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2013-05-18 11:54:11 -06:00
/* > sgdp4.c
* 1.00 around 1980 - Felix R. Hoots & Ronald L. Roehrich, from original
* Made famous by the spacetrack report No.3:
* "Models for Propogation of NORAD Element Sets"
* Edited and subsequently distributed by Dr. T. S. Kelso.
* This conversion by:
* Paul S. Crawford and Andrew R. Brooks
* Dundee University
* NOTE !
* This code is supplied "as is" and without warranty of any sort.
* (c) 1994-2004, Paul Crawford, Andrew Brooks
* 1.07 arb Oct 1994 - Transcribed by arb Oct 1994 into 'C', then
* modified to fit Dundee systems by psc.
* 1.08 psc Mon Nov 7 1994 - replaced original satpos.c with SGP4 model.
* 1.09 psc Wed Nov 9 1994 - Corrected a few minor translation errors after
* testing with example two-line elements.
* 1.10 psc Mon Nov 21 1994 - A few optimising tweeks.
* 1.11 psc Wed Nov 30 1994 - No longer uses eloset() and minor error in the
* SGP4 code corrected.
* 2.00 psc Tue Dec 13 1994 - arb discovered the archive.afit.af.mil FTP site
* with the original FORTRAN code in machine form.
* Tidied up and added support for the SDP4 model.
* 2.01 psc Fri Dec 23 1994 - Tested out the combined SGP4/SDP4 code against
* the original FORTRAN versions.
* 2.02 psc Mon Jan 02 1995 - Few more tweeks and tidied up the
* doccumentation for more general use.
* 3.00 psc Mon May 29 1995 - Cleaned up for general use & distrabution (to
* remove Dundee specific features).
* 3.01 psc Mon Jan 12 2004 - Minor bug fix for day calculation.
* 3.02 psc Mon Jul 10 2006 - Added if(rk < (real)1.0) test for sub-orbital decay.
* 3.03 psc Sat Aug 05 2006 - Added trap for divide-by-zero when calculating xlcof.
static const char SCCSid[] = "@(#)sgdp4.c 3.03 (C) 1995 psc SatLib: Orbital Model";
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
/* ================ single / double precision fix-ups =============== */
#include "sgdp4h.h"
#define ECC_ZERO ((real)0.0) /* Zero eccentricity case ? */
#define ECC_ALL ((real)1.0e-4) /* For all drag terms in GSFC case. */
#define ECC_EPS ((real)1.0e-6) /* Too low for computing further drops. */
#define ECC_LIMIT_LOW ((real)-1.0e-3) /* Exit point for serious decaying of orbits. */
#define ECC_LIMIT_HIGH ((real)(1.0 - ECC_EPS)) /* Too close to 1 */
#define EPS_COSIO (1.5e-12) /* Minimum divisor allowed for (...)/(1+cos(IO)) */
#define TOTHRD (2.0/3.0)
#if defined( SGDP4_SNGL ) || 0
#define NR_EPS ((real)(1.0e-6)) /* Minimum ~1e-6 min for float. */
#define NR_EPS ((real)(1.0e-12)) /* Minimum ~1e-14 for double. */
//#define NR_EPS ((real)(1.0e-14)) /* Minimum ~1e-14 for double. */
//#define NR_EPS ((real)(1.0e-8)) /* Minimum ~1e-14 for double. */
#define Q0 ((real)120.0)
#define S0 ((real)78.0)
#define XJ2 ((real)1.082616e-3)
#define XJ3 ((real)-2.53881e-6)
#define XJ4 ((real)-1.65597e-6)
#define XKMPER (6378.135) /* Km per earth radii */
#define XMNPDA (1440.0) /* Minutes per day */
#define AE (1.0) /* Earth radius in "chosen units". */
#if 0
/* Original code constants. */
#define XKE (0.743669161e-1)
#define CK2 ((real)5.413080e-4) /* (0.5 * XJ2 * AE * AE) */
#define CK4 ((real)0.62098875e-6) /* (-0.375 * XJ4 * AE * AE * AE * AE) */
#define QOMS2T ((real)1.88027916e-9) /* (pow((Q0 - S0)*AE/XKMPER, 4.0)) */
#define KS ((real)1.01222928) /* (AE * (1.0 + S0/XKMPER)) */
/* GSFC improved coeficient resolution. */
#define XKE ((real)7.43669161331734132e-2)
#define CK2 ((real)(0.5 * XJ2 * AE * AE))
#define CK4 ((real)(-0.375 * XJ4 * AE * AE * AE * AE))
#define QOMS2T ((real)1.880279159015270643865e-9) /* (pow((Q0 - S0)*AE/XKMPER, 4.0)) */
#define KS ((real)(AE * (1.0 + S0/XKMPER)))
static const real a3ovk2 = (real)(-XJ3 / CK2 * (AE * AE * AE));
/* ================= Copy of the orbital elements ==================== */
static double xno; /* Mean motion (rad/min) */
static real xmo; /* Mean "mean anomaly" at epoch (rad). */
static real eo; /* Eccentricity. */
static real xincl; /* Equatorial inclination (rad). */
static real omegao; /* Mean argument of perigee at epoch (rad). */
static real xnodeo; /* Mean longitude of ascending node (rad, east). */
static real bstar; /* Drag term. */
double SGDP4_jd0; /* Julian Day for epoch (available to outside functions. */
/* ================== Local "global" variables for SGP4 ================= */
static int imode = SGDP4_NOT_INIT;
static real sinIO, cosIO, sinXMO, cosXMO;
static real c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, d2, d3, d4;
static real omgcof, xmcof, xlcof, aycof;
static real t2cof, t3cof, t4cof, t5cof;
static real xnodcf, delmo, x7thm1, x3thm1, x1mth2;
static real aodp, eta, omgdot, xnodot;
static double xnodp, xmdot;
static long Isat=0; /* 16-bit compilers need 'long' integer for higher space catalogue numbers. */
double perigee, period, apogee;
long Icount = 0;
int MaxNR=0;
extern int Set_LS_zero; /* From deep.c */
/* =======================================================================
The init_sgdp4() function passes all of the required orbital elements to
the sgdp4() function together with the pre-calculated constants. There is
some basic error traps and the detemination of the orbital model is made.
For near-earth satellites (xnodp < 225 minutes according to the NORAD
classification) the SGP4 model is used, with truncated terms for low
perigee heights when the drag terms are high. For deep-space satellites
the SDP4 model is used and the deep-space terms initialised (a slow
process). For orbits with an eccentricity of less than ECC_EPS the model
reverts to a very basic circular model. This is not physically meaningfull
but such a circluar orbit is not either! It is fast though.
Callinr arguments:
orb : Input, structure with the orbital elements from NORAD 2-line
element data in radian form.
The return value indicates the orbital model used.
======================================================================= */
int init_sgdp4(orbit_t *orb)
LOCAL_REAL theta2, theta4, xhdot1, x1m5th;
LOCAL_REAL s4, del1, del0;
LOCAL_REAL betao, betao2, coef, coef1;
LOCAL_REAL etasq, eeta, qoms24;
LOCAL_REAL pinvsq, tsi, psisq, c1sq;
LOCAL_DOUBLE a0, a1, epoch;
real temp0, temp1, temp2, temp3;
long iday, iyear;
/* Copy over elements. */
/* Convert year to Gregorian with century as 1994 or 94 type ? */
iyear = (long)orb->ep_year;
2013-08-04 00:02:44 -06:00
if (iyear < 1957)
2013-05-18 11:54:11 -06:00
/* Assume 0 and 100 both refer to 2000AD */
2013-08-04 00:02:44 -06:00
iyear += (iyear < 57 ? 2000 : 1900);
2013-05-18 11:54:11 -06:00
if (iyear < 1901 || iyear > 2099)
fatal_error("init_sgdp4: Satellite ep_year error %ld", iyear);
imode = SGDP4_ERROR;
return imode;
Isat = orb->satno;
/* Compute days from 1st Jan 1900 (works 1901 to 2099 only). */
iday = ((iyear - 1901)*1461L)/4L + 364L + 1L;
SGDP4_jd0 = JD1900 + iday + (orb->ep_day - 1.0); /* Julian day number. */
epoch = (iyear - 1900) * 1.0e3 + orb->ep_day; /* YYDDD.DDDD as from 2-line. */
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "Epoch = %f SGDP4_jd0 = %f\n", epoch, SGDP4_jd0);
eo = (real)orb->ecc;
xno = (double)orb->rev * TWOPI/XMNPDA; /* Radian / unit time. */
xincl = (real)orb->eqinc;
xnodeo = (real)orb->ascn;
omegao = (real)orb->argp;
xmo = (real)orb->mnan;
bstar = (real)orb->bstar;
/* A few simple error checks here. */
if (eo < (real)0.0 || eo > ECC_LIMIT_HIGH)
fatal_error("init_sgdp4: Eccentricity out of range for %ld (%le)", Isat, (double)eo);
imode = SGDP4_ERROR;
return imode;
if (xno < 0.035*TWOPI/XMNPDA || xno > 18.0*TWOPI/XMNPDA)
fatal_error("init_sgdp4: Mean motion out of range %ld (%le)", Isat, xno);
imode = SGDP4_ERROR;
return imode;
if (xincl < (real)0.0 || xincl > (real)PI)
fatal_error("init_sgdp4: Equatorial inclination out of range %ld (%le)", Isat, DEG(xincl));
imode = SGDP4_ERROR;
return imode;
/* Start the initialisation. */
if (eo < ECC_ZERO)
imode = SGDP4_ZERO_ECC; /* Special mode for "ideal" circular orbit. */
imode = SGDP4_NOT_INIT;
Recover original mean motion (xnodp) and semimajor axis (aodp)
from input elements.
SINCOS(xincl, &sinIO, &cosIO);
theta2 = cosIO * cosIO;
theta4 = theta2 * theta2;
x3thm1 = (real)3.0 * theta2 - (real)1.0;
x1mth2 = (real)1.0 - theta2;
x7thm1 = (real)7.0 * theta2 - (real)1.0;
a1 = pow(XKE / xno, TOTHRD);
betao2 = (real)1.0 - eo * eo;
betao = SQRT(betao2);
temp0 = (real)(1.5 * CK2) * x3thm1 / (betao * betao2);
del1 = temp0 / (a1 * a1);
a0 = a1 * (1.0 - del1 * (1.0/3.0 + del1 * (1.0 + del1 * 134.0/81.0)));
del0 = temp0 / (a0 * a0);
xnodp = xno / (1.0 + del0);
aodp = (real)(a0 / (1.0 - del0));
perigee = (aodp * (1.0 - eo) - AE) * XKMPER;
apogee = (aodp * (1.0 + eo) - AE) * XKMPER;
period = (TWOPI * 1440.0 / XMNPDA) / xnodp;
printf("Perigee = %lf km period = %lf min del0 = %e\n",
perigee, period, del0);
if (perigee <= 0.0)
fprintf(stderr, "# Satellite %ld sub-orbital (apogee = %.1f km, perigee = %.1f km)\n", Isat, apogee, perigee);
if (imode == SGDP4_ZERO_ECC) return imode;
if (period >= 225.0 && Set_LS_zero < 2)
imode = SGDP4_DEEP_NORM; /* Deep-Space model(s). */
else if (perigee < 220.0)
For perigee less than 220 km the imode flag is set so the
equations are truncated to linear variation in sqrt A and
quadratic variation in mean anomaly. Also the c3 term, the
delta omega term and the delta m term are dropped.
imode = SGDP4_NEAR_SIMP; /* Near-space, simplified equations. */
imode = SGDP4_NEAR_NORM; /* Near-space, normal equations. */
/* For perigee below 156 km the values of S and QOMS2T are altered */
if (perigee < 156.0)
s4 = (real)(perigee - 78.0);
if(s4 < (real)20.0)
fprintf(stderr, "# Very low s4 constant for sat %ld (perigee = %.2f)\n", Isat, perigee);
s4 = (real)20.0;
fprintf(stderr, "# Changing s4 constant for sat %ld (perigee = %.2f)\n", Isat, perigee);
qoms24 = POW4((real)((120.0 - s4) * (AE / XKMPER)));
s4 = (real)(s4 / XKMPER + AE);
s4 = KS;
qoms24 = QOMS2T;
pinvsq = (real)1.0 / (aodp * aodp * betao2 * betao2);
tsi = (real)1.0 / (aodp - s4);
eta = aodp * eo * tsi;
etasq = eta * eta;
eeta = eo * eta;
psisq = FABS((real)1.0 - etasq);
coef = qoms24 * POW4(tsi);
coef1 = coef / POW(psisq, 3.5);
c2 = coef1 * (real)xnodp * (aodp *
((real)1.0 + (real)1.5 * etasq + eeta * ((real)4.0 + etasq)) +
(real)(0.75 * CK2) * tsi / psisq * x3thm1 *
((real)8.0 + (real)3.0 * etasq * ((real)8.0 + etasq)));
c1 = bstar * c2;
c4 = (real)2.0 * (real)xnodp * coef1 * aodp * betao2 * (eta *
((real)2.0 + (real)0.5 * etasq) + eo * ((real)0.5 + (real)2.0 *
etasq) - (real)(2.0 * CK2) * tsi / (aodp * psisq) * ((real)-3.0 *
x3thm1 * ((real)1.0 - (real)2.0 * eeta + etasq *
((real)1.5 - (real)0.5 * eeta)) + (real)0.75 * x1mth2 * ((real)2.0 *
etasq - eeta * ((real)1.0 + etasq)) * COS((real)2.0 * omegao)));
c5 = c3 = omgcof = (real)0.0;
if (imode == SGDP4_NEAR_NORM)
/* BSTAR drag terms for normal near-space 'normal' model only. */
c5 = (real)2.0 * coef1 * aodp * betao2 *
((real)1.0 + (real)2.75 * (etasq + eeta) + eeta * etasq);
if(eo > ECC_ALL)
c3 = coef * tsi * a3ovk2 * (real)xnodp * (real)AE * sinIO / eo;
omgcof = bstar * c3 * COS(omegao);
temp1 = (real)(3.0 * CK2) * pinvsq * (real)xnodp;
temp2 = temp1 * CK2 * pinvsq;
temp3 = (real)(1.25 * CK4) * pinvsq * pinvsq * (real)xnodp;
xmdot = xnodp + ((real)0.5 * temp1 * betao * x3thm1 + (real)0.0625 *
temp2 * betao * ((real)13.0 - (real)78.0 * theta2 +
(real)137.0 * theta4));
x1m5th = (real)1.0 - (real)5.0 * theta2;
omgdot = (real)-0.5 * temp1 * x1m5th + (real)0.0625 * temp2 *
((real)7.0 - (real)114.0 * theta2 + (real)395.0 * theta4) +
temp3 * ((real)3.0 - (real)36.0 * theta2 + (real)49.0 * theta4);
xhdot1 = -temp1 * cosIO;
xnodot = xhdot1 + ((real)0.5 * temp2 * ((real)4.0 - (real)19.0 * theta2) +
(real)2.0 * temp3 * ((real)3.0 - (real)7.0 * theta2)) * cosIO;
xmcof = (real)0.0;
if(eo > ECC_ALL)
xmcof = (real)(-TOTHRD * AE) * coef * bstar / eeta;
xnodcf = (real)3.5 * betao2 * xhdot1 * c1;
t2cof = (real)1.5 * c1;
/* Check for possible divide-by-zero for X/(1+cosIO) when calculating xlcof */
temp0 = (real)1.0 + cosIO;
if(fabs(temp0) < EPS_COSIO) temp0 = (real)SIGN(EPS_COSIO, temp0);
xlcof = (real)0.125 * a3ovk2 * sinIO *
((real)3.0 + (real)5.0 * cosIO) / temp0;
aycof = (real)0.25 * a3ovk2 * sinIO;
SINCOS(xmo, &sinXMO, &cosXMO);
delmo = CUBE((real)1.0 + eta * cosXMO);
if (imode == SGDP4_NEAR_NORM)
c1sq = c1 * c1;
d2 = (real)4.0 * aodp * tsi * c1sq;
temp0 = d2 * tsi * c1 / (real)3.0;
d3 = ((real)17.0 * aodp + s4) * temp0;
d4 = (real)0.5 * temp0 * aodp * tsi * ((real)221.0 * aodp +
(real)31.0 * s4) * c1;
t3cof = d2 + (real)2.0 * c1sq;
t4cof = (real)0.25 * ((real)3.0 * d3 + c1 * ((real)12.0 * d2 +
(real)10.0 * c1sq));
t5cof = (real)0.2 * ((real)3.0 * d4 + (real)12.0 * c1 * d3 +
(real)6.0 * d2 * d2 + (real)15.0 * c1sq * ((real)2.0 *
d2 + c1sq));
else if (imode == SGDP4_DEEP_NORM)
fatal_error("init_sgdp4: Deep space equations not supported");
imode = SGDP4_dpinit(epoch, omegao, xnodeo, xmo, eo, xincl,
aodp, xmdot, omgdot, xnodot, xnodp);
#endif /* !NO_DEEP_SPACE */
return imode;
/* =======================================================================
The sgdp4() function computes the Keplarian elements that describe the
position and velocity of the satellite. Depending on the initialisation
(and the compile options) the deep-space perturbations are also included
allowing sensible predictions for most satellites. These output elements
can be transformed to Earth Centered Inertial coordinates (X-Y-Z) and/or
to sub-satellite latitude and longitude as required. The terms for the
velocity solution are often not required so the 'withvel' flag can be used
to by-pass that step as required. This function is normally called through
another since the input 'tsince' is the time from epoch.
Calling arguments:
tsince : Input, time from epoch (minutes).
withvel : Input, non-zero if velocity terms required.
kep : Output, the Keplarian position / velocity of the satellite.
The return value indicates the orbital mode used.
======================================================================= */
int sgdp4(double tsince, int withvel, kep_t *kep)
LOCAL_REAL rk, uk, xnodek, xinck, em, xinc;
LOCAL_REAL xnode, delm, axn, ayn, omega;
LOCAL_REAL capu, epw, elsq, invR, beta2, betal;
LOCAL_REAL sinu, sin2u, cosu, cos2u;
LOCAL_REAL a, e, r, u, pl;
LOCAL_REAL sinEPW, cosEPW, sinOMG, cosOMG;
LOCAL_DOUBLE xmp, xl, xlt;
const int MAXI = 10;
LOCAL_DOUBLE xn, xmam;
#endif /* !NO_DEEP_SPACE */
real esinE, ecosE, maxnr;
real temp0, temp1, temp2, temp3;
real tempa, tempe, templ;
int ii;
#ifdef SGDP4_SNGL
real ts = (real)tsince;
#define ts tsince
#endif /* ! SGDP4_SNGL */
/* Update for secular gravity and atmospheric drag. */
em = eo;
xinc = xincl;
xmp = (double)xmo + xmdot * tsince;
xnode = xnodeo + ts * (xnodot + ts * xnodcf);
omega = omegao + omgdot * ts;
/* Not a "real" orbit but OK for fast computation searches. */
kep->smjaxs = kep->radius = (double)aodp * XKMPER/AE;
kep->theta = fmod(PI + xnodp * tsince, TWOPI) - PI;
kep->eqinc = (double)xincl;
kep->ascn = xnodeo;
kep->argp = 0;
kep->ecc = 0;
kep->rfdotk = 0;
kep->rfdotk = aodp * xnodp * (XKMPER/AE*XMNPDA/86400.0); /* For km/sec */
kep->rfdotk = 0;
return imode;
tempa = (real)1.0 - ts * c1;
tempe = bstar * ts * c4;
templ = ts * ts * t2cof;
a = aodp * tempa * tempa;
e = em - tempe;
xl = xmp + omega + xnode + xnodp * templ;
delm = xmcof * (CUBE((real)1.0 + eta * COS(xmp)) - delmo);
temp0 = ts * omgcof + delm;
xmp += (double)temp0;
omega -= temp0;
tempa = (real)1.0 - (ts * (c1 + ts * (d2 + ts * (d3 + ts * d4))));
tempe = bstar * (c4 * ts + c5 * (SIN(xmp) - sinXMO));
templ = ts * ts * (t2cof + ts * (t3cof + ts * (t4cof + ts * t5cof)));
//xmp += (double)temp0;
a = aodp * tempa * tempa;
e = em - tempe;
xl = xmp + omega + xnode + xnodp * templ;
tempa = (real)1.0 - ts * c1;
tempe = bstar * ts * c4;
templ = ts * ts * t2cof;
xn = xnodp;
SGDP4_dpsec(&xmp, &omega, &xnode, &em, &xinc, &xn, tsince);
a = POW(XKE / xn, TOTHRD) * tempa * tempa;
e = em - tempe;
xmam = xmp + xnodp * templ;
SGDP4_dpper(&e, &xinc, &omega, &xnode, &xmam, tsince);
if (xinc < (real)0.0)
xinc = (-xinc);
xnode += (real)PI;
omega -= (real)PI;
xl = xmam + omega + xnode;
/* Re-compute the perturbed values. */
SINCOS(xinc, &sinIO, &cosIO);
real theta2 = cosIO * cosIO;
x3thm1 = (real)3.0 * theta2 - (real)1.0;
x1mth2 = (real)1.0 - theta2;
x7thm1 = (real)7.0 * theta2 - (real)1.0;
/* Check for possible divide-by-zero for X/(1+cosIO) when calculating xlcof */
temp0 = (real)1.0 + cosIO;
if(fabs(temp0) < EPS_COSIO) temp0 = (real)SIGN(EPS_COSIO, temp0);
xlcof = (real)0.125 * a3ovk2 * sinIO *
((real)3.0 + (real)5.0 * cosIO) / temp0;
aycof = (real)0.25 * a3ovk2 * sinIO;
#endif /* ! NO_DEEP_SPACE */
fatal_error("sgdp4: Orbit not initialised");
return SGDP4_ERROR;
if(a < (real)1.0)
fprintf(stderr, "sgdp4: Satellite %05ld crashed at %.3f (a = %.3f Earth radii)\n", Isat, ts, a);
return SGDP4_ERROR;
fprintf(stderr, "sgdp4: Satellite %05ld modified eccentricity too low (ts = %.3f, e = %e < %e)\n", Isat, ts, e, ECC_LIMIT_LOW);
return SGDP4_ERROR;
if(e < ECC_EPS)
/*fprintf(stderr, "# ecc %f at %.3f for for %05ld\n", e, ts, Isat);*/
e = ECC_EPS;
else if(e > ECC_LIMIT_HIGH)
/*fprintf(stderr, "# ecc %f at %.3f for for %05ld\n", e, ts, Isat);*/
beta2 = (real)1.0 - e * e;
/* Long period periodics */
SINCOS(omega, &sinOMG, &cosOMG);
temp0 = (real)1.0 / (a * beta2);
axn = e * cosOMG;
ayn = e * sinOMG + temp0 * aycof;
xlt = xl + temp0 * xlcof * axn;
elsq = axn * axn + ayn * ayn;
if (elsq >= (real)1.0)
fprintf(stderr, "sgdp4: SQR(e) >= 1 (%.3f at tsince = %.3f for sat %05ld)\n", elsq, tsince, Isat);
return SGDP4_ERROR;
/* Sensibility check for N-R correction. */
kep->ecc = sqrt(elsq);
* Solve Kepler's equation using Newton-Raphson root solving. Here 'capu' is
* almost the "Mean anomaly", initialise the "Eccentric Anomaly" term 'epw'.
* The fmod() saves reduction of angle to +/-2pi in SINCOS() and prevents
* convergence problems.
* Later modified to support 2nd order NR method which saves roughly 1 iteration
* for only a couple of arithmetic operations.
epw = capu = fmod(xlt - xnode, TWOPI);
maxnr = kep->ecc;
for(ii = 0; ii < MAXI; ii++)
double nr, f, df;
SINCOS(epw, &sinEPW, &cosEPW);
ecosE = axn * cosEPW + ayn * sinEPW;
esinE = axn * sinEPW - ayn * cosEPW;
f = capu - epw + esinE;
if (fabs(f) < NR_EPS) break;
df = 1.0 - ecosE;
/* 1st order Newton-Raphson correction. */
nr = f / df;
if (ii == 0 && FABS(nr) > 1.25*maxnr)
nr = SIGN(maxnr, nr);
#if 1
/* 2nd order Newton-Raphson correction. */
nr = f / (df + 0.5*esinE*nr); /* f/(df - 0.5*d2f*f/df) */
epw += nr; /* Newton-Raphson correction of -F/DF. */
//if (fabs(nr) < NR_EPS) break;
/* Short period preliminary quantities */
temp0 = (real)1.0 - elsq;
betal = SQRT(temp0);
pl = a * temp0;
r = a * ((real)1.0 - ecosE);
invR = (real)1.0 / r;
temp2 = a * invR;
temp3 = (real)1.0 / ((real)1.0 + betal);
cosu = temp2 * (cosEPW - axn + ayn * esinE * temp3);
sinu = temp2 * (sinEPW - ayn - axn * esinE * temp3);
u = ATAN2(sinu, cosu);
sin2u = (real)2.0 * sinu * cosu;
cos2u = (real)2.0 * cosu * cosu - (real)1.0;
temp0 = (real)1.0 / pl;
temp1 = CK2 * temp0;
temp2 = temp1 * temp0;
/* Update for short term periodics to position terms. */
rk = r * ((real)1.0 - (real)1.5 * temp2 * betal * x3thm1) + (real)0.5 * temp1 * x1mth2 * cos2u;
uk = u - (real)0.25 * temp2 * x7thm1 * sin2u;
xnodek = xnode + (real)1.5 * temp2 * cosIO * sin2u;
xinck = xinc + (real)1.5 * temp2 * cosIO * sinIO * cos2u;
if(rk < (real)1.0)
#if 1
fprintf(stderr, "sgdp4: Satellite %05ld crashed at %.3f (rk = %.3f Earth radii)\n", Isat, ts, rk);
return SGDP4_ERROR;
kep->radius = rk * XKMPER/AE; /* Into km */
kep->theta = uk;
kep->eqinc = xinck;
kep->ascn = xnodek;
kep->argp = omega;
kep->smjaxs = a * XKMPER/AE;
/* Short period velocity terms ?. */
if (withvel)
/* xn = XKE / pow(a, 1.5); */
temp0 = SQRT(a);
temp2 = (real)XKE / (a * temp0);
kep->rdotk = ((real)XKE * temp0 * esinE * invR -
temp2 * temp1 * x1mth2 * sin2u) *
(XKMPER/AE*XMNPDA/86400.0); /* Into km/sec */
kep->rfdotk = ((real)XKE * SQRT(pl) * invR + temp2 * temp1 *
(x1mth2 * cos2u + (real)1.5 * x3thm1)) *
kep->rdotk = kep->rfdotk = 0;
#ifndef SGDP4_SNGL
#undef ts
return imode;
/* ====================================================================
Transformation from "Kepler" type coordinates to cartesian XYZ form.
Calling arguments:
K : Kepler structure as filled by sgdp4();
pos : XYZ structure for position.
vel : same for velocity.
==================================================================== */
void kep2xyz(kep_t *K, xyz_t *pos, xyz_t *vel)
real xmx, xmy;
real ux, uy, uz, vx, vy, vz;
real sinT, cosT, sinI, cosI, sinS, cosS;
/* Orientation vectors for X-Y-Z format. */
SINCOS((real)K->theta, &sinT, &cosT);
SINCOS((real)K->eqinc, &sinI, &cosI);
SINCOS((real)K->ascn, &sinS, &cosS);
xmx = -sinS * cosI;
xmy = cosS * cosI;
ux = xmx * sinT + cosS * cosT;
uy = xmy * sinT + sinS * cosT;
uz = sinI * sinT;
/* Position and velocity */
if(pos != NULL)
pos->x = K->radius * ux;
pos->y = K->radius * uy;
pos->z = K->radius * uz;
if(vel != NULL)
vx = xmx * cosT - cosS * sinT;
vy = xmy * cosT - sinS * sinT;
vz = sinI * cosT;
vel->x = K->rdotk * ux + K->rfdotk * vx;
vel->y = K->rdotk * uy + K->rfdotk * vy;
vel->z = K->rdotk * uz + K->rfdotk * vz;
/* ======================================================================
Compute the satellite position and/or velocity for a given time (in the
form of Julian day number.)
Calling arguments are:
jd : Time as Julian day number.
pos : Pointer to posiition vector, km (NULL if not required).
vel : Pointer to velocity vector, km/sec (NULL if not required).
====================================================================== */
int satpos_xyz(double jd, xyz_t *pos, xyz_t *vel)
kep_t K;
int withvel, rv;
double tsince;
tsince = (jd - SGDP4_jd0) * XMNPDA;
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "Tsince = %f\n", tsince);
if(vel != NULL)
withvel = 1;
withvel = 0;
rv = sgdp4(tsince, withvel, &K);
kep2xyz(&K, pos, vel);
return rv;
/* ==================== End of file sgdp4.c ========================== */