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**stvid** is a set of *python* programs to detect and identify satellite tracks on observations of the night sky, and measure the satellite positions to determine and/or update their orbits.
## Background
This software will take over the satellite tracking functionality of C.Bassa's [sattools]( By porting the functionality to *python*, and using [astropy](, and [opencv](, the software is indented to be easier to install and operate.
This repository is currently used for development, and relies, for the moment, on programs from the [sattools]( repository (namely `satid`).
## Installation
**stvid** handles requirements using pip. You can install requirements by running :
`pip install -r requirements.txt`
Consider using a VirtualEnv to run stvid on a separate python virtual environment.
### Additional requirements
* [Hough3dLines](
* `hough3dlines` needs to be executable in your path
* [Sextractor](
* `sextractor` needs to be executable in your path
* [](
* `solve-field` needs to be executable in your path, with index files appropriate for your FOV
* [ZWO ASI SDK]( if using a ZWO camera
## Configuration
* Copy the `configuration.ini-dist` file to `configuration.ini`
* Edit `configuration.ini` with your preferred settings
* Make sure ST_DATADIR is set as an env variable pointing to the /data folder of sattools
## Running
## Todo
Features to be implemented.
#### High priority
* ~~Use sunset/sunrise times for starting/stopping data acquisition.~~
* ~~Automatic astrometric calibration.~~
* ~~Recognize unidentified satellite/meteor tracks using [3D Hough transform](
#### Medium priority
* Pause data acquisition of the current line-of-sight (alt/az) is in the Earth's shadow for a particular orbital altitude.
* Investigate sensitivity loss of `significance=(max-mean)/sigma` if the four frame images are stored as 8bit integers instead of floats.
#### Low priority
* Implement python based star finding (stick with *source extractor* for now).
* Migrate to [python based SGP4/SDP4 algorithms](
* Use masks to mask unilluminated CCD areas.
* Investigate automatic submission of IOD measurements to [SeeSat-L](
* ~~Migrate user settings to a configuration file.~~
## Run acquisition at startup
* Add user to video group (`sudo adduser <username> video`).
* Add video device to udev rules (add `SUBSYSTEM=="video1", GROUP="video", MODE="0660"` in `/etc/udev/rules.d/10-webcam.rules`).
* Create start up script in `/etc/init.d`. Call capture script as user with `su <username> -c ""`.
## License
&copy; 2018-2022 Cees Bassa
Licensed under the [GPLv3](LICENSE).