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FarmBot Core OTP App

farmbot_core is responsible for the core funcionality of the FarmBot application. This contains things such as resource (asset) management, plugin (farmware) management, central state, and schedule management. FarmBot specific network requests are not made from the farmbot_core app. Below describes the important subsystems

Asset storage subsystem

Sqlite database responsible for storing data needed for FarmBot to operate. Most device specific REST resources are mirrored here.

  • Device
  • FarmEvent
  • Regimen
  • Sequence
  • Peripheral

Asset Worker subsystem

All assets that need to have a process assosiated with it will be found in this subsystem. Examples of this include:

  • FarmEvent scheduling
  • Regimen scheduling
  • PinBinding monitoring
  • FbosConfig/FirmwareConfig

Farmware subsystem

Farmbot's external plugin system. See the Farmware documentation for more details.

BotState subsystem

Central in-memory state process/tracker. This process keeps a cache of all the moving parts of FarmBot. Some examples of what is stored in this cache:

  • Firmware reporting current axis position encoder data arduino pin data currently configured firmware paramaters
  • Current configuration mirror of fbos_config asset
  • System info version info (nerves) firmware info memory usage disk usage
  • Network info WiFi signal quality private ip address

Logging subsystem

This is where the Messages panel gets it's data from. Calls to this subsystem push data into an sqlite database. This data is collected on a timer and dispatched over AMQP/MQTT when/if that subsystem is available. See farmbot_ext for information on how that works.