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All CeleryScript Nodes

This list is split into three categories.

RPC Nodes

Nodes that control Farmbot's state, but don't don't command a real world side effect. This includes:

  • updating configuration data.
  • syncing.
  • starting/stopping a process of some sort.
  • rebooting

RPC Node Table

Name Args Body
check_updates package ---
config_update package pair
uninstall_farmware package ---
update_farmware package ---
rpc_request label command or rpc nodes
rpc_ok label ---
rpc_error label explanation
install farmware url ---
read_status --- ---
sync --- ---
power_off --- ---
reboot --- ---
factory_reset --- ---
set_usr_env --- pair
install_first_party_farmware --- ---
change_ownership --- pair
dump_info --- ---

Command Nodes

Nodes that physically do something. This includes:

  • moving the gantry.
  • writing or reading a GPIO.

Command Node Table

Name Args Body
_if lhs, op, rhs, _then, _else pair
write_pin pin_number, pin_value, pin_mode ---
read_pin pin_number, pin_value, pin_mode ---
move_absolute location, speed, offset ---
set_servo_angle pin_number, pin_value ---
send_message message, message_type channel
move_relative speed, x, y, z ---
sequence version, locals any command node
home speed, axis ---
find_home speed, axis ---
wait milliseconds ---
execute sequence_id ---
toggle_pin pin_number ---
execute_script package pair
zero axis ---
calibrate axis ---
emergency_lock --- ---
emergency_unlock --- ---
take_photo --- ---

Data Nodes

Nodes that simply contain data. They are not to be executed. This includes:

  • explanation
  • location data

Data Node Table

Name Args Body
point pointer_type, pointer_id ---
named_pin pin_type, pin_id ---
pair label, value ---
channel channel_name ---
coordinate x, y, z ---
tool tool_id ---
explanation message ---
identifier label ---
nothing --- ---
scope_declaration --- parameter_decleration or variable_decleration