
941 B

Starting FarmbotOS in host env.

Certain behaviour is slightly different when developing on host compared to deploying on target environments such as rpi or rpi3.


By default, an Arduino does not need to be connected to your host pc when doing development. See the FarmbotFirmware.Transport module for more info on this topic. If you want to use a real Arduino in host mode, you can export a FARMBOT_TTY environment variable in your host environment.

$ cd farmbot_os
$ export FARMBOT_TTY=/dev/ttySomeDeviceFile
$ mix compile --force

If you're device moves ttys, you will have to redo this step.


Currently configurator does not run on the host enviornment. To connect to your FarmBot account, export the following variables:

$ cd farmbot_os
$ export
$ export FARMBOT_PASSWORD=password123
$ export FARMBOT_SERVER=http://localhost:3000