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2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "sgdp4h.h"
#define LIM 128
#define D2R M_PI/180.0
#define R2D 180.0/M_PI
#define XKMPER 6378.135 // Earth radius in km
#define XKMPAU 149597879.691 // AU in km
2016-09-24 08:49:30 -06:00
#define XKE 0.743669161e-1
#define CK2 5.413080e-4 /* (0.5 * XJ2 * AE * AE) */
#define XMNPDA 1440.0 /* Minutes per day */
2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00
#define FLAT (1.0/298.257)
#define STDMAG 6.0
#define MMAX 1024
long Isat = 0;
long Isatsel = 0;
2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00
extern double SGDP4_jd0;
struct map
double lat, lng;
2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00
float alt;
char observer[32];
int site_id;
} m;
void get_site (int site_id);
double nfd2mjd (char *date);
double date2mjd (int year, int month, double day);
void nfd_now (char *s);
void obspos_xyz (double mjd, xyz_t * pos, xyz_t * vel);
void sunpos_xyz (double mjd, xyz_t * pos, double *ra, double *de);
double gmst (double mjd);
double dgmst (double mjd);
double modulo (double x, double y);
void equatorial2horizontal (double mjd, double ra, double de, double *azi,
double *alt);
void mjd2date (double mjd, char *date);
int properties (kep_t K, xyz_t obspos, xyz_t sunpos, float radius, float t,
double *ra, double *de, double *r, float *mag);
void dec2s (double x, char *s, int f, int len);
semimajoraxis (orbit_t orb)
2016-09-24 08:49:30 -06:00
float xno, eo, xincl;
float a1, betao2, betao, temp0, del1, a0, del0, xnodp, aodp;
2016-09-24 08:49:30 -06:00
xno = orb.rev * 2.0 * M_PI / XMNPDA;
eo = orb.ecc;
xincl = orb.eqinc;
2016-09-24 08:49:30 -06:00
a1 = pow (XKE / xno, 2.0 / 3.0);
2016-09-24 08:49:30 -06:00
betao2 = 1.0 - eo * eo;
betao = sqrt (betao2);
temp0 = (1.5 * CK2) * cos (xincl) * cos (xincl) / (betao * betao2);
2016-09-24 08:49:30 -06:00
del1 = temp0 / (a1 * a1);
a0 = a1 * (1.0 - del1 * (1.0 / 3.0 + del1 * (1.0 + del1 * 134.0 / 81.0)));
2016-09-24 08:49:30 -06:00
del0 = temp0 / (a0 * a0);
xnodp = xno / (1.0 + del0);
aodp = (a0 / (1.0 - del0));
aodp = (aodp - 1) * XKMPER;
2016-09-24 08:49:30 -06:00
return aodp;
usage (void)
2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00
("planscan -t <UT Date/time> -c <catalog> -s <site> -l <length> -i <NORAD>\n");
printf (" -r <altitude> -A <elevation> -S <elevation>\n\n");
("-t <UT Date/time> UT Start date/time in yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss [default: now]\n");
("-c <catalog> Input TLE catalog to use [default: classfd.tle]\n");
printf ("-s <site> Site number from sites.txt [default: 4171]\n");
("-l <length> Search length from UT start in seconds [default: 86400 s]\n");
("-i <NORAD> NORAD number of satellite to select [default: 41334]\n");
("-r <altitude> Satellite altitude above surface in km [default: mean orbital altitude]\n");
("-A <elevation> Minimum satellite elevation in degrees [default: 10 degrees]\n");
("-S <elevation> Maximum solar elevation in degrees [default: -6 degrees\n");
printf ("-d <timestep> Time step in seconds [default: 60s]\n");
("-C Select on culmination instead of maximum brightness\n");
printf ("-h Shows this help\n");
2016-10-23 02:25:05 -06:00
2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00
main (int argc, char *argv[])
2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00
int arg = 0, imode, i;
int satno = -1;
2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00
orbit_t orb;
FILE *fp;
char tlefile[256] = "classfd.tle";
2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00
char nfd[32];
double mjd0, mjd, jd, tsince;
int rv, withvel;
2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00
kep_t K;
double radius = -1;
xyz_t obspos, obsvel, sunpos;
double p, pmin, p0, p1, r, ra, de, azi, alt, sazi, salt, altmin =
10.0, saltmin = -6.0, altmax, dp;
float mag, mmin;
int state, pstate, nstate;
float t, length = 86400.0, dt = 60.0;
char sra[16], sde[16], type[32];
int opttype = 0; // 0 magnitude; 1 elevation
2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00
// Initialize
nfd_now (nfd);
mjd0 = nfd2mjd (nfd);
get_site (4171);
2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00
// Decode options
while ((arg = getopt (argc, argv, "t:c:i:s:l:hS:A:r:d:C")) != -1)
switch (arg)
case 't':
strcpy (nfd, optarg);
mjd0 = nfd2mjd (nfd);
case 'c':
strcpy (tlefile, optarg);
case 's':
get_site (atoi (optarg));
case 'C':
opttype = 1;
case 'i':
satno = atoi (optarg);
case 'r':
radius = atof (optarg);
case 'l':
length = atoi (optarg);
if (strchr (optarg, 'h') != NULL)
length *= 3600;
else if (strchr (optarg, 'm') != NULL)
length *= 60;
else if (strchr (optarg, 'd') != NULL)
length *= 86400;
case 'S':
saltmin = atof (optarg);
case 'A':
altmin = atof (optarg);
case 'd':
dt = atof (optarg);
case 'h':
usage ();
return 0;
usage ();
return 0;
2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00
// Error checking
if (satno <= 0)
fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: NORAD satellite number not provided!\n");
return -1;
2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00
// Get TLE
fp = fopen (tlefile, "rb");
if (fp == NULL)
fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: Failed to open file with TLEs (%s)!\n",
return -1;
2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00
// Read TLE
while (read_twoline (fp, satno, &orb) == 0)
Isat = orb.satno;
imode = init_sgdp4 (&orb);
2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00
if (imode == SGDP4_ERROR)
2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00
fclose (fp);
2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00
// Object found?
if (orb.satno != satno)
fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: Object %d not found in %s!\n", satno, tlefile);
return -1;
2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00
// Object found?
if (orb.rev < 10.0)
fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: Object %d is not in a LEO orbit.\n", satno);
return -1;
2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00
2016-09-24 08:49:30 -06:00
// Compute radius
if (radius < 0.0)
radius = semimajoraxis (orb);
2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00
// Print header
printf ("Observer: %s (%04d) [%+.4f, %+.4f, %.0fm]\n", m.observer,
m.site_id, m.lat, m.lng, m.alt * 1000.0);
printf ("Elements: %s\n", tlefile);
printf ("Object: %d\n", satno);
printf ("Radius: %g km\n", radius);
printf ("Start UT Date/Time: %s for %g h \n\n", nfd, length / 3600.0);
("UT Date/Time R.A. Decl. Azi. Alt. Range Mag Sun Alt. Type\n");
(" (deg) (deg) (km) (deg)\n");
for (t = 0.0; t < length; t += dt)
// (Modified) Julian Date
mjd = mjd0 + t / 86400.0;
jd = mjd + 2400000.5;
// Get kepler
tsince = 1440.0 * (jd - SGDP4_jd0);
rv = sgdp4 (tsince, 1, &K);
// Get positions
obspos_xyz (mjd, &obspos, &obsvel);
sunpos_xyz (mjd, &sunpos, &ra, &de);
equatorial2horizontal (mjd, ra, de, &sazi, &salt);
// Rough search first
p0 = 0.0;
p1 = 2.0 * M_PI;
for (i = 0, pmin = 0.0, mmin = 15.0, altmax = 0.0; i < MMAX; i++)
p = p0 + (p1 - p0) * (float) i / (float) (MMAX - 1);
state =
properties (K, obspos, sunpos, radius, p, &ra, &de, &r, &mag);
equatorial2horizontal (mjd, ra, de, &azi, &alt);
if (opttype == 0)
if (mag < mmin)
pmin = p;
mmin = mag;
else if (opttype == 1)
if (alt > altmax && mag < 15.0)
pmin = p;
altmax = alt;
2016-09-24 08:49:30 -06:00
// Finer search
p0 = pmin - 4.0 * M_PI / (float) MMAX;
p1 = pmin + 4.0 * M_PI / (float) MMAX;
for (i = 0, pmin = 0.0, mmin = 15.0; i < MMAX; i++)
p = p0 + (p1 - p0) * (float) i / (float) (MMAX - 1);
state =
properties (K, obspos, sunpos, radius, p, &ra, &de, &r, &mag);
equatorial2horizontal (mjd, ra, de, &azi, &alt);
if (opttype == 0)
if (mag < mmin)
pmin = p;
mmin = mag;
else if (opttype == 1)
if (alt > altmax && mag < 15.0)
pmin = p;
altmax = alt;
2016-09-24 08:49:30 -06:00
// Get properties before and after maximum
pstate =
properties (K, obspos, sunpos, radius, pmin - 0.01, &ra, &de, &r,
nstate =
properties (K, obspos, sunpos, radius, pmin + 0.01, &ra, &de, &r,
state =
properties (K, obspos, sunpos, radius, pmin, &ra, &de, &r, &mag);
if (pstate < state && state == nstate)
strcpy (type, "Egress");
else if (pstate == state && state > nstate)
strcpy (type, "Ingress");
else if (opttype == 0)
strcpy (type, "Maximum");
else if (opttype == 1)
strcpy (type, "Culmination");
ra = modulo (ra, 360.0);
equatorial2horizontal (mjd, ra, de, &azi, &alt);
azi = modulo (azi + 180.0, 360.0);
mjd2date (mjd, nfd);
dec2s (ra / 15.0, sra, 0, 2);
dec2s (de, sde, 0, 2);
if (alt > altmin && salt < saltmin)
printf ("%s %s %s %6.2f %6.2f %7.1f %5.2f %6.2f %s\n", nfd, sra,
sde, azi, alt, r, mag, salt, type);
2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00
2016-09-24 08:49:30 -06:00
2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00
return 0;
// Get observing site
get_site (int site_id)
2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00
int i = 0;
2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00
char line[LIM];
FILE *file;
int id;
double lat, lng;
2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00
float alt;
char abbrev[3], observer[64], filename[LIM], *env;
env = getenv ("ST_DATADIR");
sprintf (filename, "%s/data/sites.txt", env);
file = fopen (filename, "r");
if (file == NULL)
fprintf (stderr, "File with site information not found (%s)!\n",
2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00
while (fgets (line, LIM, file) != NULL)
// Skip
if (strstr (line, "#") != NULL)
// Strip newline
line[strlen (line) - 1] = '\0';
// Read data
sscanf (line, "%4d %2s %lf %lf %f", &id, abbrev, &lat, &lng, &alt);
strcpy (observer, line + 38);
// Change to km
alt /= 1000.0;
if (id == site_id)
m.lat = lat;
m.lng = lng;
m.alt = alt;
m.site_id = id;
strcpy (m.observer, observer);
2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00
fclose (file);
2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00
// nfd2mjd
nfd2mjd (char *date)
2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00
int year, month, day, hour, min, sec;
double mjd, dday;
2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00
sscanf (date, "%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d", &year, &month, &day, &hour,
&min, &sec);
dday = day + hour / 24.0 + min / 1440.0 + sec / 86400.0;
2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00
mjd = date2mjd (year, month, dday);
2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00
return mjd;
// Compute Julian Day from Date
date2mjd (int year, int month, double day)
2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00
int a, b;
2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00
double jd;
if (month < 3)
month += 12;
2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00
a = floor (year / 100.);
b = 2. - a + floor (a / 4.);
2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00
if (year < 1582)
b = 0;
if (year == 1582 && month < 10)
b = 0;
if (year == 1582 && month == 10 && day <= 4)
b = 0;
2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00
jd =
floor (365.25 * (year + 4716)) + floor (30.6001 * (month + 1)) + day + b -
2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00
return jd - 2400000.5;
2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00
// Present nfd
nfd_now (char *s)
2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00
time_t rawtime;
struct tm *ptm;
// Get UTC time
time (&rawtime);
ptm = gmtime (&rawtime);
sprintf (s, "%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d", ptm->tm_year + 1900,
ptm->tm_mon + 1, ptm->tm_mday, ptm->tm_hour, ptm->tm_min,
2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00
// Observer position
obspos_xyz (double mjd, xyz_t * pos, xyz_t * vel)
2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00
double ff, gc, gs, theta, s, dtheta;
2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00
s = sin (m.lat * D2R);
ff = sqrt (1.0 - FLAT * (2.0 - FLAT) * s * s);
gc = 1.0 / ff + m.alt / XKMPER;
gs = (1.0 - FLAT) * (1.0 - FLAT) / ff + m.alt / XKMPER;
2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00
theta = gmst (mjd) + m.lng;
dtheta = dgmst (mjd) * D2R / 86400;
2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00
pos->x = gc * cos (m.lat * D2R) * cos (theta * D2R) * XKMPER;
pos->y = gc * cos (m.lat * D2R) * sin (theta * D2R) * XKMPER;
pos->z = gs * sin (m.lat * D2R) * XKMPER;
vel->x = -gc * cos (m.lat * D2R) * sin (theta * D2R) * XKMPER * dtheta;
vel->y = gc * cos (m.lat * D2R) * cos (theta * D2R) * XKMPER * dtheta;
vel->z = 0.0;
2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00
// Solar position
sunpos_xyz (double mjd, xyz_t * pos, double *ra, double *de)
2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00
double jd, t, l0, m, e, c, r;
double n, s, ecl;
jd = mjd + 2400000.5;
t = (jd - 2451545.0) / 36525.0;
l0 = modulo (280.46646 + t * (36000.76983 + t * 0.0003032), 360.0) * D2R;
m = modulo (357.52911 + t * (35999.05029 - t * 0.0001537), 360.0) * D2R;
e = 0.016708634 + t * (-0.000042037 - t * 0.0000001267);
c = (1.914602 + t * (-0.004817 - t * 0.000014)) * sin (m) * D2R;
c += (0.019993 - 0.000101 * t) * sin (2.0 * m) * D2R;
c += 0.000289 * sin (3.0 * m) * D2R;
r = 1.000001018 * (1.0 - e * e) / (1.0 + e * cos (m + c));
n = modulo (125.04 - 1934.136 * t, 360.0) * D2R;
s = l0 + c + (-0.00569 - 0.00478 * sin (n)) * D2R;
ecl =
(23.43929111 +
(-46.8150 * t - 0.00059 * t * t + 0.001813 * t * t * t) / 3600.0 +
0.00256 * cos (n)) * D2R;
*ra = atan2 (cos (ecl) * sin (s), cos (s)) * R2D;
*de = asin (sin (ecl) * sin (s)) * R2D;
pos->x = r * cos (*de * D2R) * cos (*ra * D2R) * XKMPAU;
pos->y = r * cos (*de * D2R) * sin (*ra * D2R) * XKMPAU;
pos->z = r * sin (*de * D2R) * XKMPAU;
2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00
// Greenwich Mean Sidereal Time
dgmst (double mjd)
2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00
double t, dgmst;
2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00
t = (mjd - 51544.5) / 36525.0;
2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00
dgmst = 360.98564736629 + t * (0.000387933 - t / 38710000);
2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00
return dgmst;
// Greenwich Mean Sidereal Time
gmst (double mjd)
2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00
double t, gmst;
2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00
t = (mjd - 51544.5) / 36525.0;
2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00
gmst =
modulo (280.46061837 + 360.98564736629 * (mjd - 51544.5) +
t * t * (0.000387933 - t / 38710000), 360.0);
2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00
return gmst;
// Return x modulo y [0,y)
modulo (double x, double y)
2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00
x = fmod (x, y);
if (x < 0.0)
x += y;
2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00
return x;
// Convert equatorial into horizontal coordinates
equatorial2horizontal (double mjd, double ra, double de, double *azi,
double *alt)
2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00
double h;
h = gmst (mjd) + m.lng - ra;
*azi =
modulo (atan2
(sin (h * D2R),
cos (h * D2R) * sin (m.lat * D2R) -
tan (de * D2R) * cos (m.lat * D2R)) * R2D, 360.0);
*alt =
asin (sin (m.lat * D2R) * sin (de * D2R) +
cos (m.lat * D2R) * cos (de * D2R) * cos (h * D2R)) * R2D;
2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00
// Compute Date from Julian Day
mjd2date (double mjd, char *date)
2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00
double f, jd, dday;
int z, alpha, a, b, c, d, e;
int year, month, day, hour, min;
float sec, x;
jd = mjd + 2400000.5;
jd += 0.5;
z = floor (jd);
f = fmod (jd, 1.);
if (z < 2299161)
a = z;
alpha = floor ((z - 1867216.25) / 36524.25);
a = z + 1 + alpha - floor (alpha / 4.);
b = a + 1524;
c = floor ((b - 122.1) / 365.25);
d = floor (365.25 * c);
e = floor ((b - d) / 30.6001);
dday = b - d - floor (30.6001 * e) + f;
if (e < 14)
month = e - 1;
2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00
month = e - 13;
2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00
if (month > 2)
year = c - 4716;
2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00
year = c - 4715;
2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00
day = (int) floor (dday);
x = 24.0 * (dday - day);
x = 3600. * fabs (x) + 0.0001;
sec = fmod (x, 60.);
x = (x - sec) / 60.;
min = fmod (x, 60.);
x = (x - min) / 60.;
hour = x;
sec = floor (1000.0 * sec) / 1000.0;
2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00
sprintf (date, "%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02.0f", year, month, day, hour,
min, sec);
2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00
properties (kep_t K, xyz_t obspos, xyz_t sunpos, float radius, float t,
double *ra, double *de, double *r, float *mag)
2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00
double st, ct, sn, cn, si, ci;
2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00
xyz_t satpos;
double dx, dy, dz, rsun, rearth, psun, pearth, p;
2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00
float phase;
int state;
2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00
// Angles
sn = sin (K.ascn);
cn = cos (K.ascn);
si = sin (K.eqinc);
ci = cos (K.eqinc);
st = sin (K.theta + t);
ct = cos (K.theta + t);
satpos.x = -sn * ci * st + cn * ct;
satpos.y = cn * ci * st + sn * ct;
satpos.z = si * st;
satpos.x *= (radius + XKMPER);
satpos.y *= (radius + XKMPER);
satpos.z *= (radius + XKMPER);
2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00
// Sun position from satellite
dx = -satpos.x + sunpos.x;
dy = -satpos.y + sunpos.y;
dz = -satpos.z + sunpos.z;
2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00
// Distances
rsun = sqrt (dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz);
rearth =
sqrt (satpos.x * satpos.x + satpos.y * satpos.y + satpos.z * satpos.z);
2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00
// Angles
psun = asin (696.0e3 / rsun) * R2D;
pearth = asin (6378.135 / rearth) * R2D;
pearth = asin (6378.135 / rearth) * R2D;
p =
acos ((-dx * satpos.x - dy * satpos.y -
dz * satpos.z) / (rsun * rearth)) * R2D;
p -= pearth;
2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00
// Position differences
dx = satpos.x - obspos.x;
dy = satpos.y - obspos.y;
dz = satpos.z - obspos.z;
2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00
// Celestial position
*r = sqrt (dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz);
*ra = atan2 (dy, dx) * R2D;
*de = asin (dz / *r) * R2D;
2016-09-24 08:49:30 -06:00
2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00
// Visibility
if (p < -psun)
// strcpy(state,"eclipsed");
state = 0;
else if (p > -psun && p < psun)
// strcpy(state,"umbra");
state = 1;
else if (p > psun)
// strcpy(state,"sunlit");
state = 2;
2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00
// Phase
phase =
acos (((obspos.x - satpos.x) * (sunpos.x - satpos.x) +
(obspos.y - satpos.y) * (sunpos.y - satpos.y) + (obspos.z -
satpos.z) *
(sunpos.z - satpos.z)) / (rsun * *r)) * R2D;
2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00
// Magnitude
if (state == 2)
*mag =
STDMAG - 15.0 + 5 * log10 (*r) - 2.5 * log10 (sin (phase * D2R) +
(M_PI -
phase * D2R) *
cos (phase * D2R));
2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00
*mag = 15;
2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00
return state;
// Convert Decimal into Sexagesimal
dec2s (double x, char *s, int f, int len)
2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00
int i;
double sec, deg, min;
2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00
char sign;
char *form[] = { "::", ",,", "hms", " " };
2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00
sign = (x < 0 ? '-' : ' ');
x = 3600. * fabs (x);
2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00
sec = fmod (x, 60.);
x = (x - sec) / 60.;
min = fmod (x, 60.);
x = (x - min) / 60.;
2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00
// deg=fmod(x,60.);
deg = x;
if (len == 7)
sprintf (s, "%c%02i%c%02i%c%07.4f%c", sign, (int) deg, form[f][0],
(int) min, form[f][1], sec, form[f][2]);
if (len == 6)
sprintf (s, "%c%02i%c%02i%c%06.3f%c", sign, (int) deg, form[f][0],
(int) min, form[f][1], sec, form[f][2]);
if (len == 5)
sprintf (s, "%c%02i%c%02i%c%05.2f%c", sign, (int) deg, form[f][0],
(int) min, form[f][1], sec, form[f][2]);
if (len == 4)
sprintf (s, "%c%02i%c%02i%c%04.1f%c", sign, (int) deg, form[f][0],
(int) min, form[f][1], sec, form[f][2]);
if (len == 2)
sprintf (s, "%c%02i%c%02i%c%02i%c", sign, (int) deg, form[f][0],
(int) min, form[f][1], (int) floor (sec), form[f][2]);
2016-06-11 06:25:36 -06:00