Scriplets for poking at Mike McCant's classfd.tle data.
Go to file
2023-06-24 12:03:34 -06:00
.gitignore Ignore temp files 2023-06-21 18:31:23 -06:00
classfd-dl Scriplet to download classfd.tle 2023-06-21 18:44:53 -06:00
classfd-ls-ids Scriptlet list Spacecruft IDs in classfd 2023-06-21 19:11:12 -06:00
LICENSE-CC CC by SA 4.0 International 2023-06-21 18:31:09 -06:00
LICENSE-GPL GPLv3 2023-06-21 18:30:58 -06:00 Script to merge TLEs into git archive 2023-06-24 12:03:34 -06:00
spacecruft-classfd-all Add all scripts to all script 2023-06-22 16:38:20 -06:00
spacecruft-classfd-ls-ids No fit in filename 2023-06-21 19:35:19 -06:00
spacecruft-classfd-missing-ids Fix ID output noise 2023-06-22 16:36:07 -06:00
spacecruft-classfd-missing-tle Script to generate TLEs of missing classfd from Spacecruft 2023-06-22 16:33:25 -06:00
spacecruft-classfd-report Draft summary report scriptlet 2023-06-21 19:39:26 -06:00
spacecruft-classfd-tle Script to generate TLEs of classfd Spacecruft ID'd 2023-06-22 16:30:19 -06:00
spacecruft-dl-ids No fit in filename 2023-06-21 19:35:19 -06:00
spacecruft-ls-ids No fit in filename 2023-06-21 19:35:19 -06:00
spacecruft-skymap-classfd Script to plot missing classfd sats 2023-06-23 10:38:27 -06:00
spacecruft-skymap-classfd-missing Script to plot missing classfd sats 2023-06-23 10:38:27 -06:00
tle2git Script to merge TLEs into git archive 2023-06-24 12:03:34 -06:00

classfd cruft

Crufty scriptlets for poking at Mike McCants' classfd.tle.


Using Debian Stable (12/bookworm).

Upstream compresses files using zip, so that is needed:

apt install unzip

To run the sattools scripts, install this:


What the little scripts do:

  • classfd-dl --- Downloads and unzips Mike McCants' classified elements.
  • classfd-ls-ids --- Lists NORAD IDs in Mike McCants' classified elements.
  • spacecruft-classfd-all --- Runs all the scripts in proper order.
  • spacecruft-classfd-ls-ids --- Lists NORAD IDs in the Spacecruft archive also in the McCants' classfd list.
  • spacecruft-classfd-missing-ids --- Lists classfd IDs not in Spacecruft archive.
  • spacecruft-classfd-missing-tle --- Outputs TLEs of classfd missing from Spacecruft archive.
  • spacecruft-classfd-report --- Generate report.
  • spacecruft-classfd-tle --- Outputs TLEs of classfd in Spacecruft archive.
  • spacecruft-dl-ids --- Download list of IDs photographed and identified in the Spacecruft archive.
  • spacecruft-ls-ids --- Lists NORAD IDs in Spacecruft archive.
  • tle2git --- Convert archive of historical TLEs into git repo.

Scripts that use sattools:

  • spacecruft-skymap-classfd --- Plot classfd satellites in skymap.
  • spacecruft-skymap-classfd-missing --- Plot missing classfd satellites in skymap.


Run thusly:


It will store in the data directory. You can run each script, ala:

$ ./spacecruft-classfd-report
Number of satellites in Spacecruft:                8036
Number of satellites in classfd:                   217
Number of satellites in Spacecruft and classfd:    85
Number of satellites in classfd not in Spacecruft: 133


Data for satellites identified in the Spacecruft archive can be found here:

Spacecruft reports and data for the seesat mailing list, which Mike McCants uses as a source, is available here:


Mike McCants

Mike McCants website, TLEs, and classfd.tle:


The seesat mailing list archive are here:



  • Report age of TLEs in McCants, and compare with missing, etc. Over 100 TLEs haven't had an update in 2023 (?).
  • Skymap of ID'd sats versus missing ones.
  • Which IDs are visible tonight?
  • Groupings.
  • Create TLE file of in both classfd and Spacecruft.
  • Create TLE file of missing classfd from Spacecruft.


Unofficial project, not related to Mike McCants. Upstream sources under their respective copyrights.

License: CC By SA 4.0 International and/or GPLv3+ at your discretion.

Copyright © 2023, Jeff Moe.