
George Hotz 2020-01-17 10:58:43 -08:00
parent 978e0eb986
commit 71ead9adea
73 changed files with 9206 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
In here lies the car abstraction layer, and is part of what you will implement to add a new car
== Car State ==
Implement the following minimal set of sensors:
Speed -- best estimate of the speed of the car
SteeringAngle -- current angle of the steering wheel
ControlSurface -- gas position, brake position, steering torque
Implement the following optional sensors:
RadarPoints -- Currently not optional, but could be with VOACC. Data from the radar of the car.
WheelSpeeds -- The speed of the 4 wheels of the car. To be used for odometry
Implement the following controls:
ControlSurface -- gas position (optional if PCM), brake position, steering torque
If you don't have a pedal interceptor and you use the PCM cruise control:
CruiseState -- If system is enabled, and current set speed
CruiseControl -- Commands to modify system speed and acceleration
== Car UI ==
I suspect many cars with ACC and LKAS have similar UIs
== Car Buttons ==
Uses an evented protocol
* Blinkers
* Cruise buttons
* Other buttons
== Car Errors ==
See capnp for list of errors

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@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
# functions common among cars
from common.numpy_fast import clip
# kg of standard extra cargo to count for drive, gas, etc...
def gen_empty_fingerprint():
return {i: {} for i in range(0, 4)}
# FIXME: hardcoding honda civic 2016 touring params so they can be used to
# scale unknown params for other cars
class CivicParams:
# TODO: get actual value, for now starting with reasonable value for
# civic and scaling by mass and wheelbase
def scale_rot_inertia(mass, wheelbase):
return CivicParams.ROTATIONAL_INERTIA * mass * wheelbase ** 2 / (CivicParams.MASS * CivicParams.WHEELBASE ** 2)
# TODO: start from empirically derived lateral slip stiffness for the civic and scale by
# mass and CG position, so all cars will have approximately similar dyn behaviors
def scale_tire_stiffness(mass, wheelbase, center_to_front, tire_stiffness_factor=1.0):
center_to_rear = wheelbase - center_to_front
tire_stiffness_front = (CivicParams.TIRE_STIFFNESS_FRONT * tire_stiffness_factor) * mass / CivicParams.MASS * \
(center_to_rear / wheelbase) / (CivicParams.CENTER_TO_REAR / CivicParams.WHEELBASE)
tire_stiffness_rear = (CivicParams.TIRE_STIFFNESS_REAR * tire_stiffness_factor) * mass / CivicParams.MASS * \
(center_to_front / wheelbase) / (CivicParams.CENTER_TO_FRONT / CivicParams.WHEELBASE)
return tire_stiffness_front, tire_stiffness_rear
def dbc_dict(pt_dbc, radar_dbc, chassis_dbc=None):
return {'pt': pt_dbc, 'radar': radar_dbc, 'chassis': chassis_dbc}
def apply_std_steer_torque_limits(apply_torque, apply_torque_last, driver_torque, LIMITS):
# limits due to driver torque
max_steer_allowed = max(min(LIMITS.STEER_MAX, driver_max_torque), 0)
min_steer_allowed = min(max(-LIMITS.STEER_MAX, driver_min_torque), 0)
apply_torque = clip(apply_torque, min_steer_allowed, max_steer_allowed)
# slow rate if steer torque increases in magnitude
if apply_torque_last > 0:
apply_torque = clip(apply_torque, max(apply_torque_last - LIMITS.STEER_DELTA_DOWN, -LIMITS.STEER_DELTA_UP),
apply_torque_last + LIMITS.STEER_DELTA_UP)
apply_torque = clip(apply_torque, apply_torque_last - LIMITS.STEER_DELTA_UP,
return int(round(float(apply_torque)))
def apply_toyota_steer_torque_limits(apply_torque, apply_torque_last, motor_torque, LIMITS):
# limits due to comparison of commanded torque VS motor reported torque
apply_torque = clip(apply_torque, min_lim, max_lim)
# slow rate if steer torque increases in magnitude
if apply_torque_last > 0:
apply_torque = clip(apply_torque,
apply_torque_last + LIMITS.STEER_DELTA_UP)
apply_torque = clip(apply_torque,
apply_torque_last - LIMITS.STEER_DELTA_UP,
return int(round(float(apply_torque)))
def crc8_pedal(data):
crc = 0xFF # standard init value
poly = 0xD5 # standard crc8: x8+x7+x6+x4+x2+1
size = len(data)
for i in range(size-1, -1, -1):
crc ^= data[i]
for j in range(8):
if ((crc & 0x80) != 0):
crc = ((crc << 1) ^ poly) & 0xFF
crc <<= 1
return crc
def create_gas_command(packer, gas_amount, idx):
# Common gas pedal msg generator
enable = gas_amount > 0.001
values = {
"ENABLE": enable,
"COUNTER_PEDAL": idx & 0xF,
if enable:
values["GAS_COMMAND"] = gas_amount * 255.
values["GAS_COMMAND2"] = gas_amount * 255.
dat = packer.make_can_msg("GAS_COMMAND", 0, values)[2]
checksum = crc8_pedal(dat[:-1])
values["CHECKSUM_PEDAL"] = checksum
return packer.make_can_msg("GAS_COMMAND", 0, values)
def is_ecu_disconnected(fingerprint, fingerprint_list, ecu_fingerprint, car, ecu):
# check if a stock ecu is disconnected by looking for specific CAN msgs in the fingerprint
# return True if the reference car fingerprint contains the ecu fingerprint msg and
# fingerprint does not contains messages normally sent by a given ecu
ecu_in_car = False
for car_finger in fingerprint_list[car]:
if any(msg in car_finger for msg in ecu_fingerprint[ecu]):
ecu_in_car = True
return ecu_in_car and not any(msg in fingerprint for msg in ecu_fingerprint[ecu])
def make_can_msg(addr, dat, bus):
return [addr, 0, dat, bus]

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@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
import os
from common.params import Params
from common.basedir import BASEDIR
from import eliminate_incompatible_cars, all_known_cars
from import get_vin, VIN_UNKNOWN
from import get_fw_versions
from selfdrive.swaglog import cloudlog
import cereal.messaging as messaging
from import gen_empty_fingerprint
def get_startup_alert(car_recognized, controller_available):
alert = 'startup'
if not car_recognized:
alert = 'startupNoCar'
elif car_recognized and not controller_available:
alert = 'startupNoControl'
return alert
def load_interfaces(brand_names):
ret = {}
for brand_name in brand_names:
path = ('' % brand_name)
CarInterface = __import__(path + '.interface', fromlist=['CarInterface']).CarInterface
if os.path.exists(BASEDIR + '/' + path.replace('.', '/') + '/'):
CarController = __import__(path + '.carcontroller', fromlist=['CarController']).CarController
CarController = None
for model_name in brand_names[brand_name]:
ret[model_name] = (CarInterface, CarController)
return ret
def _get_interface_names():
# read all the folders in selfdrive/car and return a dict where:
# - keys are all the car names that which we have an interface for
# - values are lists of spefic car models for a given car
brand_names = {}
for car_folder in [x[0] for x in os.walk(BASEDIR + '/selfdrive/car')]:
brand_name = car_folder.split('/')[-1]
model_names = __import__('' % brand_name, fromlist=['CAR']).CAR
model_names = [getattr(model_names, c) for c in model_names.__dict__.keys() if not c.startswith("__")]
brand_names[brand_name] = model_names
except (ImportError, IOError):
return brand_names
# imports from directory selfdrive/car/<name>/
interfaces = load_interfaces(_get_interface_names())
def only_toyota_left(candidate_cars):
return all(("TOYOTA" in c or "LEXUS" in c) for c in candidate_cars) and len(candidate_cars) > 0
# BOUNTY: every added fingerprint in selfdrive/car/*/ is a $100 coupon code on
# **** for use live only ****
def fingerprint(logcan, sendcan, has_relay):
if has_relay:
# Vin query only reliably works thorugh OBDII
bus = 1
addr, vin = get_vin(logcan, sendcan, bus)
_, car_fw = get_fw_versions(logcan, sendcan, bus)
_, car_fw = set(), []
cloudlog.warning("VIN %s", vin)
Params().put("CarVin", vin)
finger = gen_empty_fingerprint()
candidate_cars = {i: all_known_cars() for i in [0, 1]} # attempt fingerprint on both bus 0 and 1
frame = 0
frame_fingerprint = 10 # 0.1s
car_fingerprint = None
done = False
while not done:
a = messaging.get_one_can(logcan)
for can in a.can:
# need to independently try to fingerprint both bus 0 and 1 to work
# for the combo black_panda and honda_bosch. Ignore extended messages
# and VIN query response.
# Include bus 2 for toyotas to disambiguate cars using camera messages
# (ideally should be done for all cars but we can't for Honda Bosch)
if can.src in range(0, 4):
finger[can.src][can.address] = len(can.dat)
for b in candidate_cars:
if (can.src == b or (only_toyota_left(candidate_cars[b]) and can.src == 2)) and \
can.address < 0x800 and can.address not in [0x7df, 0x7e0, 0x7e8]:
candidate_cars[b] = eliminate_incompatible_cars(can, candidate_cars[b])
# if we only have one car choice and the time since we got our first
# message has elapsed, exit
for b in candidate_cars:
# Toyota needs higher time to fingerprint, since DSU does not broadcast immediately
if only_toyota_left(candidate_cars[b]):
frame_fingerprint = 100 # 1s
if len(candidate_cars[b]) == 1:
if frame > frame_fingerprint:
# fingerprint done
car_fingerprint = candidate_cars[b][0]
# bail if no cars left or we've been waiting for more than 2s
failed = all(len(cc) == 0 for cc in candidate_cars.values()) or frame > 200
succeeded = car_fingerprint is not None
done = failed or succeeded
frame += 1
cloudlog.warning("fingerprinted %s", car_fingerprint)
return car_fingerprint, finger, vin, car_fw
def get_car(logcan, sendcan, has_relay=False):
candidate, fingerprints, vin, car_fw = fingerprint(logcan, sendcan, has_relay)
if candidate is None:
cloudlog.warning("car doesn't match any fingerprints: %r", fingerprints)
candidate = "mock"
CarInterface, CarController = interfaces[candidate]
car_params = CarInterface.get_params(candidate, fingerprints, has_relay, car_fw)
car_params.carVin = vin
car_params.carFw = car_fw
return CarInterface(car_params, CarController), car_params

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@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
from import apply_toyota_steer_torque_limits
from import create_lkas_hud, create_lkas_command, \
from import ECU, CAR, SteerLimitParams
from opendbc.can.packer import CANPacker
class CarController():
def __init__(self, dbc_name, car_fingerprint, enable_camera):
self.braking = False
# redundant safety check with the board
self.controls_allowed = True
self.apply_steer_last = 0
self.ccframe = 0
self.prev_frame = -1
self.hud_count = 0
self.car_fingerprint = car_fingerprint
self.alert_active = False
self.gone_fast_yet = False
self.steer_rate_limited = False
self.fake_ecus = set()
if enable_camera:
self.packer = CANPacker(dbc_name)
def update(self, enabled, CS, actuators, pcm_cancel_cmd, hud_alert):
# this seems needed to avoid steering faults and to force the sync with the EPS counter
frame = CS.lkas_counter
if self.prev_frame == frame:
return []
# *** compute control surfaces ***
# steer torque
new_steer = actuators.steer * SteerLimitParams.STEER_MAX
apply_steer = apply_toyota_steer_torque_limits(new_steer, self.apply_steer_last,
CS.steer_torque_motor, SteerLimitParams)
self.steer_rate_limited = new_steer != apply_steer
moving_fast = CS.v_ego > CS.CP.minSteerSpeed # for status message
if CS.v_ego > (CS.CP.minSteerSpeed - 0.5): # for command high bit
self.gone_fast_yet = True
elif self.car_fingerprint in (CAR.PACIFICA_2019_HYBRID, CAR.JEEP_CHEROKEE_2019):
if CS.v_ego < (CS.CP.minSteerSpeed - 3.0):
self.gone_fast_yet = False # < 14.5m/s stock turns off this bit, but fine down to 13.5
lkas_active = moving_fast and enabled
if not lkas_active:
apply_steer = 0
self.apply_steer_last = apply_steer
can_sends = []
#*** control msgs ***
if pcm_cancel_cmd:
# TODO: would be better to start from frame_2b3
new_msg = create_wheel_buttons(self.ccframe)
# LKAS_HEARTBIT is forwarded by Panda so no need to send it here.
# frame is 100Hz (0.01s period)
if (self.ccframe % 25 == 0): # 0.25s period
if (CS.lkas_car_model != -1):
new_msg = create_lkas_hud(
self.packer, CS.gear_shifter, lkas_active, hud_alert,
self.hud_count, CS.lkas_car_model)
self.hud_count += 1
new_msg = create_lkas_command(self.packer, int(apply_steer), self.gone_fast_yet, frame)
self.ccframe += 1
self.prev_frame = frame
return can_sends

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@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
from cereal import car
from opendbc.can.parser import CANParser
from common.kalman.simple_kalman import KF1D
GearShifter = car.CarState.GearShifter
def parse_gear_shifter(can_gear):
if can_gear == 0x1:
return GearShifter.park
elif can_gear == 0x2:
return GearShifter.reverse
elif can_gear == 0x3:
return GearShifter.neutral
elif can_gear == 0x4:
elif can_gear == 0x5:
return GearShifter.low
return GearShifter.unknown
def get_can_parser(CP):
signals = [
# sig_name, sig_address, default
("PRNDL", "GEAR", 0),
("BRAKE_PRESSED_2", "BRAKE_2", 0),
("ACCEL_134", "ACCEL_GAS_134", 0),
("SPEED_LEFT", "SPEED_1", 0),
("SPEED_RIGHT", "SPEED_1", 0),
("ACC_STATUS_2", "ACC_2", 0),
("COUNTER", "WHEEL_BUTTONS", -1), # incrementing counter for 23b
# It's considered invalid if it is not received for 10x the expected period (1/f).
checks = [
# sig_address, frequency
("BRAKE_2", 50),
("EPS_STATUS", 100),
("SPEED_1", 100),
("STEERING", 100),
("ACC_2", 50),
return CANParser(DBC[CP.carFingerprint]['pt'], signals, checks, 0)
def get_camera_parser(CP):
signals = [
# sig_name, sig_address, default
# TODO read in all the other values
("CAR_MODEL", "LKAS_HUD", -1),
checks = []
return CANParser(DBC[CP.carFingerprint]['pt'], signals, checks, 2)
class CarState():
def __init__(self, CP):
self.CP = CP
self.left_blinker_on = 0
self.right_blinker_on = 0
# initialize can parser
self.car_fingerprint = CP.carFingerprint
# vEgo kalman filter
dt = 0.01
# Q = np.matrix([[10.0, 0.0], [0.0, 100.0]])
# R = 1e3
self.v_ego_kf = KF1D(x0=[[0.0], [0.0]],
A=[[1.0, dt], [0.0, 1.0]],
C=[1.0, 0.0],
K=[[0.12287673], [0.29666309]])
self.v_ego = 0.0
def update(self, cp, cp_cam):
# update prevs, update must run once per loop
self.prev_left_blinker_on = self.left_blinker_on
self.prev_right_blinker_on = self.right_blinker_on
self.frame_23b = int(cp.vl["WHEEL_BUTTONS"]['COUNTER'])
self.frame = int(cp.vl["EPS_STATUS"]['COUNTER'])
self.door_all_closed = not any([cp.vl["DOORS"]['DOOR_OPEN_FL'],
self.seatbelt = (cp.vl["SEATBELT_STATUS"]['SEATBELT_DRIVER_UNLATCHED'] == 0)
self.brake_pressed = cp.vl["BRAKE_2"]['BRAKE_PRESSED_2'] == 5 # human-only
self.pedal_gas = cp.vl["ACCEL_GAS_134"]['ACCEL_134']
self.car_gas = self.pedal_gas
self.esp_disabled = (cp.vl["TRACTION_BUTTON"]['TRACTION_OFF'] == 1)
self.v_wheel_fl = cp.vl['WHEEL_SPEEDS']['WHEEL_SPEED_FL']
self.v_wheel_rr = cp.vl['WHEEL_SPEEDS']['WHEEL_SPEED_RR']
self.v_wheel_rl = cp.vl['WHEEL_SPEEDS']['WHEEL_SPEED_RL']
self.v_wheel_fr = cp.vl['WHEEL_SPEEDS']['WHEEL_SPEED_FR']
v_wheel = (cp.vl['SPEED_1']['SPEED_LEFT'] + cp.vl['SPEED_1']['SPEED_RIGHT']) / 2.
# Kalman filter
if abs(v_wheel - self.v_ego) > 2.0: # Prevent large accelerations when car starts at non zero speed
self.v_ego_kf.x = [[v_wheel], [0.0]]
self.v_ego_raw = v_wheel
v_ego_x = self.v_ego_kf.update(v_wheel)
self.v_ego = float(v_ego_x[0])
self.a_ego = float(v_ego_x[1])
self.standstill = not v_wheel > 0.001
self.angle_steers = cp.vl["STEERING"]['STEER_ANGLE']
self.angle_steers_rate = cp.vl["STEERING"]['STEERING_RATE']
self.gear_shifter = parse_gear_shifter(cp.vl['GEAR']['PRNDL'])
self.main_on = cp.vl["ACC_2"]['ACC_STATUS_2'] == 7 # ACC is green.
self.left_blinker_on = cp.vl["STEERING_LEVERS"]['TURN_SIGNALS'] == 1
self.right_blinker_on = cp.vl["STEERING_LEVERS"]['TURN_SIGNALS'] == 2
self.steer_torque_driver = cp.vl["EPS_STATUS"]["TORQUE_DRIVER"]
self.steer_torque_motor = cp.vl["EPS_STATUS"]["TORQUE_MOTOR"]
self.steer_override = abs(self.steer_torque_driver) > STEER_THRESHOLD
steer_state = cp.vl["EPS_STATUS"]["LKAS_STATE"]
self.steer_error = steer_state == 4 or (steer_state == 0 and self.v_ego > self.CP.minSteerSpeed)
self.user_brake = 0
self.brake_lights = self.brake_pressed
self.v_cruise_pcm = cp.vl["DASHBOARD"]['ACC_SPEED_CONFIG_KPH']
self.pcm_acc_status = self.main_on
self.generic_toggle = bool(cp.vl["STEERING_LEVERS"]['HIGH_BEAM_FLASH'])
self.lkas_counter = cp_cam.vl["LKAS_COMMAND"]['COUNTER']
self.lkas_car_model = cp_cam.vl["LKAS_HUD"]['CAR_MODEL']
self.lkas_status_ok = cp_cam.vl["LKAS_HEARTBIT"]['LKAS_STATUS_OK']

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@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
from cereal import car
from import make_can_msg
GearShifter = car.CarState.GearShifter
VisualAlert = car.CarControl.HUDControl.VisualAlert
def calc_checksum(data):
"""This function does not want the checksum byte in the input data.
jeep chrysler canbus checksum from
end_index = len(data)
index = 0
checksum = 0xFF
temp_chk = 0
bit_sum = 0
if(end_index <= index):
return False
for index in range(0, end_index):
shift = 0x80
curr = data[index]
iterate = 8
while(iterate > 0):
iterate -= 1
bit_sum = curr & shift
temp_chk = checksum & 0x80
if (bit_sum != 0):
bit_sum = 0x1C
if (temp_chk != 0):
bit_sum = 1
checksum = checksum << 1
temp_chk = checksum | 1
bit_sum ^= temp_chk
if (temp_chk != 0):
bit_sum = 0x1D
checksum = checksum << 1
bit_sum ^= checksum
checksum = bit_sum
shift = shift >> 1
return ~checksum & 0xFF
def create_lkas_hud(packer, gear, lkas_active, hud_alert, hud_count, lkas_car_model):
# LKAS_HUD 0x2a6 (678) Controls what lane-keeping icon is displayed.
if hud_alert == VisualAlert.steerRequired:
msg = b'\x00\x00\x00\x03\x00\x00\x00\x00'
return make_can_msg(0x2a6, msg, 0)
color = 1 # default values are for park or neutral in 2017 are 0 0, but trying 1 1 for 2019
lines = 1
alerts = 0
if hud_count < (1 *4): # first 3 seconds, 4Hz
alerts = 1
# had color = 1 and lines = 1 but trying 2017 hybrid style for now.
if gear in (, GearShifter.reverse, GearShifter.low):
if lkas_active:
color = 2 # control active, display green.
lines = 6
color = 1 # control off, display white.
lines = 1
values = {
"LKAS_ICON_COLOR": color, # byte 0, last 2 bits
"CAR_MODEL": lkas_car_model, # byte 1
"LKAS_LANE_LINES": lines, # byte 2, last 4 bits
"LKAS_ALERTS": alerts, # byte 3, last 4 bits
return packer.make_can_msg("LKAS_HUD", 0, values) # 0x2a6
def create_lkas_command(packer, apply_steer, moving_fast, frame):
# LKAS_COMMAND 0x292 (658) Lane-keeping signal to turn the wheel.
values = {
"LKAS_STEERING_TORQUE": apply_steer,
"LKAS_HIGH_TORQUE": int(moving_fast),
"COUNTER": frame % 0x10,
dat = packer.make_can_msg("LKAS_COMMAND", 0, values)[2]
dat = dat[:-1]
checksum = calc_checksum(dat)
values["CHECKSUM"] = checksum
return packer.make_can_msg("LKAS_COMMAND", 0, values)
def create_wheel_buttons(frame):
# WHEEL_BUTTONS (571) Message sent to cancel ACC.
start = b"\x01" # acc cancel set
counter = (frame % 10) << 4
dat = start + counter.to_bytes(1, 'little')
dat = dat + calc_checksum(dat).to_bytes(1, 'little')
return make_can_msg(0x23b, dat, 0)

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@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from cereal import car
from selfdrive.config import Conversions as CV
from selfdrive.controls.lib.drive_helpers import EventTypes as ET, create_event
from selfdrive.controls.lib.vehicle_model import VehicleModel
from import CarState, get_can_parser, get_camera_parser
from import STD_CARGO_KG, scale_rot_inertia, scale_tire_stiffness, is_ecu_disconnected, gen_empty_fingerprint
from import CarInterfaceBase
GearShifter = car.CarState.GearShifter
ButtonType = car.CarState.ButtonEvent.Type
class CarInterface(CarInterfaceBase):
def __init__(self, CP, CarController):
self.CP = CP
self.VM = VehicleModel(CP)
self.gas_pressed_prev = False
self.brake_pressed_prev = False
self.cruise_enabled_prev = False
self.low_speed_alert = False
# *** init the major players ***
self.CS = CarState(CP)
self.cp = get_can_parser(CP)
self.cp_cam = get_camera_parser(CP)
self.CC = None
if CarController is not None:
self.CC = CarController(self.cp.dbc_name, CP.carFingerprint, CP.enableCamera)
def compute_gb(accel, speed):
return float(accel) / 3.0
def get_params(candidate, fingerprint=gen_empty_fingerprint(), has_relay=False, car_fw=[]):
ret = car.CarParams.new_message()
ret.carName = "chrysler"
ret.carFingerprint = candidate
ret.isPandaBlack = has_relay
ret.safetyModel =
# pedal
ret.enableCruise = True
# Speed conversion: 20, 45 mph
ret.wheelbase = 3.089 # in meters for Pacifica Hybrid 2017
ret.steerRatio = 16.2 # Pacifica Hybrid 2017
ret.mass = 2858. + STD_CARGO_KG # kg curb weight Pacifica Hybrid 2017, = [[9., 20.], [9., 20.]], = [[0.15,0.30], [0.03,0.05]] = 0.00006 # full torque for 10 deg at 80mph means 0.00007818594
ret.steerActuatorDelay = 0.1
ret.steerRateCost = 0.7
ret.steerLimitTimer = 0.4
if candidate in (CAR.JEEP_CHEROKEE, CAR.JEEP_CHEROKEE_2019):
ret.wheelbase = 2.91 # in meters
ret.steerRatio = 12.7
ret.steerActuatorDelay = 0.2 # in seconds
ret.centerToFront = ret.wheelbase * 0.44
ret.minSteerSpeed = 3.8 # m/s
ret.minEnableSpeed = -1. # enable is done by stock ACC, so ignore this
if candidate in (CAR.PACIFICA_2019_HYBRID, CAR.JEEP_CHEROKEE_2019):
ret.minSteerSpeed = 17.5 # m/s 17 on the way up, 13 on the way down once engaged.
# TODO allow 2019 cars to steer down to 13 m/s if already engaged.
# TODO: get actual value, for now starting with reasonable value for
# civic and scaling by mass and wheelbase
ret.rotationalInertia = scale_rot_inertia(ret.mass, ret.wheelbase)
# TODO: start from empirically derived lateral slip stiffness for the civic and scale by
# mass and CG position, so all cars will have approximately similar dyn behaviors
ret.tireStiffnessFront, ret.tireStiffnessRear = scale_tire_stiffness(ret.mass, ret.wheelbase, ret.centerToFront)
# no rear steering, at least on the listed cars above
ret.steerRatioRear = 0.
# steer, gas, brake limitations VS speed
ret.steerMaxBP = [16. * CV.KPH_TO_MS, 45. * CV.KPH_TO_MS] # breakpoints at 1 and 40 kph
ret.steerMaxV = [1., 1.] # 2/3rd torque allowed above 45 kph
ret.gasMaxBP = [0.]
ret.gasMaxV = [0.5]
ret.brakeMaxBP = [5., 20.]
ret.brakeMaxV = [1., 0.8]
ret.enableCamera = is_ecu_disconnected(fingerprint[0], FINGERPRINTS, ECU_FINGERPRINT, candidate, ECU.CAM) or has_relay
print("ECU Camera Simulated: {0}".format(ret.enableCamera))
ret.openpilotLongitudinalControl = False
ret.stoppingControl = False
ret.startAccel = 0.0
ret.longitudinalTuning.deadzoneBP = [0., 9.]
ret.longitudinalTuning.deadzoneV = [0., .15]
ret.longitudinalTuning.kpBP = [0., 5., 35.]
ret.longitudinalTuning.kpV = [3.6, 2.4, 1.5]
ret.longitudinalTuning.kiBP = [0., 35.]
ret.longitudinalTuning.kiV = [0.54, 0.36]
return ret
# returns a car.CarState
def update(self, c, can_strings):
# ******************* do can recv *******************
self.CS.update(self.cp, self.cp_cam)
# create message
ret = car.CarState.new_message()
ret.canValid = self.cp.can_valid and self.cp_cam.can_valid
# speeds
ret.vEgo = self.CS.v_ego
ret.vEgoRaw = self.CS.v_ego_raw
ret.aEgo = self.CS.a_ego
ret.yawRate = self.VM.yaw_rate(self.CS.angle_steers * CV.DEG_TO_RAD, self.CS.v_ego)
ret.standstill = self.CS.standstill
ret.wheelSpeeds.fl = self.CS.v_wheel_fl = self.CS.v_wheel_fr
ret.wheelSpeeds.rl = self.CS.v_wheel_rl
ret.wheelSpeeds.rr = self.CS.v_wheel_rr
# gear shifter
ret.gearShifter = self.CS.gear_shifter
# gas pedal
ret.gas = self.CS.car_gas
ret.gasPressed = self.CS.pedal_gas > 0
# brake pedal
ret.brake = self.CS.user_brake
ret.brakePressed = self.CS.brake_pressed
ret.brakeLights = self.CS.brake_lights
# steering wheel
ret.steeringAngle = self.CS.angle_steers
ret.steeringRate = self.CS.angle_steers_rate
ret.steeringTorque = self.CS.steer_torque_driver
ret.steeringPressed = self.CS.steer_override
ret.steeringRateLimited = self.CC.steer_rate_limited if self.CC is not None else False
# cruise state
ret.cruiseState.enabled = self.CS.pcm_acc_status # same as main_on
ret.cruiseState.speed = self.CS.v_cruise_pcm * CV.KPH_TO_MS
ret.cruiseState.available = self.CS.main_on
ret.cruiseState.speedOffset = 0.
ret.cruiseState.standstill = False
# TODO: button presses
buttonEvents = []
if self.CS.left_blinker_on != self.CS.prev_left_blinker_on:
be = car.CarState.ButtonEvent.new_message()
be.type = ButtonType.leftBlinker
be.pressed = self.CS.left_blinker_on != 0
if self.CS.right_blinker_on != self.CS.prev_right_blinker_on:
be = car.CarState.ButtonEvent.new_message()
be.type = ButtonType.rightBlinker
be.pressed = self.CS.right_blinker_on != 0
ret.buttonEvents = buttonEvents
ret.leftBlinker = bool(self.CS.left_blinker_on)
ret.rightBlinker = bool(self.CS.right_blinker_on)
ret.doorOpen = not self.CS.door_all_closed
ret.seatbeltUnlatched = not self.CS.seatbelt
self.low_speed_alert = (ret.vEgo < self.CP.minSteerSpeed)
ret.genericToggle = self.CS.generic_toggle
#ret.lkasCounter = self.CS.lkas_counter
#ret.lkasCarModel = self.CS.lkas_car_model
# events
events = []
if not (ret.gearShifter in (, GearShifter.low)):
events.append(create_event('wrongGear', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.SOFT_DISABLE]))
if ret.doorOpen:
events.append(create_event('doorOpen', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.SOFT_DISABLE]))
if ret.seatbeltUnlatched:
events.append(create_event('seatbeltNotLatched', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.SOFT_DISABLE]))
if self.CS.esp_disabled:
events.append(create_event('espDisabled', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.SOFT_DISABLE]))
if not self.CS.main_on:
events.append(create_event('wrongCarMode', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.USER_DISABLE]))
if ret.gearShifter == GearShifter.reverse:
events.append(create_event('reverseGear', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.IMMEDIATE_DISABLE]))
if self.CS.steer_error:
events.append(create_event('steerUnavailable', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.IMMEDIATE_DISABLE, ET.PERMANENT]))
if ret.cruiseState.enabled and not self.cruise_enabled_prev:
events.append(create_event('pcmEnable', [ET.ENABLE]))
elif not ret.cruiseState.enabled:
events.append(create_event('pcmDisable', [ET.USER_DISABLE]))
# disable on gas pedal and speed isn't zero. Gas pedal is used to resume ACC
# from a 3+ second stop.
if (ret.gasPressed and (not self.gas_pressed_prev) and ret.vEgo > 2.0):
events.append(create_event('pedalPressed', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.USER_DISABLE]))
if self.low_speed_alert:
events.append(create_event('belowSteerSpeed', [ET.WARNING])) = events
self.gas_pressed_prev = ret.gasPressed
self.brake_pressed_prev = ret.brakePressed
self.cruise_enabled_prev = ret.cruiseState.enabled
return ret.as_reader()
# pass in a car.CarControl
# to be called @ 100hz
def apply(self, c):
if (self.CS.frame == -1):
return [] # if we haven't seen a frame 220, then do not update.
can_sends = self.CC.update(c.enabled, self.CS, c.actuators, c.cruiseControl.cancel, c.hudControl.visualAlert)
return can_sends

View File

@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
from opendbc.can.parser import CANParser
from cereal import car
from import RadarInterfaceBase
RADAR_MSGS_C = list(range(0x2c2, 0x2d4+2, 2)) # c_ messages 706,...,724
RADAR_MSGS_D = list(range(0x2a2, 0x2b4+2, 2)) # d_ messages
def _create_radar_can_parser():
dbc_f = 'chrysler_pacifica_2017_hybrid_private_fusion.dbc'
msg_n = len(RADAR_MSGS_C)
# list of [(signal name, message name or number, initial values), (...)]
# [('RADAR_STATE', 1024, 0),
# ('LONG_DIST', 1072, 255),
# ('LONG_DIST', 1073, 255),
# ('LONG_DIST', 1074, 255),
# ('LONG_DIST', 1075, 255),
# The factor and offset are applied by the dbc parsing library, so the
# default values should be after the factor/offset are applied.
signals = list(zip(['LONG_DIST'] * msg_n +
['LAT_DIST'] * msg_n +
['REL_SPEED'] * msg_n,
[0] * msg_n + # LONG_DIST
[-1000] * msg_n + # LAT_DIST
[-146.278] * msg_n)) # REL_SPEED set to 0, factor/offset to this
# TODO what are the checks actually used for?
# honda only checks the last message,
# toyota checks all the messages. Which do we want?
checks = list(zip(RADAR_MSGS_C +
[20]*msg_n + # 20Hz (0.05s)
[20]*msg_n)) # 20Hz (0.05s)
return CANParser(os.path.splitext(dbc_f)[0], signals, checks, 1)
def _address_to_track(address):
if address in RADAR_MSGS_C:
return (address - RADAR_MSGS_C[0]) // 2
if address in RADAR_MSGS_D:
return (address - RADAR_MSGS_D[0]) // 2
raise ValueError("radar received unexpected address %d" % address)
class RadarInterface(RadarInterfaceBase):
def __init__(self, CP):
self.pts = {}
self.delay = 0 # Delay of radar #TUNE
self.rcp = _create_radar_can_parser()
self.updated_messages = set()
self.trigger_msg = LAST_MSG
def update(self, can_strings):
vls = self.rcp.update_strings(can_strings)
if self.trigger_msg not in self.updated_messages:
return None
ret = car.RadarData.new_message()
errors = []
if not self.rcp.can_valid:
ret.errors = errors
for ii in self.updated_messages: # ii should be the message ID as a number
cpt = self.rcp.vl[ii]
trackId = _address_to_track(ii)
if trackId not in self.pts:
self.pts[trackId] = car.RadarData.RadarPoint.new_message()
self.pts[trackId].trackId = trackId
self.pts[trackId].aRel = float('nan')
self.pts[trackId].yvRel = float('nan')
self.pts[trackId].measured = True
if 'LONG_DIST' in cpt: # c_* message
self.pts[trackId].dRel = cpt['LONG_DIST'] # from front of car
# our lat_dist is positive to the right in car's frame.
# TODO what does yRel want?
self.pts[trackId].yRel = cpt['LAT_DIST'] # in car frame's y axis, left is positive
else: # d_* message
self.pts[trackId].vRel = cpt['REL_SPEED']
# We want a list, not a dictionary. Filter out LONG_DIST==0 because that means it's not valid.
ret.points = [x for x in self.pts.values() if x.dRel != 0]
return ret

View File

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
import unittest
from cereal import car
from opendbc.can.packer import CANPacker
from import chryslercan
VisualAlert = car.CarControl.HUDControl.VisualAlert
GearShifter = car.CarState.GearShifter
class TestChryslerCan(unittest.TestCase):
def test_checksum(self):
self.assertEqual(0x75, chryslercan.calc_checksum(b"\x01\x20"))
self.assertEqual(0xcc, chryslercan.calc_checksum(b"\x14\x00\x00\x00\x20"))
def test_hud(self):
packer = CANPacker('chrysler_pacifica_2017_hybrid')
[0x2a6, 0, b'\x01\x00\x01\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00', 0],
GearShifter.park, False, False, 1, 0))
[0x2a6, 0, b'\x01\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00', 0],
GearShifter.park, False, False, 5*4, 0))
[0x2a6, 0, b'\x01\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00', 0],
GearShifter.park, False, False, 99999, 0))
[0x2a6, 0, b'\x02\x00\x06\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00', 0],
packer,, True, False, 99999, 0))
[0x2a6, 0, b'\x02\x64\x06\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00', 0],
packer,, True, False, 99999, 0x64))
def test_command(self):
packer = CANPacker('chrysler_pacifica_2017_hybrid')
[0x292, 0, b'\x14\x00\x00\x00\x10\x86', 0],
0, True, 1))
[0x292, 0, b'\x04\x00\x00\x00\x80\x83', 0],
0, False, 8))
if __name__ == '__main__':

View File

@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
from import dbc_dict
class SteerLimitParams:
STEER_MAX = 261 # 262 faults
STEER_DELTA_UP = 3 # 3 is stock. 100 is fine. 200 is too much it seems
STEER_DELTA_DOWN = 3 # no faults on the way down it seems
class CAR:
PACIFICA_2018 = "CHRYSLER PACIFICA 2018" # Also covers Pacifica 2017.
JEEP_CHEROKEE = "JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE V6 2018" # Also covers Tailhawk 2017.
# Unique can messages:
# Only the hybrids have 270: 8
# Only the gas have 55: 8, 416: 7
# For 564, All 2017 have length 4, whereas 2018-19 have length 8.
# For 924, Pacifica 2017 has length 3, whereas all 2018-19 have length 8.
# For 560, All 2019 have length 8, whereas all 2017-18 have length 4.
# Jeep Grand Cherokee unique messages:
# 2017 Trailhawk: 618: 8
# For 924, Trailhawk 2017 has length 3, whereas 2018 V6 has length 8.
{168: 8, 257: 5, 258: 8, 264: 8, 268: 8, 270: 8, 274: 2, 280: 8, 284: 8, 288: 7, 290: 6, 291: 8, 292: 8, 294: 8, 300: 8, 308: 8, 320: 8, 324: 8, 331: 8, 332: 8, 344: 8, 368: 8, 376: 3, 384: 8, 388: 4, 448: 6, 456: 4, 464: 8, 469: 8, 480: 8, 500: 8, 501: 8, 512: 8, 514: 8, 515: 7, 516: 7, 517: 7, 518: 7, 520: 8, 528: 8, 532: 8, 542: 8, 544: 8, 557: 8, 559: 8, 560: 4, 564: 4, 571: 3, 584: 8, 608: 8, 624: 8, 625: 8, 632: 8, 639: 8, 653: 8, 654: 8, 655: 8, 658: 6, 660: 8, 669: 3, 671: 8, 672: 8, 678: 8, 680: 8, 701: 8, 704: 8, 705: 8, 706: 8, 709: 8, 710: 8, 719: 8, 720: 6, 729: 5, 736: 8, 737: 8, 746: 5, 760: 8, 764: 8, 766: 8, 770: 8, 773: 8, 779: 8, 782: 8, 784: 8, 792: 8, 799: 8, 800: 8, 804: 8, 808: 8, 816: 8, 817: 8, 820: 8, 825: 2, 826: 8, 832: 8, 838: 2, 848: 8, 853: 8, 856: 4, 860: 6, 863: 8, 878: 8, 882: 8, 897: 8, 908: 8, 924: 3, 926: 3, 929: 8, 937: 8, 938: 8, 939: 8, 940: 8, 941: 8, 942: 8, 943: 8, 947: 8, 948: 8, 956: 8, 958: 8, 959: 8, 969: 4, 974: 5, 979: 8, 980: 8, 981: 8, 982: 8, 983: 8, 984: 8, 992: 8, 993: 7, 995: 8, 996: 8, 1000: 8, 1001: 8, 1002: 8, 1003: 8, 1008: 8, 1009: 8, 1010: 8, 1011: 8, 1012: 8, 1013: 8, 1014: 8, 1015: 8, 1024: 8, 1025: 8, 1026: 8, 1031: 8, 1033: 8, 1050: 8, 1059: 8, 1082: 8, 1083: 8, 1098: 8, 1100: 8, 1216: 8, 1218: 8, 1220: 8, 1225: 8, 1235: 8, 1242: 8, 1246: 8, 1250: 8, 1284: 8, 1537: 8, 1538: 8, 1562: 8, 1568: 8, 1856: 8, 1858: 8, 1860: 8, 1865: 8, 1875: 8, 1882: 8, 1886: 8, 1890: 8, 1892: 8, 2016: 8, 2024: 8},
{55: 8, 257: 5, 258: 8, 264: 8, 268: 8, 274: 2, 280: 8, 284: 8, 288: 7, 290: 6, 292: 8, 294: 8, 300: 8, 308: 8, 320: 8, 324: 8, 331: 8, 332: 8, 344: 8, 368: 8, 376: 3, 384: 8, 388: 4, 416: 7, 448: 6, 456: 4, 464: 8, 469: 8, 480: 8, 500: 8, 501: 8, 512: 8, 514: 8, 516: 7, 517: 7, 520: 8, 524: 8, 526: 6, 528: 8, 532: 8, 542: 8, 544: 8, 557: 8, 559: 8, 560: 4, 564: 8, 571: 3, 579: 8, 584: 8, 608: 8, 624: 8, 625: 8, 632: 8, 639: 8, 656: 4, 658: 6, 660: 8, 669: 3, 671: 8, 672: 8, 678: 8, 680: 8, 705: 8, 706: 8, 709: 8, 710: 8, 719: 8, 720: 6, 729: 5, 736: 8, 746: 5, 752: 2, 760: 8, 764: 8, 766: 8, 770: 8, 773: 8, 779: 8, 784: 8, 792: 8, 799: 8, 800: 8, 804: 8, 808: 8, 816: 8, 817: 8, 820: 8, 825: 2, 826: 8, 832: 8, 838: 2, 848: 8, 853: 8, 856: 4, 860: 6, 863: 8, 882: 8, 897: 8, 924: 8, 926: 3, 937: 8, 947: 8, 948: 8, 969: 4, 974: 5, 979: 8, 980: 8, 981: 8, 982: 8, 983: 8, 984: 8, 992: 8, 993: 7, 995: 8, 996: 8, 1000: 8, 1001: 8, 1002: 8, 1003: 8, 1008: 8, 1009: 8, 1010: 8, 1011: 8, 1012: 8, 1013: 8, 1014: 8, 1015: 8, 1024: 8, 1025: 8, 1026: 8, 1031: 8, 1033: 8, 1050: 8, 1059: 8, 1098: 8, 1100: 8, 1537: 8, 1538: 8, 1562: 8},
{55: 8, 257: 5, 258: 8, 264: 8, 268: 8, 274: 2, 280: 8, 284: 8, 288: 7, 290: 6, 292: 8, 294: 8, 300: 8, 308: 8, 320: 8, 324: 8, 331: 8, 332: 8, 344: 8, 368: 8, 376: 3, 384: 8, 388: 4, 416: 7, 448: 6, 456: 4, 464: 8, 469: 8, 480: 8, 500: 8, 501: 8, 512: 8, 514: 8, 516: 7, 517: 7, 520: 8, 524: 8, 526: 6, 528: 8, 532: 8, 542: 8, 544: 8, 557: 8, 559: 8, 560: 4, 564: 4, 571: 3, 584: 8, 608: 8, 624: 8, 625: 8, 632: 8, 639: 8, 656: 4, 658: 6, 660: 8, 669: 3, 671: 8, 672: 8, 678: 8, 680: 8, 705: 8, 706: 8, 709: 8, 710: 8, 719: 8, 720: 6, 729: 5, 736: 8, 746: 5, 752: 2, 760: 8, 764: 8, 766: 8, 770: 8, 773: 8, 779: 8, 784: 8, 792: 8, 799: 8, 800: 8, 804: 8, 808: 8, 816: 8, 817: 8, 820: 8, 825: 2, 826: 8, 832: 8, 838: 2, 848: 8, 853: 8, 856: 4, 860: 6, 863: 8, 882: 8, 897: 8, 924: 3, 926: 3, 937: 8, 947: 8, 948: 8, 969: 4, 974: 5, 979: 8, 980: 8, 981: 8, 982: 8, 983: 8, 984: 8, 992: 8, 993: 7, 995: 8, 996: 8, 1000: 8, 1001: 8, 1002: 8, 1003: 8, 1008: 8, 1009: 8, 1010: 8, 1011: 8, 1012: 8, 1013: 8, 1014: 8, 1015: 8, 1024: 8, 1025: 8, 1026: 8, 1031: 8, 1033: 8, 1050: 8, 1059: 8, 1098: 8, 1100: 8, 1537: 8, 1538: 8, 1562: 8},
{68: 8, 168: 8, 257: 5, 258: 8, 264: 8, 268: 8, 270: 8, 274: 2, 280: 8, 284: 8, 288: 7, 290: 6, 291: 8, 292: 8, 294: 8, 300: 8, 308: 8, 320: 8, 324: 8, 331: 8, 332: 8, 344: 8, 368: 8, 376: 3, 384: 8, 388: 4, 448: 6, 456: 4, 464: 8, 469: 8, 480: 8, 500: 8, 501: 8, 512: 8, 514: 8, 520: 8, 528: 8, 532: 8, 544: 8, 557: 8, 559: 8, 560: 4, 564: 8, 571: 3, 579: 8, 584: 8, 608: 8, 624: 8, 625: 8, 632: 8, 639: 8, 653: 8, 654: 8, 655: 8, 658: 6, 660: 8, 669: 3, 671: 8, 672: 8, 680: 8, 701: 8, 704: 8, 705: 8, 706: 8, 709: 8, 710: 8, 719: 8, 720: 6, 736: 8, 737: 8, 746: 5, 760: 8, 764: 8, 766: 8, 770: 8, 773: 8, 779: 8, 782: 8, 784: 8, 792: 8, 799: 8, 800: 8, 804: 8, 808: 8, 816: 8, 817: 8, 820: 8, 825: 2, 826: 8, 832: 8, 838: 2, 848: 8, 853: 8, 856: 4, 860: 6, 863: 8, 878: 8, 882: 8, 897: 8, 908: 8, 924: 8, 926: 3, 929: 8, 937: 8, 938: 8, 939: 8, 940: 8, 941: 8, 942: 8, 943: 8, 947: 8, 948: 8, 958: 8, 959: 8, 969: 4, 974: 5, 979: 8, 980: 8, 981: 8, 982: 8, 983: 8, 984: 8, 992: 8, 993: 7, 995: 8, 996: 8, 1000: 8, 1001: 8, 1002: 8, 1003: 8, 1008: 8, 1009: 8, 1010: 8, 1011: 8, 1012: 8, 1013: 8, 1014: 8, 1015: 8, 1024: 8, 1025: 8, 1026: 8, 1031: 8, 1033: 8, 1050: 8, 1059: 8, 1082: 8, 1083: 8, 1098: 8, 1100: 8},
# based on 9ae7821dc4e92455|2019-07-01--16-42-55
{168: 8, 257: 5, 258: 8, 264: 8, 268: 8, 270: 8, 274: 2, 280: 8, 284: 8, 288: 7, 290: 6, 291: 8, 292: 8, 294: 8, 300: 8, 308: 8, 320: 8, 324: 8, 331: 8, 332: 8, 344: 8, 368: 8, 376: 3, 384: 8, 388: 4, 448: 6, 456: 4, 464: 8, 469: 8, 480: 8, 500: 8, 501: 8, 512: 8, 514: 8, 515: 7, 516: 7, 517: 7, 518: 7, 520: 8, 528: 8, 532: 8, 542: 8, 544: 8, 557: 8, 559: 8, 560: 4, 564: 8, 571: 3, 579: 8, 584: 8, 608: 8, 624: 8, 625: 8, 632: 8, 639: 8, 653: 8, 654: 8, 655: 8, 658: 6, 660: 8, 669: 3, 671: 8, 672: 8, 678: 8, 680: 8, 701: 8, 704: 8, 705: 8, 706: 8, 709: 8, 710: 8, 719: 8, 720: 6, 729: 5, 736: 8, 737: 8, 746: 5, 760: 8, 764: 8, 766: 8, 770: 8, 773: 8, 779: 8, 782: 8, 784: 8, 792: 8, 799: 8, 800: 8, 804: 8, 808: 8, 816: 8, 817: 8, 820: 8, 825: 2, 826: 8, 832: 8, 838: 2, 848: 8, 853: 8, 856: 4, 860: 6, 863: 8, 878: 8, 882: 8, 897: 8, 908: 8, 924: 8, 926: 3, 929: 8, 937: 8, 938: 8, 939: 8, 940: 8, 941: 8, 942: 8, 943: 8, 947: 8, 948: 8, 958: 8, 959: 8, 969: 4, 974: 5, 979: 8, 980: 8, 981: 8, 982: 8, 983: 8, 984: 8, 992: 8, 993: 7, 995: 8, 996: 8, 1000: 8, 1001: 8, 1002: 8, 1003: 8, 1008: 8, 1009: 8, 1010: 8, 1011: 8, 1012: 8, 1013: 8, 1014: 8, 1015: 8, 1024: 8, 1025: 8, 1026: 8, 1031: 8, 1033: 8, 1050: 8, 1059: 8, 1082: 8, 1083: 8, 1098: 8, 1100: 8, 1216: 8, 1218: 8, 1220: 8, 1225: 8, 1235: 8, 1242: 8, 1246: 8, 1250: 8, 1251: 8, 1252: 8, 1258: 8, 1259: 8, 1260: 8, 1262: 8, 1284: 8, 1537: 8, 1538: 8, 1562: 8, 1568: 8, 1856: 8, 1858: 8, 1860: 8, 1865: 8, 1875: 8, 1882: 8, 1886: 8, 1890: 8, 1891: 8, 1892: 8, 1898: 8, 1899: 8, 1900: 8, 1902: 8, 2016: 8, 2018: 8, 2019: 8, 2020: 8, 2023: 8, 2024: 8, 2026: 8, 2027: 8, 2028: 8, 2031: 8},
{168: 8, 257: 5, 258: 8, 264: 8, 268: 8, 270: 8, 274: 2, 280: 8, 284: 8, 288: 7, 290: 6, 291: 8, 292: 8, 294: 8, 300: 8, 308: 8, 320: 8, 324: 8, 331: 8, 332: 8, 344: 8, 368: 8, 376: 3, 384: 8, 388: 4, 448: 6, 456: 4, 464: 8, 469: 8, 480: 8, 500: 8, 501: 8, 512: 8, 514: 8, 515: 7, 516: 7, 517: 7, 518: 7, 520: 8, 528: 8, 532: 8, 542: 8, 544: 8, 557: 8, 559: 8, 560: 8, 564: 8, 571: 3, 579: 8, 584: 8, 608: 8, 624: 8, 625: 8, 632: 8, 639: 8, 653: 8, 654: 8, 655: 8, 658: 6, 660: 8, 669: 3, 671: 8, 672: 8, 680: 8, 701: 8, 703: 8, 704: 8, 705: 8, 706: 8, 709: 8, 710: 8, 719: 8, 720: 6, 736: 8, 737: 8, 746: 5, 752: 2, 754: 8, 760: 8, 764: 8, 766: 8, 770:8, 773: 8, 779: 8, 782: 8, 784: 8, 792: 8, 799: 8, 800: 8, 804: 8, 816: 8, 817: 8, 820: 8, 825: 2, 826: 8, 832: 8, 838: 2, 848: 8, 853: 8, 856: 4, 860: 6, 863: 8, 878: 8, 882: 8, 897: 8, 906: 8, 908: 8, 924: 8, 926: 3, 929: 8, 937: 8, 938: 8, 939: 8, 940: 8, 941: 8, 942: 8, 943: 8, 947: 8, 948: 8, 958: 8, 959: 8, 962: 8, 969: 4, 973: 8, 974: 5, 979: 8, 980: 8, 981: 8, 982: 8, 983: 8, 984: 8, 992: 8, 993: 7, 995: 8, 996: 8, 1000: 8, 1001: 8, 1002: 8, 1003: 8, 1008: 8, 1009: 8, 1010: 8, 1011: 8, 1012: 8, 1013: 8, 1014: 8, 1015: 8, 1024: 8, 1025: 8, 1026: 8, 1031: 8, 1033: 8, 1050: 8, 1059: 8, 1082: 8, 1083: 8, 1098: 8, 1100: 8, 1538: 8},
# Based on 0607d2516fc2148f|2019-02-13--23-03-16
168: 8, 257: 5, 258: 8, 264: 8, 268: 8, 270: 8, 274: 2, 280: 8, 284: 8, 288: 7, 290: 6, 291: 8, 292: 8, 294: 8, 300: 8, 308: 8, 320: 8, 324: 8, 331: 8, 332: 8, 344: 8, 368: 8, 376: 3, 384: 8, 388: 4, 448: 6, 456: 4, 464: 8, 469: 8, 480: 8, 500: 8, 501: 8, 512: 8, 514: 8, 520: 8, 528: 8, 532: 8, 544: 8, 557: 8, 559: 8, 560: 8, 564: 8, 571: 3, 579: 8, 584: 8, 608: 8, 624: 8, 625: 8, 632: 8, 639: 8, 653: 8, 654: 8, 655: 8, 658: 6, 660: 8, 669: 3, 671: 8, 672: 8, 678: 8, 680: 8, 701: 8, 703: 8, 704: 8, 705: 8, 706: 8, 709: 8, 710: 8, 719: 8, 720: 6, 729: 5, 736: 8, 737: 8, 746: 5, 752: 2, 754: 8, 760: 8, 764: 8, 766: 8, 770: 8, 773: 8, 779: 8, 782: 8, 784: 8, 792: 8, 799: 8, 800: 8, 804: 8, 816: 8, 817: 8, 820: 8, 825: 2, 826: 8, 832: 8, 838: 2, 848: 8, 853: 8, 856: 4, 860: 6, 863: 8, 878: 8, 882: 8, 897: 8, 906: 8, 908: 8, 924: 8, 926: 3, 929: 8, 937: 8, 938: 8, 939: 8, 940: 8, 941: 8, 942: 8, 943: 8, 947: 8, 948: 8, 958: 8, 959: 8, 962: 8, 969: 4, 973: 8, 974: 5, 979: 8, 980: 8, 981: 8, 982: 8, 983: 8, 984: 8, 992: 8, 993: 7, 995: 8, 996: 8, 1000: 8, 1001: 8, 1002: 8, 1003: 8, 1008: 8, 1009: 8, 1010: 8, 1011: 8, 1012: 8, 1013: 8, 1014: 8, 1015: 8, 1024: 8, 1025: 8, 1026: 8, 1031: 8, 1033: 8, 1050: 8, 1059: 8, 1082: 8, 1083: 8, 1098: 8, 1100: 8, 1537: 8
# Based on 3c7ce223e3571b54|2019-05-11--20-16-14
168: 8, 257: 5, 258: 8, 264: 8, 268: 8, 270: 8, 274: 2, 280: 8, 284: 8, 288: 7, 290: 6, 291: 8, 292: 8, 294: 8, 300: 8, 308: 8, 320: 8, 324: 8, 331: 8, 332: 8, 344: 8, 368: 8, 376: 3, 384: 8, 388: 4, 448: 6, 456: 4, 464: 8, 469: 8, 480: 8, 500: 8, 501: 8, 512: 8, 514: 8, 520: 8, 528: 8, 532: 8, 544: 8, 557: 8, 559: 8, 560: 8, 564: 8, 571: 3, 579: 8, 584: 8, 608: 8, 624: 8, 625: 8, 632: 8, 639: 8, 653: 8, 654: 8, 655: 8, 658: 6, 660: 8, 669: 3, 671: 8, 672: 8, 678: 8, 680: 8, 701: 8, 703: 8, 704: 8, 705: 8, 706: 8, 709: 8, 710: 8, 719: 8, 720: 6, 729: 5, 736: 8, 737: 8, 746: 5, 752: 2, 754: 8, 760: 8, 764: 8, 766: 8, 770: 8, 773: 8, 779: 8, 782: 8, 784: 8, 792: 8, 799: 8, 800: 8, 804: 8, 808: 8, 816: 8, 817: 8, 820: 8, 825: 2, 826: 8, 832: 8, 838: 2, 848: 8, 853: 8, 856: 4, 860: 6, 863: 8, 878: 8, 882: 8, 897: 8, 906: 8, 908: 8, 924: 8, 926: 3, 929: 8, 937: 8, 938: 8, 939: 8, 940: 8, 941: 8, 942: 8, 943: 8, 947: 8, 948: 8, 958: 8, 959: 8, 962: 8, 969: 4, 973: 8, 974: 5, 979: 8, 980: 8, 981: 8, 982: 8, 983: 8, 984: 8, 992: 8, 993: 7, 995: 8, 996: 8, 1000: 8, 1001: 8, 1002: 8, 1003: 8, 1008: 8, 1009: 8, 1010: 8, 1011: 8, 1012: 8, 1013: 8, 1014: 8, 1015: 8, 1024: 8, 1025: 8, 1026: 8, 1031: 8, 1033: 8, 1050: 8, 1059: 8, 1082: 8, 1083: 8, 1098: 8, 1100: 8, 1562: 8, 1570: 8
{55: 8, 168: 8, 181: 8, 256: 4, 257: 5, 258: 8, 264: 8, 268: 8, 272: 6, 273: 6, 274: 2, 280: 8, 284: 8, 288: 7, 290: 6, 292: 8, 300: 8, 308: 8, 320: 8, 324: 8, 331: 8, 332: 8, 344: 8, 352: 8, 362: 8, 368: 8, 376: 3, 384: 8, 388: 4, 416: 7, 448: 6, 456: 4, 464: 8, 500: 8, 501: 8, 512: 8, 514: 8, 520: 8, 532: 8, 544: 8, 557: 8, 559: 8, 560: 4, 564: 4, 571: 3, 579: 8, 584: 8, 608: 8, 618: 8, 624: 8, 625: 8, 632: 8, 639: 8, 656: 4, 658: 6, 660: 8, 671: 8, 672: 8, 676: 8, 678: 8, 680: 8, 683: 8, 684: 8, 703: 8, 705: 8, 706: 8, 709: 8, 710: 8, 719: 8, 720: 6, 729: 5, 736: 8, 737: 8, 738: 8, 746: 5, 752: 2, 754: 8, 760: 8, 761: 8, 764: 8, 766: 8, 773: 8, 776: 8, 779: 8, 782: 8, 783: 8, 784: 8, 785: 8, 788: 3, 792: 8, 799: 8, 800: 8, 804: 8, 806: 2, 808: 8, 810: 8, 816: 8, 817: 8, 820: 8, 825: 2, 826: 8, 831: 6, 832: 8, 838: 2, 844: 5, 848: 8, 853: 8, 856: 4, 860: 6, 863: 8, 882: 8, 897: 8, 906: 8, 924: 8, 937: 8, 938: 8, 939: 8, 940: 8, 941: 8, 942: 8, 943: 8, 947: 8, 948: 8, 956: 8, 968: 8, 969: 4, 970: 8, 973: 8, 974: 5, 976: 8, 977: 4, 979: 8, 980: 8, 981: 8, 982: 8, 983: 8, 984: 8, 992: 8, 993: 7, 995: 8, 996: 8, 1000: 8, 1001: 8, 1002: 8, 1003: 8, 1008: 8, 1009: 8, 1010: 8, 1011: 8, 1012: 8, 1013: 8, 1014: 8, 1015: 8, 1024: 8, 1025: 8, 1026: 8, 1031: 8, 1033: 8, 1050: 8, 1059: 8, 1062: 8, 1098: 8, 1100: 8},
# Jeep Grand Cherokee 2017 Trailhawk
{257: 5, 258: 8, 264: 8, 268: 8, 274: 2, 280: 8, 284: 8, 288: 7, 290: 6, 292: 8, 300: 8, 308: 8, 320: 8, 324: 8, 331: 8, 332: 8, 344: 8, 352: 8, 362: 8, 368: 8, 376: 3, 384: 8, 388: 4, 416: 7, 448: 6, 456: 4, 464: 8, 500: 8, 501: 8, 512: 8, 514: 8, 520: 8, 532: 8, 544: 8, 557: 8, 559: 8, 560: 4, 564: 4, 571: 3, 584: 8, 608: 8, 618: 8, 624: 8, 625: 8, 632: 8, 639: 8, 658: 6, 660: 8, 671: 8, 672: 8, 680: 8, 684: 8, 703: 8, 705: 8, 706: 8, 709: 8, 710: 8, 719: 8, 720: 6, 736: 8, 737: 8, 746: 5, 752: 2, 760: 8, 761: 8, 764: 8, 766: 8, 773: 8, 776: 8, 779: 8, 783: 8, 784: 8, 792: 8, 799: 8, 800: 8, 804: 8, 806: 2, 808: 8, 810: 8, 816: 8, 817: 8, 820: 8, 825: 2, 826: 8, 831: 6, 832: 8, 838: 2, 844: 5, 848: 8, 853: 8, 856: 4, 860: 6, 863: 8, 882: 8, 897: 8, 924: 3, 937: 8, 947: 8, 948: 8, 969: 4, 974: 5, 977: 4, 979: 8, 980: 8, 981: 8, 982: 8, 983: 8, 984: 8, 992: 8, 993: 7, 995: 8, 996: 8, 1000: 8, 1001: 8, 1002: 8, 1003: 8, 1008: 8, 1009: 8, 1010: 8, 1011: 8, 1012: 8, 1013: 8, 1014: 8, 1015: 8, 1024: 8, 1025: 8, 1026: 8, 1031: 8, 1033: 8, 1050: 8, 1059: 8, 1062: 8, 1098: 8, 1100: 8},
# Jeep Grand Cherokee 2019 from Switzerland
# 530: 8 is so far only in this Jeep.
{55: 8, 181: 8, 256: 4, 257: 5, 258: 8, 264: 8, 268: 8, 272: 6, 273: 6, 274: 2, 280: 8, 284: 8, 288: 7, 290: 6, 292: 8, 300: 8, 308: 8, 320: 8, 324: 8, 331: 8, 332: 8, 344: 8, 352: 8, 362: 8, 368: 8, 376: 3, 384: 8, 388: 4, 416: 7, 448: 6, 456: 4, 464: 8, 500: 8, 501: 8, 512: 8, 514: 8, 520: 8, 530: 8, 532: 8, 544: 8, 557: 8, 559: 8, 560: 8, 564: 8, 571: 3, 579: 8, 584: 8, 608: 8, 618: 8, 624: 8, 625: 8, 632: 8, 639: 8, 658: 6, 660: 8, 671: 8, 672: 8, 676: 8, 680: 8, 683: 8, 684: 8, 703: 8, 705: 8, 706: 8, 709: 8, 710: 8, 719: 8, 720: 6, 736: 8, 737: 8, 738: 8, 746: 5, 752: 2, 754: 8, 760: 8, 761: 8, 764: 8, 773: 8, 776: 8, 779: 8, 782: 8, 783: 8, 784: 8, 792: 8, 799: 8, 804: 8, 806: 2, 808: 8, 816: 8, 817: 8, 820: 8, 825: 2, 826: 8, 831: 6, 832: 8, 838: 2, 844: 5, 848: 8, 853: 8, 856: 4, 860: 6, 882: 8, 897: 8, 906: 8, 924: 8, 937: 8, 938: 8, 939: 8, 940: 8, 941: 8, 942: 8, 943: 8, 947: 8, 948: 8, 968: 8, 969: 4, 970: 8, 973: 8, 974: 5, 977: 4, 979: 8, 980: 8, 981: 8, 982: 8, 983: 8, 984: 8, 992: 8, 993: 7, 995: 8, 996: 8, 1000: 8, 1001: 8, 1002: 8, 1003: 8, 1008: 8, 1009: 8, 1010: 8, 1011: 8, 1012: 8, 1013: 8, 1014: 8, 1015: 8, 1024: 8, 1025: 8, 1026: 8, 1031: 8, 1033: 8, 1050: 8, 1059: 8, 1062: 8, 1098: 8, 1100: 8},
DBC = {
CAR.PACIFICA_2017_HYBRID: dbc_dict(
'chrysler_pacifica_2017_hybrid', # 'pt'
'chrysler_pacifica_2017_hybrid_private_fusion'), # 'radar'
CAR.PACIFICA_2018: dbc_dict( # Same DBC file works.
'chrysler_pacifica_2017_hybrid', # 'pt'
'chrysler_pacifica_2017_hybrid_private_fusion'), # 'radar'
CAR.PACIFICA_2018_HYBRID: dbc_dict( # Same DBC file works.
'chrysler_pacifica_2017_hybrid', # 'pt'
'chrysler_pacifica_2017_hybrid_private_fusion'), # 'radar'
CAR.PACIFICA_2019_HYBRID: dbc_dict( # Same DBC file works.
'chrysler_pacifica_2017_hybrid', # 'pt'
'chrysler_pacifica_2017_hybrid_private_fusion'), # 'radar'
CAR.JEEP_CHEROKEE: dbc_dict( # Same DBC file works.
'chrysler_pacifica_2017_hybrid', # 'pt'
'chrysler_pacifica_2017_hybrid_private_fusion'), # 'radar'
CAR.JEEP_CHEROKEE_2019: dbc_dict( # Same DBC file works.
'chrysler_pacifica_2017_hybrid', # 'pt'
'chrysler_pacifica_2017_hybrid_private_fusion'), # 'radar'
class ECU:
CAM = 0 # LKAS camera
ECU.CAM: [0x292], # lkas cmd

View File

@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
import os
from common.basedir import BASEDIR
def get_attr_from_cars(attr):
# read all the folders in selfdrive/car and return a dict where:
# - keys are all the car models
# - values are attr values from all car folders
result = {}
for car_folder in [x[0] for x in os.walk(BASEDIR + '/selfdrive/car')]:
car_name = car_folder.split('/')[-1]
values = __import__('' % car_name, fromlist=[attr])
if hasattr(values, attr):
attr_values = getattr(values, attr)
for f, v in attr_values.items():
result[f] = v
except (ImportError, IOError):
return result
def get_fw_versions_list():
return get_attr_from_cars('FW_VERSIONS')
def get_fingerprint_list():
# read all the folders in selfdrive/car and return a dict where:
# - keys are all the car models for which we have a fingerprint
# - values are lists dicts of messages that constitute the unique
# CAN fingerprint of each car model and all its variants
return get_attr_from_cars('FINGERPRINTS')
FW_VERSIONS = get_fw_versions_list()
_FINGERPRINTS = get_fingerprint_list()
_DEBUG_ADDRESS = {1880: 8} # reserved for debug purposes
def is_valid_for_fingerprint(msg, car_fingerprint):
adr = msg.address
# ignore addresses that are more than 11 bits
return (adr in car_fingerprint and car_fingerprint[adr] == len(msg.dat)) or adr >= 0x800
def eliminate_incompatible_cars(msg, candidate_cars):
"""Removes cars that could not have sent msg.
msg: A cereal/log CanData message from the car.
candidate_cars: A list of cars to consider.
A list containing the subset of candidate_cars that could have sent msg.
compatible_cars = []
for car_name in candidate_cars:
car_fingerprints = _FINGERPRINTS[car_name]
for fingerprint in car_fingerprints:
fingerprint.update(_DEBUG_ADDRESS) # add alien debug address
if is_valid_for_fingerprint(msg, fingerprint):
return compatible_cars
def all_known_cars():
"""Returns a list of all known car strings."""
return list(_FINGERPRINTS.keys())

View File

View File

@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
from cereal import car
from import make_can_msg
from import create_steer_command, create_lkas_ui, spam_cancel_button
from opendbc.can.packer import CANPacker
class CarController():
def __init__(self, dbc_name, enable_camera, vehicle_model):
self.packer = CANPacker(dbc_name)
self.enable_camera = enable_camera
self.enabled_last = False
self.main_on_last = False
self.vehicle_model = vehicle_model
self.generic_toggle_last = 0
self.steer_alert_last = False
self.lkas_action = 0
def update(self, enabled, CS, frame, actuators, visual_alert, pcm_cancel):
can_sends = []
steer_alert = visual_alert == car.CarControl.HUDControl.VisualAlert.steerRequired
apply_steer = actuators.steer
if self.enable_camera:
if pcm_cancel:
#print "CANCELING!!!!"
if (frame % 3) == 0:
curvature = self.vehicle_model.calc_curvature(actuators.steerAngle*3.1415/180., CS.v_ego)
# The use of the toggle below is handy for trying out the various LKAS modes
self.lkas_action += int(CS.generic_toggle and not self.generic_toggle_last)
self.lkas_action &= 0xf
self.lkas_action = 5 # 4 and 5 seem the best. 8 and 9 seem to aggressive and laggy
can_sends.append(create_steer_command(self.packer, apply_steer, enabled,
CS.lkas_state, CS.angle_steers, curvature, self.lkas_action))
self.generic_toggle_last = CS.generic_toggle
if (frame % 100) == 0:
can_sends.append(make_can_msg(973, b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00', 0))
#can_sends.append(make_can_msg(984, b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x80\x45\x60\x30', 0))
if (frame % 100) == 0 or (self.enabled_last != enabled) or (self.main_on_last != CS.main_on) or \
(self.steer_alert_last != steer_alert):
can_sends.append(create_lkas_ui(self.packer, CS.main_on, enabled, steer_alert))
if (frame % 200) == 0:
can_sends.append(make_can_msg(1875, b'\x80\xb0\x55\x55\x78\x90\x00\x00', 1))
if (frame % 10) == 0:
can_sends.append(make_can_msg(1648, b'\x00\x00\x00\x40\x00\x00\x50\x00', 1))
can_sends.append(make_can_msg(1649, b'\x10\x10\xf1\x70\x04\x00\x00\x00', 1))
can_sends.append(make_can_msg(1664, b'\x00\x00\x03\xe8\x00\x01\xa9\xb2', 1))
can_sends.append(make_can_msg(1674, b'\x08\x00\x00\xff\x0c\xfb\x6a\x08', 1))
can_sends.append(make_can_msg(1675, b'\x00\x00\x3b\x60\x37\x00\x00\x00', 1))
can_sends.append(make_can_msg(1690, b'\x70\x00\x00\x55\x86\x1c\xe0\x00', 1))
can_sends.append(make_can_msg(1910, b'\x06\x4b\x06\x4b\x42\xd3\x11\x30', 1))
can_sends.append(make_can_msg(1911, b'\x48\x53\x37\x54\x48\x53\x37\x54', 1))
can_sends.append(make_can_msg(1912, b'\x31\x34\x47\x30\x38\x31\x43\x42', 1))
can_sends.append(make_can_msg(1913, b'\x31\x34\x47\x30\x38\x32\x43\x42', 1))
can_sends.append(make_can_msg(1969, b'\xf4\x40\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00', 1))
can_sends.append(make_can_msg(1971, b'\x0b\xc0\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00', 1))
static_msgs = range(1653, 1658)
for addr in static_msgs:
cnt = (frame % 10) + 1
can_sends.append(make_can_msg(addr, (cnt<<4).to_bytes(1, 'little') + b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00', 1))
self.enabled_last = enabled
self.main_on_last = CS.main_on
self.steer_alert_last = steer_alert
return can_sends

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@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
from opendbc.can.parser import CANParser
from common.numpy_fast import mean
from selfdrive.config import Conversions as CV
from import DBC
from common.kalman.simple_kalman import KF1D
def get_can_parser(CP):
signals = [
# sig_name, sig_address, default
("WhlRr_W_Meas", "WheelSpeed_CG1", 0.),
("WhlRl_W_Meas", "WheelSpeed_CG1", 0.),
("WhlFr_W_Meas", "WheelSpeed_CG1", 0.),
("WhlFl_W_Meas", "WheelSpeed_CG1", 0.),
("SteWhlRelInit_An_Sns", "Steering_Wheel_Data_CG1", 0.),
("Cruise_State", "Cruise_Status", 0.),
("Set_Speed", "Cruise_Status", 0.),
("LaActAvail_D_Actl", "Lane_Keep_Assist_Status", 0),
("LaHandsOff_B_Actl", "Lane_Keep_Assist_Status", 0),
("LaActDeny_B_Actl", "Lane_Keep_Assist_Status", 0),
("ApedPosScal_Pc_Actl", "EngineData_14", 0.),
("Dist_Incr", "Steering_Buttons", 0.),
("Brake_Drv_Appl", "Cruise_Status", 0.),
("Brake_Lights", "BCM_to_HS_Body", 0.),
checks = [
return CANParser(DBC[CP.carFingerprint]['pt'], signals, checks, 0)
class CarState():
def __init__(self, CP):
self.CP = CP
self.left_blinker_on = 0
self.right_blinker_on = 0
# initialize can parser
self.car_fingerprint = CP.carFingerprint
# vEgo kalman filter
dt = 0.01
# Q = np.matrix([[10.0, 0.0], [0.0, 100.0]])
# R = 1e3
self.v_ego_kf = KF1D(x0=[[0.0], [0.0]],
A=[[1.0, dt], [0.0, 1.0]],
C=[1.0, 0.0],
K=[[0.12287673], [0.29666309]])
self.v_ego = 0.0
def update(self, cp):
# update prevs, update must run once per loop
self.prev_left_blinker_on = self.left_blinker_on
self.prev_right_blinker_on = self.right_blinker_on
# calc best v_ego estimate, by averaging two opposite corners
self.v_wheel_fl = cp.vl["WheelSpeed_CG1"]['WhlRr_W_Meas'] * WHEEL_RADIUS
self.v_wheel_fr = cp.vl["WheelSpeed_CG1"]['WhlRl_W_Meas'] * WHEEL_RADIUS
self.v_wheel_rl = cp.vl["WheelSpeed_CG1"]['WhlFr_W_Meas'] * WHEEL_RADIUS
self.v_wheel_rr = cp.vl["WheelSpeed_CG1"]['WhlFl_W_Meas'] * WHEEL_RADIUS
v_wheel = mean([self.v_wheel_fl, self.v_wheel_fr, self.v_wheel_rl, self.v_wheel_rr])
# Kalman filter
if abs(v_wheel - self.v_ego) > 2.0: # Prevent large accelerations when car starts at non zero speed
self.v_ego_kf.x = [[v_wheel], [0.0]]
self.v_ego_raw = v_wheel
v_ego_x = self.v_ego_kf.update(v_wheel)
self.v_ego = float(v_ego_x[0])
self.a_ego = float(v_ego_x[1])
self.standstill = not v_wheel > 0.001
self.angle_steers = cp.vl["Steering_Wheel_Data_CG1"]['SteWhlRelInit_An_Sns']
self.v_cruise_pcm = cp.vl["Cruise_Status"]['Set_Speed'] * CV.MPH_TO_MS
self.pcm_acc_status = cp.vl["Cruise_Status"]['Cruise_State']
self.main_on = cp.vl["Cruise_Status"]['Cruise_State'] != 0
self.lkas_state = cp.vl["Lane_Keep_Assist_Status"]['LaActAvail_D_Actl']
# TODO: we also need raw driver torque, needed for Assisted Lane Change
self.steer_override = not cp.vl["Lane_Keep_Assist_Status"]['LaHandsOff_B_Actl']
self.steer_error = cp.vl["Lane_Keep_Assist_Status"]['LaActDeny_B_Actl']
self.user_gas = cp.vl["EngineData_14"]['ApedPosScal_Pc_Actl']
self.brake_pressed = bool(cp.vl["Cruise_Status"]["Brake_Drv_Appl"])
self.brake_lights = bool(cp.vl["BCM_to_HS_Body"]["Brake_Lights"])
self.generic_toggle = bool(cp.vl["Steering_Buttons"]["Dist_Incr"])

View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
from common.numpy_fast import clip
from import MAX_ANGLE
def create_steer_command(packer, angle_cmd, enabled, lkas_state, angle_steers, curvature, lkas_action):
"""Creates a CAN message for the Ford Steer Command."""
#if enabled and lkas available:
if enabled and lkas_state in [2,3]: #and (frame % 500) >= 3:
action = lkas_action
action = 0xf
angle_cmd = angle_steers/MAX_ANGLE
angle_cmd = clip(angle_cmd * MAX_ANGLE, - MAX_ANGLE, MAX_ANGLE)
values = {
"Lkas_Action": action,
"Lkas_Alert": 0xf, # no alerts
"Lane_Curvature": clip(curvature, -0.01, 0.01), # is it just for debug?
#"Lane_Curvature": 0, # is it just for debug?
"Steer_Angle_Req": angle_cmd
return packer.make_can_msg("Lane_Keep_Assist_Control", 0, values)
def create_lkas_ui(packer, main_on, enabled, steer_alert):
"""Creates a CAN message for the Ford Steer Ui."""
if not main_on:
lines = 0xf
elif enabled:
lines = 0x3
lines = 0x6
values = {
"Set_Me_X80": 0x80,
"Set_Me_X45": 0x45,
"Set_Me_X30": 0x30,
"Lines_Hud": lines,
"Hands_Warning_W_Chime": steer_alert,
return packer.make_can_msg("Lane_Keep_Assist_Ui", 0, values)
def spam_cancel_button(packer):
values = {
"Cancel": 1
return packer.make_can_msg("Steering_Buttons", 0, values)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from cereal import car
from selfdrive.swaglog import cloudlog
from selfdrive.config import Conversions as CV
from selfdrive.controls.lib.drive_helpers import EventTypes as ET, create_event
from selfdrive.controls.lib.vehicle_model import VehicleModel
from import CarState, get_can_parser
from import STD_CARGO_KG, scale_rot_inertia, scale_tire_stiffness, is_ecu_disconnected, gen_empty_fingerprint
from import CarInterfaceBase
class CarInterface(CarInterfaceBase):
def __init__(self, CP, CarController):
self.CP = CP
self.VM = VehicleModel(CP)
self.frame = 0
self.gas_pressed_prev = False
self.brake_pressed_prev = False
self.cruise_enabled_prev = False
# *** init the major players ***
self.CS = CarState(CP)
self.cp = get_can_parser(CP)
self.CC = None
if CarController is not None:
self.CC = CarController(self.cp.dbc_name, CP.enableCamera, self.VM)
def compute_gb(accel, speed):
return float(accel) / 3.0
def get_params(candidate, fingerprint=gen_empty_fingerprint(), has_relay=False, car_fw=[]):
ret = car.CarParams.new_message()
ret.carName = "ford"
ret.carFingerprint = candidate
ret.isPandaBlack = has_relay
ret.safetyModel =
ret.dashcamOnly = True
# pedal
ret.enableCruise = True
ret.wheelbase = 2.85
ret.steerRatio = 14.8
ret.mass = 3045. * CV.LB_TO_KG + STD_CARGO_KG, = [[0.], [0.]], = [[0.01], [0.005]] # TODO: tune this = 1. / MAX_ANGLE # MAX Steer angle to normalize FF
ret.steerActuatorDelay = 0.1 # Default delay, not measured yet
ret.steerLimitTimer = 0.8
ret.steerRateCost = 1.0
ret.centerToFront = ret.wheelbase * 0.44
tire_stiffness_factor = 0.5328
# min speed to enable ACC. if car can do stop and go, then set enabling speed
# to a negative value, so it won't matter.
ret.minEnableSpeed = -1.
# TODO: get actual value, for now starting with reasonable value for
# civic and scaling by mass and wheelbase
ret.rotationalInertia = scale_rot_inertia(ret.mass, ret.wheelbase)
# TODO: start from empirically derived lateral slip stiffness for the civic and scale by
# mass and CG position, so all cars will have approximately similar dyn behaviors
ret.tireStiffnessFront, ret.tireStiffnessRear = scale_tire_stiffness(ret.mass, ret.wheelbase, ret.centerToFront,
# no rear steering, at least on the listed cars above
ret.steerRatioRear = 0.
ret.steerControlType = car.CarParams.SteerControlType.angle
# steer, gas, brake limitations VS speed
ret.steerMaxBP = [0.] # breakpoints at 1 and 40 kph
ret.steerMaxV = [1.0] # 2/3rd torque allowed above 45 kph
ret.gasMaxBP = [0.]
ret.gasMaxV = [0.5]
ret.brakeMaxBP = [5., 20.]
ret.brakeMaxV = [1., 0.8]
ret.enableCamera = is_ecu_disconnected(fingerprint[0], FINGERPRINTS, ECU_FINGERPRINT, candidate, ECU.CAM) or has_relay
ret.openpilotLongitudinalControl = False
cloudlog.warning("ECU Camera Simulated: %r", ret.enableCamera)
ret.stoppingControl = False
ret.startAccel = 0.0
ret.longitudinalTuning.deadzoneBP = [0., 9.]
ret.longitudinalTuning.deadzoneV = [0., .15]
ret.longitudinalTuning.kpBP = [0., 5., 35.]
ret.longitudinalTuning.kpV = [3.6, 2.4, 1.5]
ret.longitudinalTuning.kiBP = [0., 35.]
ret.longitudinalTuning.kiV = [0.54, 0.36]
return ret
# returns a car.CarState
def update(self, c, can_strings):
# ******************* do can recv *******************
# create message
ret = car.CarState.new_message()
ret.canValid = self.cp.can_valid
# speeds
ret.vEgo = self.CS.v_ego
ret.vEgoRaw = self.CS.v_ego_raw
ret.standstill = self.CS.standstill
ret.wheelSpeeds.fl = self.CS.v_wheel_fl = self.CS.v_wheel_fr
ret.wheelSpeeds.rl = self.CS.v_wheel_rl
ret.wheelSpeeds.rr = self.CS.v_wheel_rr
# steering wheel
ret.steeringAngle = self.CS.angle_steers
ret.steeringPressed = self.CS.steer_override
# gas pedal
ret.gas = self.CS.user_gas / 100.
ret.gasPressed = self.CS.user_gas > 0.0001
ret.brakePressed = self.CS.brake_pressed
ret.brakeLights = self.CS.brake_lights
ret.cruiseState.enabled = not (self.CS.pcm_acc_status in [0, 3])
ret.cruiseState.speed = self.CS.v_cruise_pcm
ret.cruiseState.available = self.CS.pcm_acc_status != 0
ret.genericToggle = self.CS.generic_toggle
# events
events = []
if self.CS.steer_error:
events.append(create_event('steerUnavailable', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.IMMEDIATE_DISABLE, ET.PERMANENT]))
# enable request in prius is simple, as we activate when Toyota is active (rising edge)
if ret.cruiseState.enabled and not self.cruise_enabled_prev:
events.append(create_event('pcmEnable', [ET.ENABLE]))
elif not ret.cruiseState.enabled:
events.append(create_event('pcmDisable', [ET.USER_DISABLE]))
# disable on pedals rising edge or when brake is pressed and speed isn't zero
if (ret.gasPressed and not self.gas_pressed_prev) or \
(ret.brakePressed and (not self.brake_pressed_prev or ret.vEgo > 0.001)):
events.append(create_event('pedalPressed', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.USER_DISABLE]))
if ret.gasPressed:
events.append(create_event('pedalPressed', [ET.PRE_ENABLE]))
if self.CS.lkas_state not in [2, 3] and ret.vEgo > 13.* CV.MPH_TO_MS and ret.cruiseState.enabled:
events.append(create_event('steerTempUnavailableMute', [ET.WARNING])) = events
self.gas_pressed_prev = ret.gasPressed
self.brake_pressed_prev = ret.brakePressed
self.cruise_enabled_prev = ret.cruiseState.enabled
return ret.as_reader()
# pass in a car.CarControl
# to be called @ 100hz
def apply(self, c):
can_sends = self.CC.update(c.enabled, self.CS, self.frame, c.actuators,
c.hudControl.visualAlert, c.cruiseControl.cancel)
self.frame += 1
return can_sends

View File

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from cereal import car
from opendbc.can.parser import CANParser
from import DBC
from selfdrive.config import Conversions as CV
from import RadarInterfaceBase
RADAR_MSGS = list(range(0x500, 0x540))
def _create_radar_can_parser(car_fingerprint):
dbc_f = DBC[car_fingerprint]['radar']
msg_n = len(RADAR_MSGS)
signals = list(zip(['X_Rel'] * msg_n + ['Angle'] * msg_n + ['V_Rel'] * msg_n,
[0] * msg_n + [0] * msg_n + [0] * msg_n))
checks = list(zip(RADAR_MSGS, [20]*msg_n))
return CANParser(dbc_f, signals, checks, 1)
class RadarInterface(RadarInterfaceBase):
def __init__(self, CP):
# radar
self.pts = {}
self.validCnt = {key: 0 for key in RADAR_MSGS}
self.track_id = 0
self.delay = 0 # Delay of radar
self.rcp = _create_radar_can_parser(CP.carFingerprint)
self.trigger_msg = 0x53f
self.updated_messages = set()
def update(self, can_strings):
vls = self.rcp.update_strings(can_strings)
if self.trigger_msg not in self.updated_messages:
return None
ret = car.RadarData.new_message()
errors = []
if not self.rcp.can_valid:
ret.errors = errors
for ii in sorted(self.updated_messages):
cpt = self.rcp.vl[ii]
if cpt['X_Rel'] > 0.00001:
self.validCnt[ii] = 0 # reset counter
if cpt['X_Rel'] > 0.00001:
self.validCnt[ii] += 1
self.validCnt[ii] = max(self.validCnt[ii] -1, 0)
#print ii, self.validCnt[ii], cpt['VALID'], cpt['X_Rel'], cpt['Angle']
# radar point only valid if there have been enough valid measurements
if self.validCnt[ii] > 0:
if ii not in self.pts:
self.pts[ii] = car.RadarData.RadarPoint.new_message()
self.pts[ii].trackId = self.track_id
self.track_id += 1
self.pts[ii].dRel = cpt['X_Rel'] # from front of car
self.pts[ii].yRel = cpt['X_Rel'] * cpt['Angle'] * CV.DEG_TO_RAD # in car frame's y axis, left is positive
self.pts[ii].vRel = cpt['V_Rel']
self.pts[ii].aRel = float('nan')
self.pts[ii].yvRel = float('nan')
self.pts[ii].measured = True
if ii in self.pts:
del self.pts[ii]
ret.points = list(self.pts.values())
return ret

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
from import dbc_dict
MAX_ANGLE = 87. # make sure we never command the extremes (0xfff) which cause latching fault
class CAR:
71: 8, 74: 8, 75: 8, 76: 8, 90: 8, 92: 8, 93: 8, 118: 8, 119: 8, 120: 8, 125: 8, 129: 8, 130: 8, 131: 8, 132: 8, 133: 8, 145: 8, 146: 8, 357: 8, 359: 8, 360: 8, 361: 8, 376: 8, 390: 8, 391: 8, 392: 8, 394: 8, 512: 8, 514: 8, 516: 8, 531: 8, 532: 8, 534: 8, 535: 8, 560: 8, 578: 8, 604: 8, 613: 8, 673: 8, 827: 8, 848: 8, 934: 8, 935: 8, 936: 8, 947: 8, 963: 8, 970: 8, 972: 8, 973: 8, 984: 8, 992: 8, 994: 8, 997: 8, 998: 8, 1003: 8, 1034: 8, 1045: 8, 1046: 8, 1053: 8, 1054: 8, 1058: 8, 1059: 8, 1068: 8, 1072: 8, 1073: 8, 1082: 8, 1107: 8, 1108: 8, 1109: 8, 1110: 8, 1200: 8, 1427: 8, 1430: 8, 1438: 8, 1459: 8
class ECU:
CAM = 0
ECU.CAM: [970, 973, 984]
DBC = {
CAR.FUSION: dbc_dict('ford_fusion_2018_pt', 'ford_fusion_2018_adas'),

View File

@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import traceback
import struct
from tqdm import tqdm
from import IsoTpParallelQuery
from selfdrive.swaglog import cloudlog
from import FW_VERSIONS
import panda.python.uds as uds
from cereal import car
Ecu = car.CarParams.Ecu
def p16(val):
return struct.pack("!H", val)
uds.SESSION_TYPE.DEFAULT, 0x0, 0x32, 0x1, 0xf4])
uds.SESSION_TYPE.EXTENDED_DIAGNOSTIC, 0x0, 0x32, 0x1, 0xf4])
TOYOTA_VERSION_REQUEST = b'\x1a\x88\x01'
# Honda
# Toyota
def chunks(l, n=128):
for i in range(0, len(l), n):
yield l[i:i + n]
def match_fw_to_car(fw_versions):
candidates = FW_VERSIONS
invalid = []
for candidate, fws in candidates.items():
for ecu, expected_versions in fws.items():
ecu_type = ecu[0]
addr = ecu[1:]
found_version = fw_versions.get(addr, None)
# Allow DSU not being present
if ecu_type in [Ecu.unknown, Ecu.dsu] and found_version is None:
if found_version not in expected_versions:
return set(candidates.keys()) - set(invalid)
def get_fw_versions(logcan, sendcan, bus, extra=None, timeout=0.1, debug=False, progress=False):
ecu_types = {}
# Extract ECU adresses to query from fingerprints
# ECUs using a subadress need be queried one by one, the rest can be done in parallel
addrs = []
parallel_addrs = []
versions = FW_VERSIONS
if extra is not None:
for c in versions.values():
for ecu_type, addr, sub_addr in c.keys():
a = (addr, sub_addr)
if a not in ecu_types:
ecu_types[a] = ecu_type
if sub_addr is None:
addrs.insert(0, parallel_addrs)
fw_versions = {}
for i, addr in enumerate(tqdm(addrs, disable=not progress)):
for addr_chunk in chunks(addr):
for request, response in REQUESTS:
query = IsoTpParallelQuery(sendcan, logcan, bus, addr_chunk, request, response, debug=debug)
t = 2 * timeout if i == 0 else timeout
except Exception:
cloudlog.warning(f"FW query exception: {traceback.format_exc()}")
# Build capnp list to put into CarParams
car_fw = []
for addr, version in fw_versions.items():
f = car.CarParams.CarFw.new_message()
f.ecu = ecu_types[addr]
f.fwVersion = version
f.address = addr[0]
if addr[1] is not None:
f.subAddress = addr[1]
candidates = match_fw_to_car(fw_versions)
return candidates, car_fw
if __name__ == "__main__":
import time
import argparse
import cereal.messaging as messaging
from import get_vin
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Get firmware version of ECUs')
parser.add_argument('--scan', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('--debug', action='store_true')
args = parser.parse_args()
logcan = messaging.sub_sock('can')
sendcan = messaging.pub_sock('sendcan')
extra = None
if args.scan:
extra = {"DEBUG": {}}
# Honda
for i in range(256):
extra["DEBUG"][(Ecu.unknown, 0x18da00f1 + (i << 8), None)] = []
extra["DEBUG"][(Ecu.unknown, 0x700 + i, None)] = []
extra["DEBUG"][(Ecu.unknown, 0x750, i)] = []
t = time.time()
print("Getting vin...")
addr, vin = get_vin(logcan, sendcan, 1, retry=10, debug=args.debug)
print(f"VIN: {vin}")
print("Getting VIN took %.3f s" % (time.time() - t))
t = time.time()
candidates, fw_vers = get_fw_versions(logcan, sendcan, 1, extra=extra, debug=args.debug, progress=True)
print("Found FW versions")
for version in fw_vers:
subaddr = None if version.subAddress == 0 else hex(version.subAddress)
print(f" (Ecu.{version.ecu}, {hex(version.address)}, {subaddr}): [{version.fwVersion}]")
print("Possible matches:", candidates)
print("Getting fw took %.3f s" % (time.time() - t))

View File

View File

@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
from cereal import car
from common.realtime import DT_CTRL
from common.numpy_fast import interp
from selfdrive.config import Conversions as CV
from import apply_std_steer_torque_limits
from import gmcan
from opendbc.can.packer import CANPacker
VisualAlert = car.CarControl.HUDControl.VisualAlert
class CarControllerParams():
def __init__(self, car_fingerprint):
if car_fingerprint in SUPERCRUISE_CARS:
self.STEER_MAX = 150
self.STEER_STEP = 1 # how often we update the steer cmd
self.STEER_DELTA_UP = 2 # 0.75s time to peak torque
self.STEER_DELTA_DOWN = 5 # 0.3s from peak torque to zero
self.MIN_STEER_SPEED = -1. # can steer down to zero
self.STEER_MAX = 300
self.STEER_STEP = 2 # how often we update the steer cmd
self.STEER_DELTA_UP = 7 # ~0.75s time to peak torque (255/50hz/0.75s)
self.STEER_DELTA_DOWN = 17 # ~0.3s from peak torque to zero
self.STEER_DRIVER_ALLOWANCE = 50 # allowed driver torque before start limiting
self.STEER_DRIVER_MULTIPLIER = 4 # weight driver torque heavily
self.STEER_DRIVER_FACTOR = 100 # from dbc
self.NEAR_STOP_BRAKE_PHASE = 0.5 # m/s, more aggressive braking near full stop
# Takes case of "Service Adaptive Cruise" and "Service Front Camera"
# dashboard messages.
# pedal lookups, only for Volt
MAX_GAS = 3072 # Only a safety limit
ZERO_GAS = 2048
MAX_BRAKE = 350 # Should be around 3.5m/s^2, including regen
self.MAX_ACC_REGEN = 1404 # ACC Regen braking is slightly less powerful than max regen paddle
self.GAS_LOOKUP_BP = [-0.25, 0., 0.5]
self.BRAKE_LOOKUP_BP = [-1., -0.25]
def actuator_hystereses(final_pedal, pedal_steady):
# hyst params... TODO: move these to VehicleParams
pedal_hyst_gap = 0.01 # don't change pedal command for small oscillations within this value
# for small pedal oscillations within pedal_hyst_gap, don't change the pedal command
if final_pedal == 0.:
pedal_steady = 0.
elif final_pedal > pedal_steady + pedal_hyst_gap:
pedal_steady = final_pedal - pedal_hyst_gap
elif final_pedal < pedal_steady - pedal_hyst_gap:
pedal_steady = final_pedal + pedal_hyst_gap
final_pedal = pedal_steady
return final_pedal, pedal_steady
def process_hud_alert(hud_alert):
# initialize to no alert
steer = 0
if hud_alert == VisualAlert.steerRequired:
steer = 1
return steer
class CarController():
def __init__(self, canbus, car_fingerprint):
self.pedal_steady = 0.
self.start_time = 0.
self.steer_idx = 0
self.apply_steer_last = 0
self.car_fingerprint = car_fingerprint
self.lka_icon_status_last = (False, False)
self.steer_rate_limited = False
# Setup detection helper. Routes commands to
# an appropriate CAN bus number.
self.canbus = canbus
self.params = CarControllerParams(car_fingerprint)
self.packer_pt = CANPacker(DBC[car_fingerprint]['pt'])
self.packer_ch = CANPacker(DBC[car_fingerprint]['chassis'])
def update(self, enabled, CS, frame, actuators, \
hud_v_cruise, hud_show_lanes, hud_show_car, hud_alert):
P = self.params
# Send CAN commands.
can_sends = []
canbus = self.canbus
alert_out = process_hud_alert(hud_alert)
steer = alert_out
### STEER ###
if (frame % P.STEER_STEP) == 0:
lkas_enabled = enabled and not CS.steer_not_allowed and CS.v_ego > P.MIN_STEER_SPEED
if lkas_enabled:
new_steer = actuators.steer * P.STEER_MAX
apply_steer = apply_std_steer_torque_limits(new_steer, self.apply_steer_last, CS.steer_torque_driver, P)
self.steer_rate_limited = new_steer != apply_steer
apply_steer = 0
self.apply_steer_last = apply_steer
idx = (frame // P.STEER_STEP) % 4
if self.car_fingerprint in SUPERCRUISE_CARS:
can_sends += gmcan.create_steering_control_ct6(self.packer_pt,
canbus, apply_steer, CS.v_ego, idx, lkas_enabled)
canbus.powertrain, apply_steer, idx, lkas_enabled))
### GAS/BRAKE ###
if self.car_fingerprint not in SUPERCRUISE_CARS:
# no output if not enabled, but keep sending keepalive messages
# treat pedals as one
final_pedal = actuators.gas - actuators.brake
# *** apply pedal hysteresis ***
final_brake, self.brake_steady = actuator_hystereses(
final_pedal, self.pedal_steady)
if not enabled:
# Stock ECU sends max regen when not enabled.
apply_gas = P.MAX_ACC_REGEN
apply_brake = 0
apply_gas = int(round(interp(final_pedal, P.GAS_LOOKUP_BP, P.GAS_LOOKUP_V)))
apply_brake = int(round(interp(final_pedal, P.BRAKE_LOOKUP_BP, P.BRAKE_LOOKUP_V)))
# Gas/regen and brakes - all at 25Hz
if (frame % 4) == 0:
idx = (frame // 4) % 4
at_full_stop = enabled and CS.standstill
near_stop = enabled and (CS.v_ego < P.NEAR_STOP_BRAKE_PHASE)
can_sends.append(gmcan.create_friction_brake_command(self.packer_ch, canbus.chassis, apply_brake, idx, near_stop, at_full_stop))
at_full_stop = enabled and CS.standstill
can_sends.append(gmcan.create_gas_regen_command(self.packer_pt, canbus.powertrain, apply_gas, idx, enabled, at_full_stop))
# Send dashboard UI commands (ACC status), 25hz
if (frame % 4) == 0:
can_sends.append(gmcan.create_acc_dashboard_command(self.packer_pt, canbus.powertrain, enabled, hud_v_cruise * CV.MS_TO_KPH, hud_show_car))
# Radar needs to know current speed and yaw rate (50hz),
# and that ADAS is alive (10hz)
time_and_headlights_step = 10
tt = frame * DT_CTRL
if frame % time_and_headlights_step == 0:
idx = (frame // time_and_headlights_step) % 4
can_sends.append(gmcan.create_adas_time_status(canbus.obstacle, int((tt - self.start_time) * 60), idx))
speed_and_accelerometer_step = 2
if frame % speed_and_accelerometer_step == 0:
idx = (frame // speed_and_accelerometer_step) % 4
can_sends.append(gmcan.create_adas_steering_status(canbus.obstacle, idx))
can_sends.append(gmcan.create_adas_accelerometer_speed_status(canbus.obstacle, CS.v_ego, idx))
if frame % P.ADAS_KEEPALIVE_STEP == 0:
can_sends += gmcan.create_adas_keepalive(canbus.powertrain)
# Show green icon when LKA torque is applied, and
# alarming orange icon when approaching torque limit.
# If not sent again, LKA icon disappears in about 5 seconds.
# Conveniently, sending camera message periodically also works as a keepalive.
lka_active = CS.lkas_status == 1
lka_critical = lka_active and abs(actuators.steer) > 0.9
lka_icon_status = (lka_active, lka_critical)
if frame % P.CAMERA_KEEPALIVE_STEP == 0 \
or lka_icon_status != self.lka_icon_status_last:
can_sends.append(gmcan.create_lka_icon_command(canbus.sw_gmlan, lka_active, lka_critical, steer))
self.lka_icon_status_last = lka_icon_status
return can_sends

View File

@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
from cereal import car
from common.numpy_fast import mean
from common.kalman.simple_kalman import KF1D
from selfdrive.config import Conversions as CV
from opendbc.can.parser import CANParser
from import DBC, CAR, parse_gear_shifter, \
CruiseButtons, is_eps_status_ok, \
def get_powertrain_can_parser(CP, canbus):
# this function generates lists for signal, messages and initial values
signals = [
# sig_name, sig_address, default
("BrakePedalPosition", "EBCMBrakePedalPosition", 0),
("FrontLeftDoor", "BCMDoorBeltStatus", 0),
("FrontRightDoor", "BCMDoorBeltStatus", 0),
("RearLeftDoor", "BCMDoorBeltStatus", 0),
("RearRightDoor", "BCMDoorBeltStatus", 0),
("LeftSeatBelt", "BCMDoorBeltStatus", 0),
("RightSeatBelt", "BCMDoorBeltStatus", 0),
("TurnSignals", "BCMTurnSignals", 0),
("AcceleratorPedal", "AcceleratorPedal", 0),
("ACCButtons", "ASCMSteeringButton", CruiseButtons.UNPRESS),
("SteeringWheelAngle", "PSCMSteeringAngle", 0),
("FLWheelSpd", "EBCMWheelSpdFront", 0),
("FRWheelSpd", "EBCMWheelSpdFront", 0),
("RLWheelSpd", "EBCMWheelSpdRear", 0),
("RRWheelSpd", "EBCMWheelSpdRear", 0),
("LKADriverAppldTrq", "PSCMStatus", 0),
("LKATorqueDeliveredStatus", "PSCMStatus", 0),
if CP.carFingerprint == CAR.VOLT:
signals += [
("RegenPaddle", "EBCMRegenPaddle", 0),
if CP.carFingerprint in SUPERCRUISE_CARS:
signals += [
("ACCCmdActive", "ASCMActiveCruiseControlStatus", 0)
signals += [
("TractionControlOn", "ESPStatus", 0),
("EPBClosed", "EPBStatus", 0),
("CruiseMainOn", "ECMEngineStatus", 0),
("CruiseState", "AcceleratorPedal2", 0),
return CANParser(DBC[CP.carFingerprint]['pt'], signals, [], canbus.powertrain)
class CarState():
def __init__(self, CP, canbus):
self.CP = CP
# initialize can parser
self.car_fingerprint = CP.carFingerprint
self.cruise_buttons = CruiseButtons.UNPRESS
self.left_blinker_on = False
self.prev_left_blinker_on = False
self.right_blinker_on = False
self.prev_right_blinker_on = False
# vEgo kalman filter
dt = 0.01
self.v_ego_kf = KF1D(x0=[[0.], [0.]],
A=[[1., dt], [0., 1.]],
C=[1., 0.],
K=[[0.12287673], [0.29666309]])
self.v_ego = 0.
def update(self, pt_cp):
self.prev_cruise_buttons = self.cruise_buttons
self.cruise_buttons = pt_cp.vl["ASCMSteeringButton"]['ACCButtons']
self.v_wheel_fl = pt_cp.vl["EBCMWheelSpdFront"]['FLWheelSpd'] * CV.KPH_TO_MS
self.v_wheel_fr = pt_cp.vl["EBCMWheelSpdFront"]['FRWheelSpd'] * CV.KPH_TO_MS
self.v_wheel_rl = pt_cp.vl["EBCMWheelSpdRear"]['RLWheelSpd'] * CV.KPH_TO_MS
self.v_wheel_rr = pt_cp.vl["EBCMWheelSpdRear"]['RRWheelSpd'] * CV.KPH_TO_MS
v_wheel = mean([self.v_wheel_fl, self.v_wheel_fr, self.v_wheel_rl, self.v_wheel_rr])
if abs(v_wheel - self.v_ego) > 2.0: # Prevent large accelerations when car starts at non zero speed
self.v_ego_kf.x = [[v_wheel], [0.0]]
self.v_ego_raw = v_wheel
v_ego_x = self.v_ego_kf.update(v_wheel)
self.v_ego = float(v_ego_x[0])
self.a_ego = float(v_ego_x[1])
self.standstill = self.v_ego_raw < 0.01
self.angle_steers = pt_cp.vl["PSCMSteeringAngle"]['SteeringWheelAngle']
self.gear_shifter = parse_gear_shifter(pt_cp.vl["ECMPRDNL"]['PRNDL'])
self.user_brake = pt_cp.vl["EBCMBrakePedalPosition"]['BrakePedalPosition']
self.pedal_gas = pt_cp.vl["AcceleratorPedal"]['AcceleratorPedal']
self.user_gas_pressed = self.pedal_gas > 0
self.steer_torque_driver = pt_cp.vl["PSCMStatus"]['LKADriverAppldTrq']
self.steer_override = abs(self.steer_torque_driver) > STEER_THRESHOLD
# 0 - inactive, 1 - active, 2 - temporary limited, 3 - failed
self.lkas_status = pt_cp.vl["PSCMStatus"]['LKATorqueDeliveredStatus']
self.steer_not_allowed = not is_eps_status_ok(self.lkas_status, self.car_fingerprint)
# 1 - open, 0 - closed
self.door_all_closed = (pt_cp.vl["BCMDoorBeltStatus"]['FrontLeftDoor'] == 0 and
pt_cp.vl["BCMDoorBeltStatus"]['FrontRightDoor'] == 0 and
pt_cp.vl["BCMDoorBeltStatus"]['RearLeftDoor'] == 0 and
pt_cp.vl["BCMDoorBeltStatus"]['RearRightDoor'] == 0)
# 1 - latched
self.seatbelt = pt_cp.vl["BCMDoorBeltStatus"]['LeftSeatBelt'] == 1
self.steer_error = False
self.brake_error = False
self.prev_left_blinker_on = self.left_blinker_on
self.prev_right_blinker_on = self.right_blinker_on
self.left_blinker_on = pt_cp.vl["BCMTurnSignals"]['TurnSignals'] == 1
self.right_blinker_on = pt_cp.vl["BCMTurnSignals"]['TurnSignals'] == 2
if self.car_fingerprint in SUPERCRUISE_CARS:
self.park_brake = False
self.main_on = False
self.acc_active = pt_cp.vl["ASCMActiveCruiseControlStatus"]['ACCCmdActive']
self.esp_disabled = False
self.regen_pressed = False
self.pcm_acc_status = int(self.acc_active)
self.park_brake = pt_cp.vl["EPBStatus"]['EPBClosed']
self.main_on = pt_cp.vl["ECMEngineStatus"]['CruiseMainOn']
self.acc_active = False
self.esp_disabled = pt_cp.vl["ESPStatus"]['TractionControlOn'] != 1
self.pcm_acc_status = pt_cp.vl["AcceleratorPedal2"]['CruiseState']
if self.car_fingerprint == CAR.VOLT:
self.regen_pressed = bool(pt_cp.vl["EBCMRegenPaddle"]['RegenPaddle'])
self.regen_pressed = False
# Brake pedal's potentiometer returns near-zero reading
# even when pedal is not pressed.
if self.user_brake < 10:
self.user_brake = 0
# Regen braking is braking
self.brake_pressed = self.user_brake > 10 or self.regen_pressed
self.gear_shifter_valid = self.gear_shifter ==

View File

@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
from import make_can_msg
def create_steering_control(packer, bus, apply_steer, idx, lkas_active):
values = {
"LKASteeringCmdActive": lkas_active,
"LKASteeringCmd": apply_steer,
"RollingCounter": idx,
"LKASteeringCmdChecksum": 0x1000 - (lkas_active << 11) - (apply_steer & 0x7ff) - idx
return packer.make_can_msg("ASCMLKASteeringCmd", bus, values)
def create_steering_control_ct6(packer, canbus, apply_steer, v_ego, idx, enabled):
values = {
"LKASteeringCmdActive": 1 if enabled else 0,
"LKASteeringCmd": apply_steer,
"RollingCounter": idx,
"SetMe1": 1,
"LKASVehicleSpeed": abs(v_ego * 3.6),
"LKASMode": 2 if enabled else 0,
"LKASteeringCmdChecksum": 0 # assume zero and then manually compute it
dat = packer.make_can_msg("ASCMLKASteeringCmd", 0, values)[2]
# the checksum logic is weird
values['LKASteeringCmdChecksum'] = (0x2a +
sum(dat[:4]) +
values['LKASMode']) & 0x3ff
# pack again with checksum
dat = packer.make_can_msg("ASCMLKASteeringCmd", 0, values)[2]
return [0x152, 0, dat, canbus.powertrain], \
[0x154, 0, dat, canbus.powertrain], \
[0x151, 0, dat, canbus.chassis], \
[0x153, 0, dat, canbus.chassis]
def create_adas_keepalive(bus):
dat = b"\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"
return [make_can_msg(0x409, dat, bus), make_can_msg(0x40a, dat, bus)]
def create_gas_regen_command(packer, bus, throttle, idx, acc_engaged, at_full_stop):
values = {
"GasRegenCmdActive": acc_engaged,
"RollingCounter": idx,
"GasRegenCmdActiveInv": 1 - acc_engaged,
"GasRegenCmd": throttle,
"GasRegenFullStopActive": at_full_stop,
"GasRegenAlwaysOne": 1,
"GasRegenAlwaysOne2": 1,
"GasRegenAlwaysOne3": 1,
dat = packer.make_can_msg("ASCMGasRegenCmd", bus, values)[2]
values["GasRegenChecksum"] = (((0xff -dat[1]) & 0xff) << 16) | \
(((0xff - dat[2]) & 0xff) << 8) | \
((0x100 - dat[3] - idx) & 0xff)
return packer.make_can_msg("ASCMGasRegenCmd", bus, values)
def create_friction_brake_command(packer, bus, apply_brake, idx, near_stop, at_full_stop):
if apply_brake == 0:
mode = 0x1
mode = 0xa
if at_full_stop:
mode = 0xd
# TODO: this is to have GM bringing the car to complete stop,
# but currently it conflicts with OP controls, so turned off.
#elif near_stop:
# mode = 0xb
brake = (0x1000 - apply_brake) & 0xfff
checksum = (0x10000 - (mode << 12) - brake - idx) & 0xffff
values = {
"RollingCounter" : idx,
"FrictionBrakeMode" : mode,
"FrictionBrakeChecksum": checksum,
"FrictionBrakeCmd" : -apply_brake
return packer.make_can_msg("EBCMFrictionBrakeCmd", bus, values)
def create_acc_dashboard_command(packer, bus, acc_engaged, target_speed_kph, lead_car_in_sight):
# Not a bit shift, dash can round up based on low 4 bits.
target_speed = int(target_speed_kph * 16) & 0xfff
values = {
"ACCAlwaysOne" : 1,
"ACCResumeButton" : 0,
"ACCSpeedSetpoint" : target_speed,
"ACCGapLevel" : 3 * acc_engaged, # 3 "far", 0 "inactive"
"ACCCmdActive" : acc_engaged,
"ACCAlwaysOne2" : 1,
"ACCLeadCar" : lead_car_in_sight
return packer.make_can_msg("ASCMActiveCruiseControlStatus", bus, values)
def create_adas_time_status(bus, tt, idx):
dat = [(tt >> 20) & 0xff, (tt >> 12) & 0xff, (tt >> 4) & 0xff,
((tt & 0xf) << 4) + (idx << 2)]
chksum = 0x1000 - dat[0] - dat[1] - dat[2] - dat[3]
chksum = chksum & 0xfff
dat += [0x40 + (chksum >> 8), chksum & 0xff, 0x12]
return make_can_msg(0xa1, bytes(dat), bus)
def create_adas_steering_status(bus, idx):
dat = [idx << 6, 0xf0, 0x20, 0, 0, 0]
chksum = 0x60 + sum(dat)
dat += [chksum >> 8, chksum & 0xff]
return make_can_msg(0x306, bytes(dat), bus)
def create_adas_accelerometer_speed_status(bus, speed_ms, idx):
spd = int(speed_ms * 16) & 0xfff
accel = 0 & 0xfff
# 0 if in park/neutral, 0x10 if in reverse, 0x08 for D/L
#stick = 0x08
near_range_cutoff = 0x27
near_range_mode = 1 if spd <= near_range_cutoff else 0
far_range_mode = 1 - near_range_mode
dat = [0x08, spd >> 4, ((spd & 0xf) << 4) | (accel >> 8), accel & 0xff, 0]
chksum = 0x62 + far_range_mode + (idx << 2) + dat[0] + dat[1] + dat[2] + dat[3] + dat[4]
dat += [(idx << 5) + (far_range_mode << 4) + (near_range_mode << 3) + (chksum >> 8), chksum & 0xff]
return make_can_msg(0x308, bytes(dat), bus)
def create_adas_headlights_status(bus):
return make_can_msg(0x310, b"\x42\x04", bus)
def create_lka_icon_command(bus, active, critical, steer):
if active and steer == 1:
if critical:
dat = b"\x50\xc0\x14"
dat = b"\x50\x40\x18"
elif active:
if critical:
dat = b"\x40\xc0\x14"
dat = b"\x40\x40\x18"
dat = b"\x00\x00\x00"
return make_can_msg(0x104c006c, dat, bus)
def create_friction_brake_command_ct6(packer, bus, apply_brake, idx, near_stop, at_full_stop):
# counters loops across [0, 29, 42, 55] but checksum only considers 0, 1, 2, 3
cntrs = [0, 29, 42, 55]
if apply_brake == 0:
mode = 0x1
mode = 0xa
if at_full_stop:
mode = 0xd
elif near_stop:
mode = 0xb
brake = (0x1000 - apply_brake) & 0xfff
checksum = (0x10000 - (mode << 12) - brake - idx) & 0xffff
values = {
"RollingCounter" : cntrs[idx],
"FrictionBrakeMode" : mode,
"FrictionBrakeChecksum": checksum,
"FrictionBrakeCmd" : -apply_brake
dat = packer.make_can_msg("EBCMFrictionBrakeCmd", 0, values)[2]
# msg is 0x315 but we are doing the panda forwarding
return make_can_msg(0x314, dat, 2)
def create_gas_regen_command_ct6(bus, throttle, idx, acc_engaged, at_full_stop):
cntrs = [0, 7, 10, 13]
eng_bit = 1 if acc_engaged else 0
gas_high = (throttle >> 8) | 0x80
gas_low = (throttle) & 0xff
full_stop = 0x20 if at_full_stop else 0
chk1 = (0x100 - gas_high - 1) & 0xff
chk2 = (0x100 - gas_low - idx) & 0xff
dat = [(idx << 6) | eng_bit, 0xc2 | full_stop, gas_high, gas_low,
(1 - eng_bit) | (cntrs[idx] << 1), 0x5d - full_stop, chk1, chk2]
return make_can_msg(0x2cb, "".join(map(chr, dat)), bus)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from cereal import car
from selfdrive.config import Conversions as CV
from selfdrive.controls.lib.drive_helpers import create_event, EventTypes as ET
from selfdrive.controls.lib.vehicle_model import VehicleModel
from import CarState, CruiseButtons, get_powertrain_can_parser
from import STD_CARGO_KG, scale_rot_inertia, scale_tire_stiffness, is_ecu_disconnected, gen_empty_fingerprint
from import CarInterfaceBase
ButtonType = car.CarState.ButtonEvent.Type
class CanBus(CarInterfaceBase):
def __init__(self):
self.powertrain = 0
self.obstacle = 1
self.chassis = 2
self.sw_gmlan = 3
class CarInterface(CarInterfaceBase):
def __init__(self, CP, CarController):
self.CP = CP
self.frame = 0
self.gas_pressed_prev = False
self.brake_pressed_prev = False
self.acc_active_prev = 0
# *** init the major players ***
canbus = CanBus()
self.CS = CarState(CP, canbus)
self.VM = VehicleModel(CP)
self.pt_cp = get_powertrain_can_parser(CP, canbus)
self.ch_cp_dbc_name = DBC[CP.carFingerprint]['chassis']
self.CC = None
if CarController is not None:
self.CC = CarController(canbus, CP.carFingerprint)
def compute_gb(accel, speed):
return float(accel) / 4.0
def get_params(candidate, fingerprint=gen_empty_fingerprint(), has_relay=False, car_fw=[]):
ret = car.CarParams.new_message()
ret.carName = "gm"
ret.carFingerprint = candidate
ret.isPandaBlack = has_relay
ret.enableCruise = False
# GM port is considered a community feature, since it disables AEB;
# TODO: make a port that uses a car harness and it only intercepts the camera
ret.communityFeature = True
# Presence of a camera on the object bus is ok.
# Have to go to read_only if ASCM is online (ACC-enabled cars),
# or camera is on powertrain bus (LKA cars without ACC).
ret.enableCamera = is_ecu_disconnected(fingerprint[0], FINGERPRINTS, ECU_FINGERPRINT, candidate, ECU.CAM) or \
has_relay or \
candidate == CAR.CADILLAC_CT6
ret.openpilotLongitudinalControl = ret.enableCamera
tire_stiffness_factor = 0.444 # not optimized yet
if candidate == CAR.VOLT:
# supports stop and go, but initial engage must be above 18mph (which include conservatism)
ret.minEnableSpeed = 18 * CV.MPH_TO_MS
ret.mass = 1607. + STD_CARGO_KG
ret.safetyModel =
ret.wheelbase = 2.69
ret.steerRatio = 15.7
ret.steerRatioRear = 0.
ret.centerToFront = ret.wheelbase * 0.4 # wild guess
elif candidate == CAR.MALIBU:
# supports stop and go, but initial engage must be above 18mph (which include conservatism)
ret.minEnableSpeed = 18 * CV.MPH_TO_MS
ret.mass = 1496. + STD_CARGO_KG
ret.safetyModel =
ret.wheelbase = 2.83
ret.steerRatio = 15.8
ret.steerRatioRear = 0.
ret.centerToFront = ret.wheelbase * 0.4 # wild guess
elif candidate == CAR.HOLDEN_ASTRA:
ret.mass = 1363. + STD_CARGO_KG
ret.wheelbase = 2.662
# Remaining parameters copied from Volt for now
ret.centerToFront = ret.wheelbase * 0.4
ret.minEnableSpeed = 18 * CV.MPH_TO_MS
ret.safetyModel =
ret.steerRatio = 15.7
ret.steerRatioRear = 0.
elif candidate == CAR.ACADIA:
ret.minEnableSpeed = -1. # engage speed is decided by pcm
ret.mass = 4353. * CV.LB_TO_KG + STD_CARGO_KG
ret.safetyModel =
ret.wheelbase = 2.86
ret.steerRatio = 14.4 #end to end is 13.46
ret.steerRatioRear = 0.
ret.centerToFront = ret.wheelbase * 0.4
elif candidate == CAR.BUICK_REGAL:
ret.minEnableSpeed = 18 * CV.MPH_TO_MS
ret.mass = 3779. * CV.LB_TO_KG + STD_CARGO_KG # (3849+3708)/2
ret.safetyModel =
ret.wheelbase = 2.83 #111.4 inches in meters
ret.steerRatio = 14.4 # guess for tourx
ret.steerRatioRear = 0.
ret.centerToFront = ret.wheelbase * 0.4 # guess for tourx
elif candidate == CAR.CADILLAC_ATS:
ret.minEnableSpeed = 18 * CV.MPH_TO_MS
ret.mass = 1601. + STD_CARGO_KG
ret.safetyModel =
ret.wheelbase = 2.78
ret.steerRatio = 15.3
ret.steerRatioRear = 0.
ret.centerToFront = ret.wheelbase * 0.49
elif candidate == CAR.CADILLAC_CT6:
# engage speed is decided by pcm
ret.minEnableSpeed = -1.
ret.mass = 4016. * CV.LB_TO_KG + STD_CARGO_KG
ret.safetyModel = car.CarParams.SafetyModel.cadillac
ret.wheelbase = 3.11
ret.steerRatio = 14.6 # it's 16.3 without rear active steering
ret.steerRatioRear = 0. # TODO: there is RAS on this car!
ret.centerToFront = ret.wheelbase * 0.465
# TODO: get actual value, for now starting with reasonable value for
# civic and scaling by mass and wheelbase
ret.rotationalInertia = scale_rot_inertia(ret.mass, ret.wheelbase)
# TODO: start from empirically derived lateral slip stiffness for the civic and scale by
# mass and CG position, so all cars will have approximately similar dyn behaviors
ret.tireStiffnessFront, ret.tireStiffnessRear = scale_tire_stiffness(ret.mass, ret.wheelbase, ret.centerToFront,
# same tuning for Volt and CT6 for now, = [[0.], [0.]], = [[0.2], [0.00]] = 0.00004 # full torque for 20 deg at 80mph means 0.00007818594
ret.steerMaxBP = [0.] # m/s
ret.steerMaxV = [1.]
ret.gasMaxBP = [0.]
ret.gasMaxV = [.5]
ret.brakeMaxBP = [0.]
ret.brakeMaxV = [1.]
ret.longitudinalTuning.kpBP = [5., 35.]
ret.longitudinalTuning.kpV = [2.4, 1.5]
ret.longitudinalTuning.kiBP = [0.]
ret.longitudinalTuning.kiV = [0.36]
ret.longitudinalTuning.deadzoneBP = [0.]
ret.longitudinalTuning.deadzoneV = [0.]
ret.stoppingControl = True
ret.startAccel = 0.8
ret.steerActuatorDelay = 0.1 # Default delay, not measured yet
ret.steerRateCost = 1.0
ret.steerLimitTimer = 0.4
ret.radarTimeStep = 0.0667 # GM radar runs at 15Hz instead of standard 20Hz
ret.steerControlType = car.CarParams.SteerControlType.torque
return ret
# returns a car.CarState
def update(self, c, can_strings):
# create message
ret = car.CarState.new_message()
ret.canValid = self.pt_cp.can_valid
# speeds
ret.vEgo = self.CS.v_ego
ret.aEgo = self.CS.a_ego
ret.vEgoRaw = self.CS.v_ego_raw
ret.yawRate = self.VM.yaw_rate(self.CS.angle_steers * CV.DEG_TO_RAD, self.CS.v_ego)
ret.standstill = self.CS.standstill
ret.wheelSpeeds.fl = self.CS.v_wheel_fl = self.CS.v_wheel_fr
ret.wheelSpeeds.rl = self.CS.v_wheel_rl
ret.wheelSpeeds.rr = self.CS.v_wheel_rr
# gas pedal information.
ret.gas = self.CS.pedal_gas / 254.0
ret.gasPressed = self.CS.user_gas_pressed
# brake pedal
ret.brake = self.CS.user_brake / 0xd0
ret.brakePressed = self.CS.brake_pressed
# steering wheel
ret.steeringAngle = self.CS.angle_steers
# torque and user override. Driver awareness
# timer resets when the user uses the steering wheel.
ret.steeringPressed = self.CS.steer_override
ret.steeringTorque = self.CS.steer_torque_driver
ret.steeringRateLimited = self.CC.steer_rate_limited if self.CC is not None else False
# cruise state
ret.cruiseState.available = bool(self.CS.main_on)
cruiseEnabled = self.CS.pcm_acc_status != AccState.OFF
ret.cruiseState.enabled = cruiseEnabled
ret.cruiseState.standstill = self.CS.pcm_acc_status == 4
ret.leftBlinker = self.CS.left_blinker_on
ret.rightBlinker = self.CS.right_blinker_on
ret.doorOpen = not self.CS.door_all_closed
ret.seatbeltUnlatched = not self.CS.seatbelt
ret.gearShifter = self.CS.gear_shifter
buttonEvents = []
# blinkers
if self.CS.left_blinker_on != self.CS.prev_left_blinker_on:
be = car.CarState.ButtonEvent.new_message()
be.type = ButtonType.leftBlinker
be.pressed = self.CS.left_blinker_on
if self.CS.right_blinker_on != self.CS.prev_right_blinker_on:
be = car.CarState.ButtonEvent.new_message()
be.type = ButtonType.rightBlinker
be.pressed = self.CS.right_blinker_on
if self.CS.cruise_buttons != self.CS.prev_cruise_buttons:
be = car.CarState.ButtonEvent.new_message()
be.type = ButtonType.unknown
if self.CS.cruise_buttons != CruiseButtons.UNPRESS:
be.pressed = True
but = self.CS.cruise_buttons
be.pressed = False
but = self.CS.prev_cruise_buttons
if but == CruiseButtons.RES_ACCEL:
if not (cruiseEnabled and self.CS.standstill):
be.type = ButtonType.accelCruise # Suppress resume button if we're resuming from stop so we don't adjust speed.
elif but == CruiseButtons.DECEL_SET:
be.type = ButtonType.decelCruise
elif but == CruiseButtons.CANCEL:
be.type = ButtonType.cancel
elif but == CruiseButtons.MAIN:
be.type = ButtonType.altButton3
ret.buttonEvents = buttonEvents
events = []
if self.CS.steer_error:
events.append(create_event('steerUnavailable', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.IMMEDIATE_DISABLE, ET.PERMANENT]))
if self.CS.steer_not_allowed:
events.append(create_event('steerTempUnavailable', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.WARNING]))
if ret.doorOpen:
events.append(create_event('doorOpen', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.SOFT_DISABLE]))
if ret.seatbeltUnlatched:
events.append(create_event('seatbeltNotLatched', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.SOFT_DISABLE]))
if self.CS.car_fingerprint in SUPERCRUISE_CARS:
if self.CS.acc_active and not self.acc_active_prev:
events.append(create_event('pcmEnable', [ET.ENABLE]))
if not self.CS.acc_active:
events.append(create_event('pcmDisable', [ET.USER_DISABLE]))
if self.CS.brake_error:
events.append(create_event('brakeUnavailable', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.IMMEDIATE_DISABLE, ET.PERMANENT]))
if not self.CS.gear_shifter_valid:
events.append(create_event('wrongGear', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.SOFT_DISABLE]))
if self.CS.esp_disabled:
events.append(create_event('espDisabled', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.SOFT_DISABLE]))
if not self.CS.main_on:
events.append(create_event('wrongCarMode', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.USER_DISABLE]))
if self.CS.gear_shifter == 3:
events.append(create_event('reverseGear', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.IMMEDIATE_DISABLE]))
if ret.vEgo < self.CP.minEnableSpeed:
events.append(create_event('speedTooLow', [ET.NO_ENTRY]))
if self.CS.park_brake:
events.append(create_event('parkBrake', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.USER_DISABLE]))
# disable on pedals rising edge or when brake is pressed and speed isn't zero
if (ret.gasPressed and not self.gas_pressed_prev) or \
(ret.brakePressed): # and (not self.brake_pressed_prev or ret.vEgo > 0.001)):
events.append(create_event('pedalPressed', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.USER_DISABLE]))
if ret.gasPressed:
events.append(create_event('pedalPressed', [ET.PRE_ENABLE]))
if ret.cruiseState.standstill:
events.append(create_event('resumeRequired', [ET.WARNING]))
if self.CS.pcm_acc_status == AccState.FAULTED:
events.append(create_event('controlsFailed', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.IMMEDIATE_DISABLE]))
# handle button presses
for b in ret.buttonEvents:
# do enable on both accel and decel buttons
if b.type in [ButtonType.accelCruise, ButtonType.decelCruise] and not b.pressed:
events.append(create_event('buttonEnable', [ET.ENABLE]))
# do disable on button down
if b.type == ButtonType.cancel and b.pressed:
events.append(create_event('buttonCancel', [ET.USER_DISABLE])) = events
# update previous brake/gas pressed
self.acc_active_prev = self.CS.acc_active
self.gas_pressed_prev = ret.gasPressed
self.brake_pressed_prev = ret.brakePressed
# cast to reader so it can't be modified
return ret.as_reader()
# pass in a car.CarControl
# to be called @ 100hz
def apply(self, c):
hud_v_cruise = c.hudControl.setSpeed
if hud_v_cruise > 70:
hud_v_cruise = 0
# For Openpilot, "enabled" includes pre-enable.
# In GM, PCM faults out if ACC command overlaps user gas.
enabled = c.enabled and not self.CS.user_gas_pressed
can_sends = self.CC.update(enabled, self.CS, self.frame, \
hud_v_cruise, c.hudControl.lanesVisible, \
c.hudControl.leadVisible, c.hudControl.visualAlert)
self.frame += 1
return can_sends

View File

@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from __future__ import print_function
import math
import time
from cereal import car
from opendbc.can.parser import CANParser
from import CanBus
from import DBC, CAR
from selfdrive.config import Conversions as CV
from import RadarInterfaceBase
# Actually it's 0x47f, but can parser only reports
# messages that are present in DBC
def create_radar_can_parser(canbus, car_fingerprint):
dbc_f = DBC[car_fingerprint]['radar']
# C1A-ARS3-A by Continental
radar_targets = list(range(SLOT_1_MSG, SLOT_1_MSG + NUM_SLOTS))
signals = list(zip(['FLRRNumValidTargets',
'FLRRSnsrBlckd', 'FLRRYawRtPlsblityFlt',
'FLRRHWFltPrsntInt', 'FLRRAntTngFltPrsnt',
'FLRRAlgnFltPrsnt', 'FLRRSnstvFltPrsntInt'] +
['TrkRange'] * NUM_SLOTS + ['TrkRangeRate'] * NUM_SLOTS +
['TrkRangeAccel'] * NUM_SLOTS + ['TrkAzimuth'] * NUM_SLOTS +
['TrkWidth'] * NUM_SLOTS + ['TrkObjectID'] * NUM_SLOTS,
[RADAR_HEADER_MSG] * 7 + radar_targets * 6,
[0] * 7 +
[0.0] * NUM_SLOTS + [0.0] * NUM_SLOTS +
[0.0] * NUM_SLOTS + [0.0] * NUM_SLOTS +
[0.0] * NUM_SLOTS + [0] * NUM_SLOTS))
checks = []
return CANParser(dbc_f, signals, checks, canbus.obstacle)
return None
class RadarInterface(RadarInterfaceBase):
def __init__(self, CP):
# radar
self.pts = {}
self.delay = 0 # Delay of radar
canbus = CanBus()
print("Using %d as obstacle CAN bus ID" % canbus.obstacle)
self.rcp = create_radar_can_parser(canbus, CP.carFingerprint)
self.trigger_msg = LAST_RADAR_MSG
self.updated_messages = set()
self.radar_ts = CP.radarTimeStep
def update(self, can_strings):
if self.rcp is None:
time.sleep(self.radar_ts) # nothing to do
return car.RadarData.new_message()
vls = self.rcp.update_strings(can_strings)
if self.trigger_msg not in self.updated_messages:
return None
ret = car.RadarData.new_message()
header = self.rcp.vl[RADAR_HEADER_MSG]
fault = header['FLRRSnsrBlckd'] or header['FLRRSnstvFltPrsntInt'] or \
header['FLRRYawRtPlsblityFlt'] or header['FLRRHWFltPrsntInt'] or \
header['FLRRAntTngFltPrsnt'] or header['FLRRAlgnFltPrsnt']
errors = []
if not self.rcp.can_valid:
if fault:
ret.errors = errors
currentTargets = set()
num_targets = header['FLRRNumValidTargets']
# Not all radar messages describe targets,
# no need to monitor all of the self.rcp.msgs_upd
for ii in self.updated_messages:
if num_targets == 0:
cpt = self.rcp.vl[ii]
# Zero distance means it's an empty target slot
if cpt['TrkRange'] > 0.0:
targetId = cpt['TrkObjectID']
if targetId not in self.pts:
self.pts[targetId] = car.RadarData.RadarPoint.new_message()
self.pts[targetId].trackId = targetId
distance = cpt['TrkRange']
self.pts[targetId].dRel = distance # from front of car
# From driver's pov, left is positive
self.pts[targetId].yRel = math.sin(cpt['TrkAzimuth'] * CV.DEG_TO_RAD) * distance
self.pts[targetId].vRel = cpt['TrkRangeRate']
self.pts[targetId].aRel = float('nan')
self.pts[targetId].yvRel = float('nan')
for oldTarget in list(self.pts.keys()):
if not oldTarget in currentTargets:
del self.pts[oldTarget]
ret.points = list(self.pts.values())
return ret

View File

@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
from cereal import car
from import dbc_dict
class CAR:
CADILLAC_ATS = "CADILLAC ATS Premium Performance 2018"
class CruiseButtons:
MAIN = 5
class AccState:
OFF = 0
def is_eps_status_ok(eps_status, car_fingerprint):
valid_eps_status = []
if car_fingerprint in SUPERCRUISE_CARS:
valid_eps_status += [0, 1, 4, 5, 6]
valid_eps_status += [0, 1]
return eps_status in valid_eps_status
def parse_gear_shifter(can_gear):
if can_gear == 0:
return car.CarState.GearShifter.park
elif can_gear == 1:
return car.CarState.GearShifter.neutral
elif can_gear == 2:
elif can_gear == 3:
return car.CarState.GearShifter.reverse
return car.CarState.GearShifter.unknown
# Astra BK MY17, ASCM unplugged
190: 8, 193: 8, 197: 8, 199: 4, 201: 8, 209: 7, 211: 8, 241: 6, 249: 8, 288: 5, 298: 8, 304: 1, 309: 8, 311: 8, 313: 8, 320: 3, 328: 1, 352: 5, 381: 6, 384: 4, 386: 8, 388: 8, 393: 8, 398: 8, 401: 8, 413: 8, 417: 8, 419: 8, 422: 1, 426: 7, 431: 8, 442: 8, 451: 8, 452: 8, 453: 8, 455: 7, 456: 8, 458: 5, 479: 8, 481: 7, 485: 8, 489: 8, 497: 8, 499: 3, 500: 8, 501: 8, 508: 8, 528: 5, 532: 6, 554: 3, 560: 8, 562: 8, 563: 5, 564: 5, 565: 5, 567: 5, 647: 5, 707: 8, 715: 8, 723: 8, 753: 5, 761: 7, 806: 1, 810: 8, 840: 5, 842: 5, 844: 8, 866: 4, 961: 8, 969: 8, 977: 8, 979: 8, 985: 5, 1001: 8, 1009: 8, 1011: 6, 1017: 8, 1019: 3, 1020: 8, 1105: 6, 1217: 8, 1221: 5, 1225: 8, 1233: 8, 1249: 8, 1257: 6, 1259: 8, 1261: 7, 1263: 4, 1265: 8, 1267: 8, 1280: 4, 1300: 8, 1328: 4, 1417: 8, 1906: 7, 1907: 7, 1908: 7, 1912: 7, 1919: 7,
# Volt Premier w/ ACC 2017
170: 8, 171: 8, 189: 7, 190: 6, 193: 8, 197: 8, 199: 4, 201: 8, 209: 7, 211: 2, 241: 6, 288: 5, 289: 8, 298: 8, 304: 1, 308: 4, 309: 8, 311: 8, 313: 8, 320: 3, 328: 1, 352: 5, 381: 6, 384: 4, 386: 8, 388: 8, 389: 2, 390: 7, 417: 7, 419: 1, 426: 7, 451: 8, 452: 8, 453: 6, 454: 8, 456: 8, 479: 3, 481: 7, 485: 8, 489: 8, 493: 8, 495: 4, 497: 8, 499: 3, 500: 6, 501: 8, 508: 8, 528: 4, 532: 6, 546: 7, 550: 8, 554: 3, 558: 8, 560: 8, 562: 8, 563: 5, 564: 5, 565: 5, 566: 5, 567: 3, 568: 1, 573: 1, 577: 8, 647: 3, 707: 8, 711: 6, 715: 8, 761: 7, 810: 8, 840: 5, 842: 5, 844: 8, 866: 4, 961: 8, 969: 8, 977: 8, 979: 7, 988: 6, 989: 8, 995: 7, 1001: 8, 1005: 6, 1009: 8, 1017: 8, 1019: 2, 1020: 8, 1105: 6, 1187: 4, 1217: 8, 1221: 5, 1223: 3, 1225: 7, 1227: 4, 1233: 8, 1249: 8, 1257: 6, 1265: 8, 1267: 1, 1273: 3, 1275: 3, 1280: 4, 1300: 8, 1322: 6, 1323: 4, 1328: 4, 1417: 8, 1601: 8, 1905: 7, 1906: 7, 1907: 7, 1910: 7, 1912: 7, 1922: 7, 1927: 7, 1928: 7, 2016: 8, 2020: 8, 2024: 8, 2028: 8
# Volt Premier w/ ACC 2018
170: 8, 171: 8, 189: 7, 190: 6, 193: 8, 197: 8, 199: 4, 201: 8, 209: 7, 211: 2, 241: 6, 288: 5, 298: 8, 304: 1, 308: 4, 309: 8, 311: 8, 313: 8, 320: 3, 328: 1, 352: 5, 381: 6, 384: 4, 386: 8, 388: 8, 389: 2, 390: 7, 417: 7, 419: 1, 426: 7, 451: 8, 452: 8, 453: 6, 454: 8, 456: 8, 479: 3, 481: 7, 485: 8, 489: 8, 493: 8, 495: 4, 497: 8, 499: 3, 500: 6, 501: 8, 508: 8, 528: 4, 532: 6, 546: 7, 550: 8, 554: 3, 558: 8, 560: 8, 562: 8, 563: 5, 564: 5, 565: 5, 566: 5, 567: 3, 568: 1, 573: 1, 577: 8, 578: 8, 608: 8, 609: 6, 610: 6, 611: 6, 612: 8, 613: 8, 647: 3, 707: 8, 711: 6, 715: 8, 717: 5, 761: 7, 810: 8, 840: 5, 842: 5, 844: 8, 866: 4, 869: 4, 880: 6, 961: 8, 967: 4, 969: 8, 977: 8, 979: 7, 988: 6, 989: 8, 995: 7, 1001: 8, 1005: 6, 1009: 8, 1017: 8, 1019: 2, 1020: 8, 1033: 7, 1034: 7, 1105: 6, 1187: 4, 1217: 8, 1221: 5, 1223: 3, 1225: 7, 1227: 4, 1233: 8, 1249: 8, 1257: 6, 1265: 8, 1267: 1, 1273: 3, 1275: 3, 1280: 4, 1296: 4, 1300: 8, 1322: 6, 1323: 4, 1328: 4, 1417: 8, 1516: 8, 1601: 8, 1618: 8, 1905: 7, 1906: 7, 1907: 7, 1910: 7, 1912: 7, 1922: 7, 1927: 7, 1930: 7, 2016: 8, 2018: 8, 2020: 8, 2024: 8, 2028: 8
# Regal TourX Essence w/ ACC 2018
190: 8, 193: 8, 197: 8, 199: 4, 201: 8, 209: 7, 211: 8, 241: 6, 249: 8, 288: 5, 298: 8, 304: 1, 309: 8, 311: 8, 313: 8, 320: 3, 322: 7, 328: 1, 352: 5, 381: 6, 384: 4, 386: 8, 388: 8, 393: 7, 398: 8, 407: 7, 413: 8, 417: 8, 419: 8, 422: 4, 426: 8, 431: 8, 442: 8, 451: 8, 452: 8, 453: 8, 455: 7, 456: 8, 463: 3, 479: 8, 481: 7, 485: 8, 487: 8, 489: 8, 495: 8, 497: 8, 499: 3, 500: 8, 501: 8, 508: 8, 528: 5, 532: 6, 554: 3, 560: 8, 562: 8, 563: 5, 564: 5, 565: 5, 567: 5, 569: 3, 573: 1, 577: 8, 578: 8, 579: 8, 587: 8, 608: 8, 609: 6, 610: 6, 611: 6, 612: 8, 613: 8, 647: 3, 707: 8, 715: 8, 717: 5, 753: 5, 761: 7, 810: 8, 840: 5, 842: 5, 844: 8, 866: 4, 869: 4, 880: 6, 882: 8, 884: 8, 890: 1, 892: 2, 893: 2, 894: 1, 961: 8, 967: 8, 969: 8, 977: 8, 979: 8, 985: 8, 1001: 8, 1005: 6, 1009: 8, 1011: 8, 1013: 3, 1017: 8, 1020: 8, 1024: 8, 1025: 8, 1026: 8, 1027: 8, 1028: 8, 1029: 8, 1030: 8, 1031: 8, 1032: 2, 1033: 7, 1034: 7, 1105: 6, 1217: 8, 1221: 5, 1223: 8, 1225: 7, 1233: 8, 1249: 8, 1257: 6, 1259: 8, 1261: 8, 1263: 8, 1265: 8, 1267: 8, 1271: 8, 1280: 4, 1296: 4, 1300: 8, 1322: 6, 1328: 4, 1417: 8, 1601: 8, 1602: 8, 1603: 7, 1611: 8, 1618: 8, 1906: 8, 1907: 7, 1912: 7, 1914: 7, 1916: 7, 1919: 7, 1930: 7, 2016: 8, 2018: 8, 2019: 8, 2024: 8, 2026: 8
# Cadillac ATS Coupe Premium Performance 3.6L RWD w/ ACC 2018
190: 6, 193: 8, 197: 8, 199: 4, 201: 8, 209: 7, 211: 2, 241: 6, 249: 8, 288: 5, 298: 8, 304: 1, 309: 8, 311: 8, 313: 8, 320: 3, 322: 7, 328: 1, 352: 5, 368: 3, 381: 6, 384: 4, 386: 8, 388: 8, 393: 7, 398: 8, 401: 8, 407: 7, 413: 8, 417: 7, 419: 1, 422: 4, 426: 7, 431: 8, 442: 8, 451: 8, 452: 8, 453: 6, 455: 7, 456: 8, 462: 4, 479: 3, 481: 7, 485: 8, 487: 8, 489: 8, 491: 2, 493: 8, 497: 8, 499: 3, 500: 6, 501: 8, 508: 8, 510: 8, 528: 5, 532: 6, 534: 2, 554: 3, 560: 8, 562: 8, 563: 5, 564: 5, 565: 5, 567: 5, 573: 1, 577: 8, 608: 8, 609: 6, 610: 6, 611: 6, 612: 8, 613: 8, 647: 6, 707: 8, 715: 8, 717: 5, 719: 5, 723: 2, 753: 5, 761: 7, 801: 8, 804: 3, 810: 8, 840: 5, 842: 5, 844: 8, 866: 4, 869: 4, 880: 6, 882: 8, 890: 1, 892: 2, 893: 2, 894: 1, 961: 8, 967: 4, 969: 8, 977: 8, 979: 8, 985: 5, 1001: 8, 1005: 6, 1009: 8, 1011: 6, 1013: 3, 1017: 8, 1019: 2, 1020: 8, 1033: 7, 1034: 7, 1105: 6, 1217: 8, 1221: 5, 1223: 3, 1225: 7, 1233: 8, 1241: 3, 1249: 8, 1257: 6, 1259: 8, 1261: 7, 1263: 4, 1265: 8, 1267: 1, 1271: 8, 1280: 4, 1296: 4, 1300: 8, 1322: 6, 1323: 4, 1328: 4, 1417: 8, 1601: 8, 1904: 7, 1906: 7, 1907: 7, 1912: 7, 1916: 7, 1917: 7, 1918: 7, 1919: 7, 1920: 7, 1930: 7, 2016: 8, 2024: 8
190: 6, 193: 8, 197: 8, 199: 4, 201: 8, 209: 7, 211: 2, 241: 6, 249: 8, 288: 5, 298: 8, 304: 1, 309: 8, 313: 8, 320: 3, 322: 7, 328: 1, 336: 1, 338: 6, 340: 6, 352: 5, 354: 5, 356: 8, 368: 3, 372: 5, 381: 8, 386: 8, 393: 7, 398: 8, 407: 7, 413: 8, 417: 7, 419: 1, 422: 4, 426: 7, 431: 8, 442: 8, 451: 8, 452: 8, 453: 6, 455: 7, 456: 8, 458: 5, 460: 5, 462: 4, 463: 3, 479: 3, 481: 7, 485: 8, 487: 8, 489: 8, 495: 4, 497: 8, 499: 3, 500: 6, 501: 8, 508: 8, 528: 5, 532: 6, 534: 2, 554: 3, 560: 8, 562: 8, 563: 5, 564: 5, 565: 5, 567: 5, 569: 3, 573: 1, 577: 8, 608: 8, 609: 6, 610: 6, 611: 6, 612: 8, 613: 8, 647: 6, 707: 8, 715: 8, 717: 5, 719: 5, 723: 2, 753: 5, 761: 7, 800: 6, 801: 8, 804: 3, 810: 8, 832: 8, 833: 8, 834: 8, 835: 6, 836: 5, 837: 8, 838: 8, 839: 8, 840: 5, 842: 5, 844: 8, 866: 4, 869: 4, 880: 6, 884: 8, 961: 8, 969: 8, 977: 8, 979: 8, 985: 5, 1001: 8, 1005: 6, 1009: 8, 1011: 6, 1013: 1, 1017: 8, 1019: 2, 1020: 8, 1105: 6, 1217: 8, 1221: 5, 1223: 3, 1225: 7, 1233: 8, 1249: 8, 1257: 6, 1259: 8, 1261: 7, 1263: 4, 1265: 8, 1267: 1, 1280: 4, 1296: 4, 1300: 8, 1322: 6, 1417: 8, 1601: 8, 1906: 7, 1907: 7, 1912: 7, 1914: 7, 1918: 7, 1919: 7, 1934: 7, 2016: 8, 2024: 8
# Malibu Premier w/ ACC 2017
190: 6, 193: 8, 197: 8, 199: 4, 201: 8, 209: 7, 211: 2, 241: 6, 249: 8, 288: 5, 298: 8, 304: 1, 309: 8, 311: 8, 313: 8, 320: 3, 328: 1, 352: 5, 381: 6, 384: 4, 386: 8, 388: 8, 393: 7, 398: 8, 407: 7, 413: 8, 417: 7, 419: 1, 422: 4, 426: 7, 431: 8, 442: 8, 451: 8, 452: 8, 453: 6, 455: 7, 456: 8, 479: 3, 481: 7, 485: 8, 487: 8, 489: 8, 495: 4, 497: 8, 499: 3, 500: 6, 501: 8, 508: 8, 510: 8, 528: 5, 532: 6, 554: 3, 560: 8, 562: 8, 563: 5, 564: 5, 565: 5, 567: 5, 573: 1, 577: 8, 608: 8, 609: 6, 610: 6, 611: 6, 612: 8, 613: 8, 647: 6, 707: 8, 715: 8, 717: 5, 753: 5, 761: 7, 810: 8, 840: 5, 842: 5, 844: 8, 866: 4, 869: 4, 880: 6, 961: 8, 969: 8, 977: 8, 979: 8, 985: 5, 1001: 8, 1005: 6, 1009: 8, 1013: 3, 1017: 8, 1019: 2, 1020: 8, 1033: 7, 1034: 7, 1105: 6, 1217: 8, 1221: 5, 1223: 2, 1225: 7, 1233: 8, 1249: 8, 1257: 6, 1265: 8, 1267: 1, 1280: 4, 1296: 4, 1300: 8, 1322: 6, 1323: 4, 1328: 4, 1417: 8, 1601: 8, 1906: 7, 1907: 7, 1912: 7, 1919: 7, 1930: 7, 2016: 8, 2024: 8,
# Acadia Denali w/ /ACC 2018
190: 6, 193: 8, 197: 8, 199: 4, 201: 8, 208: 8, 209: 7, 211: 2, 241: 6, 249: 8, 288: 5, 289: 8, 298: 8, 304: 1, 309: 8, 313: 8, 320: 3, 322: 7, 328: 1, 338: 6, 340: 6, 352: 5, 381: 8, 384: 4, 386: 8, 388: 8, 393: 8, 398: 8, 413: 8, 417: 7, 419: 1, 422: 4, 426: 7, 431: 8, 442: 8, 451: 8, 452: 8, 453: 6, 454: 8, 455: 7, 462: 4, 463: 3, 479: 3, 481: 7, 485: 8, 489: 8, 497: 8, 499: 3, 500: 6, 501: 8, 508: 8, 510: 8, 532: 6, 554: 3, 560: 8, 562: 8, 563: 5, 564: 5, 567: 5, 573: 1, 577: 8, 608: 8, 609: 6, 610: 6, 611: 6, 612: 8, 613: 8, 647: 6, 707: 8, 715: 8, 717: 5, 753: 5, 761: 7, 840: 5, 842: 5, 844: 8, 866: 4, 869: 4, 880: 6, 961: 8, 969: 8, 977: 8, 979: 8, 985: 5, 1001: 8, 1005: 6, 1009: 8, 1017: 8, 1020: 8, 1033: 7, 1034: 7, 1105: 6, 1217: 8, 1221: 5, 1225: 8, 1233: 8, 1249: 8, 1257: 6, 1265: 8, 1267: 1, 1280: 4, 1296: 4, 1300: 8, 1322: 6, 1328: 4, 1417: 8, 1601: 8, 1906: 7, 1907: 7, 1912: 7, 1914: 7, 1919: 7, 1920: 7, 1930: 7, 2016: 8, 2024: 8
class ECU:
CAM = 0
ECU.CAM: [384, 715] # 384 = "ASCMLKASteeringCmd", 715 = "ASCMGasRegenCmd"
DBC = {
CAR.HOLDEN_ASTRA: dbc_dict('gm_global_a_powertrain', 'gm_global_a_object', chassis_dbc='gm_global_a_chassis'),
CAR.VOLT: dbc_dict('gm_global_a_powertrain', 'gm_global_a_object', chassis_dbc='gm_global_a_chassis'),
CAR.MALIBU: dbc_dict('gm_global_a_powertrain', 'gm_global_a_object', chassis_dbc='gm_global_a_chassis'),
CAR.ACADIA: dbc_dict('gm_global_a_powertrain', 'gm_global_a_object', chassis_dbc='gm_global_a_chassis'),
CAR.CADILLAC_ATS: dbc_dict('gm_global_a_powertrain', 'gm_global_a_object', chassis_dbc='gm_global_a_chassis'),
CAR.BUICK_REGAL: dbc_dict('gm_global_a_powertrain', 'gm_global_a_object', chassis_dbc='gm_global_a_chassis'),
CAR.CADILLAC_CT6: dbc_dict('cadillac_ct6_powertrain', 'cadillac_ct6_object', chassis_dbc='cadillac_ct6_chassis'),

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@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
from collections import namedtuple
from cereal import car
from common.realtime import DT_CTRL
from selfdrive.controls.lib.drive_helpers import rate_limit
from common.numpy_fast import clip
from import create_gas_command
from import hondacan
from import CruiseButtons, CAR, VISUAL_HUD
from opendbc.can.packer import CANPacker
VisualAlert = car.CarControl.HUDControl.VisualAlert
def actuator_hystereses(brake, braking, brake_steady, v_ego, car_fingerprint):
# hyst params
brake_hyst_on = 0.02 # to activate brakes exceed this value
brake_hyst_off = 0.005 # to deactivate brakes below this value
brake_hyst_gap = 0.01 # don't change brake command for small oscillations within this value
#*** hysteresis logic to avoid brake blinking. go above 0.1 to trigger
if (brake < brake_hyst_on and not braking) or brake < brake_hyst_off:
brake = 0.
braking = brake > 0.
# for small brake oscillations within brake_hyst_gap, don't change the brake command
if brake == 0.:
brake_steady = 0.
elif brake > brake_steady + brake_hyst_gap:
brake_steady = brake - brake_hyst_gap
elif brake < brake_steady - brake_hyst_gap:
brake_steady = brake + brake_hyst_gap
brake = brake_steady
if (car_fingerprint in (CAR.ACURA_ILX, CAR.CRV)) and brake > 0.0:
brake += 0.15
return brake, braking, brake_steady
def brake_pump_hysteresis(apply_brake, apply_brake_last, last_pump_ts, ts):
pump_on = False
# reset pump timer if:
# - there is an increment in brake request
# - we are applying steady state brakes and we haven't been running the pump
# for more than 20s (to prevent pressure bleeding)
if apply_brake > apply_brake_last or (ts - last_pump_ts > 20. and apply_brake > 0):
last_pump_ts = ts
# once the pump is on, run it for at least 0.2s
if ts - last_pump_ts < 0.2 and apply_brake > 0:
pump_on = True
return pump_on, last_pump_ts
def process_hud_alert(hud_alert):
# initialize to no alert
fcw_display = 0
steer_required = 0
acc_alert = 0
# priority is: FCW, steer required, all others
if hud_alert == VisualAlert.fcw:
fcw_display = VISUAL_HUD[hud_alert.raw]
elif hud_alert == VisualAlert.steerRequired:
steer_required = VISUAL_HUD[hud_alert.raw]
acc_alert = VISUAL_HUD[hud_alert.raw]
return fcw_display, steer_required, acc_alert
HUDData = namedtuple("HUDData",
["pcm_accel", "v_cruise", "car",
"lanes", "fcw", "acc_alert", "steer_required"])
class CarController():
def __init__(self, dbc_name, CP):
self.braking = False
self.brake_steady = 0.
self.brake_last = 0.
self.apply_brake_last = 0
self.last_pump_ts = 0.
self.packer = CANPacker(dbc_name)
self.new_radar_config = False
self.eps_modified = False
for fw in CP.carFw:
if fw.ecu == "eps" and b"," in fw.fwVersion:
self.eps_modified = True
def update(self, enabled, CS, frame, actuators, \
pcm_speed, pcm_override, pcm_cancel_cmd, pcm_accel, \
hud_v_cruise, hud_show_lanes, hud_show_car, hud_alert):
# *** apply brake hysteresis ***
brake, self.braking, self.brake_steady = actuator_hystereses(actuators.brake, self.braking, self.brake_steady, CS.v_ego, CS.CP.carFingerprint)
# *** no output if not enabled ***
if not enabled and CS.pcm_acc_status:
# send pcm acc cancel cmd if drive is disabled but pcm is still on, or if the system can't be activated
pcm_cancel_cmd = True
# *** rate limit after the enable check ***
self.brake_last = rate_limit(brake, self.brake_last, -2., DT_CTRL)
# vehicle hud display, wait for one update from 10Hz 0x304 msg
if hud_show_lanes:
hud_lanes = 1
hud_lanes = 0
if enabled:
if hud_show_car:
hud_car = 2
hud_car = 1
hud_car = 0
fcw_display, steer_required, acc_alert = process_hud_alert(hud_alert)
hud = HUDData(int(pcm_accel), int(round(hud_v_cruise)), hud_car,
hud_lanes, fcw_display, acc_alert, steer_required)
# **** process the car messages ****
# *** compute control surfaces ***
BRAKE_MAX = 1024//4
if CS.CP.carFingerprint in (CAR.ACURA_ILX):
elif CS.CP.carFingerprint in (CAR.CRV, CAR.ACURA_RDX):
STEER_MAX = 0x3e8 # CR-V only uses 12-bits and requires a lower value
elif CS.CP.carFingerprint in (CAR.ODYSSEY_CHN):
elif CS.CP.carFingerprint in (CAR.CIVIC) and self.eps_modified:
STEER_MAX = 0x1400
STEER_MAX = 0x1000
# steer torque is converted back to CAN reference (positive when steering right)
apply_gas = clip(actuators.gas, 0., 1.)
apply_brake = int(clip(self.brake_last * BRAKE_MAX, 0, BRAKE_MAX - 1))
apply_steer = int(clip(-actuators.steer * STEER_MAX, -STEER_MAX, STEER_MAX))
if CS.CP.carFingerprint in (CAR.CIVIC) and self.eps_modified:
if apply_steer > 0xA00:
apply_steer = (apply_steer - 0xA00) / 2 + 0xA00
elif apply_steer < -0xA00:
apply_steer = (apply_steer + 0xA00) / 2 - 0xA00
lkas_active = enabled and not CS.steer_not_allowed
# Send CAN commands.
can_sends = []
# Send steering command.
idx = frame % 4
can_sends.append(hondacan.create_steering_control(self.packer, apply_steer,
lkas_active, CS.CP.carFingerprint, idx, CS.CP.isPandaBlack))
# Send dashboard UI commands.
if (frame % 10) == 0:
idx = (frame//10) % 4
can_sends.extend(hondacan.create_ui_commands(self.packer, pcm_speed, hud, CS.CP.carFingerprint, CS.is_metric, idx, CS.CP.isPandaBlack, CS.stock_hud))
if CS.CP.radarOffCan:
# If using stock ACC, spam cancel command to kill gas when OP disengages.
if pcm_cancel_cmd:
can_sends.append(hondacan.spam_buttons_command(self.packer, CruiseButtons.CANCEL, idx, CS.CP.carFingerprint, CS.CP.isPandaBlack))
elif CS.stopped:
can_sends.append(hondacan.spam_buttons_command(self.packer, CruiseButtons.RES_ACCEL, idx, CS.CP.carFingerprint, CS.CP.isPandaBlack))
# Send gas and brake commands.
if (frame % 2) == 0:
idx = frame // 2
ts = frame * DT_CTRL
pump_on, self.last_pump_ts = brake_pump_hysteresis(apply_brake, self.apply_brake_last, self.last_pump_ts, ts)
can_sends.append(hondacan.create_brake_command(self.packer, apply_brake, pump_on,
pcm_override, pcm_cancel_cmd, hud.fcw, idx, CS.CP.carFingerprint, CS.CP.isPandaBlack, CS.stock_brake))
self.apply_brake_last = apply_brake
if CS.CP.enableGasInterceptor:
# send exactly zero if apply_gas is zero. Interceptor will send the max between read value and apply_gas.
# This prevents unexpected pedal range rescaling
can_sends.append(create_gas_command(self.packer, apply_gas, idx))
return can_sends

View File

@ -0,0 +1,383 @@
from cereal import car
from collections import defaultdict
from common.numpy_fast import interp
from common.kalman.simple_kalman import KF1D
from opendbc.can.can_define import CANDefine
from opendbc.can.parser import CANParser
from selfdrive.config import Conversions as CV
GearShifter = car.CarState.GearShifter
def parse_gear_shifter(gear, vals):
val_to_capnp = {'P': GearShifter.park, 'R': GearShifter.reverse, 'N': GearShifter.neutral,
'D':, 'S':, 'L': GearShifter.low}
return val_to_capnp[vals[gear]]
except KeyError:
return "unknown"
def calc_cruise_offset(offset, speed):
# euristic formula so that speed is controlled to ~ 0.3m/s below pid_speed
# constraints to solve for _K0, _K1, _K2 are:
# - speed = 0m/s, out = -0.3
# - speed = 34m/s, offset = 20, out = -0.25
# - speed = 34m/s, offset = -2.5, out = -1.8
_K0 = -0.3
_K1 = -0.01879
_K2 = 0.01013
return min(_K0 + _K1 * speed + _K2 * speed * offset, 0.)
def get_can_signals(CP):
# this function generates lists for signal, messages and initial values
signals = [
("GEAR", "GEARBOX", 0),
checks = [
("ENGINE_DATA", 100),
("CRUISE", 10),
("VSA_STATUS", 50),
if CP.carFingerprint == CAR.ODYSSEY_CHN:
checks += [
("SCM_BUTTONS", 50),
checks += [
("SCM_BUTTONS", 25),
if CP.carFingerprint == CAR.CRV_HYBRID:
checks += [
("GEARBOX", 50),
checks += [
("GEARBOX", 100),
if CP.radarOffCan:
# Civic is only bosch to use the same brake message as other hondas.
signals += [("BRAKE_PRESSED", "BRAKE_MODULE", 0)]
checks += [("BRAKE_MODULE", 50)]
signals += [("CAR_GAS", "GAS_PEDAL_2", 0),
checks += [("GAS_PEDAL_2", 100)]
# Nidec signals.
signals += [("BRAKE_ERROR_1", "STANDSTILL", 1),
checks += [("STANDSTILL", 50)]
if CP.carFingerprint == CAR.ODYSSEY_CHN:
checks += [("CRUISE_PARAMS", 10)]
checks += [("CRUISE_PARAMS", 50)]
signals += [("DRIVERS_DOOR_OPEN", "SCM_FEEDBACK", 1)]
elif CP.carFingerprint == CAR.ODYSSEY_CHN:
signals += [("DRIVERS_DOOR_OPEN", "SCM_BUTTONS", 1)]
signals += [("DOOR_OPEN_FL", "DOORS_STATUS", 1),
checks += [("DOORS_STATUS", 3)]
if CP.carFingerprint == CAR.CIVIC:
signals += [("CAR_GAS", "GAS_PEDAL_2", 0),
elif CP.carFingerprint == CAR.ACURA_ILX:
signals += [("CAR_GAS", "GAS_PEDAL_2", 0),
elif CP.carFingerprint in (CAR.CRV, CAR.ACURA_RDX, CAR.PILOT_2019, CAR.RIDGELINE):
signals += [("MAIN_ON", "SCM_BUTTONS", 0)]
elif CP.carFingerprint == CAR.FIT:
signals += [("CAR_GAS", "GAS_PEDAL_2", 0),
elif CP.carFingerprint == CAR.ODYSSEY:
signals += [("MAIN_ON", "SCM_FEEDBACK", 0),
checks += [("EPB_STATUS", 50)]
elif CP.carFingerprint == CAR.PILOT:
signals += [("MAIN_ON", "SCM_BUTTONS", 0),
("CAR_GAS", "GAS_PEDAL_2", 0)]
elif CP.carFingerprint == CAR.ODYSSEY_CHN:
signals += [("MAIN_ON", "SCM_BUTTONS", 0),
checks += [("EPB_STATUS", 50)]
# add gas interceptor reading if we are using it
if CP.enableGasInterceptor:
signals.append(("INTERCEPTOR_GAS", "GAS_SENSOR", 0))
signals.append(("INTERCEPTOR_GAS2", "GAS_SENSOR", 0))
checks.append(("GAS_SENSOR", 50))
return signals, checks
def get_can_parser(CP):
signals, checks = get_can_signals(CP)
bus_pt = 1 if CP.isPandaBlack and CP.carFingerprint in HONDA_BOSCH else 0
return CANParser(DBC[CP.carFingerprint]['pt'], signals, checks, bus_pt)
def get_cam_can_parser(CP):
signals = []
if CP.carFingerprint in HONDA_BOSCH:
signals += [("ACCEL_COMMAND", "ACC_CONTROL", 0),
signals += [("COMPUTER_BRAKE", "BRAKE_COMMAND", 0),
("FCM_OFF", "ACC_HUD", 0),
("FCM_OFF_2", "ACC_HUD", 0),
("ICONS", "ACC_HUD", 0)]
# all hondas except CRV, RDX and 2019 Odyssey@China use 0xe4 for steering
checks = [(0xe4, 100)]
if CP.carFingerprint in [CAR.CRV, CAR.ACURA_RDX, CAR.ODYSSEY_CHN]:
checks = [(0x194, 100)]
bus_cam = 1 if CP.carFingerprint in HONDA_BOSCH and not CP.isPandaBlack else 2
return CANParser(DBC[CP.carFingerprint]['pt'], signals, checks, bus_cam)
class CarState():
def __init__(self, CP):
self.CP = CP
self.can_define = CANDefine(DBC[CP.carFingerprint]['pt'])
self.shifter_values = self.can_define.dv["GEARBOX"]["GEAR_SHIFTER"]
self.steer_status_values = defaultdict(lambda: "UNKNOWN", self.can_define.dv["STEER_STATUS"]["STEER_STATUS"])
self.user_gas, self.user_gas_pressed = 0., 0
self.brake_switch_prev = 0
self.brake_switch_ts = 0
self.cruise_buttons = 0
self.cruise_setting = 0
self.v_cruise_pcm_prev = 0
self.blinker_on = 0
self.left_blinker_on = 0
self.right_blinker_on = 0
self.cruise_mode = 0
self.stopped = 0
# vEgo kalman filter
dt = 0.01
# Q = np.matrix([[10.0, 0.0], [0.0, 100.0]])
# R = 1e3
self.v_ego_kf = KF1D(x0=[[0.0], [0.0]],
A=[[1.0, dt], [0.0, 1.0]],
C=[1.0, 0.0],
K=[[0.12287673], [0.29666309]])
self.v_ego = 0.0
def update(self, cp, cp_cam):
# car params
v_weight_v = [0., 1.] # don't trust smooth speed at low values to avoid premature zero snapping
v_weight_bp = [1., 6.] # smooth blending, below ~0.6m/s the smooth speed snaps to zero
# update prevs, update must run once per loop
self.prev_cruise_buttons = self.cruise_buttons
self.prev_cruise_setting = self.cruise_setting
self.prev_blinker_on = self.blinker_on
self.prev_left_blinker_on = self.left_blinker_on
self.prev_right_blinker_on = self.right_blinker_on
# ******************* parse out can *******************
if self.CP.carFingerprint in (CAR.ACCORD, CAR.ACCORD_15, CAR.ACCORDH, CAR.CIVIC_BOSCH, CAR.CRV_HYBRID): # TODO: find wheels moving bit in dbc
self.standstill = cp.vl["ENGINE_DATA"]['XMISSION_SPEED'] < 0.1
self.door_all_closed = not cp.vl["SCM_FEEDBACK"]['DRIVERS_DOOR_OPEN']
elif self.CP.carFingerprint == CAR.ODYSSEY_CHN:
self.standstill = cp.vl["ENGINE_DATA"]['XMISSION_SPEED'] < 0.1
self.door_all_closed = not cp.vl["SCM_BUTTONS"]['DRIVERS_DOOR_OPEN']
self.standstill = not cp.vl["STANDSTILL"]['WHEELS_MOVING']
self.door_all_closed = not any([cp.vl["DOORS_STATUS"]['DOOR_OPEN_FL'], cp.vl["DOORS_STATUS"]['DOOR_OPEN_FR'],
steer_status = self.steer_status_values[cp.vl["STEER_STATUS"]['STEER_STATUS']]
self.steer_error = steer_status not in ['NORMAL', 'NO_TORQUE_ALERT_1', 'NO_TORQUE_ALERT_2', 'LOW_SPEED_LOCKOUT', 'TMP_FAULT']
# NO_TORQUE_ALERT_2 can be caused by bump OR steering nudge from driver
self.steer_not_allowed = steer_status not in ['NORMAL', 'NO_TORQUE_ALERT_2']
# LOW_SPEED_LOCKOUT is not worth a warning
self.steer_warning = steer_status not in ['NORMAL', 'LOW_SPEED_LOCKOUT', 'NO_TORQUE_ALERT_2']
if self.CP.radarOffCan:
self.brake_error = 0
self.brake_error = cp.vl["STANDSTILL"]['BRAKE_ERROR_1'] or cp.vl["STANDSTILL"]['BRAKE_ERROR_2']
self.esp_disabled = cp.vl["VSA_STATUS"]['ESP_DISABLED']
# calc best v_ego estimate, by averaging two opposite corners
speed_factor = SPEED_FACTOR[self.CP.carFingerprint]
self.v_wheel_fl = cp.vl["WHEEL_SPEEDS"]['WHEEL_SPEED_FL'] * CV.KPH_TO_MS * speed_factor
self.v_wheel_fr = cp.vl["WHEEL_SPEEDS"]['WHEEL_SPEED_FR'] * CV.KPH_TO_MS * speed_factor
self.v_wheel_rl = cp.vl["WHEEL_SPEEDS"]['WHEEL_SPEED_RL'] * CV.KPH_TO_MS * speed_factor
self.v_wheel_rr = cp.vl["WHEEL_SPEEDS"]['WHEEL_SPEED_RR'] * CV.KPH_TO_MS * speed_factor
v_wheel = (self.v_wheel_fl + self.v_wheel_fr + self.v_wheel_rl + self.v_wheel_rr)/4.
# blend in transmission speed at low speed, since it has more low speed accuracy
self.v_weight = interp(v_wheel, v_weight_bp, v_weight_v)
speed = (1. - self.v_weight) * cp.vl["ENGINE_DATA"]['XMISSION_SPEED'] * CV.KPH_TO_MS * speed_factor + \
self.v_weight * v_wheel
if abs(speed - self.v_ego) > 2.0: # Prevent large accelerations when car starts at non zero speed
self.v_ego_kf.x = [[speed], [0.0]]
self.v_ego_raw = speed
v_ego_x = self.v_ego_kf.update(speed)
self.v_ego = float(v_ego_x[0])
self.a_ego = float(v_ego_x[1])
# this is a hack for the interceptor. This is now only used in the simulation
# TODO: Replace tests by toyota so this can go away
if self.CP.enableGasInterceptor:
self.user_gas = (cp.vl["GAS_SENSOR"]['INTERCEPTOR_GAS'] + cp.vl["GAS_SENSOR"]['INTERCEPTOR_GAS2']) / 2.
self.user_gas_pressed = self.user_gas > 0 # this works because interceptor read < 0 when pedal position is 0. Once calibrated, this will change
self.gear = 0 if self.CP.carFingerprint == CAR.CIVIC else cp.vl["GEARBOX"]['GEAR']
self.angle_steers = cp.vl["STEERING_SENSORS"]['STEER_ANGLE']
self.angle_steers_rate = cp.vl["STEERING_SENSORS"]['STEER_ANGLE_RATE']
self.cruise_setting = cp.vl["SCM_BUTTONS"]['CRUISE_SETTING']
self.cruise_buttons = cp.vl["SCM_BUTTONS"]['CRUISE_BUTTONS']
self.blinker_on = cp.vl["SCM_FEEDBACK"]['LEFT_BLINKER'] or cp.vl["SCM_FEEDBACK"]['RIGHT_BLINKER']
self.left_blinker_on = cp.vl["SCM_FEEDBACK"]['LEFT_BLINKER']
self.right_blinker_on = cp.vl["SCM_FEEDBACK"]['RIGHT_BLINKER']
self.brake_hold = cp.vl["VSA_STATUS"]['BRAKE_HOLD_ACTIVE']
self.park_brake = cp.vl["EPB_STATUS"]['EPB_STATE'] != 0
self.main_on = cp.vl["SCM_FEEDBACK"]['MAIN_ON']
elif self.CP.carFingerprint == CAR.ODYSSEY_CHN:
self.park_brake = cp.vl["EPB_STATUS"]['EPB_STATE'] != 0
self.main_on = cp.vl["SCM_BUTTONS"]['MAIN_ON']
self.park_brake = 0 # TODO
self.main_on = cp.vl["SCM_BUTTONS"]['MAIN_ON']
can_gear_shifter = int(cp.vl["GEARBOX"]['GEAR_SHIFTER'])
self.gear_shifter = parse_gear_shifter(can_gear_shifter, self.shifter_values)
self.pedal_gas = cp.vl["POWERTRAIN_DATA"]['PEDAL_GAS']
# crv doesn't include cruise control
self.car_gas = self.pedal_gas
self.car_gas = cp.vl["GAS_PEDAL_2"]['CAR_GAS']
self.steer_torque_driver = cp.vl["STEER_STATUS"]['STEER_TORQUE_SENSOR']
self.steer_torque_motor = cp.vl["STEER_MOTOR_TORQUE"]['MOTOR_TORQUE']
self.steer_override = abs(self.steer_torque_driver) > STEER_THRESHOLD[self.CP.carFingerprint]
self.brake_switch = cp.vl["POWERTRAIN_DATA"]['BRAKE_SWITCH']
if self.CP.radarOffCan:
self.cruise_mode = cp.vl["ACC_HUD"]['CRUISE_CONTROL_LABEL']
self.stopped = cp.vl["ACC_HUD"]['CRUISE_SPEED'] == 252.
self.cruise_speed_offset = calc_cruise_offset(0, self.v_ego)
if self.CP.carFingerprint in (CAR.CIVIC_BOSCH, CAR.ACCORDH, CAR.CRV_HYBRID):
self.brake_switch = cp.vl["POWERTRAIN_DATA"]['BRAKE_SWITCH']
self.brake_pressed = cp.vl["POWERTRAIN_DATA"]['BRAKE_PRESSED'] or \
(self.brake_switch and self.brake_switch_prev and \
cp.ts["POWERTRAIN_DATA"]['BRAKE_SWITCH'] != self.brake_switch_ts)
self.brake_switch_prev = self.brake_switch
self.brake_switch_ts = cp.ts["POWERTRAIN_DATA"]['BRAKE_SWITCH']
self.brake_pressed = cp.vl["BRAKE_MODULE"]['BRAKE_PRESSED']
# On set, cruise set speed pulses between 254~255 and the set speed prev is set to avoid this.
self.v_cruise_pcm = self.v_cruise_pcm_prev if cp.vl["ACC_HUD"]['CRUISE_SPEED'] > 160.0 else cp.vl["ACC_HUD"]['CRUISE_SPEED']
self.v_cruise_pcm_prev = self.v_cruise_pcm
self.brake_switch = cp.vl["POWERTRAIN_DATA"]['BRAKE_SWITCH']
self.cruise_speed_offset = calc_cruise_offset(cp.vl["CRUISE_PARAMS"]['CRUISE_SPEED_OFFSET'], self.v_ego)
self.v_cruise_pcm = cp.vl["CRUISE"]['CRUISE_SPEED_PCM']
# brake switch has shown some single time step noise, so only considered when
# switch is on for at least 2 consecutive CAN samples
self.brake_pressed = cp.vl["POWERTRAIN_DATA"]['BRAKE_PRESSED'] or \
(self.brake_switch and self.brake_switch_prev and \
cp.ts["POWERTRAIN_DATA"]['BRAKE_SWITCH'] != self.brake_switch_ts)
self.brake_switch_prev = self.brake_switch
self.brake_switch_ts = cp.ts["POWERTRAIN_DATA"]['BRAKE_SWITCH']
self.user_brake = cp.vl["VSA_STATUS"]['USER_BRAKE']
self.pcm_acc_status = cp.vl["POWERTRAIN_DATA"]['ACC_STATUS']
# Gets rid of Pedal Grinding noise when brake is pressed at slow speeds for some models
if self.CP.carFingerprint in (CAR.PILOT, CAR.PILOT_2019, CAR.RIDGELINE):
if self.user_brake > 0.05:
self.brake_pressed = 1
# TODO: discover the CAN msg that has the imperial unit bit for all other cars
self.is_metric = not cp.vl["HUD_SETTING"]['IMPERIAL_UNIT'] if self.CP.carFingerprint in (CAR.CIVIC) else False
if self.CP.carFingerprint in HONDA_BOSCH:
self.stock_aeb = bool(cp_cam.vl["ACC_CONTROL"]["AEB_STATUS"] and cp_cam.vl["ACC_CONTROL"]["ACCEL_COMMAND"] < -1e-5)
self.stock_aeb = bool(cp_cam.vl["BRAKE_COMMAND"]["AEB_REQ_1"] and cp_cam.vl["BRAKE_COMMAND"]["COMPUTER_BRAKE"] > 1e-5)
if self.CP.carFingerprint in HONDA_BOSCH:
self.stock_hud = False
self.stock_fcw = False
self.stock_fcw = bool(cp_cam.vl["BRAKE_COMMAND"]["FCW"] != 0)
self.stock_hud = cp_cam.vl["ACC_HUD"]
self.stock_brake = cp_cam.vl["BRAKE_COMMAND"]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
from selfdrive.config import Conversions as CV
from import HONDA_BOSCH
def get_pt_bus(car_fingerprint, has_relay):
return 1 if car_fingerprint in HONDA_BOSCH and has_relay else 0
def get_lkas_cmd_bus(car_fingerprint, has_relay):
return 2 if car_fingerprint in HONDA_BOSCH and not has_relay else 0
def create_brake_command(packer, apply_brake, pump_on, pcm_override, pcm_cancel_cmd, fcw, idx, car_fingerprint, has_relay, stock_brake):
# TODO: do we loose pressure if we keep pump off for long?
brakelights = apply_brake > 0
brake_rq = apply_brake > 0
pcm_fault_cmd = False
values = {
"COMPUTER_BRAKE": apply_brake,
"CRUISE_OVERRIDE": pcm_override,
"CRUISE_FAULT_CMD": pcm_fault_cmd,
"CRUISE_CANCEL_CMD": pcm_cancel_cmd,
"SET_ME_1": 1,
"BRAKE_LIGHTS": brakelights,
"CHIME": stock_brake["CHIME"] if fcw else 0, # send the chime for stock fcw
"FCW": fcw << 1, # TODO: Why are there two bits for fcw?
"AEB_REQ_1": 0,
"AEB_REQ_2": 0,
bus = get_pt_bus(car_fingerprint, has_relay)
return packer.make_can_msg("BRAKE_COMMAND", bus, values, idx)
def create_steering_control(packer, apply_steer, lkas_active, car_fingerprint, idx, has_relay):
values = {
"STEER_TORQUE": apply_steer if lkas_active else 0,
"STEER_TORQUE_REQUEST": lkas_active,
bus = get_lkas_cmd_bus(car_fingerprint, has_relay)
return packer.make_can_msg("STEERING_CONTROL", bus, values, idx)
def create_ui_commands(packer, pcm_speed, hud, car_fingerprint, is_metric, idx, has_relay, stock_hud):
commands = []
bus_pt = get_pt_bus(car_fingerprint, has_relay)
bus_lkas = get_lkas_cmd_bus(car_fingerprint, has_relay)
if car_fingerprint not in HONDA_BOSCH:
acc_hud_values = {
'PCM_SPEED': pcm_speed * CV.MS_TO_KPH,
'PCM_GAS': hud.pcm_accel,
'CRUISE_SPEED': hud.v_cruise,
'HUD_DISTANCE': 3, # max distance setting on display
'IMPERIAL_UNIT': int(not is_metric),
'SET_ME_X01_2': 1,
'SET_ME_X01': 1,
"FCM_OFF": stock_hud["FCM_OFF"],
"FCM_OFF_2": stock_hud["FCM_OFF_2"],
"FCM_PROBLEM": stock_hud["FCM_PROBLEM"],
"ICONS": stock_hud["ICONS"],
commands.append(packer.make_can_msg("ACC_HUD", bus_pt, acc_hud_values, idx))
lkas_hud_values = {
'SET_ME_X41': 0x41,
'SET_ME_X48': 0x48,
'STEERING_REQUIRED': hud.steer_required,
'SOLID_LANES': hud.lanes,
'BEEP': 0,
commands.append(packer.make_can_msg('LKAS_HUD', bus_lkas, lkas_hud_values, idx))
return commands
def spam_buttons_command(packer, button_val, idx, car_fingerprint, has_relay):
values = {
'CRUISE_BUTTONS': button_val,
bus = get_pt_bus(car_fingerprint, has_relay)
return packer.make_can_msg("SCM_BUTTONS", bus, values, idx)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,597 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import numpy as np
from cereal import car
from common.numpy_fast import clip, interp
from common.realtime import DT_CTRL
from selfdrive.swaglog import cloudlog
from selfdrive.config import Conversions as CV
from selfdrive.controls.lib.drive_helpers import create_event, EventTypes as ET, get_events
from selfdrive.controls.lib.vehicle_model import VehicleModel
from import CarState, get_can_parser, get_cam_can_parser
from import STD_CARGO_KG, CivicParams, scale_rot_inertia, scale_tire_stiffness, is_ecu_disconnected, gen_empty_fingerprint
from selfdrive.controls.lib.planner import _A_CRUISE_MAX_V_FOLLOWING
from import CarInterfaceBase
ButtonType = car.CarState.ButtonEvent.Type
GearShifter = car.CarState.GearShifter
def compute_gb_honda(accel, speed):
creep_brake = 0.0
creep_speed = 2.3
creep_brake_value = 0.15
if speed < creep_speed:
creep_brake = (creep_speed - speed) / creep_speed * creep_brake_value
return float(accel) / 4.8 - creep_brake
def get_compute_gb_acura():
# generate a function that takes in [desired_accel, current_speed] -> [-1.0, 1.0]
# where -1.0 is max brake and 1.0 is max gas
# see debug/ to see how those parameters were generated
w0 = np.array([[ 1.22056961, -0.39625418, 0.67952657],
[ 1.03691769, 0.78210306, -0.41343188]])
b0 = np.array([ 0.01536703, -0.14335321, -0.26932889])
w2 = np.array([[-0.59124422, 0.42899439, 0.38660881],
[ 0.79973811, 0.13178682, 0.08550351],
[-0.15651935, -0.44360259, 0.76910877]])
b2 = np.array([ 0.15624429, 0.02294923, -0.0341086 ])
w4 = np.array([[-0.31521443],
[ 0.52667892]])
b4 = np.array([-0.02922216])
def compute_output(dat, w0, b0, w2, b2, w4, b4):
m0 =, w0) + b0
m0 = leakyrelu(m0, 0.1)
m2 =, w2) + b2
m2 = leakyrelu(m2, 0.1)
m4 =, w4) + b4
return m4
def leakyrelu(x, alpha):
return np.maximum(x, alpha * x)
def _compute_gb_acura(accel, speed):
# linearly extrap below v1 using v1 and v2 data
v1 = 5.
v2 = 10.
dat = np.array([accel, speed])
if speed > 5.:
m4 = compute_output(dat, w0, b0, w2, b2, w4, b4)
dat[1] = v1
m4v1 = compute_output(dat, w0, b0, w2, b2, w4, b4)
dat[1] = v2
m4v2 = compute_output(dat, w0, b0, w2, b2, w4, b4)
m4 = (speed - v1) * (m4v2 - m4v1) / (v2 - v1) + m4v1
return float(m4)
return _compute_gb_acura
class CarInterface(CarInterfaceBase):
def __init__(self, CP, CarController):
self.CP = CP
self.frame = 0
self.last_enable_pressed = 0
self.last_enable_sent = 0
self.gas_pressed_prev = False
self.brake_pressed_prev = False
self.cp = get_can_parser(CP)
self.cp_cam = get_cam_can_parser(CP)
# *** init the major players ***
self.CS = CarState(CP)
self.VM = VehicleModel(CP)
self.CC = None
if CarController is not None:
self.CC = CarController(self.cp.dbc_name, CP)
if self.CS.CP.carFingerprint == CAR.ACURA_ILX:
self.compute_gb = get_compute_gb_acura()
self.compute_gb = compute_gb_honda
def calc_accel_override(a_ego, a_target, v_ego, v_target):
# normalized max accel. Allowing max accel at low speed causes speed overshoots
max_accel_bp = [10, 20] # m/s
max_accel_v = [0.714, 1.0] # unit of max accel
max_accel = interp(v_ego, max_accel_bp, max_accel_v)
# limit the pcm accel cmd if:
# - v_ego exceeds v_target, or
# - a_ego exceeds a_target and v_ego is close to v_target
eA = a_ego - a_target
valuesA = [1.0, 0.1]
bpA = [0.3, 1.1]
eV = v_ego - v_target
valuesV = [1.0, 0.1]
bpV = [0.0, 0.5]
valuesRangeV = [1., 0.]
bpRangeV = [-1., 0.]
# only limit if v_ego is close to v_target
speedLimiter = interp(eV, bpV, valuesV)
accelLimiter = max(interp(eA, bpA, valuesA), interp(eV, bpRangeV, valuesRangeV))
# accelOverride is more or less the max throttle allowed to pcm: usually set to a constant
# unless aTargetMax is very high and then we scale with it; this help in quicker restart
return float(max(max_accel, a_target / A_ACC_MAX)) * min(speedLimiter, accelLimiter)
def get_params(candidate, fingerprint=gen_empty_fingerprint(), has_relay=False, car_fw=[]):
ret = car.CarParams.new_message()
ret.carName = "honda"
ret.carFingerprint = candidate
ret.isPandaBlack = has_relay
if candidate in HONDA_BOSCH:
ret.safetyModel = car.CarParams.SafetyModel.hondaBoschHarness if has_relay else car.CarParams.SafetyModel.hondaBoschGiraffe
rdr_bus = 0 if has_relay else 2
ret.enableCamera = is_ecu_disconnected(fingerprint[rdr_bus], FINGERPRINTS, ECU_FINGERPRINT, candidate, ECU.CAM) or has_relay
ret.radarOffCan = True
ret.openpilotLongitudinalControl = False
ret.safetyModel = car.CarParams.SafetyModel.hondaNidec
ret.enableCamera = is_ecu_disconnected(fingerprint[0], FINGERPRINTS, ECU_FINGERPRINT, candidate, ECU.CAM) or has_relay
ret.enableGasInterceptor = 0x201 in fingerprint[0]
ret.openpilotLongitudinalControl = ret.enableCamera
cloudlog.warning("ECU Camera Simulated: %r", ret.enableCamera)
cloudlog.warning("ECU Gas Interceptor: %r", ret.enableGasInterceptor)
ret.enableCruise = not ret.enableGasInterceptor
ret.communityFeature = ret.enableGasInterceptor
# Certain Hondas have an extra steering sensor at the bottom of the steering rack,
# which improves controls quality as it removes the steering column torsion from feedback.
# Tire stiffness factor fictitiously lower if it includes the steering column torsion effect.
# For modeling details, see p.198-200 in "The Science of Vehicle Dynamics (2014), M. Guiggiani", = [[0.], [0.]] = 0.00006 # conservative feed-forward
eps_modified = False
for fw in car_fw:
if fw.ecu == "eps" and b"," in fw.fwVersion:
eps_modified = True
if candidate in [CAR.CIVIC, CAR.CIVIC_BOSCH]:
stop_and_go = True
ret.mass = CivicParams.MASS
ret.wheelbase = CivicParams.WHEELBASE
ret.centerToFront = CivicParams.CENTER_TO_FRONT
ret.steerRatio = 15.38 # 10.93 is end-to-end spec
tire_stiffness_factor = 1., = [[0.4], [0.12]] if eps_modified else [[0.8], [0.24]] = 0.00006
ret.longitudinalTuning.kpBP = [0., 5., 35.]
ret.longitudinalTuning.kpV = [3.6, 2.4, 1.5]
ret.longitudinalTuning.kiBP = [0., 35.]
ret.longitudinalTuning.kiV = [0.54, 0.36]
elif candidate in (CAR.ACCORD, CAR.ACCORD_15, CAR.ACCORDH):
stop_and_go = True
if not candidate == CAR.ACCORDH: # Hybrid uses same brake msg as hatch
ret.safetyParam = 1 # Accord and CRV 5G use an alternate user brake msg
ret.mass = 3279. * CV.LB_TO_KG + STD_CARGO_KG
ret.wheelbase = 2.83
ret.centerToFront = ret.wheelbase * 0.39
ret.steerRatio = 16.33 # 11.82 is spec end-to-end
tire_stiffness_factor = 0.8467, = [[0.6], [0.18]]
ret.longitudinalTuning.kpBP = [0., 5., 35.]
ret.longitudinalTuning.kpV = [1.2, 0.8, 0.5]
ret.longitudinalTuning.kiBP = [0., 35.]
ret.longitudinalTuning.kiV = [0.18, 0.12]
elif candidate == CAR.ACURA_ILX:
stop_and_go = False
ret.mass = 3095. * CV.LB_TO_KG + STD_CARGO_KG
ret.wheelbase = 2.67
ret.centerToFront = ret.wheelbase * 0.37
ret.steerRatio = 18.61 # 15.3 is spec end-to-end
tire_stiffness_factor = 0.72, = [[0.8], [0.24]]
ret.longitudinalTuning.kpBP = [0., 5., 35.]
ret.longitudinalTuning.kpV = [1.2, 0.8, 0.5]
ret.longitudinalTuning.kiBP = [0., 35.]
ret.longitudinalTuning.kiV = [0.18, 0.12]
elif candidate == CAR.CRV:
stop_and_go = False
ret.mass = 3572. * CV.LB_TO_KG + STD_CARGO_KG
ret.wheelbase = 2.62
ret.centerToFront = ret.wheelbase * 0.41
ret.steerRatio = 16.89 # as spec
tire_stiffness_factor = 0.444, = [[0.8], [0.24]]
ret.longitudinalTuning.kpBP = [0., 5., 35.]
ret.longitudinalTuning.kpV = [1.2, 0.8, 0.5]
ret.longitudinalTuning.kiBP = [0., 35.]
ret.longitudinalTuning.kiV = [0.18, 0.12]
elif candidate == CAR.CRV_5G:
stop_and_go = True
ret.safetyParam = 1 # Accord and CRV 5G use an alternate user brake msg
ret.mass = 3410. * CV.LB_TO_KG + STD_CARGO_KG
ret.wheelbase = 2.66
ret.centerToFront = ret.wheelbase * 0.41
ret.steerRatio = 16.0 # 12.3 is spec end-to-end
tire_stiffness_factor = 0.677, = [[0.6], [0.18]]
ret.longitudinalTuning.kpBP = [0., 5., 35.]
ret.longitudinalTuning.kpV = [1.2, 0.8, 0.5]
ret.longitudinalTuning.kiBP = [0., 35.]
ret.longitudinalTuning.kiV = [0.18, 0.12]
elif candidate == CAR.CRV_HYBRID:
stop_and_go = True
ret.safetyParam = 1 # Accord and CRV 5G use an alternate user brake msg
ret.mass = 1667. + STD_CARGO_KG # mean of 4 models in kg
ret.wheelbase = 2.66
ret.centerToFront = ret.wheelbase * 0.41
ret.steerRatio = 16.0 # 12.3 is spec end-to-end
tire_stiffness_factor = 0.677, = [[0.6], [0.18]]
ret.longitudinalTuning.kpBP = [0., 5., 35.]
ret.longitudinalTuning.kpV = [1.2, 0.8, 0.5]
ret.longitudinalTuning.kiBP = [0., 35.]
ret.longitudinalTuning.kiV = [0.18, 0.12]
elif candidate == CAR.FIT:
stop_and_go = False
ret.mass = 2644. * CV.LB_TO_KG + STD_CARGO_KG
ret.wheelbase = 2.53
ret.centerToFront = ret.wheelbase * 0.39
ret.steerRatio = 13.06
tire_stiffness_factor = 0.75, = [[0.25], [0.06]]
ret.longitudinalTuning.kpBP = [0., 5., 35.]
ret.longitudinalTuning.kpV = [1.2, 0.8, 0.5]
ret.longitudinalTuning.kiBP = [0., 35.]
ret.longitudinalTuning.kiV = [0.18, 0.12]
elif candidate == CAR.ACURA_RDX:
stop_and_go = False
ret.mass = 3935. * CV.LB_TO_KG + STD_CARGO_KG
ret.wheelbase = 2.68
ret.centerToFront = ret.wheelbase * 0.38
ret.steerRatio = 15.0 # as spec
tire_stiffness_factor = 0.444, = [[0.8], [0.24]]
ret.longitudinalTuning.kpBP = [0., 5., 35.]
ret.longitudinalTuning.kpV = [1.2, 0.8, 0.5]
ret.longitudinalTuning.kiBP = [0., 35.]
ret.longitudinalTuning.kiV = [0.18, 0.12]
elif candidate == CAR.ODYSSEY:
stop_and_go = False
ret.mass = 4471. * CV.LB_TO_KG + STD_CARGO_KG
ret.wheelbase = 3.00
ret.centerToFront = ret.wheelbase * 0.41
ret.steerRatio = 14.35 # as spec
tire_stiffness_factor = 0.82, = [[0.45], [0.135]]
ret.longitudinalTuning.kpBP = [0., 5., 35.]
ret.longitudinalTuning.kpV = [1.2, 0.8, 0.5]
ret.longitudinalTuning.kiBP = [0., 35.]
ret.longitudinalTuning.kiV = [0.18, 0.12]
elif candidate == CAR.ODYSSEY_CHN:
stop_and_go = False
ret.mass = 1849.2 + STD_CARGO_KG # mean of 4 models in kg
ret.wheelbase = 2.90
ret.centerToFront = ret.wheelbase * 0.41 # from CAR.ODYSSEY
ret.steerRatio = 14.35
tire_stiffness_factor = 0.82, = [[0.45], [0.135]]
ret.longitudinalTuning.kpBP = [0., 5., 35.]
ret.longitudinalTuning.kpV = [1.2, 0.8, 0.5]
ret.longitudinalTuning.kiBP = [0., 35.]
ret.longitudinalTuning.kiV = [0.18, 0.12]
elif candidate in (CAR.PILOT, CAR.PILOT_2019):
stop_and_go = False
ret.mass = 4204. * CV.LB_TO_KG + STD_CARGO_KG # average weight
ret.wheelbase = 2.82
ret.centerToFront = ret.wheelbase * 0.428
ret.steerRatio = 17.25 # as spec
tire_stiffness_factor = 0.444, = [[0.38], [0.11]]
ret.longitudinalTuning.kpBP = [0., 5., 35.]
ret.longitudinalTuning.kpV = [1.2, 0.8, 0.5]
ret.longitudinalTuning.kiBP = [0., 35.]
ret.longitudinalTuning.kiV = [0.18, 0.12]
elif candidate == CAR.RIDGELINE:
stop_and_go = False
ret.mass = 4515. * CV.LB_TO_KG + STD_CARGO_KG
ret.wheelbase = 3.18
ret.centerToFront = ret.wheelbase * 0.41
ret.steerRatio = 15.59 # as spec
tire_stiffness_factor = 0.444, = [[0.38], [0.11]]
ret.longitudinalTuning.kpBP = [0., 5., 35.]
ret.longitudinalTuning.kpV = [1.2, 0.8, 0.5]
ret.longitudinalTuning.kiBP = [0., 35.]
ret.longitudinalTuning.kiV = [0.18, 0.12]
raise ValueError("unsupported car %s" % candidate)
ret.steerControlType = car.CarParams.SteerControlType.torque
# min speed to enable ACC. if car can do stop and go, then set enabling speed
# to a negative value, so it won't matter. Otherwise, add 0.5 mph margin to not
# conflict with PCM acc
ret.minEnableSpeed = -1. if (stop_and_go or ret.enableGasInterceptor) else 25.5 * CV.MPH_TO_MS
# TODO: get actual value, for now starting with reasonable value for
# civic and scaling by mass and wheelbase
ret.rotationalInertia = scale_rot_inertia(ret.mass, ret.wheelbase)
# TODO: start from empirically derived lateral slip stiffness for the civic and scale by
# mass and CG position, so all cars will have approximately similar dyn behaviors
ret.tireStiffnessFront, ret.tireStiffnessRear = scale_tire_stiffness(ret.mass, ret.wheelbase, ret.centerToFront,
# no rear steering, at least on the listed cars above
ret.steerRatioRear = 0.
# no max steer limit VS speed
ret.steerMaxBP = [0.] # m/s
ret.steerMaxV = [1.] # max steer allowed
ret.gasMaxBP = [0.] # m/s
ret.gasMaxV = [0.6] if ret.enableGasInterceptor else [0.] # max gas allowed
ret.brakeMaxBP = [5., 20.] # m/s
ret.brakeMaxV = [1., 0.8] # max brake allowed
ret.longitudinalTuning.deadzoneBP = [0.]
ret.longitudinalTuning.deadzoneV = [0.]
ret.stoppingControl = True
ret.startAccel = 0.5
ret.steerActuatorDelay = 0.1
ret.steerRateCost = 0.5
ret.steerLimitTimer = 0.8
return ret
# returns a car.CarState
def update(self, c, can_strings):
# ******************* do can recv *******************
self.CS.update(self.cp, self.cp_cam)
# create message
ret = car.CarState.new_message()
ret.canValid = self.cp.can_valid and self.cp_cam.can_valid
# speeds
ret.vEgo = self.CS.v_ego
ret.aEgo = self.CS.a_ego
ret.vEgoRaw = self.CS.v_ego_raw
ret.yawRate = self.VM.yaw_rate(self.CS.angle_steers * CV.DEG_TO_RAD, self.CS.v_ego)
ret.standstill = self.CS.standstill
ret.wheelSpeeds.fl = self.CS.v_wheel_fl = self.CS.v_wheel_fr
ret.wheelSpeeds.rl = self.CS.v_wheel_rl
ret.wheelSpeeds.rr = self.CS.v_wheel_rr
# gas pedal
ret.gas = self.CS.car_gas / 256.0
if not self.CP.enableGasInterceptor:
ret.gasPressed = self.CS.pedal_gas > 0
ret.gasPressed = self.CS.user_gas_pressed
# brake pedal
ret.brake = self.CS.user_brake
ret.brakePressed = self.CS.brake_pressed != 0
# FIXME: read sendcan for brakelights
brakelights_threshold = 0.02 if self.CS.CP.carFingerprint == CAR.CIVIC else 0.1
ret.brakeLights = bool(self.CS.brake_switch or
c.actuators.brake > brakelights_threshold)
# steering wheel
ret.steeringAngle = self.CS.angle_steers
ret.steeringRate = self.CS.angle_steers_rate
# gear shifter lever
ret.gearShifter = self.CS.gear_shifter
ret.steeringTorque = self.CS.steer_torque_driver
ret.steeringTorqueEps = self.CS.steer_torque_motor
ret.steeringPressed = self.CS.steer_override
# cruise state
ret.cruiseState.enabled = self.CS.pcm_acc_status != 0
ret.cruiseState.speed = self.CS.v_cruise_pcm * CV.KPH_TO_MS
ret.cruiseState.available = bool(self.CS.main_on) and not bool(self.CS.cruise_mode)
ret.cruiseState.speedOffset = self.CS.cruise_speed_offset
ret.cruiseState.standstill = False
# TODO: button presses
buttonEvents = []
ret.leftBlinker = bool(self.CS.left_blinker_on)
ret.rightBlinker = bool(self.CS.right_blinker_on)
ret.doorOpen = not self.CS.door_all_closed
ret.seatbeltUnlatched = not self.CS.seatbelt
ret.stockAeb = self.CS.stock_aeb
ret.stockFcw = self.CS.stock_fcw
if self.CS.left_blinker_on != self.CS.prev_left_blinker_on:
be = car.CarState.ButtonEvent.new_message()
be.type = ButtonType.leftBlinker
be.pressed = self.CS.left_blinker_on != 0
if self.CS.right_blinker_on != self.CS.prev_right_blinker_on:
be = car.CarState.ButtonEvent.new_message()
be.type = ButtonType.rightBlinker
be.pressed = self.CS.right_blinker_on != 0
if self.CS.cruise_buttons != self.CS.prev_cruise_buttons:
be = car.CarState.ButtonEvent.new_message()
be.type = ButtonType.unknown
if self.CS.cruise_buttons != 0:
be.pressed = True
but = self.CS.cruise_buttons
be.pressed = False
but = self.CS.prev_cruise_buttons
if but == CruiseButtons.RES_ACCEL:
be.type = ButtonType.accelCruise
elif but == CruiseButtons.DECEL_SET:
be.type = ButtonType.decelCruise
elif but == CruiseButtons.CANCEL:
be.type = ButtonType.cancel
elif but == CruiseButtons.MAIN:
be.type = ButtonType.altButton3
if self.CS.cruise_setting != self.CS.prev_cruise_setting:
be = car.CarState.ButtonEvent.new_message()
be.type = ButtonType.unknown
if self.CS.cruise_setting != 0:
be.pressed = True
but = self.CS.cruise_setting
be.pressed = False
but = self.CS.prev_cruise_setting
if but == 1:
be.type = ButtonType.altButton1
# TODO: more buttons?
ret.buttonEvents = buttonEvents
# events
events = []
if self.CS.steer_error:
events.append(create_event('steerUnavailable', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.IMMEDIATE_DISABLE, ET.PERMANENT]))
elif self.CS.steer_warning:
events.append(create_event('steerTempUnavailable', [ET.WARNING]))
if self.CS.brake_error:
events.append(create_event('brakeUnavailable', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.IMMEDIATE_DISABLE, ET.PERMANENT]))
if not ret.gearShifter ==
events.append(create_event('wrongGear', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.SOFT_DISABLE]))
if ret.doorOpen:
events.append(create_event('doorOpen', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.SOFT_DISABLE]))
if ret.seatbeltUnlatched:
events.append(create_event('seatbeltNotLatched', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.SOFT_DISABLE]))
if self.CS.esp_disabled:
events.append(create_event('espDisabled', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.SOFT_DISABLE]))
if not self.CS.main_on or self.CS.cruise_mode:
events.append(create_event('wrongCarMode', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.USER_DISABLE]))
if ret.gearShifter == GearShifter.reverse:
events.append(create_event('reverseGear', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.IMMEDIATE_DISABLE]))
if self.CS.brake_hold and self.CS.CP.carFingerprint not in HONDA_BOSCH:
events.append(create_event('brakeHold', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.USER_DISABLE]))
if self.CS.park_brake:
events.append(create_event('parkBrake', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.USER_DISABLE]))
if self.CP.enableCruise and ret.vEgo < self.CP.minEnableSpeed:
events.append(create_event('speedTooLow', [ET.NO_ENTRY]))
# disable on pedals rising edge or when brake is pressed and speed isn't zero
if (ret.gasPressed and not self.gas_pressed_prev) or \
(ret.brakePressed and (not self.brake_pressed_prev or ret.vEgo > 0.001)):
events.append(create_event('pedalPressed', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.USER_DISABLE]))
if ret.gasPressed:
events.append(create_event('pedalPressed', [ET.PRE_ENABLE]))
# it can happen that car cruise disables while comma system is enabled: need to
# keep braking if needed or if the speed is very low
if self.CP.enableCruise and not ret.cruiseState.enabled and (c.actuators.brake <= 0. or not self.CP.openpilotLongitudinalControl):
# non loud alert if cruise disbales below 25mph as expected (+ a little margin)
if ret.vEgo < self.CP.minEnableSpeed + 2.:
events.append(create_event('speedTooLow', [ET.IMMEDIATE_DISABLE]))
events.append(create_event("cruiseDisabled", [ET.IMMEDIATE_DISABLE]))
if self.CS.CP.minEnableSpeed > 0 and ret.vEgo < 0.001:
events.append(create_event('manualRestart', [ET.WARNING]))
cur_time = self.frame * DT_CTRL
enable_pressed = False
# handle button presses
for b in ret.buttonEvents:
# do enable on both accel and decel buttons
if b.type in [ButtonType.accelCruise, ButtonType.decelCruise] and not b.pressed:
self.last_enable_pressed = cur_time
enable_pressed = True
# do disable on button down
if b.type == "cancel" and b.pressed:
events.append(create_event('buttonCancel', [ET.USER_DISABLE]))
if self.CP.enableCruise:
# KEEP THIS EVENT LAST! send enable event if button is pressed and there are
# NO_ENTRY events, so controlsd will display alerts. Also not send enable events
# too close in time, so a no_entry will not be followed by another one.
# TODO: button press should be the only thing that triggers enable
if ((cur_time - self.last_enable_pressed) < 0.2 and
(cur_time - self.last_enable_sent) > 0.2 and
ret.cruiseState.enabled) or \
(enable_pressed and get_events(events, [ET.NO_ENTRY])):
events.append(create_event('buttonEnable', [ET.ENABLE]))
self.last_enable_sent = cur_time
elif enable_pressed:
events.append(create_event('buttonEnable', [ET.ENABLE])) = events
# update previous brake/gas pressed
self.gas_pressed_prev = ret.gasPressed
self.brake_pressed_prev = ret.brakePressed
# cast to reader so it can't be modified
return ret.as_reader()
# pass in a car.CarControl
# to be called @ 100hz
def apply(self, c):
if c.hudControl.speedVisible:
hud_v_cruise = c.hudControl.setSpeed * CV.MS_TO_KPH
hud_v_cruise = 255
pcm_accel = int(clip(c.cruiseControl.accelOverride, 0, 1) * 0xc6)
can_sends = self.CC.update(c.enabled, self.CS, self.frame,
self.frame += 1
return can_sends

View File

@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
import time
from cereal import car
from opendbc.can.parser import CANParser
from import RadarInterfaceBase
def _create_nidec_can_parser():
dbc_f = 'acura_ilx_2016_nidec.dbc'
radar_messages = [0x400] + list(range(0x430, 0x43A)) + list(range(0x440, 0x446))
signals = list(zip(['RADAR_STATE'] +
['LONG_DIST'] * 16 + ['NEW_TRACK'] * 16 + ['LAT_DIST'] * 16 +
['REL_SPEED'] * 16,
[0x400] + radar_messages[1:] * 4,
[0] + [255] * 16 + [1] * 16 + [0] * 16 + [0] * 16))
checks = list(zip([0x445], [20]))
fn = os.path.splitext(dbc_f)[0].encode('utf8')
return CANParser(fn, signals, checks, 1)
class RadarInterface(RadarInterfaceBase):
def __init__(self, CP):
# radar
self.pts = {}
self.track_id = 0
self.radar_fault = False
self.radar_wrong_config = False
self.radar_off_can = CP.radarOffCan
self.radar_ts = CP.radarTimeStep
self.delay = int(round(0.1 / CP.radarTimeStep)) # 0.1s delay of radar
# Nidec
self.rcp = _create_nidec_can_parser()
self.trigger_msg = 0x445
self.updated_messages = set()
def update(self, can_strings):
# in Bosch radar and we are only steering for now, so sleep 0.05s to keep
# radard at 20Hz and return no points
if self.radar_off_can:
if 'NO_RADAR_SLEEP' not in os.environ:
return car.RadarData.new_message()
vls = self.rcp.update_strings(can_strings)
if self.trigger_msg not in self.updated_messages:
return None
rr = self._update(self.updated_messages)
return rr
def _update(self, updated_messages):
ret = car.RadarData.new_message()
for ii in sorted(updated_messages):
cpt = self.rcp.vl[ii]
if ii == 0x400:
# check for radar faults
self.radar_fault = cpt['RADAR_STATE'] != 0x79
self.radar_wrong_config = cpt['RADAR_STATE'] == 0x69
elif cpt['LONG_DIST'] < 255:
if ii not in self.pts or cpt['NEW_TRACK']:
self.pts[ii] = car.RadarData.RadarPoint.new_message()
self.pts[ii].trackId = self.track_id
self.track_id += 1
self.pts[ii].dRel = cpt['LONG_DIST'] # from front of car
self.pts[ii].yRel = -cpt['LAT_DIST'] # in car frame's y axis, left is positive
self.pts[ii].vRel = cpt['REL_SPEED']
self.pts[ii].aRel = float('nan')
self.pts[ii].yvRel = float('nan')
self.pts[ii].measured = True
if ii in self.pts:
del self.pts[ii]
errors = []
if not self.rcp.can_valid:
if self.radar_fault:
if self.radar_wrong_config:
ret.errors = errors
ret.points = list(self.pts.values())
return ret

View File

@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
from cereal import car
from import dbc_dict
Ecu = car.CarParams.Ecu
VisualAlert = car.CarControl.HUDControl.VisualAlert
# Car button codes
class CruiseButtons:
MAIN = 1
# See dbc files for info on values"
VisualAlert.none: 0,
VisualAlert.fcw: 1,
VisualAlert.steerRequired: 1,
VisualAlert.brakePressed: 10,
VisualAlert.wrongGear: 6,
VisualAlert.seatbeltUnbuckled: 5,
VisualAlert.speedTooHigh: 8}
class ECU:
CAM = Ecu.fwdCamera
class CAR:
CRV_5G = "HONDA CR-V 2017 EX"
# diag message that in some Nidec cars only appear with 1s freq if VIN query is performed
DIAG_MSGS = {1600: 5, 1601: 8}
148: 8, 228: 5, 304: 8, 330: 8, 344: 8, 380: 8, 399: 7, 419: 8, 420: 8, 427: 3, 432: 7, 441: 5, 446: 3, 450: 8, 464: 8, 477: 8, 479: 8, 495: 8, 545: 6, 662: 4, 773: 7, 777: 8, 780: 8, 804: 8, 806: 8, 808: 8, 829: 5, 862: 8, 884: 8, 891: 8, 927: 8, 929: 8, 1302: 8, 1600: 5, 1601: 8, 1652: 8
148: 8, 228: 5, 304: 8, 330: 8, 344: 8, 380: 8, 399: 7, 401: 8, 420: 8, 427: 3, 432: 7, 441: 5, 446: 3, 450: 8, 464: 8, 477: 8, 479: 8, 495: 8, 545: 6, 662: 4, 773: 7, 777: 8, 780: 8, 804: 8, 806: 8, 808: 8, 829: 5, 862: 8, 884: 8, 891: 8, 927: 8, 929: 8, 1302: 8, 1600: 5, 1601: 8, 1652: 8
148: 8, 228: 5, 304: 8, 330: 8, 344: 8, 380: 8, 387: 8, 388: 8, 399: 7, 419: 8, 420: 8, 427: 3, 432: 7, 441: 5, 450: 8, 464: 8, 477: 8, 479: 8, 495: 8, 525: 8, 545: 6, 662: 4, 773: 7, 777: 8, 780: 8, 804: 8, 806: 8, 808: 8, 829: 5, 862: 8, 884: 8, 891: 8, 927: 8, 929: 8, 1302: 8, 1600: 5, 1601: 8, 1652: 8
57: 3, 145: 8, 228: 5, 304: 8, 316: 8, 342: 6, 344: 8, 380: 8, 398: 3, 399: 7, 419: 8, 420: 8, 422: 8, 428: 8, 432: 7, 464: 8, 476: 4, 490: 8, 506: 8, 512: 6, 513: 6, 542: 7, 545: 4, 597: 8, 660: 8, 773: 7, 777: 8, 780: 8, 800: 8, 804: 8, 808: 8, 819: 7, 821: 5, 829: 5, 882: 2, 884: 7, 887: 8, 888: 8, 892: 8, 923: 2, 929: 4, 983: 8, 985: 3, 1024: 5, 1027: 5, 1029: 8, 1030: 5, 1034: 5, 1036: 8, 1039: 8, 1057: 5, 1064: 7, 1108: 8, 1365: 5,
# Acura RDX w/ Added Comma Pedal Support (512L & 513L)
57: 3, 145: 8, 229: 4, 308: 5, 316: 8, 342: 6, 344: 8, 380: 8, 392: 6, 398: 3, 399: 6, 404: 4, 420: 8, 422: 8, 426: 8, 432: 7, 464: 8, 474: 5, 476: 4, 487: 4, 490: 8, 506: 8, 512: 6, 513: 6, 542: 7, 545: 4, 597: 8, 660: 8, 773: 7, 777: 8, 780: 8, 800: 8, 804: 8, 808: 8, 819: 7, 821: 5, 829: 5, 882: 2, 884: 7, 887: 8, 888: 8, 892: 8, 923: 2, 929: 4, 963: 8, 965: 8, 966: 8, 967: 8, 983: 8, 985: 3, 1024: 5, 1027: 5, 1029: 8, 1033: 5, 1034: 5, 1036: 8, 1039: 8, 1057: 5, 1064: 7, 1108: 8, 1365: 5, 1424: 5, 1729: 1
57: 3, 148: 8, 228: 5, 304: 8, 330: 8, 344: 8, 380: 8, 399: 7, 401: 8, 420: 8, 427: 3, 428: 8, 432: 7, 450: 8, 464: 8, 470: 2, 476: 7, 487: 4, 490: 8, 493: 5, 506: 8, 512: 6, 513: 6, 545: 6, 597: 8, 662: 4, 773: 7, 777: 8, 780: 8, 795: 8, 800: 8, 804: 8, 806: 8, 808: 8, 829: 5, 862: 8, 884: 8, 891: 8, 892: 8, 927: 8, 929: 8, 985: 3, 1024: 5, 1027: 5, 1029: 8, 1036: 8, 1039: 8, 1108: 8, 1302: 8, 1322: 5, 1361: 5, 1365: 5, 1424: 5, 1633: 8,
# 2017 Civic Hatchback EX, 2019 Civic Sedan Touring Canadian, and 2018 Civic Hatchback Executive Premium 1.0L CVT European
57: 3, 148: 8, 228: 5, 304: 8, 330: 8, 344: 8, 380: 8, 399: 7, 401: 8, 420: 8, 427: 3, 428: 8, 432: 7, 441: 5, 450: 8, 460: 3, 464: 8, 470: 2, 476: 7, 477: 8, 479: 8, 490: 8, 493: 5, 495: 8, 506: 8, 545: 6, 597: 8, 662: 4, 773: 7, 777: 8, 780: 8, 795: 8, 800: 8, 804: 8, 806: 8, 808: 8, 829: 5, 862: 8, 884: 8, 891: 8, 892: 8, 927: 8, 929: 8, 985: 3, 1024: 5, 1027: 5, 1029: 8, 1036: 8, 1039: 8, 1108: 8, 1302: 8, 1322: 5, 1361: 5, 1365: 5, 1424: 5, 1600: 5, 1601: 8, 1625: 5, 1629: 5, 1633: 8,
57: 3, 145: 8, 316: 8, 340: 8, 342: 6, 344: 8, 380: 8, 398: 3, 399: 6, 401: 8, 404: 4, 420: 8, 422: 8, 426: 8, 432: 7, 464: 8, 474: 5, 476: 4, 487: 4, 490: 8, 493: 3, 506: 8, 507: 1, 512: 6, 513: 6, 542: 7, 545: 4, 597: 8, 660: 8, 661: 4, 773: 7, 777: 8, 780: 8, 800: 8, 804: 8, 808: 8, 829: 5, 882: 2, 884: 7, 888: 8, 891: 8, 892: 8, 923: 2, 929: 8, 983: 8, 985: 3, 1024: 5, 1027: 5, 1029: 8, 1033: 5, 1036: 8, 1039: 8, 1057: 5, 1064: 7, 1108: 8, 1125: 8, 1296: 8, 1365: 5, 1424: 5, 1600: 5, 1601: 8,
CAR.CRV_5G: [{
57: 3, 148: 8, 199: 4, 228: 5, 231: 5, 232: 7, 304: 8, 330: 8, 340: 8, 344: 8, 380: 8, 399: 7, 401: 8, 420: 8, 423: 2, 427: 3, 428: 8, 432: 7, 441: 5, 446: 3, 450: 8, 464: 8, 467: 2, 469: 3, 470: 2, 474: 8, 476: 7, 477: 8, 479: 8, 490: 8, 493: 5, 495: 8, 507: 1, 545: 6, 597: 8, 661: 4, 662: 4, 773: 7, 777: 8, 780: 8, 795: 8, 800: 8, 804: 8, 806: 8, 808: 8, 814: 4, 815: 8, 817: 4, 825: 4, 829: 5, 862: 8, 881: 8, 882: 4, 884: 8, 888: 8, 891: 8, 927: 8, 918: 7, 929: 8, 983: 8, 985: 3, 1024: 5, 1027: 5, 1029: 8, 1036: 8, 1039: 8, 1064: 7, 1108: 8, 1092: 1, 1115: 2, 1125: 8, 1127: 2, 1296: 8, 1302: 8, 1322: 5, 1361: 5, 1365: 5, 1424: 5, 1600: 5, 1601: 8, 1618: 5, 1633: 8, 1670: 5
57: 3, 148: 8, 228: 5, 304: 8, 330: 8, 344: 8, 380: 8, 387: 8, 388: 8, 399: 7, 408: 6, 415: 6, 419: 8, 420: 8, 427: 3, 428: 8, 432: 7, 441: 5, 450: 8, 464: 8, 477: 8, 479: 8, 490: 8, 495: 8, 525: 8, 531: 8, 545: 6, 662: 4, 773: 7, 777: 8, 780: 8, 804: 8, 806: 8, 808: 8, 814: 4, 829: 5, 833: 6, 862: 8, 884: 8, 891: 8, 927: 8, 929: 8, 930: 8, 931: 8, 1302: 8, 1361: 5, 1365: 5, 1600: 5, 1601: 8, 1626: 5, 1627: 5
57: 3, 145: 8, 228: 5, 304: 8, 342: 6, 344: 8, 380: 8, 399: 7, 401: 8, 420: 8, 422: 8, 427: 3, 428: 8, 432: 7, 464: 8, 487: 4, 490: 8, 506: 8, 597: 8, 660: 8, 661: 4, 773: 7, 777: 8, 780: 8, 800: 8, 804: 8, 808: 8, 829: 5, 862: 8, 884: 7, 892: 8, 929: 8, 985: 3, 1024: 5, 1027: 5, 1029: 8, 1036: 8, 1039: 8, 1108: 8, 1322: 5, 1361: 5, 1365: 5, 1424: 5, 1600: 5, 1601: 8
# 2018 Odyssey w/ Added Comma Pedal Support (512L & 513L)
57: 3, 148: 8, 228: 5, 229: 4, 316: 8, 342: 6, 344: 8, 380: 8, 399: 7, 411: 5, 419: 8, 420: 8, 427: 3, 432: 7, 450: 8, 463: 8, 464: 8, 476: 4, 490: 8, 506: 8, 512: 6, 513: 6, 542: 7, 545: 6, 597: 8, 662: 4, 773: 7, 777: 8, 780: 8, 795: 8, 800: 8, 804: 8, 806: 8, 808: 8, 817: 4, 819: 7, 821: 5, 825: 4, 829: 5, 837: 5, 856: 7, 862: 8, 871: 8, 881: 8, 882: 4, 884: 8, 891: 8, 892: 8, 905: 8, 923: 2, 927: 8, 929: 8, 963: 8, 965: 8, 966: 8, 967: 8, 983: 8, 985: 3, 1029: 8, 1036: 8, 1052: 8, 1064: 7, 1088: 8, 1089: 8, 1092: 1, 1108: 8, 1110: 8, 1125: 8, 1296: 8, 1302: 8, 1600: 5, 1601: 8, 1612: 5, 1613: 5, 1614: 5, 1615: 8, 1616: 5, 1619: 5, 1623: 5, 1668: 5
# 2018 Odyssey Elite w/ Added Comma Pedal Support (512L & 513L)
57: 3, 148: 8, 228: 5, 229: 4, 304: 8, 342: 6, 344: 8, 380: 8, 399: 7, 411: 5, 419: 8, 420: 8, 427: 3, 432: 7, 440: 8, 450: 8, 463: 8, 464: 8, 476: 4, 490: 8, 506: 8, 507: 1, 542: 7, 545: 6, 597: 8, 662: 4, 773: 7, 777: 8, 780: 8, 795: 8, 800: 8, 804: 8, 806: 8, 808: 8, 817: 4, 819: 7, 821: 5, 825: 4, 829: 5, 837: 5, 856: 7, 862: 8, 871: 8, 881: 8, 882: 4, 884: 8, 891: 8, 892: 8, 905: 8, 923: 2, 927: 8, 929: 8, 963: 8, 965: 8, 966: 8, 967: 8, 983: 8, 985: 3, 1029: 8, 1036: 8, 1052: 8, 1064: 7, 1088: 8, 1089: 8, 1092: 1, 1108: 8, 1110: 8, 1125: 8, 1296: 8, 1302: 8, 1600: 5, 1601: 8, 1612: 5, 1613: 5, 1614: 5, 1616: 5, 1619: 5, 1623: 5, 1668: 5
57: 3, 145: 8, 316: 8, 342: 6, 344: 8, 380: 8, 398: 3, 399: 7, 401: 8, 404: 4, 411: 5, 420: 8, 422: 8, 423: 2, 426: 8, 432: 7, 450: 8, 464: 8, 490: 8, 506: 8, 507: 1, 512: 6, 513: 6, 597: 8, 610: 8, 611: 8, 612: 8, 617: 8, 660: 8, 661: 4, 773: 7, 780: 8, 804: 8, 808: 8, 829: 5, 862: 8, 884: 7, 892: 8, 923: 2, 929: 8, 1030: 5, 1137: 8, 1302: 8, 1348: 5, 1361: 5, 1365: 5, 1600: 5, 1601: 8, 1639: 8
# 2017 Pilot Touring AND 2016 Pilot EX-L w/ Added Comma Pedal Support (512L & 513L)
57: 3, 145: 8, 228: 5, 229: 4, 308: 5, 316: 8, 334: 8, 339: 7, 342: 6, 344: 8, 379: 8, 380: 8, 392: 6, 399: 7, 419: 8, 420: 8, 422: 8, 425: 8, 426: 8, 427: 3, 432: 7, 463: 8, 464: 8, 476: 4, 490: 8, 506: 8, 507: 1, 512: 6, 513: 6, 538: 3, 542: 7, 545: 5, 546: 3, 597: 8, 660: 8, 773: 7, 777: 8, 780: 8, 795: 8, 800: 8, 804: 8, 808: 8, 819: 7, 821: 5, 829: 5, 837: 5, 856: 7, 871: 8, 882: 2, 884: 7, 891: 8, 892: 8, 923: 2, 929: 8, 963: 8, 965: 8, 966: 8, 967: 8, 983: 8, 985: 3, 1027: 5, 1029: 8, 1036: 8, 1039: 8, 1064: 7, 1088: 8, 1089: 8, 1108: 8, 1125: 8, 1296: 8, 1424: 5, 1600: 5, 1601: 8, 1612: 5, 1613: 5, 1616: 5, 1618: 5, 1668: 5
# this fingerprint also includes the Passport 2019
CAR.PILOT_2019: [{
57: 3, 145: 8, 228: 5, 308: 5, 316: 8, 334: 8, 342: 6, 344: 8, 379: 8, 380: 8, 399: 7, 411: 5, 419: 8, 420: 8, 422: 8, 425: 8, 426: 8, 427: 3, 432: 7, 463: 8, 464: 8, 476: 4, 490: 8, 506: 8, 512: 6, 513: 6, 538: 3, 542: 7, 545: 5, 546: 3, 597: 8, 660: 8, 773: 7, 777: 8, 780: 8, 795: 8, 800: 8, 804: 8, 808: 8, 817: 4, 819: 7, 821: 5, 825: 4, 829: 5, 837: 5, 856: 7, 871: 8, 881: 8, 882: 2, 884: 7, 891: 8, 892: 8, 923: 2, 927: 8, 929: 8, 983: 8, 985: 3, 1029: 8, 1052: 8, 1064: 7, 1088: 8, 1089: 8, 1092: 1, 1108: 8, 1110: 8, 1125: 8, 1296: 8, 1424: 5, 1445: 8, 1600: 5, 1601: 8, 1612: 5, 1613: 5, 1614: 5, 1615: 8, 1616: 5, 1617: 8, 1618: 5, 1623: 5, 1668: 5
# 2019 Pilot EX-L
57: 3, 145: 8, 228: 5, 229: 4, 308: 5, 316: 8, 339: 7, 342: 6, 344: 8, 380: 8, 392: 6, 399: 7, 411: 5, 419: 8, 420: 8, 422: 8, 425: 8, 426: 8, 427: 3, 432: 7, 464: 8, 476: 4, 490: 8, 506: 8, 512: 6, 513: 6, 542: 7, 545: 5, 546: 3, 597: 8, 660: 8, 773: 7, 777: 8, 780: 8, 795: 8, 800: 8, 804: 8, 808: 8, 817: 4, 819: 7, 821: 5, 829: 5, 871: 8, 881: 8, 882: 2, 884: 7, 891: 8, 892: 8, 923: 2, 927: 8, 929: 8, 963: 8, 965: 8, 966: 8, 967: 8, 983: 8, 985: 3, 1027: 5, 1029: 8, 1039: 8, 1064: 7, 1088: 8, 1089: 8, 1092: 1, 1108: 8, 1125: 8, 1296: 8, 1424: 5, 1445: 8, 1600: 5, 1601: 8, 1612: 5, 1613: 5, 1616: 5, 1617: 8, 1618: 5, 1623: 5, 1668: 5
# Ridgeline w/ Added Comma Pedal Support (512L & 513L)
57: 3, 145: 8, 228: 5, 229: 4, 308: 5, 316: 8, 339: 7, 342: 6, 344: 8, 380: 8, 392: 6, 399: 7, 419: 8, 420: 8, 422: 8, 425: 8, 426: 8, 427: 3, 432: 7, 464: 8, 471: 3, 476: 4, 490: 8, 506: 8, 512: 6, 513: 6, 545: 5, 546: 3, 597: 8, 660: 8, 773: 7, 777: 8, 780: 8, 795: 8, 800: 8, 804: 8, 808: 8, 819: 7, 821: 5, 829: 5, 871: 8, 882: 2, 884: 7, 892: 8, 923: 2, 927: 8, 929: 8, 963: 8, 965: 8, 966: 8, 967: 8, 983: 8, 985: 3, 1027: 5, 1029: 8, 1036: 8, 1039: 8, 1064: 7, 1088: 8, 1089: 8, 1108: 8, 1125: 8, 1296: 8, 1365: 5, 1424: 5, 1600: 5, 1601: 8, 1613: 5, 1616: 5, 1618: 5, 1668: 5, 2015: 3
# 2019 Ridgeline
57: 3, 145: 8, 228: 5, 229: 4, 308: 5, 316: 8, 339: 7, 342: 6, 344: 8, 380: 8, 392: 6, 399: 7, 419: 8, 420: 8, 422:8, 425: 8, 426: 8, 427: 3, 432: 7, 464: 8, 476: 4, 490: 8, 545: 5, 546: 3, 597: 8, 660: 8, 773: 7, 777: 8, 795: 8, 800: 8, 804: 8, 808: 8, 819: 7, 821: 5, 871: 8, 882: 2, 884: 7, 892: 8, 923: 2, 929: 8, 963: 8, 965: 8, 966: 8, 967: 8, 983: 8, 985: 3, 1027: 5, 1029: 8, 1036: 8, 1039: 8, 1064: 7, 1088: 8, 1089: 8, 1092: 1, 1108: 8, 1125: 8, 1296: 8, 1365: 5, 424: 5, 1613: 5, 1616: 5, 1618: 5, 1623: 5, 1668: 5
# add DIAG_MSGS to fingerprints
for f, _ in enumerate(FINGERPRINTS[c]):
for d in DIAG_MSGS:
# TODO: Figure out what is relevant
(Ecu.unknown, 0x18da10f1, None): [b'37805-5AA-L660\x00\x00'],
(Ecu.unknown, 0x18da1ef1, None): [b'28101-5CG-A050\x00\x00'],
(Ecu.unknown, 0x18da28f1, None): [b'57114-TBA-A550\x00\x00'],
(Ecu.eps, 0x18da30f1, None): [b'39990-TBA-A030\x00\x00', b'39990-TBA,A030\x00\x00'],
(Ecu.unknown, 0x18da53f1, None): [b'77959-TBA-A030\x00\x00'],
(Ecu.unknown, 0x18da60f1, None): [b'78109-TBC-A310\x00\x00'],
(Ecu.unknown, 0x18dab0f1, None): [b'36161-TBC-A030\x00\x00'],
(Ecu.unknown, 0x18daeff1, None): [b'38897-TBA-A020\x00\x00'],
(Ecu.unknown, 0x18da10f1, None): [b'37805-6B2-A650\x00\x00'],
(Ecu.unknown, 0x18da0bf1, None): [b'54008-TVC-A910\x00\x00'],
(Ecu.unknown, 0x18da1ef1, None): [b'28102-6B8-A560\x00\x00'],
(Ecu.unknown, 0x18da2bf1, None): [b'46114-TVA-A060\x00\x00'],
(Ecu.unknown, 0x18da28f1, None): [b'57114-TVA-C050\x00\x00'],
(Ecu.eps, 0x18da30f1, None): [b'39990-TVA-A150\x00\x00'],
(Ecu.unknown, 0x18da3af1, None): [b'39390-TVA-A020\x00\x00'],
(Ecu.unknown, 0x18da53f1, None): [b'77959-TVA-A460\x00\x00'],
(Ecu.unknown, 0x18da60f1, None): [b'78109-TVC-A210\x00\x00'],
(Ecu.unknown, 0x18da61f1, None): [b'78209-TVA-A010\x00\x00'],
(Ecu.unknown, 0x18dab0f1, None): [b'36802-TVA-A160\x00\x00'],
(Ecu.unknown, 0x18dab5f1, None): [b'36161-TVA-A060\x00\x00'],
(Ecu.unknown, 0x18daeff1, None): [b'38897-TVA-A010\x00\x00'],
DBC = {
CAR.ACCORD: dbc_dict('honda_accord_s2t_2018_can_generated', None),
CAR.ACCORD_15: dbc_dict('honda_accord_lx15t_2018_can_generated', None),
CAR.ACCORDH: dbc_dict('honda_accord_s2t_2018_can_generated', None),
CAR.ACURA_ILX: dbc_dict('acura_ilx_2016_can_generated', 'acura_ilx_2016_nidec'),
CAR.ACURA_RDX: dbc_dict('acura_rdx_2018_can_generated', 'acura_ilx_2016_nidec'),
CAR.CIVIC: dbc_dict('honda_civic_touring_2016_can_generated', 'acura_ilx_2016_nidec'),
CAR.CIVIC_BOSCH: dbc_dict('honda_civic_hatchback_ex_2017_can_generated', None),
CAR.CRV: dbc_dict('honda_crv_touring_2016_can_generated', 'acura_ilx_2016_nidec'),
CAR.CRV_5G: dbc_dict('honda_crv_ex_2017_can_generated', None),
CAR.CRV_HYBRID: dbc_dict('honda_crv_hybrid_2019_can_generated', None),
CAR.FIT: dbc_dict('honda_fit_ex_2018_can_generated', 'acura_ilx_2016_nidec'),
CAR.ODYSSEY: dbc_dict('honda_odyssey_exl_2018_generated', 'acura_ilx_2016_nidec'),
CAR.ODYSSEY_CHN: dbc_dict('honda_odyssey_extreme_edition_2018_china_can_generated', 'acura_ilx_2016_nidec'),
CAR.PILOT: dbc_dict('honda_pilot_touring_2017_can_generated', 'acura_ilx_2016_nidec'),
CAR.PILOT_2019: dbc_dict('honda_pilot_touring_2017_can_generated', 'acura_ilx_2016_nidec'),
CAR.RIDGELINE: dbc_dict('honda_ridgeline_black_edition_2017_can_generated', 'acura_ilx_2016_nidec'),
CAR.ACCORD_15: 1200,
CAR.CIVIC: 1200,
CAR.CRV: 1200,
CAR.CRV_5G: 1200,
CAR.FIT: 1200,
CAR.PILOT: 1200,
CAR.PILOT_2019: 1200,
CAR.ACCORD_15: 1.,
CAR.CRV: 1.025,
CAR.CRV_5G: 1.025,
CAR.FIT: 1.,
CAR.PILOT_2019: 1.,
# msgs sent for steering controller by camera module on can 0.
# those messages are mutually exclusive on CRV and non-CRV cars
ECU.CAM: [0xE4, 0x194], # steer torque cmd

View File

View File

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
from import apply_std_steer_torque_limits
from import create_lkas11, create_clu11
from import Buttons, SteerLimitParams
from opendbc.can.packer import CANPacker
class CarController():
def __init__(self, dbc_name, car_fingerprint):
self.apply_steer_last = 0
self.car_fingerprint = car_fingerprint
self.lkas11_cnt = 0
self.cnt = 0
self.last_resume_cnt = 0
self.packer = CANPacker(dbc_name)
self.steer_rate_limited = False
def update(self, enabled, CS, actuators, pcm_cancel_cmd, hud_alert):
### Steering Torque
new_steer = actuators.steer * SteerLimitParams.STEER_MAX
apply_steer = apply_std_steer_torque_limits(new_steer, self.apply_steer_last, CS.steer_torque_driver, SteerLimitParams)
self.steer_rate_limited = new_steer != apply_steer
if not enabled:
apply_steer = 0
steer_req = 1 if enabled else 0
self.apply_steer_last = apply_steer
can_sends = []
self.lkas11_cnt = self.cnt % 0x10
self.clu11_cnt = self.cnt % 0x10
can_sends.append(create_lkas11(self.packer, self.car_fingerprint, apply_steer, steer_req, self.lkas11_cnt,
enabled, CS.lkas11, hud_alert, keep_stock=True))
if pcm_cancel_cmd:
can_sends.append(create_clu11(self.packer, CS.clu11, Buttons.CANCEL))
elif CS.stopped and (self.cnt - self.last_resume_cnt) > 5:
self.last_resume_cnt = self.cnt
can_sends.append(create_clu11(self.packer, CS.clu11, Buttons.RES_ACCEL))
self.cnt += 1
return can_sends

View File

@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
from cereal import car
from opendbc.can.parser import CANParser
from selfdrive.config import Conversions as CV
from common.kalman.simple_kalman import KF1D
GearShifter = car.CarState.GearShifter
def get_can_parser(CP):
signals = [
# sig_name, sig_address, default
("WHL_SPD_FL", "WHL_SPD11", 0),
("WHL_SPD_FR", "WHL_SPD11", 0),
("WHL_SPD_RL", "WHL_SPD11", 0),
("WHL_SPD_RR", "WHL_SPD11", 0),
("YAW_RATE", "ESP12", 0),
("CF_Gway_DrvSeatBeltInd", "CGW4", 1),
("CF_Gway_DrvSeatBeltSw", "CGW1", 0),
("CF_Gway_TSigLHSw", "CGW1", 0),
("CF_Gway_TurnSigLh", "CGW1", 0),
("CF_Gway_TSigRHSw", "CGW1", 0),
("CF_Gway_TurnSigRh", "CGW1", 0),
("CF_Gway_ParkBrakeSw", "CGW1", 0),
("BRAKE_ACT", "EMS12", 0),
("PV_AV_CAN", "EMS12", 0),
("TPS", "EMS12", 0),
("CYL_PRES", "ESP12", 0),
("CF_Clu_CruiseSwState", "CLU11", 0),
("CF_Clu_CruiseSwMain", "CLU11", 0),
("CF_Clu_SldMainSW", "CLU11", 0),
("CF_Clu_ParityBit1", "CLU11", 0),
("CF_Clu_VanzDecimal" , "CLU11", 0),
("CF_Clu_Vanz", "CLU11", 0),
("CF_Clu_SPEED_UNIT", "CLU11", 0),
("CF_Clu_DetentOut", "CLU11", 0),
("CF_Clu_RheostatLevel", "CLU11", 0),
("CF_Clu_CluInfo", "CLU11", 0),
("CF_Clu_AmpInfo", "CLU11", 0),
("CF_Clu_AliveCnt1", "CLU11", 0),
("CF_Clu_InhibitD", "CLU15", 0),
("CF_Clu_InhibitP", "CLU15", 0),
("CF_Clu_InhibitN", "CLU15", 0),
("CF_Clu_InhibitR", "CLU15", 0),
("CF_Lvr_Gear", "LVR12",0),
("CUR_GR", "TCU12",0),
("ACCEnable", "TCS13", 0),
("ACC_REQ", "TCS13", 0),
("DriverBraking", "TCS13", 0),
("DriverOverride", "TCS13", 0),
("ESC_Off_Step", "TCS15", 0),
("CF_Lvr_GearInf", "LVR11", 0), #Transmission Gear (0 = N or P, 1-8 = Fwd, 14 = Rev)
("CR_Mdps_DrvTq", "MDPS11", 0),
("CR_Mdps_StrColTq", "MDPS12", 0),
("CF_Mdps_ToiActive", "MDPS12", 0),
("CF_Mdps_ToiUnavail", "MDPS12", 0),
("CF_Mdps_FailStat", "MDPS12", 0),
("CR_Mdps_OutTq", "MDPS12", 0),
("VSetDis", "SCC11", 0),
("SCCInfoDisplay", "SCC11", 0),
("ACCMode", "SCC12", 1),
("SAS_Angle", "SAS11", 0),
("SAS_Speed", "SAS11", 0),
checks = [
# address, frequency
("MDPS12", 50),
("MDPS11", 100),
("TCS15", 10),
("TCS13", 50),
("CLU11", 50),
("ESP12", 100),
("EMS12", 100),
("CGW1", 10),
("CGW4", 5),
("WHL_SPD11", 50),
("SCC11", 50),
("SCC12", 50),
("SAS11", 100)
return CANParser(DBC[CP.carFingerprint]['pt'], signals, checks, 0)
def get_camera_parser(CP):
signals = [
# sig_name, sig_address, default
("CF_Lkas_LdwsSysState", "LKAS11", 0),
("CF_Lkas_SysWarning", "LKAS11", 0),
("CF_Lkas_LdwsLHWarning", "LKAS11", 0),
("CF_Lkas_LdwsRHWarning", "LKAS11", 0),
("CF_Lkas_HbaLamp", "LKAS11", 0),
("CF_Lkas_FcwBasReq", "LKAS11", 0),
("CF_Lkas_ToiFlt", "LKAS11", 0),
("CF_Lkas_HbaSysState", "LKAS11", 0),
("CF_Lkas_FcwOpt", "LKAS11", 0),
("CF_Lkas_HbaOpt", "LKAS11", 0),
("CF_Lkas_FcwSysState", "LKAS11", 0),
("CF_Lkas_FcwCollisionWarning", "LKAS11", 0),
("CF_Lkas_FusionState", "LKAS11", 0),
("CF_Lkas_FcwOpt_USM", "LKAS11", 0),
("CF_Lkas_LdwsOpt_USM", "LKAS11", 0)
checks = []
return CANParser(DBC[CP.carFingerprint]['pt'], signals, checks, 2)
class CarState():
def __init__(self, CP):
self.CP = CP
# initialize can parser
self.car_fingerprint = CP.carFingerprint
# vEgo kalman filter
dt = 0.01
# Q = np.matrix([[10.0, 0.0], [0.0, 100.0]])
# R = 1e3
self.v_ego_kf = KF1D(x0=[[0.0], [0.0]],
A=[[1.0, dt], [0.0, 1.0]],
C=[1.0, 0.0],
K=[[0.12287673], [0.29666309]])
self.v_ego = 0.0
self.left_blinker_on = 0
self.left_blinker_flash = 0
self.right_blinker_on = 0
self.right_blinker_flash = 0
def update(self, cp, cp_cam):
# update prevs, update must run once per Loop
self.prev_left_blinker_on = self.left_blinker_on
self.prev_right_blinker_on = self.right_blinker_on
self.door_all_closed = True
self.seatbelt = cp.vl["CGW1"]['CF_Gway_DrvSeatBeltSw']
self.brake_pressed = cp.vl["TCS13"]['DriverBraking']
self.esp_disabled = cp.vl["TCS15"]['ESC_Off_Step']
self.park_brake = cp.vl["CGW1"]['CF_Gway_ParkBrakeSw']
self.main_on = True
self.acc_active = cp.vl["SCC12"]['ACCMode'] != 0
self.pcm_acc_status = int(self.acc_active)
# calc best v_ego estimate, by averaging two opposite corners
self.v_wheel_fl = cp.vl["WHL_SPD11"]['WHL_SPD_FL'] * CV.KPH_TO_MS
self.v_wheel_fr = cp.vl["WHL_SPD11"]['WHL_SPD_FR'] * CV.KPH_TO_MS
self.v_wheel_rl = cp.vl["WHL_SPD11"]['WHL_SPD_RL'] * CV.KPH_TO_MS
self.v_wheel_rr = cp.vl["WHL_SPD11"]['WHL_SPD_RR'] * CV.KPH_TO_MS
v_wheel = (self.v_wheel_fl + self.v_wheel_fr + self.v_wheel_rl + self.v_wheel_rr) / 4.
self.low_speed_lockout = v_wheel < 1.0
# Kalman filter, even though Hyundai raw wheel speed is heaviliy filtered by default
if abs(v_wheel - self.v_ego) > 2.0: # Prevent large accelerations when car starts at non zero speed
self.v_ego_kf.x = [[v_wheel], [0.0]]
self.v_ego_raw = v_wheel
v_ego_x = self.v_ego_kf.update(v_wheel)
self.v_ego = float(v_ego_x[0])
self.a_ego = float(v_ego_x[1])
is_set_speed_in_mph = int(cp.vl["CLU11"]["CF_Clu_SPEED_UNIT"])
speed_conv = CV.MPH_TO_MS if is_set_speed_in_mph else CV.KPH_TO_MS
self.cruise_set_speed = cp.vl["SCC11"]['VSetDis'] * speed_conv
self.standstill = not v_wheel > 0.1
self.angle_steers = cp.vl["SAS11"]['SAS_Angle']
self.angle_steers_rate = cp.vl["SAS11"]['SAS_Speed']
self.yaw_rate = cp.vl["ESP12"]['YAW_RATE']
self.main_on = True
self.left_blinker_on = cp.vl["CGW1"]['CF_Gway_TSigLHSw']
self.left_blinker_flash = cp.vl["CGW1"]['CF_Gway_TurnSigLh']
self.right_blinker_on = cp.vl["CGW1"]['CF_Gway_TSigRHSw']
self.right_blinker_flash = cp.vl["CGW1"]['CF_Gway_TurnSigRh']
self.steer_override = abs(cp.vl["MDPS11"]['CR_Mdps_DrvTq']) > STEER_THRESHOLD
self.steer_state = cp.vl["MDPS12"]['CF_Mdps_ToiActive'] #0 NOT ACTIVE, 1 ACTIVE
self.steer_error = cp.vl["MDPS12"]['CF_Mdps_ToiUnavail']
self.brake_error = 0
self.steer_torque_driver = cp.vl["MDPS11"]['CR_Mdps_DrvTq']
self.steer_torque_motor = cp.vl["MDPS12"]['CR_Mdps_OutTq']
self.stopped = cp.vl["SCC11"]['SCCInfoDisplay'] == 4.
self.user_brake = 0
self.brake_pressed = cp.vl["TCS13"]['DriverBraking']
self.brake_lights = bool(self.brake_pressed)
if (cp.vl["TCS13"]["DriverOverride"] == 0 and cp.vl["TCS13"]['ACC_REQ'] == 1):
self.pedal_gas = 0
self.pedal_gas = cp.vl["EMS12"]['TPS']
self.car_gas = cp.vl["EMS12"]['TPS']
# Gear Selecton - This is not compatible with all Kia/Hyundai's, But is the best way for those it is compatible with
gear = cp.vl["LVR12"]["CF_Lvr_Gear"]
if gear == 5:
self.gear_shifter =
elif gear == 6:
self.gear_shifter = GearShifter.neutral
elif gear == 0:
self.gear_shifter = GearShifter.park
elif gear == 7:
self.gear_shifter = GearShifter.reverse
self.gear_shifter = GearShifter.unknown
# Gear Selection via Cluster - For those Kia/Hyundai which are not fully discovered, we can use the Cluster Indicator for Gear Selection, as this seems to be standard over all cars, but is not the preferred method.
if cp.vl["CLU15"]["CF_Clu_InhibitD"] == 1:
self.gear_shifter_cluster =
elif cp.vl["CLU15"]["CF_Clu_InhibitN"] == 1:
self.gear_shifter_cluster = GearShifter.neutral
elif cp.vl["CLU15"]["CF_Clu_InhibitP"] == 1:
self.gear_shifter_cluster = GearShifter.park
elif cp.vl["CLU15"]["CF_Clu_InhibitR"] == 1:
self.gear_shifter_cluster = GearShifter.reverse
self.gear_shifter_cluster = GearShifter.unknown
# Gear Selecton via TCU12
gear2 = cp.vl["TCU12"]["CUR_GR"]
if gear2 == 0:
self.gear_tcu = GearShifter.park
elif gear2 == 14:
self.gear_tcu = GearShifter.reverse
elif gear2 > 0 and gear2 < 9: # unaware of anything over 8 currently
self.gear_tcu =
self.gear_tcu = GearShifter.unknown
# save the entire LKAS11 and CLU11
self.lkas11 = cp_cam.vl["LKAS11"]
self.clu11 = cp.vl["CLU11"]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
import crcmod
from import CHECKSUM
hyundai_checksum = crcmod.mkCrcFun(0x11D, initCrc=0xFD, rev=False, xorOut=0xdf)
def create_lkas11(packer, car_fingerprint, apply_steer, steer_req, cnt, enabled, lkas11, hud_alert, keep_stock=False):
values = {
"CF_Lkas_Bca_R": 3 if enabled else 0,
"CF_Lkas_LdwsSysState": 3 if steer_req else 1,
"CF_Lkas_SysWarning": hud_alert,
"CF_Lkas_LdwsLHWarning": lkas11["CF_Lkas_LdwsLHWarning"] if keep_stock else 0,
"CF_Lkas_LdwsRHWarning": lkas11["CF_Lkas_LdwsRHWarning"] if keep_stock else 0,
"CF_Lkas_HbaLamp": lkas11["CF_Lkas_HbaLamp"] if keep_stock else 0,
"CF_Lkas_FcwBasReq": lkas11["CF_Lkas_FcwBasReq"] if keep_stock else 0,
"CR_Lkas_StrToqReq": apply_steer,
"CF_Lkas_ActToi": steer_req,
"CF_Lkas_ToiFlt": 0,
"CF_Lkas_HbaSysState": lkas11["CF_Lkas_HbaSysState"] if keep_stock else 1,
"CF_Lkas_FcwOpt": lkas11["CF_Lkas_FcwOpt"] if keep_stock else 0,
"CF_Lkas_HbaOpt": lkas11["CF_Lkas_HbaOpt"] if keep_stock else 3,
"CF_Lkas_MsgCount": cnt,
"CF_Lkas_FcwSysState": lkas11["CF_Lkas_FcwSysState"] if keep_stock else 0,
"CF_Lkas_FcwCollisionWarning": lkas11["CF_Lkas_FcwCollisionWarning"] if keep_stock else 0,
"CF_Lkas_FusionState": lkas11["CF_Lkas_FusionState"] if keep_stock else 0,
"CF_Lkas_Chksum": 0,
"CF_Lkas_FcwOpt_USM": 2 if enabled else 1,
"CF_Lkas_LdwsOpt_USM": lkas11["CF_Lkas_LdwsOpt_USM"] if keep_stock else 3,
dat = packer.make_can_msg("LKAS11", 0, values)[2]
if car_fingerprint in CHECKSUM["crc8"]:
# CRC Checksum as seen on 2019 Hyundai Santa Fe
dat = dat[:6] + dat[7:8]
checksum = hyundai_checksum(dat)
elif car_fingerprint in CHECKSUM["6B"]:
# Checksum of first 6 Bytes, as seen on 2018 Kia Sorento
checksum = sum(dat[:6]) % 256
elif car_fingerprint in CHECKSUM["7B"]:
# Checksum of first 6 Bytes and last Byte as seen on 2018 Kia Stinger
checksum = (sum(dat[:6]) + dat[7]) % 256
values["CF_Lkas_Chksum"] = checksum
return packer.make_can_msg("LKAS11", 0, values)
def create_clu11(packer, clu11, button):
values = {
"CF_Clu_CruiseSwState": button,
"CF_Clu_CruiseSwMain": clu11["CF_Clu_CruiseSwMain"],
"CF_Clu_SldMainSW": clu11["CF_Clu_SldMainSW"],
"CF_Clu_ParityBit1": clu11["CF_Clu_ParityBit1"],
"CF_Clu_VanzDecimal": clu11["CF_Clu_VanzDecimal"],
"CF_Clu_Vanz": clu11["CF_Clu_Vanz"],
"CF_Clu_SPEED_UNIT": clu11["CF_Clu_SPEED_UNIT"],
"CF_Clu_DetentOut": clu11["CF_Clu_DetentOut"],
"CF_Clu_RheostatLevel": clu11["CF_Clu_RheostatLevel"],
"CF_Clu_CluInfo": clu11["CF_Clu_CluInfo"],
"CF_Clu_AmpInfo": clu11["CF_Clu_AmpInfo"],
"CF_Clu_AliveCnt1": 0,
return packer.make_can_msg("CLU11", 0, values)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from cereal import car
from selfdrive.config import Conversions as CV
from selfdrive.controls.lib.drive_helpers import EventTypes as ET, create_event
from selfdrive.controls.lib.vehicle_model import VehicleModel
from import CarState, get_can_parser, get_camera_parser
from import STD_CARGO_KG, scale_rot_inertia, scale_tire_stiffness, is_ecu_disconnected, gen_empty_fingerprint
from import CarInterfaceBase
GearShifter = car.CarState.GearShifter
ButtonType = car.CarState.ButtonEvent.Type
class CarInterface(CarInterfaceBase):
def __init__(self, CP, CarController):
self.CP = CP
self.VM = VehicleModel(CP)
self.idx = 0
self.lanes = 0
self.lkas_request = 0
self.gas_pressed_prev = False
self.brake_pressed_prev = False
self.cruise_enabled_prev = False
self.low_speed_alert = False
# *** init the major players ***
self.CS = CarState(CP)
self.cp = get_can_parser(CP)
self.cp_cam = get_camera_parser(CP)
self.CC = None
if CarController is not None:
self.CC = CarController(self.cp.dbc_name, CP.carFingerprint)
def compute_gb(accel, speed):
return float(accel) / 3.0
def get_params(candidate, fingerprint=gen_empty_fingerprint(), has_relay=False, car_fw=[]):
ret = car.CarParams.new_message()
ret.carName = "hyundai"
ret.carFingerprint = candidate
ret.isPandaBlack = has_relay
ret.radarOffCan = True
ret.safetyModel =
ret.enableCruise = True # stock acc
ret.steerActuatorDelay = 0.1 # Default delay
ret.steerRateCost = 0.5
ret.steerLimitTimer = 0.4
tire_stiffness_factor = 1.
if candidate == CAR.SANTA_FE: = 0.00005
ret.mass = 3982. * CV.LB_TO_KG + STD_CARGO_KG
ret.wheelbase = 2.766
# Values from optimizer
ret.steerRatio = 16.55 # 13.8 is spec end-to-end
tire_stiffness_factor = 0.82, = [[9., 22.], [9., 22.]], = [[0.2, 0.35], [0.05, 0.09]]
ret.minSteerSpeed = 0.
elif candidate == CAR.KIA_SORENTO: = 0.00005
ret.mass = 1985. + STD_CARGO_KG
ret.wheelbase = 2.78
ret.steerRatio = 14.4 * 1.1 # 10% higher at the center seems reasonable, = [[0.], [0.]], = [[0.25], [0.05]]
ret.minSteerSpeed = 0.
elif candidate == CAR.ELANTRA: = 0.00006
ret.mass = 1275. + STD_CARGO_KG
ret.wheelbase = 2.7
ret.steerRatio = 13.73 #Spec
tire_stiffness_factor = 0.385, = [[0.], [0.]], = [[0.25], [0.05]]
ret.minSteerSpeed = 32 * CV.MPH_TO_MS
elif candidate == CAR.GENESIS: = 0.00005
ret.mass = 2060. + STD_CARGO_KG
ret.wheelbase = 3.01
ret.steerRatio = 16.5, = [[0.], [0.]], = [[0.16], [0.01]]
ret.minSteerSpeed = 35 * CV.MPH_TO_MS
elif candidate == CAR.KIA_OPTIMA: = 0.00005
ret.mass = 3558. * CV.LB_TO_KG
ret.wheelbase = 2.80
ret.steerRatio = 13.75
tire_stiffness_factor = 0.5, = [[0.], [0.]], = [[0.25], [0.05]]
elif candidate == CAR.KIA_STINGER: = 0.00005
ret.mass = 1825. + STD_CARGO_KG
ret.wheelbase = 2.78
ret.steerRatio = 14.4 * 1.15 # 15% higher at the center seems reasonable, = [[0.], [0.]], = [[0.25], [0.05]]
ret.minSteerSpeed = 0.
ret.minEnableSpeed = -1. # enable is done by stock ACC, so ignore this
ret.longitudinalTuning.kpBP = [0.]
ret.longitudinalTuning.kpV = [0.]
ret.longitudinalTuning.kiBP = [0.]
ret.longitudinalTuning.kiV = [0.]
ret.longitudinalTuning.deadzoneBP = [0.]
ret.longitudinalTuning.deadzoneV = [0.]
ret.centerToFront = ret.wheelbase * 0.4
# TODO: get actual value, for now starting with reasonable value for
# civic and scaling by mass and wheelbase
ret.rotationalInertia = scale_rot_inertia(ret.mass, ret.wheelbase)
# TODO: start from empirically derived lateral slip stiffness for the civic and scale by
# mass and CG position, so all cars will have approximately similar dyn behaviors
ret.tireStiffnessFront, ret.tireStiffnessRear = scale_tire_stiffness(ret.mass, ret.wheelbase, ret.centerToFront,
# no rear steering, at least on the listed cars above
ret.steerRatioRear = 0.
ret.steerControlType = car.CarParams.SteerControlType.torque
# steer, gas, brake limitations VS speed
ret.steerMaxBP = [0.]
ret.steerMaxV = [1.0]
ret.gasMaxBP = [0.]
ret.gasMaxV = [1.]
ret.brakeMaxBP = [0.]
ret.brakeMaxV = [1.]
ret.enableCamera = is_ecu_disconnected(fingerprint[0], FINGERPRINTS, ECU_FINGERPRINT, candidate, ECU.CAM) or has_relay
ret.openpilotLongitudinalControl = False
ret.stoppingControl = False
ret.startAccel = 0.0
return ret
# returns a car.CarState
def update(self, c, can_strings):
# ******************* do can recv *******************
self.CS.update(self.cp, self.cp_cam)
# create message
ret = car.CarState.new_message()
ret.canValid = self.cp.can_valid and self.cp_cam.can_valid
# speeds
ret.vEgo = self.CS.v_ego
ret.vEgoRaw = self.CS.v_ego_raw
ret.aEgo = self.CS.a_ego
ret.yawRate = self.CS.yaw_rate
ret.standstill = self.CS.standstill
ret.wheelSpeeds.fl = self.CS.v_wheel_fl = self.CS.v_wheel_fr
ret.wheelSpeeds.rl = self.CS.v_wheel_rl
ret.wheelSpeeds.rr = self.CS.v_wheel_rr
# gear shifter
if self.CP.carFingerprint in FEATURES["use_cluster_gears"]:
ret.gearShifter = self.CS.gear_shifter_cluster
elif self.CP.carFingerprint in FEATURES["use_tcu_gears"]:
ret.gearShifter = self.CS.gear_tcu
ret.gearShifter = self.CS.gear_shifter
# gas pedal
ret.gas = self.CS.car_gas
ret.gasPressed = self.CS.pedal_gas > 1e-3 # tolerance to avoid false press reading
# brake pedal
ret.brake = self.CS.user_brake
ret.brakePressed = self.CS.brake_pressed != 0
ret.brakeLights = self.CS.brake_lights
# steering wheel
ret.steeringAngle = self.CS.angle_steers
ret.steeringRate = self.CS.angle_steers_rate # it's unsigned
ret.steeringTorque = self.CS.steer_torque_driver
ret.steeringPressed = self.CS.steer_override
# cruise state
ret.cruiseState.enabled = self.CS.pcm_acc_status != 0
if self.CS.pcm_acc_status != 0:
ret.cruiseState.speed = self.CS.cruise_set_speed
ret.cruiseState.speed = 0
ret.cruiseState.available = bool(self.CS.main_on)
ret.cruiseState.standstill = False
# TODO: button presses
buttonEvents = []
if self.CS.left_blinker_on != self.CS.prev_left_blinker_on:
be = car.CarState.ButtonEvent.new_message()
be.type = ButtonType.leftBlinker
be.pressed = self.CS.left_blinker_on != 0
if self.CS.right_blinker_on != self.CS.prev_right_blinker_on:
be = car.CarState.ButtonEvent.new_message()
be.type = ButtonType.rightBlinker
be.pressed = self.CS.right_blinker_on != 0
ret.buttonEvents = buttonEvents
ret.leftBlinker = bool(self.CS.left_blinker_on)
ret.rightBlinker = bool(self.CS.right_blinker_on)
ret.doorOpen = not self.CS.door_all_closed
ret.seatbeltUnlatched = not self.CS.seatbelt
# low speed steer alert hysteresis logic (only for cars with steer cut off above 10 m/s)
if ret.vEgo < (self.CP.minSteerSpeed + 2.) and self.CP.minSteerSpeed > 10.:
self.low_speed_alert = True
if ret.vEgo > (self.CP.minSteerSpeed + 4.):
self.low_speed_alert = False
events = []
if not ret.gearShifter ==
events.append(create_event('wrongGear', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.SOFT_DISABLE]))
if ret.doorOpen:
events.append(create_event('doorOpen', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.SOFT_DISABLE]))
if ret.seatbeltUnlatched:
events.append(create_event('seatbeltNotLatched', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.SOFT_DISABLE]))
if self.CS.esp_disabled:
events.append(create_event('espDisabled', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.SOFT_DISABLE]))
if not self.CS.main_on:
events.append(create_event('wrongCarMode', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.USER_DISABLE]))
if ret.gearShifter == GearShifter.reverse:
events.append(create_event('reverseGear', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.IMMEDIATE_DISABLE]))
if self.CS.steer_error:
events.append(create_event('steerTempUnavailable', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.WARNING]))
if ret.cruiseState.enabled and not self.cruise_enabled_prev:
events.append(create_event('pcmEnable', [ET.ENABLE]))
elif not ret.cruiseState.enabled:
events.append(create_event('pcmDisable', [ET.USER_DISABLE]))
# disable on pedals rising edge or when brake is pressed and speed isn't zero
if (ret.gasPressed and not self.gas_pressed_prev) or \
(ret.brakePressed and (not self.brake_pressed_prev or ret.vEgoRaw > 0.1)):
events.append(create_event('pedalPressed', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.USER_DISABLE]))
if ret.gasPressed:
events.append(create_event('pedalPressed', [ET.PRE_ENABLE]))
if self.low_speed_alert:
events.append(create_event('belowSteerSpeed', [ET.WARNING])) = events
self.gas_pressed_prev = ret.gasPressed
self.brake_pressed_prev = ret.brakePressed
self.cruise_enabled_prev = ret.cruiseState.enabled
return ret.as_reader()
def apply(self, c):
hud_alert = get_hud_alerts(c.hudControl.visualAlert)
can_sends = self.CC.update(c.enabled, self.CS, c.actuators,
c.cruiseControl.cancel, hud_alert)
return can_sends

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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from import RadarInterfaceBase
class RadarInterface(RadarInterfaceBase):

View File

@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
from cereal import car
from import dbc_dict
VisualAlert = car.CarControl.HUDControl.VisualAlert
def get_hud_alerts(visual_alert):
if visual_alert == VisualAlert.steerRequired:
return 5
return 0
# Steer torque limits
class SteerLimitParams:
STEER_MAX = 255 # 409 is the max, 255 is stock
class CAR:
class Buttons:
NONE = 0
66: 8, 67: 8, 68: 8, 127: 8, 273: 8, 274: 8, 275: 8, 339: 8, 356: 4, 399: 8, 512: 6, 544: 8, 593: 8, 608: 8, 688: 5, 790: 8, 809: 8, 897: 8, 832: 8, 899: 8, 902: 8, 903: 8, 905: 8, 909: 8, 916: 8, 1040: 8, 1056: 8, 1057: 8, 1078: 4, 1170: 8, 1265: 4, 1280: 1, 1282: 4, 1287: 4, 1290: 8, 1292: 8, 1294: 8, 1312: 8, 1314: 8, 1322: 8, 1345: 8, 1349: 8, 1351: 8, 1353: 8, 1363: 8, 1366: 8, 1367: 8, 1369: 8, 1407: 8, 1415: 8, 1419: 8, 1425: 2, 1427: 6, 1440: 8, 1456: 4, 1472: 8, 1486: 8, 1487: 8, 1491: 8, 1530: 8, 1532: 5, 2001: 8, 2003: 8, 2004: 8, 2009: 8, 2012: 8, 2016: 8, 2017: 8, 2024: 8, 2025: 8
67: 8, 68: 8, 304: 8, 320: 8, 339: 8, 356: 4, 544: 7, 593: 8, 608: 8, 688: 5, 809: 8, 832: 8, 854: 7, 870: 7, 871: 8, 872: 5, 897: 8, 902: 8, 903: 6, 916: 8, 1024: 2, 1040: 8, 1056: 8, 1057: 8, 1078: 4, 1107: 5, 1136: 8, 1151: 6, 1168: 7, 1170: 8, 1173: 8, 1184: 8, 1265: 4, 1280: 1, 1287: 4, 1292: 8, 1312: 8, 1322: 8, 1331: 8, 1332: 8, 1333: 8, 1334: 8, 1335: 8, 1342: 6, 1345: 8, 1363: 8, 1369: 8, 1370: 8, 1371: 8, 1378: 4, 1384: 5, 1407: 8, 1419: 8, 1427: 6, 1434: 2, 1456: 4
67: 8, 68: 8, 304: 8, 320: 8, 339: 8, 356: 4, 544: 7, 593: 8, 608: 8, 688: 5, 809: 8, 832: 8, 854: 7, 870: 7, 871: 8, 872: 5, 897: 8, 902: 8, 903: 6, 916: 8, 1024: 2, 1040: 8, 1056: 8, 1057: 8, 1078: 4, 1107: 5, 1136: 8, 1151: 6, 1168: 7, 1170: 8, 1173: 8, 1184: 8, 1265: 4, 1280: 1, 1281: 3, 1287: 4, 1292: 8, 1312: 8, 1322: 8, 1331: 8, 1332: 8, 1333: 8, 1334: 8, 1335: 8, 1345: 8, 1363: 8, 1369: 8, 1370: 8, 1378: 4, 1379: 8, 1384: 5, 1407: 8, 1419: 8, 1427: 6, 1434: 2, 1456: 4
64: 8, 66: 8, 67: 8, 68: 8, 127: 8, 273: 8, 274: 8, 275: 8, 339: 8, 356: 4, 399: 8, 447: 8, 512: 6, 544: 8, 593: 8, 608: 8, 688: 5, 790: 8, 809: 8, 832: 8, 884: 8, 897: 8, 899: 8, 902: 8, 903: 6, 909: 8, 916: 8, 1040: 8, 1056: 8, 1057: 8, 1078: 4, 1151: 6, 1168: 7, 1170: 8, 1186: 2, 1191: 2, 1253: 8, 1254: 8, 1255: 8, 1265: 4, 1280: 1, 1282: 4, 1287: 4, 1290: 8, 1292: 8, 1294: 8, 1312: 8, 1322: 8, 1331: 8, 1332: 8, 1333: 8, 1342: 6, 1345: 8, 1348: 8, 1349: 8, 1351: 8, 1353: 8, 1363: 8, 1365: 8, 1366: 8, 1367: 8, 1369: 8, 1407: 8, 1414: 3, 1415: 8, 1419: 8, 1425: 2, 1427: 6, 1440: 8, 1456: 4, 1470: 8, 1472: 8, 1486: 8, 1487: 8, 1491: 8, 1530: 8, 1532: 5, 1952: 8, 1960: 8, 1988: 8, 1996: 8, 2001: 8, 2004: 8, 2008: 8, 2009: 8, 2012: 8, 2016: 8, 2017: 8, 2024: 8, 2025: 8
67: 8, 68: 8, 127: 8, 304: 8, 320: 8, 339: 8, 356: 4, 544: 8, 593: 8, 608: 8, 688: 5, 809: 8, 832: 8, 854: 7, 870: 7, 871: 8, 872: 8, 897: 8, 902: 8, 903: 8, 916: 8, 1040: 8, 1042: 8, 1056: 8, 1057: 8, 1064: 8, 1078: 4, 1107: 5, 1136: 8, 1151: 6, 1168: 7, 1170: 8, 1173: 8, 1265: 4, 1280: 1, 1287: 4, 1290: 8, 1292: 8, 1294: 8, 1312: 8, 1322: 8, 1331: 8, 1332: 8, 1333: 8, 1342: 6, 1345: 8, 1348: 8, 1363: 8, 1369: 8, 1370: 8, 1371: 8, 1384: 8, 1407: 8, 1411: 8, 1419: 8, 1425: 2, 1427: 6, 1444: 8, 1456: 4, 1470: 8, 1489: 1
67: 8, 127: 8, 304: 8, 320: 8, 339: 8, 356: 4, 358: 6, 359: 8, 544: 8, 576: 8, 593: 8, 608: 8, 688: 5, 809: 8, 832: 8, 854: 7, 870: 7, 871: 8, 872: 8, 897: 8, 902: 8, 909: 8, 916: 8, 1040: 8, 1042: 8, 1056: 8, 1057: 8, 1064: 8, 1078: 4, 1107: 5, 1136: 8, 1151: 6, 1168: 7, 1170: 8, 1173: 8, 1184: 8, 1265: 4, 1280: 1, 1281: 4, 1287: 4, 1290: 8, 1292: 8, 1294: 8, 1312: 8, 1322: 8, 1342: 6, 1345: 8, 1348: 8, 1363: 8, 1369: 8, 1378: 4, 1379: 8, 1384: 8, 1407: 8, 1419: 8, 1425: 2, 1427: 6, 1456: 4, 1470: 8
67: 8, 127: 8, 304: 8, 320: 8, 339: 8, 356: 4, 544: 8, 593: 8, 608: 8, 688: 6, 809: 8, 832: 8, 854: 7, 870: 7, 871: 8, 872: 8, 897: 8, 902: 8, 903: 8, 905: 8, 909: 8, 916: 8, 1040: 8, 1042: 8, 1056: 8, 1057: 8, 1078: 4, 1107: 5, 1136: 8, 1151: 6, 1155: 8, 1156: 8, 1162: 8, 1164: 8, 1168: 7, 1170: 8, 1173: 8, 1183: 8, 1186: 2, 1191: 2, 1227: 8, 1265: 4, 1280: 1, 1287: 4, 1290: 8, 1292: 8, 1294: 8, 1312: 8, 1322: 8, 1342: 6, 1345: 8, 1348: 8, 1363: 8, 1369: 8, 1379: 8, 1384: 8, 1407: 8, 1414: 3, 1419: 8, 1427: 6, 1456: 4, 1470: 8
67: 8, 127: 8, 304: 8, 320: 8, 339: 8, 356: 4, 544: 8, 593: 8, 608: 8, 688: 6, 764: 8, 809: 8, 832: 8, 854: 7, 870: 7, 871: 8, 872: 8, 897: 8, 902: 8, 903: 8, 905: 8, 909: 8, 916: 8, 1040: 8, 1042: 8, 1056: 8, 1057: 8, 1064: 8, 1078: 4, 1107: 5, 1136: 8, 1151: 6, 1155: 8, 1162: 8, 1164: 8, 1168: 7, 1170: 8, 1173: 8, 1180: 8, 1183: 8, 1186: 2, 1227: 8, 1265: 4, 1280: 1, 1287: 4, 1290: 8, 1292: 8, 1294: 8, 1312: 8, 1322: 8, 1345: 8, 1348: 8, 1363: 8, 1369: 8, 1371: 8, 1378: 8, 1384: 8, 1407: 8, 1414: 3, 1419: 8, 1427: 6, 1456: 4, 1470: 8, 1988: 8, 2000: 8, 2004: 8, 2008: 8, 2012: 8
class ECU:
CAM = 0
ECU.CAM: [832, 1156, 1191, 1342]
"crc8": [CAR.SANTA_FE],
"use_cluster_gears": [CAR.ELANTRA], # Use Cluster for Gear Selection, rather than Transmission
"use_tcu_gears": [CAR.KIA_OPTIMA], # Use TCU Message for Gear Selection
DBC = {
CAR.ELANTRA: dbc_dict('hyundai_kia_generic', None),
CAR.GENESIS: dbc_dict('hyundai_kia_generic', None),
CAR.KIA_OPTIMA: dbc_dict('hyundai_kia_generic', None),
CAR.KIA_SORENTO: dbc_dict('hyundai_kia_generic', None),
CAR.KIA_STINGER: dbc_dict('hyundai_kia_generic', None),
CAR.SANTA_FE: dbc_dict('hyundai_kia_generic', None),

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@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
import os
import time
from cereal import car
from import gen_empty_fingerprint
# generic car and radar interfaces
class CarInterfaceBase():
def __init__(self, CP, CarController):
def calc_accel_override(a_ego, a_target, v_ego, v_target):
return 1.
def compute_gb(accel, speed):
raise NotImplementedError
def get_params(candidate, fingerprint=gen_empty_fingerprint(), has_relay=False, car_fw=[]):
raise NotImplementedError
# returns a car.CarState, pass in car.CarControl
def update(self, c, can_strings):
raise NotImplementedError
# return sendcan, pass in a car.CarControl
def apply(self, c):
raise NotImplementedError
class RadarInterfaceBase():
def __init__(self, CP):
self.pts = {}
self.delay = 0
self.radar_ts = CP.radarTimeStep
def update(self, can_strings):
ret = car.RadarData.new_message()
if 'NO_RADAR_SLEEP' not in os.environ:
time.sleep(self.radar_ts) # radard runs on RI updates
return ret

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@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
import time
from collections import defaultdict
from functools import partial
import cereal.messaging as messaging
from selfdrive.swaglog import cloudlog
from selfdrive.boardd.boardd import can_list_to_can_capnp
from panda.python.uds import CanClient, IsoTpMessage, FUNCTIONAL_ADDRS, get_rx_addr_for_tx_addr
class IsoTpParallelQuery():
def __init__(self, sendcan, logcan, bus, addrs, request, response, functional_addr=False, debug=False):
self.sendcan = sendcan
self.logcan = logcan
self.bus = bus
self.request = request
self.response = response
self.debug = debug
self.functional_addr = functional_addr
self.real_addrs = []
for a in addrs:
if isinstance(a, tuple):
self.real_addrs.append((a, None))
self.msg_addrs = {tx_addr: get_rx_addr_for_tx_addr(tx_addr[0]) for tx_addr in self.real_addrs}
self.msg_buffer = defaultdict(list)
def rx(self):
"""Drain can socket and sort messages into buffers based on address"""
can_packets = messaging.drain_sock(self.logcan, wait_for_one=True)
for packet in can_packets:
for msg in packet.can:
if msg.src == self.bus:
if self.functional_addr:
if (0x7E8 <= msg.address <= 0x7EF) or (0x18DAF100 <= msg.address <= 0x18DAF1FF):
fn_addr = next(a for a in FUNCTIONAL_ADDRS if msg.address - a <= 32)
self.msg_buffer[fn_addr].append((msg.address, msg.busTime, msg.dat, msg.src))
elif msg.address in self.msg_addrs.values():
self.msg_buffer[msg.address].append((msg.address, msg.busTime, msg.dat, msg.src))
def _can_tx(self, tx_addr, dat, bus):
"""Helper function to send single message"""
msg = [tx_addr, 0, dat, bus]
self.sendcan.send(can_list_to_can_capnp([msg], msgtype='sendcan'))
def _can_rx(self, addr, sub_addr=None):
"""Helper function to retrieve message with specified address and subadress from buffer"""
keep_msgs = []
if sub_addr is None:
msgs = self.msg_buffer[addr]
# Filter based on subadress
msgs = []
for m in self.msg_buffer[addr]:
first_byte = m[2][0]
if first_byte == sub_addr:
self.msg_buffer[addr] = keep_msgs
return msgs
def _drain_rx(self):
self.msg_buffer = defaultdict(list)
def get_data(self, timeout):
# Create message objects
msgs = {}
request_counter = {}
request_done = {}
for tx_addr, rx_addr in self.msg_addrs.items():
# rx_addr not set when using functional tx addr
id_addr = rx_addr or tx_addr[0]
sub_addr = tx_addr[1]
can_client = CanClient(self._can_tx, partial(self._can_rx, id_addr, sub_addr=sub_addr), tx_addr[0], rx_addr, self.bus, sub_addr=sub_addr, debug=self.debug)
max_len = 8 if sub_addr is None else 7
msg = IsoTpMessage(can_client, timeout=0, max_len=max_len, debug=self.debug)
msgs[tx_addr] = msg
request_counter[tx_addr] = 0
request_done[tx_addr] = False
results = {}
start_time = time.time()
while True:
if all(request_done.values()):
for tx_addr, msg in msgs.items():
dat = msg.recv()
if not dat:
counter = request_counter[tx_addr]
expected_response = self.response[counter]
response_valid = dat[:len(expected_response)] == expected_response
if response_valid:
if counter + 1 < len(self.request):
msg.send(self.request[counter + 1])
request_counter[tx_addr] += 1
results[tx_addr] = dat[len(expected_response):]
request_done[tx_addr] = True
request_done[tx_addr] = True
cloudlog.warning(f"iso-tp query bad response: 0x{bytes.hex(dat)}")
if time.time() - start_time > timeout:
return results

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@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from cereal import car
from selfdrive.config import Conversions as CV
from selfdrive.swaglog import cloudlog
import cereal.messaging as messaging
from import gen_empty_fingerprint
from import CarInterfaceBase
# mocked car interface to work with chffrplus
TS = 0.01 # 100Hz
YAW_FR = 0.2 # ~0.8s time constant on yaw rate filter
# low pass gain
LPG = 2 * 3.1415 * YAW_FR * TS / (1 + 2 * 3.1415 * YAW_FR * TS)
class CarInterface(CarInterfaceBase):
def __init__(self, CP, CarController):
self.CP = CP
self.CC = CarController
cloudlog.debug("Using Mock Car Interface")
# TODO: subscribe to phone sensor
self.sensor = messaging.sub_sock('sensorEvents')
self.gps = messaging.sub_sock('gpsLocation')
self.speed = 0.
self.prev_speed = 0.
self.yaw_rate = 0.
self.yaw_rate_meas = 0.
def compute_gb(accel, speed):
return accel
def get_params(candidate, fingerprint=gen_empty_fingerprint(), has_relay=False, car_fw=[]):
ret = car.CarParams.new_message()
ret.carName = "mock"
ret.carFingerprint = candidate
ret.safetyModel = car.CarParams.SafetyModel.noOutput
ret.openpilotLongitudinalControl = False
# FIXME: hardcoding honda civic 2016 touring params so they can be used to
# scale unknown params for other cars
ret.mass = 1700.
ret.rotationalInertia = 2500.
ret.wheelbase = 2.70
ret.centerToFront = ret.wheelbase * 0.5
ret.steerRatio = 13. # reasonable
ret.tireStiffnessFront = 1e6 # very stiff to neglect slip
ret.tireStiffnessRear = 1e6 # very stiff to neglect slip
ret.steerRatioRear = 0.
ret.steerMaxBP = [0.]
ret.steerMaxV = [0.] # 2/3rd torque allowed above 45 kph
ret.gasMaxBP = [0.]
ret.gasMaxV = [0.]
ret.brakeMaxBP = [0.]
ret.brakeMaxV = [0.]
ret.longitudinalTuning.kpBP = [0.]
ret.longitudinalTuning.kpV = [0.]
ret.longitudinalTuning.kiBP = [0.]
ret.longitudinalTuning.kiV = [0.]
ret.longitudinalTuning.deadzoneBP = [0.]
ret.longitudinalTuning.deadzoneV = [0.]
ret.steerActuatorDelay = 0.
return ret
# returns a car.CarState
def update(self, c, can_strings):
# get basic data from phone and gps since CAN isn't connected
sensors = messaging.recv_sock(self.sensor)
if sensors is not None:
for sensor in sensors.sensorEvents:
if sensor.type == 4: # gyro
self.yaw_rate_meas = -sensor.gyro.v[0]
gps = messaging.recv_sock(self.gps)
if gps is not None:
self.prev_speed = self.speed
self.speed = gps.gpsLocation.speed
# create message
ret = car.CarState.new_message()
# speeds
ret.vEgo = self.speed
ret.vEgoRaw = self.speed
a = self.speed - self.prev_speed
ret.aEgo = a
ret.brakePressed = a < -0.5
self.yawRate = LPG * self.yaw_rate_meas + (1. - LPG) * self.yaw_rate
ret.yawRate = self.yaw_rate
ret.standstill = self.speed < 0.01
ret.wheelSpeeds.fl = self.speed = self.speed
ret.wheelSpeeds.rl = self.speed
ret.wheelSpeeds.rr = self.speed
curvature = self.yaw_rate / max(self.speed, 1.)
ret.steeringAngle = curvature * self.CP.steerRatio * self.CP.wheelbase * CV.RAD_TO_DEG
events = [] = events
return ret.as_reader()
def apply(self, c):
# in mock no carcontrols
return []

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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from import RadarInterfaceBase
class RadarInterface(RadarInterfaceBase):

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
class CAR:
MOCK = 'mock'

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
#from common.numpy_fast import clip
from import apply_std_steer_torque_limits
from import subarucan
from import DBC
from opendbc.can.packer import CANPacker
class CarControllerParams():
def __init__(self, car_fingerprint):
self.STEER_MAX = 2047 # max_steer 4095
self.STEER_STEP = 2 # how often we update the steer cmd
self.STEER_DELTA_UP = 50 # torque increase per refresh, 0.8s to max
self.STEER_DELTA_DOWN = 70 # torque decrease per refresh
self.STEER_DRIVER_ALLOWANCE = 60 # allowed driver torque before start limiting
self.STEER_DRIVER_MULTIPLIER = 10 # weight driver torque heavily
self.STEER_DRIVER_FACTOR = 1 # from dbc
class CarController():
def __init__(self, car_fingerprint):
self.lkas_active = False
self.steer_idx = 0
self.apply_steer_last = 0
self.car_fingerprint = car_fingerprint
self.es_distance_cnt = -1
self.es_lkas_cnt = -1
self.steer_rate_limited = False
# Setup detection helper. Routes commands to
# an appropriate CAN bus number.
self.params = CarControllerParams(car_fingerprint)
self.packer = CANPacker(DBC[car_fingerprint]['pt'])
def update(self, enabled, CS, frame, actuators, pcm_cancel_cmd, visual_alert, left_line, right_line):
""" Controls thread """
P = self.params
# Send CAN commands.
can_sends = []
### STEER ###
if (frame % P.STEER_STEP) == 0:
final_steer = actuators.steer if enabled else 0.
apply_steer = int(round(final_steer * P.STEER_MAX))
# limits due to driver torque
new_steer = int(round(apply_steer))
apply_steer = apply_std_steer_torque_limits(new_steer, self.apply_steer_last, CS.steer_torque_driver, P)
self.steer_rate_limited = new_steer != apply_steer
lkas_enabled = enabled and not CS.steer_not_allowed
if not lkas_enabled:
apply_steer = 0
can_sends.append(subarucan.create_steering_control(self.packer, CS.CP.carFingerprint, apply_steer, frame, P.STEER_STEP))
self.apply_steer_last = apply_steer
if self.es_distance_cnt != CS.es_distance_msg["Counter"]:
can_sends.append(subarucan.create_es_distance(self.packer, CS.es_distance_msg, pcm_cancel_cmd))
self.es_distance_cnt = CS.es_distance_msg["Counter"]
if self.es_lkas_cnt != CS.es_lkas_msg["Counter"]:
can_sends.append(subarucan.create_es_lkas(self.packer, CS.es_lkas_msg, visual_alert, left_line, right_line))
self.es_lkas_cnt = CS.es_lkas_msg["Counter"]
return can_sends

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@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
import copy
from common.kalman.simple_kalman import KF1D
from selfdrive.config import Conversions as CV
from opendbc.can.parser import CANParser
def get_powertrain_can_parser(CP):
# this function generates lists for signal, messages and initial values
signals = [
# sig_name, sig_address, default
("Steer_Torque_Sensor", "Steering_Torque", 0),
("Steering_Angle", "Steering_Torque", 0),
("Cruise_On", "CruiseControl", 0),
("Cruise_Activated", "CruiseControl", 0),
("Brake_Pedal", "Brake_Pedal", 0),
("Throttle_Pedal", "Throttle", 0),
("LEFT_BLINKER", "Dashlights", 0),
("RIGHT_BLINKER", "Dashlights", 0),
("SEATBELT_FL", "Dashlights", 0),
("FL", "Wheel_Speeds", 0),
("FR", "Wheel_Speeds", 0),
("RL", "Wheel_Speeds", 0),
("RR", "Wheel_Speeds", 0),
("DOOR_OPEN_FR", "BodyInfo", 1),
("DOOR_OPEN_FL", "BodyInfo", 1),
("DOOR_OPEN_RR", "BodyInfo", 1),
("DOOR_OPEN_RL", "BodyInfo", 1),
("Units", "Dash_State", 1),
checks = [
# sig_address, frequency
("Dashlights", 10),
("CruiseControl", 20),
("Wheel_Speeds", 50),
("Steering_Torque", 50),
("BodyInfo", 10),
return CANParser(DBC[CP.carFingerprint]['pt'], signals, checks, 0)
def get_camera_can_parser(CP):
signals = [
("Cruise_Set_Speed", "ES_DashStatus", 0),
("Counter", "ES_Distance", 0),
("Signal1", "ES_Distance", 0),
("Signal2", "ES_Distance", 0),
("Main", "ES_Distance", 0),
("Signal3", "ES_Distance", 0),
("Checksum", "ES_LKAS_State", 0),
("Counter", "ES_LKAS_State", 0),
("Keep_Hands_On_Wheel", "ES_LKAS_State", 0),
("Empty_Box", "ES_LKAS_State", 0),
("Signal1", "ES_LKAS_State", 0),
("LKAS_ACTIVE", "ES_LKAS_State", 0),
("Signal2", "ES_LKAS_State", 0),
("Backward_Speed_Limit_Menu", "ES_LKAS_State", 0),
("LKAS_ENABLE_3", "ES_LKAS_State", 0),
("Signal3", "ES_LKAS_State", 0),
("LKAS_ENABLE_2", "ES_LKAS_State", 0),
("Signal4", "ES_LKAS_State", 0),
("LKAS_Left_Line_Visible", "ES_LKAS_State", 0),
("Signal6", "ES_LKAS_State", 0),
("LKAS_Right_Line_Visible", "ES_LKAS_State", 0),
("Signal7", "ES_LKAS_State", 0),
("FCW_Cont_Beep", "ES_LKAS_State", 0),
("FCW_Repeated_Beep", "ES_LKAS_State", 0),
("Throttle_Management_Activated", "ES_LKAS_State", 0),
("Traffic_light_Ahead", "ES_LKAS_State", 0),
("Right_Depart", "ES_LKAS_State", 0),
("Signal5", "ES_LKAS_State", 0),
checks = [
("ES_DashStatus", 10),
return CANParser(DBC[CP.carFingerprint]['pt'], signals, checks, 2)
class CarState():
def __init__(self, CP):
# initialize can parser
self.CP = CP
self.car_fingerprint = CP.carFingerprint
self.left_blinker_on = False
self.prev_left_blinker_on = False
self.right_blinker_on = False
self.prev_right_blinker_on = False
self.steer_torque_driver = 0
self.steer_not_allowed = False
self.main_on = False
# vEgo kalman filter
dt = 0.01
self.v_ego_kf = KF1D(x0=[[0.], [0.]],
A=[[1., dt], [0., 1.]],
C=[1., 0.],
K=[[0.12287673], [0.29666309]])
self.v_ego = 0.
def update(self, cp, cp_cam):
self.pedal_gas = cp.vl["Throttle"]['Throttle_Pedal']
self.brake_pressure = cp.vl["Brake_Pedal"]['Brake_Pedal']
self.user_gas_pressed = self.pedal_gas > 0
self.brake_pressed = self.brake_pressure > 0
self.brake_lights = bool(self.brake_pressed)
self.v_wheel_fl = cp.vl["Wheel_Speeds"]['FL'] * CV.KPH_TO_MS
self.v_wheel_fr = cp.vl["Wheel_Speeds"]['FR'] * CV.KPH_TO_MS
self.v_wheel_rl = cp.vl["Wheel_Speeds"]['RL'] * CV.KPH_TO_MS
self.v_wheel_rr = cp.vl["Wheel_Speeds"]['RR'] * CV.KPH_TO_MS
self.v_cruise_pcm = cp_cam.vl["ES_DashStatus"]['Cruise_Set_Speed']
# 1 = imperial, 6 = metric
if cp.vl["Dash_State"]['Units'] == 1:
self.v_cruise_pcm *= CV.MPH_TO_KPH
v_wheel = (self.v_wheel_fl + self.v_wheel_fr + self.v_wheel_rl + self.v_wheel_rr) / 4.
# Kalman filter, even though Subaru raw wheel speed is heaviliy filtered by default
if abs(v_wheel - self.v_ego) > 2.0: # Prevent large accelerations when car starts at non zero speed
self.v_ego_kf.x = [[v_wheel], [0.0]]
self.v_ego_raw = v_wheel
v_ego_x = self.v_ego_kf.update(v_wheel)
self.v_ego = float(v_ego_x[0])
self.a_ego = float(v_ego_x[1])
self.standstill = self.v_ego_raw < 0.01
self.prev_left_blinker_on = self.left_blinker_on
self.prev_right_blinker_on = self.right_blinker_on
self.left_blinker_on = cp.vl["Dashlights"]['LEFT_BLINKER'] == 1
self.right_blinker_on = cp.vl["Dashlights"]['RIGHT_BLINKER'] == 1
self.seatbelt_unlatched = cp.vl["Dashlights"]['SEATBELT_FL'] == 1
self.steer_torque_driver = cp.vl["Steering_Torque"]['Steer_Torque_Sensor']
self.acc_active = cp.vl["CruiseControl"]['Cruise_Activated']
self.main_on = cp.vl["CruiseControl"]['Cruise_On']
self.steer_override = abs(self.steer_torque_driver) > STEER_THRESHOLD[self.car_fingerprint]
self.angle_steers = cp.vl["Steering_Torque"]['Steering_Angle']
self.door_open = any([cp.vl["BodyInfo"]['DOOR_OPEN_RR'],
self.es_distance_msg = copy.copy(cp_cam.vl["ES_Distance"])
self.es_lkas_msg = copy.copy(cp_cam.vl["ES_LKAS_State"])

View File

@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from cereal import car
from selfdrive.config import Conversions as CV
from selfdrive.controls.lib.drive_helpers import create_event, EventTypes as ET
from selfdrive.controls.lib.vehicle_model import VehicleModel
from import CAR
from import CarState, get_powertrain_can_parser, get_camera_can_parser
from import STD_CARGO_KG, scale_rot_inertia, scale_tire_stiffness, gen_empty_fingerprint
from import CarInterfaceBase
ButtonType = car.CarState.ButtonEvent.Type
class CarInterface(CarInterfaceBase):
def __init__(self, CP, CarController):
self.CP = CP
self.frame = 0
self.acc_active_prev = 0
self.gas_pressed_prev = False
# *** init the major players ***
self.CS = CarState(CP)
self.VM = VehicleModel(CP)
self.pt_cp = get_powertrain_can_parser(CP)
self.cam_cp = get_camera_can_parser(CP)
self.gas_pressed_prev = False
self.CC = None
if CarController is not None:
self.CC = CarController(CP.carFingerprint)
def compute_gb(accel, speed):
return float(accel) / 4.0
def get_params(candidate, fingerprint=gen_empty_fingerprint(), has_relay=False, car_fw=[]):
ret = car.CarParams.new_message()
ret.carName = "subaru"
ret.radarOffCan = True
ret.carFingerprint = candidate
ret.isPandaBlack = has_relay
ret.safetyModel = car.CarParams.SafetyModel.subaru
ret.enableCruise = True
# force openpilot to fake the stock camera, since car harness is not supported yet and old style giraffe (with switches)
# was never released
ret.enableCamera = True
ret.steerRateCost = 0.7
ret.steerLimitTimer = 0.4
if candidate in [CAR.IMPREZA]:
ret.mass = 1568. + STD_CARGO_KG
ret.wheelbase = 2.67
ret.centerToFront = ret.wheelbase * 0.5
ret.steerRatio = 15
ret.steerActuatorDelay = 0.4 # end-to-end angle controller = 0.00005, = [[0., 20.], [0., 20.]], = [[0.2, 0.3], [0.02, 0.03]]
ret.steerMaxBP = [0.] # m/s
ret.steerMaxV = [1.]
ret.steerControlType = car.CarParams.SteerControlType.torque
ret.steerRatioRear = 0.
# testing tuning
# No long control in subaru
ret.gasMaxBP = [0.]
ret.gasMaxV = [0.]
ret.brakeMaxBP = [0.]
ret.brakeMaxV = [0.]
ret.longitudinalTuning.deadzoneBP = [0.]
ret.longitudinalTuning.deadzoneV = [0.]
ret.longitudinalTuning.kpBP = [0.]
ret.longitudinalTuning.kpV = [0.]
ret.longitudinalTuning.kiBP = [0.]
ret.longitudinalTuning.kiV = [0.]
# end from gm
# TODO: get actual value, for now starting with reasonable value for
# civic and scaling by mass and wheelbase
ret.rotationalInertia = scale_rot_inertia(ret.mass, ret.wheelbase)
# TODO: start from empirically derived lateral slip stiffness for the civic and scale by
# mass and CG position, so all cars will have approximately similar dyn behaviors
ret.tireStiffnessFront, ret.tireStiffnessRear = scale_tire_stiffness(ret.mass, ret.wheelbase, ret.centerToFront)
return ret
# returns a car.CarState
def update(self, c, can_strings):
self.CS.update(self.pt_cp, self.cam_cp)
# create message
ret = car.CarState.new_message()
ret.canValid = self.pt_cp.can_valid and self.cam_cp.can_valid
# speeds
ret.vEgo = self.CS.v_ego
ret.aEgo = self.CS.a_ego
ret.vEgoRaw = self.CS.v_ego_raw
ret.yawRate = self.VM.yaw_rate(self.CS.angle_steers * CV.DEG_TO_RAD, self.CS.v_ego)
ret.standstill = self.CS.standstill
ret.wheelSpeeds.fl = self.CS.v_wheel_fl = self.CS.v_wheel_fr
ret.wheelSpeeds.rl = self.CS.v_wheel_rl
ret.wheelSpeeds.rr = self.CS.v_wheel_rr
# steering wheel
ret.steeringAngle = self.CS.angle_steers
# torque and user override. Driver awareness
# timer resets when the user uses the steering wheel.
ret.steeringPressed = self.CS.steer_override
ret.steeringTorque = self.CS.steer_torque_driver
ret.steeringRateLimited = self.CC.steer_rate_limited if self.CC is not None else False
ret.gas = self.CS.pedal_gas / 255.
ret.gasPressed = self.CS.user_gas_pressed
# cruise state
ret.cruiseState.enabled = bool(self.CS.acc_active)
ret.cruiseState.speed = self.CS.v_cruise_pcm * CV.KPH_TO_MS
ret.cruiseState.available = bool(self.CS.main_on)
ret.cruiseState.speedOffset = 0.
ret.leftBlinker = self.CS.left_blinker_on
ret.rightBlinker = self.CS.right_blinker_on
ret.seatbeltUnlatched = self.CS.seatbelt_unlatched
ret.doorOpen = self.CS.door_open
buttonEvents = []
# blinkers
if self.CS.left_blinker_on != self.CS.prev_left_blinker_on:
be = car.CarState.ButtonEvent.new_message()
be.type = ButtonType.leftBlinker
be.pressed = self.CS.left_blinker_on
if self.CS.right_blinker_on != self.CS.prev_right_blinker_on:
be = car.CarState.ButtonEvent.new_message()
be.type = ButtonType.rightBlinker
be.pressed = self.CS.right_blinker_on
be = car.CarState.ButtonEvent.new_message()
be.type = ButtonType.accelCruise
events = []
if ret.seatbeltUnlatched:
events.append(create_event('seatbeltNotLatched', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.SOFT_DISABLE]))
if ret.doorOpen:
events.append(create_event('doorOpen', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.SOFT_DISABLE]))
if self.CS.acc_active and not self.acc_active_prev:
events.append(create_event('pcmEnable', [ET.ENABLE]))
if not self.CS.acc_active:
events.append(create_event('pcmDisable', [ET.USER_DISABLE]))
# disable on gas pedal rising edge
if (ret.gasPressed and not self.gas_pressed_prev):
events.append(create_event('pedalPressed', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.USER_DISABLE]))
if ret.gasPressed:
events.append(create_event('pedalPressed', [ET.PRE_ENABLE])) = events
# update previous brake/gas pressed
self.gas_pressed_prev = ret.gasPressed
self.acc_active_prev = self.CS.acc_active
# cast to reader so it can't be modified
return ret.as_reader()
def apply(self, c):
can_sends = self.CC.update(c.enabled, self.CS, self.frame, c.actuators,
c.cruiseControl.cancel, c.hudControl.visualAlert,
c.hudControl.leftLaneVisible, c.hudControl.rightLaneVisible)
self.frame += 1
return can_sends

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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from import RadarInterfaceBase
class RadarInterface(RadarInterfaceBase):

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@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
import copy
from cereal import car
from import CAR
VisualAlert = car.CarControl.HUDControl.VisualAlert
def subaru_checksum(packer, values, addr):
dat = packer.make_can_msg(addr, 0, values)[2]
return (sum(dat[1:]) + (addr >> 8) + addr) & 0xff
def create_steering_control(packer, car_fingerprint, apply_steer, frame, steer_step):
if car_fingerprint == CAR.IMPREZA:
#counts from 0 to 15 then back to 0 + 16 for enable bit
idx = ((frame // steer_step) % 16)
values = {
"Counter": idx,
"LKAS_Output": apply_steer,
"LKAS_Request": 1 if apply_steer != 0 else 0,
"SET_1": 1
values["Checksum"] = subaru_checksum(packer, values, 0x122)
return packer.make_can_msg("ES_LKAS", 0, values)
def create_steering_status(packer, car_fingerprint, apply_steer, frame, steer_step):
if car_fingerprint == CAR.IMPREZA:
values = {}
values["Checksum"] = subaru_checksum(packer, {}, 0x322)
return packer.make_can_msg("ES_LKAS_State", 0, values)
def create_es_distance(packer, es_distance_msg, pcm_cancel_cmd):
values = copy.copy(es_distance_msg)
if pcm_cancel_cmd:
values["Main"] = 1
values["Checksum"] = subaru_checksum(packer, values, 545)
return packer.make_can_msg("ES_Distance", 0, values)
def create_es_lkas(packer, es_lkas_msg, visual_alert, left_line, right_line):
values = copy.copy(es_lkas_msg)
if visual_alert == VisualAlert.steerRequired:
values["Keep_Hands_On_Wheel"] = 1
values["LKAS_Left_Line_Visible"] = int(left_line)
values["LKAS_Right_Line_Visible"] = int(right_line)
values["Checksum"] = subaru_checksum(packer, values, 802)
return packer.make_can_msg("ES_LKAS_State", 0, values)

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@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
from import dbc_dict
class CAR:
2: 8, 64: 8, 65: 8, 72: 8, 73: 8, 280: 8, 281: 8, 290: 8, 312: 8, 313: 8, 314: 8, 315: 8, 316: 8, 326: 8, 544: 8, 545: 8, 546: 8, 552: 8, 554: 8, 557: 8, 576: 8, 577: 8, 722: 8, 801: 8, 802: 8, 805: 8, 808: 8, 816: 8, 826: 8, 837: 8, 838: 8, 839: 8, 842: 8, 912: 8, 915: 8, 940: 8, 1614: 8, 1617: 8, 1632: 8, 1650: 8, 1657: 8, 1658: 8, 1677: 8, 1697: 8, 1722: 8, 1743: 8, 1759: 8, 1786: 5, 1787: 5, 1788: 8, 1809: 8, 1813: 8, 1817: 8, 1821: 8, 1840: 8, 1848: 8, 1924: 8, 1932: 8, 1952: 8, 1960: 8
# Crosstrek 2018 (same platform as Impreza)
2: 8, 64: 8, 65: 8, 72: 8, 73: 8, 256: 8, 280: 8, 281: 8, 290: 8, 312: 8, 313: 8, 314: 8, 315: 8, 316: 8, 326: 8, 372: 8, 544: 8, 545: 8, 546: 8, 554: 8, 557: 8, 576: 8, 577: 8, 722: 8, 801: 8, 802: 8, 805: 8, 808: 8, 811: 8, 826: 8, 837: 8, 838: 8, 839: 8, 842: 8, 912: 8, 915: 8, 940: 8, 1614: 8, 1617: 8, 1632: 8, 1650: 8, 1657: 8, 1658: 8, 1677: 8, 1697: 8, 1759: 8, 1786: 5, 1787: 5, 1788: 8
class ECU:
CAM = 0
ECU.CAM: [290, 356], # steer torque cmd
DBC = {
CAR.IMPREZA: dbc_dict('subaru_global_2017', None),

selfdrive/car/tests/.gitignore vendored 100644
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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
import unittest
import requests
from cereal import car
from tools.lib.logreader import LogReader
from opendbc.can.parser import CANParser
from import CAR as HONDA
from import CarInterface as HondaCarInterface
from import CarController as HondaCarController
from import RadarInterface as HondaRadarInterface
from import CAR as TOYOTA
from import CarInterface as ToyotaCarInterface
from import CarController as ToyotaCarController
from import RadarInterface as ToyotaRadarInterface
def run_route(route, car_name, CarInterface, CarController):
lr = LogReader("/tmp/"+route + ".bz2")
cps = []
def CANParserHook(dbc_name, signals, checks=None, bus=0, sendcan=False, tcp_addr="", timeout=-1):
cp = CANParser(dbc_name, signals, checks, bus, sendcan, "", timeout)
return cp
params = CarInterface.get_params(car_name)
CI = CarInterface(params, CarController, CANParserHook)
i = 0
last_monotime = 0
for msg in lr:
if msg.which() == 'can':
msg_bytes = msg.as_builder().to_bytes()
monotime = msg.logMonoTime
for x in cps:
x.update_string(monotime, msg_bytes)
if (monotime-last_monotime) > 0.01:
control = car.CarControl.new_message()
CS = CI.update(control)
if i % 100 == 0:
last_monotime = monotime
i += 1
return True
def run_route_radar(route, car_name, RadarInterface, CarInterface):
lr = LogReader("/tmp/"+route + ".bz2")
cps = []
def CANParserHook(dbc_name, signals, checks=None, bus=0, sendcan=False, tcp_addr="", timeout=-1):
cp = CANParser(dbc_name, signals, checks, bus, sendcan, "", timeout)
return cp
params = CarInterface.get_params(car_name)
RI = RadarInterface(params, CANParserHook)
i = 0
updated_messages = set()
for msg in lr:
if msg.which() == 'can':
msg_bytes = msg.as_builder().to_bytes()
_, vls = cps[0].update_string(msg.logMonoTime, msg_bytes)
if RI.trigger_msg in updated_messages:
ret = RI._update(updated_messages)
if i % 10 == 0:
updated_messages = set()
i += 1
return True
# TODO: make this generic
class TestCarInterface(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.routes = {
HONDA.CIVIC: "b0c9d2329ad1606b|2019-05-30--20-23-57",
HONDA.ACCORD: "0375fdf7b1ce594d|2019-05-21--20-10-33",
TOYOTA.PRIUS: "38bfd238edecbcd7|2019-06-07--10-15-25",
TOYOTA.RAV4: "02ec6bea180a4d36|2019-04-17--11-21-35"
for route in self.routes.values():
route_filename = route + ".bz2"
if not os.path.isfile("/tmp/"+route_filename):
with open("/tmp/"+route + ".bz2", "w") as f:
f.write(requests.get(BASE_URL + route_filename).content)
def test_parser_civic(self):
#self.assertTrue(run_route(self.routes[HONDA.CIVIC], HONDA.CIVIC, HondaCarInterface, HondaCarController))
def test_parser_accord(self):
# one honda
#self.assertTrue(run_route(self.routes[HONDA.ACCORD], HONDA.ACCORD, HondaCarInterface, HondaCarController))
def test_parser_prius(self):
#self.assertTrue(run_route(self.routes[TOYOTA.PRIUS], TOYOTA.PRIUS, ToyotaCarInterface, ToyotaCarController))
def test_parser_rav4(self):
# hmm, rav4 is broken
#self.assertTrue(run_route(self.routes[TOYOTA.RAV4], TOYOTA.RAV4, ToyotaCarInterface, ToyotaCarController))
def test_radar_civic(self):
#self.assertTrue(run_route_radar(self.routes[HONDA.CIVIC], HONDA.CIVIC, HondaRadarInterface, HondaCarInterface))
def test_radar_prius(self):
self.assertTrue(run_route_radar(self.routes[TOYOTA.PRIUS], TOYOTA.PRIUS, ToyotaRadarInterface, ToyotaCarInterface))
if __name__ == "__main__":

View File

@ -0,0 +1,435 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import unittest
from cereal import car, log
from import CAR as HONDA
from import CarController
from import CarInterface
from common.realtime import sec_since_boot
from selfdrive.boardd.boardd import can_list_to_can_capnp
from selfdrive.config import Conversions as CV
import cereal.messaging as messaging
from import service_list
from opendbc.can.parser import CANParser
import zmq
import time
import numpy as np
class TestHondaCarcontroller(unittest.TestCase):
def test_honda_lkas_hud(self):
self.longMessage = True
sendcan = messaging.pub_sock('sendcan')
car_name = HONDA.CIVIC
params = CarInterface.get_params(car_name)
CI = CarInterface(params, CarController)
# Get parser
parser_signals = [
('SET_ME_X41', 'LKAS_HUD', 0),
('SET_ME_X48', 'LKAS_HUD', 0),
VA = car.CarControl.HUDControl.VisualAlert
parser = CANParser(CI.cp.dbc_name, parser_signals, [], 0, sendcan=True, tcp_addr="")
time.sleep(0.2) # Slow joiner syndrome
alerts = {
VA.none: 0,
VA.brakePressed: 10,
VA.wrongGear: 6,
VA.seatbeltUnbuckled: 5,
VA.speedTooHigh: 8,
for steer_required in [True, False]:
for lanes in [True, False]:
for alert in alerts.keys():
control = car.CarControl.new_message()
hud = car.CarControl.HUDControl.new_message()
control.enabled = True
if steer_required:
hud.visualAlert = VA.steerRequired
hud.visualAlert = alert
hud.lanesVisible = lanes
control.hudControl = hud
for _ in range(25):
can_sends = CI.apply(control)
sendcan.send(can_list_to_can_capnp(can_sends, msgtype='sendcan'))
for _ in range(5):
parser.update(int(sec_since_boot() * 1e9), False)
self.assertEqual(0x41, parser.vl['LKAS_HUD']['SET_ME_X41'])
self.assertEqual(0x48, parser.vl['LKAS_HUD']['SET_ME_X48'])
self.assertEqual(steer_required, parser.vl['LKAS_HUD']['STEERING_REQUIRED'])
self.assertEqual(lanes, parser.vl['LKAS_HUD']['SOLID_LANES'])
self.assertEqual(0x1fe, parser.vl['RADAR_HUD']['LEAD_SPEED'])
self.assertEqual(0x7, parser.vl['RADAR_HUD']['LEAD_STATE'])
self.assertEqual(0x1e, parser.vl['RADAR_HUD']['LEAD_DISTANCE'])
self.assertEqual(alerts[alert] if not steer_required else 0, parser.vl['RADAR_HUD']['ACC_ALERTS'])
def test_honda_ui_cruise_speed(self):
self.longMessage = True
sendcan = messaging.pub_sock('sendcan')
car_name = HONDA.CIVIC
params = CarInterface.get_params(car_name)
CI = CarInterface(params, CarController)
# Get parser
parser_signals = [
# 780 - 0x30c
parser = CANParser(CI.cp.dbc_name, parser_signals, [], 0, sendcan=True, tcp_addr="")
time.sleep(0.2) # Slow joiner syndrome
for cruise_speed in np.linspace(0, 50, 20):
for visible in [False, True]:
control = car.CarControl.new_message()
hud = car.CarControl.HUDControl.new_message()
hud.setSpeed = float(cruise_speed)
hud.speedVisible = visible
control.enabled = True
control.hudControl = hud
for _ in range(25):
can_sends = CI.apply(control)
sendcan.send(can_list_to_can_capnp(can_sends, msgtype='sendcan'))
for _ in range(5):
parser.update(int(sec_since_boot() * 1e9), False)
expected_cruise_speed = round(cruise_speed * CV.MS_TO_KPH)
if not visible:
expected_cruise_speed = 255
self.assertAlmostEqual(parser.vl['ACC_HUD']['CRUISE_SPEED'], expected_cruise_speed, msg="Car: %s, speed: %.2f" % (car_name, cruise_speed))
def test_honda_ui_pcm_accel(self):
self.longMessage = True
sendcan = messaging.pub_sock('sendcan')
car_name = HONDA.CIVIC
params = CarInterface.get_params(car_name)
CI = CarInterface(params, CarController)
# Get parser
parser_signals = [
# 780 - 0x30c
('PCM_GAS', 'ACC_HUD', 0),
parser = CANParser(CI.cp.dbc_name, parser_signals, [], 0, sendcan=True, tcp_addr="")
time.sleep(0.2) # Slow joiner syndrome
for pcm_accel in np.linspace(0, 1, 25):
cc = car.CarControl.CruiseControl.new_message()
cc.accelOverride = float(pcm_accel)
control = car.CarControl.new_message()
control.enabled = True
control.cruiseControl = cc
for _ in range(25):
can_sends = CI.apply(control)
sendcan.send(can_list_to_can_capnp(can_sends, msgtype='sendcan'))
for _ in range(5):
parser.update(int(sec_since_boot() * 1e9), False)
self.assertAlmostEqual(parser.vl['ACC_HUD']['PCM_GAS'], int(0xc6 * pcm_accel), msg="Car: %s, accel: %.2f" % (car_name, pcm_accel))
def test_honda_ui_pcm_speed(self):
self.longMessage = True
sendcan = messaging.pub_sock('sendcan')
car_name = HONDA.CIVIC
params = CarInterface.get_params(car_name)
CI = CarInterface(params, CarController)
# Get parser
parser_signals = [
# 780 - 0x30c
('PCM_SPEED', 'ACC_HUD', 99),
parser = CANParser(CI.cp.dbc_name, parser_signals, [], 0, sendcan=True, tcp_addr="")
time.sleep(0.2) # Slow joiner syndrome
for pcm_speed in np.linspace(0, 100, 20):
cc = car.CarControl.CruiseControl.new_message()
cc.speedOverride = float(pcm_speed * CV.KPH_TO_MS)
control = car.CarControl.new_message()
control.enabled = True
control.cruiseControl = cc
for _ in range(25):
can_sends = CI.apply(control)
sendcan.send(can_list_to_can_capnp(can_sends, msgtype='sendcan'))
for _ in range(5):
parser.update(int(sec_since_boot() * 1e9), False)
self.assertAlmostEqual(parser.vl['ACC_HUD']['PCM_SPEED'], round(pcm_speed, 2), msg="Car: %s, speed: %.2f" % (car_name, pcm_speed))
def test_honda_ui_hud_lead(self):
self.longMessage = True
sendcan = messaging.pub_sock('sendcan')
for car_name in [HONDA.CIVIC]:
params = CarInterface.get_params(car_name)
CI = CarInterface(params, CarController)
# Get parser
parser_signals = [
# 780 - 0x30c
# 3: acc off, 2: solid car (hud_show_car), 1: dashed car (enabled, not hud show car), 0: no car (not enabled)
('HUD_LEAD', 'ACC_HUD', 99),
('SET_ME_X03', 'ACC_HUD', 99),
('SET_ME_X03_2', 'ACC_HUD', 99),
('SET_ME_X01', 'ACC_HUD', 99),
parser = CANParser(CI.cp.dbc_name, parser_signals, [], 0, sendcan=True, tcp_addr="")
time.sleep(0.2) # Slow joiner syndrome
for enabled in [True, False]:
for leadVisible in [True, False]:
control = car.CarControl.new_message()
hud = car.CarControl.HUDControl.new_message()
hud.leadVisible = leadVisible
control.enabled = enabled
control.hudControl = hud
for _ in range(25):
can_sends = CI.apply(control)
sendcan.send(can_list_to_can_capnp(can_sends, msgtype='sendcan'))
for _ in range(5):
parser.update(int(sec_since_boot() * 1e9), False)
if not enabled:
hud_lead = 0
hud_lead = 2 if leadVisible else 1
self.assertEqual(int(parser.vl['ACC_HUD']['HUD_LEAD']), hud_lead, msg="Car: %s, lead: %s, enabled %s" % (car_name, leadVisible, enabled))
self.assertEqual(0x3, parser.vl['ACC_HUD']['SET_ME_X03'])
self.assertEqual(0x3, parser.vl['ACC_HUD']['SET_ME_X03_2'])
self.assertEqual(0x1, parser.vl['ACC_HUD']['SET_ME_X01'])
def test_honda_steering(self):
self.longMessage = True
limits = {
HONDA.CIVIC: 0x1000,
HONDA.PILOT: 0x1000,
HONDA.CRV: 0x3e8,
sendcan = messaging.pub_sock('sendcan')
for car_name in limits.keys():
params = CarInterface.get_params(car_name)
CI = CarInterface(params, CarController)
# Get parser
parser_signals = [
parser = CANParser(CI.cp.dbc_name, parser_signals, [], 0, sendcan=True, tcp_addr="")
time.sleep(0.2) # Slow joiner syndrome
for steer in np.linspace(-1., 1., 25):
control = car.CarControl.new_message()
actuators = car.CarControl.Actuators.new_message()
actuators.steer = float(steer)
control.enabled = True
control.actuators = actuators
CI.CS.steer_not_allowed = False
for _ in range(25):
can_sends = CI.apply(control)
sendcan.send(can_list_to_can_capnp(can_sends, msgtype='sendcan'))
for _ in range(5):
parser.update(int(sec_since_boot() * 1e9), False)
torque = parser.vl['STEERING_CONTROL']['STEER_TORQUE']
self.assertAlmostEqual(int(limits[car_name] * -actuators.steer), torque, msg="Car: %s, steer %.2f" % (car_name, steer))
def test_honda_gas(self):
self.longMessage = True
sendcan = messaging.pub_sock('sendcan')
car_name = HONDA.ACURA_ILX
params = CarInterface.get_params(car_name, {0: {0x201: 6}, 1: {}, 2: {}}) # Add interceptor to fingerprint
CI = CarInterface(params, CarController)
# Get parser
parser_signals = [
parser = CANParser(CI.cp.dbc_name, parser_signals, [], 0, sendcan=True, tcp_addr="")
time.sleep(0.2) # Slow joiner syndrome
for gas in np.linspace(0., 0.95, 25):
control = car.CarControl.new_message()
actuators = car.CarControl.Actuators.new_message()
actuators.gas = float(gas)
control.enabled = True
control.actuators = actuators
CI.CS.steer_not_allowed = False
for _ in range(25):
can_sends = CI.apply(control)
sendcan.send(can_list_to_can_capnp(can_sends, msgtype='sendcan'))
for _ in range(5):
parser.update(int(sec_since_boot() * 1e9), False)
gas_command = parser.vl['GAS_COMMAND']['GAS_COMMAND'] / 255.0
gas_command2 = parser.vl['GAS_COMMAND']['GAS_COMMAND2'] / 255.0
enabled = gas > 0.001
self.assertEqual(enabled, parser.vl['GAS_COMMAND']['ENABLE'], msg="Car: %s, gas %.2f" % (car_name, gas))
if enabled:
self.assertAlmostEqual(gas, gas_command, places=2, msg="Car: %s, gas %.2f" % (car_name, gas))
self.assertAlmostEqual(gas, gas_command2, places=2, msg="Car: %s, gas %.2f" % (car_name, gas))
def test_honda_brake(self):
self.longMessage = True
sendcan = messaging.pub_sock('sendcan')
car_name = HONDA.CIVIC
params = CarInterface.get_params(car_name)
CI = CarInterface(params, CarController)
# Get parser
parser_signals = [
('CRUISE_OVERRIDE', 'BRAKE_COMMAND', 0), # pcm_override
('CRUISE_FAULT_CMD', 'BRAKE_COMMAND', 0), # pcm_fault_cmd
('CRUISE_CANCEL_CMD', 'BRAKE_COMMAND', 0), # pcm_cancel_cmd
('SET_ME_0X80', 'BRAKE_COMMAND', 0),
('BRAKE_LIGHTS', 'BRAKE_COMMAND', 0), # brakelights
parser = CANParser(CI.cp.dbc_name, parser_signals, [], 0, sendcan=True, tcp_addr="")
time.sleep(0.2) # Slow joiner syndrome
VA = car.CarControl.HUDControl.VisualAlert
for override in [True, False]:
for cancel in [True, False]:
for fcw in [True, False]:
steps = 25 if not override and not cancel else 2
for brake in np.linspace(0., 0.95, steps):
control = car.CarControl.new_message()
hud = car.CarControl.HUDControl.new_message()
if fcw:
hud.visualAlert = VA.fcw
cruise = car.CarControl.CruiseControl.new_message()
cruise.cancel = cancel
cruise.override = override
actuators = car.CarControl.Actuators.new_message()
actuators.brake = float(brake)
control.enabled = True
control.actuators = actuators
control.hudControl = hud
control.cruiseControl = cruise
CI.CS.steer_not_allowed = False
for _ in range(20):
can_sends = CI.apply(control)
sendcan.send(can_list_to_can_capnp(can_sends, msgtype='sendcan'))
for _ in range(5):
parser.update(int(sec_since_boot() * 1e9), False)
brake_command = parser.vl['BRAKE_COMMAND']['COMPUTER_BRAKE']
min_expected_brake = int(1024 / 4 * (actuators.brake - 0.02))
max_expected_brake = int(1024 / 4 * (actuators.brake + 0.02))
braking = actuators.brake > 0
braking_ok = min_expected_brake <= brake_command <= max_expected_brake
if steps == 2:
braking_ok = True
self.assertTrue(braking_ok, msg="Car: %s, brake %.2f" % (car_name, brake))
self.assertEqual(0x80, parser.vl['BRAKE_COMMAND']['SET_ME_0X80'])
self.assertEqual(braking, parser.vl['BRAKE_COMMAND']['BRAKE_PUMP_REQUEST'])
self.assertEqual(braking, parser.vl['BRAKE_COMMAND']['COMPUTER_BRAKE_REQUEST'])
self.assertEqual(braking, parser.vl['BRAKE_COMMAND']['BRAKE_LIGHTS'])
self.assertEqual(override, parser.vl['BRAKE_COMMAND']['CRUISE_OVERRIDE'])
self.assertEqual(cancel, parser.vl['BRAKE_COMMAND']['CRUISE_CANCEL_CMD'])
self.assertEqual(fcw, bool(parser.vl['BRAKE_COMMAND']['FCW']))
if __name__ == '__main__':

View File

@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import unittest
from cereal import car, log
from import CAR as TOYOTA
from import CarController
from import CarInterface
from common.realtime import sec_since_boot
from selfdrive.boardd.boardd import can_list_to_can_capnp
from selfdrive.config import Conversions as CV
import cereal.messaging as messaging
from import service_list
from opendbc.can.parser import CANParser
import zmq
import time
import numpy as np
class TestToyotaCarcontroller(unittest.TestCase):
def test_fcw(self):
# TODO: This message has a 0xc1 setme which is not yet checked or in the dbc file
self.longMessage = True
car_name = TOYOTA.RAV4
sendcan = messaging.pub_sock('sendcan')
params = CarInterface.get_params(car_name)
CI = CarInterface(params, CarController)
# Get parser
parser_signals = [
('FCW', 'ACC_HUD', 0),
('SET_ME_X20', 'ACC_HUD', 0),
('SET_ME_X10', 'ACC_HUD', 0),
('SET_ME_X80', 'ACC_HUD', 0),
parser = CANParser(CI.cp.dbc_name, parser_signals, [], 0, sendcan=True, tcp_addr="")
time.sleep(0.2) # Slow joiner syndrome
VA = car.CarControl.HUDControl.VisualAlert
for fcw in [True, False]:
control = car.CarControl.new_message()
control.enabled = True
hud = car.CarControl.HUDControl.new_message()
if fcw:
hud.visualAlert = VA.fcw
control.hudControl = hud
for _ in range(200):
can_sends = CI.apply(control)
sendcan.send(can_list_to_can_capnp(can_sends, msgtype='sendcan'))
for _ in range(5):
parser.update(int(sec_since_boot() * 1e9), False)
self.assertEqual(fcw, parser.vl['ACC_HUD']['FCW'])
self.assertEqual(0x20, parser.vl['ACC_HUD']['SET_ME_X20'])
self.assertEqual(0x10, parser.vl['ACC_HUD']['SET_ME_X10'])
self.assertEqual(0x80, parser.vl['ACC_HUD']['SET_ME_X80'])
def test_ui(self):
self.longMessage = True
car_name = TOYOTA.RAV4
sendcan = messaging.pub_sock('sendcan')
params = CarInterface.get_params(car_name)
CI = CarInterface(params, CarController)
# Get parser
parser_signals = [
('SET_ME_X01', 'LKAS_HUD', 0),
('SET_ME_X01_2', 'LKAS_HUD', 0),
('LDA_ALERT', 'LKAS_HUD', -1),
('SET_ME_X0C', 'LKAS_HUD', 0),
('SET_ME_X2C', 'LKAS_HUD', 0),
('SET_ME_X38', 'LKAS_HUD', 0),
('SET_ME_X02', 'LKAS_HUD', 0),
parser = CANParser(CI.cp.dbc_name, parser_signals, [], 0, sendcan=True, tcp_addr="")
time.sleep(0.2) # Slow joiner syndrome
VA = car.CarControl.HUDControl.VisualAlert
for left_lane in [True, False]:
for right_lane in [True, False]:
for steer in [True, False]:
control = car.CarControl.new_message()
control.enabled = True
hud = car.CarControl.HUDControl.new_message()
if steer:
hud.visualAlert = VA.steerRequired
hud.leftLaneVisible = left_lane
hud.rightLaneVisible = right_lane
control.hudControl = hud
for _ in range(200): # UI is only sent at 1Hz
can_sends = CI.apply(control)
sendcan.send(can_list_to_can_capnp(can_sends, msgtype='sendcan'))
for _ in range(5):
parser.update(int(sec_since_boot() * 1e9), False)
self.assertEqual(0x0c, parser.vl['LKAS_HUD']['SET_ME_X0C'])
self.assertEqual(0x2c, parser.vl['LKAS_HUD']['SET_ME_X2C'])
self.assertEqual(0x38, parser.vl['LKAS_HUD']['SET_ME_X38'])
self.assertEqual(0x02, parser.vl['LKAS_HUD']['SET_ME_X02'])
self.assertEqual(0, parser.vl['LKAS_HUD']['BARRIERS'])
self.assertEqual(1 if right_lane else 2, parser.vl['LKAS_HUD']['RIGHT_LINE'])
self.assertEqual(1 if left_lane else 2, parser.vl['LKAS_HUD']['LEFT_LINE'])
self.assertEqual(1, parser.vl['LKAS_HUD']['SET_ME_X01'])
self.assertEqual(1, parser.vl['LKAS_HUD']['SET_ME_X01_2'])
self.assertEqual(steer, parser.vl['LKAS_HUD']['LDA_ALERT'])
def test_standstill_and_cancel(self):
self.longMessage = True
car_name = TOYOTA.RAV4
sendcan = messaging.pub_sock('sendcan')
params = CarInterface.get_params(car_name)
CI = CarInterface(params, CarController)
# Get parser
parser_signals = [
('SET_ME_X3', 'ACC_CONTROL', 0),
('SET_ME_1', 'ACC_CONTROL', 0),
parser = CANParser(CI.cp.dbc_name, parser_signals, [], 0, sendcan=True, tcp_addr="")
time.sleep(0.2) # Slow joiner syndrome
control = car.CarControl.new_message()
control.enabled = True
CI.CS.pcm_acc_status = 8 # Active
CI.CS.standstill = True
can_sends = CI.apply(control)
sendcan.send(can_list_to_can_capnp(can_sends, msgtype='sendcan'))
for _ in range(5):
parser.update(int(sec_since_boot() * 1e9), False)
self.assertEqual(0x3, parser.vl['ACC_CONTROL']['SET_ME_X3'])
self.assertEqual(1, parser.vl['ACC_CONTROL']['SET_ME_1'])
CI.CS.pcm_acc_status = 7 # Standstill
for _ in range(10):
can_sends = CI.apply(control)
sendcan.send(can_list_to_can_capnp(can_sends, msgtype='sendcan'))
for _ in range(5):
parser.update(int(sec_since_boot() * 1e9), False)
cruise = car.CarControl.CruiseControl.new_message()
cruise.cancel = True
control.cruiseControl = cruise
for _ in range(10):
can_sends = CI.apply(control)
sendcan.send(can_list_to_can_capnp(can_sends, msgtype='sendcan'))
for _ in range(5):
parser.update(int(sec_since_boot() * 1e9), False)
@unittest.skip("IPAS logic changed, fix test")
def test_steering_ipas(self):
self.longMessage = True
car_name = TOYOTA.RAV4
sendcan = messaging.pub_sock('sendcan')
params = CarInterface.get_params(car_name)
params.enableApgs = True
CI = CarInterface(params, CarController)
CI.CC.angle_control = True
# Get parser
parser_signals = [
parser = CANParser(CI.cp.dbc_name, parser_signals, [], 0, sendcan=True, tcp_addr="")
time.sleep(0.2) # Slow joiner syndrome
for enabled in [True, False]:
for steer in np.linspace(-510., 510., 25):
control = car.CarControl.new_message()
actuators = car.CarControl.Actuators.new_message()
actuators.steerAngle = float(steer)
control.enabled = enabled
control.actuators = actuators
CI.CS.steer_not_allowed = False
for _ in range(1000 if steer < -505 else 25):
can_sends = CI.apply(control)
sendcan.send(can_list_to_can_capnp(can_sends, msgtype='sendcan'))
parser.update(int(sec_since_boot() * 1e9), False)
self.assertEqual(0x10, parser.vl['STEERING_IPAS']['SET_ME_X10'])
self.assertEqual(0x40, parser.vl['STEERING_IPAS']['SET_ME_X40'])
expected_state = 3 if enabled else 1
self.assertEqual(expected_state, parser.vl['STEERING_IPAS']['STATE'])
if steer < 0:
direction = 3
elif steer > 0:
direction = 1
direction = 2
if not enabled:
direction = 2
self.assertEqual(direction, parser.vl['STEERING_IPAS']['DIRECTION_CMD'])
expected_steer = int(round(steer / 1.5)) * 1.5 if enabled else 0
self.assertAlmostEqual(expected_steer, parser.vl['STEERING_IPAS']['ANGLE'])
def test_steering(self):
self.longMessage = True
car_name = TOYOTA.RAV4
sendcan = messaging.pub_sock('sendcan')
params = CarInterface.get_params(car_name)
CI = CarInterface(params, CarController)
limit = 1500
# Get parser
parser_signals = [
('SET_ME_1', 'STEERING_LKA', 0),
parser = CANParser(CI.cp.dbc_name, parser_signals, [], 0, sendcan=True, tcp_addr="")
time.sleep(0.2) # Slow joiner syndrome
for steer in np.linspace(-1., 1., 25):
control = car.CarControl.new_message()
actuators = car.CarControl.Actuators.new_message()
actuators.steer = float(steer)
control.enabled = True
control.actuators = actuators
CI.CS.steer_not_allowed = False
CI.CS.steer_torque_motor = limit * steer
# More control applies for the first one because of rate limits
for _ in range(1000 if steer < -0.99 else 25):
can_sends = CI.apply(control)
sendcan.send(can_list_to_can_capnp(can_sends, msgtype='sendcan'))
parser.update(int(sec_since_boot() * 1e9), False)
self.assertEqual(1, parser.vl['STEERING_LKA']['SET_ME_1'])
self.assertEqual(True, parser.vl['STEERING_LKA']['STEER_REQUEST'])
self.assertAlmostEqual(round(steer * limit), parser.vl['STEERING_LKA']['STEER_TORQUE_CMD'])
self.assertEqual(0, parser.vl['STEERING_LKA']['LKA_STATE'])
def test_accel(self):
self.longMessage = True
car_name = TOYOTA.RAV4
sendcan = messaging.pub_sock('sendcan')
params = CarInterface.get_params(car_name)
CI = CarInterface(params, CarController)
# Get parser
parser_signals = [
parser = CANParser(CI.cp.dbc_name, parser_signals, [], 0, sendcan=True, tcp_addr="")
time.sleep(0.2) # Slow joiner syndrome
for accel in np.linspace(-3., 1.5, 25):
control = car.CarControl.new_message()
actuators = car.CarControl.Actuators.new_message()
gas = accel / 3. if accel > 0. else 0.
brake = -accel / 3. if accel < 0. else 0.
actuators.gas = float(gas)
actuators.brake = float(brake)
control.enabled = True
control.actuators = actuators
# More control applies for the first one because of rate limits
for _ in range(25):
can_sends = CI.apply(control)
sendcan.send(can_list_to_can_capnp(can_sends, msgtype='sendcan'))
for _ in range(5):
parser.update(int(sec_since_boot() * 1e9), False)
min_accel = accel - 0.061
max_accel = accel + 0.061
sent_accel = parser.vl['ACC_CONTROL']['ACCEL_CMD']
accel_ok = min_accel <= sent_accel <= max_accel
self.assertTrue(accel_ok, msg="%.2f <= %.2f <= %.2f" % (min_accel, sent_accel, max_accel))
if __name__ == '__main__':

View File

View File

@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
from cereal import car
from common.numpy_fast import clip, interp
from import apply_toyota_steer_torque_limits, create_gas_command, make_can_msg
from import create_steer_command, create_ui_command, \
create_ipas_steer_command, create_accel_command, \
create_acc_cancel_command, create_fcw_command
from import CAR, ECU, STATIC_MSGS, SteerLimitParams
from opendbc.can.packer import CANPacker
VisualAlert = car.CarControl.HUDControl.VisualAlert
# Accel limits
ACCEL_HYST_GAP = 0.02 # don't change accel command for small oscilalitons within this value
ACCEL_MAX = 1.5 # 1.5 m/s2
ACCEL_MIN = -3.0 # 3 m/s2
# Steer angle limits (tested at the Crows Landing track and considered ok)
ANGLE_MAX_BP = [0., 5.]
ANGLE_MAX_V = [510., 300.]
ANGLE_DELTA_BP = [0., 5., 15.]
ANGLE_DELTA_V = [5., .8, .15] # windup limit
ANGLE_DELTA_VU = [5., 3.5, 0.4] # unwind limit
TARGET_IDS = [0x340, 0x341, 0x342, 0x343, 0x344, 0x345,
0x363, 0x364, 0x365, 0x370, 0x371, 0x372,
0x373, 0x374, 0x375, 0x380, 0x381, 0x382,
def accel_hysteresis(accel, accel_steady, enabled):
# for small accel oscillations within ACCEL_HYST_GAP, don't change the accel command
if not enabled:
# send 0 when disabled, otherwise acc faults
accel_steady = 0.
elif accel > accel_steady + ACCEL_HYST_GAP:
accel_steady = accel - ACCEL_HYST_GAP
elif accel < accel_steady - ACCEL_HYST_GAP:
accel_steady = accel + ACCEL_HYST_GAP
accel = accel_steady
return accel, accel_steady
def process_hud_alert(hud_alert):
# initialize to no alert
steer = 0
fcw = 0
if hud_alert == VisualAlert.fcw:
fcw = 1
elif hud_alert == VisualAlert.steerRequired:
steer = 1
return steer, fcw
def ipas_state_transition(steer_angle_enabled, enabled, ipas_active, ipas_reset_counter):
if enabled and not steer_angle_enabled:
#ipas_reset_counter = max(0, ipas_reset_counter - 1)
#if ipas_reset_counter == 0:
# steer_angle_enabled = True
# steer_angle_enabled = False
#return steer_angle_enabled, ipas_reset_counter
return True, 0
elif enabled and steer_angle_enabled:
if steer_angle_enabled and not ipas_active:
ipas_reset_counter += 1
ipas_reset_counter = 0
if ipas_reset_counter > 10: # try every 0.1s
steer_angle_enabled = False
return steer_angle_enabled, ipas_reset_counter
return False, 0
class CarController():
def __init__(self, dbc_name, car_fingerprint, enable_camera, enable_dsu, enable_apg):
self.braking = False
# redundant safety check with the board
self.controls_allowed = True
self.last_steer = 0
self.last_angle = 0
self.accel_steady = 0.
self.car_fingerprint = car_fingerprint
self.alert_active = False
self.last_standstill = False
self.standstill_req = False
self.angle_control = False
self.steer_angle_enabled = False
self.ipas_reset_counter = 0
self.last_fault_frame = -200
self.steer_rate_limited = False
self.fake_ecus = set()
if enable_camera: self.fake_ecus.add(ECU.CAM)
if enable_dsu: self.fake_ecus.add(ECU.DSU)
if enable_apg: self.fake_ecus.add(ECU.APGS)
self.packer = CANPacker(dbc_name)
def update(self, enabled, CS, frame, actuators, pcm_cancel_cmd, hud_alert,
left_line, right_line, lead, left_lane_depart, right_lane_depart):
# *** compute control surfaces ***
# gas and brake
apply_gas = clip(actuators.gas, 0., 1.)
if CS.CP.enableGasInterceptor:
# send only negative accel if interceptor is detected. otherwise, send the regular value
# +0.06 offset to reduce ABS pump usage when OP is engaged
apply_accel = 0.06 - actuators.brake
apply_accel = actuators.gas - actuators.brake
apply_accel, self.accel_steady = accel_hysteresis(apply_accel, self.accel_steady, enabled)
apply_accel = clip(apply_accel * ACCEL_SCALE, ACCEL_MIN, ACCEL_MAX)
# steer torque
new_steer = int(round(actuators.steer * SteerLimitParams.STEER_MAX))
apply_steer = apply_toyota_steer_torque_limits(new_steer, self.last_steer, CS.steer_torque_motor, SteerLimitParams)
self.steer_rate_limited = new_steer != apply_steer
# only cut torque when steer state is a known fault
if CS.steer_state in [9, 25]:
self.last_fault_frame = frame
# Cut steering for 2s after fault
if not enabled or (frame - self.last_fault_frame < 200):
apply_steer = 0
apply_steer_req = 0
apply_steer_req = 1
self.steer_angle_enabled, self.ipas_reset_counter = \
ipas_state_transition(self.steer_angle_enabled, enabled, CS.ipas_active, self.ipas_reset_counter)
#print("{0} {1} {2}".format(self.steer_angle_enabled, self.ipas_reset_counter, CS.ipas_active))
# steer angle
if self.steer_angle_enabled and CS.ipas_active:
apply_angle = actuators.steerAngle
angle_lim = interp(CS.v_ego, ANGLE_MAX_BP, ANGLE_MAX_V)
apply_angle = clip(apply_angle, -angle_lim, angle_lim)
# windup slower
if self.last_angle * apply_angle > 0. and abs(apply_angle) > abs(self.last_angle):
angle_rate_lim = interp(CS.v_ego, ANGLE_DELTA_BP, ANGLE_DELTA_V)
angle_rate_lim = interp(CS.v_ego, ANGLE_DELTA_BP, ANGLE_DELTA_VU)
apply_angle = clip(apply_angle, self.last_angle - angle_rate_lim, self.last_angle + angle_rate_lim)
apply_angle = CS.angle_steers
if not enabled and CS.pcm_acc_status:
# send pcm acc cancel cmd if drive is disabled but pcm is still on, or if the system can't be activated
pcm_cancel_cmd = 1
# on entering standstill, send standstill request
if CS.standstill and not self.last_standstill:
self.standstill_req = True
if CS.pcm_acc_status != 8:
# pcm entered standstill or it's disabled
self.standstill_req = False
self.last_steer = apply_steer
self.last_angle = apply_angle
self.last_accel = apply_accel
self.last_standstill = CS.standstill
can_sends = []
#*** control msgs ***
#print("steer {0} {1} {2} {3}".format(apply_steer, min_lim, max_lim, CS.steer_torque_motor)
# toyota can trace shows this message at 42Hz, with counter adding alternatively 1 and 2;
# sending it at 100Hz seem to allow a higher rate limit, as the rate limit seems imposed
# on consecutive messages
if ECU.CAM in self.fake_ecus:
if self.angle_control:
can_sends.append(create_steer_command(self.packer, 0., 0, frame))
can_sends.append(create_steer_command(self.packer, apply_steer, apply_steer_req, frame))
if self.angle_control:
can_sends.append(create_ipas_steer_command(self.packer, apply_angle, self.steer_angle_enabled,
ECU.APGS in self.fake_ecus))
elif ECU.APGS in self.fake_ecus:
can_sends.append(create_ipas_steer_command(self.packer, 0, 0, True))
# we can spam can to cancel the system even if we are using lat only control
if (frame % 3 == 0 and CS.CP.openpilotLongitudinalControl) or (pcm_cancel_cmd and ECU.CAM in self.fake_ecus):
lead = lead or CS.v_ego < 12. # at low speed we always assume the lead is present do ACC can be engaged
# Lexus IS uses a different cancellation message
if pcm_cancel_cmd and CS.CP.carFingerprint == CAR.LEXUS_IS:
elif CS.CP.openpilotLongitudinalControl:
can_sends.append(create_accel_command(self.packer, apply_accel, pcm_cancel_cmd, self.standstill_req, lead))
can_sends.append(create_accel_command(self.packer, 0, pcm_cancel_cmd, False, lead))
if (frame % 2 == 0) and (CS.CP.enableGasInterceptor):
# send exactly zero if apply_gas is zero. Interceptor will send the max between read value and apply_gas.
# This prevents unexpected pedal range rescaling
can_sends.append(create_gas_command(self.packer, apply_gas, frame//2))
# ui mesg is at 100Hz but we send asap if:
# - there is something to display
# - there is something to stop displaying
alert_out = process_hud_alert(hud_alert)
steer, fcw = alert_out
if (any(alert_out) and not self.alert_active) or \
(not any(alert_out) and self.alert_active):
send_ui = True
self.alert_active = not self.alert_active
send_ui = False
# disengage msg causes a bad fault sound so play a good sound instead
if pcm_cancel_cmd:
send_ui = True
if (frame % 100 == 0 or send_ui) and ECU.CAM in self.fake_ecus:
can_sends.append(create_ui_command(self.packer, steer, pcm_cancel_cmd, left_line, right_line, left_lane_depart, right_lane_depart))
if frame % 100 == 0 and ECU.DSU in self.fake_ecus:
can_sends.append(create_fcw_command(self.packer, fcw))
#*** static msgs ***
for (addr, ecu, cars, bus, fr_step, vl) in STATIC_MSGS:
if frame % fr_step == 0 and ecu in self.fake_ecus and self.car_fingerprint in cars:
can_sends.append(make_can_msg(addr, vl, bus))
return can_sends

View File

@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
from cereal import car
from common.numpy_fast import mean
from common.kalman.simple_kalman import KF1D
from opendbc.can.can_define import CANDefine
from opendbc.can.parser import CANParser
from selfdrive.config import Conversions as CV
GearShifter = car.CarState.GearShifter
def parse_gear_shifter(gear, vals):
val_to_capnp = {'P': GearShifter.park, 'R': GearShifter.reverse, 'N': GearShifter.neutral,
'D':, 'B': GearShifter.brake}
return val_to_capnp[vals[gear]]
except KeyError:
return GearShifter.unknown
def get_can_parser(CP):
signals = [
# sig_name, sig_address, default
("TURN_SIGNALS", "STEERING_LEVERS", 3), # 3 is no blinkers
checks = [
("GAS_PEDAL", 33),
("PCM_CRUISE", 33),
("EPS_STATUS", 25),
if CP.carFingerprint == CAR.LEXUS_IS:
signals.append(("MAIN_ON", "DSU_CRUISE", 0))
signals.append(("SET_SPEED", "DSU_CRUISE", 0))
checks.append(("DSU_CRUISE", 5))
signals.append(("MAIN_ON", "PCM_CRUISE_2", 0))
signals.append(("SET_SPEED", "PCM_CRUISE_2", 0))
signals.append(("LOW_SPEED_LOCKOUT", "PCM_CRUISE_2", 0))
checks.append(("PCM_CRUISE_2", 33))
if CP.carFingerprint in NO_DSU_CAR:
signals += [("STEER_ANGLE", "STEER_TORQUE_SENSOR", 0)]
if CP.carFingerprint == CAR.PRIUS:
signals += [("STATE", "AUTOPARK_STATUS", 0)]
# add gas interceptor reading if we are using it
if CP.enableGasInterceptor:
signals.append(("INTERCEPTOR_GAS", "GAS_SENSOR", 0))
signals.append(("INTERCEPTOR_GAS2", "GAS_SENSOR", 0))
checks.append(("GAS_SENSOR", 50))
return CANParser(DBC[CP.carFingerprint]['pt'], signals, checks, 0)
def get_cam_can_parser(CP):
# use steering message to check if panda is connected to frc
checks = [("STEERING_LKA", 42)]
return CANParser(DBC[CP.carFingerprint]['pt'], signals, checks, 2)
class CarState():
def __init__(self, CP):
self.CP = CP
self.can_define = CANDefine(DBC[CP.carFingerprint]['pt'])
self.shifter_values = self.can_define.dv["GEAR_PACKET"]['GEAR']
self.left_blinker_on = 0
self.right_blinker_on = 0
self.angle_offset = 0.
self.init_angle_offset = False
# initialize can parser
self.car_fingerprint = CP.carFingerprint
# vEgo kalman filter
dt = 0.01
# Q = np.matrix([[10.0, 0.0], [0.0, 100.0]])
# R = 1e3
self.v_ego_kf = KF1D(x0=[[0.0], [0.0]],
A=[[1.0, dt], [0.0, 1.0]],
C=[1.0, 0.0],
K=[[0.12287673], [0.29666309]])
self.v_ego = 0.0
def update(self, cp, cp_cam):
# update prevs, update must run once per loop
self.prev_left_blinker_on = self.left_blinker_on
self.prev_right_blinker_on = self.right_blinker_on
self.door_all_closed = not any([cp.vl["SEATS_DOORS"]['DOOR_OPEN_FL'], cp.vl["SEATS_DOORS"]['DOOR_OPEN_FR'],
self.seatbelt = not cp.vl["SEATS_DOORS"]['SEATBELT_DRIVER_UNLATCHED']
self.brake_pressed = cp.vl["BRAKE_MODULE"]['BRAKE_PRESSED']
if self.CP.enableGasInterceptor:
self.pedal_gas = (cp.vl["GAS_SENSOR"]['INTERCEPTOR_GAS'] + cp.vl["GAS_SENSOR"]['INTERCEPTOR_GAS2']) / 2.
self.pedal_gas = cp.vl["GAS_PEDAL"]['GAS_PEDAL']
self.car_gas = self.pedal_gas
self.esp_disabled = cp.vl["ESP_CONTROL"]['TC_DISABLED']
# calc best v_ego estimate, by averaging two opposite corners
self.v_wheel_fl = cp.vl["WHEEL_SPEEDS"]['WHEEL_SPEED_FL'] * CV.KPH_TO_MS
self.v_wheel_fr = cp.vl["WHEEL_SPEEDS"]['WHEEL_SPEED_FR'] * CV.KPH_TO_MS
self.v_wheel_rl = cp.vl["WHEEL_SPEEDS"]['WHEEL_SPEED_RL'] * CV.KPH_TO_MS
self.v_wheel_rr = cp.vl["WHEEL_SPEEDS"]['WHEEL_SPEED_RR'] * CV.KPH_TO_MS
v_wheel = mean([self.v_wheel_fl, self.v_wheel_fr, self.v_wheel_rl, self.v_wheel_rr])
# Kalman filter
if abs(v_wheel - self.v_ego) > 2.0: # Prevent large accelerations when car starts at non zero speed
self.v_ego_kf.x = [[v_wheel], [0.0]]
self.v_ego_raw = v_wheel
v_ego_x = self.v_ego_kf.update(v_wheel)
self.v_ego = float(v_ego_x[0])
self.a_ego = float(v_ego_x[1])
self.standstill = not v_wheel > 0.001
if self.CP.carFingerprint in TSS2_CAR:
self.angle_steers = cp.vl["STEER_TORQUE_SENSOR"]['STEER_ANGLE']
elif self.CP.carFingerprint in NO_DSU_CAR:
# cp.vl["STEER_TORQUE_SENSOR"]['STEER_ANGLE'] is zeroed to where the steering angle is at start.
# need to apply an offset as soon as the steering angle measurements are both received
self.angle_steers = cp.vl["STEER_TORQUE_SENSOR"]['STEER_ANGLE'] - self.angle_offset
if abs(angle_wheel) > 1e-3 and abs(self.angle_steers) > 1e-3 and not self.init_angle_offset:
self.init_angle_offset = True
self.angle_offset = self.angle_steers - angle_wheel
self.angle_steers = cp.vl["STEER_ANGLE_SENSOR"]['STEER_ANGLE'] + cp.vl["STEER_ANGLE_SENSOR"]['STEER_FRACTION']
self.angle_steers_rate = cp.vl["STEER_ANGLE_SENSOR"]['STEER_RATE']
can_gear = int(cp.vl["GEAR_PACKET"]['GEAR'])
self.gear_shifter = parse_gear_shifter(can_gear, self.shifter_values)
if self.CP.carFingerprint == CAR.LEXUS_IS:
self.main_on = cp.vl["DSU_CRUISE"]['MAIN_ON']
self.main_on = cp.vl["PCM_CRUISE_2"]['MAIN_ON']
self.left_blinker_on = cp.vl["STEERING_LEVERS"]['TURN_SIGNALS'] == 1
self.right_blinker_on = cp.vl["STEERING_LEVERS"]['TURN_SIGNALS'] == 2
# 2 is standby, 10 is active. TODO: check that everything else is really a faulty state
self.steer_state = cp.vl["EPS_STATUS"]['LKA_STATE']
self.steer_error = cp.vl["EPS_STATUS"]['LKA_STATE'] not in [1, 5]
self.ipas_active = cp.vl['EPS_STATUS']['IPAS_STATE'] == 3
self.brake_error = 0
self.steer_torque_driver = cp.vl["STEER_TORQUE_SENSOR"]['STEER_TORQUE_DRIVER']
self.steer_torque_motor = cp.vl["STEER_TORQUE_SENSOR"]['STEER_TORQUE_EPS']
# we could use the override bit from dbc, but it's triggered at too high torque values
self.steer_override = abs(self.steer_torque_driver) > STEER_THRESHOLD
self.user_brake = 0
if self.CP.carFingerprint == CAR.LEXUS_IS:
self.v_cruise_pcm = cp.vl["DSU_CRUISE"]['SET_SPEED']
self.low_speed_lockout = False
self.v_cruise_pcm = cp.vl["PCM_CRUISE_2"]['SET_SPEED']
self.low_speed_lockout = cp.vl["PCM_CRUISE_2"]['LOW_SPEED_LOCKOUT'] == 2
self.pcm_acc_status = cp.vl["PCM_CRUISE"]['CRUISE_STATE']
self.pcm_acc_active = bool(cp.vl["PCM_CRUISE"]['CRUISE_ACTIVE'])
self.brake_lights = bool(cp.vl["ESP_CONTROL"]['BRAKE_LIGHTS_ACC'] or self.brake_pressed)
if self.CP.carFingerprint == CAR.PRIUS:
self.generic_toggle = cp.vl["AUTOPARK_STATUS"]['STATE'] != 0
self.generic_toggle = bool(cp.vl["LIGHT_STALK"]['AUTO_HIGH_BEAM'])
self.stock_aeb = bool(cp_cam.vl["PRE_COLLISION"]["PRECOLLISION_ACTIVE"] and cp_cam.vl["PRE_COLLISION"]["FORCE"] < -1e-5)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,435 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from cereal import car
from selfdrive.config import Conversions as CV
from selfdrive.controls.lib.drive_helpers import EventTypes as ET, create_event
from selfdrive.controls.lib.vehicle_model import VehicleModel
from import CarState, get_can_parser, get_cam_can_parser
from import STD_CARGO_KG, scale_rot_inertia, scale_tire_stiffness, is_ecu_disconnected, gen_empty_fingerprint
from selfdrive.swaglog import cloudlog
from import CarInterfaceBase
ButtonType = car.CarState.ButtonEvent.Type
GearShifter = car.CarState.GearShifter
class CarInterface(CarInterfaceBase):
def __init__(self, CP, CarController):
self.CP = CP
self.VM = VehicleModel(CP)
self.frame = 0
self.gas_pressed_prev = False
self.brake_pressed_prev = False
self.cruise_enabled_prev = False
# *** init the major players ***
self.CS = CarState(CP)
self.cp = get_can_parser(CP)
self.cp_cam = get_cam_can_parser(CP)
self.CC = None
if CarController is not None:
self.CC = CarController(self.cp.dbc_name, CP.carFingerprint, CP.enableCamera, CP.enableDsu, CP.enableApgs)
def compute_gb(accel, speed):
return float(accel) / 3.0
def get_params(candidate, fingerprint=gen_empty_fingerprint(), has_relay=False, car_fw=[]):
ret = car.CarParams.new_message()
ret.carName = "toyota"
ret.carFingerprint = candidate
ret.isPandaBlack = has_relay
ret.safetyModel =
ret.enableCruise = True
ret.steerActuatorDelay = 0.12 # Default delay, Prius has larger delay
ret.steerLimitTimer = 0.4
if candidate not in [CAR.PRIUS, CAR.RAV4, CAR.RAV4H]: # These cars use LQR/INDI
ret.lateralTuning.init('pid'), = [[0.], [0.]]
if candidate == CAR.PRIUS:
stop_and_go = True
ret.safetyParam = 66 # see conversion factor for STEER_TORQUE_EPS in dbc file
ret.wheelbase = 2.70
ret.steerRatio = 15.74 # unknown end-to-end spec
tire_stiffness_factor = 0.6371 # hand-tune
ret.mass = 3045. * CV.LB_TO_KG + STD_CARGO_KG
ret.lateralTuning.indi.innerLoopGain = 4.0
ret.lateralTuning.indi.outerLoopGain = 3.0
ret.lateralTuning.indi.timeConstant = 1.0
ret.lateralTuning.indi.actuatorEffectiveness = 1.0
# TODO: Determine if this is better than INDI
# ret.lateralTuning.init('lqr')
# ret.lateralTuning.lqr.scale = 1500.0
# = 0.01
# ret.lateralTuning.lqr.a = [0., 1., -0.22619643, 1.21822268]
# ret.lateralTuning.lqr.b = [-1.92006585e-04, 3.95603032e-05]
# ret.lateralTuning.lqr.c = [1., 0.]
# ret.lateralTuning.lqr.k = [-110.73572306, 451.22718255]
# ret.lateralTuning.lqr.l = [0.03233671, 0.03185757]
# ret.lateralTuning.lqr.dcGain = 0.002237852961363602
ret.steerActuatorDelay = 0.5
elif candidate in [CAR.RAV4, CAR.RAV4H]:
stop_and_go = True if (candidate in CAR.RAV4H) else False
ret.safetyParam = 73
ret.wheelbase = 2.65
ret.steerRatio = 16.88 # 14.5 is spec end-to-end
tire_stiffness_factor = 0.5533
ret.mass = 3650. * CV.LB_TO_KG + STD_CARGO_KG # mean between normal and hybrid
ret.lateralTuning.lqr.scale = 1500.0 = 0.05
ret.lateralTuning.lqr.a = [0., 1., -0.22619643, 1.21822268]
ret.lateralTuning.lqr.b = [-1.92006585e-04, 3.95603032e-05]
ret.lateralTuning.lqr.c = [1., 0.]
ret.lateralTuning.lqr.k = [-110.73572306, 451.22718255]
ret.lateralTuning.lqr.l = [0.3233671, 0.3185757]
ret.lateralTuning.lqr.dcGain = 0.002237852961363602
elif candidate == CAR.COROLLA:
stop_and_go = False
ret.safetyParam = 100
ret.wheelbase = 2.70
ret.steerRatio = 18.27
tire_stiffness_factor = 0.444 # not optimized yet
ret.mass = 2860. * CV.LB_TO_KG + STD_CARGO_KG # mean between normal and hybrid, = [[0.2], [0.05]] = 0.00003 # full torque for 20 deg at 80mph means 0.00007818594
elif candidate == CAR.LEXUS_RXH:
stop_and_go = True
ret.safetyParam = 73
ret.wheelbase = 2.79
ret.steerRatio = 16. # 14.8 is spec end-to-end
tire_stiffness_factor = 0.444 # not optimized yet
ret.mass = 4481. * CV.LB_TO_KG + STD_CARGO_KG # mean between min and max, = [[0.6], [0.1]] = 0.00006 # full torque for 10 deg at 80mph means 0.00007818594
elif candidate in [CAR.CHR, CAR.CHRH]:
stop_and_go = True
ret.safetyParam = 73
ret.wheelbase = 2.63906
ret.steerRatio = 13.6
tire_stiffness_factor = 0.7933
ret.mass = 3300. * CV.LB_TO_KG + STD_CARGO_KG, = [[0.723], [0.0428]] = 0.00006
elif candidate in [CAR.CAMRY, CAR.CAMRYH]:
stop_and_go = True
ret.safetyParam = 73
ret.wheelbase = 2.82448
ret.steerRatio = 13.7
tire_stiffness_factor = 0.7933
ret.mass = 3400. * CV.LB_TO_KG + STD_CARGO_KG #mean between normal and hybrid, = [[0.6], [0.1]] = 0.00006
stop_and_go = True
ret.safetyParam = 73
ret.wheelbase = 2.78
ret.steerRatio = 16.0
tire_stiffness_factor = 0.8
ret.mass = 4607. * CV.LB_TO_KG + STD_CARGO_KG #mean between normal and hybrid limited, = [[0.18], [0.015]] # community tuning = 0.00012 # community tuning
elif candidate == CAR.AVALON:
stop_and_go = False
ret.safetyParam = 73
ret.wheelbase = 2.82
ret.steerRatio = 14.8 #Found at
tire_stiffness_factor = 0.7983
ret.mass = 3505. * CV.LB_TO_KG + STD_CARGO_KG # mean between normal and hybrid, = [[0.17], [0.03]] = 0.00006
elif candidate == CAR.RAV4_TSS2:
stop_and_go = True
ret.safetyParam = 73
ret.wheelbase = 2.68986
ret.steerRatio = 14.3
tire_stiffness_factor = 0.7933, = [[0.6], [0.1]]
ret.mass = 3370. * CV.LB_TO_KG + STD_CARGO_KG = 0.00007818594
elif candidate in [CAR.COROLLA_TSS2, CAR.COROLLAH_TSS2]:
stop_and_go = True
ret.safetyParam = 73
ret.wheelbase = 2.63906
ret.steerRatio = 13.9
tire_stiffness_factor = 0.444 # not optimized yet
ret.mass = 3060. * CV.LB_TO_KG + STD_CARGO_KG, = [[0.6], [0.1]] = 0.00007818594
elif candidate in [CAR.LEXUS_ES_TSS2, CAR.LEXUS_ESH_TSS2]:
stop_and_go = True
ret.safetyParam = 73
ret.wheelbase = 2.8702
ret.steerRatio = 16.0 # not optimized
tire_stiffness_factor = 0.444 # not optimized yet
ret.mass = 3704. * CV.LB_TO_KG + STD_CARGO_KG, = [[0.6], [0.1]] = 0.00007818594
elif candidate == CAR.SIENNA:
stop_and_go = True
ret.safetyParam = 73
ret.wheelbase = 3.03
ret.steerRatio = 16.0
tire_stiffness_factor = 0.444
ret.mass = 4590. * CV.LB_TO_KG + STD_CARGO_KG, = [[0.3], [0.05]] = 0.00007818594
elif candidate == CAR.LEXUS_IS:
stop_and_go = False
ret.safetyParam = 77
ret.wheelbase = 2.79908
ret.steerRatio = 13.3
tire_stiffness_factor = 0.444
ret.mass = 3736.8 * CV.LB_TO_KG + STD_CARGO_KG, = [[0.3], [0.05]] = 0.00006
elif candidate == CAR.LEXUS_CTH:
stop_and_go = True
ret.safetyParam = 100
ret.wheelbase = 2.60
ret.steerRatio = 18.6
tire_stiffness_factor = 0.517
ret.mass = 3108 * CV.LB_TO_KG + STD_CARGO_KG # mean between min and max, = [[0.3], [0.05]] = 0.00007
ret.steerRateCost = 1.
ret.centerToFront = ret.wheelbase * 0.44
# TODO: get actual value, for now starting with reasonable value for
# civic and scaling by mass and wheelbase
ret.rotationalInertia = scale_rot_inertia(ret.mass, ret.wheelbase)
# TODO: start from empirically derived lateral slip stiffness for the civic and scale by
# mass and CG position, so all cars will have approximately similar dyn behaviors
ret.tireStiffnessFront, ret.tireStiffnessRear = scale_tire_stiffness(ret.mass, ret.wheelbase, ret.centerToFront,
# no rear steering, at least on the listed cars above
ret.steerRatioRear = 0.
ret.steerControlType = car.CarParams.SteerControlType.torque
# steer, gas, brake limitations VS speed
ret.steerMaxBP = [16. * CV.KPH_TO_MS, 45. * CV.KPH_TO_MS] # breakpoints at 1 and 40 kph
ret.steerMaxV = [1., 1.] # 2/3rd torque allowed above 45 kph
ret.brakeMaxBP = [0.]
ret.brakeMaxV = [1.]
ret.enableCamera = is_ecu_disconnected(fingerprint[0], FINGERPRINTS, ECU_FINGERPRINT, candidate, ECU.CAM) or has_relay
# In TSS2 cars the camera does long control
ret.enableDsu = is_ecu_disconnected(fingerprint[0], FINGERPRINTS, ECU_FINGERPRINT, candidate, ECU.DSU) and candidate not in TSS2_CAR
ret.enableApgs = False # is_ecu_disconnected(fingerprint[0], FINGERPRINTS, ECU_FINGERPRINT, candidate, ECU.APGS)
ret.enableGasInterceptor = 0x201 in fingerprint[0]
ret.openpilotLongitudinalControl = ret.enableCamera and (ret.enableDsu or candidate in TSS2_CAR)
cloudlog.warning("ECU Camera Simulated: %r", ret.enableCamera)
cloudlog.warning("ECU DSU Simulated: %r", ret.enableDsu)
cloudlog.warning("ECU APGS Simulated: %r", ret.enableApgs)
cloudlog.warning("ECU Gas Interceptor: %r", ret.enableGasInterceptor)
# min speed to enable ACC. if car can do stop and go, then set enabling speed
# to a negative value, so it won't matter.
ret.minEnableSpeed = -1. if (stop_and_go or ret.enableGasInterceptor) else 19. * CV.MPH_TO_MS
# removing the DSU disables AEB and it's considered a community maintained feature
ret.communityFeature = ret.enableGasInterceptor or ret.enableDsu
ret.longitudinalTuning.deadzoneBP = [0., 9.]
ret.longitudinalTuning.deadzoneV = [0., .15]
ret.longitudinalTuning.kpBP = [0., 5., 35.]
ret.longitudinalTuning.kiBP = [0., 35.]
ret.stoppingControl = False
ret.startAccel = 0.0
if ret.enableGasInterceptor:
ret.gasMaxBP = [0., 9., 35]
ret.gasMaxV = [0.2, 0.5, 0.7]
ret.longitudinalTuning.kpV = [1.2, 0.8, 0.5]
ret.longitudinalTuning.kiV = [0.18, 0.12]
ret.gasMaxBP = [0.]
ret.gasMaxV = [0.5]
ret.longitudinalTuning.kpV = [3.6, 2.4, 1.5]
ret.longitudinalTuning.kiV = [0.54, 0.36]
return ret
# returns a car.CarState
def update(self, c, can_strings):
# ******************* do can recv *******************
self.CS.update(self.cp, self.cp_cam)
# create message
ret = car.CarState.new_message()
ret.canValid = self.cp.can_valid and self.cp_cam.can_valid
# speeds
ret.vEgo = self.CS.v_ego
ret.vEgoRaw = self.CS.v_ego_raw
ret.aEgo = self.CS.a_ego
ret.yawRate = self.VM.yaw_rate(self.CS.angle_steers * CV.DEG_TO_RAD, self.CS.v_ego)
ret.standstill = self.CS.standstill
ret.wheelSpeeds.fl = self.CS.v_wheel_fl = self.CS.v_wheel_fr
ret.wheelSpeeds.rl = self.CS.v_wheel_rl
ret.wheelSpeeds.rr = self.CS.v_wheel_rr
# gear shifter
ret.gearShifter = self.CS.gear_shifter
# gas pedal
ret.gas = self.CS.car_gas
if self.CP.enableGasInterceptor:
# use interceptor values to disengage on pedal press
ret.gasPressed = self.CS.pedal_gas > 15
ret.gasPressed = self.CS.pedal_gas > 0
# brake pedal
ret.brake = self.CS.user_brake
ret.brakePressed = self.CS.brake_pressed != 0
ret.brakeLights = self.CS.brake_lights
# steering wheel
ret.steeringAngle = self.CS.angle_steers
ret.steeringRate = self.CS.angle_steers_rate
ret.steeringTorque = self.CS.steer_torque_driver
ret.steeringTorqueEps = self.CS.steer_torque_motor
ret.steeringPressed = self.CS.steer_override
ret.steeringRateLimited = self.CC.steer_rate_limited if self.CC is not None else False
# cruise state
ret.cruiseState.enabled = self.CS.pcm_acc_active
ret.cruiseState.speed = self.CS.v_cruise_pcm * CV.KPH_TO_MS
ret.cruiseState.available = bool(self.CS.main_on)
ret.cruiseState.speedOffset = 0.
if self.CP.carFingerprint in NO_STOP_TIMER_CAR or self.CP.enableGasInterceptor:
# ignore standstill in hybrid vehicles, since pcm allows to restart without
# receiving any special command
# also if interceptor is detected
ret.cruiseState.standstill = False
ret.cruiseState.standstill = self.CS.pcm_acc_status == 7
buttonEvents = []
if self.CS.left_blinker_on != self.CS.prev_left_blinker_on:
be = car.CarState.ButtonEvent.new_message()
be.type = ButtonType.leftBlinker
be.pressed = self.CS.left_blinker_on != 0
if self.CS.right_blinker_on != self.CS.prev_right_blinker_on:
be = car.CarState.ButtonEvent.new_message()
be.type = ButtonType.rightBlinker
be.pressed = self.CS.right_blinker_on != 0
ret.buttonEvents = buttonEvents
ret.leftBlinker = bool(self.CS.left_blinker_on)
ret.rightBlinker = bool(self.CS.right_blinker_on)
ret.doorOpen = not self.CS.door_all_closed
ret.seatbeltUnlatched = not self.CS.seatbelt
ret.genericToggle = self.CS.generic_toggle
ret.stockAeb = self.CS.stock_aeb
# events
events = []
if self.cp_cam.can_invalid_cnt >= 200 and self.CP.enableCamera:
events.append(create_event('invalidGiraffeToyota', [ET.PERMANENT]))
if not ret.gearShifter == and self.CP.openpilotLongitudinalControl:
events.append(create_event('wrongGear', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.SOFT_DISABLE]))
if ret.doorOpen:
events.append(create_event('doorOpen', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.SOFT_DISABLE]))
if ret.seatbeltUnlatched:
events.append(create_event('seatbeltNotLatched', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.SOFT_DISABLE]))
if self.CS.esp_disabled and self.CP.openpilotLongitudinalControl:
events.append(create_event('espDisabled', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.SOFT_DISABLE]))
if not self.CS.main_on and self.CP.openpilotLongitudinalControl:
events.append(create_event('wrongCarMode', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.USER_DISABLE]))
if ret.gearShifter == GearShifter.reverse and self.CP.openpilotLongitudinalControl:
events.append(create_event('reverseGear', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.IMMEDIATE_DISABLE]))
if self.CS.steer_error:
events.append(create_event('steerTempUnavailable', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.WARNING]))
if self.CS.low_speed_lockout and self.CP.openpilotLongitudinalControl:
events.append(create_event('lowSpeedLockout', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.PERMANENT]))
if ret.vEgo < self.CP.minEnableSpeed and self.CP.openpilotLongitudinalControl:
events.append(create_event('speedTooLow', [ET.NO_ENTRY]))
if c.actuators.gas > 0.1:
# some margin on the actuator to not false trigger cancellation while stopping
events.append(create_event('speedTooLow', [ET.IMMEDIATE_DISABLE]))
if ret.vEgo < 0.001:
# while in standstill, send a user alert
events.append(create_event('manualRestart', [ET.WARNING]))
# enable request in prius is simple, as we activate when Toyota is active (rising edge)
if ret.cruiseState.enabled and not self.cruise_enabled_prev:
events.append(create_event('pcmEnable', [ET.ENABLE]))
elif not ret.cruiseState.enabled:
events.append(create_event('pcmDisable', [ET.USER_DISABLE]))
# disable on pedals rising edge or when brake is pressed and speed isn't zero
if (ret.gasPressed and not self.gas_pressed_prev) or \
(ret.brakePressed and (not self.brake_pressed_prev or ret.vEgo > 0.001)):
events.append(create_event('pedalPressed', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.USER_DISABLE]))
if ret.gasPressed:
events.append(create_event('pedalPressed', [ET.PRE_ENABLE])) = events
self.gas_pressed_prev = ret.gasPressed
self.brake_pressed_prev = ret.brakePressed
self.cruise_enabled_prev = ret.cruiseState.enabled
return ret.as_reader()
# pass in a car.CarControl
# to be called @ 100hz
def apply(self, c):
can_sends = self.CC.update(c.enabled, self.CS, self.frame,
c.actuators, c.cruiseControl.cancel,
c.hudControl.visualAlert, c.hudControl.leftLaneVisible,
c.hudControl.rightLaneVisible, c.hudControl.leadVisible,
c.hudControl.leftLaneDepart, c.hudControl.rightLaneDepart)
self.frame += 1
return can_sends

View File

@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
import time
from opendbc.can.parser import CANParser
from cereal import car
from import NO_DSU_CAR, DBC, TSS2_CAR
from import RadarInterfaceBase
def _create_radar_can_parser(car_fingerprint):
dbc_f = DBC[car_fingerprint]['radar']
if car_fingerprint in TSS2_CAR:
RADAR_A_MSGS = list(range(0x180, 0x190))
RADAR_B_MSGS = list(range(0x190, 0x1a0))
RADAR_A_MSGS = list(range(0x210, 0x220))
RADAR_B_MSGS = list(range(0x220, 0x230))
msg_a_n = len(RADAR_A_MSGS)
msg_b_n = len(RADAR_B_MSGS)
signals = list(zip(['LONG_DIST'] * msg_a_n + ['NEW_TRACK'] * msg_a_n + ['LAT_DIST'] * msg_a_n +
['REL_SPEED'] * msg_a_n + ['VALID'] * msg_a_n + ['SCORE'] * msg_b_n,
[255] * msg_a_n + [1] * msg_a_n + [0] * msg_a_n + [0] * msg_a_n + [0] * msg_a_n + [0] * msg_b_n))
checks = list(zip(RADAR_A_MSGS + RADAR_B_MSGS, [20]*(msg_a_n + msg_b_n)))
return CANParser(os.path.splitext(dbc_f)[0], signals, checks, 1)
class RadarInterface(RadarInterfaceBase):
def __init__(self, CP):
# radar
self.pts = {}
self.track_id = 0
self.delay = 0 # Delay of radar
self.radar_ts = CP.radarTimeStep
if CP.carFingerprint in TSS2_CAR:
self.RADAR_A_MSGS = list(range(0x180, 0x190))
self.RADAR_B_MSGS = list(range(0x190, 0x1a0))
self.RADAR_A_MSGS = list(range(0x210, 0x220))
self.RADAR_B_MSGS = list(range(0x220, 0x230))
self.valid_cnt = {key: 0 for key in self.RADAR_A_MSGS}
self.rcp = _create_radar_can_parser(CP.carFingerprint)
self.trigger_msg = self.RADAR_B_MSGS[-1]
self.updated_messages = set()
# No radar dbc for cars without DSU which are not TSS 2.0
# TODO: make a adas dbc file for dsu-less models
self.no_radar = CP.carFingerprint in NO_DSU_CAR and CP.carFingerprint not in TSS2_CAR
def update(self, can_strings):
if self.no_radar:
return car.RadarData.new_message()
vls = self.rcp.update_strings(can_strings)
if self.trigger_msg not in self.updated_messages:
return None
rr = self._update(self.updated_messages)
return rr
def _update(self, updated_messages):
ret = car.RadarData.new_message()
errors = []
if not self.rcp.can_valid:
ret.errors = errors
for ii in sorted(updated_messages):
if ii in self.RADAR_A_MSGS:
cpt = self.rcp.vl[ii]
if cpt['LONG_DIST'] >=255 or cpt['NEW_TRACK']:
self.valid_cnt[ii] = 0 # reset counter
if cpt['VALID'] and cpt['LONG_DIST'] < 255:
self.valid_cnt[ii] += 1
self.valid_cnt[ii] = max(self.valid_cnt[ii] -1, 0)
score = self.rcp.vl[ii+16]['SCORE']
# print ii, self.valid_cnt[ii], score, cpt['VALID'], cpt['LONG_DIST'], cpt['LAT_DIST']
# radar point only valid if it's a valid measurement and score is above 50
if cpt['VALID'] or (score > 50 and cpt['LONG_DIST'] < 255 and self.valid_cnt[ii] > 0):
if ii not in self.pts or cpt['NEW_TRACK']:
self.pts[ii] = car.RadarData.RadarPoint.new_message()
self.pts[ii].trackId = self.track_id
self.track_id += 1
self.pts[ii].dRel = cpt['LONG_DIST'] # from front of car
self.pts[ii].yRel = -cpt['LAT_DIST'] # in car frame's y axis, left is positive
self.pts[ii].vRel = cpt['REL_SPEED']
self.pts[ii].aRel = float('nan')
self.pts[ii].yvRel = float('nan')
self.pts[ii].measured = bool(cpt['VALID'])
if ii in self.pts:
del self.pts[ii]
ret.points = list(self.pts.values())
return ret

View File

@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
def create_ipas_steer_command(packer, steer, enabled, apgs_enabled):
"""Creates a CAN message for the Toyota Steer Command."""
if steer < 0:
direction = 3
elif steer > 0:
direction = 1
direction = 2
mode = 3 if enabled else 1
values = {
"STATE": mode,
"DIRECTION_CMD": direction,
"ANGLE": steer,
"SET_ME_X10": 0x10,
"SET_ME_X40": 0x40
if apgs_enabled:
return packer.make_can_msg("STEERING_IPAS", 0, values)
return packer.make_can_msg("STEERING_IPAS_COMMA", 0, values)
def create_steer_command(packer, steer, steer_req, raw_cnt):
"""Creates a CAN message for the Toyota Steer Command."""
values = {
"STEER_REQUEST": steer_req,
"COUNTER": raw_cnt,
"SET_ME_1": 1,
return packer.make_can_msg("STEERING_LKA", 0, values)
def create_lta_steer_command(packer, steer, steer_req, raw_cnt, angle):
"""Creates a CAN message for the Toyota LTA Steer Command."""
values = {
"COUNTER": raw_cnt,
"SETME_X3": 3,
"SETME_X64": 0x64,
"ANGLE": angle,
"STEER_REQUEST": steer_req,
"BIT": 0,
return packer.make_can_msg("STEERING_LTA", 0, values)
def create_accel_command(packer, accel, pcm_cancel, standstill_req, lead):
# TODO: find the exact canceling bit that does not create a chime
values = {
"ACCEL_CMD": accel,
"SET_ME_X01": 1,
"MINI_CAR": lead,
"SET_ME_X3": 3,
"SET_ME_1": 1,
"RELEASE_STANDSTILL": not standstill_req,
"CANCEL_REQ": pcm_cancel,
return packer.make_can_msg("ACC_CONTROL", 0, values)
def create_acc_cancel_command(packer):
values = {
return packer.make_can_msg("PCM_CRUISE", 0, values)
def create_fcw_command(packer, fcw):
values = {
"FCW": fcw,
"SET_ME_X20": 0x20,
"SET_ME_X10": 0x10,
"SET_ME_X80": 0x80,
return packer.make_can_msg("ACC_HUD", 0, values)
def create_ui_command(packer, steer, chime, left_line, right_line, left_lane_depart, right_lane_depart):
values = {
"RIGHT_LINE": 3 if right_lane_depart else 1 if right_line else 2,
"LEFT_LINE": 3 if left_lane_depart else 1 if left_line else 2,
"BARRIERS" : 3 if left_lane_depart or right_lane_depart else 0,
"SET_ME_X0C": 0x0c,
"SET_ME_X2C": 0x2c,
"SET_ME_X38": 0x38,
"SET_ME_X02": 0x02,
"SET_ME_X01": 1,
"SET_ME_X01_2": 1,
"TWO_BEEPS": chime,
"LDA_ALERT": steer,
return packer.make_can_msg("LKAS_HUD", 0, values)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
from import dbc_dict
from cereal import car
Ecu = car.CarParams.Ecu
# Steer torque limits
class SteerLimitParams:
STEER_MAX = 1500
STEER_DELTA_UP = 10 # 1.5s time to peak torque
STEER_DELTA_DOWN = 25 # always lower than 45 otherwise the Rav4 faults (Prius seems ok with 50)
STEER_ERROR_MAX = 350 # max delta between torque cmd and torque motor
class CAR:
RAV4 = "TOYOTA RAV4 2017"
CHR = "TOYOTA C-HR 2018"
RAV4_TSS2 = "TOYOTA RAV4 2019"
LEXUS_IS = "LEXUS IS300 2018"
LEXUS_CTH = "LEXUS CT 200H 2018"
class ECU:
CAM = Ecu.fwdCamera # camera
DSU = Ecu.dsu # driving support unit
APGS = Ecu.apgs # advanced parking guidance system
# addr: (ecu, cars, bus, 1/freq*100, vl)
(0x128, ECU.DSU, (CAR.PRIUS, CAR.RAV4H, CAR.LEXUS_RXH, CAR.RAV4, CAR.COROLLA, CAR.AVALON), 1, 3, b'\xf4\x01\x90\x83\x00\x37'),
(0x128, ECU.DSU, (CAR.HIGHLANDER, CAR.HIGHLANDERH, CAR.SIENNA, CAR.LEXUS_CTH), 1, 3, b'\x03\x00\x20\x00\x00\x52'),
(0x161, ECU.DSU, (CAR.PRIUS, CAR.RAV4H, CAR.LEXUS_RXH, CAR.RAV4, CAR.COROLLA, CAR.AVALON), 1, 7, b'\x00\x1e\x00\x00\x00\x80\x07'),
(0X161, ECU.DSU, (CAR.HIGHLANDERH, CAR.HIGHLANDER, CAR.SIENNA, CAR.LEXUS_CTH), 1, 7, b'\x00\x1e\x00\xd4\x00\x00\x5b'),
(0x2E6, ECU.DSU, (CAR.PRIUS, CAR.RAV4H, CAR.LEXUS_RXH), 0, 3, b'\xff\xf8\x00\x08\x7f\xe0\x00\x4e'),
(0x2E7, ECU.DSU, (CAR.PRIUS, CAR.RAV4H, CAR.LEXUS_RXH), 0, 3, b'\xa8\x9c\x31\x9c\x00\x00\x00\x02'),
(0x33E, ECU.DSU, (CAR.PRIUS, CAR.RAV4H, CAR.LEXUS_RXH), 0, 20, b'\x0f\xff\x26\x40\x00\x1f\x00'),
(0x365, ECU.DSU, (CAR.PRIUS, CAR.LEXUS_RXH, CAR.HIGHLANDERH), 0, 20, b'\x00\x00\x00\x80\x03\x00\x08'),
(0x365, ECU.DSU, (CAR.RAV4, CAR.RAV4H, CAR.COROLLA, CAR.HIGHLANDER, CAR.AVALON, CAR.SIENNA, CAR.LEXUS_CTH), 0, 20, b'\x00\x00\x00\x80\xfc\x00\x08'),
(0x366, ECU.DSU, (CAR.PRIUS, CAR.RAV4H, CAR.LEXUS_RXH, CAR.HIGHLANDERH), 0, 20, b'\x00\x00\x4d\x82\x40\x02\x00'),
(0x366, ECU.DSU, (CAR.RAV4, CAR.COROLLA, CAR.HIGHLANDER, CAR.AVALON, CAR.SIENNA, CAR.LEXUS_CTH), 0, 20, b'\x00\x72\x07\xff\x09\xfe\x00'),
(0x470, ECU.DSU, (CAR.PRIUS, CAR.LEXUS_RXH), 1, 100, b'\x00\x00\x02\x7a'),
(0x292, ECU.APGS, (CAR.PRIUS), 0, 3, b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x9e'),
(0x32E, ECU.APGS, (CAR.PRIUS), 0, 20, b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'),
(0x396, ECU.APGS, (CAR.PRIUS), 0, 100, b'\xBD\x00\x00\x00\x60\x0F\x02\x00'),
(0x43A, ECU.APGS, (CAR.PRIUS), 0, 100, b'\x84\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'),
(0x43B, ECU.APGS, (CAR.PRIUS), 0, 100, b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'),
(0x497, ECU.APGS, (CAR.PRIUS), 0, 100, b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'),
(0x4CC, ECU.APGS, (CAR.PRIUS), 0, 100, b'\x0D\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'),
ECU.CAM: [0x2e4], # steer torque cmd
ECU.DSU: [0x343], # accel cmd
ECU.APGS: [0x835], # angle cmd
CAR.RAV4: [{
36: 8, 37: 8, 170: 8, 180: 8, 186: 4, 426: 6, 452: 8, 464: 8, 466: 8, 467: 8, 512: 6, 513: 6, 547: 8, 548: 8, 552: 4, 562: 4, 608: 8, 610: 5, 643: 7, 705: 8, 725: 2, 740: 5, 800: 8, 835: 8, 836: 8, 849: 4, 869: 7, 870: 7, 871: 2, 896: 8, 897: 8, 900: 6, 902: 6, 905: 8, 911: 8, 916: 3, 918: 7, 921: 8, 933: 8, 944: 8, 945: 8, 951: 8, 955: 4, 956: 8, 979: 2, 998: 5, 999: 7, 1000: 8, 1001: 8, 1005: 2, 1008: 2, 1014: 8, 1017: 8, 1041: 8, 1042: 8, 1043: 8, 1044: 8, 1056: 8, 1059: 1, 1114: 8, 1161: 8, 1162: 8, 1163: 8, 1176: 8, 1177: 8, 1178: 8, 1179: 8, 1180: 8, 1181: 8, 1190: 8, 1191: 8, 1192: 8, 1196: 8, 1227: 8, 1228: 8, 1235: 8, 1237: 8, 1263: 8, 1264: 8, 1279: 8, 1408: 8, 1409: 8, 1410: 8, 1552: 8, 1553: 8, 1554: 8, 1555: 8, 1556: 8, 1557: 8, 1561: 8, 1562: 8, 1568: 8, 1569: 8, 1570: 8, 1571: 8, 1572: 8, 1584: 8, 1589: 8, 1592: 8, 1593: 8, 1595: 8, 1596: 8, 1597: 8, 1600: 8, 1656: 8, 1664: 8, 1728: 8, 1745: 8, 1779: 8, 1904: 8, 1912: 8, 1990: 8, 1998: 8, 2015: 8, 2024: 8
36: 8, 37: 8, 170: 8, 180: 8, 186: 4, 296: 8, 426: 6, 452: 8, 464: 8, 466: 8, 467: 8, 547: 8, 548: 8, 550: 8, 552: 4, 560: 7, 562: 4, 581: 5, 608: 8, 610: 5, 643: 7, 705: 8, 713: 8, 725: 2, 740: 5, 800: 8, 835: 8, 836: 8, 849: 4, 869: 7, 870: 7, 871: 2, 896: 8, 897: 8, 900: 6, 902: 6, 905: 8, 911: 8, 916: 3, 918: 7, 921: 8, 933: 8, 944: 8, 945: 8, 950: 8, 951: 8, 953: 3, 955: 8, 956: 8, 979: 2, 998: 5, 999: 7, 1000: 8, 1001: 8, 1005: 2, 1008: 2, 1014: 8, 1017: 8, 1041: 8, 1042: 8, 1043: 8, 1044: 8, 1056: 8, 1059: 1, 1114: 8, 1161: 8, 1162: 8, 1163: 8, 1176: 8, 1177: 8, 1178: 8, 1179: 8, 1180: 8, 1181: 8, 1184: 8, 1185: 8, 1186: 8, 1190: 8, 1191: 8, 1192: 8, 1196: 8, 1197: 8, 1198: 8, 1199: 8, 1212: 8, 1227: 8, 1228: 8, 1232: 8, 1235: 8, 1237: 8, 1263: 8, 1264: 8, 1279: 8, 1408: 8, 1409: 8, 1410: 8, 1552: 8, 1553: 8, 1554: 8, 1555: 8, 1556: 8, 1557: 8, 1561: 8, 1562: 8, 1568: 8, 1569: 8, 1570: 8, 1571: 8, 1572: 8, 1584: 8, 1589: 8, 1592: 8, 1593: 8, 1595: 8, 1596: 8, 1597: 8, 1600: 8, 1656: 8, 1664: 8, 1728: 8, 1745: 8, 1779: 8, 1904: 8, 1912: 8, 1990: 8, 1998: 8
# Chinese RAV4
36: 8, 37: 8, 170: 8, 180: 8, 186: 4, 355: 5, 426: 6, 452: 8, 464: 8, 466: 8, 467: 8, 512: 6, 513: 6, 547: 8, 548: 8, 552: 4, 562: 4, 608: 8, 610: 5, 643: 7, 705: 8, 725: 2, 740: 5, 742: 8, 743: 8, 800: 8, 830: 7, 835: 8, 836: 8, 849: 4, 869: 7, 870: 7, 871: 2, 896: 8, 897: 8, 900: 6, 902: 6, 905: 8, 911: 8, 916: 3, 921: 8, 922: 8, 933: 8, 944: 8, 945: 8, 951: 8, 955: 8, 956: 8, 979: 2, 998: 5, 999: 7, 1000: 8, 1001: 8, 1008: 2, 1017: 8, 1041: 8, 1042: 8, 1043: 8, 1044: 8, 1056: 8, 1059: 1, 1114: 8, 1161: 8, 1162: 8, 1163: 8, 1176: 8, 1177: 8, 1178: 8, 1179: 8, 1180: 8, 1181: 8, 1190: 8, 1191: 8, 1192: 8, 1196: 8, 1207: 8, 1227: 8, 1235: 8, 1263: 8, 1279: 8, 1552: 8, 1553: 8, 1554: 8, 1555: 8, 1556: 8, 1557: 8, 1561: 8, 1562: 8, 1568: 8, 1569: 8, 1570: 8, 1571: 8, 1572: 8, 1584: 8, 1589: 8, 1592: 8, 1593: 8, 1595: 8, 1596: 8, 1597: 8, 1600: 8, 1664: 8, 1728: 8, 1745: 8, 1779: 8
# with ipas
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#Corolla w/ added Pedal Support (512L and 513L)
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36: 8, 37: 8, 166: 8, 170: 8, 180: 8, 295: 8, 296: 8, 426: 6, 452: 8, 466: 8, 467: 8, 512: 6, 513:6, 550: 8, 552: 4, 560: 7, 562: 6, 581: 5, 608: 8, 610: 5, 643: 7, 658: 8, 713: 8, 740: 5, 742: 8, 743: 8, 800: 8, 810: 2, 812: 3, 814: 8, 830: 7, 835: 8, 836: 8, 845: 5, 863: 8, 869: 7, 870: 7, 871: 2, 898: 8, 900: 6, 902: 6, 905: 8, 913: 8, 918: 8, 921: 8, 933: 8, 944: 8, 945: 8, 950: 8, 951: 8, 953: 8, 955: 8, 956: 8, 971: 7, 975: 6, 993: 8, 998: 5, 999: 7, 1000: 8, 1001: 8, 1005: 2, 1014: 8, 1017: 8, 1020: 8, 1041: 8, 1042: 8, 1044: 8, 1056: 8, 1059: 1, 1063: 8, 1071: 8, 1077: 8, 1082: 8, 1114: 8, 1161: 8, 1162: 8, 1163: 8, 1164: 8, 1165: 8, 1166: 8, 1167: 8, 1227: 8, 1228: 8, 1235: 8, 1237: 8, 1264: 8, 1279: 8, 1552: 8, 1553: 8, 1556: 8, 1557: 8, 1568: 8, 1570: 8, 1571: 8, 1572: 8, 1575: 8, 1595: 8, 1777: 8, 1779: 8, 1808: 8, 1810: 8, 1816: 8, 1818: 8, 1840: 8, 1848: 8, 1904: 8, 1912: 8, 1940: 8, 1941: 8, 1948: 8, 1949: 8, 1952: 8, 1956: 8, 1960: 8, 1964: 8, 1986: 8, 1990: 8, 1994: 8, 1998: 8, 2004: 8, 2012: 8
# RX450HL
# TODO: get proper fingerprint in stock mode
36: 8, 37: 8, 166: 8, 170: 8, 180: 8, 295: 8, 296: 8, 426: 6, 452: 8, 466: 8, 467: 8, 512: 6, 513: 6, 550: 8, 552: 4, 560: 7, 562: 6, 581: 5, 608: 8, 610: 5, 643: 7, 658: 8, 713: 8, 740: 5, 742: 8, 743: 8, 800: 8, 810: 2, 812: 3, 814: 8, 830: 7, 835: 8, 836: 8, 863: 8, 865: 8, 869: 7, 870: 7, 898: 8, 900: 6, 902: 6, 905: 8, 918: 8, 921: 8, 933: 8, 944: 8, 945: 8, 950: 8, 951: 8, 953: 8, 955: 8, 956: 8, 971: 7, 975: 6, 993: 8, 998: 5, 999: 7, 1000: 8, 1001: 8, 1005: 2, 1014: 8, 1017: 8, 1020: 8, 1041: 8, 1056: 8, 1057: 8, 1059: 1, 1063: 8, 1071: 8, 1076: 8, 1077: 8, 1082: 8, 1114: 8, 1164: 8, 1165: 8, 1166: 8, 1167: 8, 1227: 8, 1228: 8, 1237: 8, 1264: 8, 1279: 8, 1552: 8, 1553: 8, 1556: 8, 1557: 8, 1568: 8, 1570: 8, 1571: 8, 1572: 8, 1575: 8, 1592: 8, 1594: 8, 1595: 8, 1649: 8, 1777: 8, 1779: 8, 1904: 8, 1912: 8, 1990: 8, 1998: 8
# RX540H 2019 with color hud
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36: 8, 37: 8, 170: 8, 180: 8, 186: 4, 426: 6, 452: 8, 464: 8, 466: 8, 467: 8, 544: 4, 550: 8, 552: 4, 562: 6, 608: 8, 610: 8, 614: 8, 643: 7, 658: 8, 705: 8, 740: 5, 800: 8, 810: 2, 812: 8, 814: 8, 830: 7, 835: 8, 836: 8, 845: 5, 869: 7, 870: 7, 871: 2, 898: 8, 913: 8, 918: 8, 921: 8, 944: 8, 945: 8, 951: 8, 955: 8, 956: 8, 976: 1, 1014: 8, 1017: 8, 1020: 8, 1021: 8, 1041: 8, 1042: 8, 1044: 8, 1056: 8, 1059: 1, 1082: 8, 1083: 8, 1114: 8, 1161: 8, 1162: 8, 1163: 8, 1175: 8, 1228: 8, 1235: 8, 1237: 8, 1279: 8, 1552: 8, 1553: 8, 1556: 8, 1557: 8, 1568: 8, 1570: 8, 1571: 8, 1572: 8, 1595: 8, 1745: 8, 1779: 8
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#XSE and SE
# TODO: get proper fingerprint in stock mode
36: 8, 37: 8, 114: 5, 119: 6, 120: 4, 170: 8, 180: 8, 186: 4, 426: 6, 452: 8, 464: 8, 466: 8, 467: 8, 544: 4, 550: 8, 552: 4, 562: 6, 608: 8, 610: 8, 643: 7, 658: 8, 705: 8, 728: 8, 740: 5, 761: 8, 764: 8, 800: 8, 810: 2, 812: 8, 814: 8, 818: 8, 822: 8, 824: 8, 830: 7, 835: 8, 836: 8, 869: 7, 870: 7, 888: 8, 889: 8, 891: 8, 898: 8, 900: 6, 902: 6, 905: 8, 918: 8, 921: 8, 933: 8, 934: 8, 935: 8, 944: 8, 945: 8, 951: 8, 955: 8, 956: 8, 976: 1, 983: 8, 984: 8, 998: 5, 999: 7, 1000: 8, 1001: 8, 1002: 8, 1011: 8, 1014: 8, 1017: 8, 1020: 8, 1041: 8, 1056: 8, 1059: 1, 1076: 8, 1077: 8, 1082: 8, 1114: 8, 1164: 8, 1165: 8, 1166: 8, 1167: 8, 1228: 8, 1237: 8, 1263: 8, 1264: 8, 1279: 8, 1412: 8, 1541: 8, 1552: 8, 1553: 8, 1556: 8, 1557: 8, 1568: 8, 1570: 8, 1571: 8, 1572: 8, 1595: 8, 1745: 8, 1779: 8, 1786: 8, 1787: 8, 1788: 8, 1789: 8, 1808: 8, 1816: 8, 1904: 8, 1912: 8, 1990: 8, 1998: 8
#SE, LE and LE with Blindspot Monitor
36: 8, 37: 8, 166: 8, 170: 8, 180: 8, 295: 8, 296: 8, 426: 6, 452: 8, 466: 8, 467: 8, 550: 8, 552: 4, 560: 7, 562: 6, 581: 5, 608: 8, 610: 8, 643: 7, 713: 8, 728: 8, 740: 5, 761: 8, 764: 8, 800: 8, 810: 2, 812: 8, 818: 8, 824: 8, 829: 2, 830: 7, 835: 8, 836: 8, 865: 8, 869: 7, 870: 7, 871: 2, 889: 8, 896: 8, 898: 8, 900: 6, 902: 6, 905: 8, 921: 8, 933: 8, 934: 8, 935: 8, 944: 8, 945: 8, 950: 8, 951: 8, 953: 8, 955: 8, 956: 8, 971: 7, 975: 5, 983: 8, 984: 8, 993: 8, 998: 5, 999: 7, 1000: 8, 1001: 8, 1002: 8, 1011: 8, 1014: 8, 1017: 8, 1020: 8, 1041: 8, 1042: 8, 1044: 8, 1056: 8, 1057: 8, 1059: 1, 1071: 8, 1076: 8, 1077: 8, 1084: 8, 1085: 8, 1086: 8, 1114: 8, 1132: 8, 1161: 8, 1162: 8, 1163: 8, 1164: 8, 1165: 8, 1166: 8, 1167: 8, 1235: 8, 1237: 8, 1264: 8, 1279: 8, 1541: 8, 1552: 8, 1553: 8, 1556: 8, 1557: 8, 1568: 8, 1570: 8, 1571: 8, 1572: 8, 1592: 8, 1594: 8, 1595: 8, 1649: 8, 1745: 8, 1779: 8, 1786: 8, 1787: 8, 1788: 8, 1789: 8, 1808: 8, 1810: 8, 1816: 8, 1818: 8, 1904: 8, 1912: 8, 1990: 8, 1998: 8
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# 2019 Highlander XLE
36: 8, 37: 8, 114: 5, 119: 6, 120: 4, 170: 8, 180: 8, 186: 4, 238: 4, 355: 5, 426: 6, 452: 8, 464: 8, 466: 8, 467: 8, 544: 4, 545: 5, 550: 8, 552: 4, 608: 8, 610: 5, 643: 7, 705: 8, 725: 2, 740: 5, 800: 8, 835: 8, 836: 8, 849: 4, 869: 7, 870: 7, 871: 2, 896: 8, 900: 6, 902: 6, 905: 8, 911: 8, 916: 3, 921: 8, 922: 8, 933: 8, 944: 8, 945: 8, 951: 8, 955: 8, 956: 8, 979: 2, 992: 8, 998: 5, 999: 7, 1000: 8, 1001: 8, 1008: 2, 1014: 8, 1017: 8, 1020: 8, 1041: 8, 1042: 8, 1043: 8, 1044: 8, 1056: 8, 1059: 1, 1076: 8, 1077: 8, 1114: 8, 1161: 8, 1162: 8, 1163: 8, 1176: 8, 1177: 8, 1178: 8, 1179: 8, 1180: 8, 1181: 8, 1182: 8, 1183: 8, 1189: 8, 1190: 8, 1191: 8, 1192: 8, 1196: 8, 1197: 8, 1198: 8, 1199: 8, 1206: 8, 1207: 8, 1212: 8, 1227: 8, 1235: 8, 1237: 8, 1279: 8, 1408: 8, 1409: 8, 1410: 8, 1552: 8, 1553: 8, 1554: 8, 1556: 8, 1557: 8, 1561: 8, 1562: 8, 1568: 8, 1569: 8, 1570: 8, 1571: 8, 1572: 8, 1584: 8, 1589: 8, 1592: 8, 1593: 8, 1595: 8, 1599: 8, 1656: 8, 1728: 8, 1745: 8, 1779: 8, 1904: 8, 1912: 8, 1990: 8, 1998: 8
# 2017 Highlander Limited
36: 8, 37: 8, 114: 5, 119: 6, 120: 4, 170: 8, 180: 8, 186: 4, 238: 4, 355: 5, 426: 6, 452: 8, 464: 8, 466: 8, 467: 8, 544: 4, 545: 5, 550: 8, 552: 4, 608: 8, 610: 5, 643: 7, 705: 8, 725: 2, 740: 5, 800: 8, 835: 8, 836: 8, 849: 4, 869: 7, 870: 7, 871: 2, 896: 8, 900: 6, 902: 6, 905: 8, 911: 8, 916: 3, 918: 7, 921: 8, 922: 8, 933: 8, 944: 8, 945: 8, 951: 8, 955: 8, 956: 8, 979: 2, 998: 5, 999: 7, 1000: 8, 1001: 8, 1005: 2, 1008: 2, 1014: 8, 1017: 8, 1020: 8, 1041: 8, 1042: 8, 1043: 8, 1044: 8, 1056: 8, 1059: 1, 1114: 8, 1161: 8, 1162: 8, 1163: 8, 1176: 8, 1177: 8, 1178: 8, 1179: 8, 1180: 8, 1181: 8, 1182: 8, 1183: 8, 1189: 8, 1190: 8, 1191: 8, 1192: 8, 1196: 8, 1197: 8, 1198: 8, 1199: 8, 1206: 8, 1207: 8, 1212: 8, 1227: 8, 1235: 8, 1237: 8, 1264: 8, 1279: 8, 1408: 8, 1409: 8, 1410: 8, 1552: 8, 1553: 8, 1554: 8, 1556: 8, 1557: 8, 1561: 8, 1562: 8, 1568: 8, 1569: 8, 1570: 8, 1571: 8, 1572: 8, 1584: 8, 1589: 8, 1592: 8, 1593: 8, 1595: 8, 1599: 8, 1656: 8, 1728: 8, 1745: 8, 1779: 8, 1904: 8, 1912: 8, 1990: 8, 1998: 8
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# 2019 Highlander Hybrid Limited Platinum
36: 8, 37: 8, 170: 8, 180: 8, 296: 8, 426: 6, 452: 8, 466: 8, 467: 8, 550: 8, 552: 4, 560: 7, 581: 5, 608: 8, 610: 5, 643: 7, 713: 8, 740: 5, 800: 8, 835: 8, 836: 8, 849: 4, 869: 7, 870: 7, 871: 2, 896: 8, 897: 8, 900: 6, 902: 6, 905: 8, 911: 8, 916: 3, 918: 7, 921: 8, 933: 8, 944: 8, 945: 8, 950: 8, 951: 8, 953: 3, 955: 8, 956: 8, 979: 2, 992: 8, 998: 5, 999: 7, 1000: 8, 1001: 8, 1014: 8, 1017: 8, 1020: 8, 1041: 8, 1042: 8, 1043: 8, 1044: 8, 1056: 8, 1057: 8, 1059: 1, 1076: 8, 1077: 8, 1112: 8, 1114: 8, 1161: 8, 1162: 8, 1163: 8, 1176: 8, 1177: 8, 1178: 8, 1179: 8, 1180: 8, 1181: 8, 1184: 8, 1185: 8, 1186: 8, 1189: 8, 1190: 8, 1191: 8, 1192: 8, 1196: 8, 1197: 8, 1198: 8, 1199: 8, 1206: 8, 1212: 8, 1227: 8, 1232: 8, 1235: 8, 1237: 8, 1263: 8, 1279: 8, 1552: 8, 1553: 8, 1554: 8, 1556: 8, 1557: 8, 1561: 8, 1562: 8, 1568: 8, 1569: 8, 1570: 8, 1571: 8, 1572: 8, 1584: 8, 1589: 8, 1592: 8, 1593: 8, 1595: 8, 1599: 8, 1656: 8, 1666: 8, 1667: 8, 1728: 8, 1745: 8, 1779: 8, 1904: 8, 1912: 8, 1990: 8, 1998: 8
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# LE
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# XLE, Limited, and AWD
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# hatch 2019+ and sedan 2020+
36: 8, 37: 8, 114: 5, 170: 8, 180: 8, 186: 4, 401: 8, 426: 6, 452: 8, 464: 8, 466: 8, 467: 8, 544: 4, 550: 8, 552: 4, 562: 6, 608: 8, 610: 8, 643: 7, 705: 8, 728: 8, 740: 5, 742: 8, 743: 8, 761: 8, 764: 8, 765: 8, 800: 8, 810: 2, 812: 8, 824: 8, 829: 2, 830: 7, 835: 8, 836: 8, 865: 8, 869: 7, 870: 7, 871: 2, 877: 8, 881: 8, 896: 8, 898: 8, 900: 6, 902: 6, 905: 8, 913: 8, 921: 8, 933: 8, 934: 8, 935: 8, 944: 8, 945: 8, 951: 8, 955: 8, 956: 8, 976: 1, 998: 5, 999: 7, 1000: 8, 1001: 8, 1002: 8, 1014: 8, 1017: 8, 1020: 8, 1041: 8, 1042: 8, 1044: 8, 1056: 8, 1059: 1, 1076: 8, 1077: 8, 1114: 8, 1161: 8, 1162: 8, 1163: 8, 1164: 8, 1165: 8, 1166: 8, 1167: 8, 1172: 8, 1235: 8, 1237: 8, 1279: 8, 1541: 8, 1552: 8, 1553: 8, 1556: 8, 1557: 8, 1568: 8, 1570: 8, 1571: 8, 1572: 8, 1592: 8, 1595: 8, 1649: 8, 1745: 8, 1775: 8, 1779: 8, 1786: 8, 1787: 8, 1788: 8, 1789: 8, 1808: 8, 1809: 8, 1816: 8, 1817: 8, 1840: 8, 1848: 8, 1904: 8, 1912: 8, 1940: 8, 1941: 8, 1948: 8, 1949: 8, 1952: 8, 1960: 8, 1981: 8, 1986: 8, 1990: 8, 1994: 8, 1998: 8, 2004: 8
# 2019 Taiwan Altis Hybrid
36: 8, 37: 8, 166: 8, 170: 8, 180: 8, 295: 8, 296: 8, 401: 8, 426: 6, 452: 8, 466: 8, 467: 8, 550: 8, 552: 4, 560: 7, 562: 6, 581: 5, 608: 8, 610: 8, 643: 7, 713: 8, 728: 8, 740: 5, 742: 8, 743: 8, 761: 8, 765: 8, 800: 8, 810: 2, 829: 2, 830: 7, 835: 8, 836: 8, 865: 8, 869: 7, 870: 7, 871: 2, 877: 8, 881: 8, 885: 8, 896: 8, 898: 8, 918: 7, 921: 8, 944: 8, 945: 8, 950: 8, 951: 8, 953: 8, 955: 8, 956: 8, 971: 7, 975: 5, 987: 8, 993: 8, 1002: 8, 1014: 8, 1017: 8, 1020: 8, 1041: 8, 1042: 8, 1044: 8, 1056: 8, 1057: 8, 1059: 1, 1071: 8, 1082: 8, 1112: 8, 1114: 8, 1161: 8, 1162: 8, 1163: 8, 1172: 8, 1235: 8, 1237: 8, 1279: 8, 1541: 8, 1552: 8, 1553: 8, 1556: 8, 1557: 8, 1568: 8, 1570: 8, 1571: 8, 1572: 8, 1592: 8, 1594: 8, 1595: 8, 1745: 8, 1775: 8, 1779: 8
# 2019 Chinese Levin Hybrid
36: 8, 37: 8, 166: 8, 170: 8, 180: 8, 295: 8, 296: 8, 401: 8, 426: 6, 452: 8, 466: 8, 467: 8, 550: 8, 552: 4, 560: 7, 562: 6, 581: 5, 608: 8, 610: 8, 643: 7, 713: 8, 728: 8, 740: 5, 742: 8, 743: 8, 761: 8, 765: 8, 800: 8, 810: 2, 812: 8, 829: 2, 830: 7, 835: 8, 836: 8, 865: 8, 869: 7, 870: 7, 871: 2, 877: 8, 881: 8, 885: 8, 896: 8, 898: 8, 921: 8, 944: 8, 945: 8, 950: 8, 951: 8, 953: 8, 955: 8, 956: 8, 971: 7, 975: 5, 993: 8, 1002: 8, 1017: 8, 1020: 8, 1041: 8, 1042: 8, 1044: 8, 1056: 8, 1057: 8, 1059: 1, 1071: 8, 1114: 8, 1161: 8, 1162: 8, 1163: 8, 1172: 8, 1235: 8, 1279: 8, 1541: 8, 1552: 8, 1553: 8, 1556: 8, 1557: 8, 1568: 8, 1570: 8, 1571: 8, 1572: 8, 1592: 8, 1594: 8, 1595: 8, 1600: 8, 1649: 8, 1745: 8, 1775: 8, 1779: 8
36: 8, 37: 8, 114: 5, 119: 6, 120: 4, 170: 8, 180: 8, 186: 4, 401: 8, 426: 6, 452: 8, 464: 8, 466: 8, 467: 8, 544: 4, 550: 8, 552: 4, 562: 6, 608: 8, 610: 8, 643: 7, 658: 8, 705: 8, 728: 8, 740: 5, 761: 8, 764: 8, 765: 8, 800: 8, 810: 2, 812: 8, 814: 8, 818: 8, 824: 8, 830: 7, 835: 8, 836: 8, 865: 8, 869: 7, 870: 7, 871: 2, 877: 8, 881: 8, 882: 8, 885: 8, 889: 8, 896: 8, 898: 8, 900: 6, 902: 6, 905: 8, 913: 8, 918: 8, 921: 8, 933: 8, 934: 8, 935: 8, 944: 8, 945: 8, 951: 8, 955: 8, 956: 8, 976: 1, 987: 8, 998: 5, 999: 7, 1000: 8, 1001: 8, 1002: 8, 1014: 8, 1017: 8, 1020: 8, 1041: 8, 1042: 8, 1044: 8, 1056: 8, 1059: 1, 1076: 8, 1077: 8, 1082: 8, 1114: 8, 1161: 8, 1162: 8, 1163: 8, 1164: 8, 1165: 8, 1166: 8, 1167: 8, 1172: 8, 1228: 8, 1235: 8, 1237: 8, 1264: 8, 1279: 8, 1541: 8, 1552: 8, 1553: 8, 1556: 8, 1557: 8, 1568: 8, 1570: 8, 1571: 8, 1572: 8, 1575: 8, 1592: 8, 1594: 8, 1595: 8, 1649: 8, 1696: 8, 1775: 8, 1777: 8, 1779: 8, 1786: 8, 1787: 8, 1788: 8, 1789: 8, 1904: 8, 1912: 8
36: 8, 37: 8, 166: 8, 170: 8, 180: 8, 295: 8, 296: 8, 401: 8, 426: 6, 452: 8, 466: 8, 467: 8, 550: 8, 552: 4, 560: 7, 562: 6, 581: 5, 608: 8, 610: 8, 643: 7, 658: 8, 713: 8, 728: 8, 740: 5, 742: 8, 743: 8, 744: 8, 761: 8, 764: 8, 765: 8, 800: 8, 810: 2, 812: 8, 814: 8, 818: 8, 824: 8, 829: 2, 830: 7, 835: 8, 836: 8, 863: 8, 865: 8, 869: 7, 870: 7, 871: 2, 877: 8, 881: 8, 882: 8, 885: 8, 889: 8, 896: 8, 898: 8, 900: 6, 902: 6, 905: 8, 913: 8, 918: 8, 921: 8, 933: 8, 934: 8, 935: 8, 944: 8, 945: 8, 950: 8, 951: 8, 953: 8, 955: 8, 956: 8, 971: 7, 975: 5, 987: 8, 993: 8, 998: 5, 999: 7, 1000: 8, 1001: 8, 1002: 8, 1017: 8, 1020: 8, 1041: 8, 1042: 8, 1056: 8, 1057: 8, 1059: 1, 1071: 8, 1076: 8, 1077: 8, 1082: 8, 1084: 8, 1085: 8, 1086: 8, 1114: 8, 1132: 8, 1161: 8, 1162: 8, 1163: 8, 1164: 8, 1165: 8, 1166: 8, 1167: 8, 1172: 8, 1228: 8, 1235: 8, 1264: 8, 1279: 8, 1541: 8, 1552: 8, 1553: 8, 1556: 8, 1557: 8, 1568: 8, 1570: 8, 1571: 8, 1572: 8, 1575: 8, 1592: 8, 1594: 8, 1595: 8, 1649: 8, 1696: 8, 1775: 8, 1777: 8, 1779: 8, 1786: 8, 1787: 8, 1788: 8, 1789: 8, 1904: 8, 1912: 8, 1990: 8, 1998: 8
36: 8, 37: 8, 114: 5, 119: 6, 120: 4, 170: 8, 180: 8, 186: 4, 426: 6, 452: 8, 464: 8, 466: 8, 467: 8, 544: 4, 545: 5, 548: 8, 550: 8, 552: 4, 562: 4, 608: 8, 610: 5, 643: 7, 705: 8, 725: 2, 740: 5, 764: 8, 800: 8, 824: 8, 835: 8, 836: 8, 849: 4, 869: 7, 870: 7, 871: 2, 888: 8, 896: 8, 900: 6, 902: 6, 905: 8, 911: 8, 916: 1, 918: 7, 921: 8, 933: 8, 944: 6, 945: 8, 951: 8, 955: 8, 956: 8, 979: 2, 992: 8, 998: 5, 999: 7, 1000: 8, 1001: 8, 1002: 8, 1008: 2, 1014: 8, 1017: 8, 1041: 8, 1042: 8, 1043: 8, 1056: 8, 1059: 1, 1076: 8, 1077: 8, 1114: 8, 1160: 8, 1161: 8, 1162: 8, 1163: 8, 1164: 8, 1165: 8, 1166: 8, 1167: 8, 1176: 8, 1177: 8, 1178: 8, 1179: 8, 1180: 8, 1181: 8, 1182: 8, 1183: 8, 1191: 8, 1192: 8, 1196: 8, 1197: 8, 1198: 8, 1199: 8, 1200: 8, 1201: 8, 1202: 8, 1203: 8, 1212: 8, 1227: 8, 1228: 8, 1235: 8, 1237: 8, 1279: 8, 1552: 8, 1553: 8, 1555: 8, 1556: 8, 1557: 8, 1561: 8, 1562: 8, 1568: 8, 1569: 8, 1570: 8, 1571: 8, 1572: 8, 1584: 8, 1589: 8, 1592: 8, 1593: 8, 1595: 8, 1656: 8, 1664: 8, 1666: 8, 1667: 8, 1728: 8, 1745: 8, 1779: 8, 1904: 8, 1912: 8, 1990: 8, 1998: 8
# XLE AWD 2018
36: 8, 37: 8, 114: 5, 119: 6, 120: 4, 170: 8, 180: 8, 186: 4, 238: 4, 426: 6, 452: 8, 464: 8, 466: 8, 467: 8, 544: 4, 545: 5, 548: 8, 550: 8, 552: 4, 562: 4, 608: 8, 610: 5, 643: 7, 705: 8, 725: 2, 740: 5, 764: 8, 800: 8, 824: 8, 835: 8, 836: 8, 849: 4, 869: 7, 870: 7, 871: 2, 896: 8, 900: 6, 902: 6, 905: 8, 911: 8, 916: 1, 921: 8, 933: 8, 944: 6, 945: 8, 951: 8, 955: 8, 956: 8, 979: 2, 992: 8, 998: 5, 999: 7, 1000: 8, 1001: 8, 1002: 8, 1008: 2, 1014: 8, 1017: 8, 1041: 8, 1042: 8, 1043: 8, 1056: 8, 1059: 1, 1076: 8, 1077: 8, 1114: 8, 1160: 8, 1161: 8, 1162: 8, 1163: 8, 1164: 8, 1165: 8, 1166: 8, 1167: 8, 1176: 8, 1177: 8, 1178: 8, 1179: 8, 1180: 8, 1181: 8, 1182: 8, 1183: 8, 1191: 8, 1192: 8, 1196: 8, 1197: 8, 1198: 8, 1199: 8, 1200: 8, 1201: 8, 1202: 8, 1203: 8, 1212: 8, 1227: 8, 1235: 8, 1237: 8, 1279: 8, 1552: 8, 1553: 8, 1555: 8, 1556: 8, 1557: 8, 1561: 8, 1562: 8, 1568: 8, 1569: 8, 1570: 8, 1571: 8, 1572: 8, 1584: 8, 1589: 8, 1592: 8, 1593: 8, 1595: 8, 1656: 8, 1664: 8, 1666: 8, 1667: 8, 1728: 8, 1745: 8, 1779: 8, 1904: 8, 1912: 8, 1990: 8, 1998: 8
# IS300 2018
36: 8, 37: 8, 114: 5, 119: 6, 120: 4, 170: 8, 180: 8, 186: 4, 238: 4, 400: 6, 426: 6, 452: 8, 464: 8, 466: 8, 467: 5, 544: 4, 550: 8, 552: 4, 608: 8, 610: 5, 643: 7, 705: 8, 740: 5, 800: 8, 836: 8, 845: 5, 849: 4, 869: 7, 870: 7, 871: 2, 896: 8, 897: 8, 900: 6, 902: 6, 905: 8, 911: 8, 913: 8, 916: 3, 918: 7, 921: 8, 933: 8, 944: 8, 945: 8, 951: 8, 955: 8, 956: 8, 979: 2, 992: 8, 998: 5, 999: 7, 1000: 8, 1001: 8, 1005: 2, 1008: 2, 1009: 8, 1014: 8, 1017: 8, 1020: 8, 1041: 8, 1042: 8, 1043: 8, 1044: 8, 1056: 8, 1059: 1, 1112: 8, 1114: 8, 1161: 8, 1162: 8, 1163: 8, 1164: 8, 1165: 8, 1166: 8, 1167: 8, 1168: 1, 1176: 8, 1177: 8, 1178: 8, 1179: 8, 1180: 8, 1181: 8, 1182: 8, 1183: 8, 1184: 8, 1185: 8, 1186: 8, 1187: 8, 1189: 8, 1190: 8, 1191: 8, 1192: 8, 1196: 8, 1197: 8, 1198: 8, 1199: 8, 1206: 8, 1208: 8, 1212: 8, 1227: 8, 1235: 8, 1237: 8, 1279: 8, 1408: 8, 1409: 8, 1410: 8, 1552: 8, 1553: 8, 1554: 8, 1555: 8, 1556: 8, 1557: 8, 1561: 8, 1568: 8, 1569: 8, 1570: 8, 1571: 8, 1572: 8, 1575: 8, 1584: 8, 1589: 8, 1590: 8, 1592: 8, 1593: 8, 1595: 8, 1599: 8, 1648: 8, 1666: 8, 1667: 8, 1728: 8, 1745: 8, 1779: 8, 1904: 8, 1912: 8, 1990: 8, 1998: 8
# IS300H 2017
36: 8, 37: 8, 170: 8, 180: 8, 295: 8, 296: 8, 400: 6, 426: 6, 452: 8, 466: 8, 467: 8, 550: 8, 552: 4, 560: 7, 581: 5, 608: 8, 610: 5, 643: 7, 713: 8, 740: 5, 800: 8, 836: 8, 845: 5, 849: 4, 869: 7, 870: 7, 871: 2, 896: 8, 897: 8, 900: 6, 902: 6, 905: 8, 911: 8, 913: 8, 916: 3, 918: 7, 921: 7, 933: 8, 944: 8, 945: 8, 950: 8, 951: 8, 953: 3, 955: 8, 956: 8, 979: 2, 992: 8, 998: 5, 999: 7, 1000: 8, 1001: 8, 1009: 8, 1017: 8, 1020: 8, 1041: 8, 1042: 8, 1043: 8, 1044: 8, 1056: 8, 1057: 8, 1059: 1, 1112: 8, 1114: 8, 1161: 8, 1162: 8, 1163: 8, 1164: 8, 1165: 8, 1166: 8, 1167: 8, 1168: 1, 1176: 8, 1177: 8, 1178: 8, 1179: 8, 1180: 8, 1181: 8, 1184: 8, 1185: 8, 1186: 8, 1187: 8, 1189: 8, 1190: 8, 1191: 8, 1192: 8, 1196: 8, 1197: 8, 1198: 8, 1199: 8, 1206: 8, 1208: 8, 1212: 8, 1227: 8, 1232: 8, 1235: 8, 1279: 8, 1408: 8, 1409: 8, 1410: 8, 1552: 8, 1553: 8, 1554: 8, 1555: 8, 1556: 8, 1557: 8, 1561: 8, 1568: 8, 1569: 8, 1570: 8, 1571: 8, 1572: 8, 1575: 8, 1584: 8, 1589: 8, 1592: 8, 1593: 8, 1595: 8, 1599: 8, 1728: 8, 1779: 8, 1904: 8, 1912: 8, 1990: 8, 1998: 8
36: 8, 37: 8, 170: 8, 180: 8, 288: 8, 426: 6, 452: 8, 466: 8, 467: 8, 548: 8, 552: 4, 560: 7, 581: 5, 608: 8, 610: 5, 643: 7, 713: 8, 740: 5, 800: 8, 810: 2, 832: 8, 835: 8, 836: 8, 849: 4, 869: 7, 870: 7, 871: 2, 897: 8, 900: 6, 902: 6, 905: 8, 911: 8, 916: 1, 921: 8, 933: 8, 944: 6, 945: 8, 950: 8, 951: 8, 953: 3, 955: 4, 956: 8, 979: 2, 992: 8, 998: 5, 999: 7, 1000: 8, 1001: 8, 1017: 8, 1041: 8, 1042: 8, 1043: 8, 1056: 8, 1057: 8, 1059: 1, 1076: 8, 1077: 8, 1114: 8, 1116: 8, 1160: 8, 1161: 8, 1162: 8, 1163: 8, 1164: 8, 1165: 8, 1166: 8, 1167: 8, 1176: 8, 1177: 8, 1178: 8, 1179: 8, 1180: 8, 1181: 8, 1184: 8, 1185: 8, 1186: 8, 1190: 8, 1191: 8, 1192: 8, 1227: 8, 1235: 8, 1279: 8, 1552: 8, 1553: 8, 1554: 8, 1555: 8, 1556: 8, 1557: 8, 1558: 8, 1561: 8, 1562: 8, 1568: 8, 1569: 8, 1570: 8, 1571: 8, 1572: 8, 1575: 8, 1584: 8, 1589: 8, 1592: 8, 1593: 8, 1595: 8, 1664: 8, 1728: 8, 1779: 8, 1904: 8, 1912: 8, 1990: 8, 1998: 8
(Ecu.engine, 0x700, None): [b'\x01896630ZG5000\x00\x00\x00\x00'],
(Ecu.eps, 0x7a1, None): [b'\x018965B12350\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'],
(Ecu.esp, 0x7b0, None): [b'\x01F152602280\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'],
(Ecu.fwdRadar, 0x750, 0xf): [b'\x018821F3301100\x00\x00\x00\x00'],
(Ecu.fwdCamera, 0x750, 0x6d): [b'\x028646F1201200\x00\x00\x00\x008646G26011A0\x00\x00\x00\x00'],
(Ecu.engine, 0x700, None): [b'\x03896634759200\x00\x00\x00\x008966A4703000\x00\x00\x00\x00897CF4701003\x00\x00\x00\x00'],
(Ecu.eps, 0x7a1, None): [b'8965B47023\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'],
(Ecu.esp, 0x7b0, None): [b'F152647416\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'],
(Ecu.dsu, 0x791, None): [b'881514703100\x00\x00\x00\x00'],
(Ecu.fwdRadar, 0x750, 0xf): [b'8821F4702100\x00\x00\x00\x00'],
(Ecu.fwdCamera, 0x750, 0x6d): [b'8646F4702100\x00\x00\x00\x00'],
(Ecu.engine, 0x7e0, None): [b'\x02342Q2100\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x0054213000\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'],
(Ecu.eps, 0x7a1, None): [b'8965B42083\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'],
(Ecu.esp, 0x7b0, None): [b'F15260R103\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'],
(Ecu.dsu, 0x791, None): [b'881514201400\x00\x00\x00\x00'],
(Ecu.fwdRadar, 0x750, 0xf): [b'8821F4702100\x00\x00\x00\x00'],
(Ecu.fwdCamera, 0x750, 0x6d): [b'8646F4202100\x00\x00\x00\x00'],
DBC = {
CAR.RAV4H: dbc_dict('toyota_rav4_hybrid_2017_pt_generated', 'toyota_adas'),
CAR.RAV4: dbc_dict('toyota_rav4_2017_pt_generated', 'toyota_adas'),
CAR.PRIUS: dbc_dict('toyota_prius_2017_pt_generated', 'toyota_adas'),
CAR.COROLLA: dbc_dict('toyota_corolla_2017_pt_generated', 'toyota_adas'),
CAR.LEXUS_RXH: dbc_dict('lexus_rx_hybrid_2017_pt_generated', 'toyota_adas'),
CAR.CHR: dbc_dict('toyota_nodsu_pt_generated', 'toyota_adas'),
CAR.CHRH: dbc_dict('toyota_nodsu_hybrid_pt_generated', 'toyota_adas'),
CAR.CAMRY: dbc_dict('toyota_nodsu_pt_generated', 'toyota_adas'),
CAR.CAMRYH: dbc_dict('toyota_camry_hybrid_2018_pt_generated', 'toyota_adas'),
CAR.HIGHLANDER: dbc_dict('toyota_highlander_2017_pt_generated', 'toyota_adas'),
CAR.HIGHLANDERH: dbc_dict('toyota_highlander_hybrid_2018_pt_generated', 'toyota_adas'),
CAR.AVALON: dbc_dict('toyota_avalon_2017_pt_generated', 'toyota_adas'),
CAR.RAV4_TSS2: dbc_dict('toyota_nodsu_pt_generated', 'toyota_tss2_adas'),
CAR.COROLLA_TSS2: dbc_dict('toyota_nodsu_pt_generated', 'toyota_tss2_adas'),
CAR.COROLLAH_TSS2: dbc_dict('toyota_nodsu_hybrid_pt_generated', 'toyota_tss2_adas'),
CAR.LEXUS_ES_TSS2: dbc_dict('toyota_nodsu_pt_generated', 'toyota_tss2_adas'),
CAR.LEXUS_ESH_TSS2: dbc_dict('toyota_nodsu_hybrid_pt_generated', 'toyota_tss2_adas'),
CAR.SIENNA: dbc_dict('toyota_sienna_xle_2018_pt_generated', 'toyota_adas'),
CAR.LEXUS_IS: dbc_dict('lexus_is_2018_pt_generated', 'toyota_adas'),
CAR.LEXUS_CTH: dbc_dict('lexus_ct200h_2018_pt_generated', 'toyota_adas'),

View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import traceback
import cereal.messaging as messaging
from panda.python.uds import FUNCTIONAL_ADDRS
from import IsoTpParallelQuery
from selfdrive.swaglog import cloudlog
VIN_REQUEST = b'\x09\x02'
VIN_RESPONSE = b'\x49\x02\x01'
VIN_UNKNOWN = "0" * 17
def get_vin(logcan, sendcan, bus, timeout=0.1, retry=5, debug=False):
for i in range(retry):
query = IsoTpParallelQuery(sendcan, logcan, bus, FUNCTIONAL_ADDRS, [VIN_REQUEST], [VIN_RESPONSE], functional_addr=True, debug=debug)
for addr, vin in query.get_data(timeout).items():
return addr[0], vin.decode()
print(f"vin query retry ({i+1}) ...")
except Exception:
cloudlog.warning(f"VIN query exception: {traceback.format_exc()}")
return 0, VIN_UNKNOWN
if __name__ == "__main__":
import time
sendcan = messaging.pub_sock('sendcan')
logcan = messaging.sub_sock('can')
addr, vin = get_vin(logcan, sendcan, 1, debug=False)
print(hex(addr), vin)

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View File

@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
from cereal import car
from import apply_std_steer_torque_limits
from import volkswagencan
from import DBC, MQB_LDW_MESSAGES, BUTTON_STATES, CarControllerParams
from opendbc.can.packer import CANPacker
VisualAlert = car.CarControl.HUDControl.VisualAlert
class CarController():
def __init__(self, canbus, car_fingerprint):
self.apply_steer_last = 0
self.car_fingerprint = car_fingerprint
# Setup detection helper. Routes commands to an appropriate CAN bus number.
self.canbus = canbus
self.packer_pt = CANPacker(DBC[car_fingerprint]['pt'])
self.hcaSameTorqueCount = 0
self.hcaEnabledFrameCount = 0
self.graButtonStatesToSend = None
self.graMsgSentCount = 0
self.graMsgStartFramePrev = 0
self.graMsgBusCounterPrev = 0
self.steer_rate_limited = False
def update(self, enabled, CS, frame, actuators, visual_alert, audible_alert, leftLaneVisible, rightLaneVisible):
""" Controls thread """
P = CarControllerParams
# Send CAN commands.
can_sends = []
canbus = self.canbus
# #
# Prepare HCA_01 Heading Control Assist messages with steering torque. #
# #
# The factory camera sends at 50Hz while steering and 1Hz when not. When
# OP is active, Panda filters HCA_01 from the factory camera and OP emits
# HCA_01 at 50Hz. Rate switching creates some confusion in Cabana and
# doesn't seem to add value at this time. The rack will accept HCA_01 at
# 100Hz if we want to control at finer resolution in the future.
if frame % P.HCA_STEP == 0:
# FAULT AVOIDANCE: HCA must not be enabled at standstill. Also stop
# commanding HCA if there's a fault, so the steering rack recovers.
if enabled and not (CS.standstill or CS.steeringFault):
# FAULT AVOIDANCE: Requested HCA torque must not exceed 3.0 Nm. This
# is inherently handled by scaling to STEER_MAX. The rack doesn't seem
# to care about up/down rate, but we have some evidence it may do its
# own rate limiting, and matching OP helps for accurate tuning.
new_steer = int(round(actuators.steer * P.STEER_MAX))
apply_steer = apply_std_steer_torque_limits(new_steer, self.apply_steer_last, CS.steeringTorque, P)
self.steer_rate_limited = new_steer != apply_steer
# FAULT AVOIDANCE: HCA must not be enabled for >360 seconds. Sending
# a single frame with HCA disabled is an effective workaround.
if apply_steer == 0:
# We can usually reset the timer for free, just by disabling HCA
# when apply_steer is exactly zero, which happens by chance during
# many steer torque direction changes. This could be expanded with
# a small dead-zone to capture all zero crossings, but not seeing a
# major need at this time.
hcaEnabled = False
self.hcaEnabledFrameCount = 0
self.hcaEnabledFrameCount += 1
if self.hcaEnabledFrameCount >= 118 * (100 / P.HCA_STEP): # 118s
# The Kansas I-70 Crosswind Problem: if we truly do need to steer
# in one direction for > 360 seconds, we have to disable HCA for a
# frame while actively steering. Testing shows we can just set the
# disabled flag, and keep sending non-zero torque, which keeps the
# Panda torque rate limiting safety happy. Do so 3x within the 360
# second window for safety and redundancy.
hcaEnabled = False
self.hcaEnabledFrameCount = 0
hcaEnabled = True
# FAULT AVOIDANCE: HCA torque must not be static for > 6 seconds.
# This is to detect the sending camera being stuck or frozen. OP
# can trip this on a curve if steering is saturated. Avoid this by
# reducing torque 0.01 Nm for one frame. Do so 3x within the 6
# second period for safety and redundancy.
if self.apply_steer_last == apply_steer:
self.hcaSameTorqueCount += 1
if self.hcaSameTorqueCount > 1.9 * (100 / P.HCA_STEP): # 1.9s
apply_steer -= (1, -1)[apply_steer < 0]
self.hcaSameTorqueCount = 0
self.hcaSameTorqueCount = 0
# Continue sending HCA_01 messages, with the enable flags turned off.
hcaEnabled = False
apply_steer = 0
self.apply_steer_last = apply_steer
idx = (frame / P.HCA_STEP) % 16
can_sends.append(volkswagencan.create_mqb_steering_control(self.packer_pt,, apply_steer,
idx, hcaEnabled))
# #
# Prepare LDW_02 HUD messages with lane borders, confidence levels, and #
# the LKAS status LED. #
# #
# The factory camera emits this message at 10Hz. When OP is active, Panda
# filters LDW_02 from the factory camera and OP emits LDW_02 at 10Hz.
if frame % P.LDW_STEP == 0:
hcaEnabled = True if enabled and not CS.standstill else False
if visual_alert == VisualAlert.steerRequired:
hud_alert = MQB_LDW_MESSAGES["laneAssistTakeOverSilent"]
hud_alert = MQB_LDW_MESSAGES["none"]
can_sends.append(volkswagencan.create_mqb_hud_control(self.packer_pt,, hcaEnabled,
CS.steeringPressed, hud_alert, leftLaneVisible,
# #
# Prepare GRA_ACC_01 ACC control messages with button press events. #
# #
# The car sends this message at 33hz. OP sends it on-demand only for
# virtual button presses.
# First create any virtual button press event needed by openpilot, to sync
# stock ACC with OP disengagement, or to auto-resume from stop.
if frame > self.graMsgStartFramePrev + P.GRA_VBP_STEP:
if not enabled and CS.accEnabled:
# Cancel ACC if it's engaged with OP disengaged.
self.graButtonStatesToSend = BUTTON_STATES.copy()
self.graButtonStatesToSend["cancel"] = True
elif enabled and CS.standstill:
# Blip the Resume button if we're engaged at standstill.
# FIXME: This is a naive implementation, improve with visiond or radar input.
# A subset of MQBs like to "creep" too aggressively with this implementation.
self.graButtonStatesToSend = BUTTON_STATES.copy()
self.graButtonStatesToSend["resumeCruise"] = True
# OP/Panda can see this message but can't filter it when integrated at the
# R242 LKAS camera. It could do so if integrated at the J533 gateway, but
# we need a generalized solution that works for either. The message is
# counter-protected, so we need to time our transmissions very precisely
# to achieve fast and fault-free switching between message flows accepted
# at the J428 ACC radar.
# Example message flow on the bus, frequency of 33Hz (GRA_ACC_STEP):
# CAR: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
# EON: 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 0 1 2 GG^
# If OP needs to send a button press, it waits to see a GRA_ACC_01 message
# counter change, and then immediately follows up with the next increment.
# The OP message will be sent within about 1ms of the car's message, which
# is about 2ms before the car's next message is expected. OP sends for an
# arbitrary duration of 16 messages / ~0.5 sec, in lockstep with each new
# message from the car.
# Because OP's counter is synced to the car, J428 immediately accepts the
# OP messages as valid. Further messages from the car get discarded as
# duplicates without a fault. When OP stops sending, the extra time gap
# (GG) to the next valid car message is less than 1 * GRA_ACC_STEP. J428
# tolerates the gap just fine and control returns to the car immediately.
if CS.graMsgBusCounter != self.graMsgBusCounterPrev:
self.graMsgBusCounterPrev = CS.graMsgBusCounter
if self.graButtonStatesToSend is not None:
if self.graMsgSentCount == 0:
self.graMsgStartFramePrev = frame
idx = (CS.graMsgBusCounter + 1) % 16
can_sends.append(volkswagencan.create_mqb_acc_buttons_control(self.packer_pt,, self.graButtonStatesToSend, CS, idx))
self.graMsgSentCount += 1
if self.graMsgSentCount >= P.GRA_VBP_COUNT:
self.graButtonStatesToSend = None
self.graMsgSentCount = 0
return can_sends

View File

@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
import numpy as np
from cereal import car
from common.kalman.simple_kalman import KF1D
from selfdrive.config import Conversions as CV
from opendbc.can.parser import CANParser
from opendbc.can.can_define import CANDefine
from import DBC, BUTTON_STATES, CarControllerParams
GEAR = car.CarState.GearShifter
def get_mqb_pt_can_parser(CP, canbus):
# this function generates lists for signal, messages and initial values
signals = [
# sig_name, sig_address, default
("LWI_Lenkradwinkel", "LWI_01", 0), # Absolute steering angle
("LWI_VZ_Lenkradwinkel", "LWI_01", 0), # Steering angle sign
("LWI_Lenkradw_Geschw", "LWI_01", 0), # Absolute steering rate
("LWI_VZ_Lenkradw_Geschw", "LWI_01", 0), # Steering rate sign
("ESP_VL_Radgeschw_02", "ESP_19", 0), # ABS wheel speed, front left
("ESP_VR_Radgeschw_02", "ESP_19", 0), # ABS wheel speed, front right
("ESP_HL_Radgeschw_02", "ESP_19", 0), # ABS wheel speed, rear left
("ESP_HR_Radgeschw_02", "ESP_19", 0), # ABS wheel speed, rear right
("ESP_Gierrate", "ESP_02", 0), # Absolute yaw rate
("ESP_VZ_Gierrate", "ESP_02", 0), # Yaw rate sign
("ZV_FT_offen", "Gateway_72", 0), # Door open, driver
("ZV_BT_offen", "Gateway_72", 0), # Door open, passenger
("ZV_HFS_offen", "Gateway_72", 0), # Door open, rear left
("ZV_HBFS_offen", "Gateway_72", 0), # Door open, rear right
("ZV_HD_offen", "Gateway_72", 0), # Trunk or hatch open
("BH_Blinker_li", "Gateway_72", 0), # Left turn signal on
("BH_Blinker_re", "Gateway_72", 0), # Right turn signal on
("GE_Fahrstufe", "Getriebe_11", 0), # Auto trans gear selector position
("AB_Gurtschloss_FA", "Airbag_02", 0), # Seatbelt status, driver
("AB_Gurtschloss_BF", "Airbag_02", 0), # Seatbelt status, passenger
("ESP_Fahrer_bremst", "ESP_05", 0), # Brake pedal pressed
("ESP_Status_Bremsdruck", "ESP_05", 0), # Brakes applied
("ESP_Bremsdruck", "ESP_05", 0), # Brake pressure applied
("MO_Fahrpedalrohwert_01", "Motor_20", 0), # Accelerator pedal value
("MO_Kuppl_schalter", "Motor_14", 0), # Clutch switch
("Driver_Strain", "EPS_01", 0), # Absolute driver torque input
("Driver_Strain_VZ", "EPS_01", 0), # Driver torque input sign
("HCA_Ready", "EPS_01", 0), # Steering rack HCA support configured
("ESP_Tastung_passiv", "ESP_21", 0), # Stability control disabled
("KBI_MFA_v_Einheit_02", "Einheiten_01", 0), # MPH vs KMH speed display
("KBI_Handbremse", "Kombi_01", 0), # Manual handbrake applied
("TSK_Fahrzeugmasse_02", "Motor_16", 0), # Estimated vehicle mass from drivetrain coordinator
("ACC_Status_ACC", "ACC_06", 0), # ACC engagement status
("ACC_Typ", "ACC_06", 0), # ACC type (follow to stop, stop&go)
("SetSpeed", "ACC_02", 0), # ACC set speed
("GRA_Hauptschalter", "GRA_ACC_01", 0), # ACC button, on/off
("GRA_Abbrechen", "GRA_ACC_01", 0), # ACC button, cancel
("GRA_Tip_Setzen", "GRA_ACC_01", 0), # ACC button, set
("GRA_Tip_Hoch", "GRA_ACC_01", 0), # ACC button, increase or accel
("GRA_Tip_Runter", "GRA_ACC_01", 0), # ACC button, decrease or decel
("GRA_Tip_Wiederaufnahme", "GRA_ACC_01", 0), # ACC button, resume
("GRA_Verstellung_Zeitluecke", "GRA_ACC_01", 0), # ACC button, time gap adj
("GRA_Typ_Hauptschalter", "GRA_ACC_01", 0), # ACC main button type
("GRA_Tip_Stufe_2", "GRA_ACC_01", 0), # unknown related to stalk type
("GRA_ButtonTypeInfo", "GRA_ACC_01", 0), # unknown related to stalk type
("COUNTER", "GRA_ACC_01", 0), # GRA_ACC_01 CAN message counter
checks = [
# sig_address, frequency
("LWI_01", 100), # From J500 Steering Assist with integrated sensors
("EPS_01", 100), # From J500 Steering Assist with integrated sensors
("ESP_19", 100), # From J104 ABS/ESP controller
("ESP_05", 50), # From J104 ABS/ESP controller
("ESP_21", 50), # From J104 ABS/ESP controller
("ACC_06", 50), # From J428 ACC radar control module
("Motor_20", 50), # From J623 Engine control module
("GRA_ACC_01", 33), # From J??? steering wheel control buttons
("ACC_02", 17), # From J428 ACC radar control module
("Getriebe_11", 20), # From J743 Auto transmission control module
("Gateway_72", 10), # From J533 CAN gateway (aggregated data)
("Motor_14", 10), # From J623 Engine control module
("Airbag_02", 5), # From J234 Airbag control module
("Kombi_01", 2), # From J285 Instrument cluster
("Motor_16", 2), # From J623 Engine control module
("Einheiten_01", 1), # From J??? not known if gateway, cluster, or BCM
return CANParser(DBC[CP.carFingerprint]['pt'], signals, checks,
# A single signal is monitored from the camera CAN bus, and then ignored,
# so the presence of CAN traffic can be verified with cam_cp.valid.
def get_mqb_cam_can_parser(CP, canbus):
signals = [
# sig_name, sig_address, default
("Kombi_Lamp_Green", "LDW_02", 0), # Lane Assist status LED
checks = [
# sig_address, frequency
("LDW_02", 10) # From R242 Driver assistance camera
return CANParser(DBC[CP.carFingerprint]['pt'], signals, checks,
def parse_gear_shifter(gear, vals):
# Return mapping of gearshift position to selected gear.
val_to_capnp = {'P': GEAR.park, 'R': GEAR.reverse, 'N': GEAR.neutral,
'D':, 'E':, 'S':, 'T': GEAR.manumatic}
return val_to_capnp[vals[gear]]
except KeyError:
return "unknown"
class CarState():
def __init__(self, CP, canbus):
# initialize can parser
self.CP = CP
self.car_fingerprint = CP.carFingerprint
self.can_define = CANDefine(DBC[CP.carFingerprint]['pt'])
self.shifter_values = self.can_define.dv["Getriebe_11"]['GE_Fahrstufe']
self.buttonStates = BUTTON_STATES.copy()
# vEgo Kalman filter
dt = 0.01
self.v_ego_kf = KF1D(x0=[[0.], [0.]],
A=[[1., dt], [0., 1.]],
C=[1., 0.],
K=[[0.12287673], [0.29666309]])
def update(self, pt_cp):
# Update vehicle speed and acceleration from ABS wheel speeds.
self.wheelSpeedFL = pt_cp.vl["ESP_19"]['ESP_VL_Radgeschw_02'] * CV.KPH_TO_MS
self.wheelSpeedFR = pt_cp.vl["ESP_19"]['ESP_VR_Radgeschw_02'] * CV.KPH_TO_MS
self.wheelSpeedRL = pt_cp.vl["ESP_19"]['ESP_HL_Radgeschw_02'] * CV.KPH_TO_MS
self.wheelSpeedRR = pt_cp.vl["ESP_19"]['ESP_HR_Radgeschw_02'] * CV.KPH_TO_MS
self.vEgoRaw = float(np.mean([self.wheelSpeedFL, self.wheelSpeedFR, self.wheelSpeedRL, self.wheelSpeedRR]))
v_ego_x = self.v_ego_kf.update(self.vEgoRaw)
self.vEgo = float(v_ego_x[0])
self.aEgo = float(v_ego_x[1])
self.standstill = self.vEgoRaw < 0.1
# Update steering angle, rate, yaw rate, and driver input torque. VW send
# the sign/direction in a separate signal so they must be recombined.
self.steeringAngle = pt_cp.vl["LWI_01"]['LWI_Lenkradwinkel'] * (1,-1)[int(pt_cp.vl["LWI_01"]['LWI_VZ_Lenkradwinkel'])]
self.steeringRate = pt_cp.vl["LWI_01"]['LWI_Lenkradw_Geschw'] * (1,-1)[int(pt_cp.vl["LWI_01"]['LWI_VZ_Lenkradwinkel'])]
self.steeringTorque = pt_cp.vl["EPS_01"]['Driver_Strain'] * (1,-1)[int(pt_cp.vl["EPS_01"]['Driver_Strain_VZ'])]
self.steeringPressed = abs(self.steeringTorque) > CarControllerParams.STEER_DRIVER_ALLOWANCE
self.yawRate = pt_cp.vl["ESP_02"]['ESP_Gierrate'] * (1,-1)[int(pt_cp.vl["ESP_02"]['ESP_VZ_Gierrate'])] * CV.DEG_TO_RAD
# Update gas, brakes, and gearshift.
self.gas = pt_cp.vl["Motor_20"]['MO_Fahrpedalrohwert_01'] / 100.0
self.gasPressed = self.gas > 0
self.brake = pt_cp.vl["ESP_05"]['ESP_Bremsdruck'] / 250.0 # FIXME: this is pressure in Bar, not sure what OP expects
self.brakePressed = bool(pt_cp.vl["ESP_05"]['ESP_Fahrer_bremst'])
self.brakeLights = bool(pt_cp.vl["ESP_05"]['ESP_Status_Bremsdruck'])
# Update gear and/or clutch position data.
can_gear_shifter = int(pt_cp.vl["Getriebe_11"]['GE_Fahrstufe'])
self.gearShifter = parse_gear_shifter(can_gear_shifter, self.shifter_values)
# Update door and trunk/hatch lid open status.
self.doorOpen = any([pt_cp.vl["Gateway_72"]['ZV_FT_offen'],
# Update seatbelt fastened status.
self.seatbeltUnlatched = False if pt_cp.vl["Airbag_02"]["AB_Gurtschloss_FA"] == 3 else True
# Update driver preference for metric. VW stores many different unit
# preferences, including separate units for for distance vs. speed.
# We use the speed preference for OP.
self.displayMetricUnits = not pt_cp.vl["Einheiten_01"]["KBI_MFA_v_Einheit_02"]
# Update ACC radar status.
accStatus = pt_cp.vl["ACC_06"]['ACC_Status_ACC']
if accStatus == 1:
# ACC okay but disabled
self.accFault = False
self.accAvailable = False
self.accEnabled = False
elif accStatus == 2:
# ACC okay and enabled, but not currently engaged
self.accFault = False
self.accAvailable = True
self.accEnabled = False
elif accStatus in [3, 4, 5]:
# ACC okay and enabled, currently engaged and regulating speed (3) or engaged with driver accelerating (4) or overrun (5)
self.accFault = False
self.accAvailable = True
self.accEnabled = True
# ACC fault of some sort. Seen statuses 6 or 7 for CAN comms disruptions, visibility issues, etc.
self.accFault = True
self.accAvailable = False
self.accEnabled = False
# Update ACC setpoint. When the setpoint is zero or there's an error, the
# radar sends a set-speed of ~90.69 m/s / 203mph.
self.accSetSpeed = pt_cp.vl["ACC_02"]['SetSpeed']
if self.accSetSpeed > 90: self.accSetSpeed = 0
# Update control button states for turn signals and ACC controls.
self.buttonStates["leftBlinker"] = bool(pt_cp.vl["Gateway_72"]['BH_Blinker_li'])
self.buttonStates["rightBlinker"] = bool(pt_cp.vl["Gateway_72"]['BH_Blinker_re'])
self.buttonStates["accelCruise"] = bool(pt_cp.vl["GRA_ACC_01"]['GRA_Tip_Hoch'])
self.buttonStates["decelCruise"] = bool(pt_cp.vl["GRA_ACC_01"]['GRA_Tip_Runter'])
self.buttonStates["cancel"] = bool(pt_cp.vl["GRA_ACC_01"]['GRA_Abbrechen'])
self.buttonStates["setCruise"] = bool(pt_cp.vl["GRA_ACC_01"]['GRA_Tip_Setzen'])
self.buttonStates["resumeCruise"] = bool(pt_cp.vl["GRA_ACC_01"]['GRA_Tip_Wiederaufnahme'])
self.buttonStates["gapAdjustCruise"] = bool(pt_cp.vl["GRA_ACC_01"]['GRA_Verstellung_Zeitluecke'])
# Read ACC hardware button type configuration info that has to pass thru
# to the radar. Ends up being different for steering wheel buttons vs
# third stalk type controls.
self.graHauptschalter = pt_cp.vl["GRA_ACC_01"]['GRA_Hauptschalter']
self.graTypHauptschalter = pt_cp.vl["GRA_ACC_01"]['GRA_Typ_Hauptschalter']
self.graButtonTypeInfo = pt_cp.vl["GRA_ACC_01"]['GRA_ButtonTypeInfo']
self.graTipStufe2 = pt_cp.vl["GRA_ACC_01"]['GRA_Tip_Stufe_2']
# Pick up the GRA_ACC_01 CAN message counter so we can sync to it for
# later cruise-control button spamming.
self.graMsgBusCounter = pt_cp.vl["GRA_ACC_01"]['COUNTER']
# Check to make sure the electric power steering rack is configured to
# accept and respond to HCA_01 messages and has not encountered a fault.
self.steeringFault = not pt_cp.vl["EPS_01"]["HCA_Ready"]
# Additional safety checks performed in CarInterface.
self.parkingBrakeSet = bool(pt_cp.vl["Kombi_01"]['KBI_Handbremse']) # FIXME: need to include an EPB check as well
self.stabilityControlDisabled = pt_cp.vl["ESP_21"]['ESP_Tastung_passiv']

View File

@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
from cereal import car
from selfdrive.config import Conversions as CV
from selfdrive.controls.lib.drive_helpers import create_event, EventTypes as ET
from selfdrive.controls.lib.vehicle_model import VehicleModel
from import CAR, BUTTON_STATES
from import CarState, get_mqb_pt_can_parser, get_mqb_cam_can_parser
from common.params import Params
from import STD_CARGO_KG, scale_rot_inertia, scale_tire_stiffness, gen_empty_fingerprint
from import CarInterfaceBase
GEAR = car.CarState.GearShifter
class CANBUS:
pt = 0
cam = 2
class CarInterface(CarInterfaceBase):
def __init__(self, CP, CarController):
self.CP = CP
self.CC = None
self.frame = 0
self.gasPressedPrev = False
self.brakePressedPrev = False
self.cruiseStateEnabledPrev = False
self.displayMetricUnitsPrev = None
self.buttonStatesPrev = BUTTON_STATES.copy()
# *** init the major players ***
self.CS = CarState(CP, CANBUS)
self.VM = VehicleModel(CP)
self.pt_cp = get_mqb_pt_can_parser(CP, CANBUS)
self.cam_cp = get_mqb_cam_can_parser(CP, CANBUS)
# sending if read only is False
if CarController is not None:
self.CC = CarController(CANBUS, CP.carFingerprint)
def compute_gb(accel, speed):
return float(accel) / 4.0
def get_params(candidate, fingerprint=gen_empty_fingerprint(), has_relay=False, car_fw=[]):
ret = car.CarParams.new_message()
ret.carFingerprint = candidate
ret.isPandaBlack = has_relay
if candidate == CAR.GOLF:
# Set common MQB parameters that will apply globally
ret.carName = "volkswagen"
ret.safetyModel =
ret.enableCruise = True # Stock ACC still controls acceleration and braking
ret.openpilotLongitudinalControl = False
ret.steerControlType = car.CarParams.SteerControlType.torque
# Additional common MQB parameters that may be overridden per-vehicle
ret.steerRateCost = 0.5
ret.steerActuatorDelay = 0.05 # Hopefully all MQB racks are similar here
ret.steerLimitTimer = 0.4
ret.steerMaxBP = [0.] # m/s
ret.steerMaxV = [1.]
# As a starting point for speed-adjusted lateral tuning, use the example
# map speed breakpoints from a VW Tiguan (SSP 399 page 9). It's unclear
# whether the driver assist map breakpoints have any direct bearing on
# HCA assist torque, but if they're good breakpoints for the driver,
# they're probably good breakpoints for HCA as well. OP won't be driving
# 250kph/155mph but it provides interpolation scaling above 100kmh/62mph. = [0., 15 * CV.KPH_TO_MS, 50 * CV.KPH_TO_MS] = [0., 15 * CV.KPH_TO_MS, 50 * CV.KPH_TO_MS]
# FIXME: Per-vehicle parameters need to be reintegrated.
# For the time being, per-vehicle stuff is being archived since we
# can't auto-detect very well yet. Now that tuning is figured out,
# averaged params should work reasonably on a range of cars. Owners
# can tweak here, as needed, until we have car type auto-detection.
ret.mass = 1700 + STD_CARGO_KG
ret.wheelbase = 2.75
ret.centerToFront = ret.wheelbase * 0.45
ret.steerRatio = 15.6 = 0.00006 = [0.15, 0.25, 0.60] = [0.05, 0.05, 0.05]
tire_stiffness_factor = 0.6
ret.enableCamera = True # Stock camera detection doesn't apply to VW
ret.transmissionType = car.CarParams.TransmissionType.automatic
ret.steerRatioRear = 0.
# No support for OP longitudinal control on Volkswagen at this time.
ret.gasMaxBP = [0.]
ret.gasMaxV = [0.]
ret.brakeMaxBP = [0.]
ret.brakeMaxV = [0.]
ret.longitudinalTuning.deadzoneBP = [0.]
ret.longitudinalTuning.deadzoneV = [0.]
ret.longitudinalTuning.kpBP = [0.]
ret.longitudinalTuning.kpV = [0.]
ret.longitudinalTuning.kiBP = [0.]
ret.longitudinalTuning.kiV = [0.]
# TODO: get actual value, for now starting with reasonable value for
# civic and scaling by mass and wheelbase
ret.rotationalInertia = scale_rot_inertia(ret.mass, ret.wheelbase)
# TODO: start from empirically derived lateral slip stiffness for the civic and scale by
# mass and CG position, so all cars will have approximately similar dyn behaviors
ret.tireStiffnessFront, ret.tireStiffnessRear = scale_tire_stiffness(ret.mass, ret.wheelbase, ret.centerToFront,
return ret
# returns a car.CarState
def update(self, c, can_strings):
canMonoTimes = []
events = []
buttonEvents = []
params = Params()
ret = car.CarState.new_message()
# Process the most recent CAN message traffic, and check for validity
# The camera CAN has no signals we use at this time, but we process it
# anyway so we can test connectivity with can_valid
ret.canValid = self.pt_cp.can_valid and self.cam_cp.can_valid
# Wheel and vehicle speed, yaw rate
ret.wheelSpeeds.fl = self.CS.wheelSpeedFL = self.CS.wheelSpeedFR
ret.wheelSpeeds.rl = self.CS.wheelSpeedRL
ret.wheelSpeeds.rr = self.CS.wheelSpeedRR
ret.vEgoRaw = self.CS.vEgoRaw
ret.vEgo = self.CS.vEgo
ret.aEgo = self.CS.aEgo
ret.standstill = self.CS.standstill
# Steering wheel position, movement, yaw rate, and driver input
ret.steeringAngle = self.CS.steeringAngle
ret.steeringRate = self.CS.steeringRate
ret.steeringTorque = self.CS.steeringTorque
ret.steeringPressed = self.CS.steeringPressed
ret.steeringRateLimited = self.CC.steer_rate_limited if self.CC is not None else False
ret.yawRate = self.CS.yawRate
# Gas, brakes and shifting
ret.gas = self.CS.gas
ret.gasPressed = self.CS.gasPressed
ret.brake = self.CS.brake
ret.brakePressed = self.CS.brakePressed
ret.brakeLights = self.CS.brakeLights
ret.gearShifter = self.CS.gearShifter
# Doors open, seatbelt unfastened
ret.doorOpen = self.CS.doorOpen
ret.seatbeltUnlatched = self.CS.seatbeltUnlatched
# Update the EON metric configuration to match the car at first startup,
# or if there's been a change.
if self.CS.displayMetricUnits != self.displayMetricUnitsPrev:
params.put("IsMetric", "1" if self.CS.displayMetricUnits else "0")
# Blinker switch updates
ret.leftBlinker = self.CS.buttonStates["leftBlinker"]
ret.rightBlinker = self.CS.buttonStates["rightBlinker"]
# ACC cruise state
ret.cruiseState.available = self.CS.accAvailable
ret.cruiseState.enabled = self.CS.accEnabled
ret.cruiseState.speed = self.CS.accSetSpeed
# Check for and process state-change events (button press or release) from
# the turn stalk switch or ACC steering wheel/control stalk buttons.
for button in self.CS.buttonStates:
if self.CS.buttonStates[button] != self.buttonStatesPrev[button]:
be = car.CarState.ButtonEvent.new_message()
be.type = button
be.pressed = self.CS.buttonStates[button]
# Vehicle operation safety checks and events
if ret.doorOpen:
events.append(create_event('doorOpen', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.SOFT_DISABLE]))
if ret.seatbeltUnlatched:
events.append(create_event('seatbeltNotLatched', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.SOFT_DISABLE]))
if ret.gearShifter == GEAR.reverse:
events.append(create_event('reverseGear', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.IMMEDIATE_DISABLE]))
if not ret.gearShifter in [,,]:
events.append(create_event('wrongGear', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.SOFT_DISABLE]))
if self.CS.stabilityControlDisabled:
events.append(create_event('espDisabled', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.SOFT_DISABLE]))
if self.CS.parkingBrakeSet:
events.append(create_event('parkBrake', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.USER_DISABLE]))
# Vehicle health safety checks and events
if self.CS.accFault:
events.append(create_event('radarFault', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.IMMEDIATE_DISABLE]))
if self.CS.steeringFault:
events.append(create_event('steerTempUnavailable', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.WARNING]))
# Per the Comma safety model, disable on pedals rising edge or when brake
# is pressed and speed isn't zero.
if (ret.gasPressed and not self.gasPressedPrev) or \
(ret.brakePressed and (not self.brakePressedPrev or not ret.standstill)):
events.append(create_event('pedalPressed', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.USER_DISABLE]))
if ret.gasPressed:
events.append(create_event('pedalPressed', [ET.PRE_ENABLE]))
# Engagement and longitudinal control using stock ACC. Make sure OP is
# disengaged if stock ACC is disengaged.
if not ret.cruiseState.enabled:
events.append(create_event('pcmDisable', [ET.USER_DISABLE]))
# Attempt OP engagement only on rising edge of stock ACC engagement.
elif not self.cruiseStateEnabledPrev:
events.append(create_event('pcmEnable', [ET.ENABLE])) = events
ret.buttonEvents = buttonEvents
ret.canMonoTimes = canMonoTimes
# update previous car states
self.gasPressedPrev = ret.gasPressed
self.brakePressedPrev = ret.brakePressed
self.cruiseStateEnabledPrev = ret.cruiseState.enabled
self.displayMetricUnitsPrev = self.CS.displayMetricUnits
self.buttonStatesPrev = self.CS.buttonStates.copy()
# cast to reader so it can't be modified
return ret.as_reader()
def apply(self, c):
can_sends = self.CC.update(c.enabled, self.CS, self.frame, c.actuators,
self.frame += 1
return can_sends

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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from import RadarInterfaceBase
class RadarInterface(RadarInterfaceBase):

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@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
from import dbc_dict
class CarControllerParams:
HCA_STEP = 2 # HCA_01 message frequency 50Hz
LDW_STEP = 10 # LDW_02 message frequency 10Hz
GRA_ACC_STEP = 3 # GRA_ACC_01 message frequency 33Hz
GRA_VBP_STEP = 100 # Send ACC virtual button presses once a second
GRA_VBP_COUNT = 16 # Send VBP messages for ~0.5s (GRA_ACC_STEP * 16)
# Observed documented MQB limits: 3.00 Nm max, rate of change 5.00 Nm/sec.
# Limiting both torque and rate-of-change based on real-world testing and
# Comma's safety requirements for minimum time to lane departure.
STEER_MAX = 250 # Max heading control assist torque 2.50 Nm
STEER_DELTA_UP = 4 # Max HCA reached in 1.25s (STEER_MAX / (50Hz * 1.25))
STEER_DELTA_DOWN = 10 # Min HCA reached in 0.60s (STEER_MAX / (50Hz * 0.60))
STEER_DRIVER_MULTIPLIER = 3 # weight driver torque heavily
STEER_DRIVER_FACTOR = 1 # from dbc
"leftBlinker": False,
"rightBlinker": False,
"accelCruise": False,
"decelCruise": False,
"cancel": False,
"setCruise": False,
"resumeCruise": False,
"gapAdjustCruise": False
"none": 0, # Nothing to display
"laneAssistUnavailChime": 1, # "Lane Assist currently not available." with chime
"laneAssistUnavailNoSensorChime": 3, # "Lane Assist not available. No sensor view." with chime
"laneAssistTakeOverUrgent": 4, # "Lane Assist: Please Take Over Steering" with urgent beep
"emergencyAssistUrgent": 6, # "Emergency Assist: Please Take Over Steering" with urgent beep
"laneAssistTakeOverChime": 7, # "Lane Assist: Please Take Over Steering" with chime
"laneAssistTakeOverSilent": 8, # "Lane Assist: Please Take Over Steering" silent
"emergencyAssistChangingLanes": 9, # "Emergency Assist: Changing lanes..." with urgent beep
"laneAssistDeactivated": 10, # "Lane Assist deactivated." silent with persistent icon afterward
class CAR:
GOLF = "Volkswagen Golf"
# 76b83eb0245de90e|2019-10-21--17-40-42 - jyoung8607 car
{64: 8, 134: 8, 159: 8, 173: 8, 178: 8, 253: 8, 257: 8, 260: 8, 262: 8, 264: 8, 278: 8, 279: 8, 283: 8, 286: 8, 288: 8, 289: 8, 290: 8, 294: 8, 299: 8, 302: 8, 346: 8, 385: 8, 418: 8, 427: 8, 668: 8, 679: 8, 681: 8, 695: 8, 779: 8, 780: 8, 783: 8, 792: 8, 795: 8, 804: 8, 806: 8, 807: 8, 808: 8, 809: 8, 870: 8, 896: 8, 897: 8, 898: 8, 901: 8, 917: 8, 919: 8, 949: 8, 958: 8, 960: 4, 981: 8, 987: 8, 988: 8, 991: 8, 997: 8, 1000: 8, 1019: 8, 1120: 8, 1122: 8, 1123: 8, 1124: 8, 1153: 8, 1162: 8, 1175: 8, 1312: 8, 1385: 8, 1413: 8, 1440: 5, 1514: 8, 1515: 8, 1520: 8, 1600: 8, 1601: 8, 1603: 8, 1605: 8, 1624: 8, 1626: 8, 1629: 8, 1631: 8, 1646: 8, 1648: 8, 1712: 6, 1714: 8, 1716: 8, 1717: 8, 1719: 8, 1720: 8, 1721: 8
DBC = {
CAR.GOLF: dbc_dict('vw_mqb_2010', None),

View File

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
# CAN controls for MQB platform Volkswagen, Audi, Skoda and SEAT.
# PQ35/PQ46/NMS, and any future MLB, to come later.
def create_mqb_steering_control(packer, bus, apply_steer, idx, lkas_enabled):
values = {
"SET_ME_0X3": 0x3,
"Assist_Torque": abs(apply_steer),
"Assist_Requested": lkas_enabled,
"Assist_VZ": 1 if apply_steer < 0 else 0,
"HCA_Available": 1,
"HCA_Standby": not lkas_enabled,
"HCA_Active": lkas_enabled,
"SET_ME_0XFE": 0xFE,
"SET_ME_0X07": 0x07,
return packer.make_can_msg("HCA_01", bus, values, idx)
def create_mqb_hud_control(packer, bus, hca_enabled, steering_pressed, hud_alert, leftLaneVisible, rightLaneVisible):
if hca_enabled:
leftlanehud = 3 if leftLaneVisible else 1
rightlanehud = 3 if rightLaneVisible else 1
leftlanehud = 2 if leftLaneVisible else 1
rightlanehud = 2 if rightLaneVisible else 1
values = {
"LDW_Unknown": 2, # FIXME: possible speed or attention relationship
"Kombi_Lamp_Orange": 1 if hca_enabled and steering_pressed else 0,
"Kombi_Lamp_Green": 1 if hca_enabled and not steering_pressed else 0,
"Left_Lane_Status": leftlanehud,
"Right_Lane_Status": rightlanehud,
"Alert_Message": hud_alert,
return packer.make_can_msg("LDW_02", bus, values)
def create_mqb_acc_buttons_control(packer, bus, buttonStatesToSend, CS, idx):
values = {
"GRA_Hauptschalter": CS.graHauptschalter,
"GRA_Abbrechen": buttonStatesToSend["cancel"],
"GRA_Tip_Setzen": buttonStatesToSend["setCruise"],
"GRA_Tip_Hoch": buttonStatesToSend["accelCruise"],
"GRA_Tip_Runter": buttonStatesToSend["decelCruise"],
"GRA_Tip_Wiederaufnahme": buttonStatesToSend["resumeCruise"],
"GRA_Verstellung_Zeitluecke": 3 if buttonStatesToSend["gapAdjustCruise"] else 0,
"GRA_Typ_Hauptschalter": CS.graTypHauptschalter,
"GRA_Codierung": 2,
"GRA_Tip_Stufe_2": CS.graTipStufe2,
"GRA_ButtonTypeInfo": CS.graButtonTypeInfo
return packer.make_can_msg("GRA_ACC_01", bus, values, idx)