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2013-05-18 11:54:11 -06:00
/* > deep.c
* 1.00 around 1980 - Felix R. Hoots & Ronald L. Roehrich, from original
* DEEP.FOR used in the SGP deep-space models SDP4
* and SDP8.
* Made famous by the spacetrack report No.3:
* "Models for Propagation of NORAD Element Sets"
2013-05-18 11:54:11 -06:00
* Edited and subsequently distributed by Dr. T. S. Kelso.
* This conversion by:
2013-05-18 11:54:11 -06:00
* (c) Paul Crawford & Andrew Brooks 1994-2019
* University of Dundee
* psc (at) sat.dundee.ac.uk
* arb (at) sat.dundee.ac.uk
2013-05-18 11:54:11 -06:00
* Released under the terms of the GNU LGPL V3
* http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.html
* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
2013-05-18 11:54:11 -06:00
* 2.00 psc Mon Dec 19 1994 - Translated from FORTRAN into 'C' (of sorts).
* 2.01 psc Wed Dec 21 1994 - Re-write of the secular integrator from a
* messy FORTRAN block in to something which
* (hopefully!) is understandable.
* 2.02 psc Thu Dec 22 1994 - Final mods and tested against the FORTRAN
* version (using ~12 hour resonant and
* geostationary (~24 hour) elements).
* 2.03 psc Mon Jan 02 1995 - Some additional refinements and error-traps.
* 3.00 psc Mon May 29 1995 - Cleaned up for general use & distribution (to
2013-05-18 11:54:11 -06:00
* remove Dundee specific features).
* 3.01 psc Mon Jan 12 2004 - Final fix agreed for "Lyddane bug".
* 3.02 psc Mon Jul 03 2006 - Extended range "Lyddane bug" fix.
* 3.03 psc Tue Jul 04 2006 - Bug fix for extended range "Lyddane bug" fix.
* 3.04 psc Sat 15 Jun 2019 - Minor tidy to removed unused variables,
* spelling corrections.
2013-05-18 11:54:11 -06:00
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
static const char SCCSid[] = "@(#)deep.c 3.04 (C) 1995 psc SatLib: Deep Space effects";
2013-05-18 11:54:11 -06:00
#include "sgdp4h.h"
extern int Set_LS_zero; /* From sgdp4.c */
2013-05-18 11:54:11 -06:00
/* ======================= Function prototypes ====================== */
static void dot_terms_calculated(void);
static void compute_LunarSolar(double tsince);
static void thetag(double ep, real *thegr, double *days50);
/* ===================== Strange constants, etc ===================== */
#define ZNS ((real)1.19459e-5)
#define C1SS ((real)2.9864797e-6)
#define ZES ((real)0.01675)
#define ZNL ((real)1.5835218e-4)
#define C1L ((real)4.7968065e-7)
#define ZEL ((real)0.0549)
#define ZCOSIS ((real)0.91744867)
#define ZSINIS ((real)0.39785416)
#define ZCOSGS ((real)0.1945905)
#define ZSINGS ((real)-0.98088458)
#define Q22 ((real)1.7891679e-6)
#define Q31 ((real)2.1460748e-6)
#define Q33 ((real)2.2123015e-7)
#define G22 ((real)5.7686396)
#define G32 ((real)0.95240898)
#define G44 ((real)1.8014998)
#define G52 ((real)1.0508330)
#define G54 ((real)4.4108898)
#define ROOT22 ((real)1.7891679e-6)
#define ROOT32 ((real)3.7393792e-7)
#define ROOT44 ((real)7.3636953e-9)
#define ROOT52 ((real)1.1428639e-7)
#define ROOT54 ((real)2.1765803e-9)
#define THDT ((real)4.37526908801129966e-3)
//#define THDT ((real)0.0043752691)
#define STEP 720.0
#define MAX_INTEGRATE (STEP * 10000)
#define SIN_EPS (real)(1.0e-12)
/* ======= Global variables used by dpsec(), from dpinit(). ======== */
static real eo; /* copy of original eccentricity. */
static real xincl; /* copy of original equatorial inclination. */
static int isynfl=0, iresfl=0;
static double atime, xli, xni, xnq, xfact;
static real ssl, ssg, ssh, sse, ssi;
static real xlamo, omegaq, omgdt, thgr;
static real del1, del2, del3, fasx2, fasx4, fasx6;
static real d2201, d2211, d3210, d3222, d4410, d4422;
static real d5220, d5232, d5421, d5433;
static real xnddt, xndot, xldot; /* Integrator terms. */
static real xnddt0, xndot0, xldot0; /* Integrator at epoch. */
/* ======== Global Variables used by dpper(), from dpinit(). ======= */
static int ilsd=0, ilsz=0;
static real zmos, se2, se3, si2, si3, sl2, sl3, sl4;
static real sgh2, sgh3, sgh4, sh2, sh3;
static real zmol, ee2, e3 ,xi2, xi3, xl2, xl3, xl4;
static real xgh2, xgh3, xgh4, xh2, xh3;
static real pe, pinc, pgh, ph, pl;
static real pgh0, ph0, pe0, pinc0, pl0; /* Added terms to save the epoch values of perturbations. */
/* ==================================================================
----------------- DEEP SPACE INITIALIZATION ----------------------
epoch : Input, epoch time as YYDDD.DDDD as read from 2-line elements.
omegao : Input, argument of perigee from elements, radian.
xnodeo : Input, right asc. for ascn node from elements, radian.
xmo : Input, mean anomaly from elements, radian.
orb_eo : Input, eccentricity from elements, dimensionless.
2013-05-18 11:54:11 -06:00
orb_xincl : Input, equatorial inclination from elements, radian.
aodp : Input, original semi-major axis, earth radii.
xlldot : Input, 1st derivative of "mean anomaly" (xmdot), radian/min.
omgdot : Input, 1st derivative of arg. per., radian/min.
xnodot : Input, 1st derivative of right asc., radian/min.
xnodp : Input, original mean motion, radian/min.
================================================================== */
sgdp4_mode_t SGDP4_dpinit(double epoch, real omegao, real xnodeo, real xmo,
2013-05-18 11:54:11 -06:00
real orb_eo, real orb_xincl, real aodp, double xlldot,
real omgdot, real xnodot, double xnodp)
LOCAL_DOUBLE ds50, day, xnodce, bfact=0, gam, c;
LOCAL_REAL ctem, sinq, cosq, aqnv, xmao, stem, eqsq, xnoi, ainv2;
LOCAL_REAL zcosg, zsing, zcosi, zsini, zcosh, zsinh;
LOCAL_REAL cosomo, zcosgl, zcoshl, zcosil, sinomo;
LOCAL_REAL xpidot, zsinil, siniq2, cosiq2;
LOCAL_REAL rteqsq, zsinhl, zsingl;
LOCAL_REAL eoc, sgh, g200, bsq, xno2;
2013-05-18 11:54:11 -06:00
LOCAL_REAL a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10;
LOCAL_REAL x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8;
LOCAL_REAL z1, z2, z3, z11, z12, z13, z21, z22, z23, z31, z32, z33;
LOCAL_REAL s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, cc, ao, eq, se, shdq, si, sl;
LOCAL_REAL zx, zy, ze, zn;
LOCAL_REAL g201, g211, g310, g300, g322, g410, g422, g520, g533, g521, g532;
LOCAL_REAL f220, f221, f311, f321, f322, f330, f441, f442, f522, f523, f542, f543;
real siniq, cosiq;
real temp0, temp1;
int ls;
sgdp4_mode_t imode = SGDP4_NOT_INIT;
2013-05-18 11:54:11 -06:00
int ishq;
Copy the supplied orbital elements to "local" (static to this file)
variables and compute common trig values.
eq = eo = orb_eo;
xincl = orb_xincl;
/* Decide on direct or Lyddane Lunar-Solar perturbations. */
ilsd = 0;
if(xincl >= (real)0.2) ilsd = 1;
/* Drop some terms below 3 deg inclination. */
ishq = 0;
#define SHQT 0.052359877
if (xincl >= (real)SHQT) ishq = 1; /* As per reoprt #3. */
SINCOS(omegao, &sinomo, &cosomo);
SINCOS(xnodeo, &sinq, &cosq);
SINCOS(xincl, &siniq, &cosiq);
if (fabs(siniq) <= SIN_EPS)
siniq = SIGN(SIN_EPS, siniq);
cosiq2 = cosiq * cosiq;
siniq2 = siniq * siniq;
ao = aodp;
omgdt = omgdot;
eqsq = eo * eo;
bsq = (real)1.0 - eqsq;
rteqsq = SQRT(bsq);
thetag(epoch, &thgr, &ds50);
/*printf("# epoch = %.8f ds50 = %.8f thgr = %f\n", epoch, ds50, DEG(thgr));*/
xnq = xnodp;
aqnv = (real)1.0 / ao;
xmao = xmo;
xpidot = omgdt + xnodot;
omegaq = omegao;
day = ds50 + 18261.5;
xnodce = 4.523602 - day * 9.2422029e-4;
temp0 = (real)fmod(xnodce, TWOPI);
SINCOS(temp0, &stem, &ctem);
zcosil = (real)0.91375164 - ctem * (real)0.03568096;
zsinil = SQRT((real)1.0 - zcosil * zcosil);
zsinhl = stem * (real)0.089683511 / zsinil;
zcoshl = SQRT((real)1.0 - zsinhl * zsinhl);
c = day * 0.2299715 + 4.7199672;
gam = day * 0.001944368 + 5.8351514;
zmol = (real)MOD2PI(c - gam);
zx = stem * (real)0.39785416 / zsinil;
zy = zcoshl * ctem + zsinhl * (real)0.91744867 * stem;
zx = ATAN2(zx, zy);
zx = (real)fmod(gam + zx - xnodce, TWOPI);
SINCOS(zx, &zsingl, &zcosgl);
zmos = (real)MOD2PI(day * 0.017201977 + 6.2565837);
zcosg = ZCOSGS;
zsing = ZSINGS;
zcosi = ZCOSIS;
zsini = ZSINIS;
zcosh = cosq;
zsinh = sinq;
cc = C1SS;
zn = ZNS;
ze = ZES;
xnoi = (real)(1.0 / xnq);
for(ls = 0; ls < 2; ls++)
a1 = zcosg * zcosh + zsing * zcosi * zsinh;
a3 = -zsing * zcosh + zcosg * zcosi * zsinh;
a7 = -zcosg * zsinh + zsing * zcosi * zcosh;
a8 = zsing * zsini;
a9 = zsing * zsinh + zcosg * zcosi * zcosh;
a10 = zcosg * zsini;
a2 = cosiq * a7 + siniq * a8;
a4 = cosiq * a9 + siniq * a10;
a5 = -siniq * a7 + cosiq * a8;
a6 = -siniq * a9 + cosiq * a10;
x1 = a1 * cosomo + a2 * sinomo;
x2 = a3 * cosomo + a4 * sinomo;
x3 = -a1 * sinomo + a2 * cosomo;
x4 = -a3 * sinomo + a4 * cosomo;
x5 = a5 * sinomo;
x6 = a6 * sinomo;
x7 = a5 * cosomo;
x8 = a6 * cosomo;
z31 = x1 * (real)12.0 * x1 - x3 * (real)3.0 * x3;
z32 = x1 * (real)24.0 * x2 - x3 * (real)6.0 * x4;
z33 = x2 * (real)12.0 * x2 - x4 * (real)3.0 * x4;
z1 = (a1 * a1 + a2 * a2) * (real)3.0 + z31 * eqsq;
z2 = (a1 * a3 + a2 * a4) * (real)6.0 + z32 * eqsq;
z3 = (a3 * a3 + a4 * a4) * (real)3.0 + z33 * eqsq;
z11 = a1 * (real)-6.0 * a5 + eqsq * (x1 * (real)-24.0 * x7 - x3 *
(real)6.0 * x5);
z12 = (a1 * a6 + a3 * a5) * (real)-6.0 + eqsq * ((x2 * x7 +
x1 * x8) * (real)-24.0 - (x3 * x6 + x4 * x5) * (real)6.0);
z13 = a3 * (real)-6.0 * a6 + eqsq * (x2 * (real)-24.0 * x8 - x4 *
(real)6.0 * x6);
z21 = a2 * (real)6.0 * a5 + eqsq * (x1 * (real)24.0 * x5 -
x3 * (real)6.0 * x7);
z22 = (a4 * a5 + a2 * a6) * (real)6.0 + eqsq * ((x2 * x5 + x1 * x6) *
(real)24.0 - (x4 * x7 + x3 * x8) * (real)6.0);
z23 = a4 * (real)6.0 * a6 + eqsq * (x2 * (real)24.0 * x6 - x4 *
(real)6.0 * x8);
z1 = z1 + z1 + bsq * z31;
z2 = z2 + z2 + bsq * z32;
z3 = z3 + z3 + bsq * z33;
s3 = cc * xnoi;
s2 = s3 * (real)-0.5 / rteqsq;
s4 = s3 * rteqsq;
s1 = eq * (real)-15.0 * s4;
s5 = x1 * x3 + x2 * x4;
s6 = x2 * x3 + x1 * x4;
s7 = x2 * x4 - x1 * x3;
se = s1 * zn * s5;
si = s2 * zn * (z11 + z13);
sl = -zn * s3 * (z1 + z3 - (real)14.0 - eqsq * (real)6.0);
sgh = s4 * zn * (z31 + z33 - (real)6.0);
shdq = 0;
real sh = -zn * s2 * (z21 + z23);
shdq = sh / siniq;
ee2 = s1 * (real)2.0 * s6;
e3 = s1 * (real)2.0 * s7;
xi2 = s2 * (real)2.0 * z12;
xi3 = s2 * (real)2.0 * (z13 - z11);
xl2 = s3 * (real)-2.0 * z2;
xl3 = s3 * (real)-2.0 * (z3 - z1);
xl4 = s3 * (real)-2.0 * ((real)-21.0 - eqsq * (real)9.0) * ze;
xgh2 = s4 * (real)2.0 * z32;
xgh3 = s4 * (real)2.0 * (z33 - z31);
xgh4 = s4 * (real)-18.0 * ze;
xh2 = s2 * (real)-2.0 * z22;
xh3 = s2 * (real)-2.0 * (z23 - z21);
if (ls == 1) break;
sse = se;
ssi = si;
ssl = sl;
ssh = shdq;
ssg = sgh - cosiq * ssh;
se2 = ee2;
si2 = xi2;
sl2 = xl2;
sgh2 = xgh2;
sh2 = xh2;
se3 = e3;
si3 = xi3;
sl3 = xl3;
sgh3 = xgh3;
sh3 = xh3;
sl4 = xl4;
sgh4 = xgh4;
zcosg = zcosgl;
zsing = zsingl;
zcosi = zcosil;
zsini = zsinil;
zcosh = zcoshl * cosq + zsinhl * sinq;
zsinh = sinq * zcoshl - cosq * zsinhl;
zn = ZNL;
cc = C1L;
ze = ZEL;
sse += se;
ssi += si;
ssl += sl;
ssg += sgh - cosiq * shdq;
ssh += shdq;
if (xnq < 0.0052359877 && xnq > 0.0034906585)
iresfl = 1;
isynfl = 1;
g200 = eqsq * (eqsq * (real)0.8125 - (real)2.5) + (real)1.0;
g310 = eqsq * (real)2.0 + (real)1.0;
g300 = eqsq * (eqsq * (real)6.60937 - (real)6.0) + (real)1.0;
f220 = (cosiq + (real)1.0) * (real)0.75 * (cosiq + (real)1.0);
f311 = siniq * (real)0.9375 * siniq * (cosiq * (real)3.0 +
(real)1.0) - (cosiq + (real)1.0) * (real)0.75;
f330 = cosiq + (real)1.0;
f330 = f330 * (real)1.875 * f330 * f330;
del1 = (real)3.0 * (real)(xnq * xnq * aqnv * aqnv);
del2 = del1 * (real)2.0 * f220 * g200 * Q22;
del3 = del1 * (real)3.0 * f330 * g300 * Q33 * aqnv;
del1 = del1 * f311 * g310 * Q31 * aqnv;
fasx2 = (real)0.13130908;
fasx4 = (real)2.8843198;
fasx6 = (real)0.37448087;
xlamo = xmao + xnodeo + omegao - thgr;
bfact = xlldot + xpidot - THDT;
bfact += (double)(ssl + ssg + ssh);
else if (xnq >= 0.00826 && xnq <= 0.00924 && eq >= (real)0.5)
iresfl = 1;
isynfl = 0;
eoc = eq * eqsq;
g201 = (real)-0.306 - (eq - (real)0.64) * (real)0.44;
if (eq <= (real)0.65)
g211 = (real)3.616 - eq * (real)13.247 + eqsq * (real)16.29;
g310 = eq * (real)117.39 - (real)19.302 - eqsq * (real)228.419 + eoc * (real)156.591;
g322 = eq * (real)109.7927 - (real)18.9068 - eqsq * (real)214.6334 + eoc * (real)146.5816;
g410 = eq * (real)242.694 - (real)41.122 - eqsq * (real)471.094 + eoc * (real)313.953;
g422 = eq * (real)841.88 - (real)146.407 - eqsq * (real)1629.014 + eoc * (real)1083.435;
g520 = eq * (real)3017.977 - (real)532.114 - eqsq * 5740.032 + eoc * (real)3708.276;
g211 = eq * (real)331.819 - (real)72.099 - eqsq * (real)508.738 + eoc * (real)266.724;
g310 = eq * (real)1582.851 - (real)346.844 - eqsq * (real)2415.925 + eoc * (real)1246.113;
g322 = eq * (real)1554.908 - (real)342.585 - eqsq * (real)2366.899 + eoc * (real)1215.972;
g410 = eq * (real)4758.686 - (real)1052.797 - eqsq * (real)7193.992 + eoc * (real)3651.957;
g422 = eq * (real)16178.11 - (real)3581.69 - eqsq * (real)24462.77 + eoc * (real)12422.52;
if (eq <= (real)0.715)
g520 = (real)1464.74 - eq * (real)4664.75 + eqsq * (real)3763.64;
g520 = eq * (real)29936.92 - (real)5149.66 - eqsq * (real)54087.36 + eoc * (real)31324.56;
if (eq < (real)0.7)
g533 = eq * (real)4988.61 - (real)919.2277 - eqsq * (real)9064.77 + eoc * (real)5542.21;
g521 = eq * (real)4568.6173 - (real)822.71072 - eqsq * (real)8491.4146 + eoc * (real)5337.524;
g532 = eq * (real)4690.25 - (real)853.666 - eqsq * (real)8624.77 + eoc * (real)5341.4;
g533 = eq * (real)161616.52 - (real)37995.78 - eqsq * (real)229838.2 + eoc * (real)109377.94;
g521 = eq * (real)218913.95 - (real)51752.104 - eqsq * (real)309468.16 + eoc * (real)146349.42;
g532 = eq * (real)170470.89 - (real)40023.88 - eqsq * (real)242699.48 + eoc * (real)115605.82;
f220 = (cosiq * (real)2.0 + (real)1.0 + cosiq2) * (real)0.75;
f221 = siniq2 * (real)1.5;
f321 = siniq * (real)1.875 * ((real)1.0 - cosiq * (real)2.0 - cosiq2 * (real)3.0);
f322 = siniq * (real)-1.875 * (cosiq * (real)2.0 + (real)1.0 - cosiq2 * (real)3.0);
f441 = siniq2 * (real)35.0 * f220;
f442 = siniq2 * (real)39.375 * siniq2;
f522 = siniq * (real)9.84375 * (siniq2 * ((real)1.0 - cosiq *
(real)2.0 - cosiq2 * (real)5.0) + (cosiq * (real)4.0 -
(real)2.0 + cosiq2 * (real)6.0) * (real)0.33333333);
f523 = siniq * (siniq2 * (real)4.92187512 * ((real)-2.0 - cosiq *
(real)4.0 + cosiq2 * (real)10.0) + (cosiq * (real)2.0 +
(real)1.0 - cosiq2 * (real)3.0) * (real)6.56250012);
f542 = siniq * (real)29.53125 * ((real)2.0 - cosiq * (real)8.0 +
cosiq2 * (cosiq * (real)8.0 - (real)12.0 + cosiq2 *
f543 = siniq * (real)29.53125 * ((real)-2.0 - cosiq * (real)8.0 +
cosiq2 * (cosiq * (real)8.0 + (real)12.0 - cosiq2 *
xno2 = (real)(xnq * xnq);
ainv2 = aqnv * aqnv;
temp1 = xno2 * (real)3.0 * ainv2;
temp0 = temp1 * ROOT22;
d2201 = temp0 * f220 * g201;
d2211 = temp0 * f221 * g211;
temp1 *= aqnv;
temp0 = temp1 * ROOT32;
d3210 = temp0 * f321 * g310;
d3222 = temp0 * f322 * g322;
temp1 *= aqnv;
temp0 = temp1 * (real)2.0 * ROOT44;
d4410 = temp0 * f441 * g410;
d4422 = temp0 * f442 * g422;
temp1 *= aqnv;
temp0 = temp1 * ROOT52;
d5220 = temp0 * f522 * g520;
d5232 = temp0 * f523 * g532;
temp0 = temp1 * (real)2.0 * ROOT54;
d5421 = temp0 * f542 * g521;
d5433 = temp0 * f543 * g533;
xlamo = xmao + xnodeo + xnodeo - thgr - thgr;
bfact = xlldot + xnodot + xnodot - THDT - THDT;
bfact += (double)(ssl + ssh + ssh);
iresfl = 0;
isynfl = 0;
if(iresfl == 0)
/* Non-resonant orbits. */
imode = SGDP4_DEEP_NORM;
xfact = bfact - xnq;
xli = (double)xlamo;
xni = xnq;
atime = 0.0;
/* Save the "dot" terms for integrator re-start. */
xnddt0 = xnddt;
xndot0 = xndot;
xldot0 = xldot;
if (isynfl)
imode = SGDP4_DEEP_SYNC;
imode = SGDP4_DEEP_RESN;
/* Set up for original mode (LS terms at epoch non-zero). */
ilsz = 0;
pgh0 = ph0 = pe0 = pinc0 = pl0 = (real)0.0;
/* Save the epoch case Lunar-Solar terms to remove this bias for
* actual computations later on.
* Not sure if this is a good idea.
pgh0 = pgh;
ph0 = ph;
pe0 = pe;
pinc0 = pinc;
pl0 = pl;
ilsz = 1;
return imode;
} /* SGDP4_dpinit */
/* =====================================================================
------------- ENTRANCE FOR DEEP SPACE SECULAR EFFECTS ---------------
xll : Input/Output, modified "mean anomaly" or "mean longitude".
omgasm : Input/Output, modified argument of perigee.
xnodes : Input/Output, modified right asc of ascn node.
em : Input/Output, modified eccentricity.
xinc : Input/Output, modified inclination.
xn : Output, modified period from 'xnodp'.
tsince : Input, time from epoch (minutes).
===================================================================== */
int SGDP4_dpsec(double *xll, real *omgasm, real *xnodes, real *em,
real *xinc, double *xn, double tsince)
LOCAL_DOUBLE delt, ft, xl;
real temp0;
*xll += ssl * tsince;
*omgasm += ssg * tsince;
*xnodes += ssh * tsince;
*em += sse * tsince;
*xinc += ssi * tsince;
if (iresfl == 0) return 0;
* A minor increase in some efficiency can be had by restarting if
* the new time is closer to epoch than to the old integrated
* time. This also forces a re-start on a change in sign (i.e. going
* through zero time) as then we have |tsince - atime| > |tsince|
* as well. Second test is for stepping back towards zero, forcing a restart
* if close enough rather than integrating to zero.
#define AHYST 1.0
/* Most accurate (OK, most _consistant_) method. Restart if need to
* integrate 'backwards' significantly from current point.
if(fabs(tsince) < STEP ||
(atime > 0.0 && tsince < atime - AHYST) ||
(atime < 0.0 && tsince > atime + AHYST))
/* Epoch restart if we are at, or have crossed, tsince==0 */
atime = 0.0;
xni = xnq;
xli = (double)xlamo;
/* Restore the old "dot" terms. */
xnddt = xnddt0;
xndot = xndot0;
xldot = xldot0;
ft = tsince - atime;
if (fabs(ft) > MAX_INTEGRATE)
fatal_error("SGDP4_dpsec: Integration limit reached");
return -1;
if (fabs(ft) >= STEP)
Do integration if required. Find the step direction to
make 'atime' catch up with 'tsince'.
delt = (tsince >= atime ? STEP : -STEP);
do {
/* INTEGRATOR (using the last "dot" terms). */
xli += delt * (xldot + delt * (real)0.5 * xndot);
xni += delt * (xndot + delt * (real)0.5 * xnddt);
atime += delt;
/* Are we close enough now ? */
ft = tsince - atime;
} while (fabs(ft) >= STEP);
xl = xli + ft * (xldot + ft * (real)0.5 * xndot);
*xn = xni + ft * (xndot + ft * (real)0.5 * xnddt);
temp0 = -(*xnodes) + thgr + tsince * THDT;
if (isynfl == 0)
*xll = xl + temp0 + temp0;
*xll = xl - *omgasm + temp0;
return 0;
} /* SGDP4_dpsec */
/* =====================================================================
Here we do the "dot" terms for the integrator. Separate function so we
can call when initialising and save the atime==0.0 values for later
epoch re-start of the integrator.
===================================================================== */
static void dot_terms_calculated(void)
LOCAL_DOUBLE x2li, x2omi, xomi;
if (isynfl)
xndot = del1 * SIN(xli - fasx2)
+ del2 * SIN((xli - fasx4) * (real)2.0)
+ del3 * SIN((xli - fasx6) * (real)3.0);
xnddt = del1 * COS(xli - fasx2)
+ del2 * COS((xli - fasx4) * (real)2.0) * (real)2.0
+ del3 * COS((xli - fasx6) * (real)3.0) * (real)3.0;
xomi = omegaq + omgdt * atime;
x2omi = xomi + xomi;
x2li = xli + xli;
xndot = d2201 * SIN(x2omi + xli - G22)
+ d2211 * SIN(xli - G22)
+ d3210 * SIN(xomi + xli - G32)
+ d3222 * SIN(-xomi + xli - G32)
+ d5220 * SIN(xomi + xli - G52)
+ d5232 * SIN(-xomi + xli - G52)
+ d4410 * SIN(x2omi + x2li - G44)
+ d4422 * SIN(x2li - G44)
+ d5421 * SIN(xomi + x2li - G54)
+ d5433 * SIN(-xomi + x2li - G54);
xnddt = d2201 * COS(x2omi + xli - G22)
+ d2211 * COS(xli - G22)
+ d3210 * COS(xomi + xli - G32)
+ d3222 * COS(-xomi + xli - G32)
+ d5220 * COS(xomi + xli - G52)
+ d5232 * COS(-xomi + xli - G52)
+ (d4410 * COS(x2omi + x2li - G44)
+ d4422 * COS(x2li - G44)
+ d5421 * COS(xomi + x2li - G54)
+ d5433 * COS(-xomi + x2li - G54)) * (real)2.0;
xldot = (real)(xni + xfact);
xnddt *= xldot;
} /* dot_terms_calculated */
/* =====================================================================
---------------- ENTRANCES FOR LUNAR-SOLAR PERIODICS ----------------
em : Input/Output, modified eccentricity.
xinc : Input/Output, modified inclination.
omgasm : Input/Output, modified argument of perigee.
xnodes : Input/Output, modified right asc of ascn node.
xll : Input/Output, modified "mean anomaly" or "mean longitude".
tsince : Input, time from epoch (minutes).
===================================================================== */
int SGDP4_dpper(real *em, real *xinc, real *omgasm, real *xnodes,
double *xll, double tsince)
real sinis, cosis;
*xinc += pinc;
*em += pe;
/* Spacetrack report #3 has sin/cos from before perturbations
* added to xinc (oldxinc), but apparently report # 6 has then
* from after they are added.
SINCOS(*xinc, &sinis, &cosis);
if (ilsd)
real tmp_ph;
tmp_ph = ph / sinis;
*omgasm += pgh - cosis * tmp_ph;
*xnodes += tmp_ph;
*xll += pl;
LOCAL_REAL alfdp, betdp, dalf, dbet, xls, dls;
LOCAL_REAL sinok, cosok;
int ishift;
real oldxnode = (*xnodes);
2013-05-18 11:54:11 -06:00
SINCOS(*xnodes, &sinok, &cosok);
alfdp = sinis * sinok;
betdp = sinis * cosok;
dalf = ph * cosok + pinc * cosis * sinok;
dbet = -ph * sinok + pinc * cosis * cosok;
alfdp += dalf;
betdp += dbet;
xls = (real)*xll + *omgasm + cosis * *xnodes;
dls = pl + pgh - pinc * *xnodes * sinis;
xls += dls;
*xnodes = ATAN2(alfdp, betdp);
/* Get perturbed xnodes in to same quadrant as original. */
ishift = NINT((oldxnode - (*xnodes))/TWOPI);
*xnodes += (real)(TWOPI * ishift);
*xll += (double)pl;
*omgasm = xls - (real)*xll - cosis * (*xnodes);
return 0;
} /* SGDP4_dpper */
/* =====================================================================
Do the Lunar-Solar terms for the SGDP4_dpper() function (normally only
every 1/2 hour needed. Separate function so initialising could save the
2013-05-18 11:54:11 -06:00
epoch terms to zero them. Not sure if this is a good thing (some believe
it the way the equations were intended) as the two-line elements may
be computed to give the right answer with out this (which I would hope
as it would make predictions consistent with the 'official' model
2013-05-18 11:54:11 -06:00
===================================================================== */
static void compute_LunarSolar(double tsince)
LOCAL_REAL sinzf, coszf;
LOCAL_REAL f2, f3, zf, zm;
LOCAL_REAL sel, sil, ses, sll, sis, sls;
LOCAL_REAL sghs, shs, sghl, shl;
/* Update Solar terms. */
zm = zmos + ZNS * tsince;
zf = zm + ZES * (real)2.0 * SIN(zm);
SINCOS(zf, &sinzf, &coszf);
f2 = sinzf * (real)0.5 * sinzf - (real)0.25;
f3 = sinzf * (real)-0.5 * coszf;
ses = se2 * f2 + se3 * f3;
sis = si2 * f2 + si3 * f3;
sls = sl2 * f2 + sl3 * f3 + sl4 * sinzf;
sghs = sgh2 * f2 + sgh3 * f3 + sgh4 * sinzf;
shs = sh2 * f2 + sh3 * f3;
/* Update Lunar terms. */
zm = zmol + ZNL * tsince;
zf = zm + ZEL * (real)2.0 * SIN(zm);
SINCOS(zf, &sinzf, &coszf);
f2 = sinzf * (real)0.5 * sinzf - (real)0.25;
f3 = sinzf * (real)-0.5 * coszf;
sel = ee2 * f2 + e3 * f3;
sil = xi2 * f2 + xi3 * f3;
sll = xl2 * f2 + xl3 * f3 + xl4 * sinzf;
sghl = xgh2 * f2 + xgh3 * f3 + xgh4 * sinzf;
shl = xh2 * f2 + xh3 * f3;
/* Save computed values to calling structure. */
pgh = sghs + sghl;
ph = shs + shl;
pe = ses + sel;
pinc = sis + sil;
pl = sls + sll;
if (ilsz)
/* Correct for previously saved epoch terms. */
pgh -= pgh0;
ph -= ph0;
pe -= pe0;
pinc -= pinc0;
pl -= pl0;
/* =====================================================================
This function converts the epoch time (in the form of YYDDD.DDDDDDDD,
exactly as it appears in the two-line elements) into days from 00:00:00
hours Jan 1st 1950 UTC. Also it computes the right ascension of Greenwich
2013-05-18 11:54:11 -06:00
at the epoch time, but not in a very accurate manner. However, the same
method is used here to allow exact comparison with the original FORTRAN
2013-05-18 11:54:11 -06:00
versions of the programs. The calling arguments are:
ep : Input, epoch time of elements (as read from 2-line data).
thegr : Output, right ascension of Greenwich at epoch, radian.
2013-05-18 11:54:11 -06:00
days50 : Output, days from Jan 1st 1950 00:00:00 UTC.
===================================================================== */
#define THETAG 2
/* Version like sat_code. */
#define J1900 (2451545.5 - 36525. - 1.)
#define SECDAY (86400.0)
#define C1 (1.72027916940703639E-2)
#define C1P2P (C1 + TWOPI)
#define THGR70 (1.7321343856509374)
#define FK5R (5.07551419432269442E-15)
static void thetag(double ep, real *thegr, double *days50)
double d;
long n, jy;
double theta;
2013-05-18 11:54:11 -06:00
jy = (long)((ep + 2.0e-7) * 0.001); /* Extract the year. */
d = ep - jy * 1.0e3; /* And then the day of year. */
/* Assume " 8" is 1980, or more sensibly 2008 ? */
if (jy < 10) jy += 80;
if (jy < 50) jy += 100;
if (jy < 70) /* Fix for leap years ? */
n = (jy - 72) / 4;
n = (jy - 69) / 4;
*days50 = (jy - 70) * 365.0 + 7305.0 + n + d;
#if THETAG == 0
/* Original report #3 code. */
theta = *days50 * 6.3003880987 + 1.72944494;
#elif THETAG == 1
/* Method from project pluto code. */
/* Reference: The 1992 Astronomical Almanac, page B6. */
const double omega_E = 1.00273790934; /* Earth rotations per sidereal day (non-constant) */
const double jd = d + J1900 + jy * 365. + ((jy - 1) / 4);
2013-05-18 11:54:11 -06:00
const double UT = fmod(jd + 0.5, 1.0);
double t_cen, GMST;
t_cen = (jd - UT - 2451545.0) / 36525.0;
GMST = 24110.54841 + t_cen * (8640184.812866 + t_cen * (0.093104 - t_cen * 6.2E-6));
GMST = fmod( GMST + SECDAY * omega_E * UT, SECDAY);
if(GMST < 0.0) GMST += SECDAY;
theta = TWOPI * GMST / SECDAY;
#elif THETAG == 2
/* Method from SGP4SUB.F code. */
double ts70, ds70, trfac;
long ids70;
ts70 = (*days50) - 7305.0;
ids70 = (long)(ts70 + 1.0e-8);
ds70 = ids70;
trfac = ts70 - ds70;
theta = THGR70 + C1*ds70 + C1P2P*trfac + ts70*ts70*FK5R;
#error 'Unknown method for theta-G calculation'
theta = fmod(theta, TWOPI);
if (theta < 0.0) theta += TWOPI;
*thegr = (real)theta;
} /* thetag */
#endif /* !NO_DEEP_SPACE */