Fork 0

1188 lines
24 KiB

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "qfits.h"
#include <cpgplot.h>
#include <wcslib/cel.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_multifit.h>
#define LIM 256
#define NMAX 8192
#define D2R M_PI/180.0
#define R2D 180.0/M_PI
struct star
double ra, de;
float pmra, pmde;
float mag;
struct image
int naxis1, naxis2, naxis3;
float *z;
float zmin, zmax;
double ra0, de0;
float avg, std;
float x0, y0;
float a[3], b[3], xrms, yrms;
float exptime;
double mjd;
char nfd[32], filename[32];
int cospar, tracked;
struct catalog
int n;
float x[NMAX], y[NMAX], mag[NMAX];
double ra[NMAX], de[NMAX], rx[NMAX], ry[NMAX];
int select[NMAX];
struct observation
int satno, cospar;
char desig[16], conditions, behavior;
double mjd, ra, de;
float terr, perr, tmid;
char nfd[32], pos[32];
int epoch, type;
char iod_line[80];
float x[3], y[3];
int state;
struct aperture
float x, y, r1, r2;
struct image read_fits (char *filename, int pnum);
int fgetline (FILE * file, char *s, int lim);
int select_nearest (struct catalog c, float x, float y);
void reverse (double ra0, double de0, double x, double y, double *ra,
double *de);
plot_defects (void)
FILE *file;
char *env, filename[128];
float x, y;
char line[LIM];
// Environment variables
env = getenv ("ST_DATADIR");
sprintf (filename, "%s/data/defects.txt", env);
file = fopen (filename, "r");
if (file == NULL)
fprintf (stderr, "Defects file not found!\n");
cpgsci (7);
while (fgetline (file, line, LIM) > 0)
sscanf (line, "%f %f", &x, &y);
cpgpt1 (x, y, 19);
fclose (file);
cpgsci (1);
log_defects (float x, float y)
FILE *file;
char *env, filename[128];
// Environment variables
env = getenv ("ST_DATADIR");
sprintf (filename, "%s/data/defects.txt", env);
file = fopen (filename, "a");
if (file == NULL)
fprintf (stderr, "Defects file not found!\n");
fprintf (file, "%4.0f %4.0f\n", x, y);
fclose (file);
// Return x modulo y [0,y)
modulo (double x, double y)
x = fmod (x, y);
if (x < 0.0)
x += y;
return x;
// Greenwich Mean Sidereal Time
gmst (double mjd)
double t, gmst;
t = (mjd - 51544.5) / 36525.0;
gmst =
modulo (280.46061837 + 360.98564736629 * (mjd - 51544.5) +
t * t * (0.000387933 - t / 38710000), 360.0);
return gmst;
plot_objects (char *filename)
int i;
FILE *file;
float x0, y0, x1, y1, texp;
int id;
char line[LIM], catalog[128], dummy[128], text[8];
file = fopen (filename, "r");
if (file == NULL)
while (fgetline (file, line, LIM) > 0)
sscanf (line, "%s %f %f %f %f %f %d %s", dummy, &x0, &y0, &x1, &y1,
&texp, &id, catalog);
cpgsci (0);
if (strstr (catalog, "classfd") != NULL)
cpgsci (4);
if (strstr (catalog, "inttles") != NULL)
cpgsci (3);
if (strstr (catalog, "jsc") != NULL)
cpgsci (5);
cpgmove (x0, y0);
cpgdraw (x1, y1);
cpgpt1 (x0, y0, 4);
sprintf (text, " %05d", id);
cpgtext (x0, y0, text);
fclose (file);
cpgsci (1);
// Compute Date from Julian Day
mjd2date (double mjd, char *date)
double f, jd, dday;
int z, alpha, a, b, c, d, e;
double year, month, day, hour, min;
double sec, x, fsec;
jd = mjd + 2400000.5;
jd += 0.5;
z = floor (jd);
f = fmod (jd, 1.);
if (z < 2299161)
a = z;
alpha = floor ((z - 1867216.25) / 36524.25);
a = z + 1 + alpha - floor (alpha / 4.);
b = a + 1524;
c = floor ((b - 122.1) / 365.25);
d = floor (365.25 * c);
e = floor ((b - d) / 30.6001);
dday = b - d - floor (30.6001 * e) + f;
if (e < 14)
month = e - 1;
month = e - 13;
if (month > 2)
year = c - 4716;
year = c - 4715;
day = (int) floor (dday);
x = 24.0 * (dday - day);
x = 3600. * fabs (x);
sec = fmod (x, 60.);
x = (x - sec) / 60.;
min = fmod (x, 60.);
x = (x - min) / 60.;
hour = x;
fsec = floor (1000.0 * (sec - floor (sec)));
sprintf (date, "%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02.0f%03.0f", (int) year, (int) month,
(int) day, (int) hour, (int) min, floor (sec), fsec);
// Convert Decimal into Sexagesimal
dec2s (double x, char *s, int type)
int i;
double sec, deg, min, fmin;
char sign;
sign = (x < 0 ? '-' : '+');
x = 60. * fabs (x);
min = fmod (x, 60.);
x = (x - min) / 60.;
// deg=fmod(x,60.);
deg = x;
if (type == 0)
fmin = floor (1000.0 * (min - floor (min)));
fmin = floor (100.0 * (min - floor (min)));
if (type == 0)
sprintf (s, "%02.0f%02.0f%03.0f", deg, floor (min), fmin);
sprintf (s, "%c%02.0f%02.0f%02.0f", sign, deg, floor (min), fmin);
// Compute Julian Day from Date
date2mjd (int year, int month, double day)
int a, b;
double jd;
if (month < 3)
month += 12;
a = floor (year / 100.);
b = 2. - a + floor (a / 4.);
if (year < 1582)
b = 0;
if (year == 1582 && month < 10)
b = 0;
if (year == 1582 && month == 10 && day <= 4)
b = 0;
jd =
floor (365.25 * (year + 4716)) + floor (30.6001 * (month + 1)) + day + b -
return jd - 2400000.5;
// MJD to DOY
mjd2doy (double mjd, int *yr)
int year, month, k = 2;
int day;
double doy;
char nfd[32];
mjd2date (mjd, nfd);
sscanf (nfd, "%04d", &year);
sscanf (nfd + 4, "%02d", &month);
sscanf (nfd + 6, "%02d", &day);
if (year % 4 == 0 && year % 400 != 0)
k = 1;
doy =
floor (275.0 * month / 9.0) - k * floor ((month + 9.0) / 12.0) + day - 30;
*yr = year;
return doy;
// nfd2mjd
nfd2mjd (char *date)
int year, month, day, hour, min;
double mjd, dday;
float sec;
sscanf (date, "'%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%f'", &year, &month, &day, &hour,
&min, &sec);
dday = day + hour / 24.0 + min / 1440.0 + sec / 86400.0;
mjd = date2mjd (year, month, dday);
return mjd;
format_iod_line (struct observation *obs)
int mt, xt, mp, xp;
char string[10];
// Time format
sprintf (string, "%7.1e", obs->terr);
mt = string[0] - '0';
xt = atoi (string + 4) + 8;
// Position format
if (obs->type == 2)
sprintf (string, "%7.1e", obs->perr);
mp = string[0] - '0';
xp = atoi (string + 4) + 8;
printf ("Position format not implemented!\n");
sprintf (obs->iod_line,
"%05d %c%c %-6s %04d %c %-17s %d%d %d%d %-14s %d%d %c", obs->satno,
obs->desig[0], obs->desig[1], obs->desig + 2, obs->cospar,
obs->conditions, obs->nfd, mt, xt, obs->type, obs->epoch, obs->pos,
mp, xp, obs->behavior);
find_designation (int satno0, char *desig0)
FILE *file;
int satno;
char desig[16];
char *env, filename[128];
// Environment variables
env = getenv ("ST_DATADIR");
sprintf (filename, "%s/data/desig.txt", env);
file = fopen (filename, "r");
if (file == NULL)
fprintf (stderr, "Designation file not found!\n");
exit (0);
while (!feof (file))
fscanf (file, "%d %s", &satno, desig);
if (satno == satno0)
strcpy (desig0, desig);
fclose (file);
write_observation (struct observation obs)
FILE *file;
file = fopen ("observations.txt", "a");
fprintf (file, "%s\n", obs.iod_line);
fclose (file);
printf ("Observation written\n");
aperture_photometry (struct image img, struct aperture ap)
int i, j, k, n1, n2;
float s1, ss1, s2, ss2;
float dx, dy, x, y, r;
float f1, f2;
double mjd;
mjd = img.mjd + 0.5 * (double) img.exptime / 86400.0;
s1 = 0.0;
ss1 = 0.0;
s2 = 0.0;
ss2 = 0.0;
n1 = 0;
n2 = 0;
for (i = 0; i < img.naxis1; i++)
x = (float) i;
for (j = 0; j < img.naxis2; j++)
k = i + img.naxis1 * j;
y = (float) j;
dx = x - ap.x;
dy = y - ap.y;
r = sqrt (dx * dx + dy * dy);
if (r < ap.r1)
s1 += img.z[k];
ss1 += img.z[k] * img.z[k];
else if (r >= ap.r1 && r < ap.r2)
s2 += img.z[k];
ss2 += img.z[k] * img.z[k];
f1 = s1 / (float) n1;
f2 = s2 / (float) n2;
printf ("%lf %8.3f %8.3f %.0f %d %.0f %d %f\n", mjd, ap.x, ap.y, s1, n1, s2,
n2, f1 - f2);
// Reduce point
reduce_point (struct observation *obs, struct image img, float tmid, float x,
float y)
int iframe, k;
double ra, de, rx, ry;
float dx, dy, dt;
double mjd, mjd1, mjd2;
char nfd[32], sra[15], sde[15];
// Transform position
dx = x - img.x0;
dy = y - img.y0;
rx = img.a[0] + img.a[1] * dx + img.a[2] * dy;
ry = img.b[0] + img.b[1] * dx + img.b[2] * dy;
reverse (img.ra0, img.de0, rx, ry, &ra, &de);
// Correct for stationary camera
if (img.tracked == 0)
mjd1 = img.mjd + 0.5 * (double) img.exptime / 86400.0;
mjd2 = img.mjd + (double) tmid / 86400.0;
ra += gmst (mjd2) - gmst (mjd1);
dec2s (ra / 15.0, sra, 0);
dec2s (de, sde, 1);
// Get time
mjd = img.mjd + (double) tmid / 86400.0;
mjd2date (mjd, nfd);
// Copy
strcpy (obs->nfd, nfd);
sprintf (obs->pos, "%s%s", sra, sde);
struct image
maximum_image (struct image *raw, int n)
int i, j, k, l;
float max, s1, s2;
struct image img;
printf ("%d\n", n);
img.naxis1 = raw[0].naxis1;
img.naxis2 = raw[0].naxis2;
img.z = (float *) malloc (sizeof (float) * img.naxis1 * img.naxis2);
for (i = 0; i < img.naxis1 * img.naxis2; i++)
for (j = 0, max = 0.0; j < n; j++)
if (raw[j].z[i] > max)
max = raw[j].z[i];
img.z[i] = max;
// Get levels
for (i = 0, s1 = 0.0, s2 = 0.0; i < img.naxis1 * img.naxis2; i++)
s1 += img.z[i];
img.avg = s1 / (float) (img.naxis1 * img.naxis2);
for (i = 0, s1 = 0.0, s2 = 0.0; i < img.naxis1 * img.naxis2; i++)
s2 += pow (img.z[i] - img.avg, 2);
img.std = sqrt (s2 / (float) (img.naxis1 * img.naxis2 - 1));
img.zmin = img.avg - 4.0 * img.std;
img.zmax = img.avg + 12.0 * img.std;
// Fake
strcpy (img.filename, "fake");
img.mjd = 56000.0;
strcpy (img.nfd, " 2013-01-01T00:00:00.000");
img.cospar = 0;
img.exptime = 0.0;
img.ra0 = 0.0;
img.de0 = 0.0;
img.x0 = 0.0;
img.y0 = 0.0;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
img.a[i] = 0.0;
img.b[i] = 0.0;
img.xrms = 0.0;
img.yrms = 0.0;
return img;
// Read pixel catalog
struct catalog
read_pixel_catalog (char *filename)
int i = 0;
FILE *file;
char line[LIM];
struct catalog c;
// Read catalog
file = fopen (filename, "r");
if (file == NULL)
fprintf (stderr, "%s not found!\n", filename);
exit (0);
while (fgetline (file, line, LIM) > 0)
if (i >= NMAX)
if (strstr (line, "#") != NULL)
sscanf (line, "%f %f %f", &c.x[i], &c.y[i], &c.mag[i]);
c.select[i] = 0;
fclose (file);
c.n = i;
return c;
main (int argc, char *argv[])
int i, iimg = 0, nimg;
float xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax;
float tr[] = { -0.5, 1.0, 0.0, -0.5, 0.0, 1.0 };
float heat_l[] = { 0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 1.0 };
float heat_r[] = { 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 };
float heat_g[] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0 };
float heat_b[] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.3, 1.0 };
int redraw = 1, plotobj = 1, click = 0, nselect = 0, plotcat = 0;
float x, y, width;
char c, pixcat[128], text[128];
struct catalog cat, ast;
float sx, sy, q;
char *env, idfile[128];
float r, rmin = 1.0, rmax = 10.0, mmin = 1.0, mmax = 8.0, mag = 8.0;
struct observation obs;
double mjd, doy;
int year;
float frac = 0.5;
float fx = 0.5, fy = 0.5;
int ix = 0, iy = 0, istar;
struct image *img;
struct aperture ap;
// Environment variables
env = getenv ("ST_DATADIR");
// Number of images
nimg = argc;
// Allocate
img = (struct image *) malloc (sizeof (struct image) * nimg);
// Read image
for (i = 0; i < nimg - 1; i++)
img[i] = read_fits (argv[i + 1], 0);
img[nimg - 1] = maximum_image (img, nimg - 1);
// Set image aspect
fx = 0.5;
fy = fx * img[0].naxis2 / img[0].naxis1;
printf ("%f %f\n", fx, fy);
// Default observation
obs.satno = 99999;
strcpy (obs.desig, "99999U");
obs.cospar = atoi (env);
obs.conditions = 'G';
strcpy (obs.nfd, "YYYYMMDDHHMMSSsss");
obs.terr = 0.2;
strcpy (obs.pos, "HHMMmmm+DDMMmm");
strcpy (obs.iod_line, "");
obs.perr = 0.1;
obs.epoch = 5;
obs.type = 2;
obs.behavior = 'S';
obs.state = 0;
obs.cospar = img[0].cospar;
// Get fake designation
mjd = nfd2mjd (img[0].nfd);
doy = mjd2doy (mjd, &year);
sprintf (obs.desig, "%02d%03.0lfA", year - 2000, doy + 500);
// Open server
cpgopen ("/xs");
cpgask (0);
cpgsch (0.8);
// Default limits
width = (img[0].naxis1 > img[0].naxis2) ? img[0].naxis1 : img[0].naxis2;
xmin = 0.0;
xmax = img[0].naxis1;
ymin = 0.0;
ymax = img[0].naxis2;
// Default aperture
ap.x = 0.0;
ap.y = 0.0;
ap.r1 = 5.0;
ap.r2 = 10.0;
// Forever loop
for (;;)
if (redraw != 0)
if (redraw == 1)
cpgpage ();
cpgsci (1);
cpgsvp (0.1, 0.9, 0.1, 0.85);
cpgwnad (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax);
cpglab ("x (pix)", "y (pix)", " ");
cpgsfs (2);
cpgctab (heat_l, heat_r, heat_g, heat_b, 5, 1.0, 0.5);
sprintf (text, "File %d: %s; UT Date: %.23s COSPAR ID: %04d",
iimg + 1, img[iimg].filename, img[iimg].nfd + 1,
cpgmtxt ("T", 6.0, 0.0, 0.0, text);
sprintf (text, "R.A.: %10.5f (%4.1f'') Decl.: %10.5f (%4.1f'')",
img[iimg].ra0, img[iimg].xrms, img[iimg].de0,
cpgmtxt ("T", 4.8, 0.0, 0.0, text);
sprintf (text,
"FoV: %.2f\\(2218)x%.2f\\(2218) Scale: %.2f''x%.2f'' pix\\u-1\\d Fraction: %.1f",
img[iimg].naxis1 * sqrt (img[iimg].a[1] * img[iimg].a[1] +
img[iimg].b[1] * img[iimg].b[1]) /
img[iimg].naxis2 * sqrt (img[iimg].a[2] * img[iimg].a[2] +
img[iimg].b[2] * img[iimg].b[2]) /
sqrt (img[iimg].a[1] * img[iimg].a[1] +
img[iimg].b[1] * img[iimg].b[1]),
sqrt (img[iimg].a[2] * img[iimg].a[2] +
img[iimg].b[2] * img[iimg].b[2]), frac);
cpgmtxt ("T", 3.6, 0.0, 0.0, text);
zmin = img[iimg].zmin;
zmax = img[iimg].zmax;
cpgimag (img[iimg].z, img[iimg].naxis1, img[iimg].naxis2, 1,
img[iimg].naxis1, 1, img[iimg].naxis2, zmin, zmax, tr);
cpgbox ("BCTSNI", 0., 0, "BCTSNI", 0., 0);
// Plot fit
if (obs.state == 1)
cpgsci (4);
cpgpt1 (obs.x[0], obs.y[0], 4);
cpgmove (obs.x[1], obs.y[1]);
cpgdraw (obs.x[2], obs.y[2]);
cpgsci (1);
else if (obs.state == 2)
cpgsci (4);
cpgpt1 (obs.x[0], obs.y[0], 4);
cpgsci (1);
if (plotobj == 1)
if (iimg < nimg - 1)
sprintf (idfile, "%s.id", img[iimg].filename);
plot_objects (idfile);
else if (iimg == nimg - 1)
for (i = 0; i < nimg - 1; i++)
sprintf (idfile, "%s.id", img[i].filename);
plot_objects (idfile);
format_iod_line (&obs);
cpgmtxt ("T", 1.0, 0.5, 0.5, obs.iod_line);
// Read pixel catalog
if (plotcat == 1)
if (iimg < nimg - 1)
sprintf (pixcat, "%s.cat", img[iimg].filename);
cat = read_pixel_catalog (pixcat);
// Plot stars
cpgsci (3);
for (i = 0; i < cat.n; i++)
cpgpt1 (cat.x[i], cat.y[i], 6);
cpgsci (1);
// Plot aperture
if (ap.x > 0.0 && ap.y > 0.0)
cpgsci (3);
cpgcirc (ap.x, ap.y, ap.r1);
cpgcirc (ap.x, ap.y, ap.r2);
cpgsci (1);
plot_defects ();
redraw = 0;
// Get cursor
cpgcurs (&x, &y, &c);
// Quit
if (c == 'q')
// Change fraction
if (c == 'e')
if (frac > 0.49 && frac < 0.51)
frac = 1.0;
else if (frac > 0.51)
frac = 0.0;
else if (frac < 0.49)
frac = 0.5;
printf ("Fraction: %.1f\n", frac);
redraw = 1;
if (c == 'p' || c == 'X')
if (plotobj == 1)
plotobj = 0;
plotobj = 1;
redraw = 1;
// Mark bad pixel
if (c == 't')
log_defects (x, y);
redraw = 1;
// Plot catalog
if (c == 'l')
if (plotcat == 1)
plotcat = 0;
plotcat = 1;
redraw = 1;
// Get designation
if (c == 'd')
printf ("Provide satellite number: ");
scanf ("%d", &obs.satno);
find_designation (obs.satno, obs.desig);
redraw = 1;
// Center
if (c == 'c')
xmin = x - fx * width;
xmax = x + fx * width;
ymin = y - fy * width;
ymax = y + fy * width;
redraw = 1;
if (isdigit (c))
width = 1000.0 / (c - '0');
xmin = x - fx * width;
xmax = x + fx * width;
ymin = y - fy * width;
ymax = y + fy * width;
redraw = 1;
// Cycle through images
if (c == ']' || c == 's')
if (iimg >= nimg - 1)
iimg = 0;
if (c == ']')
redraw = 2;
redraw = 1;
// Cycle through images
if (c == '[' || c == 'a')
if (iimg < 0)
iimg = nimg - 2;
if (c == '[')
redraw = 2;
redraw = 1;
// Maximum image
if (c == 'o')
iimg = nimg - 1;
redraw = 1;
// Cycle through image
if (c == '\t')
printf ("%d %d\n", ix, iy);
// Set area
width = 750;
x = width * (ix + 0.5);
y = width * (iy + 0.5);
xmin = x - 1.5 * fx * width;
xmax = x + 1.5 * fx * width;
ymin = y - 1.5 * fy * width;
ymax = y + 1.5 * fy * width;
// Increment
if (width * ix > img[iimg].naxis1)
ix = 0;
if (width * iy > img[iimg].naxis2)
ix = 0;
iy = 0;
redraw = 1;
// Zoom
if (c == 'z' || c == '+' || c == '=')
width /= 1.5;
xmin = x - fx * width;
xmax = x + fx * width;
ymin = y - fy * width;
ymax = y + fy * width;
redraw = 1;
// Unzoom
if (c == 'x' || c == '-')
width *= 1.5;
xmin = x - fx * width;
xmax = x + fx * width;
ymin = y - fy * width;
ymax = y + fy * width;
redraw = 1;
// Reset
if (c == 'r')
width =
(img[iimg].naxis1 >
img[iimg].naxis2) ? img[iimg].naxis1 : img[iimg].naxis2;
xmin = 0.0;
xmax = img[iimg].naxis1;
ymin = 0.0;
ymax = img[iimg].naxis2;
redraw = 1;
// Reset
if (c == 'R')
width =
(img[iimg].naxis1 >
img[iimg].naxis2) ? img[iimg].naxis1 : img[iimg].naxis2;
xmin = 0.0;
xmax = img[iimg].naxis1;
ymin = 0.0;
ymax = img[iimg].naxis2;
iimg = 0;
obs.satno = 99999;
strcpy (obs.desig, "99999U");
obs.cospar = atoi (env);
obs.conditions = 'G';
strcpy (obs.nfd, "YYYYMMDDHHMMSSsss");
obs.terr = 0.2;
strcpy (obs.pos, "HHMMmmm+DDMMmm");
strcpy (obs.iod_line, "");
obs.perr = 0.1;
obs.epoch = 5;
obs.type = 2;
obs.behavior = 'S';
obs.state = 0;
obs.cospar = img[0].cospar;
// Get fake designation
mjd = nfd2mjd (img[0].nfd);
doy = mjd2doy (mjd, &year);
sprintf (obs.desig, "%02d%03.0lfA", year - 2000, doy + 500);
redraw = 1;
// Write obs
if (c == 'w')
write_observation (obs);
// Measure
if (c == 'm' || c == 'D')
// istar=select_nearest(cat,x,y);
// printf("%f %f -> %f %f %f\n",x,y,cat.x[istar],cat.y[istar],cat.mag[istar]);
reduce_point (&obs, img[iimg], frac * img[iimg].exptime, x, y);
obs.x[0] = x;
obs.y[0] = y;
obs.state = 2;
redraw = 1;
// Aperture photometry
if (c == 'g')
ap.x = x;
ap.y = y;
aperture_photometry (img[iimg], ap);
redraw = 1;
// Help
if (c == 'h')
printf ("q Quit\n");
("e Change of exposure (0.0 = start, 0.5 = middle, 1.0 = end)\n");
printf ("p (right) Plot objects\n");
printf ("l Plot star catalog\n");
printf ("d Set object NORAD designation\n");
printf ("c Center on cursor\n");
printf ("0-9 Set zoom level\n");
printf ("s/] Cycle through images forward\n");
printf ("a/[ Cycle through images backward\n");
printf ("o Show maximum pixels of all images\n");
printf ("TAB Cycle through frame at current zoom level\n");
printf ("z/+ Zoom in on cursor\n");
printf ("x/- Zoom out on cursor\n");
printf ("r Reset zoom\n");
printf ("R Reset setup\n");
printf ("w Write IOD observation\n");
printf ("m (mid) measure position\n");
cpgend ();
free (img);
return 0;
// Read fits image
struct image
read_fits (char *filename, int pnum)
int i, j, k, l, m;
qfitsloader ql;
char key[FITS_LINESZ + 1];
struct image img;
float s1, s2, avg, std;
// Set plane
ql.xtnum = 0;
ql.pnum = pnum;
// Set loadtype
ql.ptype = PTYPE_FLOAT;
// Set filename
ql.filename = filename;
// Set filename
strcpy (img.filename, filename);
// Image size
img.naxis1 = atoi (qfits_query_hdr (filename, "NAXIS1"));
img.naxis2 = atoi (qfits_query_hdr (filename, "NAXIS2"));
// MJD
img.mjd = (double) atof (qfits_query_hdr (filename, "MJD-OBS"));
strcpy (img.nfd, qfits_query_hdr (filename, "DATE-OBS"));
img.exptime = atof (qfits_query_hdr (filename, "EXPTIME"));
img.cospar = atoi (qfits_query_hdr (filename, "COSPAR"));
// Tracked
if (qfits_query_hdr (filename, "TRACKED") != NULL)
img.tracked = atoi (qfits_query_hdr (filename, "TRACKED"));
img.tracked = 0;
// Transformation
img.ra0 = atof (qfits_query_hdr (filename, "CRVAL1"));
img.de0 = atof (qfits_query_hdr (filename, "CRVAL2"));
img.x0 = atof (qfits_query_hdr (filename, "CRPIX1"));
img.y0 = atof (qfits_query_hdr (filename, "CRPIX2"));
img.a[0] = 0.0;
img.a[1] = 3600.0 * atof (qfits_query_hdr (filename, "CD1_1"));
img.a[2] = 3600.0 * atof (qfits_query_hdr (filename, "CD1_2"));
img.b[0] = 0.0;
img.b[1] = 3600.0 * atof (qfits_query_hdr (filename, "CD2_1"));
img.b[2] = 3600.0 * atof (qfits_query_hdr (filename, "CD2_2"));
img.xrms = 3600.0 * atof (qfits_query_hdr (filename, "CRRES1"));
img.yrms = 3600.0 * atof (qfits_query_hdr (filename, "CRRES2"));
// Initialize load
if (qfitsloader_init (&ql) != 0)
printf ("Error initializing data loading\n");
// Test load
if (qfits_loadpix (&ql) != 0)
printf ("Error loading actual data\n");
// Allocate image memory
img.z = (float *) malloc (sizeof (float) * img.naxis1 * img.naxis2);
// Fill z array
for (i = 0, l = 0, m = 0; i < img.naxis1; i++)
for (j = 0; j < img.naxis2; j++)
img.z[l] = ql.fbuf[l];
// Get levels
for (i = 0, s1 = 0.0, s2 = 0.0; i < img.naxis1 * img.naxis2; i++)
s1 += img.z[i];
img.avg = s1 / (float) (img.naxis1 * img.naxis2);
for (i = 0, s1 = 0.0, s2 = 0.0; i < img.naxis1 * img.naxis2; i++)
s2 += pow (img.z[i] - img.avg, 2);
img.std = sqrt (s2 / (float) (img.naxis1 * img.naxis2 - 1));
img.zmin = img.avg - 4.0 * img.std;
img.zmax = img.avg + 12.0 * img.std;
return img;
// Read a line of maximum length int lim from file FILE into string s
fgetline (FILE * file, char *s, int lim)
int c, i = 0;
while (--lim > 0 && (c = fgetc (file)) != EOF && c != '\n')
s[i++] = c;
if (c == '\n')
s[i++] = c;
s[i] = '\0';
return i;
// Select nearest object
select_nearest (struct catalog c, float x, float y)
int i, imin;
float r, rmin;
for (i = 0; i < c.n; i++)
r = sqrt (pow (x - c.x[i], 2) + pow (y - c.y[i], 2));
if (i == 0 || r < rmin)
imin = i;
rmin = r;
return imin;