
838 lines
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from enum import IntEnum
from typing import Dict, Union, Callable, List, Optional
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
from cereal import log, car
import cereal.messaging as messaging
from common.realtime import DT_CTRL
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
from selfdrive.config import Conversions as CV
from selfdrive.locationd.calibrationd import MIN_SPEED_FILTER
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
AlertSize = log.ControlsState.AlertSize
AlertStatus = log.ControlsState.AlertStatus
VisualAlert = car.CarControl.HUDControl.VisualAlert
AudibleAlert = car.CarControl.HUDControl.AudibleAlert
EventName = car.CarEvent.EventName
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
# Alert priorities
class Priority(IntEnum):
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
LOW = 2
MID = 3
HIGH = 4
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
# Event types
class ET:
ENABLE = 'enable'
PRE_ENABLE = 'preEnable'
NO_ENTRY = 'noEntry'
WARNING = 'warning'
USER_DISABLE = 'userDisable'
SOFT_DISABLE = 'softDisable'
IMMEDIATE_DISABLE = 'immediateDisable'
PERMANENT = 'permanent'
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
# get event name from enum
2020-11-24 23:47:44 -07:00
EVENT_NAME = {v: k for k, v in EventName.schema.enumerants.items()}
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
class Events:
def __init__(self): List[int] = []
self.static_events: List[int] = []
self.events_prev = dict.fromkeys(EVENTS.keys(), 0)
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
def names(self) -> List[int]:
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
def __len__(self) -> int:
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
return len(
def add(self, event_name: int, static: bool=False) -> None:
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
if static:
def clear(self) -> None:
self.events_prev = {k: (v + 1 if k in else 0) for k, v in self.events_prev.items()}
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00 = self.static_events.copy()
def any(self, event_type: str) -> bool:
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
for e in
if event_type in EVENTS.get(e, {}).keys():
return True
return False
def create_alerts(self, event_types: List[str], callback_args=None):
if callback_args is None:
callback_args = []
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
ret = []
for e in
types = EVENTS[e].keys()
for et in event_types:
if et in types:
alert = EVENTS[e][et]
if not isinstance(alert, Alert):
alert = alert(*callback_args)
if DT_CTRL * (self.events_prev[e] + 1) >= alert.creation_delay:
2020-06-23 11:46:33 -06:00
alert.alert_type = f"{EVENT_NAME[e]}/{et}"
alert.event_type = et
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
return ret
def add_from_msg(self, events):
for e in events:
def to_msg(self):
ret = []
for event_name in
event = car.CarEvent.new_message() = event_name
for event_type in EVENTS.get(event_name, {}).keys():
setattr(event, event_type, True)
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
return ret
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
class Alert:
def __init__(self,
alert_text_1: str,
alert_text_2: str,
alert_status: log.ControlsState.AlertStatus,
alert_size: log.ControlsState.AlertSize,
priority: Priority,
visual_alert: car.CarControl.HUDControl.VisualAlert,
audible_alert: car.CarControl.HUDControl.AudibleAlert,
duration: float,
alert_rate: float = 0.,
creation_delay: float = 0.):
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
self.alert_text_1 = alert_text_1
self.alert_text_2 = alert_text_2
self.alert_status = alert_status
self.alert_size = alert_size
self.priority = priority
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
self.visual_alert = visual_alert
self.audible_alert = audible_alert
self.duration = int(duration / DT_CTRL)
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
self.alert_rate = alert_rate
self.creation_delay = creation_delay
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
self.alert_type = ""
self.event_type: Optional[str] = None
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
def __str__(self) -> str:
return f"{self.alert_text_1}/{self.alert_text_2} {self.priority} {self.visual_alert} {self.audible_alert}"
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
def __gt__(self, alert2) -> bool:
return self.priority > alert2.priority
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
class NoEntryAlert(Alert):
def __init__(self, alert_text_2: str, visual_alert: car.CarControl.HUDControl.VisualAlert=VisualAlert.none):
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
super().__init__("openpilot Unavailable", alert_text_2, AlertStatus.normal,
AlertSize.mid, Priority.LOW, visual_alert,
AudibleAlert.refuse, 3.)
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
class SoftDisableAlert(Alert):
def __init__(self, alert_text_2: str):
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
super().__init__("TAKE CONTROL IMMEDIATELY", alert_text_2,
AlertStatus.userPrompt, AlertSize.full,
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
Priority.MID, VisualAlert.steerRequired,
AudibleAlert.warningSoft, 2.),
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
# less harsh version of SoftDisable, where the condition is user-triggered
class UserSoftDisableAlert(SoftDisableAlert):
def __init__(self, alert_text_2: str):
self.alert_text_1 = "openpilot will disengage"
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
class ImmediateDisableAlert(Alert):
def __init__(self, alert_text_2: str):
super().__init__("TAKE CONTROL IMMEDIATELY", alert_text_2,
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
AlertStatus.critical, AlertSize.full,
Priority.HIGHEST, VisualAlert.steerRequired,
AudibleAlert.warningImmediate, 4.),
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
class EngagementAlert(Alert):
def __init__(self, audible_alert: car.CarControl.HUDControl.AudibleAlert):
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
super().__init__("", "",
AlertStatus.normal, AlertSize.none,
Priority.MID, VisualAlert.none,
2021-11-10 23:11:14 -07:00
audible_alert, .2),
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
class NormalPermanentAlert(Alert):
2021-11-16 23:57:22 -07:00
def __init__(self, alert_text_1: str, alert_text_2: str = "", duration: float = 0.2, priority: Priority = Priority.LOWER, creation_delay: float = 0.):
super().__init__(alert_text_1, alert_text_2,
AlertStatus.normal, AlertSize.mid if len(alert_text_2) else AlertSize.small,
2021-11-16 23:57:22 -07:00
priority, VisualAlert.none, AudibleAlert.none, duration, creation_delay=creation_delay),
2021-11-15 17:14:31 -07:00
class StartupAlert(Alert):
def __init__(self, alert_text_1: str, alert_text_2: str = "Always keep hands on wheel and eyes on road", alert_status=AlertStatus.normal):
super().__init__(alert_text_1, alert_text_2,
alert_status, AlertSize.mid,
Priority.LOWER, VisualAlert.none, AudibleAlert.none, 10.),
# ********** helper functions **********
def get_display_speed(speed_ms: float, metric: bool) -> str:
speed = int(round(speed_ms * (CV.MS_TO_KPH if metric else CV.MS_TO_MPH)))
unit = 'km/h' if metric else 'mph'
return f"{speed} {unit}"
# ********** alert callback functions **********
AlertCallbackType = Callable[[car.CarParams, messaging.SubMaster, bool, int], Alert]
def soft_disable_alert(alert_text_2: str) -> AlertCallbackType:
def func(CP: car.CarParams, sm: messaging.SubMaster, metric: bool, soft_disable_time: int) -> Alert:
if soft_disable_time < int(0.5 / DT_CTRL):
return ImmediateDisableAlert(alert_text_2)
return SoftDisableAlert(alert_text_2)
return func
def user_soft_disable_alert(alert_text_2: str) -> AlertCallbackType:
def func(CP: car.CarParams, sm: messaging.SubMaster, metric: bool, soft_disable_time: int) -> Alert:
if soft_disable_time < int(0.5 / DT_CTRL):
return ImmediateDisableAlert(alert_text_2)
return UserSoftDisableAlert(alert_text_2)
return func
def below_engage_speed_alert(CP: car.CarParams, sm: messaging.SubMaster, metric: bool, soft_disable_time: int) -> Alert:
return NoEntryAlert(f"Speed Below {get_display_speed(CP.minEnableSpeed, metric)}")
def below_steer_speed_alert(CP: car.CarParams, sm: messaging.SubMaster, metric: bool, soft_disable_time: int) -> Alert:
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
return Alert(
f"Steer Unavailable Below {get_display_speed(CP.minSteerSpeed, metric)}",
AlertStatus.userPrompt, AlertSize.small,
Priority.MID, VisualAlert.steerRequired, AudibleAlert.prompt, 0.4)
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
def calibration_incomplete_alert(CP: car.CarParams, sm: messaging.SubMaster, metric: bool, soft_disable_time: int) -> Alert:
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
return Alert(
2020-05-21 15:43:07 -06:00
"Calibration in Progress: %d%%" % sm['liveCalibration'].calPerc,
f"Drive Above {get_display_speed(MIN_SPEED_FILTER, metric)}",
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
AlertStatus.normal, AlertSize.mid,
Priority.LOWEST, VisualAlert.none, AudibleAlert.none, .2)
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
def no_gps_alert(CP: car.CarParams, sm: messaging.SubMaster, metric: bool, soft_disable_time: int) -> Alert:
gps_integrated = sm['peripheralState'].pandaType in [, log.PandaState.PandaType.dos]
return Alert(
"Poor GPS reception",
2020-06-29 04:47:48 -06:00
"If sky is visible, contact support" if gps_integrated else "Check GPS antenna placement",
AlertStatus.normal, AlertSize.mid,
Priority.LOWER, VisualAlert.none, AudibleAlert.none, .2, creation_delay=300.)
def wrong_car_mode_alert(CP: car.CarParams, sm: messaging.SubMaster, metric: bool, soft_disable_time: int) -> Alert:
text = "Cruise Mode Disabled"
if CP.carName == "honda":
text = "Main Switch Off"
return NoEntryAlert(text)
def joystick_alert(CP: car.CarParams, sm: messaging.SubMaster, metric: bool, soft_disable_time: int) -> Alert:
Fixup joystick (#21129) * some common changes * rename to joystick * add alert and update controlsd to work with joystick * update joystickd * Update Joystick readme * assume we have inputs * only send gb or steer when engaged_toggle is true * Update instructions * fix --ip * Easier to understand at a glance * much better * -a * receive events and send msg in same loop * always import * Update selfdrive/controls/lib/ Co-authored-by: Adeeb Shihadeh <> * Update selfdrive/controls/lib/ Co-authored-by: Adeeb Shihadeh <> * combine logic and clean up * use argparse * outdated, and use normal class * rm * bit of a refactor * refactor part 2 / 3 * much better (3 / 3) * Simplify * bump cereal and update readme * capitalize * Update tools/joystick/ Co-authored-by: Adeeb Shihadeh <> * Update tools/joystick/ Co-authored-by: Adeeb Shihadeh <> * make joystick abstraction class clearer * use interp, clearer without comments * no need to use apply_deadzone * more explicit * define btns and axes once * split function by use_keyboard again, but simpler * we can use handle_button as a reset function * need to flip sign * remove * invert axes map for kb, easier to read the button mapping * apply changes from review * new lateral log for debug mode * bump * add saturated * static alert * joystick_mode * conditionally subscribe * Update selfdrive/controls/ Co-authored-by: Adeeb Shihadeh <> * move params instantiation * Spoof active and enabled * Only allow car to engage * no startup alert if joystick * Update * Should be orange not enabled, green enabled * no more button states * should work * blue * submaster conflates, so only send when we have an update * final change * remove msg * clean up a bit sort of clean up clean up a bit remove msg * this was right * Apply suggestions from code review Co-authored-by: Adeeb Shihadeh <> * lowercase * suggestions from code review * forgot laptop * bump to latest * fixes Co-authored-by: Adeeb Shihadeh <> Co-authored-by: vanillagorillaa <>
2021-06-11 15:33:17 -06:00
axes = sm['testJoystick'].axes
gb, steer = list(axes)[:2] if len(axes) else (0., 0.)
vals = f"Gas: {round(gb * 100.)}%, Steer: {round(steer * 100.)}%"
return NormalPermanentAlert("Joystick Mode", vals)
Fixup joystick (#21129) * some common changes * rename to joystick * add alert and update controlsd to work with joystick * update joystickd * Update Joystick readme * assume we have inputs * only send gb or steer when engaged_toggle is true * Update instructions * fix --ip * Easier to understand at a glance * much better * -a * receive events and send msg in same loop * always import * Update selfdrive/controls/lib/ Co-authored-by: Adeeb Shihadeh <> * Update selfdrive/controls/lib/ Co-authored-by: Adeeb Shihadeh <> * combine logic and clean up * use argparse * outdated, and use normal class * rm * bit of a refactor * refactor part 2 / 3 * much better (3 / 3) * Simplify * bump cereal and update readme * capitalize * Update tools/joystick/ Co-authored-by: Adeeb Shihadeh <> * Update tools/joystick/ Co-authored-by: Adeeb Shihadeh <> * make joystick abstraction class clearer * use interp, clearer without comments * no need to use apply_deadzone * more explicit * define btns and axes once * split function by use_keyboard again, but simpler * we can use handle_button as a reset function * need to flip sign * remove * invert axes map for kb, easier to read the button mapping * apply changes from review * new lateral log for debug mode * bump * add saturated * static alert * joystick_mode * conditionally subscribe * Update selfdrive/controls/ Co-authored-by: Adeeb Shihadeh <> * move params instantiation * Spoof active and enabled * Only allow car to engage * no startup alert if joystick * Update * Should be orange not enabled, green enabled * no more button states * should work * blue * submaster conflates, so only send when we have an update * final change * remove msg * clean up a bit sort of clean up clean up a bit remove msg * this was right * Apply suggestions from code review Co-authored-by: Adeeb Shihadeh <> * lowercase * suggestions from code review * forgot laptop * bump to latest * fixes Co-authored-by: Adeeb Shihadeh <> Co-authored-by: vanillagorillaa <>
2021-06-11 15:33:17 -06:00
EVENTS: Dict[int, Dict[str, Union[Alert, AlertCallbackType]]] = {
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
# ********** events with no alerts **********
2021-08-02 22:59:03 -06:00
EventName.stockFcw: {},
2021-12-21 00:04:27 -07:00
EventName.lkasDisabled: {},
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
# ********** events only containing alerts displayed in all states **********
2021-06-04 17:06:57 -06:00
EventName.joystickDebug: {
Fixup joystick (#21129) * some common changes * rename to joystick * add alert and update controlsd to work with joystick * update joystickd * Update Joystick readme * assume we have inputs * only send gb or steer when engaged_toggle is true * Update instructions * fix --ip * Easier to understand at a glance * much better * -a * receive events and send msg in same loop * always import * Update selfdrive/controls/lib/ Co-authored-by: Adeeb Shihadeh <> * Update selfdrive/controls/lib/ Co-authored-by: Adeeb Shihadeh <> * combine logic and clean up * use argparse * outdated, and use normal class * rm * bit of a refactor * refactor part 2 / 3 * much better (3 / 3) * Simplify * bump cereal and update readme * capitalize * Update tools/joystick/ Co-authored-by: Adeeb Shihadeh <> * Update tools/joystick/ Co-authored-by: Adeeb Shihadeh <> * make joystick abstraction class clearer * use interp, clearer without comments * no need to use apply_deadzone * more explicit * define btns and axes once * split function by use_keyboard again, but simpler * we can use handle_button as a reset function * need to flip sign * remove * invert axes map for kb, easier to read the button mapping * apply changes from review * new lateral log for debug mode * bump * add saturated * static alert * joystick_mode * conditionally subscribe * Update selfdrive/controls/ Co-authored-by: Adeeb Shihadeh <> * move params instantiation * Spoof active and enabled * Only allow car to engage * no startup alert if joystick * Update * Should be orange not enabled, green enabled * no more button states * should work * blue * submaster conflates, so only send when we have an update * final change * remove msg * clean up a bit sort of clean up clean up a bit remove msg * this was right * Apply suggestions from code review Co-authored-by: Adeeb Shihadeh <> * lowercase * suggestions from code review * forgot laptop * bump to latest * fixes Co-authored-by: Adeeb Shihadeh <> Co-authored-by: vanillagorillaa <>
2021-06-11 15:33:17 -06:00
ET.WARNING: joystick_alert,
ET.PERMANENT: NormalPermanentAlert("Joystick Mode"),
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
EventName.controlsInitializing: {
ET.NO_ENTRY: NoEntryAlert("System Initializing"),
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
EventName.startup: {
2021-11-15 17:14:31 -07:00
ET.PERMANENT: StartupAlert("Be ready to take over at any time")
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
EventName.startupMaster: {
2021-11-15 17:14:31 -07:00
ET.PERMANENT: StartupAlert("WARNING: This branch is not tested",
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
# Car is recognized, but marked as dashcam only
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
EventName.startupNoControl: {
2021-11-15 17:14:31 -07:00
ET.PERMANENT: StartupAlert("Dashcam mode"),
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
# Car is not recognized
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
EventName.startupNoCar: {
2021-11-15 17:14:31 -07:00
ET.PERMANENT: StartupAlert("Dashcam mode for unsupported car"),
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
EventName.startupNoFw: {
2021-11-15 17:14:31 -07:00
ET.PERMANENT: StartupAlert("Car Unrecognized",
"Check comma power connections",
EventName.dashcamMode: {
2021-11-15 17:14:31 -07:00
ET.PERMANENT: NormalPermanentAlert("Dashcam Mode",
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
EventName.invalidLkasSetting: {
ET.PERMANENT: NormalPermanentAlert("Stock LKAS is on",
2021-11-15 17:14:31 -07:00
"Turn off stock LKAS to engage"),
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
EventName.cruiseMismatch: {
#ET.PERMANENT: ImmediateDisableAlert("openpilot failed to cancel cruise"),
# Some features or cars are marked as community features. If openpilot
# detects the use of a community feature it switches to dashcam mode
# until these features are allowed using a toggle in settings.
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
EventName.communityFeatureDisallowed: {
ET.PERMANENT: NormalPermanentAlert("openpilot Unavailable",
"Enable Community Features in Settings"),
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
# openpilot doesn't recognize the car. This switches openpilot into a
# read-only mode. This can be solved by adding your fingerprint.
# See for more information
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
EventName.carUnrecognized: {
2021-11-15 17:14:31 -07:00
ET.PERMANENT: NormalPermanentAlert("Dashcam Mode",
"Car Unrecognized",
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
EventName.stockAeb: {
"Stock AEB: Risk of Collision",
AlertStatus.critical, AlertSize.full,
Priority.HIGHEST, VisualAlert.fcw, AudibleAlert.none, 2.),
ET.NO_ENTRY: NoEntryAlert("Stock AEB: Risk of Collision"),
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
EventName.fcw: {
"Risk of Collision",
AlertStatus.critical, AlertSize.full,
Priority.HIGHEST, VisualAlert.fcw, AudibleAlert.warningSoft, 2.),
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
EventName.ldw: {
"Lane Departure Detected",
AlertStatus.userPrompt, AlertSize.small,
Priority.LOW, VisualAlert.ldw, AudibleAlert.prompt, 3.),
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
# ********** events only containing alerts that display while engaged **********
EventName.gasPressed: {
"Release Gas Pedal to Engage",
AlertStatus.normal, AlertSize.small,
Priority.LOWEST, VisualAlert.none, AudibleAlert.none, .1, creation_delay=1.),
# openpilot tries to learn certain parameters about your car by observing
# how the car behaves to steering inputs from both human and openpilot driving.
# This includes:
# - steer ratio: gear ratio of the steering rack. Steering angle divided by tire angle
# - tire stiffness: how much grip your tires have
# - angle offset: most steering angle sensors are offset and measure a non zero angle when driving straight
# This alert is thrown when any of these values exceed a sanity check. This can be caused by
# bad alignment or bad sensor data. If this happens consistently consider creating an issue on GitHub
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
EventName.vehicleModelInvalid: {
2021-03-15 05:15:27 -06:00
ET.NO_ENTRY: NoEntryAlert("Vehicle Parameter Identification Failed"),
ET.SOFT_DISABLE: soft_disable_alert("Vehicle Parameter Identification Failed"),
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
EventName.steerTempUnavailableSilent: {
"Steering Temporarily Unavailable",
AlertStatus.userPrompt, AlertSize.small,
Priority.LOW, VisualAlert.steerRequired, AudibleAlert.prompt, 1.),
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
EventName.preDriverDistracted: {
"Pay Attention",
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
AlertStatus.normal, AlertSize.small,
Priority.LOW, VisualAlert.none, AudibleAlert.none, .1),
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
EventName.promptDriverDistracted: {
"Pay Attention",
"Driver Distracted",
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
AlertStatus.userPrompt, AlertSize.mid,
Priority.MID, VisualAlert.steerRequired, AudibleAlert.promptDistracted, .1),
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
EventName.driverDistracted: {
2020-05-15 13:24:12 -06:00
"Driver Distracted",
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
AlertStatus.critical, AlertSize.full,
Priority.HIGH, VisualAlert.steerRequired, AudibleAlert.warningImmediate, .1),
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
EventName.preDriverUnresponsive: {
"Touch Steering Wheel: No Face Detected",
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
AlertStatus.normal, AlertSize.small,
Priority.LOW, VisualAlert.steerRequired, AudibleAlert.none, .1, alert_rate=0.75),
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
EventName.promptDriverUnresponsive: {
"Touch Steering Wheel",
"Driver Unresponsive",
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
AlertStatus.userPrompt, AlertSize.mid,
Priority.MID, VisualAlert.steerRequired, AudibleAlert.promptDistracted, .1),
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
EventName.driverUnresponsive: {
2020-05-15 13:24:12 -06:00
"Driver Unresponsive",
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
AlertStatus.critical, AlertSize.full,
Priority.HIGH, VisualAlert.steerRequired, AudibleAlert.warningImmediate, .1),
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
EventName.manualRestart: {
"Resume Driving Manually",
AlertStatus.userPrompt, AlertSize.mid,
Priority.LOW, VisualAlert.none, AudibleAlert.none, .2),
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
EventName.resumeRequired: {
"Press Resume to Go",
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
AlertStatus.userPrompt, AlertSize.mid,
Priority.LOW, VisualAlert.none, AudibleAlert.none, .2),
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
EventName.belowSteerSpeed: {
ET.WARNING: below_steer_speed_alert,
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
EventName.preLaneChangeLeft: {
"Steer Left to Start Lane Change Once Safe",
AlertStatus.normal, AlertSize.small,
Priority.LOW, VisualAlert.none, AudibleAlert.none, .1, alert_rate=0.75),
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
EventName.preLaneChangeRight: {
"Steer Right to Start Lane Change Once Safe",
AlertStatus.normal, AlertSize.small,
Priority.LOW, VisualAlert.none, AudibleAlert.none, .1, alert_rate=0.75),
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
EventName.laneChangeBlocked: {
"Car Detected in Blindspot",
AlertStatus.userPrompt, AlertSize.small,
Priority.LOW, VisualAlert.none, AudibleAlert.prompt, .1),
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
EventName.laneChange: {
"Changing Lanes",
AlertStatus.normal, AlertSize.small,
Priority.LOW, VisualAlert.none, AudibleAlert.none, .1),
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
EventName.steerSaturated: {
"Take Control",
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
"Turn Exceeds Steering Limit",
AlertStatus.userPrompt, AlertSize.mid,
Priority.LOW, VisualAlert.steerRequired, AudibleAlert.promptRepeat, 1.),
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
# Thrown when the fan is driven at >50% but is not rotating
EventName.fanMalfunction: {
ET.PERMANENT: NormalPermanentAlert("Fan Malfunction", "Contact Support"),
# Camera is not outputting frames at a constant framerate
EventName.cameraMalfunction: {
ET.PERMANENT: NormalPermanentAlert("Camera Malfunction", "Contact Support"),
# Unused
EventName.gpsMalfunction: {
ET.PERMANENT: NormalPermanentAlert("GPS Malfunction", "Contact Support"),
# When the GPS position and localizer diverge the localizer is reset to the
# current GPS position. This alert is thrown when the localizer is reset
# more often than expected.
EventName.localizerMalfunction: {
ET.PERMANENT: NormalPermanentAlert("Sensor Malfunction", "Contact Support"),
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
# ********** events that affect controls state transitions **********
EventName.pcmEnable: {
ET.ENABLE: EngagementAlert(AudibleAlert.engage),
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
EventName.buttonEnable: {
ET.ENABLE: EngagementAlert(AudibleAlert.engage),
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
EventName.pcmDisable: {
ET.USER_DISABLE: EngagementAlert(AudibleAlert.disengage),
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
EventName.buttonCancel: {
ET.USER_DISABLE: EngagementAlert(AudibleAlert.disengage),
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
EventName.brakeHold: {
ET.USER_DISABLE: EngagementAlert(AudibleAlert.disengage),
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
ET.NO_ENTRY: NoEntryAlert("Brake Hold Active"),
EventName.parkBrake: {
ET.USER_DISABLE: EngagementAlert(AudibleAlert.disengage),
ET.NO_ENTRY: NoEntryAlert("Parking Brake Engaged"),
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
EventName.pedalPressed: {
ET.USER_DISABLE: EngagementAlert(AudibleAlert.disengage),
ET.NO_ENTRY: NoEntryAlert("Pedal Pressed",
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
EventName.wrongCarMode: {
ET.USER_DISABLE: EngagementAlert(AudibleAlert.disengage),
ET.NO_ENTRY: wrong_car_mode_alert,
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
EventName.wrongCruiseMode: {
ET.USER_DISABLE: EngagementAlert(AudibleAlert.disengage),
ET.NO_ENTRY: NoEntryAlert("Adaptive Cruise Disabled"),
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
EventName.steerTempUnavailable: {
ET.SOFT_DISABLE: soft_disable_alert("Steering Temporarily Unavailable"),
ET.NO_ENTRY: NoEntryAlert("Steering Temporarily Unavailable"),
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
EventName.outOfSpace: {
ET.PERMANENT: NormalPermanentAlert("Out of Storage"),
ET.NO_ENTRY: NoEntryAlert("Out of Storage"),
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
EventName.belowEngageSpeed: {
ET.NO_ENTRY: below_engage_speed_alert,
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
EventName.sensorDataInvalid: {
"No Data from Device Sensors",
"Reboot your Device",
AlertStatus.normal, AlertSize.mid,
Priority.LOWER, VisualAlert.none, AudibleAlert.none, .2, creation_delay=1.),
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
ET.NO_ENTRY: NoEntryAlert("No Data from Device Sensors"),
2020-06-12 17:03:35 -06:00
EventName.noGps: {
ET.PERMANENT: no_gps_alert,
2020-06-12 17:03:35 -06:00
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
EventName.soundsUnavailable: {
ET.PERMANENT: NormalPermanentAlert("Speaker not found", "Reboot your Device"),
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
ET.NO_ENTRY: NoEntryAlert("Speaker not found"),
EventName.tooDistracted: {
ET.NO_ENTRY: NoEntryAlert("Distraction Level Too High"),
EventName.overheat: {
ET.PERMANENT: NormalPermanentAlert("System Overheated"),
ET.SOFT_DISABLE: soft_disable_alert("System Overheated"),
ET.NO_ENTRY: NoEntryAlert("System Overheated"),
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
EventName.wrongGear: {
ET.SOFT_DISABLE: user_soft_disable_alert("Gear not D"),
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
ET.NO_ENTRY: NoEntryAlert("Gear not D"),
# This alert is thrown when the calibration angles are outside of the acceptable range.
# For example if the device is pointed too much to the left or the right.
# Usually this can only be solved by removing the mount from the windshield completely,
# and attaching while making sure the device is pointed straight forward and is level.
# See for more information
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
EventName.calibrationInvalid: {
ET.PERMANENT: NormalPermanentAlert("Calibration Invalid", "Remount Device and Recalibrate"),
ET.SOFT_DISABLE: soft_disable_alert("Calibration Invalid: Remount Device & Recalibrate"),
ET.NO_ENTRY: NoEntryAlert("Calibration Invalid: Remount Device & Recalibrate"),
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
EventName.calibrationIncomplete: {
ET.PERMANENT: calibration_incomplete_alert,
ET.SOFT_DISABLE: soft_disable_alert("Calibration in Progress"),
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
ET.NO_ENTRY: NoEntryAlert("Calibration in Progress"),
EventName.doorOpen: {
ET.SOFT_DISABLE: user_soft_disable_alert("Door Open"),
ET.NO_ENTRY: NoEntryAlert("Door Open"),
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
EventName.seatbeltNotLatched: {
ET.SOFT_DISABLE: user_soft_disable_alert("Seatbelt Unlatched"),
ET.NO_ENTRY: NoEntryAlert("Seatbelt Unlatched"),
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
EventName.espDisabled: {
ET.SOFT_DISABLE: soft_disable_alert("ESP Off"),
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
ET.NO_ENTRY: NoEntryAlert("ESP Off"),
EventName.lowBattery: {
ET.SOFT_DISABLE: soft_disable_alert("Low Battery"),
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
ET.NO_ENTRY: NoEntryAlert("Low Battery"),
# Different openpilot services communicate between each other at a certain
# interval. If communication does not follow the regular schedule this alert
# is thrown. This can mean a service crashed, did not broadcast a message for
# ten times the regular interval, or the average interval is more than 10% too high.
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
EventName.commIssue: {
ET.SOFT_DISABLE: soft_disable_alert("Communication Issue between Processes"),
ET.NO_ENTRY: NoEntryAlert("Communication Issue between Processes"),
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
# Thrown when manager detects a service exited unexpectedly while driving
EventName.processNotRunning: {
ET.NO_ENTRY: NoEntryAlert("System Malfunction: Reboot Your Device"),
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
EventName.radarFault: {
ET.SOFT_DISABLE: soft_disable_alert("Radar Error: Restart the Car"),
ET.NO_ENTRY: NoEntryAlert("Radar Error: Restart the Car"),
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
# Every frame from the camera should be processed by the model. If modeld
# is not processing frames fast enough they have to be dropped. This alert is
# thrown when over 20% of frames are dropped.
EventName.modeldLagging: {
ET.SOFT_DISABLE: soft_disable_alert("Driving model lagging"),
ET.NO_ENTRY: NoEntryAlert("Driving model lagging"),
# Besides predicting the path, lane lines and lead car data the model also
# predicts the current velocity and rotation speed of the car. If the model is
# very uncertain about the current velocity while the car is moving, this
# usually means the model has trouble understanding the scene. This is used
# as a heuristic to warn the driver.
EventName.posenetInvalid: {
ET.SOFT_DISABLE: soft_disable_alert("Model Output Uncertain"),
ET.NO_ENTRY: NoEntryAlert("Model Output Uncertain"),
# When the localizer detects an acceleration of more than 40 m/s^2 (~4G) we
# alert the driver the device might have fallen from the windshield.
EventName.deviceFalling: {
ET.SOFT_DISABLE: soft_disable_alert("Device Fell Off Mount"),
ET.NO_ENTRY: NoEntryAlert("Device Fell Off Mount"),
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
EventName.lowMemory: {
ET.SOFT_DISABLE: soft_disable_alert("Low Memory: Reboot Your Device"),
ET.PERMANENT: NormalPermanentAlert("Low Memory", "Reboot your Device"),
ET.NO_ENTRY: NoEntryAlert("Low Memory: Reboot Your Device"),
EventName.highCpuUsage: {
#ET.SOFT_DISABLE: soft_disable_alert("System Malfunction: Reboot Your Device"),
#ET.PERMANENT: NormalPermanentAlert("System Malfunction", "Reboot your Device"),
ET.NO_ENTRY: NoEntryAlert("System Malfunction: Reboot Your Device"),
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
EventName.accFaulted: {
ET.IMMEDIATE_DISABLE: ImmediateDisableAlert("Cruise Faulted"),
ET.PERMANENT: NormalPermanentAlert("Cruise Faulted", ""),
ET.NO_ENTRY: NoEntryAlert("Cruise Faulted"),
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
EventName.controlsMismatch: {
ET.IMMEDIATE_DISABLE: ImmediateDisableAlert("Controls Mismatch"),
EventName.roadCameraError: {
2021-11-16 23:57:22 -07:00
ET.PERMANENT: NormalPermanentAlert("Camera Error",
EventName.driverCameraError: {
2021-11-16 23:57:22 -07:00
ET.PERMANENT: NormalPermanentAlert("Camera Error",
EventName.wideRoadCameraError: {
2021-11-16 23:57:22 -07:00
ET.PERMANENT: NormalPermanentAlert("Camera Error",
# Sometimes the USB stack on the device can get into a bad state
# causing the connection to the panda to be lost
EventName.usbError: {
ET.SOFT_DISABLE: soft_disable_alert("USB Error: Reboot Your Device"),
ET.PERMANENT: NormalPermanentAlert("USB Error: Reboot Your Device", ""),
ET.NO_ENTRY: NoEntryAlert("USB Error: Reboot Your Device"),
# This alert can be thrown for the following reasons:
# - No CAN data received at all
# - CAN data is received, but some message are not received at the right frequency
# If you're not writing a new car port, this is usually cause by faulty wiring
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
EventName.canError: {
ET.IMMEDIATE_DISABLE: ImmediateDisableAlert("CAN Error: Check Connections"),
"CAN Error: Check Connections",
AlertStatus.normal, AlertSize.small,
Priority.LOW, VisualAlert.none, AudibleAlert.none, 1., creation_delay=1.),
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
ET.NO_ENTRY: NoEntryAlert("CAN Error: Check Connections"),
EventName.steerUnavailable: {
ET.IMMEDIATE_DISABLE: ImmediateDisableAlert("LKAS Fault: Restart the Car"),
2021-11-15 17:14:31 -07:00
ET.PERMANENT: NormalPermanentAlert("LKAS Fault: Restart the car to engage"),
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
ET.NO_ENTRY: NoEntryAlert("LKAS Fault: Restart the Car"),
EventName.brakeUnavailable: {
ET.IMMEDIATE_DISABLE: ImmediateDisableAlert("Cruise Fault: Restart the Car"),
2021-11-15 17:14:31 -07:00
ET.PERMANENT: NormalPermanentAlert("Cruise Fault: Restart the car to engage"),
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
ET.NO_ENTRY: NoEntryAlert("Cruise Fault: Restart the Car"),
EventName.reverseGear: {
AlertStatus.normal, AlertSize.full,
Priority.LOWEST, VisualAlert.none, AudibleAlert.none, .2, creation_delay=0.5),
ET.USER_DISABLE: ImmediateDisableAlert("Reverse Gear"),
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
ET.NO_ENTRY: NoEntryAlert("Reverse Gear"),
# On cars that use stock ACC the car can decide to cancel ACC for various reasons.
# When this happens we can no long control the car so the user needs to be warned immediately.
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
EventName.cruiseDisabled: {
ET.IMMEDIATE_DISABLE: ImmediateDisableAlert("Cruise Is Off"),
# For planning the trajectory Model Predictive Control (MPC) is used. This is
# an optimization algorithm that is not guaranteed to find a feasible solution.
# If no solution is found or the solution has a very high cost this alert is thrown.
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
EventName.plannerError: {
ET.IMMEDIATE_DISABLE: ImmediateDisableAlert("Planner Solution Error"),
ET.NO_ENTRY: NoEntryAlert("Planner Solution Error"),
# When the relay in the harness box opens the CAN bus between the LKAS camera
# and the rest of the car is separated. When messages from the LKAS camera
# are received on the car side this usually means the relay hasn't opened correctly
# and this alert is thrown.
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
EventName.relayMalfunction: {
ET.IMMEDIATE_DISABLE: ImmediateDisableAlert("Harness Malfunction"),
ET.PERMANENT: NormalPermanentAlert("Harness Malfunction", "Check Hardware"),
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
ET.NO_ENTRY: NoEntryAlert("Harness Malfunction"),
EventName.noTarget: {
"openpilot Canceled",
"No close lead car",
AlertStatus.normal, AlertSize.mid,
Priority.HIGH, VisualAlert.none, AudibleAlert.disengage, 3.),
ET.NO_ENTRY: NoEntryAlert("No Close Lead Car"),
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
EventName.speedTooLow: {
"openpilot Canceled",
"Speed too low",
AlertStatus.normal, AlertSize.mid,
Priority.HIGH, VisualAlert.none, AudibleAlert.disengage, 3.),
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
# When the car is driving faster than most cars in the training data, the model outputs can be unpredictable.
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
EventName.speedTooHigh: {
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
"Speed Too High",
"Model uncertain at this speed",
2021-06-28 22:46:01 -06:00
AlertStatus.userPrompt, AlertSize.mid,
Priority.HIGH, VisualAlert.steerRequired, AudibleAlert.promptRepeat, 4.),
2021-11-15 17:14:31 -07:00
ET.NO_ENTRY: NoEntryAlert("Slow down to engage"),
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
EventName.lowSpeedLockout: {
2021-11-15 17:14:31 -07:00
ET.PERMANENT: NormalPermanentAlert("Cruise Fault: Restart the car to engage"),
2020-05-14 16:21:21 -06:00
ET.NO_ENTRY: NoEntryAlert("Cruise Fault: Restart the Car"),