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Frequently Asked Questions

What ports oputbound does Farmbot OS use?

  • AMQP: 5673
  • HTTP(S): 80 + 443 (this is configurable)
  • NTP: UDP 123

My bot doesn't boot on a fresh SD card!

This could be one of a few things. These things are in order of probability.

  • Your farmbot doesn't have enough power. You NEED a good power supply at least 5 volts and 2.5 Amps for farmbot to boot reliably.
    • Is the power LED flashing? If yes you need more amps.
    • Is the Green LED flashing? If no you need more amps.
  • Your Arduino wasn't detected.
  • You have more than one UART device.
  • You have a bad flash.
    • If you used dd to write the image, try setting BS to a lower value.
    • if you used win32 disk imager try safely removing the SD card
  • You have a bad SD Card.
  • You aren't using a Raspberry Pi 3.

Why can't I update my Arduino Firmware?

As of version 3.8.0 we decided to bundle the arduino firmware into farmbot os. There was a couple reasons for this.

  • There is no more version conflicts between the firmware and operating system.
  • Applying updates during farmbot os runtime can be dangerous and was leaving peoples bot's unusable because of broken firmwares.

Can the shell run on HDMI

No. Farmbot is designed to operate without the use of a monitor.

Can I SSH into the Farmbot?

No. Farmbot does not run raspbain as many users are used too. There are no normal linux utilities (such as apt, sudo, bash etc).

Why aren't [X] or [Y] packages included?

See the above answer. Raise an issue to request a package. Future versions of FarmBotOS may provide a plugin system. It is not implemented yet.