
262 lines
10 KiB

#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "thneed.h"
#include "selfdrive/common/util.h"
#include "selfdrive/common/clutil.h"
extern map<cl_program, string> g_program_source;
static int is_same_size_image(cl_mem a, cl_mem b) {
size_t a_width, a_height, a_depth, a_array_size, a_row_pitch, a_slice_pitch;
clGetImageInfo(a, CL_IMAGE_WIDTH, sizeof(a_width), &a_width, NULL);
clGetImageInfo(a, CL_IMAGE_HEIGHT, sizeof(a_height), &a_height, NULL);
clGetImageInfo(a, CL_IMAGE_DEPTH, sizeof(a_depth), &a_depth, NULL);
clGetImageInfo(a, CL_IMAGE_ARRAY_SIZE, sizeof(a_array_size), &a_array_size, NULL);
clGetImageInfo(a, CL_IMAGE_ROW_PITCH, sizeof(a_row_pitch), &a_row_pitch, NULL);
clGetImageInfo(a, CL_IMAGE_SLICE_PITCH, sizeof(a_slice_pitch), &a_slice_pitch, NULL);
size_t b_width, b_height, b_depth, b_array_size, b_row_pitch, b_slice_pitch;
clGetImageInfo(b, CL_IMAGE_WIDTH, sizeof(b_width), &b_width, NULL);
clGetImageInfo(b, CL_IMAGE_HEIGHT, sizeof(b_height), &b_height, NULL);
clGetImageInfo(b, CL_IMAGE_DEPTH, sizeof(b_depth), &b_depth, NULL);
clGetImageInfo(b, CL_IMAGE_ARRAY_SIZE, sizeof(b_array_size), &b_array_size, NULL);
clGetImageInfo(b, CL_IMAGE_ROW_PITCH, sizeof(b_row_pitch), &b_row_pitch, NULL);
clGetImageInfo(b, CL_IMAGE_SLICE_PITCH, sizeof(b_slice_pitch), &b_slice_pitch, NULL);
return (a_width == b_width) && (a_height == b_height) &&
(a_depth == b_depth) && (a_array_size == b_array_size) &&
(a_row_pitch == b_row_pitch) && (a_slice_pitch == b_slice_pitch);
static cl_mem make_image_like(cl_context context, cl_mem val) {
cl_image_format format;
size_t width, height, row_pitch;
clGetImageInfo(val, CL_IMAGE_FORMAT, sizeof(format), &format, NULL);
assert(format.image_channel_order == CL_RGBA);
assert(format.image_channel_data_type == CL_HALF_FLOAT);
clGetImageInfo(val, CL_IMAGE_WIDTH, sizeof(width), &width, NULL);
clGetImageInfo(val, CL_IMAGE_HEIGHT, sizeof(height), &height, NULL);
clGetImageInfo(val, CL_IMAGE_ROW_PITCH, sizeof(row_pitch), &row_pitch, NULL);
cl_image_desc desc = {0};
desc.image_type = CL_MEM_OBJECT_IMAGE2D;
desc.image_width = width;
desc.image_height = height;
desc.image_row_pitch = row_pitch;
cl_mem buf = clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, row_pitch*height, NULL, NULL);
assert(buf != NULL);
desc.buffer = buf;
cl_int err;
cl_mem tmp = clCreateImage(context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, &format, &desc, NULL, &err);
//printf("got %d for image %zux%zu %zu\n", err, width, height, row_pitch);
assert(tmp != NULL);
return tmp;
// convolution_horizontal_reduced_reads_1x1 is 66% of the model runtime
// make that faster and the model gets faster
// this cuts ~2 ms off the model runtime right now
int Thneed::optimize() {
const char *kernel_path = getenv("KERNEL_PATH");
if (!kernel_path) { kernel_path = "/data/openpilot/selfdrive/modeld/thneed/kernels"; printf("no KERNEL_PATH set, defaulting to %s\n", kernel_path); }
string convolution_;
char fn[0x100];
snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "%s/", kernel_path, "convolution_");
convolution_ = util::read_file(fn);
// load custom kernels
map<string, cl_program> g_programs;
for (auto &k : kq) {
// replace program?
if (g_programs.find(k->name) == g_programs.end()) {
char fn[0x100];
snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "%s/", kernel_path, k->name.c_str());
if (util::file_exists(fn)) {
string kernel_src = util::read_file(fn);
if (k->name.rfind("convolution_", 0) == 0) {
kernel_src += convolution_;
printf("building kernel %s with len %lu\n", k->name.c_str(), kernel_src.length());
k->program = cl_program_from_source(context, device_id, kernel_src);
// save in cache
g_programs[k->name] = k->program;
g_program_source[k->program] = kernel_src;
} else {
g_programs[k->name] = NULL;
} else {
// cached replacement
if (g_programs[k->name] != NULL) {
k->program = g_programs[k->name];
// hack in accumulator to convolution_horizontal_reduced_reads_1x1
if (k->name == "convolution_horizontal_reduced_reads_1x1") {
short doAccumulate = 0;
k->args.push_back(string((char *)&doAccumulate, sizeof(doAccumulate)));
k->num_args += 2;
// assert that parameters + batchNormBiases are not used
// since they aren't supported in custom replacement kernels
if (k->name == "convolution_horizontal_reduced_reads_1x1" ||
k->name == "convolution_horizontal_reduced_reads" ||
k->name == "convolution_horizontal_reduced_reads_5_outputs") {
string p1 = k->args[k->get_arg_num("parameters")];
string p2 = k->args[k->get_arg_num("batchNormBiases")];
assert(p1.length() == 8 && *((uint64_t*) == 0);
assert(p2.length() == 8 && *((uint64_t*) == 0);
// optimizer
size_t start_size;
do {
start_size = kq.size();
// get optimizations
map<string, string> replacements;
for (int i = 0; i < kq.size(); i++) {
// fusing elementwise_sum + activate_image will save 3 enqueues
// delete useless copy layers
// saves ~0.7 ms
if (kq[i]->name == "concatenation" || kq[i]->name == "flatten") {
string in = kq[i]->args[kq[i]->get_arg_num("input")];
string out = kq[i]->args[kq[i]->get_arg_num("output")];
if (is_same_size_image(*(cl_mem*), *(cl_mem*) {
cl_mem tmp = make_image_like(context, *(cl_mem *);
replacements[in] = string((char *)&tmp, sizeof(tmp));
replacements[out] = string((char *)&tmp, sizeof(tmp));
kq.erase(kq.begin()+i); --i;
// NOTE: if activations/accumulation are done in the wrong order, this will be wrong
// fuse activations into convs and fc_Wtx
// saves ~1.5 ms
// NOTE: this changes the outputs because of rounding, should be better now!
if (i != 0 && kq[i]->name == "activate_image") {
if (kq[i-1]->name == "convolution_horizontal_reduced_reads_1x1" ||
kq[i-1]->name == "convolution_horizontal_reduced_reads_5_outputs" ||
kq[i-1]->name == "convolution_horizontal_reduced_reads" ||
kq[i-1]->name == "convolution_horizontal_reduced_reads_depthwise" ||
kq[i-1]->name == "convolution_horizontal_reduced_reads_depthwise_stride_1" ||
kq[i-1]->name == "fc_Wtx") {
string lastout = kq[i-1]->args[kq[i-1]->get_arg_num("output")];
string in = kq[i]->args[kq[i]->get_arg_num("input")];
string out = kq[i]->args[kq[i]->get_arg_num("output")];
if (lastout == in) {
short neuron = *(int*)kq[i]->args[kq[i]->get_arg_num("neuron")].data();
assert(neuron <= 5);
// ELU isn't supported in fc_Wtx
assert(!(kq[i-1]->name == "fc_Wtx" && neuron == 5));
kq[i-1]->args[kq[i-1]->get_arg_num("neuron")] = string((char *)&neuron, sizeof(neuron));
cl_mem tmp = make_image_like(context, *(cl_mem *);
replacements[in] = string((char *)&tmp, sizeof(tmp));
replacements[out] = string((char *)&tmp, sizeof(tmp));
kq.erase(kq.begin()+i); --i;
// fuse accumulation into convs and fc_Wtx
if (i != 0 && kq[i]->name == "elementwise_sum") {
if (kq[i-1]->name == "convolution_horizontal_reduced_reads_1x1" ||
kq[i-1]->name == "fc_Wtx") {
string lastout = kq[i-1]->args[kq[i-1]->get_arg_num("output")];
string a = kq[i]->args[kq[i]->get_arg_num("a")];
string b = kq[i]->args[kq[i]->get_arg_num("b")];
string out = kq[i]->args[kq[i]->get_arg_num("output")];
if (lastout == a) {
kq[i-1]->args[kq[i-1]->get_arg_num("accumulator")] = b;
} else if (lastout == b) {
kq[i-1]->args[kq[i-1]->get_arg_num("accumulator")] = a;
} else {
cl_mem tmp = make_image_like(context, *(cl_mem *);
replacements[lastout] = string((char *)&tmp, sizeof(tmp));
replacements[out] = string((char *)&tmp, sizeof(tmp));
short doAccumulate = 1;
kq[i-1]->args[kq[i-1]->get_arg_num("doAccumulate")] = string((char *)&doAccumulate, sizeof(doAccumulate));
kq.erase(kq.begin()+i); --i;
// remap inputs and outputs, and clear the kernels
for (int i = 0; i < kq.size(); i++) {
kq[i]->kernel = NULL;
for (int j = 0; j < kq[i]->num_args; j++) {
if (replacements.find(kq[i]->args[j]) != replacements.end()) {
kq[i]->args[j] = replacements[kq[i]->args[j]];
printf("optimize %lu -> %lu\n", start_size, kq.size());
} while (kq.size() != start_size);
size_t work_group_size = 0;
clGetDeviceInfo(device_id, CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_GROUP_SIZE, sizeof(work_group_size), &work_group_size, NULL);
printf("max work group size %lu\n", work_group_size);
// local work group optimizer
for (auto &k : kq) {
// only do it for convs, since others might share memory
if (k->name.rfind("convolution_", 0) == 0) {
int best = -1;
if (k->local_work_size[0] * k->local_work_size[1] * k->local_work_size[2] < work_group_size/2) {
uint64_t base_time = k->benchmark();
uint64_t best_time = base_time;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
k->local_work_size[i] *= 2;
uint64_t this_time = k->benchmark();
if (this_time < best_time) {
best = i;
best_time = this_time;
k->local_work_size[i] /= 2;
if (best != -1) {
k->local_work_size[best] *= 2;
//printf("%s %.2f ms doubled %d to %.2f ms\n", k->name.c_str(), base_time/1e6, best, best_time/1e6);
return 0;