Dead code removal.

Rick Carlino 2020-01-22 16:23:13 -06:00
parent 21a1201a06
commit f3f8316cc3
1 changed files with 0 additions and 290 deletions

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@ -1,290 +0,0 @@
# defmodule FarmbotCore.RegimenInstanceWorkerTest do
# use ExUnit.Case, async: false
# alias FarmbotCore.Asset.RegimenInstance
# import Farmbot.TestSupport.AssetFixtures
# alias Farmbot.TestSupport.CeleryScript.TestSysCalls
# @regimen_instance_timeout 10_000
# test "regimen executes a sequence" do
# now = DateTime.utc_now()
# start_time = Timex.shift(now, minutes: -20)
# end_time = Timex.shift(now, minutes: 10)
# {:ok, epoch} = RegimenInstance.build_epoch(now)
# offset = Timex.diff(now, epoch, :milliseconds) + 500
# seq = sequence(%{body: [%{kind: "read_pin", args: %{pin_number: 1, pin_mode: 0}}]})
# regimen_params = %{regimen_items: [%{sequence_id:, time_offset: offset}]}
# farm_event_params = %{
# start_time: start_time,
# end_time: end_time,
# repeat: 1,
# time_unit: "never"
# }
# pr = regimen_instance(regimen_params, farm_event_params)
# {:ok, _} = TestSysCalls.checkout()
# test_pid = self()
# :ok =
# TestSysCalls.handle(TestSysCalls, fn
# kind, args ->
# send(test_pid, {kind, args})
# :ok
# end)
# {:ok, _} = FarmbotCore.AssetWorker.FarmbotCore.Asset.RegimenInstance.start_link(pr, [])
# assert_receive {:read_pin, [1, 0]}, @regimen_instance_timeout
# end
# test "parameter_application" do
# now = DateTime.utc_now()
# start_time = Timex.shift(now, minutes: -20)
# end_time = Timex.shift(now, minutes: 10)
# {:ok, epoch} = RegimenInstance.build_epoch(now)
# offset = Timex.diff(now, epoch, :milliseconds) + 500
# # Asset instances
# # Sequence that `execute`s another sequence
# # sequence that has move_abosolute to variable
# callee_sequence =
# sequence(%{
# args: %{
# locals: %{
# kind: "scope_declaration",
# args: %{},
# body: [
# %{
# kind: "parameter_declaration",
# args: %{
# label: "callee_param",
# default_value: %{
# kind: "coordinate",
# args: %{x: -1, y: -1, z: -1}
# }
# }
# }
# ]
# }
# },
# body: [
# %{
# kind: "move_absolute",
# args: %{
# speed: 100,
# offset: %{
# kind: "coordinate",
# args: %{x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
# },
# location: %{
# kind: "identifier",
# args: %{label: "callee_param"}
# }
# }
# }
# ]
# })
# caller_sequence =
# sequence(%{
# args: %{
# locals: %{
# kind: "scope_declaration",
# args: %{},
# body: [
# %{
# kind: "parameter_declaration",
# args: %{
# label: "provided_by_caller",
# default_value: %{
# kind: "coordinate",
# args: %{x: -2, y: -2, z: -2}
# }
# }
# }
# ]
# }
# },
# body: [
# %{
# kind: "execute",
# args: %{sequence_id:},
# body: [
# %{
# kind: "parameter_application",
# args: %{
# label: "callee_param",
# data_value: %{
# kind: "identifier",
# args: %{label: "provided_by_caller"}
# }
# }
# }
# ]
# }
# ]
# })
# # farm event that starts regimen
# # regimen that starts sequence
# regimen_params = %{
# regimen_items: [%{sequence_id:, time_offset: offset}],
# body: [
# %{
# kind: "parameter_application",
# args: %{
# label: "provided_by_caller",
# data_value: %{
# kind: "coordinate",
# args: %{
# x: 9000,
# y: 9000,
# z: 9000
# }
# }
# }
# }
# ]
# }
# farm_event_params = %{
# start_time: start_time,
# end_time: end_time,
# repeat: 1,
# time_unit: "never"
# }
# # process instances
# # inject syscalls
# # inject celery_script scheduler
# # inject apply_sequence to RegimenInstance
# {:ok, _shim} = TestSysCalls.checkout()
# that = self()
# callee_sequence_id =
# :ok =
# TestSysCalls.handle(TestSysCalls, fn
# :get_sequence, [^callee_sequence_id] ->
# FarmbotCeleryScript.AST.decode(callee_sequence)
# :coordinate, [x, y, z] ->
# %{x: x, y: y, z: z}
# kind, args ->
# send(that, {kind, args})
# :ok
# end)
# pr = regimen_instance(regimen_params, farm_event_params)
# {:ok, _} = FarmbotCore.AssetWorker.FarmbotCore.Asset.RegimenInstance.start_link(pr, [])
# expected_x = 9000
# expected_y = 9000
# expected_z = 9000
# expected_speed = 100
# assert_receive {:move_absolute, [^expected_x, ^expected_y, ^expected_z, ^expected_speed]},
# @regimen_instance_timeout
# end
# test "application of default_parameters (Regimen => Sequence)" do
# now = DateTime.utc_now()
# start_time = Timex.shift(now, minutes: -20)
# end_time = Timex.shift(now, minutes: 10)
# {:ok, epoch} = RegimenInstance.build_epoch(now)
# offset = Timex.diff(now, epoch, :milliseconds) + 500
# # Asset instances
# # Sequence that `execute`s another sequence
# # sequence that has move_abosolute to variable
# the_sequence =
# sequence(%{
# args: %{
# locals: %{
# kind: "scope_declaration",
# args: %{},
# body: [
# %{
# kind: "parameter_declaration",
# args: %{
# label: "callee_param",
# default_value: %{
# kind: "coordinate",
# args: %{x: -1, y: -1, z: -1}
# }
# }
# }
# ]
# }
# },
# body: [
# %{
# kind: "move_absolute",
# args: %{
# speed: 100,
# offset: %{
# kind: "coordinate",
# args: %{x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
# },
# location: %{
# kind: "identifier",
# args: %{label: "callee_param"}
# }
# }
# }
# ]
# })
# regimen_params = %{
# regimen_items: [%{sequence_id:, time_offset: offset}],
# body: []
# }
# farm_event_params = %{
# start_time: start_time,
# end_time: end_time,
# repeat: 1,
# time_unit: "never"
# }
# # process instances
# # inject syscalls
# # inject celery_script scheduler
# # inject apply_sequence to RegimenInstance
# {:ok, _shim} = TestSysCalls.checkout()
# that = self()
# :ok =
# TestSysCalls.handle(TestSysCalls, fn
# :get_sequence, [_the_sequence_id] ->
# FarmbotCeleryScript.AST.decode(the_sequence)
# :coordinate, [x, y, z] ->
# %{x: x, y: y, z: z}
# kind, args ->
# send(that, {kind, args})
# :ok
# end)
# pr = regimen_instance(regimen_params, farm_event_params)
# {:ok, _} = FarmbotCore.AssetWorker.FarmbotCore.Asset.RegimenInstance.start_link(pr, [])
# expected_x = -1
# expected_y = -1
# expected_z = -1
# expected_speed = 100
# assert_receive {:move_absolute, [^expected_x, ^expected_y, ^expected_z, ^expected_speed]},
# @regimen_instance_timeout
# end
# end