42:38 -06:00
from django.utils.timezone import make_aware
from influxdb import InfluxDBClient
from sgp4.earth_gravity import wgs72
from sgp4.io import twoline2rv
from satellite_tle import fetch_tle_from_celestrak, fetch_tles
from db.base.models import Satellite, DemodData
from db.celery import app
from db.base.utils import decode_data
from db.base.utils import cache_statistics
logger = logging.getLogger('db')
def check_celery():
"""Dummy celery task to check that everything runs smoothly."""
def update_satellite(norad_id, update_name=True, update_tle=True):
"""Task to update the name and/or the tle of a satellite, or create a
new satellite in the db if no satellite with given norad_id can be found"""
tle = fetch_tle_from_celestrak(norad_id)
satellite_created = False
satellite = Satellite.objects.get(norad_cat_id=norad_id)
except Satellite.DoesNotExist:
satellite_created = True
satellite = Satellite(norad_cat_id=norad_id)
if update_name:
satellite.name = tle[0]
if update_tle:
satellite.tle_source = 'Celestrak (satcat)'
satellite.tle1 = tle[1]
satellite.tle2 = tle[2]
if satellite_created:
print('Created satellite {}: {}'.format(satellite.norad_cat_id, satellite.name))
print('Updated satellite {}: {}'.format(satellite.norad_cat_id, satellite.name))
def update_all_tle():
"""Task to update all satellite TLEs"""
satellites = Satellite.objects.exclude(status__exact='re-entered')
norad_ids = set(int(sat.norad_cat_id) for sat in satellites)
# Filter only officially announced NORAD IDs
temporary_norad_ids = set(filter(lambda norad_id: norad_id >= 99900, norad_ids))
public_norad_ids = norad_ids - temporary_norad_ids
tles = fetch_tles(public_norad_ids)
missing_norad_ids = []
for satellite in satellites:
norad_id = satellite.norad_cat_id
if norad_id not in tles.keys():
# No TLE available for this satellite
source, tle = tles[norad_id]
if satellite.tle1 and satellite.tle2:
current_sat = twoline2rv(satellite.tle1, satellite.tle2, wgs72)
new_sat = twoline2rv(tle[1], tle[2], wgs72)
if new_sat.epoch < current_sat.epoch:
# Epoch of new TLE is larger then the TLE already in the db
except ValueError:
logger.error('ERROR: TLE malformed for ' + norad_id)
satellite.tle_source = source
satellite.tle1 = tle[1]
satellite.tle2 = tle[2]
print('Updated TLE for {}: {} from {}'.format(norad_id,
for norad_id in sorted(missing_norad_ids):
satellite = satellites.get(norad_cat_id=norad_id)
print('NO TLE found for {}: {}'.format(norad_id, satellite.name))
for norad_id in sorted(temporary_norad_ids):
satellite = satellites.get(norad_cat_id=norad_id)
print('Ignored {} with temporary NORAD ID {}'.format(satellite.name, norad_id))
def export_frames(norad, email, uid, period=None):
"""Task to export satellite frames in csv."""
now = datetime.utcnow()
if period:
if period == '1':
2017-09-08 09:42:38 -06:00
q = now - timedelta(days=7)
suffix = 'week'
2017-09-08 09:42:38 -06:00
q = now - timedelta(days=30)
suffix = 'month'
2017-09-08 09:42:38 -06:00
q = make_aware(q)
frames = DemodData.objects.filter(satellite__norad_cat_id=norad,
frames = DemodData.objects.filter(satellite__norad_cat_id=norad)
suffix = 'all'
filename = '{0}-{1}-{2}-{3}.csv'.format(norad, uid, now.strftime('%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ'), suffix)
filepath = '{0}/download/{1}'.format(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, filename)
with open(filepath, 'w') as f:
writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter='|')
for obj in frames:
frame = obj.display_frame()
if frame is not None:
writer.writerow([obj.timestamp.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), frame])
# Notify user
2018-01-06 04:25:23 -07:00
site = Site.objects.get_current()
subject = '[satnogs] Your request for exported frames is ready!'
template = 'emails/exported_frames.txt'
data = {
2018-01-06 04:25:23 -07:00
'url': '{0}{1}download/{2}'.format(site.domain,
settings.MEDIA_URL, filename),
'norad': norad
message = render_to_string(template, {'data': data})
send_mail(subject, message, settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL, [email], False)
2017-11-13 03:27:11 -07:00
def background_cache_statistics():
"""Task to periodically cache statistics"""
# resets all decoded data and changes the is_decoded flag back to False
# THIS IS VERY DISTRUCTIVE, but the expectation is that a decode_all_data would
# follow.
def reset_decoded_data(norad):
"""DESTRUCTIVE: deletes decoded data from db and/or influxdb"""
frames = DemodData.objects.filter(satellite__norad_cat_id=norad) \
for frame in frames:
frame.payload_decoded = ''
frame.is_decoded = False
if settings.USE_INFLUX:
client = InfluxDBClient(settings.INFLUX_HOST, settings.INFLUX_PORT,
settings.INFLUX_USER, settings.INFLUX_PASS,
settings.INFLUX_DB, ssl=settings.INFLUX_SSL)
client.query('DROP MEASUREMENT "{0}"'
# decode data for a satellite, and a given time frame (if provided). If not
# provided it is expected that we want to try decoding all frames in the db.
def decode_all_data(norad):
"""Task to trigger a full decode of data for a satellite."""
def decode_recent_data():
"""Task to trigger a partial/recent decode of data for all satellites."""
satellites = Satellite.objects.all()
for obj in satellites:
decode_data(obj.norad_cat_id, period=1)
except Exception: