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2013-05-26 09:21:00 -06:00
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
2018-02-27 13:53:14 -07:00
#include <ctype.h>
2013-05-26 09:21:00 -06:00
#include "sgdp4h.h"
#include "satutl.h"
#include <getopt.h>
#define XKMPER 6378.135 /* Km per earth radii */
#define XMNPDA 1440.0 /* Minutes per day */
#define AE 1.0 /* Earth radius in "chosen units". */
2013-05-26 09:21:00 -06:00
#define XKE 0.743669161e-1
#define CK2 5.413080e-4 /* (0.5 * XJ2 * AE * AE) */
2013-05-26 09:21:00 -06:00
#define R2D 180.0/M_PI
#define D2R M_PI/180.0
extern double SGDP4_jd0;
void orbit (orbit_t orb, float *aodp, float *perigee, float *apogee,
float *period);
void format_tle (orbit_t orb, char *line1, char *line2);
double mjd2doy (double mjd, int *yr);
double nfd2mjd (char *date);
double date2mjd (int year, int month, double day);
void mjd2date (double mjd, int *year, int *month, double *day);
double gmst (double mjd);
double modulo (double x, double y);
usage (void)
2014-02-24 00:39:26 -07:00
printf ("faketle q:Q:i:I:w:t:m:n:d:\n\n");
printf ("-q Perigee altitude (km)\n");
printf ("-Q Apogee altitude (km)\n");
printf ("-I Orbital inclination (deg)\n");
printf ("-n RA of the ascending node (deg)\n");
printf ("-w Argument of perigee (deg)\n");
printf ("-m Mean anomaly (deg)\n");
printf ("-t Epoch (YYYY-mm-ddThh:mm:ss)\n");
printf ("-i Satellite number\n");
printf ("-d Time offset from epoch (s)\n");
2014-02-24 00:39:26 -07:00
main (int argc, char *argv[])
2013-05-26 09:21:00 -06:00
orbit_t orb;
float aodp, perigee, apogee, period, dt = 0.0;
char line1[70], line2[70];
int arg = 0;
double mjd, dh;
2013-05-26 09:21:00 -06:00
// Initialize
orb.satno = 99999;
orb.eqinc = 0.0;
orb.ascn = 0.0;
orb.argp = 0.0;
orb.mnan = 0.0;
orb.bstar = 0.5e-4;
orb.ep_day = 1.000;
orb.ep_year = 2013;
2013-05-26 09:21:00 -06:00
// Decode options
while ((arg = getopt (argc, argv, "q:Q:i:I:w:t:m:n:hd:")) != -1)
switch (arg)
case 'q':
perigee = atof (optarg);
case 'Q':
apogee = atof (optarg);
case 'I':
orb.eqinc = atof (optarg) * D2R;
case 'n':
orb.ascn = atof (optarg) * D2R;
case 'i':
orb.satno = atoi (optarg);
case 'w':
orb.argp = atof (optarg) * D2R;
case 'm':
orb.mnan = atof (optarg) * D2R;
case 't':
mjd = nfd2mjd (optarg);
case 'd':
dt = atof (optarg);
case 'h':
usage ();
return 0;
usage ();
return 0;
2013-05-26 09:21:00 -06:00
orb.ep_day = mjd2doy (mjd + dt / 86400.0, &orb.ep_year);
2014-09-17 08:40:20 -06:00
perigee += XKMPER;
apogee += XKMPER;
aodp = 0.5 * (perigee + apogee) / XKMPER;
orb.ecc = 0.5 * (apogee - perigee) / (aodp * XKMPER);
orb.rev = XKE * pow (aodp, -1.5) * XMNPDA / (2.0 * M_PI);
if (orb.rev < 10)
orb.bstar = 0.0;
orbit (orb, &aodp, &perigee, &apogee, &period);
2013-05-26 09:21:00 -06:00
format_tle (orb, line1, line2);
printf ("%s\n%s\n", line1, line2);
2013-05-26 09:21:00 -06:00
return 0;
orbit (orbit_t orb, float *aodp, float *perigee, float *apogee, float *period)
2013-05-26 09:21:00 -06:00
float xno, eo, xincl;
float a1, betao2, betao, temp0, del1, a0, del0, xnodp;
2013-05-26 09:21:00 -06:00
xno = orb.rev * 2.0 * M_PI / XMNPDA;
eo = orb.ecc;
xincl = orb.eqinc;
2013-05-26 09:21:00 -06:00
a1 = pow (XKE / xno, 2.0 / 3.0);
2013-05-26 09:21:00 -06:00
betao2 = 1.0 - eo * eo;
betao = sqrt (betao2);
temp0 = (1.5 * CK2) * cos (xincl) * cos (xincl) / (betao * betao2);
2013-05-26 09:21:00 -06:00
del1 = temp0 / (a1 * a1);
a0 = a1 * (1.0 - del1 * (1.0 / 3.0 + del1 * (1.0 + del1 * 134.0 / 81.0)));
2013-05-26 09:21:00 -06:00
del0 = temp0 / (a0 * a0);
xnodp = xno / (1.0 + del0);
*aodp = (a0 / (1.0 - del0));
*perigee = (*aodp * (1.0 - eo) - 1) * XKMPER;
*apogee = (*aodp * (1.0 + eo) - 1) * XKMPER;
*period = (TWOPI * 1440.0 / XMNPDA) / xnodp;
*aodp = (*aodp - 1) * XKMPER;
2013-05-26 09:21:00 -06:00
// Format TLE
format_tle (orbit_t orb, char *line1, char *line2)
2013-05-26 09:21:00 -06:00
int i, csum;
char sbstar[] = " 00000-0", bstar[13];
2013-05-26 09:21:00 -06:00
// Format Bstar term
if (fabs (orb.bstar) > 1e-9)
sprintf (bstar, "%11.4e", 10 * orb.bstar);
sbstar[0] = bstar[0];
sbstar[1] = bstar[1];
sbstar[2] = bstar[3];
sbstar[3] = bstar[4];
sbstar[4] = bstar[5];
sbstar[5] = bstar[6];
sbstar[6] = bstar[8];
sbstar[7] = bstar[10];
sbstar[8] = '\0';
2013-05-26 09:21:00 -06:00
// Print lines
sprintf (line1,
"1 %05dU %2d%012.8f .00000000 00000-0 %8s 0 0",
orb.satno, orb.ep_year - 2000, orb.ep_day, sbstar);
sprintf (line2, "2 %05d %8.4f %8.4f %07.0f %8.4f %8.4f %11.8f 0",
orb.satno, DEG (orb.eqinc), DEG (orb.ascn), 1E7 * orb.ecc,
DEG (orb.argp), DEG (orb.mnan), orb.rev);
2013-05-26 09:21:00 -06:00
// Compute checksums
for (i = 0, csum = 0; i < strlen (line1); i++)
if (isdigit (line1[i]))
csum += line1[i] - '0';
else if (line1[i] == '-')
sprintf (line1, "%s%d", line1, csum % 10);
for (i = 0, csum = 0; i < strlen (line2); i++)
if (isdigit (line2[i]))
csum += line2[i] - '0';
else if (line2[i] == '-')
sprintf (line2, "%s%d", line2, csum % 10);
2013-05-26 09:21:00 -06:00
// nfd2mjd
nfd2mjd (char *date)
2013-05-26 09:21:00 -06:00
int year, month, day, hour, min, sec;
double mjd, dday;
2013-05-26 09:21:00 -06:00
sscanf (date, "%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d", &year, &month, &day, &hour,
&min, &sec);
dday = day + hour / 24.0 + min / 1440.0 + sec / 86400.0;
2013-05-26 09:21:00 -06:00
mjd = date2mjd (year, month, dday);
2013-05-26 09:21:00 -06:00
return mjd;
// Compute Julian Day from Date
date2mjd (int year, int month, double day)
2013-05-26 09:21:00 -06:00
int a, b;
2013-05-26 09:21:00 -06:00
double jd;
if (month < 3)
month += 12;
2013-05-26 09:21:00 -06:00
a = floor (year / 100.);
b = 2. - a + floor (a / 4.);
2013-05-26 09:21:00 -06:00
if (year < 1582)
b = 0;
if (year == 1582 && month < 10)
b = 0;
if (year == 1582 && month == 10 && day <= 4)
b = 0;
2013-05-26 09:21:00 -06:00
jd =
floor (365.25 * (year + 4716)) + floor (30.6001 * (month + 1)) + day + b -
2013-05-26 09:21:00 -06:00
return jd - 2400000.5;
2013-05-26 09:21:00 -06:00
// MJD to DOY
mjd2doy (double mjd, int *yr)
2013-05-26 09:21:00 -06:00
int year, month, k = 2;
double day, doy;
mjd2date (mjd, &year, &month, &day);
2013-05-26 09:21:00 -06:00
if (year % 4 == 0 && year % 400 != 0)
k = 1;
2013-05-26 09:21:00 -06:00
doy =
floor (275.0 * month / 9.0) - k * floor ((month + 9.0) / 12.0) + day - 30;
2013-05-26 09:21:00 -06:00
*yr = year;
2013-05-26 09:21:00 -06:00
return doy;
// Compute Date from Julian Day
mjd2date (double mjd, int *year, int *month, double *day)
2013-05-26 09:21:00 -06:00
double f, jd;
int z, alpha, a, b, c, d, e;
jd = mjd + 2400000.5;
jd += 0.5;
z = floor (jd);
f = fmod (jd, 1.);
if (z < 2299161)
a = z;
alpha = floor ((z - 1867216.25) / 36524.25);
a = z + 1 + alpha - floor (alpha / 4.);
b = a + 1524;
c = floor ((b - 122.1) / 365.25);
d = floor (365.25 * c);
e = floor ((b - d) / 30.6001);
*day = b - d - floor (30.6001 * e) + f;
if (e < 14)
*month = e - 1;
2013-05-26 09:21:00 -06:00
*month = e - 13;
2013-05-26 09:21:00 -06:00
if (*month > 2)
*year = c - 4716;
2013-05-26 09:21:00 -06:00
*year = c - 4715;
2013-05-26 09:21:00 -06:00
2014-12-14 15:04:23 -07:00
// Greenwich Mean Sidereal Time
gmst (double mjd)
2014-12-14 15:04:23 -07:00
double t, gmst;
2014-12-14 15:04:23 -07:00
t = (mjd - 51544.5) / 36525.0;
2014-12-14 15:04:23 -07:00
gmst =
modulo (280.46061837 + 360.98564736629 * (mjd - 51544.5) +
t * t * (0.000387933 - t / 38710000), 360.0);
2014-12-14 15:04:23 -07:00
return gmst;
// Return x modulo y [0,y)
modulo (double x, double y)
2014-12-14 15:04:23 -07:00
x = fmod (x, y);
if (x < 0.0)
x += y;
2014-12-14 15:04:23 -07:00
return x;