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"""SatNOGS DB test suites"""
# pylint: disable=R0903
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, \
import random
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import factory
import pytest
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.test import TestCase
from django.utils.timezone import now
# C0412 below clashes with isort
from factory import fuzzy # pylint: disable=C0412
from db.base.models import DATA_SOURCES, DemodData, Mode, Satellite, \
Telemetry, Transmitter, TransmitterSuggestion
def generate_payload():
"""Create data payloads"""
payload = '{0:b}'.format(random.randint(500000000, 510000000))
digits = 1824
while digits:
digit = random.randint(0, 1)
payload += str(digit)
digits -= 1
return payload
def generate_payload_name():
"""Create payload names"""
filename = datetime.strftime(
fuzzy.FuzzyDateTime(now() - timedelta(days=10), now()).fuzz(), '%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ'
return filename
def get_valid_satellites():
"""Returns valid satellites"""
qs = Transmitter.objects.all()
satellites = Satellite.objects.filter(transmitters__in=qs).distinct()
return satellites
class ModeFactory(factory.django.DjangoModelFactory):
"""Mode model factory."""
name = fuzzy.FuzzyText(length=8)
class Meta:
model = Mode
class UserFactory(factory.django.DjangoModelFactory):
"""User model factory"""
username = factory.Sequence(lambda n: "user_%d" % n)
class Meta:
model = User
class SatelliteFactory(factory.django.DjangoModelFactory):
"""Sattelite model factory."""
norad_cat_id = fuzzy.FuzzyInteger(2000, 4000)
name = fuzzy.FuzzyText()
class Meta:
model = Satellite
class TransmitterFactory(factory.django.DjangoModelFactory):
"""Transmitter model factory."""
description = fuzzy.FuzzyText()
status = fuzzy.FuzzyChoice(choices=['active', 'inactive', 'invalid'])
type = fuzzy.FuzzyChoice(choices=['Transmitter', 'Transceiver', 'Transponder'])
uplink_low = fuzzy.FuzzyInteger(200000000, 500000000, step=10000)
uplink_high = fuzzy.FuzzyInteger(200000000, 500000000, step=10000)
downlink_low = fuzzy.FuzzyInteger(200000000, 500000000, step=10000)
downlink_high = fuzzy.FuzzyInteger(200000000, 500000000, step=10000)
mode = factory.SubFactory(ModeFactory)
invert = fuzzy.FuzzyChoice(choices=[True, False])
baud = fuzzy.FuzzyInteger(4000, 22000, step=1000)
satellite = factory.SubFactory(SatelliteFactory)
reviewed = True
approved = True
created = fuzzy.FuzzyDateTime(now() - timedelta(days=30), now())
citation = fuzzy.FuzzyText()
user = factory.SubFactory(UserFactory)
class Meta:
model = Transmitter
class TransmitterSuggestionFactory(factory.django.DjangoModelFactory):
"""TransmitterSuggestion model factory."""
description = fuzzy.FuzzyText()
status = fuzzy.FuzzyChoice(choices=['active', 'inactive', 'invalid'])
type = fuzzy.FuzzyChoice(choices=['Transmitter', 'Transceiver', 'Transponder'])
uplink_low = fuzzy.FuzzyInteger(200000000, 500000000, step=10000)
uplink_high = fuzzy.FuzzyInteger(200000000, 500000000, step=10000)
downlink_low = fuzzy.FuzzyInteger(200000000, 500000000, step=10000)
downlink_high = fuzzy.FuzzyInteger(200000000, 500000000, step=10000)
mode = factory.SubFactory(ModeFactory)
invert = fuzzy.FuzzyChoice(choices=[True, False])
baud = fuzzy.FuzzyInteger(4000, 22000, step=1000)
satellite = factory.SubFactory(SatelliteFactory)
reviewed = False
approved = False
created = fuzzy.FuzzyDateTime(now() - timedelta(days=30), now())
citation = fuzzy.FuzzyText()
user = factory.SubFactory(UserFactory)
class Meta:
model = TransmitterSuggestion
class TelemetryFactory(factory.django.DjangoModelFactory):
"""Telemetry model factory."""
satellite = factory.SubFactory(SatelliteFactory)
name = fuzzy.FuzzyText()
schema = '{}'
decoder = 'qb50'
class Meta:
model = Telemetry
class DemodDataFactory(factory.django.DjangoModelFactory):
"""DemodData model factory."""
satellite = factory.SubFactory(SatelliteFactory)
transmitter = factory.SubFactory(TransmitterFactory)
app_source = fuzzy.FuzzyChoice(choices=DATA_SOURCE_IDS)
data_id = fuzzy.FuzzyInteger(0, 200)
payload_frame = factory.django.FileField(filename='data.raw')
payload_decoded = '{}'
payload_telemetry = factory.SubFactory(TelemetryFactory)
station = fuzzy.FuzzyText()
lat = fuzzy.FuzzyFloat(-20, 70)
lng = fuzzy.FuzzyFloat(-180, 180)
timestamp = fuzzy.FuzzyDateTime(now() - timedelta(days=10), now())
class Meta:
model = DemodData
class HomeViewTest(TestCase):
Simple test to make sure the home page is working
def test_home_page(self):
"""Tests for a known string in the SatNOGS DB home page template"""
response = self.client.get('/')
self.assertContains(response, 'SatNOGS DB is, and will always be, an open database.')
class SatelliteViewTest(TestCase):
Test to make sure the satellite page is working
satellite = None
def setUp(self):
self.satellite = SatelliteFactory()
def test_satellite_page(self):
"""Tests for satellite name in a SatNOGS DB satellite page"""
response = self.client.get('/satellite/%s/' % self.satellite.norad_cat_id)
self.assertContains(response, self.satellite.name)
class AboutViewTest(TestCase):
Test to make sure the about page is working
def test_about_page(self):
"""Tests for a known string in the SatNOGS DB about page template"""
response = self.client.get('/about/')
self.assertContains(response, 'SatNOGS DB is an effort to create an hollistic')
class FaqViewTest(TestCase):
Test to make sure the faq page is working
def test_faq_page(self):
"""Tests for a known string in the SatNOGS DB FAQ page template"""
response = self.client.get('/faq/')
self.assertContains(response, 'How do I suggest a new transmitter?')