Add the new stepper driver PCB and the pololu A4988 breakout in the kicad library

Manthos Papamatthaiou 2015-12-29 18:08:31 +02:00
parent fba3d03674
commit cb7f778863
10 changed files with 3364 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
PCBNEW-LibModule-V1 10/2/2011 8:56:01 AM
# encoding utf-8
Po 0 0 0 15 4E885F3C 4E883F8D ~~
Sc 4E883F8D
Op 0 0 0
T0 0 500 500 600 0 120 N V 21 N "SWDIP8_.6W"
T1 0 -500 500 600 0 120 N V 21 N "SW**"
DS -4000 -3000 4000 -3000 100 21
DS 4000 -3000 4000 3000 100 21
DS 4000 3000 -4000 3000 100 21
DS -4000 3000 -4000 -3000 100 21
Sh "1" R 600 600 0 0 0
Dr 320 0 0
Ne 0 ""
Po -3500 2500
Sh "2" C 600 600 0 0 0
Dr 320 0 0
Ne 0 ""
Po -2500 2500
Sh "3" C 600 600 0 0 0
Dr 320 0 0
Ne 0 ""
Po -1500 2500
Sh "4" C 600 600 0 0 0
Dr 320 0 0
Ne 0 ""
Po -500 2500
Sh "5" C 600 600 0 0 0
Dr 320 0 0
Ne 0 ""
Po 500 2500
Sh "6" C 600 600 0 0 0
Dr 320 0 0
Ne 0 ""
Po 1500 2500
Sh "7" R 600 600 0 0 0
Dr 320 0 0
Ne 0 ""
Po 2500 2500
Sh "8" C 600 600 0 0 0
Dr 320 0 0
Ne 0 ""
Po 3500 2500
Sh "9" C 600 600 0 0 0
Dr 320 0 0
Ne 0 ""
Po 3500 -2500
Sh "10" C 600 600 0 0 0
Dr 320 0 0
Ne 0 ""
Po 2500 -2500
Sh "11" C 600 600 0 0 0
Dr 320 0 0
Ne 0 ""
Po 1500 -2500
Sh "12" C 600 600 0 0 0
Dr 320 0 0
Ne 0 ""
Po 500 -2500
Sh "13" C 600 600 0 0 0
Dr 320 0 0
Ne 0 ""
Po -500 -2500
Sh "14" C 600 600 0 0 0
Dr 320 0 0
Ne 0 ""
Po -1500 -2500
Sh "15" C 600 600 0 0 0
Dr 320 0 0
Ne 0 ""
Po -2500 -2500
Sh "16" C 600 600 0 0 0
Dr 320 0 0
Ne 0 ""
Po -3500 -2500

View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
(module SWDIP8_.6W (layer F.Cu) (tedit 4E885F3C)
(fp_text reference SWDIP8_.6W (at 0 1.27) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.524) (thickness 0.3048)))
(fp_text value SW** (at 0 -1.27) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.524) (thickness 0.3048)))
(fp_line (start -10.16 -7.62) (end 10.16 -7.62) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.254))
(fp_line (start 10.16 -7.62) (end 10.16 7.62) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.254))
(fp_line (start 10.16 7.62) (end -10.16 7.62) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.254))
(fp_line (start -10.16 7.62) (end -10.16 -7.62) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.254))
(pad 1 thru_hole rect (at -8.89 6.35) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.8128) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS))
(pad 2 thru_hole circle (at -6.35 6.35) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.8128) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS))
(pad 3 thru_hole circle (at -3.81 6.35) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.8128) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS))
(pad 4 thru_hole circle (at -1.27 6.35) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.8128) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS))
(pad 5 thru_hole circle (at 1.27 6.35) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.8128) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS))
(pad 6 thru_hole circle (at 3.81 6.35) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.8128) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS))
(pad 7 thru_hole rect (at 6.35 6.35) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.8128) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS))
(pad 8 thru_hole circle (at 8.89 6.35) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.8128) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS))
(pad 9 thru_hole circle (at 8.89 -6.35) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.8128) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS))
(pad 10 thru_hole circle (at 6.35 -6.35) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.8128) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS))
(pad 11 thru_hole circle (at 3.81 -6.35) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.8128) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS))
(pad 12 thru_hole circle (at 1.27 -6.35) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.8128) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS))
(pad 13 thru_hole circle (at -1.27 -6.35) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.8128) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS))
(pad 14 thru_hole circle (at -3.81 -6.35) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.8128) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS))
(pad 15 thru_hole circle (at -6.35 -6.35) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.8128) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS))
(pad 16 thru_hole circle (at -8.89 -6.35) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.8128) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS))

View File

@ -29,6 +29,37 @@ X VDD5V 16 570 260 200 L 50 50 1 1 W
# #
# POLOLU_A4988
DEF POLOLU_A4988 U 0 40 Y Y 1 F N
F0 "U" 0 450 60 H V C CNN
F1 "POLOLU_A4988" 0 0 50 V V C CNN
F2 "" 0 0 60 H V C CNN
F3 "" 0 0 60 H V C CNN
S -300 400 300 -400 0 1 0 N
X GND 1 -600 350 300 R 60 60 1 1 P
X VDD 2 -600 250 300 R 60 60 1 1 P
X IB 3 -600 150 300 R 60 60 1 1 P
X 1A 4 -600 50 300 R 60 60 1 1 P
X 2A 5 -600 -50 300 R 60 60 1 1 P
X 2B 6 -600 -150 300 R 60 60 1 1 P
X GND 7 -600 -250 300 R 60 60 1 1 P
X VMOT 8 -600 -350 300 R 60 60 1 1 P
X EN 9 600 -350 300 L 60 60 1 1 P I
X MS1 10 600 -250 300 L 60 60 1 1 P
X MS2 11 600 -150 300 L 60 60 1 1 P
X MS3 12 600 -50 300 L 60 60 1 1 P
X RST 13 600 50 300 L 60 60 1 1 P I
X SLP 14 600 150 300 L 60 60 1 1 P I
X STEP 15 600 250 300 L 60 60 1 1 P
X DIR 16 600 350 300 L 60 60 1 1 P
# TCST2103 # TCST2103
# #
DEF TCST2103 U 0 40 Y Y 1 F N DEF TCST2103 U 0 40 Y Y 1 F N

View File

@ -0,0 +1,807 @@
(kicad_pcb (version 4) (host pcbnew "(after 2015-mar-04 BZR unknown)-product")
(links 44)
(no_connects 44)
(area 0 0 0 0)
(thickness 1.6)
(drawings 0)
(tracks 3)
(zones 0)
(modules 16)
(nets 37)
(page A4)
(0 F.Cu signal)
(31 B.Cu signal)
(32 B.Adhes user)
(33 F.Adhes user)
(34 B.Paste user)
(35 F.Paste user)
(36 B.SilkS user)
(37 F.SilkS user)
(38 B.Mask user)
(39 F.Mask user)
(40 Dwgs.User user)
(41 Cmts.User user)
(42 Eco1.User user)
(43 Eco2.User user)
(44 Edge.Cuts user)
(45 Margin user)
(46 B.CrtYd user)
(47 F.CrtYd user)
(48 B.Fab user)
(49 F.Fab user)
(last_trace_width 0.6)
(user_trace_width 0.6)
(trace_clearance 0.2)
(zone_clearance 0.508)
(zone_45_only no)
(trace_min 0.2)
(segment_width 0.2)
(edge_width 0.15)
(via_size 0.6)
(via_drill 0.4)
(via_min_size 0.4)
(via_min_drill 0.3)
(uvia_size 0.3)
(uvia_drill 0.1)
(uvias_allowed no)
(uvia_min_size 0.2)
(uvia_min_drill 0.1)
(pcb_text_width 0.3)
(pcb_text_size 1.5 1.5)
(mod_edge_width 0.15)
(mod_text_size 1 1)
(mod_text_width 0.15)
(pad_size 1.524 1.524)
(pad_drill 0.762)
(pad_to_mask_clearance 0.2)
(aux_axis_origin 0 0)
(visible_elements FFFFFF7F)
(layerselection 0x00030_80000001)
(usegerberextensions false)
(excludeedgelayer true)
(linewidth 0.150000)
(plotframeref false)
(viasonmask false)
(mode 1)
(useauxorigin false)
(hpglpennumber 1)
(hpglpenspeed 20)
(hpglpendiameter 15)
(hpglpenoverlay 2)
(psnegative false)
(psa4output false)
(plotreference true)
(plotvalue true)
(plotinvisibletext false)
(padsonsilk false)
(subtractmaskfromsilk false)
(outputformat 1)
(mirror false)
(drillshape 1)
(scaleselection 1)
(outputdirectory ""))
(net 0 "")
(net 1 GNDPWR)
(net 2 /VMOT)
(net 3 +5V)
(net 4 "Net-(JP1-Pad2)")
(net 5 "Net-(JP2-Pad2)")
(net 6 "Net-(JP3-Pad2)")
(net 7 "Net-(JP4-Pad2)")
(net 8 "Net-(JP5-Pad2)")
(net 9 "Net-(JP6-Pad2)")
(net 10 "Net-(P1-Pad1)")
(net 11 GND)
(net 12 /STEPM1)
(net 13 /DIRM1)
(net 14 "Net-(P1-Pad6)")
(net 15 "Net-(P1-Pad7)")
(net 16 "Net-(P1-Pad8)")
(net 17 "Net-(P1-Pad9)")
(net 18 /EN)
(net 19 "Net-(P1-Pad11)")
(net 20 "Net-(P1-Pad12)")
(net 21 /STEPM2)
(net 22 /DIRM2)
(net 23 "Net-(P1-Pad15)")
(net 24 "Net-(P1-Pad16)")
(net 25 "Net-(P1-Pad17)")
(net 26 "Net-(P1-Pad18)")
(net 27 /1AM1)
(net 28 /2AM1)
(net 29 /1BM1)
(net 30 /2BM1)
(net 31 /1AM2)
(net 32 /2AM2)
(net 33 /1BM2)
(net 34 /2BM2)
(net 35 "Net-(U1-Pad13)")
(net 36 "Net-(U2-Pad13)")
(net_class Default "This is the default net class."
(clearance 0.2)
(trace_width 0.25)
(via_dia 0.6)
(via_drill 0.4)
(uvia_dia 0.3)
(uvia_drill 0.1)
(add_net +5V)
(add_net /1AM1)
(add_net /1AM2)
(add_net /1BM1)
(add_net /1BM2)
(add_net /2AM1)
(add_net /2AM2)
(add_net /2BM1)
(add_net /2BM2)
(add_net /DIRM1)
(add_net /DIRM2)
(add_net /EN)
(add_net /STEPM1)
(add_net /STEPM2)
(add_net /VMOT)
(add_net GND)
(add_net GNDPWR)
(add_net "Net-(JP1-Pad2)")
(add_net "Net-(JP2-Pad2)")
(add_net "Net-(JP3-Pad2)")
(add_net "Net-(JP4-Pad2)")
(add_net "Net-(JP5-Pad2)")
(add_net "Net-(JP6-Pad2)")
(add_net "Net-(P1-Pad1)")
(add_net "Net-(P1-Pad11)")
(add_net "Net-(P1-Pad12)")
(add_net "Net-(P1-Pad15)")
(add_net "Net-(P1-Pad16)")
(add_net "Net-(P1-Pad17)")
(add_net "Net-(P1-Pad18)")
(add_net "Net-(P1-Pad6)")
(add_net "Net-(P1-Pad7)")
(add_net "Net-(P1-Pad8)")
(add_net "Net-(P1-Pad9)")
(add_net "Net-(U1-Pad13)")
(add_net "Net-(U2-Pad13)")
(module Capacitors_ThroughHole:C_Radial_D6.3_L11.2_P2.5 (layer F.Cu) (tedit 0) (tstamp 56817CC4)
(at 151.13 80.01 270)
(descr "Radial Electrolytic Capacitor, Diameter 6.3mm x Length 11.2mm, Pitch 2.5mm")
(tags "Electrolytic Capacitor")
(path /56816138)
(fp_text reference C1 (at 1.25 -4.4 270) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value 100u (at 1.25 4.4 270) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_line (start 1.325 -3.149) (end 1.325 3.149) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 1.465 -3.143) (end 1.465 3.143) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 1.605 -3.13) (end 1.605 -0.446) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 1.605 0.446) (end 1.605 3.13) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 1.745 -3.111) (end 1.745 -0.656) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 1.745 0.656) (end 1.745 3.111) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 1.885 -3.085) (end 1.885 -0.789) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 1.885 0.789) (end 1.885 3.085) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 2.025 -3.053) (end 2.025 -0.88) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 2.025 0.88) (end 2.025 3.053) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 2.165 -3.014) (end 2.165 -0.942) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 2.165 0.942) (end 2.165 3.014) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 2.305 -2.968) (end 2.305 -0.981) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 2.305 0.981) (end 2.305 2.968) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 2.445 -2.915) (end 2.445 -0.998) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 2.445 0.998) (end 2.445 2.915) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 2.585 -2.853) (end 2.585 -0.996) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 2.585 0.996) (end 2.585 2.853) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 2.725 -2.783) (end 2.725 -0.974) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 2.725 0.974) (end 2.725 2.783) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 2.865 -2.704) (end 2.865 -0.931) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 2.865 0.931) (end 2.865 2.704) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 3.005 -2.616) (end 3.005 -0.863) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 3.005 0.863) (end 3.005 2.616) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 3.145 -2.516) (end 3.145 -0.764) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 3.145 0.764) (end 3.145 2.516) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 3.285 -2.404) (end 3.285 -0.619) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 3.285 0.619) (end 3.285 2.404) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 3.425 -2.279) (end 3.425 -0.38) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 3.425 0.38) (end 3.425 2.279) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 3.565 -2.136) (end 3.565 2.136) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 3.705 -1.974) (end 3.705 1.974) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 3.845 -1.786) (end 3.845 1.786) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 3.985 -1.563) (end 3.985 1.563) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 4.125 -1.287) (end 4.125 1.287) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 4.265 -0.912) (end 4.265 0.912) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_circle (center 2.5 0) (end 2.5 -1) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_circle (center 1.25 0) (end 1.25 -3.1875) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_circle (center 1.25 0) (end 1.25 -3.4) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(pad 2 thru_hole circle (at 2.5 0 270) (size 1.3 1.3) (drill 0.8) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 1 GNDPWR))
(pad 1 thru_hole rect (at 0 0 270) (size 1.3 1.3) (drill 0.8) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 2 /VMOT))
(model Capacitors_ThroughHole.3dshapes/C_Radial_D6.3_L11.2_P2.5.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(module Capacitors_ThroughHole:C_Radial_D6.3_L11.2_P2.5 (layer F.Cu) (tedit 0) (tstamp 56817CCA)
(at 151.13 105.41 270)
(descr "Radial Electrolytic Capacitor, Diameter 6.3mm x Length 11.2mm, Pitch 2.5mm")
(tags "Electrolytic Capacitor")
(path /568151CC)
(fp_text reference C2 (at 1.25 -4.4 270) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value 100u (at 1.25 4.4 270) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_line (start 1.325 -3.149) (end 1.325 3.149) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 1.465 -3.143) (end 1.465 3.143) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 1.605 -3.13) (end 1.605 -0.446) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 1.605 0.446) (end 1.605 3.13) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 1.745 -3.111) (end 1.745 -0.656) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 1.745 0.656) (end 1.745 3.111) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 1.885 -3.085) (end 1.885 -0.789) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 1.885 0.789) (end 1.885 3.085) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 2.025 -3.053) (end 2.025 -0.88) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 2.025 0.88) (end 2.025 3.053) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 2.165 -3.014) (end 2.165 -0.942) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 2.165 0.942) (end 2.165 3.014) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 2.305 -2.968) (end 2.305 -0.981) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 2.305 0.981) (end 2.305 2.968) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 2.445 -2.915) (end 2.445 -0.998) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 2.445 0.998) (end 2.445 2.915) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 2.585 -2.853) (end 2.585 -0.996) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 2.585 0.996) (end 2.585 2.853) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 2.725 -2.783) (end 2.725 -0.974) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 2.725 0.974) (end 2.725 2.783) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 2.865 -2.704) (end 2.865 -0.931) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 2.865 0.931) (end 2.865 2.704) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 3.005 -2.616) (end 3.005 -0.863) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 3.005 0.863) (end 3.005 2.616) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 3.145 -2.516) (end 3.145 -0.764) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 3.145 0.764) (end 3.145 2.516) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 3.285 -2.404) (end 3.285 -0.619) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 3.285 0.619) (end 3.285 2.404) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 3.425 -2.279) (end 3.425 -0.38) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 3.425 0.38) (end 3.425 2.279) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 3.565 -2.136) (end 3.565 2.136) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 3.705 -1.974) (end 3.705 1.974) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 3.845 -1.786) (end 3.845 1.786) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 3.985 -1.563) (end 3.985 1.563) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 4.125 -1.287) (end 4.125 1.287) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 4.265 -0.912) (end 4.265 0.912) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_circle (center 2.5 0) (end 2.5 -1) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_circle (center 1.25 0) (end 1.25 -3.1875) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_circle (center 1.25 0) (end 1.25 -3.4) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(pad 2 thru_hole circle (at 2.5 0 270) (size 1.3 1.3) (drill 0.8) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 1 GNDPWR))
(pad 1 thru_hole rect (at 0 0 270) (size 1.3 1.3) (drill 0.8) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 2 /VMOT))
(model Capacitors_ThroughHole.3dshapes/C_Radial_D6.3_L11.2_P2.5.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(module Pin_Headers:Pin_Header_Straight_1x02 (layer F.Cu) (tedit 54EA090C) (tstamp 56817CD0)
(at 138.43 118.11 270)
(descr "Through hole pin header")
(tags "pin header")
(path /5681614E)
(fp_text reference JP1 (at 0 -5.1 270) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value Jumper_NO_Small (at 0 -3.1 270) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_line (start 1.27 1.27) (end 1.27 3.81) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 1.55 -1.55) (end 1.55 0) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -1.75 -1.75) (end -1.75 4.3) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.75 -1.75) (end 1.75 4.3) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.75 -1.75) (end 1.75 -1.75) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.75 4.3) (end 1.75 4.3) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.27 1.27) (end -1.27 1.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -1.55 0) (end -1.55 -1.55) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -1.55 -1.55) (end 1.55 -1.55) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -1.27 1.27) (end -1.27 3.81) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -1.27 3.81) (end 1.27 3.81) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(pad 1 thru_hole rect (at 0 0 270) (size 2.032 2.032) (drill 1.016) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 3 +5V))
(pad 2 thru_hole oval (at 0 2.54 270) (size 2.032 2.032) (drill 1.016) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 4 "Net-(JP1-Pad2)"))
(model Pin_Headers.3dshapes/Pin_Header_Straight_1x02.wrl
(at (xyz 0 -0.05 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 90))
(module Pin_Headers:Pin_Header_Straight_1x02 (layer F.Cu) (tedit 54EA090C) (tstamp 56817CD6)
(at 138.43 114.3 270)
(descr "Through hole pin header")
(tags "pin header")
(path /56816147)
(fp_text reference JP2 (at 0 -5.1 270) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value Jumper_NO_Small (at 0 -3.1 270) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_line (start 1.27 1.27) (end 1.27 3.81) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 1.55 -1.55) (end 1.55 0) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -1.75 -1.75) (end -1.75 4.3) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.75 -1.75) (end 1.75 4.3) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.75 -1.75) (end 1.75 -1.75) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.75 4.3) (end 1.75 4.3) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.27 1.27) (end -1.27 1.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -1.55 0) (end -1.55 -1.55) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -1.55 -1.55) (end 1.55 -1.55) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -1.27 1.27) (end -1.27 3.81) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -1.27 3.81) (end 1.27 3.81) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(pad 1 thru_hole rect (at 0 0 270) (size 2.032 2.032) (drill 1.016) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 3 +5V))
(pad 2 thru_hole oval (at 0 2.54 270) (size 2.032 2.032) (drill 1.016) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 5 "Net-(JP2-Pad2)"))
(model Pin_Headers.3dshapes/Pin_Header_Straight_1x02.wrl
(at (xyz 0 -0.05 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 90))
(module Pin_Headers:Pin_Header_Straight_1x02 (layer F.Cu) (tedit 54EA090C) (tstamp 56817CDC)
(at 138.43 110.49 270)
(descr "Through hole pin header")
(tags "pin header")
(path /56816155)
(fp_text reference JP3 (at 0 -5.1 270) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value Jumper_NO_Small (at 0 -3.1 270) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_line (start 1.27 1.27) (end 1.27 3.81) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 1.55 -1.55) (end 1.55 0) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -1.75 -1.75) (end -1.75 4.3) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.75 -1.75) (end 1.75 4.3) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.75 -1.75) (end 1.75 -1.75) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.75 4.3) (end 1.75 4.3) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.27 1.27) (end -1.27 1.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -1.55 0) (end -1.55 -1.55) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -1.55 -1.55) (end 1.55 -1.55) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -1.27 1.27) (end -1.27 3.81) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -1.27 3.81) (end 1.27 3.81) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(pad 1 thru_hole rect (at 0 0 270) (size 2.032 2.032) (drill 1.016) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 3 +5V))
(pad 2 thru_hole oval (at 0 2.54 270) (size 2.032 2.032) (drill 1.016) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 6 "Net-(JP3-Pad2)"))
(model Pin_Headers.3dshapes/Pin_Header_Straight_1x02.wrl
(at (xyz 0 -0.05 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 90))
(module Pin_Headers:Pin_Header_Straight_1x02 (layer F.Cu) (tedit 54EA090C) (tstamp 56817CE2)
(at 139.7 93.98 270)
(descr "Through hole pin header")
(tags "pin header")
(path /568158A4)
(fp_text reference JP4 (at 0 -5.1 270) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value Jumper_NO_Small (at 0 -3.1 270) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_line (start 1.27 1.27) (end 1.27 3.81) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 1.55 -1.55) (end 1.55 0) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -1.75 -1.75) (end -1.75 4.3) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.75 -1.75) (end 1.75 4.3) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.75 -1.75) (end 1.75 -1.75) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.75 4.3) (end 1.75 4.3) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.27 1.27) (end -1.27 1.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -1.55 0) (end -1.55 -1.55) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -1.55 -1.55) (end 1.55 -1.55) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -1.27 1.27) (end -1.27 3.81) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -1.27 3.81) (end 1.27 3.81) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(pad 1 thru_hole rect (at 0 0 270) (size 2.032 2.032) (drill 1.016) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 3 +5V))
(pad 2 thru_hole oval (at 0 2.54 270) (size 2.032 2.032) (drill 1.016) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 7 "Net-(JP4-Pad2)"))
(model Pin_Headers.3dshapes/Pin_Header_Straight_1x02.wrl
(at (xyz 0 -0.05 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 90))
(module Pin_Headers:Pin_Header_Straight_1x02 (layer F.Cu) (tedit 54EA090C) (tstamp 56817CE8)
(at 139.7 90.17 270)
(descr "Through hole pin header")
(tags "pin header")
(path /56815726)
(fp_text reference JP5 (at 0 -5.1 270) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value Jumper_NO_Small (at 0 -3.1 270) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_line (start 1.27 1.27) (end 1.27 3.81) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 1.55 -1.55) (end 1.55 0) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -1.75 -1.75) (end -1.75 4.3) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.75 -1.75) (end 1.75 4.3) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.75 -1.75) (end 1.75 -1.75) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.75 4.3) (end 1.75 4.3) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.27 1.27) (end -1.27 1.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -1.55 0) (end -1.55 -1.55) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -1.55 -1.55) (end 1.55 -1.55) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -1.27 1.27) (end -1.27 3.81) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -1.27 3.81) (end 1.27 3.81) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(pad 1 thru_hole rect (at 0 0 270) (size 2.032 2.032) (drill 1.016) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 3 +5V))
(pad 2 thru_hole oval (at 0 2.54 270) (size 2.032 2.032) (drill 1.016) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 8 "Net-(JP5-Pad2)"))
(model Pin_Headers.3dshapes/Pin_Header_Straight_1x02.wrl
(at (xyz 0 -0.05 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 90))
(module Pin_Headers:Pin_Header_Straight_1x02 (layer F.Cu) (tedit 54EA090C) (tstamp 56817CEE)
(at 139.7 86.36 270)
(descr "Through hole pin header")
(tags "pin header")
(path /56815B0E)
(fp_text reference JP6 (at 0 -5.1 270) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value Jumper_NO_Small (at 0 -3.1 270) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_line (start 1.27 1.27) (end 1.27 3.81) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 1.55 -1.55) (end 1.55 0) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -1.75 -1.75) (end -1.75 4.3) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.75 -1.75) (end 1.75 4.3) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.75 -1.75) (end 1.75 -1.75) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.75 4.3) (end 1.75 4.3) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.27 1.27) (end -1.27 1.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -1.55 0) (end -1.55 -1.55) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -1.55 -1.55) (end 1.55 -1.55) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -1.27 1.27) (end -1.27 3.81) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -1.27 3.81) (end 1.27 3.81) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(pad 1 thru_hole rect (at 0 0 270) (size 2.032 2.032) (drill 1.016) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 3 +5V))
(pad 2 thru_hole oval (at 0 2.54 270) (size 2.032 2.032) (drill 1.016) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 9 "Net-(JP6-Pad2)"))
(model Pin_Headers.3dshapes/Pin_Header_Straight_1x02.wrl
(at (xyz 0 -0.05 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 90))
(module Pin_Headers:Pin_Header_Straight_1x18 (layer F.Cu) (tedit 0) (tstamp 56817D04)
(at 121.92 80.01)
(descr "Through hole pin header")
(tags "pin header")
(path /5681386B)
(fp_text reference P1 (at 0 -5.1) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value CONN_01X18 (at 0 -3.1) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_line (start -1.75 -1.75) (end -1.75 44.95) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.75 -1.75) (end 1.75 44.95) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.75 -1.75) (end 1.75 -1.75) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.75 44.95) (end 1.75 44.95) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.27 1.27) (end 1.27 44.45) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 1.27 44.45) (end -1.27 44.45) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -1.27 44.45) (end -1.27 1.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 1.55 -1.55) (end 1.55 0) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 1.27 1.27) (end -1.27 1.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -1.55 0) (end -1.55 -1.55) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -1.55 -1.55) (end 1.55 -1.55) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(pad 1 thru_hole rect (at 0 0) (size 2.032 1.7272) (drill 1.016) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 10 "Net-(P1-Pad1)"))
(pad 2 thru_hole oval (at 0 2.54) (size 2.032 1.7272) (drill 1.016) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 11 GND))
(pad 3 thru_hole oval (at 0 5.08) (size 2.032 1.7272) (drill 1.016) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 3 +5V))
(pad 4 thru_hole oval (at 0 7.62) (size 2.032 1.7272) (drill 1.016) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 12 /STEPM1))
(pad 5 thru_hole oval (at 0 10.16) (size 2.032 1.7272) (drill 1.016) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 13 /DIRM1))
(pad 6 thru_hole oval (at 0 12.7) (size 2.032 1.7272) (drill 1.016) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 14 "Net-(P1-Pad6)"))
(pad 7 thru_hole oval (at 0 15.24) (size 2.032 1.7272) (drill 1.016) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 15 "Net-(P1-Pad7)"))
(pad 8 thru_hole oval (at 0 17.78) (size 2.032 1.7272) (drill 1.016) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 16 "Net-(P1-Pad8)"))
(pad 9 thru_hole oval (at 0 20.32) (size 2.032 1.7272) (drill 1.016) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 17 "Net-(P1-Pad9)"))
(pad 10 thru_hole oval (at 0 22.86) (size 2.032 1.7272) (drill 1.016) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 18 /EN))
(pad 11 thru_hole oval (at 0 25.4) (size 2.032 1.7272) (drill 1.016) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 19 "Net-(P1-Pad11)"))
(pad 12 thru_hole oval (at 0 27.94) (size 2.032 1.7272) (drill 1.016) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 20 "Net-(P1-Pad12)"))
(pad 13 thru_hole oval (at 0 30.48) (size 2.032 1.7272) (drill 1.016) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 21 /STEPM2))
(pad 14 thru_hole oval (at 0 33.02) (size 2.032 1.7272) (drill 1.016) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 22 /DIRM2))
(pad 15 thru_hole oval (at 0 35.56) (size 2.032 1.7272) (drill 1.016) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 23 "Net-(P1-Pad15)"))
(pad 16 thru_hole oval (at 0 38.1) (size 2.032 1.7272) (drill 1.016) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 24 "Net-(P1-Pad16)"))
(pad 17 thru_hole oval (at 0 40.64) (size 2.032 1.7272) (drill 1.016) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 25 "Net-(P1-Pad17)"))
(pad 18 thru_hole oval (at 0 43.18) (size 2.032 1.7272) (drill 1.016) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 26 "Net-(P1-Pad18)"))
(model Pin_Headers.3dshapes/Pin_Header_Straight_1x18.wrl
(at (xyz 0 -0.85 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 90))
(module Connect:bornier2 (layer F.Cu) (tedit 0) (tstamp 56817D0A)
(at 161.29 101.6 90)
(descr "Bornier d'alimentation 2 pins")
(tags DEV)
(path /56813BD5)
(fp_text reference P2 (at 0 -5.08 90) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value CONN_01X02 (at 0 5.08 90) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_line (start 5.08 2.54) (end -5.08 2.54) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 5.08 3.81) (end 5.08 -3.81) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 5.08 -3.81) (end -5.08 -3.81) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -5.08 -3.81) (end -5.08 3.81) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -5.08 3.81) (end 5.08 3.81) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(pad 1 thru_hole rect (at -2.54 0 90) (size 2.54 2.54) (drill 1.524) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 1 GNDPWR))
(pad 2 thru_hole circle (at 2.54 0 90) (size 2.54 2.54) (drill 1.524) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 2 /VMOT))
(model Connect.3dshapes/bornier2.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(module Connect:bornier4 (layer F.Cu) (tedit 0) (tstamp 56817D12)
(at 161.29 86.36 90)
(descr "Bornier d'alimentation 4 pins")
(tags DEV)
(path /56813E91)
(fp_text reference P3 (at 0 -6.35 90) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value CONN_01X04 (at 0 5.08 90) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_line (start -10.16 -3.81) (end -10.16 3.81) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 10.16 3.81) (end 10.16 -3.81) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 10.16 2.54) (end -10.16 2.54) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -10.16 -3.81) (end 10.16 -3.81) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -10.16 3.81) (end 10.16 3.81) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(pad 2 thru_hole circle (at -2.54 0 90) (size 3.81 3.81) (drill 1.524) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 27 /1AM1))
(pad 3 thru_hole circle (at 2.54 0 90) (size 3.81 3.81) (drill 1.524) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 28 /2AM1))
(pad 1 thru_hole rect (at -7.62 0 90) (size 3.81 3.81) (drill 1.524) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 29 /1BM1))
(pad 4 thru_hole circle (at 7.62 0 90) (size 3.81 3.81) (drill 1.524) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 30 /2BM1))
(model Connect.3dshapes/bornier4.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(module Connect:bornier4 (layer F.Cu) (tedit 0) (tstamp 56817D1A)
(at 161.29 116.84 90)
(descr "Bornier d'alimentation 4 pins")
(tags DEV)
(path /56813D7C)
(fp_text reference P4 (at 0 -6.35 90) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value CONN_01X04 (at 0 5.08 90) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_line (start -10.16 -3.81) (end -10.16 3.81) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 10.16 3.81) (end 10.16 -3.81) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 10.16 2.54) (end -10.16 2.54) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -10.16 -3.81) (end 10.16 -3.81) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -10.16 3.81) (end 10.16 3.81) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(pad 2 thru_hole circle (at -2.54 0 90) (size 3.81 3.81) (drill 1.524) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 31 /1AM2))
(pad 3 thru_hole circle (at 2.54 0 90) (size 3.81 3.81) (drill 1.524) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 32 /2AM2))
(pad 1 thru_hole rect (at -7.62 0 90) (size 3.81 3.81) (drill 1.524) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 33 /1BM2))
(pad 4 thru_hole circle (at 7.62 0 90) (size 3.81 3.81) (drill 1.524) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 34 /2BM2))
(model Connect.3dshapes/bornier4.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(module Resistors_SMD:R_0805_HandSoldering (layer F.Cu) (tedit 54189DEE) (tstamp 56817D20)
(at 137.16 106.68)
(descr "Resistor SMD 0805, hand soldering")
(tags "resistor 0805")
(path /5681612B)
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference R1 (at 0 -2.1) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value 100k (at 0 2.1) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_line (start -2.4 -1) (end 2.4 -1) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -2.4 1) (end 2.4 1) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -2.4 -1) (end -2.4 1) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 2.4 -1) (end 2.4 1) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 0.6 0.875) (end -0.6 0.875) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -0.6 -0.875) (end 0.6 -0.875) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(pad 1 smd rect (at -1.35 0) (size 1.5 1.3) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask)
(net 6 "Net-(JP3-Pad2)"))
(pad 2 smd rect (at 1.35 0) (size 1.5 1.3) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask)
(net 11 GND))
(model Resistors_SMD.3dshapes/R_0805_HandSoldering.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(module Resistors_SMD:R_0805_HandSoldering (layer F.Cu) (tedit 54189DEE) (tstamp 56817D26)
(at 138.43 82.55)
(descr "Resistor SMD 0805, hand soldering")
(tags "resistor 0805")
(path /56814F5D)
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference R2 (at 0 -2.1) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value 100k (at 0 2.1) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_line (start -2.4 -1) (end 2.4 -1) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -2.4 1) (end 2.4 1) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -2.4 -1) (end -2.4 1) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 2.4 -1) (end 2.4 1) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 0.6 0.875) (end -0.6 0.875) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -0.6 -0.875) (end 0.6 -0.875) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(pad 1 smd rect (at -1.35 0) (size 1.5 1.3) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask)
(net 9 "Net-(JP6-Pad2)"))
(pad 2 smd rect (at 1.35 0) (size 1.5 1.3) (layers F.Cu F.Paste F.Mask)
(net 11 GND))
(model Resistors_SMD.3dshapes/R_0805_HandSoldering.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(module satnogs:SWDIP8_.6W (layer F.Cu) (tedit 56817D07) (tstamp 56817D3E)
(at 138.43 114.3 90)
(path /568160FF)
(fp_text reference U1 (at 0 1.27 90) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.524) (thickness 0.3048)))
(fp_text value POLOLU_A4988 (at 0 -1.27 270) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.524) (thickness 0.3048)))
(fp_line (start -10.16 -7.62) (end 10.16 -7.62) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.254))
(fp_line (start 10.16 -7.62) (end 10.16 7.62) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.254))
(fp_line (start 10.16 7.62) (end -10.16 7.62) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.254))
(fp_line (start -10.16 7.62) (end -10.16 -7.62) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.254))
(pad 1 thru_hole rect (at -8.89 6.35 90) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.8128) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 11 GND))
(pad 2 thru_hole circle (at -6.35 6.35 90) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.8128) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 3 +5V))
(pad 3 thru_hole circle (at -3.81 6.35 90) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.8128) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 33 /1BM2))
(pad 4 thru_hole circle (at -1.27 6.35 90) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.8128) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 31 /1AM2))
(pad 5 thru_hole circle (at 1.27 6.35 90) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.8128) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 32 /2AM2))
(pad 6 thru_hole circle (at 3.81 6.35 90) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.8128) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 34 /2BM2))
(pad 7 thru_hole rect (at 6.35 6.35 90) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.8128) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 1 GNDPWR))
(pad 8 thru_hole circle (at 8.89 6.35 90) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.8128) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 2 /VMOT))
(pad 9 thru_hole circle (at 8.89 -6.35 90) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.8128) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 18 /EN))
(pad 10 thru_hole circle (at 6.35 -6.35 90) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.8128) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 6 "Net-(JP3-Pad2)"))
(pad 11 thru_hole circle (at 3.81 -6.35 90) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.8128) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 5 "Net-(JP2-Pad2)"))
(pad 12 thru_hole circle (at 1.27 -6.35 90) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.8128) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 4 "Net-(JP1-Pad2)"))
(pad 13 thru_hole circle (at -1.27 -6.35 90) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.8128) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 35 "Net-(U1-Pad13)"))
(pad 14 thru_hole circle (at -3.81 -6.35 90) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.8128) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 35 "Net-(U1-Pad13)"))
(pad 15 thru_hole circle (at -6.35 -6.35 90) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.8128) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 21 /STEPM2))
(pad 16 thru_hole circle (at -8.89 -6.35 90) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.8128) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 22 /DIRM2))
(module satnogs:SWDIP8_.6W (layer F.Cu) (tedit 4E885F3C) (tstamp 56817D56)
(at 138.43 90.17 90)
(path /568135F1)
(fp_text reference U2 (at 0 1.27 90) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.524) (thickness 0.3048)))
(fp_text value POLOLU_A4988 (at 0 -1.27 90) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.524) (thickness 0.3048)))
(fp_line (start -10.16 -7.62) (end 10.16 -7.62) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.254))
(fp_line (start 10.16 -7.62) (end 10.16 7.62) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.254))
(fp_line (start 10.16 7.62) (end -10.16 7.62) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.254))
(fp_line (start -10.16 7.62) (end -10.16 -7.62) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.254))
(pad 1 thru_hole rect (at -8.89 6.35 90) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.8128) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 11 GND))
(pad 2 thru_hole circle (at -6.35 6.35 90) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.8128) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 3 +5V))
(pad 3 thru_hole circle (at -3.81 6.35 90) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.8128) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 29 /1BM1))
(pad 4 thru_hole circle (at -1.27 6.35 90) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.8128) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 27 /1AM1))
(pad 5 thru_hole circle (at 1.27 6.35 90) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.8128) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 28 /2AM1))
(pad 6 thru_hole circle (at 3.81 6.35 90) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.8128) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 30 /2BM1))
(pad 7 thru_hole rect (at 6.35 6.35 90) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.8128) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 1 GNDPWR))
(pad 8 thru_hole circle (at 8.89 6.35 90) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.8128) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 2 /VMOT))
(pad 9 thru_hole circle (at 8.89 -6.35 90) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.8128) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 18 /EN))
(pad 10 thru_hole circle (at 6.35 -6.35 90) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.8128) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 9 "Net-(JP6-Pad2)"))
(pad 11 thru_hole circle (at 3.81 -6.35 90) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.8128) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 8 "Net-(JP5-Pad2)"))
(pad 12 thru_hole circle (at 1.27 -6.35 90) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.8128) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 7 "Net-(JP4-Pad2)"))
(pad 13 thru_hole circle (at -1.27 -6.35 90) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.8128) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 36 "Net-(U2-Pad13)"))
(pad 14 thru_hole circle (at -3.81 -6.35 90) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.8128) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 36 "Net-(U2-Pad13)"))
(pad 15 thru_hole circle (at -6.35 -6.35 90) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.8128) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 12 /STEPM1))
(pad 16 thru_hole circle (at -8.89 -6.35 90) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.8128) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 13 /DIRM1))
(segment (start 121.92 113.03) (end 122.0724 113.03) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 22))
(segment (start 122.0724 113.03) (end 122.0724 113.1824) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 22))
(segment (start 131.318001 122.428001) (end 132.08 123.19) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 22))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
EESchema-LIBRARY Version 2.3
#encoding utf-8
# +5V
DEF +5V #PWR 0 0 Y Y 1 F P
F0 "#PWR" 0 -150 50 H I C CNN
F1 "+5V" 0 140 50 H V C CNN
F2 "" 0 0 60 H V C CNN
F3 "" 0 0 60 H V C CNN
P 2 0 1 0 -30 50 0 100 N
P 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 100 N
P 2 0 1 0 0 100 30 50 N
X +5V 1 0 0 0 U 50 50 1 1 W N
# CONN_01X02
DEF CONN_01X02 P 0 40 Y N 1 F N
F0 "P" 0 150 50 H V C CNN
F1 "CONN_01X02" 100 0 50 V V C CNN
F2 "" 0 0 60 H V C CNN
F3 "" 0 0 60 H V C CNN
S -50 -45 10 -55 0 1 0 N
S -50 55 10 45 0 1 0 N
S -50 100 50 -100 0 1 0 N
X P1 1 -200 50 150 R 50 50 1 1 P
X P2 2 -200 -50 150 R 50 50 1 1 P
# CONN_01X04
DEF CONN_01X04 P 0 40 Y N 1 F N
F0 "P" 0 250 50 H V C CNN
F1 "CONN_01X04" 100 0 50 V V C CNN
F2 "" 0 0 60 H V C CNN
F3 "" 0 0 60 H V C CNN
S -50 -145 10 -155 0 1 0 N
S -50 -45 10 -55 0 1 0 N
S -50 55 10 45 0 1 0 N
S -50 155 10 145 0 1 0 N
S -50 200 50 -200 0 1 0 N
X P1 1 -200 150 150 R 50 50 1 1 P
X P2 2 -200 50 150 R 50 50 1 1 P
X P3 3 -200 -50 150 R 50 50 1 1 P
X P4 4 -200 -150 150 R 50 50 1 1 P
# CONN_01X18
DEF CONN_01X18 P 0 40 Y N 1 F N
F0 "P" 0 950 50 H V C CNN
F1 "CONN_01X18" 100 0 50 V V C CNN
F2 "" 0 0 60 H V C CNN
F3 "" 0 0 60 H V C CNN
S -50 -845 10 -855 0 1 0 N
S -50 -745 10 -755 0 1 0 N
S -50 -645 10 -655 0 1 0 N
S -50 -545 10 -555 0 1 0 N
S -50 -445 10 -455 0 1 0 N
S -50 -345 10 -355 0 1 0 N
S -50 -245 10 -255 0 1 0 N
S -50 -145 10 -155 0 1 0 N
S -50 -45 10 -55 0 1 0 N
S -50 55 10 45 0 1 0 N
S -50 155 10 145 0 1 0 N
S -50 255 10 245 0 1 0 N
S -50 355 10 345 0 1 0 N
S -50 455 10 445 0 1 0 N
S -50 555 10 545 0 1 0 N
S -50 655 10 645 0 1 0 N
S -50 755 10 745 0 1 0 N
S -50 855 10 845 0 1 0 N
S -50 900 50 -900 0 1 0 N
X P1 1 -200 850 150 R 50 50 1 1 P
X P2 2 -200 750 150 R 50 50 1 1 P
X P3 3 -200 650 150 R 50 50 1 1 P
X P4 4 -200 550 150 R 50 50 1 1 P
X P5 5 -200 450 150 R 50 50 1 1 P
X P6 6 -200 350 150 R 50 50 1 1 P
X P7 7 -200 250 150 R 50 50 1 1 P
X P8 8 -200 150 150 R 50 50 1 1 P
X P9 9 -200 50 150 R 50 50 1 1 P
X P10 10 -200 -50 150 R 50 50 1 1 P
X P11 11 -200 -150 150 R 50 50 1 1 P
X P12 12 -200 -250 150 R 50 50 1 1 P
X P13 13 -200 -350 150 R 50 50 1 1 P
X P14 14 -200 -450 150 R 50 50 1 1 P
X P15 15 -200 -550 150 R 50 50 1 1 P
X P16 16 -200 -650 150 R 50 50 1 1 P
X P17 17 -200 -750 150 R 50 50 1 1 P
X P18 18 -200 -850 150 R 50 50 1 1 P
# CP_Small
DEF CP_Small C 0 10 N N 1 F N
F0 "C" 10 70 50 H V L CNN
F1 "CP_Small" 10 -80 50 H V L CNN
F2 "" 0 0 60 H V C CNN
F3 "" 0 0 60 H V C CNN
S -60 -12 60 -27 0 1 0 F
S -60 27 60 12 0 1 0 N
P 2 0 1 0 -50 60 -30 60 N
P 2 0 1 0 -40 50 -40 70 N
X ~ 1 0 100 73 D 40 40 1 1 P
X ~ 2 0 -100 73 U 40 40 1 1 P
DEF GND #PWR 0 0 Y Y 1 F P
F0 "#PWR" 0 -250 50 H I C CNN
F1 "GND" 0 -150 50 H V C CNN
F2 "" 0 0 60 H V C CNN
F3 "" 0 0 60 H V C CNN
P 6 0 1 0 0 0 0 -50 50 -50 0 -100 -50 -50 0 -50 N
X GND 1 0 0 0 D 50 50 1 1 W N
# Jumper_NO_Small
DEF ~Jumper_NO_Small JP 0 30 N N 1 F N
F0 "JP" 0 80 50 H V C CNN
F1 "Jumper_NO_Small" 10 -60 50 H I C CNN
F2 "" 0 0 60 H V C CNN
F3 "" 0 0 60 H V C CNN
C -40 0 20 0 1 0 N
C 40 0 20 0 1 0 N
X 1 1 -100 0 40 R 60 60 0 1 P
X 2 2 100 0 40 L 60 60 0 1 P
# POLOLU_A4988
DEF POLOLU_A4988 U 0 40 Y Y 1 F N
F0 "U" 0 450 60 H V C CNN
F1 "POLOLU_A4988" 0 0 50 V V C CNN
F2 "" 0 0 60 H V C CNN
F3 "" 0 0 60 H V C CNN
S -300 400 300 -400 0 1 0 N
X GND 1 -600 350 300 R 60 60 1 1 P
X VDD 2 -600 250 300 R 60 60 1 1 P
X IB 3 -600 150 300 R 60 60 1 1 P
X 1A 4 -600 50 300 R 60 60 1 1 P
X 2A 5 -600 -50 300 R 60 60 1 1 P
X 2B 6 -600 -150 300 R 60 60 1 1 P
X GND 7 -600 -250 300 R 60 60 1 1 P
X VMOT 8 -600 -350 300 R 60 60 1 1 P
X EN 9 600 -350 300 L 60 60 1 1 P I
X MS1 10 600 -250 300 L 60 60 1 1 P
X MS2 11 600 -150 300 L 60 60 1 1 P
X MS3 12 600 -50 300 L 60 60 1 1 P
X RST 13 600 50 300 L 60 60 1 1 P I
X SLP 14 600 150 300 L 60 60 1 1 P I
X STEP 15 600 250 300 L 60 60 1 1 P
X DIR 16 600 350 300 L 60 60 1 1 P
F0 "#FLG" 0 95 50 H I C CNN
F1 "PWR_FLAG" 0 180 50 H V C CNN
F2 "" 0 0 60 H V C CNN
F3 "" 0 0 60 H V C CNN
X pwr 1 0 0 0 U 20 20 0 0 w
P 6 0 1 0 0 0 0 50 -75 100 0 150 75 100 0 50 N
# R
DEF R R 0 0 N Y 1 F N
F0 "R" 80 0 50 V V C CNN
F1 "R" 0 0 50 V V C CNN
F2 "" -70 0 30 V V C CNN
F3 "" 0 0 30 H V C CNN
S -40 -100 40 100 0 1 10 N
X ~ 1 0 150 50 D 60 60 1 1 P
X ~ 2 0 -150 50 U 60 60 1 1 P
#End Library

View File

@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
Cmp-Mod V01 Created by Cvpcb (after 2015-mar-04 BZR unknown)-product date = Tue 29 Dec 2015 05:38:50 PM EET
TimeStamp = /56816138;
Reference = C1;
ValeurCmp = 100u;
IdModule = Capacitors_ThroughHole:C_Radial_D6.3_L11.2_P2.5;
TimeStamp = /568151CC;
Reference = C2;
ValeurCmp = 100u;
IdModule = Capacitors_ThroughHole:C_Radial_D6.3_L11.2_P2.5;
TimeStamp = /5681614E;
Reference = JP1;
ValeurCmp = Jumper_NO_Small;
IdModule = Pin_Headers:Pin_Header_Straight_1x02;
TimeStamp = /56816147;
Reference = JP2;
ValeurCmp = Jumper_NO_Small;
IdModule = Pin_Headers:Pin_Header_Straight_1x02;
TimeStamp = /56816155;
Reference = JP3;
ValeurCmp = Jumper_NO_Small;
IdModule = Pin_Headers:Pin_Header_Straight_1x02;
TimeStamp = /5682CC78;
Reference = JP4;
ValeurCmp = Jumper_NO_Small;
IdModule = Pin_Headers:Pin_Header_Straight_1x02;
TimeStamp = /5682CC72;
Reference = JP5;
ValeurCmp = Jumper_NO_Small;
IdModule = Pin_Headers:Pin_Header_Straight_1x02;
TimeStamp = /5682CC7E;
Reference = JP6;
ValeurCmp = Jumper_NO_Small;
IdModule = Pin_Headers:Pin_Header_Straight_1x02;
TimeStamp = /5681386B;
Reference = P1;
ValeurCmp = CONN_01X18;
IdModule = Pin_Headers:Pin_Header_Straight_1x18;
TimeStamp = /56813BD5;
Reference = P2;
ValeurCmp = CONN_01X02;
IdModule = Connect:bornier2;
TimeStamp = /56813E91;
Reference = P3;
ValeurCmp = MOTOR 1;
IdModule = Connect:bornier4;
TimeStamp = /56813D7C;
Reference = P4;
ValeurCmp = MOTOR 2;
IdModule = Connect:bornier4;
TimeStamp = /5681612B;
Reference = R1;
ValeurCmp = 100k;
IdModule = Resistors_SMD:R_0805_HandSoldering;
TimeStamp = /56814F5D;
Reference = R2;
ValeurCmp = 100k;
IdModule = Resistors_SMD:R_0805_HandSoldering;
TimeStamp = /568160FF;
Reference = U1;
ValeurCmp = POLOLU_A4988;
IdModule = satnogs:SWDIP8_.6W;
TimeStamp = /568135F1;
Reference = U2;
ValeurCmp = POLOLU_A4988;
IdModule = satnogs:SWDIP8_.6W;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,955 @@
(kicad_pcb (version 4) (host pcbnew "(after 2015-mar-04 BZR unknown)-product")
(links 45)
(no_connects 11)
(area 125.019999 76.759999 161.365001 130.250001)
(thickness 1.6)
(drawings 4)
(tracks 147)
(zones 0)
(modules 16)
(nets 36)
(page A4)
(0 F.Cu signal)
(31 B.Cu signal)
(32 B.Adhes user)
(33 F.Adhes user)
(34 B.Paste user)
(35 F.Paste user)
(36 B.SilkS user)
(37 F.SilkS user)
(38 B.Mask user)
(39 F.Mask user)
(40 Dwgs.User user)
(41 Cmts.User user)
(42 Eco1.User user)
(43 Eco2.User user)
(44 Edge.Cuts user)
(45 Margin user)
(46 B.CrtYd user)
(47 F.CrtYd user)
(48 B.Fab user)
(49 F.Fab user)
(last_trace_width 0.6)
(user_trace_width 0.6)
(user_trace_width 1)
(trace_clearance 0.2)
(zone_clearance 0.508)
(zone_45_only no)
(trace_min 0.2)
(segment_width 0.2)
(edge_width 0.15)
(via_size 0.6)
(via_drill 0.4)
(via_min_size 0.4)
(via_min_drill 0.3)
(uvia_size 0.3)
(uvia_drill 0.1)
(uvias_allowed no)
(uvia_min_size 0.2)
(uvia_min_drill 0.1)
(pcb_text_width 0.3)
(pcb_text_size 1.5 1.5)
(mod_edge_width 0.15)
(mod_text_size 1 1)
(mod_text_width 0.15)
(pad_size 1.524 1.524)
(pad_drill 0.762)
(pad_to_mask_clearance 0.2)
(aux_axis_origin 0 0)
(visible_elements FFFFFF7F)
(layerselection 0x00030_80000001)
(usegerberextensions false)
(excludeedgelayer true)
(linewidth 0.150000)
(plotframeref false)
(viasonmask false)
(mode 1)
(useauxorigin false)
(hpglpennumber 1)
(hpglpenspeed 20)
(hpglpendiameter 15)
(hpglpenoverlay 2)
(psnegative false)
(psa4output false)
(plotreference true)
(plotvalue true)
(plotinvisibletext false)
(padsonsilk false)
(subtractmaskfromsilk false)
(outputformat 1)
(mirror false)
(drillshape 1)
(scaleselection 1)
(outputdirectory ""))
(net 0 "")
(net 1 /VMOT)
(net 2 +5V)
(net 3 "Net-(P1-Pad1)")
(net 4 GND)
(net 5 /STEPM1)
(net 6 /DIRM1)
(net 7 "Net-(P1-Pad6)")
(net 8 "Net-(P1-Pad7)")
(net 9 "Net-(P1-Pad8)")
(net 10 "Net-(P1-Pad9)")
(net 11 /EN)
(net 12 "Net-(P1-Pad11)")
(net 13 "Net-(P1-Pad12)")
(net 14 /STEPM2)
(net 15 /DIRM2)
(net 16 "Net-(P1-Pad15)")
(net 17 "Net-(P1-Pad16)")
(net 18 "Net-(P1-Pad17)")
(net 19 "Net-(P1-Pad18)")
(net 20 /1AM1)
(net 21 /2AM1)
(net 22 /1BM1)
(net 23 /2BM1)
(net 24 /1AM2)
(net 25 /2AM2)
(net 26 /1BM2)
(net 27 /2BM2)
(net 28 "Net-(U1-Pad13)")
(net 29 "Net-(U2-Pad13)")
(net 30 /MS1M2)
(net 31 /MS2M2)
(net 32 /MS3M2)
(net 33 /MS1M1)
(net 34 /MS2M1)
(net 35 /MS3M1)
(net_class Default "This is the default net class."
(clearance 0.2)
(trace_width 0.25)
(via_dia 0.6)
(via_drill 0.4)
(uvia_dia 0.3)
(uvia_drill 0.1)
(add_net +5V)
(add_net /1AM1)
(add_net /1AM2)
(add_net /1BM1)
(add_net /1BM2)
(add_net /2AM1)
(add_net /2AM2)
(add_net /2BM1)
(add_net /2BM2)
(add_net /DIRM1)
(add_net /DIRM2)
(add_net /EN)
(add_net /MS1M1)
(add_net /MS1M2)
(add_net /MS2M1)
(add_net /MS2M2)
(add_net /MS3M1)
(add_net /MS3M2)
(add_net /STEPM1)
(add_net /STEPM2)
(add_net /VMOT)
(add_net GND)
(add_net "Net-(P1-Pad1)")
(add_net "Net-(P1-Pad11)")
(add_net "Net-(P1-Pad12)")
(add_net "Net-(P1-Pad15)")
(add_net "Net-(P1-Pad16)")
(add_net "Net-(P1-Pad17)")
(add_net "Net-(P1-Pad18)")
(add_net "Net-(P1-Pad6)")
(add_net "Net-(P1-Pad7)")
(add_net "Net-(P1-Pad8)")
(add_net "Net-(P1-Pad9)")
(add_net "Net-(U1-Pad13)")
(add_net "Net-(U2-Pad13)")
(module satnogs:SWDIP8_.6W (layer F.Cu) (tedit 56828EFB) (tstamp 56817D56)
(at 141.605 95.25 180)
(path /568135F1)
(fp_text reference U2 (at 0 1.27 180) (layer F.SilkS) hide
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.524) (thickness 0.3048)))
(fp_text value POLOLU_A4988 (at 0 -1.27 180) (layer F.SilkS) hide
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.524) (thickness 0.3048)))
(fp_line (start -10.16 -7.62) (end 10.16 -7.62) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.254))
(fp_line (start 10.16 -7.62) (end 10.16 7.62) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.254))
(fp_line (start 10.16 7.62) (end -10.16 7.62) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.254))
(fp_line (start -10.16 7.62) (end -10.16 -7.62) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.254))
(pad 1 thru_hole rect (at -8.89 6.35 180) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.8128) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 4 GND))
(pad 2 thru_hole circle (at -6.35 6.35 180) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.8128) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 2 +5V))
(pad 3 thru_hole circle (at -3.81 6.35 180) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.8128) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 22 /1BM1))
(pad 4 thru_hole circle (at -1.27 6.35 180) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.8128) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 20 /1AM1))
(pad 5 thru_hole circle (at 1.27 6.35 180) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.8128) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 21 /2AM1))
(pad 6 thru_hole circle (at 3.81 6.35 180) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.8128) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 23 /2BM1))
(pad 7 thru_hole rect (at 6.35 6.35 180) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.8128) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 4 GND))
(pad 8 thru_hole circle (at 8.89 6.35 180) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.8128) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 1 /VMOT))
(pad 9 thru_hole circle (at 8.89 -6.35 180) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.8128) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 11 /EN))
(pad 10 thru_hole circle (at 6.35 -6.35 180) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.8128) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 33 /MS1M1))
(pad 11 thru_hole circle (at 3.81 -6.35 180) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.8128) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 34 /MS2M1))
(pad 12 thru_hole circle (at 1.27 -6.35 180) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.8128) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 35 /MS3M1))
(pad 13 thru_hole circle (at -1.27 -6.35 180) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.8128) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 29 "Net-(U2-Pad13)"))
(pad 14 thru_hole circle (at -3.81 -6.35 180) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.8128) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 29 "Net-(U2-Pad13)"))
(pad 15 thru_hole circle (at -6.35 -6.35 180) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.8128) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 5 /STEPM1))
(pad 16 thru_hole circle (at -8.89 -6.35 180) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.8128) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 6 /DIRM1))
(module Capacitors_ThroughHole:C_Radial_D6.3_L11.2_P2.5 (layer F.Cu) (tedit 56829B8D) (tstamp 56817CCA)
(at 156.21 115.57 90)
(descr "Radial Electrolytic Capacitor, Diameter 6.3mm x Length 11.2mm, Pitch 2.5mm")
(tags "Electrolytic Capacitor")
(path /568151CC)
(fp_text reference C2 (at -3.175 0 180) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value 100u (at 1.25 4.4 90) (layer F.Fab) hide
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_line (start 1.325 -3.149) (end 1.325 3.149) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 1.465 -3.143) (end 1.465 3.143) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 1.605 -3.13) (end 1.605 -0.446) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 1.605 0.446) (end 1.605 3.13) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 1.745 -3.111) (end 1.745 -0.656) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 1.745 0.656) (end 1.745 3.111) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 1.885 -3.085) (end 1.885 -0.789) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 1.885 0.789) (end 1.885 3.085) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 2.025 -3.053) (end 2.025 -0.88) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 2.025 0.88) (end 2.025 3.053) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 2.165 -3.014) (end 2.165 -0.942) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 2.165 0.942) (end 2.165 3.014) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 2.305 -2.968) (end 2.305 -0.981) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 2.305 0.981) (end 2.305 2.968) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 2.445 -2.915) (end 2.445 -0.998) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 2.445 0.998) (end 2.445 2.915) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 2.585 -2.853) (end 2.585 -0.996) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 2.585 0.996) (end 2.585 2.853) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 2.725 -2.783) (end 2.725 -0.974) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 2.725 0.974) (end 2.725 2.783) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 2.865 -2.704) (end 2.865 -0.931) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 2.865 0.931) (end 2.865 2.704) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 3.005 -2.616) (end 3.005 -0.863) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 3.005 0.863) (end 3.005 2.616) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 3.145 -2.516) (end 3.145 -0.764) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 3.145 0.764) (end 3.145 2.516) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 3.285 -2.404) (end 3.285 -0.619) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 3.285 0.619) (end 3.285 2.404) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 3.425 -2.279) (end 3.425 -0.38) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 3.425 0.38) (end 3.425 2.279) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 3.565 -2.136) (end 3.565 2.136) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 3.705 -1.974) (end 3.705 1.974) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 3.845 -1.786) (end 3.845 1.786) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 3.985 -1.563) (end 3.985 1.563) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 4.125 -1.287) (end 4.125 1.287) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 4.265 -0.912) (end 4.265 0.912) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_circle (center 2.5 0) (end 2.5 -1) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_circle (center 1.25 0) (end 1.25 -3.1875) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_circle (center 1.25 0) (end 1.25 -3.4) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(pad 2 thru_hole circle (at 2.5 0 90) (size 1.3 1.3) (drill 0.8) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 4 GND))
(pad 1 thru_hole rect (at 0 0 90) (size 1.3 1.3) (drill 0.8) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 1 /VMOT))
(model Capacitors_ThroughHole.3dshapes/C_Radial_D6.3_L11.2_P2.5.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(module satnogs:SWDIP8_.6W (layer F.Cu) (tedit 56828EF6) (tstamp 56817D3E)
(at 141.605 111.76)
(path /568160FF)
(fp_text reference U1 (at 0 1.27) (layer F.SilkS) hide
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.524) (thickness 0.3048)))
(fp_text value POLOLU_A4988 (at 0 -1.27) (layer F.SilkS) hide
(effects (font (size 1.27 1.524) (thickness 0.3048)))
(fp_line (start -10.16 -7.62) (end 10.16 -7.62) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.254))
(fp_line (start 10.16 -7.62) (end 10.16 7.62) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.254))
(fp_line (start 10.16 7.62) (end -10.16 7.62) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.254))
(fp_line (start -10.16 7.62) (end -10.16 -7.62) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.254))
(pad 1 thru_hole rect (at -8.89 6.35) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.8128) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 4 GND))
(pad 2 thru_hole circle (at -6.35 6.35) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.8128) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 2 +5V))
(pad 3 thru_hole circle (at -3.81 6.35) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.8128) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 26 /1BM2))
(pad 4 thru_hole circle (at -1.27 6.35) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.8128) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 24 /1AM2))
(pad 5 thru_hole circle (at 1.27 6.35) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.8128) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 25 /2AM2))
(pad 6 thru_hole circle (at 3.81 6.35) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.8128) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 27 /2BM2))
(pad 7 thru_hole rect (at 6.35 6.35) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.8128) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 4 GND))
(pad 8 thru_hole circle (at 8.89 6.35) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.8128) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 1 /VMOT))
(pad 9 thru_hole circle (at 8.89 -6.35) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.8128) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 11 /EN))
(pad 10 thru_hole circle (at 6.35 -6.35) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.8128) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 30 /MS1M2))
(pad 11 thru_hole circle (at 3.81 -6.35) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.8128) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 31 /MS2M2))
(pad 12 thru_hole circle (at 1.27 -6.35) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.8128) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 32 /MS3M2))
(pad 13 thru_hole circle (at -1.27 -6.35) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.8128) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 28 "Net-(U1-Pad13)"))
(pad 14 thru_hole circle (at -3.81 -6.35) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.8128) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 28 "Net-(U1-Pad13)"))
(pad 15 thru_hole circle (at -6.35 -6.35) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.8128) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 14 /STEPM2))
(pad 16 thru_hole circle (at -8.89 -6.35) (size 1.524 1.524) (drill 0.8128) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 15 /DIRM2))
(module Connect:bornier4 (layer F.Cu) (tedit 56829C27) (tstamp 56817D12)
(at 141.605 83.185 180)
(descr "Bornier d'alimentation 4 pins")
(tags DEV)
(path /56813E91)
(fp_text reference P3 (at 0 -6.35 180) (layer F.SilkS) hide
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value "MOTOR 1" (at 0 5.08 180) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_line (start -10.16 -3.81) (end -10.16 3.81) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 10.16 3.81) (end 10.16 -3.81) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 10.16 2.54) (end -10.16 2.54) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -10.16 -3.81) (end 10.16 -3.81) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -10.16 3.81) (end 10.16 3.81) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(pad 2 thru_hole circle (at -2.54 0 180) (size 3.81 3.81) (drill 1.524) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 20 /1AM1))
(pad 3 thru_hole circle (at 2.54 0 180) (size 3.81 3.81) (drill 1.524) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 21 /2AM1))
(pad 1 thru_hole rect (at -7.62 0 180) (size 3.81 3.81) (drill 1.524) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 22 /1BM1))
(pad 4 thru_hole circle (at 7.62 0 180) (size 3.81 3.81) (drill 1.524) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 23 /2BM1))
(model Connect.3dshapes/bornier4.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(module Capacitors_ThroughHole:C_Radial_D6.3_L11.2_P2.5 (layer F.Cu) (tedit 56829B87) (tstamp 56817CC4)
(at 156.21 91.44 270)
(descr "Radial Electrolytic Capacitor, Diameter 6.3mm x Length 11.2mm, Pitch 2.5mm")
(tags "Electrolytic Capacitor")
(path /56816138)
(fp_text reference C1 (at -3.175 0 360) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value 100u (at 6.35 3.81 270) (layer F.Fab) hide
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_line (start 1.325 -3.149) (end 1.325 3.149) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 1.465 -3.143) (end 1.465 3.143) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 1.605 -3.13) (end 1.605 -0.446) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 1.605 0.446) (end 1.605 3.13) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 1.745 -3.111) (end 1.745 -0.656) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 1.745 0.656) (end 1.745 3.111) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 1.885 -3.085) (end 1.885 -0.789) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 1.885 0.789) (end 1.885 3.085) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 2.025 -3.053) (end 2.025 -0.88) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 2.025 0.88) (end 2.025 3.053) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 2.165 -3.014) (end 2.165 -0.942) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 2.165 0.942) (end 2.165 3.014) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 2.305 -2.968) (end 2.305 -0.981) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 2.305 0.981) (end 2.305 2.968) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 2.445 -2.915) (end 2.445 -0.998) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 2.445 0.998) (end 2.445 2.915) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 2.585 -2.853) (end 2.585 -0.996) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 2.585 0.996) (end 2.585 2.853) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 2.725 -2.783) (end 2.725 -0.974) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 2.725 0.974) (end 2.725 2.783) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 2.865 -2.704) (end 2.865 -0.931) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 2.865 0.931) (end 2.865 2.704) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 3.005 -2.616) (end 3.005 -0.863) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 3.005 0.863) (end 3.005 2.616) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 3.145 -2.516) (end 3.145 -0.764) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 3.145 0.764) (end 3.145 2.516) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 3.285 -2.404) (end 3.285 -0.619) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 3.285 0.619) (end 3.285 2.404) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 3.425 -2.279) (end 3.425 -0.38) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 3.425 0.38) (end 3.425 2.279) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 3.565 -2.136) (end 3.565 2.136) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 3.705 -1.974) (end 3.705 1.974) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 3.845 -1.786) (end 3.845 1.786) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 3.985 -1.563) (end 3.985 1.563) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 4.125 -1.287) (end 4.125 1.287) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 4.265 -0.912) (end 4.265 0.912) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_circle (center 2.5 0) (end 2.5 -1) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_circle (center 1.25 0) (end 1.25 -3.1875) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_circle (center 1.25 0) (end 1.25 -3.4) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(pad 2 thru_hole circle (at 2.5 0 270) (size 1.3 1.3) (drill 0.8) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 4 GND))
(pad 1 thru_hole rect (at 0 0 270) (size 1.3 1.3) (drill 0.8) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 1 /VMOT))
(model Capacitors_ThroughHole.3dshapes/C_Radial_D6.3_L11.2_P2.5.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(module Pin_Headers:Pin_Header_Straight_1x02 (layer F.Cu) (tedit 56828E89) (tstamp 56817CD0)
(at 146.812 111.506 180)
(descr "Through hole pin header")
(tags "pin header")
(path /5681614E)
(fp_text reference JP1 (at 0 -2.54 180) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value Jumper_NO_Small (at 0 -3.1 180) (layer F.Fab) hide
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_line (start 1.27 1.27) (end 1.27 3.81) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 1.55 -1.55) (end 1.55 0) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -1.75 -1.75) (end -1.75 4.3) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.75 -1.75) (end 1.75 4.3) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.75 -1.75) (end 1.75 -1.75) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.75 4.3) (end 1.75 4.3) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.27 1.27) (end -1.27 1.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -1.55 0) (end -1.55 -1.55) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -1.55 -1.55) (end 1.55 -1.55) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -1.27 1.27) (end -1.27 3.81) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -1.27 3.81) (end 1.27 3.81) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(pad 1 thru_hole rect (at 0 0 180) (size 2.032 2.032) (drill 1.016) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 2 +5V))
(pad 2 thru_hole oval (at 0 2.54 180) (size 2.032 2.032) (drill 1.016) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 30 /MS1M2))
(model Pin_Headers.3dshapes/Pin_Header_Straight_1x02.wrl
(at (xyz 0 -0.05 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 90))
(module Pin_Headers:Pin_Header_Straight_1x02 (layer F.Cu) (tedit 56828E82) (tstamp 56817CD6)
(at 143.002 111.506 180)
(descr "Through hole pin header")
(tags "pin header")
(path /56816147)
(fp_text reference JP2 (at 0 -2.54 180) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value Jumper_NO_Small (at 0 -3.1 180) (layer F.Fab) hide
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_line (start 1.27 1.27) (end 1.27 3.81) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 1.55 -1.55) (end 1.55 0) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -1.75 -1.75) (end -1.75 4.3) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.75 -1.75) (end 1.75 4.3) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.75 -1.75) (end 1.75 -1.75) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.75 4.3) (end 1.75 4.3) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.27 1.27) (end -1.27 1.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -1.55 0) (end -1.55 -1.55) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -1.55 -1.55) (end 1.55 -1.55) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -1.27 1.27) (end -1.27 3.81) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -1.27 3.81) (end 1.27 3.81) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(pad 1 thru_hole rect (at 0 0 180) (size 2.032 2.032) (drill 1.016) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 2 +5V))
(pad 2 thru_hole oval (at 0 2.54 180) (size 2.032 2.032) (drill 1.016) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 31 /MS2M2))
(model Pin_Headers.3dshapes/Pin_Header_Straight_1x02.wrl
(at (xyz 0 -0.05 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 90))
(module Pin_Headers:Pin_Header_Straight_1x02 (layer F.Cu) (tedit 56828E86) (tstamp 56817CDC)
(at 139.192 111.506 180)
(descr "Through hole pin header")
(tags "pin header")
(path /56816155)
(fp_text reference JP3 (at 0 -2.54 180) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value Jumper_NO_Small (at 0 -3.1 180) (layer F.Fab) hide
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_line (start 1.27 1.27) (end 1.27 3.81) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 1.55 -1.55) (end 1.55 0) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -1.75 -1.75) (end -1.75 4.3) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.75 -1.75) (end 1.75 4.3) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.75 -1.75) (end 1.75 -1.75) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.75 4.3) (end 1.75 4.3) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.27 1.27) (end -1.27 1.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -1.55 0) (end -1.55 -1.55) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -1.55 -1.55) (end 1.55 -1.55) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -1.27 1.27) (end -1.27 3.81) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -1.27 3.81) (end 1.27 3.81) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(pad 1 thru_hole rect (at 0 0 180) (size 2.032 2.032) (drill 1.016) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 2 +5V))
(pad 2 thru_hole oval (at 0 2.54 180) (size 2.032 2.032) (drill 1.016) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 32 /MS3M2))
(model Pin_Headers.3dshapes/Pin_Header_Straight_1x02.wrl
(at (xyz 0 -0.05 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 90))
(module Pin_Headers:Pin_Header_Straight_1x18 (layer F.Cu) (tedit 56828ECB) (tstamp 56817D04)
(at 127.635 81.915)
(descr "Through hole pin header")
(tags "pin header")
(path /5681386B)
(fp_text reference P1 (at 0 -5.1) (layer F.SilkS) hide
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value CONN_01X18 (at 0 -3.1) (layer F.Fab) hide
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_line (start -1.75 -1.75) (end -1.75 44.95) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.75 -1.75) (end 1.75 44.95) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.75 -1.75) (end 1.75 -1.75) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.75 44.95) (end 1.75 44.95) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.27 1.27) (end 1.27 44.45) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 1.27 44.45) (end -1.27 44.45) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -1.27 44.45) (end -1.27 1.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 1.55 -1.55) (end 1.55 0) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 1.27 1.27) (end -1.27 1.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -1.55 0) (end -1.55 -1.55) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -1.55 -1.55) (end 1.55 -1.55) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(pad 1 thru_hole rect (at 0 0) (size 2.032 1.7272) (drill 1.016) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 3 "Net-(P1-Pad1)"))
(pad 2 thru_hole oval (at 0 2.54) (size 2.032 1.7272) (drill 1.016) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 4 GND))
(pad 3 thru_hole oval (at 0 5.08) (size 2.032 1.7272) (drill 1.016) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 2 +5V))
(pad 4 thru_hole oval (at 0 7.62) (size 2.032 1.7272) (drill 1.016) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 6 /DIRM1))
(pad 5 thru_hole oval (at 0 10.16) (size 2.032 1.7272) (drill 1.016) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 5 /STEPM1))
(pad 6 thru_hole oval (at 0 12.7) (size 2.032 1.7272) (drill 1.016) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 7 "Net-(P1-Pad6)"))
(pad 7 thru_hole oval (at 0 15.24) (size 2.032 1.7272) (drill 1.016) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 8 "Net-(P1-Pad7)"))
(pad 8 thru_hole oval (at 0 17.78) (size 2.032 1.7272) (drill 1.016) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 9 "Net-(P1-Pad8)"))
(pad 9 thru_hole oval (at 0 20.32) (size 2.032 1.7272) (drill 1.016) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 10 "Net-(P1-Pad9)"))
(pad 10 thru_hole oval (at 0 22.86) (size 2.032 1.7272) (drill 1.016) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 11 /EN))
(pad 11 thru_hole oval (at 0 25.4) (size 2.032 1.7272) (drill 1.016) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 12 "Net-(P1-Pad11)"))
(pad 12 thru_hole oval (at 0 27.94) (size 2.032 1.7272) (drill 1.016) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 13 "Net-(P1-Pad12)"))
(pad 13 thru_hole oval (at 0 30.48) (size 2.032 1.7272) (drill 1.016) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 15 /DIRM2))
(pad 14 thru_hole oval (at 0 33.02) (size 2.032 1.7272) (drill 1.016) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 14 /STEPM2))
(pad 15 thru_hole oval (at 0 35.56) (size 2.032 1.7272) (drill 1.016) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 16 "Net-(P1-Pad15)"))
(pad 16 thru_hole oval (at 0 38.1) (size 2.032 1.7272) (drill 1.016) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 17 "Net-(P1-Pad16)"))
(pad 17 thru_hole oval (at 0 40.64) (size 2.032 1.7272) (drill 1.016) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 18 "Net-(P1-Pad17)"))
(pad 18 thru_hole oval (at 0 43.18) (size 2.032 1.7272) (drill 1.016) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 19 "Net-(P1-Pad18)"))
(model Pin_Headers.3dshapes/Pin_Header_Straight_1x18.wrl
(at (xyz 0 -0.85 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 90))
(module Connect:bornier2 (layer F.Cu) (tedit 5682920E) (tstamp 56817D0A)
(at 156.845 103.505 90)
(descr "Bornier d'alimentation 2 pins")
(tags DEV)
(path /56813BD5)
(fp_text reference P2 (at 0 -5.08 90) (layer F.SilkS) hide
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value CONN_01X02 (at 0 5.08 90) (layer F.Fab) hide
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_line (start 5.08 2.54) (end -5.08 2.54) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 5.08 3.81) (end 5.08 -3.81) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 5.08 -3.81) (end -5.08 -3.81) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -5.08 -3.81) (end -5.08 3.81) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -5.08 3.81) (end 5.08 3.81) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(pad 1 thru_hole rect (at -2.54 0 90) (size 2.54 2.54) (drill 1.524) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 4 GND))
(pad 2 thru_hole circle (at 2.54 0 90) (size 2.54 2.54) (drill 1.524) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 1 /VMOT))
(model Connect.3dshapes/bornier2.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(module Connect:bornier4 (layer F.Cu) (tedit 56829C1B) (tstamp 56817D1A)
(at 141.605 123.825)
(descr "Bornier d'alimentation 4 pins")
(tags DEV)
(path /56813D7C)
(fp_text reference P4 (at 0.635 -8.255) (layer F.SilkS) hide
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value "MOTOR 2" (at 0 5.08) (layer F.Fab)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_line (start -10.16 -3.81) (end -10.16 3.81) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 10.16 3.81) (end 10.16 -3.81) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 10.16 2.54) (end -10.16 2.54) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -10.16 -3.81) (end 10.16 -3.81) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -10.16 3.81) (end 10.16 3.81) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(pad 2 thru_hole circle (at -2.54 0) (size 3.81 3.81) (drill 1.524) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 24 /1AM2))
(pad 3 thru_hole circle (at 2.54 0) (size 3.81 3.81) (drill 1.524) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 25 /2AM2))
(pad 1 thru_hole rect (at -7.62 0) (size 3.81 3.81) (drill 1.524) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 26 /1BM2))
(pad 4 thru_hole circle (at 7.62 0) (size 3.81 3.81) (drill 1.524) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 27 /2BM2))
(model Connect.3dshapes/bornier4.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(module Pin_Headers:Pin_Header_Straight_1x02 (layer F.Cu) (tedit 56829AAB) (tstamp 56829AAF)
(at 136.525 95.25)
(descr "Through hole pin header")
(tags "pin header")
(path /5682CC78)
(fp_text reference JP4 (at 0 -2.54) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value Jumper_NO_Small (at 0 -3.1) (layer F.Fab) hide
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_line (start 1.27 1.27) (end 1.27 3.81) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 1.55 -1.55) (end 1.55 0) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -1.75 -1.75) (end -1.75 4.3) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.75 -1.75) (end 1.75 4.3) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.75 -1.75) (end 1.75 -1.75) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.75 4.3) (end 1.75 4.3) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.27 1.27) (end -1.27 1.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -1.55 0) (end -1.55 -1.55) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -1.55 -1.55) (end 1.55 -1.55) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -1.27 1.27) (end -1.27 3.81) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -1.27 3.81) (end 1.27 3.81) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(pad 1 thru_hole rect (at 0 0) (size 2.032 2.032) (drill 1.016) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 2 +5V))
(pad 2 thru_hole oval (at 0 2.54) (size 2.032 2.032) (drill 1.016) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 33 /MS1M1))
(model Pin_Headers.3dshapes/Pin_Header_Straight_1x02.wrl
(at (xyz 0 -0.05 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 90))
(module Pin_Headers:Pin_Header_Straight_1x02 (layer F.Cu) (tedit 56829AAF) (tstamp 56829AB5)
(at 140.335 95.25)
(descr "Through hole pin header")
(tags "pin header")
(path /5682CC72)
(fp_text reference JP5 (at 0 -2.54) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value Jumper_NO_Small (at 0 -3.1) (layer F.Fab) hide
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_line (start 1.27 1.27) (end 1.27 3.81) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 1.55 -1.55) (end 1.55 0) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -1.75 -1.75) (end -1.75 4.3) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.75 -1.75) (end 1.75 4.3) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.75 -1.75) (end 1.75 -1.75) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.75 4.3) (end 1.75 4.3) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.27 1.27) (end -1.27 1.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -1.55 0) (end -1.55 -1.55) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -1.55 -1.55) (end 1.55 -1.55) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -1.27 1.27) (end -1.27 3.81) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -1.27 3.81) (end 1.27 3.81) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(pad 1 thru_hole rect (at 0 0) (size 2.032 2.032) (drill 1.016) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 2 +5V))
(pad 2 thru_hole oval (at 0 2.54) (size 2.032 2.032) (drill 1.016) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 34 /MS2M1))
(model Pin_Headers.3dshapes/Pin_Header_Straight_1x02.wrl
(at (xyz 0 -0.05 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 90))
(module Pin_Headers:Pin_Header_Straight_1x02 (layer F.Cu) (tedit 56829AA8) (tstamp 56829ABB)
(at 144.145 95.25)
(descr "Through hole pin header")
(tags "pin header")
(path /5682CC7E)
(fp_text reference JP6 (at 0 -2.54) (layer F.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value Jumper_NO_Small (at 0 -3.1) (layer F.Fab) hide
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_line (start 1.27 1.27) (end 1.27 3.81) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start 1.55 -1.55) (end 1.55 0) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -1.75 -1.75) (end -1.75 4.3) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.75 -1.75) (end 1.75 4.3) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.75 -1.75) (end 1.75 -1.75) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -1.75 4.3) (end 1.75 4.3) (layer F.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 1.27 1.27) (end -1.27 1.27) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -1.55 0) (end -1.55 -1.55) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -1.55 -1.55) (end 1.55 -1.55) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -1.27 1.27) (end -1.27 3.81) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -1.27 3.81) (end 1.27 3.81) (layer F.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(pad 1 thru_hole rect (at 0 0) (size 2.032 2.032) (drill 1.016) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 2 +5V))
(pad 2 thru_hole oval (at 0 2.54) (size 2.032 2.032) (drill 1.016) (layers *.Cu *.Mask F.SilkS)
(net 35 /MS3M1))
(model Pin_Headers.3dshapes/Pin_Header_Straight_1x02.wrl
(at (xyz 0 -0.05 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 90))
(module Resistors_SMD:R_0805_HandSoldering (layer B.Cu) (tedit 5682A9C1) (tstamp 56817D26)
(at 133.35 96.266 90)
(descr "Resistor SMD 0805, hand soldering")
(tags "resistor 0805")
(path /56814F5D)
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference R2 (at 3.175 0 180) (layer B.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)) (justify mirror))
(fp_text value 100k (at 0 -2.1 90) (layer B.Fab) hide
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)) (justify mirror))
(fp_line (start -2.4 1) (end 2.4 1) (layer B.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -2.4 -1) (end 2.4 -1) (layer B.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -2.4 1) (end -2.4 -1) (layer B.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 2.4 1) (end 2.4 -1) (layer B.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 0.6 -0.875) (end -0.6 -0.875) (layer B.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -0.6 0.875) (end 0.6 0.875) (layer B.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(pad 1 smd rect (at -1.35 0 90) (size 1.5 1.3) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask)
(net 33 /MS1M1))
(pad 2 smd rect (at 1.35 0 90) (size 1.5 1.3) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask)
(net 4 GND))
(model Resistors_SMD.3dshapes/R_0805_HandSoldering.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(module Resistors_SMD:R_0805_HandSoldering (layer B.Cu) (tedit 5682A9B9) (tstamp 56817D20)
(at 149.86 110.236 270)
(descr "Resistor SMD 0805, hand soldering")
(tags "resistor 0805")
(path /5681612B)
(attr smd)
(fp_text reference R1 (at 3.302 0 360) (layer B.SilkS)
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)) (justify mirror))
(fp_text value 100k (at 0 -2.1 270) (layer B.Fab) hide
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)) (justify mirror))
(fp_line (start -2.4 1) (end 2.4 1) (layer B.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -2.4 -1) (end 2.4 -1) (layer B.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start -2.4 1) (end -2.4 -1) (layer B.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 2.4 1) (end 2.4 -1) (layer B.CrtYd) (width 0.05))
(fp_line (start 0.6 -0.875) (end -0.6 -0.875) (layer B.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(fp_line (start -0.6 0.875) (end 0.6 0.875) (layer B.SilkS) (width 0.15))
(pad 1 smd rect (at -1.35 0 270) (size 1.5 1.3) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask)
(net 30 /MS1M2))
(pad 2 smd rect (at 1.35 0 270) (size 1.5 1.3) (layers B.Cu B.Paste B.Mask)
(net 4 GND))
(model Resistors_SMD.3dshapes/R_0805_HandSoldering.wrl
(at (xyz 0 0 0))
(scale (xyz 1 1 1))
(rotate (xyz 0 0 0))
(gr_line (start 125.095 76.835) (end 161.29 76.835) (layer Edge.Cuts) (width 0.15))
(gr_line (start 125.095 130.175) (end 125.095 76.835) (layer Edge.Cuts) (width 0.15))
(gr_line (start 161.29 130.175) (end 125.095 130.175) (layer Edge.Cuts) (width 0.15))
(gr_line (start 161.29 76.835) (end 161.29 130.175) (layer Edge.Cuts) (width 0.15))
(segment (start 131.445 88.9) (end 132.715 88.9) (width 1) (layer B.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 130.81 80.645) (end 130.81 88.265) (width 1) (layer B.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 130.81 88.265) (end 131.445 88.9) (width 1) (layer B.Cu) (net 1))
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(segment (start 160.02 113.665) (end 160.02 101.6) (width 1) (layer B.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 158.115 115.57) (end 160.02 113.665) (width 1) (layer B.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 156.21 115.57) (end 158.115 115.57) (width 1) (layer B.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 160.02 92.965) (end 160.02 101.6) (width 1) (layer B.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 158.495 91.44) (end 160.02 92.965) (width 1) (layer B.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 156.21 91.44) (end 158.495 91.44) (width 1) (layer B.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 154.56 91.44) (end 153.67 90.55) (width 1) (layer B.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 156.21 91.44) (end 154.56 91.44) (width 1) (layer B.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 153.67 90.55) (end 153.67 80.645) (width 1) (layer B.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 153.67 80.645) (end 153.035 80.01) (width 1) (layer B.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 153.035 80.01) (end 131.445 80.01) (width 1) (layer B.Cu) (net 1))
(segment (start 147.32 115.57) (end 146.812 115.062) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 2))
(segment (start 146.812 115.062) (end 146.812 111.506) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 2))
(segment (start 151.13 115.57) (end 147.32 115.57) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 2))
(segment (start 143.002 111.506) (end 146.812 111.506) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 2))
(segment (start 139.192 111.506) (end 143.002 111.506) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 2))
(segment (start 135.255 118.11) (end 135.255 113.919) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 2))
(segment (start 135.255 113.919) (end 137.668 111.506) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 2))
(segment (start 137.668 111.506) (end 139.192 111.506) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 2))
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(segment (start 151.13 115.57) (end 152.4 114.3) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 2))
(segment (start 148.336 90.424) (end 147.955 90.043) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 2))
(segment (start 152.4 114.3) (end 152.4 93.98) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 2))
(segment (start 152.4 93.98) (end 148.844 90.424) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 2))
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(segment (start 136.525 95.25) (end 140.335 95.25) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 2))
(segment (start 127.635 86.995) (end 127.7874 86.995) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 2))
(segment (start 147.574 90.424) (end 147.955 90.043) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 2))
(segment (start 127.7874 86.995) (end 131.2164 90.424) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 2))
(segment (start 131.2164 90.424) (end 147.574 90.424) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 2))
(segment (start 147.955 90.043) (end 147.955 88.9) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 2))
(segment (start 132.588 94.742) (end 130.556 94.742) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 4))
(segment (start 132.762 94.916) (end 132.588 94.742) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 4))
(segment (start 133.35 94.916) (end 132.762 94.916) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 4))
(segment (start 154.975 106.045) (end 154.813 106.045) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 4))
(segment (start 154.813 106.045) (end 153.924 105.156) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 4))
(segment (start 153.924 105.156) (end 153.924 93.98) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 4))
(segment (start 153.924 93.98) (end 153.884 93.94) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 4))
(segment (start 150.495 88.9) (end 150.495 90.551) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 4))
(segment (start 150.495 90.551) (end 153.884 93.94) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 4))
(segment (start 153.884 93.94) (end 156.21 93.94) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 4))
(segment (start 154.472 113.07) (end 153.924 112.522) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 4))
(segment (start 153.924 112.522) (end 153.924 106.68) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 4))
(segment (start 154.559 106.045) (end 154.975 106.045) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 4))
(segment (start 153.924 106.68) (end 154.559 106.045) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 4))
(segment (start 147.955 118.11) (end 147.955 116.748) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 4))
(segment (start 147.955 116.748) (end 148.33299 116.37001) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 4))
(segment (start 148.33299 116.37001) (end 153.12399 116.37001) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 4))
(segment (start 153.12399 116.37001) (end 153.924 115.57) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 4))
(segment (start 153.924 115.57) (end 153.924 113.618) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 4))
(segment (start 153.924 113.618) (end 154.472 113.07) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 4))
(segment (start 154.472 113.07) (end 156.21 113.07) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 4))
(segment (start 127.635 84.455) (end 126.019 84.455) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 4))
(segment (start 126.019 84.455) (end 125.73 84.166) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 4))
(segment (start 125.73 79.248) (end 126.238 78.74) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 4))
(segment (start 125.73 84.166) (end 125.73 79.248) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 4))
(segment (start 126.238 78.74) (end 154.305 78.74) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 4))
(segment (start 154.305 78.74) (end 155.575 80.01) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 4))
(segment (start 155.575 80.01) (end 155.575 85.09) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 4))
(segment (start 156.17 113.03) (end 156.21 113.07) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 4))
(segment (start 156.845 106.045) (end 154.975 106.045) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 4))
(segment (start 154.975 106.045) (end 154.94 106.045) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 4))
(segment (start 127.635 92.075) (end 127.762 92.202) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 5))
(segment (start 127.762 92.202) (end 129.032 92.202) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 5))
(segment (start 147.955 100.52237) (end 147.955 101.6) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 5))
(segment (start 129.032 92.202) (end 129.54 92.71) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 5))
(segment (start 129.54 92.71) (end 146.558 92.71) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 5))
(segment (start 146.558 92.71) (end 147.955 94.107) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 5))
(segment (start 147.955 94.107) (end 147.955 100.52237) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 5))
(segment (start 127.635 89.535) (end 128.397 89.535) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 6))
(segment (start 128.397 89.535) (end 130.302 91.44) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 6))
(segment (start 130.302 91.44) (end 147.828 91.44) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 6))
(segment (start 147.828 91.44) (end 150.495 94.107) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 6))
(segment (start 150.495 94.107) (end 150.495 101.6) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 6))
(segment (start 129.54 104.775) (end 127.635 104.775) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 11))
(segment (start 130.81 103.505) (end 129.54 104.775) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 11))
(segment (start 149.66763 103.505) (end 130.81 103.505) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 11))
(segment (start 150.495 104.33237) (end 149.66763 103.505) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 11))
(segment (start 150.495 105.41) (end 150.495 104.33237) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 11))
(segment (start 131.953001 102.361999) (end 130.81 103.505) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 11))
(segment (start 132.715 101.6) (end 131.953001 102.361999) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 11))
(segment (start 135.255 110.49) (end 135.255 105.41) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 14))
(segment (start 127.635 114.935) (end 132.715 114.935) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 14))
(segment (start 135.255 112.395) (end 135.255 110.49) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 14))
(segment (start 132.715 114.935) (end 135.255 112.395) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 14))
(segment (start 132.715 105.41) (end 132.715 108.585) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 15))
(segment (start 127.635 112.395) (end 131.445 112.395) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 15))
(segment (start 132.715 111.125) (end 132.715 108.585) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 15))
(segment (start 131.445 112.395) (end 132.715 111.125) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 15))
(segment (start 142.875 88.9) (end 142.875 86.995) (width 1) (layer B.Cu) (net 20))
(segment (start 142.875 86.995) (end 144.145 85.725) (width 1) (layer B.Cu) (net 20))
(segment (start 144.145 85.725) (end 144.145 83.82) (width 1) (layer B.Cu) (net 20))
(segment (start 140.335 88.9) (end 140.335 86.995) (width 1) (layer B.Cu) (net 21))
(segment (start 140.335 86.995) (end 139.065 85.725) (width 1) (layer B.Cu) (net 21))
(segment (start 139.065 85.725) (end 139.065 83.82) (width 1) (layer B.Cu) (net 21))
(segment (start 145.415 87.63) (end 145.415 88.9) (width 1) (layer B.Cu) (net 22))
(segment (start 145.415 87.63) (end 149.225 83.82) (width 1) (layer B.Cu) (net 22))
(segment (start 137.795 88.9) (end 137.795 87.63) (width 1) (layer B.Cu) (net 23))
(segment (start 137.795 87.63) (end 133.985 83.82) (width 1) (layer B.Cu) (net 23))
(segment (start 140.335 120.65) (end 140.335 118.11) (width 1) (layer B.Cu) (net 24))
(segment (start 139.065 121.92) (end 140.335 120.65) (width 1) (layer B.Cu) (net 24))
(segment (start 139.065 123.825) (end 139.065 121.92) (width 1) (layer B.Cu) (net 24))
(segment (start 142.875 120.65) (end 142.875 118.11) (width 1) (layer B.Cu) (net 25))
(segment (start 142.875 120.65) (end 144.145 121.92) (width 1) (layer B.Cu) (net 25))
(segment (start 144.145 121.92) (end 144.145 123.825) (width 1) (layer B.Cu) (net 25))
(segment (start 137.795 120.015) (end 137.795 118.11) (width 1) (layer B.Cu) (net 26))
(segment (start 133.985 123.825) (end 137.795 120.015) (width 1) (layer B.Cu) (net 26))
(segment (start 145.415 120.015) (end 145.415 118.11) (width 1) (layer B.Cu) (net 27))
(segment (start 145.415 120.015) (end 149.225 123.825) (width 1) (layer B.Cu) (net 27))
(segment (start 137.795 105.41) (end 140.335 105.41) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 28))
(segment (start 142.875 101.6) (end 145.415 101.6) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 29))
(segment (start 146.812 108.966) (end 149.78 108.966) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 30))
(segment (start 149.78 108.966) (end 149.86 108.886) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 30))
(segment (start 146.812 107.696) (end 146.812 108.966) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 30))
(segment (start 147.955 106.553) (end 146.812 107.696) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 30))
(segment (start 147.955 105.41) (end 147.955 106.553) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 30))
(segment (start 145.415 106.553) (end 143.002 108.966) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 31))
(segment (start 145.415 106.553) (end 145.288 106.68) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 31))
(segment (start 145.415 105.41) (end 145.415 106.553) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 31))
(segment (start 142.875 105.41) (end 142.875 106.045) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 32))
(segment (start 142.875 106.045) (end 141.732 107.188) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 32))
(segment (start 141.732 107.188) (end 140.716 107.188) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 32))
(segment (start 140.716 107.188) (end 139.192 108.712) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 32))
(segment (start 139.192 108.712) (end 139.192 108.966) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 32))
(segment (start 133.35 97.87) (end 136.445 97.87) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 33))
(segment (start 136.445 97.87) (end 136.525 97.79) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 33))
(segment (start 136.398 99.314) (end 136.43784 99.314) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 33))
(segment (start 136.43784 99.314) (end 136.525 99.22684) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 33))
(segment (start 136.525 99.22684) (end 136.525 97.79) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 33))
(segment (start 135.255 100.457) (end 136.398 99.314) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 33))
(segment (start 135.255 101.6) (end 135.255 100.457) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 33))
(segment (start 137.795 101.6) (end 137.795 100.33) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 34))
(segment (start 137.795 100.33) (end 140.335 97.79) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 34))
(segment (start 141.478 99.568) (end 142.367 99.568) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 35))
(segment (start 142.367 99.568) (end 144.145 97.79) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 35))
(segment (start 140.335 100.711) (end 141.478 99.568) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 35))
(segment (start 140.335 101.6) (end 140.335 100.711) (width 0.6) (layer B.Cu) (net 35))

View File

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(export (version D)
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(libpart (lib device) (part R)
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(pin (num 3) (name P3) (type passive))
(pin (num 4) (name P4) (type passive))
(pin (num 5) (name P5) (type passive))
(pin (num 6) (name P6) (type passive))
(pin (num 7) (name P7) (type passive))
(pin (num 8) (name P8) (type passive))
(pin (num 9) (name P9) (type passive))
(pin (num 10) (name P10) (type passive))
(pin (num 11) (name P11) (type passive))
(pin (num 12) (name P12) (type passive))
(pin (num 13) (name P13) (type passive))
(pin (num 14) (name P14) (type passive))
(pin (num 15) (name P15) (type passive))
(pin (num 16) (name P16) (type passive))
(pin (num 17) (name P17) (type passive))
(pin (num 18) (name P18) (type passive)))))
(library (logical satnogs)
(uri /home/papamat/Documents/git/satnogs-rotator-controller/PCB/library/satnogs.lib))
(library (logical device)
(uri /usr/share/kicad/library/device.lib))
(library (logical conn)
(uri /usr/share/kicad/library/conn.lib)))
(net (code 1) (name /1AM1)
(node (ref P3) (pin 2))
(node (ref U2) (pin 4)))
(net (code 2) (name /1BM2)
(node (ref U1) (pin 3))
(node (ref P4) (pin 1)))
(net (code 3) (name /1AM2)
(node (ref P4) (pin 2))
(node (ref U1) (pin 4)))
(net (code 4) (name /2AM2)
(node (ref U1) (pin 5))
(node (ref P4) (pin 3)))
(net (code 5) (name /2BM2)
(node (ref U1) (pin 6))
(node (ref P4) (pin 4)))
(net (code 6) (name /1BM1)
(node (ref U2) (pin 3))
(node (ref P3) (pin 1)))
(net (code 7) (name /2AM1)
(node (ref U2) (pin 5))
(node (ref P3) (pin 3)))
(net (code 8) (name /2BM1)
(node (ref U2) (pin 6))
(node (ref P3) (pin 4)))
(net (code 9) (name /EN)
(node (ref U1) (pin 9))
(node (ref P1) (pin 10))
(node (ref U2) (pin 9)))
(net (code 10) (name /DIRM1)
(node (ref P1) (pin 4))
(node (ref U2) (pin 16)))
(net (code 11) (name /STEPM1)
(node (ref P1) (pin 5))
(node (ref U2) (pin 15)))
(net (code 12) (name GND)
(node (ref C1) (pin 2))
(node (ref R2) (pin 2))
(node (ref R1) (pin 2))
(node (ref P1) (pin 2))
(node (ref U1) (pin 7))
(node (ref P2) (pin 1))
(node (ref U1) (pin 1))
(node (ref U2) (pin 7))
(node (ref C2) (pin 2))
(node (ref U2) (pin 1)))
(net (code 13) (name "Net-(U1-Pad13)")
(node (ref U1) (pin 14))
(node (ref U1) (pin 13)))
(net (code 14) (name /VMOT)
(node (ref C1) (pin 1))
(node (ref U1) (pin 8))
(node (ref C2) (pin 1))
(node (ref P2) (pin 2))
(node (ref U2) (pin 8)))
(net (code 15) (name /STEPM2)
(node (ref U1) (pin 15))
(node (ref P1) (pin 14)))
(net (code 16) (name /DIRM2)
(node (ref P1) (pin 13))
(node (ref U1) (pin 16)))
(net (code 17) (name /MS1M1)
(node (ref JP4) (pin 2))
(node (ref R2) (pin 1))
(node (ref U2) (pin 10)))
(net (code 18) (name /MS3M1)
(node (ref U2) (pin 12))
(node (ref JP6) (pin 2)))
(net (code 19) (name "Net-(P1-Pad18)")
(node (ref P1) (pin 18)))
(net (code 20) (name "Net-(P1-Pad17)")
(node (ref P1) (pin 17)))
(net (code 21) (name "Net-(P1-Pad16)")
(node (ref P1) (pin 16)))
(net (code 22) (name "Net-(P1-Pad15)")
(node (ref P1) (pin 15)))
(net (code 23) (name "Net-(P1-Pad12)")
(node (ref P1) (pin 12)))
(net (code 24) (name "Net-(P1-Pad11)")
(node (ref P1) (pin 11)))
(net (code 25) (name "Net-(P1-Pad9)")
(node (ref P1) (pin 9)))
(net (code 26) (name "Net-(P1-Pad8)")
(node (ref P1) (pin 8)))
(net (code 27) (name "Net-(P1-Pad7)")
(node (ref P1) (pin 7)))
(net (code 28) (name "Net-(P1-Pad6)")
(node (ref P1) (pin 6)))
(net (code 29) (name +5V)
(node (ref JP1) (pin 1))
(node (ref JP2) (pin 1))
(node (ref JP5) (pin 1))
(node (ref JP4) (pin 1))
(node (ref JP6) (pin 1))
(node (ref JP3) (pin 1))
(node (ref P1) (pin 3))
(node (ref U1) (pin 2))
(node (ref U2) (pin 2)))
(net (code 30) (name /MS3M2)
(node (ref JP3) (pin 2))
(node (ref U1) (pin 12)))
(net (code 31) (name /MS2M2)
(node (ref U1) (pin 11))
(node (ref JP2) (pin 2)))
(net (code 32) (name /MS1M2)
(node (ref U1) (pin 10))
(node (ref JP1) (pin 2))
(node (ref R1) (pin 1)))
(net (code 33) (name "Net-(P1-Pad1)")
(node (ref P1) (pin 1)))
(net (code 34) (name /MS2M1)
(node (ref U2) (pin 11))
(node (ref JP5) (pin 2)))
(net (code 35) (name "Net-(U2-Pad13)")
(node (ref U2) (pin 13))
(node (ref U2) (pin 14)))))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
update=Tue 29 Dec 2015 06:05:29 PM EET

View File

@ -0,0 +1,650 @@
EESchema Schematic File Version 2
$Descr A4 11693 8268
encoding utf-8
Sheet 1 1
Title ""
Date ""
Rev ""
Comp ""
Comment1 ""
Comment2 ""
Comment3 ""
Comment4 ""
U 1 1 568135F1
P 6050 4050
F 0 "U2" H 6050 4500 60 0000 C CNN
F 1 "POLOLU_A4988" V 6050 4050 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "satnogs:SWDIP8_.6W" H 6050 4050 60 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 6050 4050 60 0000 C CNN
1 6050 4050
1 0 0 -1
L CONN_01X18 P1
U 1 1 5681386B
P 4050 3050
F 0 "P1" H 4050 4000 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "CONN_01X18" V 4150 3050 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "Pin_Headers:Pin_Header_Straight_1x18" H 4050 3050 60 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 4050 3050 60 0000 C CNN
1 4050 3050
-1 0 0 1
L CONN_01X02 P2
U 1 1 56813BD5
P 4050 4475
F 0 "P2" H 4050 4625 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "CONN_01X02" V 4150 4475 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "Connect:bornier2" H 4050 4475 60 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 4050 4475 60 0000 C CNN
1 4050 4475
-1 0 0 1
L CONN_01X04 P4
U 1 1 56813D7C
P 8075 2775
F 0 "P4" H 8075 3025 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "MOTOR 2" V 8175 2775 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "Connect:bornier4" H 8075 2775 60 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 8075 2775 60 0000 C CNN
1 8075 2775
1 0 0 -1
L CONN_01X04 P3
U 1 1 56813E91
P 8050 3575
F 0 "P3" H 8050 3825 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "MOTOR 1" V 8150 3575 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "Connect:bornier4" H 8050 3575 60 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 8050 3575 60 0000 C CNN
1 8050 3575
1 0 0 -1
Text Label 4400 4425 0 60 ~ 0
U 1 1 56814739
P 4450 3800
F 0 "#PWR01" H 4450 3550 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" H 4450 3650 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 4450 3800 60 0000 C CNN
F 3 "" H 4450 3800 60 0000 C CNN
1 4450 3800
1 0 0 -1
NoConn ~ 4250 3900
L +5V #PWR02
U 1 1 56814767
P 4450 3700
F 0 "#PWR02" H 4450 3550 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "+5V" H 4450 3840 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 4450 3700 60 0000 C CNN
F 3 "" H 4450 3700 60 0000 C CNN
1 4450 3700
0 1 1 0
L +5V #PWR03
U 1 1 568147CE
P 5250 3800
F 0 "#PWR03" H 5250 3650 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "+5V" H 5250 3940 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 5250 3800 60 0000 C CNN
F 3 "" H 5250 3800 60 0000 C CNN
1 5250 3800
0 -1 -1 0
U 1 1 56814839
P 5000 3800
F 0 "#PWR04" H 5000 3550 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" H 5000 3650 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 5000 3800 60 0000 C CNN
F 3 "" H 5000 3800 60 0000 C CNN
1 5000 3800
1 0 0 -1
Text Label 5250 3900 0 60 ~ 0
Text Label 5250 4000 0 60 ~ 0
Text Label 5250 4100 0 60 ~ 0
Text Label 5250 4200 0 60 ~ 0
Text Label 6850 4400 2 60 ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
4250 4425 4400 4425
Wire Wire Line
5450 4300 5200 4300
Wire Wire Line
5200 4300 5200 4875
Wire Wire Line
4250 3800 4450 3800
Wire Wire Line
4250 3700 4450 3700
Wire Wire Line
5450 3800 5250 3800
Wire Wire Line
5450 3700 5000 3700
Wire Wire Line
5000 3700 5000 3800
Wire Wire Line
5450 3900 5250 3900
Wire Wire Line
5450 4000 5250 4000
Wire Wire Line
5450 4100 5250 4100
Wire Wire Line
5450 4200 5250 4200
Wire Wire Line
6650 3900 6725 3900
Wire Wire Line
6725 4000 6650 4000
Wire Wire Line
6725 3900 6725 4000
Wire Wire Line
6650 4400 6850 4400
Wire Wire Line
6650 4300 6950 4300
Wire Wire Line
6950 4300 6950 4400
L R R2
U 1 1 56814F5D
P 6950 4550
F 0 "R2" V 7030 4550 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "100k" V 6950 4550 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "Resistors_SMD:R_0805_HandSoldering" V 6880 4550 30 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 6950 4550 30 0000 C CNN
1 6950 4550
1 0 0 -1
U 1 1 56814FC2
P 6950 4775
F 0 "#PWR05" H 6950 4525 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" H 6950 4625 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 6950 4775 60 0000 C CNN
F 3 "" H 6950 4775 60 0000 C CNN
1 6950 4775
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
6950 4700 6950 4775
L CP_Small C2
U 1 1 568151CC
P 5450 4600
F 0 "C2" H 5460 4670 50 0000 L CNN
F 1 "100u" H 5460 4520 50 0000 L CNN
F 2 "Capacitors_ThroughHole:C_Radial_D6.3_L11.2_P2.5" H 5450 4600 60 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 5450 4600 60 0000 C CNN
1 5450 4600
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
5450 4400 5450 4500
Wire Wire Line
5450 4700 5450 4775
Wire Wire Line
5450 4775 5200 4775
Text Label 5450 4500 0 60 ~ 0
Connection ~ 5200 4775
Wire Wire Line
6650 3800 6900 3800
Wire Wire Line
6650 3700 6900 3700
Text Label 6900 3800 2 60 ~ 0
Text Label 6900 3700 2 60 ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
6650 4200 6900 4200
Wire Wire Line
6650 4100 6900 4100
U 1 1 568160FF
P 6050 2200
F 0 "U1" H 6050 2650 60 0000 C CNN
F 1 "POLOLU_A4988" V 6050 2200 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "satnogs:SWDIP8_.6W" H 6050 2200 60 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 6050 2200 60 0000 C CNN
1 6050 2200
1 0 0 -1
L +5V #PWR06
U 1 1 5681610B
P 5250 1950
F 0 "#PWR06" H 5250 1800 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "+5V" H 5250 2090 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 5250 1950 60 0000 C CNN
F 3 "" H 5250 1950 60 0000 C CNN
1 5250 1950
0 -1 -1 0
U 1 1 56816111
P 5000 1950
F 0 "#PWR07" H 5000 1700 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" H 5000 1800 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 5000 1950 60 0000 C CNN
F 3 "" H 5000 1950 60 0000 C CNN
1 5000 1950
1 0 0 -1
Text Label 5250 2050 0 60 ~ 0
Text Label 5250 2150 0 60 ~ 0
Text Label 5250 2250 0 60 ~ 0
Text Label 5250 2350 0 60 ~ 0
Text Label 6850 2550 2 60 ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
5450 2450 5200 2450
Wire Wire Line
5200 2450 5200 3025
Wire Wire Line
5450 1950 5250 1950
Wire Wire Line
5450 1850 5000 1850
Wire Wire Line
5000 1850 5000 1950
Wire Wire Line
5450 2050 5250 2050
Wire Wire Line
5450 2150 5250 2150
Wire Wire Line
5450 2250 5250 2250
Wire Wire Line
5450 2350 5250 2350
Wire Wire Line
6650 2050 6725 2050
Wire Wire Line
6725 2150 6650 2150
Wire Wire Line
6725 2050 6725 2150
Wire Wire Line
6650 2550 6850 2550
Wire Wire Line
6650 2450 6950 2450
Wire Wire Line
6950 2450 6950 2550
L R R1
U 1 1 5681612B
P 6950 2700
F 0 "R1" V 7030 2700 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "100k" V 6950 2700 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "Resistors_SMD:R_0805_HandSoldering" V 6880 2700 30 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 6950 2700 30 0000 C CNN
1 6950 2700
1 0 0 -1
U 1 1 56816131
P 6950 2925
F 0 "#PWR08" H 6950 2675 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" H 6950 2775 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 6950 2925 60 0000 C CNN
F 3 "" H 6950 2925 60 0000 C CNN
1 6950 2925
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
6950 2850 6950 2925
L CP_Small C1
U 1 1 56816138
P 5450 2750
F 0 "C1" H 5460 2820 50 0000 L CNN
F 1 "100u" H 5460 2670 50 0000 L CNN
F 2 "Capacitors_ThroughHole:C_Radial_D6.3_L11.2_P2.5" H 5450 2750 60 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 5450 2750 60 0000 C CNN
1 5450 2750
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
5450 2550 5450 2650
Wire Wire Line
5450 2850 5450 2925
Wire Wire Line
5450 2925 5200 2925
Text Label 5450 2650 0 60 ~ 0
Connection ~ 5200 2925
Wire Wire Line
6650 1950 6900 1950
Wire Wire Line
6650 1850 6900 1850
Text Label 6900 1950 2 60 ~ 0
Text Label 6900 1850 2 60 ~ 0
L Jumper_NO_Small JP2
U 1 1 56816147
P 6150 1300
F 0 "JP2" H 6050 1250 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "Jumper_NO_Small" H 6160 1240 50 0001 C CNN
F 2 "Pin_Headers:Pin_Header_Straight_1x02" H 6150 1300 60 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 6150 1300 60 0000 C CNN
1 6150 1300
-1 0 0 1
L Jumper_NO_Small JP1
U 1 1 5681614E
P 6150 1200
F 0 "JP1" H 6050 1150 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "Jumper_NO_Small" H 6160 1140 50 0001 C CNN
F 2 "Pin_Headers:Pin_Header_Straight_1x02" H 6150 1200 60 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 6150 1200 60 0000 C CNN
1 6150 1200
-1 0 0 1
L Jumper_NO_Small JP3
U 1 1 56816155
P 6150 1400
F 0 "JP3" H 6050 1350 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "Jumper_NO_Small" H 6160 1340 50 0001 C CNN
F 2 "Pin_Headers:Pin_Header_Straight_1x02" H 6150 1400 60 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 6150 1400 60 0000 C CNN
1 6150 1400
-1 0 0 1
Wire Wire Line
6425 1400 6250 1400
Wire Wire Line
6425 1125 6425 1400
Wire Wire Line
6425 1300 6250 1300
Wire Wire Line
6425 1200 6250 1200
Connection ~ 6425 1300
Connection ~ 6425 1200
L +5V #PWR09
U 1 1 56816162
P 6425 1125
F 0 "#PWR09" H 6425 975 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "+5V" H 6425 1265 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 6425 1125 60 0000 C CNN
F 3 "" H 6425 1125 60 0000 C CNN
1 6425 1125
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
7875 2625 7675 2625
Wire Wire Line
7875 2725 7675 2725
Wire Wire Line
7875 2825 7675 2825
Wire Wire Line
7875 2925 7675 2925
Wire Wire Line
7850 3425 7650 3425
Wire Wire Line
7850 3525 7650 3525
Wire Wire Line
7850 3625 7650 3625
Wire Wire Line
7850 3725 7650 3725
Text Label 7675 2625 0 60 ~ 0
Text Label 7675 2725 0 60 ~ 0
Text Label 7675 2825 0 60 ~ 0
Text Label 7675 2925 0 60 ~ 0
Text Label 7650 3425 0 60 ~ 0
Text Label 7650 3525 0 60 ~ 0
Text Label 7650 3625 0 60 ~ 0
Text Label 7650 3725 0 60 ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
4250 3000 4475 3000
Text Label 4475 3000 2 60 ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
4250 3600 4450 3600
Wire Wire Line
4250 3500 4450 3500
Text Label 4450 3600 0 60 ~ 0
Wire Wire Line
4250 2600 4450 2600
Wire Wire Line
4250 2700 4450 2700
Text Label 4450 2600 0 60 ~ 0
Text Label 4450 2700 0 60 ~ 0
NoConn ~ 4250 2200
NoConn ~ 4250 2300
NoConn ~ 4250 2400
NoConn ~ 4250 2500
NoConn ~ 4250 2800
NoConn ~ 4250 2900
NoConn ~ 4250 3100
NoConn ~ 4250 3200
NoConn ~ 4250 3300
NoConn ~ 4250 3400
U 1 1 5681B4BD
P 7325 2850
F 0 "#FLG010" H 7325 2945 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "PWR_FLAG" H 7325 3030 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 7325 2850 60 0000 C CNN
F 3 "" H 7325 2850 60 0000 C CNN
1 7325 2850
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
6950 2850 7325 2850
U 1 1 5681B63B
P 6750 1125
F 0 "#FLG011" H 6750 1220 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "PWR_FLAG" H 6750 1305 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 6750 1125 60 0000 C CNN
F 3 "" H 6750 1125 60 0000 C CNN
1 6750 1125
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
6425 1125 6750 1125
Wire Wire Line
6050 1200 5925 1200
Wire Wire Line
6050 1300 5925 1300
Wire Wire Line
6050 1400 5925 1400
Wire Wire Line
6650 2250 6900 2250
Wire Wire Line
6650 2350 6900 2350
Text Label 6900 2250 2 60 ~ 0
Text Label 6900 2350 2 60 ~ 0
Text Label 6900 2450 2 60 ~ 0
Text Label 5925 1200 2 60 ~ 0
Text Label 5925 1300 2 60 ~ 0
Text Label 5925 1400 2 60 ~ 0
Text Label 6900 4100 2 60 ~ 0
Text Label 6900 4200 2 60 ~ 0
Text Label 4450 3500 0 60 ~ 0
L Jumper_NO_Small JP5
U 1 1 5682CC72
P 6075 5375
F 0 "JP5" H 5975 5325 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "Jumper_NO_Small" H 6085 5315 50 0001 C CNN
F 2 "Pin_Headers:Pin_Header_Straight_1x02" H 6075 5375 60 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 6075 5375 60 0000 C CNN
1 6075 5375
-1 0 0 1
L Jumper_NO_Small JP4
U 1 1 5682CC78
P 6075 5275
F 0 "JP4" H 5975 5225 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "Jumper_NO_Small" H 6085 5215 50 0001 C CNN
F 2 "Pin_Headers:Pin_Header_Straight_1x02" H 6075 5275 60 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 6075 5275 60 0000 C CNN
1 6075 5275
-1 0 0 1
L Jumper_NO_Small JP6
U 1 1 5682CC7E
P 6075 5475
F 0 "JP6" H 5975 5425 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "Jumper_NO_Small" H 6085 5415 50 0001 C CNN
F 2 "Pin_Headers:Pin_Header_Straight_1x02" H 6075 5475 60 0001 C CNN
F 3 "" H 6075 5475 60 0000 C CNN
1 6075 5475
-1 0 0 1
Wire Wire Line
6350 5475 6175 5475
Wire Wire Line
6350 5200 6350 5475
Wire Wire Line
6350 5375 6175 5375
Wire Wire Line
6350 5275 6175 5275
Connection ~ 6350 5375
Connection ~ 6350 5275
L +5V #PWR012
U 1 1 5682CC8A
P 6350 5200
F 0 "#PWR012" H 6350 5050 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "+5V" H 6350 5340 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 6350 5200 60 0000 C CNN
F 3 "" H 6350 5200 60 0000 C CNN
1 6350 5200
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
5975 5275 5850 5275
Wire Wire Line
5975 5375 5850 5375
Wire Wire Line
5975 5475 5850 5475
Text Label 5850 5275 2 60 ~ 0
Text Label 5850 5375 2 60 ~ 0
Text Label 5850 5475 2 60 ~ 0
Text Label 6900 4300 2 60 ~ 0
U 1 1 56832A51
P 5200 4875
F 0 "#PWR013" H 5200 4625 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" H 5200 4725 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 5200 4875 60 0000 C CNN
F 3 "" H 5200 4875 60 0000 C CNN
1 5200 4875
1 0 0 -1
U 1 1 56832A9C
P 4400 4625
F 0 "#PWR014" H 4400 4375 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" H 4400 4475 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 4400 4625 60 0000 C CNN
F 3 "" H 4400 4625 60 0000 C CNN
1 4400 4625
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
4400 4525 4400 4625
U 1 1 56832FFA
P 5200 3025
F 0 "#PWR015" H 5200 2775 50 0001 C CNN
F 1 "GND" H 5200 2875 50 0000 C CNN
F 2 "" H 5200 3025 60 0000 C CNN
F 3 "" H 5200 3025 60 0000 C CNN
1 5200 3025
1 0 0 -1
Wire Wire Line
4250 4525 4400 4525