Fork 0

659 lines
13 KiB

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <wcslib/cel.h>
#include "sgdp4h.h"
#include <getopt.h>
#define LIM 80
#define NMAX 256
#define D2R M_PI/180.0
#define R2D 180.0/M_PI
#define XKMPER 6378.135 // Earth radius in km
#define XKMPAU 149597879.691 // AU in km
#define FLAT (1.0/298.257)
long Isat = 0;
long Isatsel = 0;
extern double SGDP4_jd0;
struct point
int flag, satno;
double mjd, ra, de;
float st, sr;
char iod_line[LIM];
xyz_t obspos;
struct site
int id;
double lng, lat;
float alt;
char observer[64];
struct data
int n;
struct point *p;
struct point decode_iod_observation (char *iod_line);
struct site get_site (int site_id);
int fgetline (FILE * file, char *s, int lim);
double modulo (double x, double y);
double gmst (double mjd);
double dgmst (double mjd);
double date2mjd (int year, int month, double day);
void precess (double mjd0, double ra0, double de0, double mjd, double *ra,
double *de);
void usage ();
void obspos_xyz (double mjd, double lng, double lat, float alt, xyz_t * pos,
xyz_t * vel);
struct data read_data (char *filename);
void forward (double ra0, double de0, double ra, double de, double *x,
double *y);
compute_residual (char *filename, struct point p, int satno)
int i, imode;
FILE *file;
orbit_t orb;
xyz_t satpos, satvel;
double dx, dy, dz;
double r[2], ra, de;
double rx[2], ry[2], dr, dt, drx, dry;
double jd;
double age;
// Open catalog
file = fopen (filename, "r");
if (file == NULL)
fatal_error ("Failed to open %s\n", filename);
// Read TLE
if (satno == 0)
read_twoline (file, p.satno, &orb);
read_twoline (file, satno, &orb);
fclose (file);
// Check for match
if (orb.satno != p.satno && satno == 0)
// fprintf(stderr,"object %d not found in %s\n",p.satno,filename);
// Initialize
imode = init_sgdp4 (&orb);
if (imode == SGDP4_ERROR)
fprintf (stderr, "Error initializing SGDP4\n");
exit (0);
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
jd = p.mjd + 2400000.5 + (double) i / 86400;
// Compute position
satpos_xyz (jd, &satpos, &satvel);
age = jd - SGDP4_jd0;
// compute difference vector
dx = satpos.x - p.obspos.x;
dy = satpos.y - p.obspos.y;
dz = satpos.z - p.obspos.z;
// Celestial position
r[i] = sqrt (dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz);
ra = modulo (atan2 (dy, dx) * R2D, 360.0);
de = asin (dz / r[i]) * R2D;
// Compute offset
forward (p.ra, p.de, ra, de, &rx[i], &ry[i]);
drx = rx[1] - rx[0];
dry = ry[1] - ry[0];
dt = -(rx[0] * drx + ry[0] * dry) / (drx * drx + dry * dry);
dr = sqrt (pow (dry * rx[0] - drx * ry[0], 2) / (drx * drx + dry * dry));
if ((-rx[0] * drx - ry[0] * dry) < 0.0)
dr *= -1;
printf ("%s | %8.5f deg %9.4f sec %7.3f day, %.1f km\n", p.iod_line, dr, dt,
age, r[0]);
//printf("%12.8lf %8.3f %8.3f\n",p.mjd,3600*rx[0],3600*ry[0]);
split_file (struct data d, float dtmax)
int i, j, flag = 0;
FILE *file;
char filename[LIM];
double mjd0, dt;
for (i = 0, j = 0; i < d.n; i++)
if (flag == 1)
dt = 86400 * (d.p[i].mjd - mjd0);
if (dt > dtmax)
if (file != NULL)
fclose (file);
flag = 0;
if (flag == 0)
mjd0 = d.p[i].mjd;
flag = 1;
sprintf (filename, "split%04d.dat", j + 1);
file = fopen (filename, "w");
fprintf (file, "%s\n", d.p[i].iod_line);
if (file != NULL)
fclose (file);
main (int argc, char *argv[])
int i, arg = 0, split = 0;
struct data d;
char *datafile, catalog[LIM];
char *env;
float dt;
int verbose = 0, satno = 0;
env = getenv ("ST_TLEDIR");
sprintf (catalog, "%s/classfd.tle", env);
// Decode options
while ((arg = getopt (argc, argv, "d:c:hs:vi:")) != -1)
switch (arg)
case 'd':
datafile = optarg;
case 'v':
verbose = 1;
case 'i':
satno = atoi (optarg);
case 'c':
strcpy (catalog, optarg);
case 's':
dt = atof (optarg);
split = 1;
case 'h':
usage ();
return 0;
usage ();
return 0;
// Read data
d = read_data (datafile);
if (verbose == 1)
for (i = 0; i < d.n; i++)
printf ("%14.8lf %10.4f %10.4f %10.4f %10.6f %10.6f\n", d.p[i].mjd,
d.p[i].obspos.x, d.p[i].obspos.y, d.p[i].obspos.z,
d.p[i].ra, d.p[i].de);
if (split == 1)
split_file (d, dt);
for (i = 0; i < d.n; i++)
compute_residual (catalog, d.p[i], satno);
return 0;
// Decode IOD Observations
struct point
decode_iod_observation (char *iod_line)
int year, month, iday, hour, min;
int format, epoch, me, xe, sign;
int site_id;
double sec, ra, mm, ss, de, dd, ds, day, mjd0;
char secbuf[6], sn[2], degbuf[3];
struct point p;
struct site s;
xyz_t vel;
// Strip newline
iod_line[strlen (iod_line) - 1] = '\0';
// Copy full line
strcpy (p.iod_line, iod_line);
// Set flag
p.flag = 1;
// Get SSN
sscanf (iod_line, "%5d", &p.satno);
// Get site
sscanf (iod_line + 16, "%4d", &site_id);
s = get_site (site_id);
// Skip if site not found
if (s.id < 0)
fprintf (stderr, "Site %d not found!\n", site_id);
p.flag = 0;
// Decode date/time
sscanf (iod_line + 23, "%4d%2d%2d%2d%2d%5s", &year, &month, &iday, &hour,
&min, secbuf);
sec = atof (secbuf);
sec /= pow (10, strlen (secbuf) - 2);
day =
(double) iday + (double) hour / 24.0 + (double) min / 1440.0 +
(double) sec / 86400.0;
p.mjd = date2mjd (year, month, day);
// Get uncertainty in time
sscanf (iod_line + 41, "%1d%1d", &me, &xe);
p.st = (float) me *pow (10, xe - 8);
// Get observer position
obspos_xyz (p.mjd, s.lng, s.lat, s.alt, &p.obspos, &vel);
// Skip empty observations
if (strlen (iod_line) < 64 || (iod_line[54] != '+' && iod_line[54] != '-'))
p.flag = 0;
// Get format, epoch
sscanf (iod_line + 44, "%1d%1d", &format, &epoch);
// Read position
sscanf (iod_line + 47, "%2lf%2lf%3lf%1s", &ra, &mm, &ss, sn);
sscanf (iod_line + 55, "%2lf%2lf%2s", &de, &dd, degbuf);
ds = atof (degbuf);
if (strlen (degbuf) == 1)
ds *= 10;
sign = (sn[0] == '-') ? -1 : 1;
sscanf (iod_line + 62, "%1d%1d", &me, &xe);
p.sr = (float) me *pow (10, xe - 8);
// Decode position
switch (format)
// Format 1: RA/DEC = HHMMSSs+DDMMSS MX (MX in seconds of arc)
case 1:
ra += mm / 60 + ss / 36000;
de = sign * (de + dd / 60 + ds / 3600);
p.sr /= 3600.0;
// Format 2: RA/DEC = HHMMmmm+DDMMmm MX (MX in minutes of arc)
case 2:
ra += mm / 60 + ss / 60000;
de = sign * (de + dd / 60 + ds / 6000);
p.sr /= 60.0;
// Format 3: RA/DEC = HHMMmmm+DDdddd MX (MX in degrees of arc)
case 3:
ra += mm / 60 + ss / 60000;
de = sign * (de + dd / 100 + ds / 10000);
// Format 7: RA/DEC = HHMMSSs+DDdddd MX (MX in degrees of arc)
case 7:
ra += mm / 60 + ss / 36000;
de = sign * (de + dd / 100 + ds / 10000);
fprintf (stderr, "IOD Format not implemented\n");
p.flag = 0;
// Convert to degrees
ra *= 15.0;
// Get precession epoch
if (epoch == 0)
p.ra = ra;
p.de = de;
return p;
else if (epoch == 4)
mjd0 = 33281.9235;
else if (epoch == 5)
mjd0 = 51544.5;
fprintf (stderr, "Observing epoch not implemented\n");
p.flag = 0;
// Precess position
precess (mjd0, ra, de, p.mjd, &p.ra, &p.de);
return p;
// Get observing site
struct site
get_site (int site_id)
int i = 0;
char line[LIM];
FILE *file;
int id;
double lat, lng;
float alt;
char abbrev[3], observer[64];
struct site s;
char *env, filename[LIM];
env = getenv ("ST_DATADIR");
sprintf (filename, "%s/data/sites.txt", env);
file = fopen (filename, "r");
if (file == NULL)
printf ("File with site information not found!\n");
return s;
while (fgets (line, LIM, file) != NULL)
// Skip
if (strstr (line, "#") != NULL)
// Strip newline
line[strlen (line) - 1] = '\0';
// Read data
sscanf (line, "%4d %2s %lf %lf %f", &id, abbrev, &lat, &lng, &alt);
strcpy (observer, line + 38);
// Change to km
alt /= 1000.0;
// Copy site
if (id == site_id)
s.lat = lat;
s.lng = lng;
s.alt = alt;
s.id = id;
strcpy (s.observer, observer);
fclose (file);
if (id != site_id)
s.id == -1;
return s;
// Return x modulo y [0,y)
modulo (double x, double y)
x = fmod (x, y);
if (x < 0.0)
x += y;
return x;
// Greenwich Mean Sidereal Time
gmst (double mjd)
double t, gmst;
t = (mjd - 51544.5) / 36525.0;
gmst =
modulo (280.46061837 + 360.98564736629 * (mjd - 51544.5) +
t * t * (0.000387933 - t / 38710000), 360.0);
return gmst;
// Greenwich Mean Sidereal Time
dgmst (double mjd)
double t, dgmst;
t = (mjd - 51544.5) / 36525.0;
dgmst = 360.98564736629 + t * (0.000387933 - t / 38710000);
return dgmst;
// Observer position
obspos_xyz (double mjd, double lng, double lat, float alt, xyz_t * pos,
xyz_t * vel)
double ff, gc, gs, theta, s, dtheta;
s = sin (lat * D2R);
ff = sqrt (1.0 - FLAT * (2.0 - FLAT) * s * s);
gc = 1.0 / ff + alt / XKMPER;
gs = (1.0 - FLAT) * (1.0 - FLAT) / ff + alt / XKMPER;
theta = gmst (mjd) + lng;
dtheta = dgmst (mjd) * D2R / 86400;
pos->x = gc * cos (lat * D2R) * cos (theta * D2R) * XKMPER;
pos->y = gc * cos (lat * D2R) * sin (theta * D2R) * XKMPER;
pos->z = gs * sin (lat * D2R) * XKMPER;
vel->x = -gc * cos (lat * D2R) * sin (theta * D2R) * XKMPER * dtheta;
vel->y = gc * cos (lat * D2R) * cos (theta * D2R) * XKMPER * dtheta;
vel->z = 0.0;
// Precess a celestial position
precess (double mjd0, double ra0, double de0, double mjd, double *ra,
double *de)
double t0, t;
double zeta, z, theta;
double a, b, c;
// Angles in radians
ra0 *= D2R;
de0 *= D2R;
// Time in centuries
t0 = (mjd0 - 51544.5) / 36525.0;
t = (mjd - mjd0) / 36525.0;
// Precession angles
zeta = (2306.2181 + 1.39656 * t0 - 0.000139 * t0 * t0) * t;
zeta += (0.30188 - 0.000344 * t0) * t * t + 0.017998 * t * t * t;
zeta *= D2R / 3600.0;
z = (2306.2181 + 1.39656 * t0 - 0.000139 * t0 * t0) * t;
z += (1.09468 + 0.000066 * t0) * t * t + 0.018203 * t * t * t;
z *= D2R / 3600.0;
theta = (2004.3109 - 0.85330 * t0 - 0.000217 * t0 * t0) * t;
theta += -(0.42665 + 0.000217 * t0) * t * t - 0.041833 * t * t * t;
theta *= D2R / 3600.0;
a = cos (de0) * sin (ra0 + zeta);
b = cos (theta) * cos (de0) * cos (ra0 + zeta) - sin (theta) * sin (de0);
c = sin (theta) * cos (de0) * cos (ra0 + zeta) + cos (theta) * sin (de0);
*ra = (atan2 (a, b) + z) * R2D;
*de = asin (c) * R2D;
if (*ra < 360.0)
*ra += 360.0;
if (*ra > 360.0)
*ra -= 360.0;
// Read a line of maximum length int lim from file FILE into string s
fgetline (FILE * file, char *s, int lim)
int c, i = 0;
while (--lim > 0 && (c = fgetc (file)) != EOF && c != '\n')
s[i++] = c;
if (c == '\t')
c = ' ';
if (c == '\n')
s[i++] = c;
s[i] = '\0';
return i;
usage ()
printf ("bla\n");
// Compute Julian Day from Date
date2mjd (int year, int month, double day)
int a, b;
double jd;
if (month < 3)
month += 12;
a = floor (year / 100.);
b = 2. - a + floor (a / 4.);
if (year < 1582)
b = 0;
if (year == 1582 && month < 10)
b = 0;
if (year == 1582 && month == 10 && day <= 4)
b = 0;
jd =
floor (365.25 * (year + 4716)) + floor (30.6001 * (month + 1)) + day + b -
return jd - 2400000.5;
// Read data
struct data
read_data (char *filename)
int i = 0;
char line[LIM];
FILE *file;
struct data d;
// Open file
file = fopen (filename, "r");
if (file == NULL)
fprintf (stderr, "Failed to open %s\n", filename);
exit (1);
// Count lines
while (fgetline (file, line, LIM) > 0)
d.n = i;
// Allocate
d.p = (struct point *) malloc (sizeof (struct point) * d.n);
// Rewind file
rewind (file);
// Read data
i = 0;
while (fgetline (file, line, LIM) > 0)
if (isdigit (line[0]))
d.p[i++] = decode_iod_observation (line);
// Close file
fclose (file);
return d;
// Get a x and y from a RA and Decl
forward (double ra0, double de0, double ra, double de, double *x, double *y)
int i, status;
double phi, theta;
struct celprm cel;
// Initialize Reference Angles
celini (&cel);
cel.ref[0] = ra0;
cel.ref[1] = de0;
cel.ref[2] = 999.;
cel.ref[3] = 999.;
cel.flag = 0.;
strcpy (cel.prj.code, "TAN");
if (celset (&cel))
printf ("Error in Projection (celset)\n");
cels2x (&cel, 1, 0, 1, 1, &ra, &de, &phi, &theta, x, y, &status);