Fork 0

86 lines
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Raw Normal View History

envlist = flake8,isort,yapf,pylint,build,pytest,docs
flake8 = 3.7.9
isort = 4.3.21
yapf = 0.28.0
pylint = 2.4.4
New SatNOGS DB user interface Initial commit of new UI. There is still some work to be done before this goes into dev, but here is the work so far: * Updated dependencies to latest 2.x django * Updated to Bootstrap 4 * New home screen to display most recent satellite entries, most recent data, and contributors * Adopted django-bootstrap-modal-forms for handling satellite and transmitter creation and update, with more of an emphasis on django's model/view/form model - and a dynamic flow where the modals and details are only loaded when the proper icon is clicked, reducing the overall page size * Adopted AdminLTE 3.x framework atop Bootstrap 4 * Created reusable cards for satellite and transmitters * Cards and Modals are organized into subdirectories for template includes and base templates, respectively * New stats display widgets using BS4 and AdminLTE 3 * Satellite search is redesigned and now accessible from any page of the site * Introduced datatables for an "All Satellites" view and a modification of the new "All Transmitters" view * Focus on all UI scaling down to mobile devices * New model created for Operator (/ Owner): name, names, description, website * Added django-countries for support of CountryField * Satellite model expanded to include: Operator, (satellite) website, countries, launched datetime, deployed datetime * Transmitter suggestions can now be approved in the UI by superusers * Satellite entries can now be edited in the UI by users with the change satellite permission * Satellite page is now broken into 'tabbed' panels (Profile, Map, Transmitters, etc) - with the tab menu options appearing in the sidebar or at the top depending on screen size * Other cleanup and changes that I'm missing for sure. Signed-off-by: Corey Shields <cshields@gmail.com>
2020-07-25 16:08:44 -06:00
pylint_django = 2.0.15
sphinx_rtd_theme = 0.4.3
twine = 3.1.1
deps =
skip_install = True
commands = flake8
deps =
extras = dev
commands = isort -rc -c -df
deps =
extras = dev
commands = isort -rc -y
deps =
skip_install = True
commands = yapf -d -r .
deps =
skip_install = True
commands = yapf -i -r .
deps =
extras = dev
commands = pylint \
{envsitepackagesdir}/db \
skip_install = True
commands =
python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel
deps =
skip_install = True
commands =
python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel
twine upload -u "{env:PYPI_USERNAME}" -p "{env:PYPI_PASSWORD}" dist/*
deps =
changedir = {toxinidir}/docs
commands =
sphinx-build -b html . "_build/html"
install_command = python -m pip install --no-deps {opts} {packages}
recreate = True
deps =
extras = dev
commands = pip check
install_command = python -m pip install --no-deps {opts} {packages}
deps =
extras = dev
commands = pytest