Implement index v3 for ethereum type coin

Martin Boehm 2018-11-23 22:16:32 +01:00
parent eb524c2226
commit 8886256d0b
10 changed files with 294 additions and 155 deletions

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@ -235,6 +235,7 @@ func (p *EthereumParser) PackTx(tx *bchain.Tx, height uint32, blockTime int64) (
if pt.Tx.AccountNonce, err = hexutil.DecodeUint64(r.Tx.AccountNonce); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "AccountNonce %v", r.Tx.AccountNonce)
// pt.BlockNumber = height
if n, err = hexutil.DecodeUint64(r.Tx.BlockNumber); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "BlockNumber %v", r.Tx.BlockNumber)

View File

@ -150,9 +150,7 @@ func (is *InternalState) GetDBColumnStatValues(c int) (int64, int64, int64) {
func (is *InternalState) GetAllDBColumnStats() []InternalStateColumn {
defer is.mux.Unlock()
rv := make([]InternalStateColumn, len(is.DbColumns))
copy(rv, is.DbColumns)
return rv
return append(is.DbColumns[:0:0], is.DbColumns...)
// DBSizeTotal sums the computed sizes of all columns

View File

@ -273,39 +273,20 @@ const (
// ConnectBlock indexes addresses in the block and stores them in db
func (d *RocksDB) ConnectBlock(block *bchain.Block) error {
return d.writeBlock(block, opInsert)
// DisconnectBlock removes addresses in the block from the db
func (d *RocksDB) DisconnectBlock(block *bchain.Block) error {
return d.writeBlock(block, opDelete)
func (d *RocksDB) writeBlock(block *bchain.Block, op int) error {
wb := gorocksdb.NewWriteBatch()
defer wb.Destroy()
if glog.V(2) {
switch op {
case opInsert:
glog.Infof("rocksdb: insert %d %s", block.Height, block.Hash)
case opDelete:
glog.Infof("rocksdb: delete %d %s", block.Height, block.Hash)
chainType := d.chainParser.GetChainType()
if err := d.writeHeightFromBlock(wb, block, op); err != nil {
if err := d.writeHeightFromBlock(wb, block, opInsert); err != nil {
return err
addresses := make(map[string][]outpoint)
if chainType == bchain.ChainBitcoinType {
if op == opDelete {
// block does not contain mapping tx-> input address, which is necessary to recreate
// unspentTxs; therefore it is not possible to DisconnectBlocks this way
return errors.New("DisconnectBlock is not supported for BitcoinType chains")
txAddressesMap := make(map[string]*TxAddresses)
balances := make(map[string]*AddrBalance)
if err := d.processAddressesBitcoinType(block, addresses, txAddressesMap, balances); err != nil {
@ -680,8 +661,7 @@ func (d *RocksDB) getBlockTxs(height uint32) ([]blockTxs, error) {
glog.Error("rocksdb: Inconsistent data in blockTxs ", hex.EncodeToString(buf))
return nil, errors.New("Inconsistent data in blockTxs")
txid := make([]byte, pl)
copy(txid, buf[i:])
txid := append([]byte(nil), buf[i:i+pl]...)
i += pl
o, ol, err := d.unpackNOutpoints(buf[i:])
if err != nil {
@ -812,8 +792,7 @@ func unpackTxAddresses(buf []byte) (*TxAddresses, error) {
func unpackTxInput(ti *TxInput, buf []byte) int {
al, l := unpackVaruint(buf)
ti.AddrDesc = make([]byte, al)
copy(ti.AddrDesc, buf[l:l+int(al)])
ti.AddrDesc = append([]byte(nil), buf[l:l+int(al)]...)
al += uint(l)
ti.ValueSat, l = unpackBigint(buf[al:])
return l + int(al)
@ -825,8 +804,7 @@ func unpackTxOutput(to *TxOutput, buf []byte) int {
to.Spent = true
al = ^al
to.AddrDesc = make([]byte, al)
copy(to.AddrDesc, buf[l:l+al])
to.AddrDesc = append([]byte(nil), buf[l:l+al]...)
al += l
to.ValueSat, l = unpackBigint(buf[al:])
return l + al
@ -1004,51 +982,6 @@ func (d *RocksDB) writeHeight(wb *gorocksdb.WriteBatch, height uint32, bi *Block
// Disconnect blocks
func (d *RocksDB) allAddressesScan(lower uint32, higher uint32) ([][]byte, [][]byte, error) {
glog.Infof("db: doing full scan of addresses column")
addrKeys := [][]byte{}
addrValues := [][]byte{}
var totalOutputs, count uint64
var seekKey []byte
for {
var key []byte
it := d.db.NewIteratorCF(, d.cfh[cfAddresses])
if totalOutputs == 0 {
} else {
for count = 0; it.Valid() && count < refreshIterator; it.Next() {
key = it.Key().Data()
l := len(key)
if l > packedHeightBytes {
height := unpackUint(key[l-packedHeightBytes : l])
if height >= lower && height <= higher {
addrKey := make([]byte, len(key))
copy(addrKey, key)
addrKeys = append(addrKeys, addrKey)
value := it.Value().Data()
addrValue := make([]byte, len(value))
copy(addrValue, value)
addrValues = append(addrValues, addrValue)
seekKey = make([]byte, len(key))
copy(seekKey, key)
valid := it.Valid()
if !valid {
glog.Infof("rocksdb: scanned %d addresses, found %d to disconnect", totalOutputs, len(addrKeys))
return addrKeys, addrValues, nil
func (d *RocksDB) disconnectTxAddresses(wb *gorocksdb.WriteBatch, height uint32, txid string, inputs []outpoint, txa *TxAddresses,
txAddressesToUpdate map[string]*TxAddresses, balances map[string]*AddrBalance) error {
addresses := make(map[string]struct{})
@ -1136,9 +1069,8 @@ func (d *RocksDB) disconnectTxAddresses(wb *gorocksdb.WriteBatch, height uint32,
// DisconnectBlockRangeBitcoinType removes all data belonging to blocks in range lower-higher
// if they are in the range kept in the cfBlockTxids column
// it is able to disconnect only blocks for which there are data in the blockTxs column
func (d *RocksDB) DisconnectBlockRangeBitcoinType(lower uint32, higher uint32) error {
glog.Infof("db: disconnecting blocks %d-%d", lower, higher)
blocks := make([][]blockTxs, higher-lower+1)
for height := lower; height <= higher; height++ {
blockTxs, err := d.getBlockTxs(height)

View File

@ -65,8 +65,7 @@ func (d *RocksDB) GetAddrDescContracts(addrDesc bchain.AddressDescriptor) (*Addr
return nil, errors.New("Invalid data stored in cfAddressContracts for AddrDesc " + addrDesc.String())
txs, l := unpackVaruint(buf[eth.EthereumTypeAddressDescriptorLen:])
contract := make(bchain.AddressDescriptor, eth.EthereumTypeAddressDescriptorLen)
copy(contract, buf[:eth.EthereumTypeAddressDescriptorLen])
contract := append(bchain.AddressDescriptor(nil), buf[:eth.EthereumTypeAddressDescriptorLen]...)
c = append(c, AddrContract{
Contract: contract,
Txs: txs,
@ -78,6 +77,15 @@ func (d *RocksDB) GetAddrDescContracts(addrDesc bchain.AddressDescriptor) (*Addr
Contracts: c}, nil
func findContractInAddressContracts(contract bchain.AddressDescriptor, contracts []AddrContract) (int, bool) {
for i := range contracts {
if bytes.Equal(contract, contracts[i].Contract) {
return i, true
return 0, false
func (d *RocksDB) addToAddressesAndContractsEthereumType(addrDesc bchain.AddressDescriptor, btxID []byte, index int32, contract bchain.AddressDescriptor, addresses map[string][]outpoint, addressContracts map[string]*AddrContracts) error {
var err error
strAddrDesc := string(addrDesc)
@ -99,14 +107,7 @@ func (d *RocksDB) addToAddressesAndContractsEthereumType(addrDesc bchain.Address
} else {
// locate the contract and set i to the index in the array of contracts
var i int
var found bool
for i = range ac.Contracts {
if bytes.Equal(contract, ac.Contracts[i].Contract) {
found = true
i, found := findContractInAddressContracts(contract, ac.Contracts)
if !found {
i = len(ac.Contracts)
ac.Contracts = append(ac.Contracts, AddrContract{Contract: contract})
@ -240,31 +241,159 @@ func (d *RocksDB) storeAndCleanupBlockTxsEthereumType(wb *gorocksdb.WriteBatch,
return d.cleanupBlockTxs(wb, block)
// DisconnectBlockRangeNonUTXO performs full range scan to remove a range of blocks
// it is very slow operation
func (d *RocksDB) DisconnectBlockRangeNonUTXO(lower uint32, higher uint32) error {
glog.Infof("db: disconnecting blocks %d-%d", lower, higher)
addrKeys, _, err := d.allAddressesScan(lower, higher)
func (d *RocksDB) getBlockTxsEthereumType(height uint32) ([]ethBlockTx, error) {
pl := d.chainParser.PackedTxidLen()
val, err := d.db.GetCF(, d.cfh[cfBlockTxs], packUint(height))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer val.Free()
buf := val.Data()
bt := make([]ethBlockTx, 0, 8)
getAddress := func(i int) (bchain.AddressDescriptor, int, error) {
if len(buf)-i < eth.EthereumTypeAddressDescriptorLen {
glog.Error("rocksdb: Inconsistent data in blockTxs ", hex.EncodeToString(buf))
return nil, 0, errors.New("Inconsistent data in blockTxs")
a := append(bchain.AddressDescriptor(nil), buf[i:i+eth.EthereumTypeAddressDescriptorLen]...)
// return null addresses as nil
for _, b := range a {
if b != 0 {
return a, i + eth.EthereumTypeAddressDescriptorLen, nil
return nil, i + eth.EthereumTypeAddressDescriptorLen, nil
var from, to bchain.AddressDescriptor
for i := 0; i < len(buf); {
if len(buf)-i < pl {
glog.Error("rocksdb: Inconsistent data in blockTxs ", hex.EncodeToString(buf))
return nil, errors.New("Inconsistent data in blockTxs")
txid := append([]byte(nil), buf[i:i+pl]...)
i += pl
from, i, err = getAddress(i)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
to, i, err = getAddress(i)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cc, l := unpackVaruint(buf[i:])
i += l
contracts := make([]ethBlockTxContract, cc)
for j := range contracts {
contracts[j].addr, i, err = getAddress(i)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
contracts[j].contract, i, err = getAddress(i)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
bt = append(bt, ethBlockTx{
btxID: txid,
from: from,
to: to,
contracts: contracts,
return bt, nil
func (d *RocksDB) disconnectBlockTxsEthereumType(wb *gorocksdb.WriteBatch, height uint32, blockTxs []ethBlockTx, contracts map[string]*AddrContracts) error {
glog.Info("Disconnecting block ", height, " containing ", len(blockTxs), " transactions")
addresses := make(map[string]struct{})
disconnectAddress := func(addrDesc, contract bchain.AddressDescriptor) error {
var err error
s := string(addrDesc)
addresses[s] = struct{}{}
c, fc := contracts[s]
if !fc {
c, err = d.GetAddrDescContracts(addrDesc)
if err != nil {
return err
glog.Infof("rocksdb: about to disconnect %d addresses ", len(addrKeys))
contracts[s] = c
if c != nil {
if contract == nil {
if c.EthTxs > 0 {
} else {
glog.Warning("AddressContracts ", addrDesc, ", EthTxs would be negative")
} else {
i, found := findContractInAddressContracts(contract, c.Contracts)
if found {
if c.Contracts[i].Txs > 0 {
if c.Contracts[i].Txs == 0 {
c.Contracts = append(c.Contracts[:i], c.Contracts[i+1:]...)
} else {
glog.Warning("AddressContracts ", addrDesc, ", contract ", i, " Txs would be negative")
} else {
glog.Warning("AddressContracts ", addrDesc, ", contract ", contract, " not found")
} else {
glog.Warning("AddressContracts ", addrDesc, " not found")
return nil
for i := range blockTxs {
blockTx := &blockTxs[i]
if err := disconnectAddress(blockTx.from, nil); err != nil {
return err
if err := disconnectAddress(, nil); err != nil {
return err
for _, c := range blockTx.contracts {
if err := disconnectAddress(c.addr, c.contract); err != nil {
return err
wb.DeleteCF(d.cfh[cfTransactions], blockTx.btxID)
for a := range addresses {
key := packAddressKey([]byte(a), height)
wb.DeleteCF(d.cfh[cfAddresses], key)
return nil
// DisconnectBlockRangeEthereumType removes all data belonging to blocks in range lower-higher
// it is able to disconnect only blocks for which there are data in the blockTxs column
func (d *RocksDB) DisconnectBlockRangeEthereumType(lower uint32, higher uint32) error {
blocks := make([][]ethBlockTx, higher-lower+1)
for height := lower; height <= higher; height++ {
blockTxs, err := d.getBlockTxsEthereumType(height)
if err != nil {
return err
if len(blockTxs) == 0 {
return errors.Errorf("Cannot disconnect blocks with height %v and lower. It is necessary to rebuild index.", height)
blocks[height-lower] = blockTxs
wb := gorocksdb.NewWriteBatch()
defer wb.Destroy()
for _, addrKey := range addrKeys {
if glog.V(2) {
glog.Info("address ", hex.EncodeToString(addrKey))
contracts := make(map[string]*AddrContracts)
for height := higher; height >= lower; height-- {
if err := d.disconnectBlockTxsEthereumType(wb, height, blocks[height-lower], contracts); err != nil {
return err
// delete address:height from the index
wb.DeleteCF(d.cfh[cfAddresses], addrKey)
key := packUint(height)
wb.DeleteCF(d.cfh[cfBlockTxs], key)
wb.DeleteCF(d.cfh[cfHeight], key)
for height := lower; height <= higher; height++ {
if glog.V(2) {
glog.Info("height ", height)
wb.DeleteCF(d.cfh[cfHeight], packUint(height))
err = d.db.Write(d.wo, wb)
d.storeAddressContracts(wb, contracts)
err := d.db.Write(d.wo, wb)
if err == nil {
glog.Infof("rocksdb: blocks %d-%d disconnected", lower, higher)

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@ -5,7 +5,11 @@ package db
import (
type testEthereumParser struct {
@ -85,7 +89,7 @@ func verifyAfterEthereumTypeBlock2(t *testing.T, d *RocksDB) {
"00000000eb0443fd7dc4a1ed5c686a8e995057805f9a161d9a5a77a95e72b7b6" + uintToHex(1534859988) + varuintToHex(2) + varuintToHex(2345678),
"2b57e15e93a0ed197417a34c2498b7187df79099572c04a6b6e6ff418f74e6ee" + uintToHex(1534859988) + varuintToHex(2) + varuintToHex(2345678),
}); err != nil {
@ -156,9 +160,8 @@ func verifyAfterEthereumTypeBlock2(t *testing.T, d *RocksDB) {
// 2) GetTransactions for various addresses / low-high ranges
// 3) GetBestBlock, GetBlockHash
// 4) Test tx caching functionality
// 5) Disconnect block 2 - expect error
// 6) Disconnect the block 2 using BlockTxs column
// 7) Reconnect block 2 and check
// 5) Disconnect the block 2 using BlockTxs column
// 6) Reconnect block 2 and check
// After each step, the content of DB is examined and any difference against expected state is regarded as failure
func TestRocksDB_Index_EthereumType(t *testing.T) {
d := setupRocksDB(t, &testEthereumParser{
@ -166,18 +169,118 @@ func TestRocksDB_Index_EthereumType(t *testing.T) {
defer closeAndDestroyRocksDB(t, d)
// connect 1st block - will log warnings about missing UTXO transactions in txAddresses column
// connect 1st block
block1 := dbtestdata.GetTestEthereumTypeBlock1(d.chainParser)
if err := d.ConnectBlock(block1); err != nil {
verifyAfterEthereumTypeBlock1(t, d, false)
// connect 2nd block - use some outputs from the 1st block as the inputs and 1 input uses tx from the same block
// connect 2nd block
block2 := dbtestdata.GetTestEthereumTypeBlock2(d.chainParser)
if err := d.ConnectBlock(block2); err != nil {
verifyAfterEthereumTypeBlock2(t, d)
// get transactions for various addresses / low-high ranges
verifyGetTransactions(t, d, "0x"+dbtestdata.EthAddr55, 0, 10000000, []txidVoutOutput{
txidVoutOutput{"0x" + dbtestdata.EthTxidB1T1, 0, true},
txidVoutOutput{"0x" + dbtestdata.EthTxidB1T2, 1, true},
txidVoutOutput{"0x" + dbtestdata.EthTxidB2T1, 0, false},
txidVoutOutput{"0x" + dbtestdata.EthTxidB2T2, 2, false},
txidVoutOutput{"0x" + dbtestdata.EthTxidB2T2, 1, true},
}, nil)
verifyGetTransactions(t, d, "mtGXQvBowMkBpnhLckhxhbwYK44Gs9eBad", 500000, 1000000, []txidVoutOutput{}, errors.New("Address missing"))
// GetBestBlock
height, hash, err := d.GetBestBlock()
if err != nil {
if height != 4321001 {
t.Fatalf("GetBestBlock: got height %v, expected %v", height, 4321001)
if hash != "0x2b57e15e93a0ed197417a34c2498b7187df79099572c04a6b6e6ff418f74e6ee" {
t.Fatalf("GetBestBlock: got hash %v, expected %v", hash, "0x2b57e15e93a0ed197417a34c2498b7187df79099572c04a6b6e6ff418f74e6ee")
// GetBlockHash
hash, err = d.GetBlockHash(4321000)
if err != nil {
if hash != "0xc7b98df95acfd11c51ba25611a39e004fe56c8fdfc1582af99354fcd09c17b11" {
t.Fatalf("GetBlockHash: got hash %v, expected %v", hash, "0xc7b98df95acfd11c51ba25611a39e004fe56c8fdfc1582af99354fcd09c17b11")
// Not connected block
hash, err = d.GetBlockHash(4321002)
if err != nil {
if hash != "" {
t.Fatalf("GetBlockHash: got hash '%v', expected ''", hash)
// GetBlockHash
info, err := d.GetBlockInfo(4321001)
if err != nil {
iw := &BlockInfo{
Hash: "0x2b57e15e93a0ed197417a34c2498b7187df79099572c04a6b6e6ff418f74e6ee",
Txs: 2,
Size: 2345678,
Time: 1534859988,
Height: 4321001,
if !reflect.DeepEqual(info, iw) {
t.Errorf("GetBlockInfo() = %+v, want %+v", info, iw)
// Test tx caching functionality, leave one tx in db to test cleanup in DisconnectBlock
testTxCache(t, d, block1, &block1.Txs[0])
testTxCache(t, d, block2, &block2.Txs[0])
if err = d.PutTx(&block2.Txs[1], block2.Height, block2.Txs[1].Blocktime); err != nil {
if err = d.PutTx(&block2.Txs[1], block2.Height, block2.Txs[1].Blocktime); err != nil {
// check that there is only the last tx in the cache
packedTx, err := d.chainParser.PackTx(&block2.Txs[1], block2.Height, block2.Txs[1].Blocktime)
if err := checkColumn(d, cfTransactions, []keyPair{
keyPair{dbtestdata.EthTxidB2T2, hex.EncodeToString(packedTx), nil},
}); err != nil {
// try to disconnect both blocks, however only the last one is kept, it is not possible
err = d.DisconnectBlockRangeEthereumType(4321000, 4321001)
if err == nil || err.Error() != "Cannot disconnect blocks with height 4321000 and lower. It is necessary to rebuild index." {
verifyAfterEthereumTypeBlock2(t, d)
// disconnect the 2nd block, verify that the db contains only data from the 1st block with restored unspentTxs
// and that the cached tx is removed
err = d.DisconnectBlockRangeEthereumType(4321001, 4321001)
if err != nil {
verifyAfterEthereumTypeBlock1(t, d, true)
if err := checkColumn(d, cfTransactions, []keyPair{}); err != nil {
// connect block again and verify the state of db
if err := d.ConnectBlock(block2); err != nil {
verifyAfterEthereumTypeBlock2(t, d)

View File

@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ import (
@ -415,7 +414,7 @@ func testTxCache(t *testing.T, d *RocksDB, b *bchain.Block, tx *bchain.Tx) {
// Confirmations are not stored in the DB, set them from input tx
gtx.Confirmations = tx.Confirmations
if fmt.Sprint(gtx) != fmt.Sprint(tx) {
if !reflect.DeepEqual(gtx, tx) {
t.Errorf("GetTx: %v, want %v", gtx, tx)
if err := d.DeleteTx(tx.Txid); err != nil {
@ -429,9 +428,8 @@ func testTxCache(t *testing.T, d *RocksDB, b *bchain.Block, tx *bchain.Tx) {
// 2) GetTransactions for various addresses / low-high ranges
// 3) GetBestBlock, GetBlockHash
// 4) Test tx caching functionality
// 5) Disconnect block 2 - expect error
// 6) Disconnect the block 2 using BlockTxs column
// 7) Reconnect block 2 and check
// 5) Disconnect the block 2 using BlockTxs column
// 6) Reconnect block 2 and check
// After each step, the content of DB is examined and any difference against expected state is regarded as failure
func TestRocksDB_Index_BitcoinType(t *testing.T) {
d := setupRocksDB(t, &testBitcoinParser{
@ -513,7 +511,7 @@ func TestRocksDB_Index_BitcoinType(t *testing.T) {
Height: 225494,
if !reflect.DeepEqual(info, iw) {
t.Errorf("GetAddressBalance() = %+v, want %+v", info, iw)
t.Errorf("GetBlockInfo() = %+v, want %+v", info, iw)
// Test tx caching functionality, leave one tx in db to test cleanup in DisconnectBlock
@ -532,13 +530,6 @@ func TestRocksDB_Index_BitcoinType(t *testing.T) {
// DisconnectBlock for BitcoinType chains is not possible
err = d.DisconnectBlock(block2)
if err == nil || err.Error() != "DisconnectBlock is not supported for BitcoinType chains" {
verifyAfterBitcoinTypeBlock2(t, d)
// try to disconnect both blocks, however only the last one is kept, it is not possible
err = d.DisconnectBlockRangeBitcoinType(225493, 225494)
if err == nil || err.Error() != "Cannot disconnect blocks with height 225493 and lower. It is necessary to rebuild index." {
@ -566,7 +557,6 @@ func TestRocksDB_Index_BitcoinType(t *testing.T) {
verifyAfterBitcoinTypeBlock2(t, d)
// test public methods for address balance and tx addresses
ab, err := d.GetAddressBalance(dbtestdata.Addr5)
if err != nil {
@ -848,17 +838,17 @@ func Test_packTxAddresses_unpackTxAddresses(t *testing.T) {
Height: 123456789,
Inputs: []TxInput{
AddrDesc: []byte{},
AddrDesc: []byte(nil),
ValueSat: *big.NewInt(1234),
Outputs: []TxOutput{
AddrDesc: []byte{},
AddrDesc: []byte(nil),
ValueSat: *big.NewInt(5678),
AddrDesc: []byte{},
AddrDesc: []byte(nil),
ValueSat: *big.NewInt(98),
Spent: true,

View File

@ -393,26 +393,11 @@ func (w *SyncWorker) getBlockChain(out chan blockResult, done chan struct{}) {
// DisconnectBlocks removes all data belonging to blocks in range lower-higher,
func (w *SyncWorker) DisconnectBlocks(lower uint32, higher uint32, hashes []string) error {
glog.Infof("sync: disconnecting blocks %d-%d", lower, higher)
// if the chain is ChainBitcoinType, always use DisconnectBlockRange
if w.chain.GetChainParser().GetChainType() == bchain.ChainBitcoinType {
ct := w.chain.GetChainParser().GetChainType()
if ct == bchain.ChainBitcoinType {
return w.db.DisconnectBlockRangeBitcoinType(lower, higher)
} else if ct == bchain.ChainEthereumType {
return w.db.DisconnectBlockRangeEthereumType(lower, higher)
blocks := make([]*bchain.Block, len(hashes))
var err error
// try to get all blocks first to see if we can avoid full scan
for i, hash := range hashes {
blocks[i], err = w.chain.GetBlock(hash, 0)
if err != nil {
// cannot get a block, we must do full range scan
return w.db.DisconnectBlockRangeNonUTXO(lower, higher)
// got all blocks to be disconnected, disconnect them one after another
for i, block := range blocks {
glog.Info("Disconnecting block ", (int(higher) - i), " ", block.Hash)
if err = w.db.DisconnectBlock(block); err != nil {
return err
return nil
return errors.New("Unknown chain type")

View File

@ -396,7 +396,7 @@ func httpTests(t *testing.T, ts *httptest.Server) {
status: http.StatusOK,
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
body: []string{

View File

@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ func GetTestBitcoinTypeBlock1(parser bchain.BlockChainParser) *bchain.Block {
Txs: []bchain.Tx{
Txid: TxidB1T1,
Vin: []bchain.Vin{},
Vout: []bchain.Vout{
N: 0,

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