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Raw Normal View History

"""Functions for working with LOFAR single station data"""
2020-05-26 13:25:07 -06:00
from typing import Dict, List
import numpy as np
from numpy.linalg import norm, lstsq
import numexpr as ne
2020-03-04 05:39:20 -07:00
import numba
2020-02-28 05:54:45 -07:00
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord, SkyOffsetFrame, CartesianRepresentation
2020-05-26 13:25:07 -06:00
__all__ = ["nearfield_imager", "sky_imager", "ground_imager", "skycoord_to_lmn", "calibrate", "simulate_sky_source",
2020-02-28 02:40:23 -07:00
__version__ = "1.5.0"
2020-02-28 05:54:45 -07:00
SPEED_OF_LIGHT = 299792458.0
def skycoord_to_lmn(pos: SkyCoord, phasecentre: SkyCoord):
Convert astropy sky coordinates into the l,m,n coordinate system
relative to a phase centre.
The l,m,n is a RHS coordinate system with
* its origin on the sky sphere
* m,n and the celestial north on the same plane
* l,m a tangential plane of the sky sphere
Note that this means that l increases east-wards
2020-03-04 13:47:11 -07:00
This function was taken from https://github.com/SKA-ScienceDataProcessor/algorithm-reference-library
# Determine relative sky position
todc = pos.transform_to(SkyOffsetFrame(origin=phasecentre))
dc = todc.represent_as(CartesianRepresentation)
dc /= dc.norm()
# Do coordinate transformation - astropy's relative coordinates do
# not quite follow imaging conventions
return dc.y.value, dc.z.value, dc.x.value - 1
2020-03-04 09:17:27 -07:00
def sky_imager(visibilities, baselines, freq, npix_l, npix_m):
2020-03-04 05:39:20 -07:00
Sky imager
visibilities: Numpy array with visibilities, shape [num_antennas x num_antennas]
baselines: Numpy array with distances between antennas, shape [num_antennas, num_antennas, 3]
freq: frequency
npix_l: Number of pixels in l-direction
npix_m: Number of pixels in m-direction
2020-03-04 05:39:20 -07:00
np.array(float): Real valued array of shape [npix_l, npix_m]
2020-03-04 09:17:27 -07:00
img = np.zeros((npix_m, npix_l), dtype=np.complex128)
2020-03-04 07:06:10 -07:00
2020-03-04 05:39:20 -07:00
for m_ix in range(npix_m):
m = -1 + m_ix * 2 / npix_m
for l_ix in range(npix_l):
l = 1 - l_ix * 2 / npix_l
img[m_ix, l_ix] = np.mean(visibilities * np.exp(-2j * np.pi * freq *
2020-03-04 06:36:39 -07:00
(baselines[:, :, 0] * l + baselines[:, :, 1] * m) /
2020-03-04 05:39:20 -07:00
return np.real(img)
def ground_imager(visibilities, freq, npix_p, npix_q, dims, station_pqr, height=1.5):
"""Do a Fourier transform for ground imaging"""
2020-02-28 05:54:45 -07:00
img = np.zeros([npix_q, npix_p], dtype=np.complex128)
2020-02-28 05:54:45 -07:00
for q_ix, q in enumerate(np.linspace(dims[2], dims[3], npix_q)):
for p_ix, p in enumerate(np.linspace(dims[0], dims[1], npix_p)):
r = height
pqr = np.array([p, q, r], dtype=np.float32)
antdist = np.linalg.norm(station_pqr - pqr[np.newaxis, :], axis=1)
groundbase = antdist[:, np.newaxis] - antdist[np.newaxis, :]
img[q_ix, p_ix] = np.mean(visibilities * np.exp(-2j * np.pi * freq * (-groundbase) / SPEED_OF_LIGHT))
2020-03-10 09:01:31 -06:00
return img
2020-02-26 05:32:08 -07:00
2020-03-13 10:11:59 -06:00
def nearfield_imager(visibilities, baseline_indices, freqs, npix_p, npix_q, extent, station_pqr, height=1.5,
2020-02-26 07:19:00 -07:00
Nearfield imager
2020-03-04 05:39:20 -07:00
2020-02-26 07:19:00 -07:00
visibilities: Numpy array with visibilities, shape [num_visibilities x num_frequencies]
baseline_indices: List with tuples of antenna numbers in visibilities, shape [2 x num_visibilities]
freqs: List of frequencies
npix_p: Number of pixels in p-direction
npix_q: Number of pixels in q-direction
2020-02-26 08:39:38 -07:00
extent: Extent (in m) that the image should span
2020-02-26 07:19:00 -07:00
station_pqr: PQR coordinates of stations
height: Height of image in metre
max_memory_mb: Maximum amount of memory to use for the biggest array. Higher may improve performance.
2020-02-26 07:19:00 -07:00
2020-03-04 05:39:20 -07:00
np.array(complex): Complex valued array of shape [npix_p, npix_q]
2020-02-26 07:19:00 -07:00
z = height
2020-02-26 08:39:38 -07:00
x = np.linspace(extent[0], extent[1], npix_p)
y = np.linspace(extent[2], extent[3], npix_q)
2020-02-26 07:19:00 -07:00
posx, posy = np.meshgrid(x, y)
2020-02-28 02:40:23 -07:00
posxyz = np.transpose(np.array([posx, posy, z * np.ones_like(posx)]), [1, 2, 0])
2020-02-28 02:40:23 -07:00
diff_vectors = (station_pqr[:, None, None, :] - posxyz[None, :, :, :])
2020-02-26 09:07:15 -07:00
distances = np.linalg.norm(diff_vectors, axis=3)
vis_chunksize = max_memory_mb * 1024 * 1024 // (8 * npix_p * npix_q)
2020-02-26 05:32:08 -07:00
2020-02-26 08:39:38 -07:00
bl_diff = np.zeros((vis_chunksize, npix_q, npix_p), dtype=np.float64)
img = np.zeros((npix_q, npix_p), dtype=np.complex128)
for vis_chunkstart in range(0, len(baseline_indices), vis_chunksize):
vis_chunkend = min(vis_chunkstart + vis_chunksize, baseline_indices.shape[0])
# For the last chunk, bl_diff_chunk is a bit smaller than bl_diff
2020-02-28 02:40:23 -07:00
bl_diff_chunk = bl_diff[:vis_chunkend - vis_chunkstart, :]
2020-02-26 09:07:15 -07:00
np.add(distances[baseline_indices[vis_chunkstart:vis_chunkend, 0]],
2020-02-28 02:40:23 -07:00
-distances[baseline_indices[vis_chunkstart:vis_chunkend, 1]], out=bl_diff_chunk)
2020-02-26 07:19:00 -07:00
j2pi = 1j * 2 * np.pi
for ifreq, freq in enumerate(freqs):
2020-02-26 08:39:38 -07:00
v = visibilities[vis_chunkstart:vis_chunkend, ifreq][:, None, None]
2020-02-26 07:19:00 -07:00
lamb = SPEED_OF_LIGHT / freq
2020-02-28 02:40:23 -07:00
# v[:,np.newaxis,np.newaxis]*np.exp(-2j*np.pi*freq/c*groundbase_pixels[:,:,:]/c)
# groundbase_pixels=nvis x npix x npix
2020-03-14 15:38:09 -06:00
np.add(img, np.sum(ne.evaluate("v * exp(j2pi * bl_diff_chunk / lamb)"), axis=0), out=img)
2020-02-26 07:19:00 -07:00
img /= len(freqs) * len(baseline_indices)
2020-02-26 05:32:08 -07:00
return img
def calibrate(vis, modelvis, maxiter=30, amplitudeonly=True):
Calibrate and subtract some sources
vis: visibility matrix, shape [n_st, n_st]
modelvis: model visibility matrices, shape [n_dir, n_st, n_st]
maxiter: max iterations (default 30)
amplitudeonly: fit only amplitudes (default True)
residual: visibilities with calibrated directions subtracted, shape [n_st, n_st]
gains: gains, shape [n_dir, n_st]
nst = vis.shape[1]
ndir = np.array(modelvis).shape[0]
2020-10-26 04:35:49 -06:00
gains = np.ones([ndir, nst], dtype=np.complex)
if ndir == 0:
return vis, gains
gains *= np.sqrt(norm(vis) / norm(modelvis))
iteration = 0
while iteration < maxiter:
iteration += 1
gains_prev = gains.copy()
for k in range(nst):
z = np.conj(gains_prev) * np.array(modelvis)[:, :, k]
gains[:, k] = lstsq(z.T, vis[:, k], rcond=None)[0]
if amplitudeonly:
gains = np.abs(gains).astype(np.complex)
if iteration % 2 == 0 and iteration > 0:
dg = norm(gains - gains_prev)
residual = vis.copy()
for d in range(ndir):
residual -= np.diag(np.conj(gains[d])) @ modelvis[d] @ np.diag(gains[d])
gains = 0.5 * gains + 0.5 * gains_prev
return residual, gains
def simulate_sky_source(lmn_coord: np.array, baselines: np.array, freq: float):
Simulate visibilities for a sky source
lmn_coord (np.array): l, m, n coordinate
baselines (np.array): baseline distances in metres, shape (n_ant, n_ant)
freq (float): Frequency in Hz
return np.exp(2j * np.pi * freq * baselines.dot(np.array(lmn_coord)) / SPEED_OF_LIGHT)
2020-05-26 13:25:07 -06:00
def subtract_sources(vis: np.array, baselines: np.array, freq: float, lmn_dict: Dict[str, np.array],
sources=["Cas A", "Cyg A", "Sun"]):
2020-05-26 13:25:07 -06:00
Subtract sky sources from visibilities
2020-05-26 13:25:07 -06:00
vis (np.array): visibility matrix, shape [n_ant, n_ant]
lmn_dict (Dict[str, np.array]): dictionary with lmn coordinates
baselines (np.array): baseline distances in metres, shape (n_ant, n_ant)
freq (float): Frequency in Hz
2020-05-26 13:25:07 -06:00
sources (List[str]): list with source names to subtract (should all be in lmn_dict).
Default ["Cas A", "Sun"]
vis (np.array): visibility matrix with sources subtracted
2020-05-26 13:25:07 -06:00
modelvis = [simulate_sky_source(lmn_dict[srcname], baselines, freq) for srcname in lmn_dict
if srcname in sources]
residual, _ = calibrate(vis, modelvis)
return residual