Fork 0

763 lines
16 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2013-09-09 00:36:40 -06:00
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "qfits.h"
#include <cpgplot.h>
#include <wcslib/cel.h>
2013-09-09 00:36:40 -06:00
#include <gsl/gsl_multifit.h>
2015-05-25 15:16:03 -06:00
#include <getopt.h>
2013-09-09 00:36:40 -06:00
#define LIM 256
#define NMAX 8192
#define D2R M_PI/180.0
#define R2D 180.0/M_PI
struct star
double ra, de;
float pmra, pmde;
2013-09-09 00:36:40 -06:00
float mag;
struct image
int naxis1, naxis2, naxis3;
2013-09-09 00:36:40 -06:00
float *z;
float zmin, zmax;
double ra0, de0;
float x0, y0;
float a[3], b[3];
2013-09-09 00:36:40 -06:00
double mjd;
} img;
struct catalog
2013-09-09 00:36:40 -06:00
int n;
float x[NMAX], y[NMAX], mag[NMAX];
double ra[NMAX], de[NMAX], rx[NMAX], ry[NMAX];
2013-09-09 00:36:40 -06:00
int select[NMAX];
struct image read_fits (char *filename, int pnum);
struct catalog read_pixel_catalog (char *filename, float, float, float);
int fgetline (FILE * file, char *s, int lim);
struct catalog read_astrometric_catalog (char *filename, float mmin, float sx,
float sy, float angle);
void forward (double ra0, double de0, double ra, double de, double *x,
double *y);
int select_nearest (struct catalog c, float x, float y);
void lfit2d (float *x, float *y, float *z, int n, float *a);
void fit_transformation (struct catalog cat, struct catalog ast, int nselect);
struct catalog reread_astrometric_catalog (char *filename, float mmin);
int match_catalogs (struct catalog *cat, struct catalog *ast, float rmax);
double s2dec (char *s);
usage (void)
2015-05-25 15:16:03 -06:00
2015-05-26 10:26:40 -06:00
printf ("-f <file> FITS file to calibrate\n");
printf ("-R <hh:mm:ss> RA of center\n");
printf ("-D <ddd:mm:ss> Decl of center\n");
printf ("-s <scale> Pixel scale (arcseconds) [10.0]\n");
printf ("-q <parang> Parallactic angle (degrees) [0.0]\n");
printf ("-m <limmag> Magnitude limit [9.0]\n");
printf ("-r <radius> Matching radius (pixels) [10]\n");
2015-05-26 10:26:40 -06:00
2015-05-25 15:16:03 -06:00
2013-09-09 00:36:40 -06:00
main (int argc, char *argv[])
2013-09-09 00:36:40 -06:00
int i, j;
float xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax;
float tr[] = { -0.5, 1.0, 0.0, -0.5, 0.0, 1.0 };
float heat_l[] = { 0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 1.0 };
float heat_r[] = { 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 };
float heat_g[] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0 };
float heat_b[] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.3, 1.0 };
int redraw = 1, plotcat = 0, click = 0, nselect = 0;
float x, y, width;
char c, pixcat[LIM];
struct catalog cat, ast;
float sx = -10.0, sy = 10.0, q = 0.0;
char *env, starfile[128];
float r, srmin = 1.0, srmax = 10.0, smmin = 2.0, smmax = 8.0, mag =
9.0, rmax = 10.0, rmask = -1;
int arg = 0;
char *fitsfile = NULL;
char sra[16], sde[16];
double ra, de;
2015-05-25 15:16:03 -06:00
FILE *file;
2013-09-09 00:36:40 -06:00
// Environment variables
env = getenv ("ST_DATADIR");
sprintf (starfile, "%s/data/tycho2.dat", env);
2013-09-09 00:36:40 -06:00
2015-05-25 15:16:03 -06:00
// Decode options
if (argc > 1)
while ((arg = getopt (argc, argv, "f:R:D:s:q:m:r:M:")) != -1)
switch (arg)
case 'f':
fitsfile = optarg;
case 'R':
strcpy (sra, optarg);
if (strchr (sra, ':') != NULL)
ra = 15.0 * s2dec (sra);
ra = atof (sra);
case 'D':
strcpy (sde, optarg);
if (strchr (sde, ':') != NULL)
de = s2dec (sde);
de = atof (sde);
case 's':
if (strchr (optarg, ',') != NULL)
sscanf (optarg, "%f,%f", &sx, &sy);
sx = -atof (optarg);
sy = -sx;
case 'q':
q = atof (optarg);
case 'm':
mag = atof (optarg);
case 'M':
rmask = atof (optarg);
case 'r':
rmax = atof (optarg);
case 'h':
usage ();
return 0;
usage ();
return 0;
2015-08-10 14:14:00 -06:00
usage ();
return 0;
2015-05-25 15:16:03 -06:00
2013-09-09 00:36:40 -06:00
// Read image
img = read_fits (fitsfile, 0);
2013-09-09 00:36:40 -06:00
2015-05-25 15:16:03 -06:00
// Set variables
img.ra0 = ra;
img.de0 = de;
img.x0 = 0.5 * (float) img.naxis1;
img.y0 = 0.5 * (float) img.naxis2;
2013-09-09 00:36:40 -06:00
2015-05-25 15:16:03 -06:00
2013-09-09 00:36:40 -06:00
// Read pixel catalog
sprintf (pixcat, "%s.cat", fitsfile);
cat = read_pixel_catalog (pixcat, img.x0, img.y0, rmask);
2013-09-09 00:36:40 -06:00
// Read astrometric catalog
ast = read_astrometric_catalog (starfile, mag, sx, sy, q);
2013-09-09 00:36:40 -06:00
// Open server
cpgopen ("/xs");
2013-09-09 00:36:40 -06:00
// cpgpap(0.,1.0);
cpgask (0);
cpgsch (0.8);
2013-09-09 00:36:40 -06:00
// Default limits
width = (img.naxis1 > img.naxis2) ? img.naxis1 : img.naxis2;
xmin = 0.5 * (img.naxis1 - width);
xmax = 0.5 * (img.naxis1 + width);
ymin = 0.5 * (img.naxis2 - width);
ymax = 0.5 * (img.naxis2 + width);
zmin = img.zmin;
zmax = img.zmax;
2013-09-09 00:36:40 -06:00
// Forever loop
for (;;)
if (redraw == 1)
cpgeras ();
cpgsvp (0.1, 0.95, 0.1, 0.95);
cpgwnad (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax);
cpglab ("x (pix)", "y (pix)", " ");
cpgsfs (2);
cpgctab (heat_l, heat_r, heat_g, heat_b, 5, 1.0, 0.5);
cpgimag (img.z, img.naxis1, img.naxis2, 1, img.naxis1, 1,
img.naxis2, zmin, zmax, tr);
cpgbox ("BCTSNI", 0., 0, "BCTSNI", 0., 0);
// Plot catalog
if (plotcat == 1)
cpgsci (3);
for (i = 0; i < cat.n; i++)
if (cat.select[i] != 0)
cpgpt1 (cat.x[i], cat.y[i], 6);
cpgpt1 (cat.x[i], cat.y[i], 24);
cpgsci (1);
cpgsci (4);
for (i = 0; i < ast.n; i++)
r =
srmax - (srmax - srmin) * (ast.mag[i] - smmin) / (smmax -
// Upscale for image size
r *= img.naxis1 / 752.0;
if (ast.select[i] != 0)
cpgpt1 (ast.x[i], ast.y[i], 6);
cpgcirc (ast.x[i], ast.y[i], r);
cpgsci (1);
redraw = 0;
2013-09-09 00:36:40 -06:00
// Get cursor
cpgcurs (&x, &y, &c);
2015-08-10 14:14:00 -06:00
// Quit
if (c == 'q')
2013-09-09 00:36:40 -06:00
// Help
if (c == 'h')
("Calibrates astrometry. Initially requires manual matching of at least three stars. Use 'a' to select star on the image, then 'b' to select star from the catalog (blue circles). If at least three stars are matched, use 'f' and 'm' to converge the calibration.\n\n");
printf ("q Quit\n");
printf ("a Select star on image\n");
printf ("b Select star from catalog\n");
printf ("c Center image on pixel\n");
printf ("f Fit calibration\n");
printf ("m Match stars using current calibration\n");
printf ("z/+ Zoom in on cursor\n");
printf ("x/- Zoom out on cursor\n");
printf ("p Plot source-extractor catalog\n");
printf ("r Reset zoom\n");
2013-09-09 00:36:40 -06:00
2013-09-09 00:36:40 -06:00
// Select pixel catalog
if (c == 'a' && click == 0)
i = select_nearest (cat, x, y);
cat.select[i] = nselect + 1;
redraw = 1;
click = 1;
2013-09-09 00:36:40 -06:00
// Select catalog
if (c == 'b' && click == 1)
i = select_nearest (ast, x, y);
ast.select[i] = nselect + 1;
redraw = 1;
click = 0;
2013-09-09 00:36:40 -06:00
// Center
if (c == 'c')
xmin = x - 0.5 * width;
xmax = x + 0.5 * width;
ymin = y - 0.5 * width;
ymax = y + 0.5 * width;
redraw = 1;
2013-09-09 00:36:40 -06:00
// Fit
if (c == 'f' && nselect >= 3)
fit_transformation (cat, ast, nselect);
ast = reread_astrometric_catalog (starfile, mag + 1);
redraw = 1;
2013-09-09 00:36:40 -06:00
// Zoom
if (c == 'z' || c == '+' || c == '=')
width /= 1.25;
xmin = x - 0.5 * width;
xmax = x + 0.5 * width;
ymin = y - 0.5 * width;
ymax = y + 0.5 * width;
redraw = 1;
2013-09-09 00:36:40 -06:00
// Match catalogs
if (c == 'm')
nselect = match_catalogs (&cat, &ast, rmax);
redraw = 1;
2015-05-25 15:16:03 -06:00
// Unzoom
if (c == 'x' || c == '-')
width *= 1.25;
xmin = x - 0.5 * width;
xmax = x + 0.5 * width;
ymin = y - 0.5 * width;
ymax = y + 0.5 * width;
redraw = 1;
// Plot catalog
if (c == 'p')
plotcat = (plotcat == 1) ? 0 : 1;
redraw = 1;
// Reset
if (c == 'r')
width = (img.naxis1 > img.naxis2) ? img.naxis1 : img.naxis2;
xmin = 0.5 * (img.naxis1 - width);
xmax = 0.5 * (img.naxis1 + width);
ymin = 0.5 * (img.naxis2 - width);
ymax = 0.5 * (img.naxis2 + width);
redraw = 1;
// Dump
if (c == 'd')
file = fopen ("dump.dat", "w");
for (i = 0; i < nselect; i++)
for (j = 0; j < cat.n; j++)
if (cat.select[j] == i + 1)
fprintf (file, "%lf %lf ", cat.x[j] - img.x0,
cat.y[j] - img.y0);
for (j = 0; j < ast.n; j++)
if (ast.select[j] == i + 1)
fprintf (file, "%lf %lf\n", ast.ra[j], ast.de[j]);
fclose (file);
2015-05-25 15:16:03 -06:00
2013-09-09 00:36:40 -06:00
cpgend ();
2013-09-09 00:36:40 -06:00
return 0;
// Read fits image
struct image
read_fits (char *filename, int pnum)
2013-09-09 00:36:40 -06:00
int i, j, k, l, m;
2013-09-09 00:36:40 -06:00
qfitsloader ql;
char key[FITS_LINESZ + 1];
2013-09-09 00:36:40 -06:00
struct image img;
float s1, s2, avg, std;
2013-09-09 00:36:40 -06:00
// Set plane
ql.xtnum = 0;
ql.pnum = pnum;
// Set loadtype
ql.ptype = PTYPE_FLOAT;
// Set filename
ql.filename = filename;
2013-09-09 00:36:40 -06:00
// Image size
img.naxis1 = atoi (qfits_query_hdr (filename, "NAXIS1"));
img.naxis2 = atoi (qfits_query_hdr (filename, "NAXIS2"));
2013-09-09 00:36:40 -06:00
// img.mjd=atof(qfits_query_hdr(filename,"MJD-OBS"));
// Initialize load
if (qfitsloader_init (&ql) != 0)
printf ("Error initializing data loading\n");
2013-09-09 00:36:40 -06:00
// Test load
if (qfits_loadpix (&ql) != 0)
printf ("Error loading actual data\n");
2013-09-09 00:36:40 -06:00
// Allocate image memory
img.z = (float *) malloc (sizeof (float) * img.naxis1 * img.naxis2);
2013-09-09 00:36:40 -06:00
// Fill z array
for (i = 0, l = 0, m = 0; i < img.naxis1; i++)
for (j = 0; j < img.naxis2; j++)
img.z[l] = ql.fbuf[l];
2013-09-09 00:36:40 -06:00
// Get levels
for (i = 0, s1 = 0.0; i < img.naxis1 * img.naxis2; i++)
s1 += img.z[i];
avg = s1 / (float) (img.naxis1 * img.naxis2);
for (i = 0, s2 = 0.0; i < img.naxis1 * img.naxis2; i++)
s2 += pow (img.z[i] - avg, 2);
std = sqrt (s2 / (float) (img.naxis1 * img.naxis2));
img.zmin = avg - 4.0 * std;
img.zmax = avg + 16.0 * std;
2013-09-09 00:36:40 -06:00
return img;
// Read pixel catalog
struct catalog
read_pixel_catalog (char *filename, float x0, float y0, float rmin)
2013-09-09 00:36:40 -06:00
int i = 0;
2013-09-09 00:36:40 -06:00
FILE *file;
char line[LIM];
struct catalog c;
float dx, dy, r;
2013-09-09 00:36:40 -06:00
// Read catalog
file = fopen (filename, "r");
if (file == NULL)
fprintf (stderr, "%s not found!\n", filename);
exit (0);
while (fgetline (file, line, LIM) > 0)
if (i >= NMAX)
if (strstr (line, "#") != NULL)
sscanf (line, "%f %f %f", &c.x[i], &c.y[i], &c.mag[i]);
dx = c.x[i] - x0;
dy = c.y[i] - y0;
r = sqrt (dx * dx + dy * dy);
if (r > rmin && rmin > 0.0)
c.select[i] = 0;
fclose (file);
c.n = i;
2013-09-09 00:36:40 -06:00
return c;
// Read a line of maximum length int lim from file FILE into string s
fgetline (FILE * file, char *s, int lim)
2013-09-09 00:36:40 -06:00
int c, i = 0;
while (--lim > 0 && (c = fgetc (file)) != EOF && c != '\n')
2013-09-09 00:36:40 -06:00
s[i++] = c;
if (c == '\n')
s[i++] = c;
s[i] = '\0';
return i;
struct catalog
read_astrometric_catalog (char *filename, float mmin, float sx, float sy,
float angle)
2013-09-09 00:36:40 -06:00
int i = 0;
2013-09-09 00:36:40 -06:00
FILE *file;
char line[LIM];
struct catalog c;
double rx, ry, x, y, ra, de;
2013-09-09 00:36:40 -06:00
struct star s;
double d, dx, dy;
double mjd0 = 51544.5;
file = fopen (filename, "rb");
if (file == NULL)
fprintf (stderr, "%s not found!\n", filename);
exit (0);
2013-09-09 00:36:40 -06:00
while (!feof (file))
fread (&s, sizeof (struct star), 1, file);
if (s.mag > mmin)
forward (img.ra0, img.de0, s.ra, s.de, &rx, &ry);
x =
img.x0 + 1.0 / sx * (cos (angle * D2R) * rx + sin (angle * D2R) * ry);
y =
img.y0 + 1.0 / sy * (-sin (angle * D2R) * rx +
cos (angle * D2R) * ry);
if (x > 0.0 && x < (float) img.naxis1 && y > 0.0
&& y < (float) img.naxis2)
c.x[i] = x;
c.y[i] = y;
c.rx[i] = rx;
c.ry[i] = ry;
c.ra[i] = s.ra;
c.de[i] = s.de;
c.mag[i] = s.mag;
c.select[i] = 0;
if (i >= NMAX)
fclose (file);
c.n = i;
2013-09-09 00:36:40 -06:00
return c;
// Select nearest object
select_nearest (struct catalog c, float x, float y)
2013-09-09 00:36:40 -06:00
int i, imin;
float r, rmin;
for (i = 0; i < c.n; i++)
r = sqrt (pow (x - c.x[i], 2) + pow (y - c.y[i], 2));
if (i == 0 || r < rmin)
imin = i;
rmin = r;
2013-09-09 00:36:40 -06:00
return imin;
// Fit transformation
fit_transformation (struct catalog cat, struct catalog ast, int nselect)
2013-09-09 00:36:40 -06:00
int i, j;
float *x, *y, *rx, *ry;
x = (float *) malloc (sizeof (float) * nselect);
y = (float *) malloc (sizeof (float) * nselect);
rx = (float *) malloc (sizeof (float) * nselect);
ry = (float *) malloc (sizeof (float) * nselect);
for (i = 0; i < nselect; i++)
for (j = 0; j < cat.n; j++)
if (cat.select[j] == i + 1)
x[i] = cat.x[j] - img.x0;
y[i] = cat.y[j] - img.y0;
for (j = 0; j < ast.n; j++)
if (ast.select[j] == i + 1)
rx[i] = ast.rx[j];
ry[i] = ast.ry[j];
2013-09-09 00:36:40 -06:00
lfit2d (x, y, rx, nselect, img.a);
lfit2d (x, y, ry, nselect, img.b);
2013-09-09 00:36:40 -06:00
// Linear 2D fit
lfit2d (float *x, float *y, float *z, int n, float *a)
2013-09-09 00:36:40 -06:00
int i;
double chisq;
gsl_matrix *X, *cov;
gsl_vector *yy, *w, *c;
2013-09-09 00:36:40 -06:00
X = gsl_matrix_alloc (n, 3);
yy = gsl_vector_alloc (n);
w = gsl_vector_alloc (n);
2013-09-09 00:36:40 -06:00
c = gsl_vector_alloc (3);
cov = gsl_matrix_alloc (3, 3);
2013-09-09 00:36:40 -06:00
// Fill matrices
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
gsl_matrix_set (X, i, 0, 1.0);
gsl_matrix_set (X, i, 1, x[i]);
gsl_matrix_set (X, i, 2, y[i]);
gsl_vector_set (yy, i, z[i]);
gsl_vector_set (w, i, 1.0);
2013-09-09 00:36:40 -06:00
// Do fit
gsl_multifit_linear_workspace *work = gsl_multifit_linear_alloc (n, 3);
gsl_multifit_wlinear (X, w, yy, c, cov, &chisq, work);
gsl_multifit_linear_free (work);
2013-09-09 00:36:40 -06:00
// Save parameters
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
a[i] = gsl_vector_get (c, (i));
2013-09-09 00:36:40 -06:00
gsl_matrix_free (X);
gsl_vector_free (yy);
gsl_vector_free (w);
gsl_vector_free (c);
gsl_matrix_free (cov);
2013-09-09 00:36:40 -06:00
// Read astrometric catalog
struct catalog
reread_astrometric_catalog (char *filename, float mmin)
2013-09-09 00:36:40 -06:00
int i = 0;
2013-09-09 00:36:40 -06:00
FILE *file;
char line[LIM];
struct catalog c;
double rx, ry, x, y;
2013-09-09 00:36:40 -06:00
struct star s;
double d, dx, dy, ra, de;
double mjd0 = 51544.5;
file = fopen (filename, "rb");
while (!feof (file))
fread (&s, sizeof (struct star), 1, file);
if (s.mag > mmin)
forward (img.ra0, img.de0, s.ra, s.de, &rx, &ry);
dx = rx - img.a[0];
dy = ry - img.b[0];
d = img.a[1] * img.b[2] - img.a[2] * img.b[1];
x = (img.b[2] * dx - img.a[2] * dy) / d + img.x0;
y = (img.a[1] * dy - img.b[1] * dx) / d + img.y0;
if (x > 0.0 && x < img.naxis1 && y > 0.0 && y < img.naxis2)
c.x[i] = x;
c.y[i] = y;
c.rx[i] = rx;
c.ry[i] = ry;
c.ra[i] = s.ra;
c.de[i] = s.de;
c.mag[i] = s.mag;
c.select[i] = 0;
2013-09-09 00:36:40 -06:00
fclose (file);
c.n = i;
2013-09-09 00:36:40 -06:00
return c;
match_catalogs (struct catalog *cat, struct catalog *ast, float rmax)
2013-09-09 00:36:40 -06:00
int i, j, jmin, n, flag = 0;
float r, rmin;
2013-09-09 00:36:40 -06:00
FILE *file;
// Reset
for (i = 0; i < cat->n; i++)
cat->select[i] = 0;
for (i = 0; i < ast->n; i++)
ast->select[i] = 0;
file = fopen ("out.dat", "w");
for (i = 0, n = 0; i < cat->n; i++)
for (j = 0, flag = 0; j < ast->n; j++)
if (ast->select[j] != 0)
r =
sqrt (pow (cat->x[i] - ast->x[j], 2) +
pow (cat->y[i] - ast->y[j], 2));
if (flag == 0 || r < rmin)
rmin = r;
jmin = j;
flag = 1;
if (rmin < rmax)
fprintf (file, "%10.4f %10.4f %10.6f %10.6f\n", cat->x[i] - img.x0,
cat->y[i] - img.y0, ast->ra[jmin], ast->de[jmin]);
cat->select[i] = n + 1;
ast->select[jmin] = n + 1;
2013-09-09 00:36:40 -06:00
fclose (file);
2013-09-09 00:36:40 -06:00
printf ("%d stars matched\n", n);
2013-09-09 00:36:40 -06:00
return n;
2015-05-25 15:16:03 -06:00
// Convert Sexagesimal into Decimal
s2dec (char *s)
2015-05-25 15:16:03 -06:00
double x;
float deg, min, sec;
2015-05-25 15:16:03 -06:00
char t[LIM];
strcpy (t, s);
2015-05-25 15:16:03 -06:00
deg = fabs (atof (strtok (t, " :")));
min = fabs (atof (strtok (NULL, " :")));
sec = fabs (atof (strtok (NULL, " :")));
2015-05-25 15:16:03 -06:00
x = (double) deg + (double) min / 60. + (double) sec / 3600.;
if (s[0] == '-')
x = -x;
2015-05-25 15:16:03 -06:00
return x;