Fork 0

Update contribution and developing guides

Signed-off-by: Vasilis Tsiligiannis <acinonyx@openwrt.gr>
Vasilis Tsiligiannis 2019-03-14 22:26:48 +02:00
parent 9a15b3b77f
commit 7988cdbdcb
4 changed files with 232 additions and 133 deletions

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@ -1,7 +1,157 @@
# Contributing to SatNOGS Network # Libre Space Foundation Contribution Guide #
Thank you for your interest in contributing to SatNOGS! ## Table of Contents ##
Please read the `Contribution Guidelines` in [satnogs-network documentation](https://docs.satnogs.org/en/stable/satnogs-network/docs/contribute.html). * [Introduction](#introduction)
* [Obtain the source code](#obtain-the-source-code)
* [Separate the changes](#separate-the-changes)
* [Quality check of the changes](#quality-check-of-the-changes)
* [Describe the changes](#describe-the-changes)
* [Create a merge request](#create-a-merge-request)
* [Respond to review comments](#respond-to-review-comments)
* [Dont get discouraged - or impatient](#dont-get-discouraged-or-impatient)
* [Sign your work - the Developers Certificate of Origin](#sign-your-work-the-developers-certificate-of-origin)
* [References](#references)
The main repository lives on [Gitlab](https://gitlab.com/librespacefoundation/satnogs/satnogs-network). ## Introduction ##
For a person or company who wishes to submit a change to a Libre Space Foundation project source code, the process can sometimes be daunting if youre not familiar with “the system”.
This document is a collection of suggestions which can greatly increase the chances of your change being accepted.
It is based on Linux kernel patch submission guidelines.
## Obtain the source code ##
All Libre Space Foundation projects code is maintained under Git.
Obtain a copy of the source code using `git clone`.
Development usually takes place under `master` or `dev` branch.
## Separate the changes ##
Make changes as small as possible by separating each logical change into a separate commit.
Such commits are also called *atomic*.
Atomic commits must be complete and functional.
Small commits make it easier for someone to review by seeing changes incrementally.
It also makes it easier to roll back changes without affecting other changes.
For example, if your changes include both bug fixes and a new feature, separate those changes into two or more commits.
On the other hand, if you make a single change to numerous files, group those changes into a single commit.
Thus a single logical change is contained within a single commit.
The point to remember is that each commit should make an easily understood change that can be verified by reviewers.
Each commit should be justifiable on its own merits.
When creating a merge request from a series of commits, take special care to ensure that the software builds and runs properly after each commit in the series.
Developers using `git bisect` to track down a problem can end up splitting your merge request at any point; they will not thank you if you introduce bugs in the middle.
If you cannot condense your merge request into a smaller set of commits, then only submit say 15 or so at a time and wait for review and integration.
Never commit binary files.
Once they are part of Git repository history they cannot be removed.
## Quality check of the changes ##
Continuous Integration will check your changes automatically once you create a merge request.
Nevertheless, local quality check should also be done before submitting a merge request.
The checks can include:
* Static code analysis and coverage
* Dynamic code analysis
* Unit testing
* Functional testing
All quality checks must pass for your changes to be merged.
## Describe the changes ##
These are the seven rules of a great Git commit messages:
* Separate subject from body with a blank line
* Limit the subject line to 50 characters (if possible)
* Capitalize the subject line
* Do not end the subject line with a period
* Use the imperative mood in the subject line
* Wrap the body at 72 characters
* Use the body to explain what and why vs. how
See [How to Write a Git Commit Message](https://chris.beams.io/posts/git-commit/) by Chris Beams for details.
Try to solve a single problem per each commit.
If your description ends up too long, thats an indication that you probably need to split up your commit.
See [Separate the changes](#separate-the-changes).
Create commit or merge requests descriptions that are self-contained.
This benefits both the maintainers and reviewers.
Always use your real name and e-mail address for committing changes.
If the commit fixes a reported issue, refer to that bug entry by issue number.
The issue will be closed automatically after merge, if it matches [this regular expression](https://docs.gitlab.com/ce/user/project/issues/automatic_issue_closing.html).
## Create a merge request ##
A series of loosely related commits can be submitted as a merge request.
Libre Space Foundation projects follow a [forking workflow](https://docs.gitlab.com/ce/workflow/forking_workflow.html).
Merge requests must not contain other merge requests; re-base your commits if necessary.
## Respond to review comments ##
Your merge request will almost certainly get comments from reviewers on ways in which it can be improved.
You must respond to those comments; ignoring reviewers is a good way to get ignored in return.
Be sure to tell the reviewers what changes you are making and to thank them for their time.
Code review is a tiring and time-consuming process, and reviewers sometimes get grumpy.
Even in that case, though, respond politely and address the problems they have pointed out.
## Dont get discouraged - or impatient ##
After you have submitted your merge request, be patient and wait.
Reviewers are busy people and may not get to your merge request right away.
You should receive comments within a week or so.
Wait for a minimum of one week before pinging reviewers - possibly longer during busy times.
## Sign your work - the Developers Certificate of Origin ##
To improve tracking of who did what, especially with commits that can percolate to their final resting place in Libre Space Foundation projects code-base through several layers of maintainers, weve introduced a “sign-off” procedure on commits.
The sign-off is a simple line at the end of the explanation for the commit, which certifies that you wrote it or otherwise have the right to pass it on as an open-source patch.
The rules are pretty simple:
if you can certify the below:
Developers Certificate of Origin 1.1
By making a contribution to this project, I certify that:
a. The contribution was created in whole or in part by me and I have
the right to submit it under the open source license indicated in
the LICENSE file; or
b. The contribution is based upon previous work that, to the best of
my knowledge, is covered under an appropriate open source license
and I have the right under that license to submit that work with
modifications, whether created in whole or in part by me, under
the same open source license (unless I am permitted to submit
under a different license), as indicated in the LICENSE file; or
c. The contribution was provided directly to me by some other person
who certified (a), (b) or (c) and I have not modified it.
d. I understand and agree that this project and the contribution are
public and that a record of the contribution (including all
personal information I submit with it, including my sign-off) is
maintained indefinitely and may be redistributed consistent with
this project or the open source license(s) involved.
then you just add a line saying:
`Signed-off-by: Random J Developer <random@developer.example.org>`
using your real name (sorry, no pseudonyms or anonymous contributions.)
If you are a maintainer, sometimes you need to slightly modify commits order to merge them.
If you stick strictly to rule (c), you should ask the submitter to rediff, but this is a totally counter-productive waste of time and energy.
Rule (b) allows you to adjust the code, but then it is very impolite to change one submitters code and make him endorse your bugs.
To solve this problem, it is recommended that you add a line between the last Signed-off-by header and yours, indicating the nature of your changes.
While there is nothing mandatory about this, it seems like prepending the description with your mail and/or name, all enclosed in square brackets, is noticeable enough to make it obvious that you are responsible for last-minute changes. Example:
Signed-off-by: Random J Developer <random@developer.example.org>
[lucky@maintainer.example.org: struct foo moved from foo.c to foo.h]
Signed-off-by: Lucky K Maintainer <lucky@maintainer.example.org>
## References ##
* Linux kernel documentation - [Submitting patches: the essential guide to getting your code into the kernel](https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/process/submitting-patches.html)

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@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
Thank you for your interest in contributing to SatNOGS! There are always bugs to file; bugs to fix in code; improvements to be made to the documentation; and more.
The below instructions are for software developers who want to work on `satnogs-network code <http://gitlab.com/librespacefoundation/satnogs/satnogs-network>`_.
Git workflow
When you want to start contributing, you should :doc:`follow the installation instructions </netwok/installation>`, then...
#. (Optional) Set your cloned fork to track upstream changes (changes to the main repository), then fetch and merge changes from the upstream branch::
$ git remote add --track master upstream git://gitlab.com/librespacefoundation/satnogs/satnogs-network
$ git fetch upstream
$ git merge upstream/master
#. Set up a branch for a particular set of changes and switch to it::
$ git branch my_branch
$ git checkout my_branch
#. Commit changes to the code!
#. Code!
#. Lint the code::
$ flake8 network
and fix any errors.
#. Commit changes to the code!
#. When you're done, figure out how many commits you've made::
$ git log
#. Squash all those commits into a single commit that has a `good git commit message <http://tbaggery.com/2008/04/19/a-note-about-git-commit-messages.html>`_. (Example assumes you made 4 commits)::
$ git rebase -i HEAD~4
#. Use the interactive editor that pops up to pick/squash your commits::
pick 01d1239 [fix bug 893291] Make it go to 11
squash 32as32p added the library and made some minor changes
squash 30ame3z build the template
squash 91pcla8 ugh fix a semicolon bug in that last commit
#. Push your changes to your fork::
$ git push origin my_branch
#. Issue a pull request on Gitlab to the dev branch (not master)
#. Wait to hear from one of the core developers. You can find us on irc or matrix in channel satnogs if you wish to discuss your MR in real time.
If you're asked to change your commit message, you can amend the message and force commit::
$ git commit --amend
$ git push -f origin my_branch
If you're asked to make changes on your code you can stage them and amend the commit::
$ git add my_changed_files
$ git commit --amend
$ git push -f origin my_branch
If you need more Git expertise, a good resource is the `Git book <http://git-scm.com/book>`_.
satnogs-network uses `Django's template engine <https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/templates/>`_ templates.
Frontend development
To be able to manage the required javascript libraries, install the development dependencies with npm::
$ npm install
Development tasks like the download of assets, code linting and tests are managed with gulp::
$ gulp
Frontend dependencies are stored in packages.json, handled by yarn. To add a new dependency, e.g. satellite.js, call::
$ yarn add satellite.js
Manually add the new required files to the list of "assets" in packages.json, then start the download with::
$ gulp assets
The assets are stored in the repository, thus don't forget to create a commit after you add/update/remove dependencies.
Simulating station heartbeats
Only stations which have been seen by the server in the last hour (by default, can be customized by `STATION_HEARTBEAT_TIME`)
are taken into consideration when scheduling observations. In order to simulate an heartbeat of the stations 7, 23 and 42,
the following command can be used
$ sudo docker-compose run web python manage.py update_station_last_seen 7 23 42
Coding Style
#. Four space indentation (no tabs), two whitespace on html documents.
#. Use single quotes for strings. Double quotes used only for html attributes.
#. Keep lines shorter than 100 characters when possible (especially at python code)
Follow the `PEP8 <http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/>`_ and `PEP257 <http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0257/#multi-line-docstrings>`_ Style Guides.
Most important things:
#. Separate top-level function and class definitions with two blank lines.
#. Method definitions inside a class are separated by a single blank line.
#. Use whitespace between comma seperated values.
#. Use white space between assignments and expressions (except parameter values).
#. Don't use whitespace before or after parentheses, brackets or braces.
#. Classes should use CamelCase naming.
#. Functions should use lowercase naming.
What to work on
You can check `opened issues <https://gitlab.com/librespacefoundation/satnogs/satnogs-network/issues>`_. We regurarly open issues for tracking new features. You pick one and start coding.

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@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
Developer Guide
Thank you for your interest in developing SatNOGS!
There are always bugs to file; bugs to fix in code; improvements to be made to the documentation; and more.
The below instructions are for software developers who want to work on `satnogs-network code <http://gitlab.com/librespacefoundation/satnogs/satnogs-network>`_.
When you want to start developing for SatNOGS, you should :doc:`follow the installation instructions </network/installation>`, then...
#. Read CONTRIBUTING.md file carefully.
#. Fork the `upstream repository <https://gitlab.com/librespacefoundation/satnogs/satnogs-network/forks/new>`_ in GitLab.
#. Code!
#. Test the changes and fix any errors by running `tox <https://tox.readthedocs.io/en/latest/>`_.
#. Commit changes to the code!
#. When you're done, push your changes to your fork.
#. Issue a merge request on Gitlab.
#. Wait to hear from one of the core developers.
If you're asked to change your commit message or code, you can amend or rebase and then force push.
If you need more Git expertise, a good resource is the `Git book <http://git-scm.com/book>`_.
satnogs-network uses `Django's template engine <https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/templates/>`_ templates.
Frontend development
To be able to manage the required javascript libraries, install the development dependencies with npm::
$ npm install
Development tasks like the download of assets, code linting and tests are managed with gulp::
$ gulp
Frontend dependencies are stored in packages.json, handled by yarn. To add a new dependency, e.g. satellite.js, call::
$ yarn add satellite.js
Manually add the new required files to the list of "assets" in packages.json, then start the download with::
$ gulp assets
The assets are stored in the repository, thus don't forget to create a commit after you add/update/remove dependencies.
Simulating station heartbeats
Only stations which have been seen by the server in the last hour (by default, can be customized by `STATION_HEARTBEAT_TIME`) are taken into consideration when scheduling observations.
In order to simulate an heartbeat of the stations 7, 23 and 42, the following command can be used::
$ sudo docker-compose run web python manage.py update_station_last_seen 7 23 42
Coding Style
Follow the `PEP8 <http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/>`_ and `PEP257 <http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0257/#multi-line-docstrings>`_ Style Guides.
What to work on
You can check `open issues <https://gitlab.com/librespacefoundation/satnogs/satnogs-network/issues>`_.
We regurarly open issues for tracking new features. You pick one and start coding.

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@ -6,5 +6,5 @@ satnogs-network
:maxdepth: 1 :maxdepth: 1
installation installation
contribute developer-guide
maintenance maintenance