11 Panda Flashing
Martynas Mickevičius edited this page 2022-03-01 13:00:15 +02:00

panda flashing

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SSH into your device

See SSH for more information.

Navigate to the Panda folder

cd /data/openpilot/panda/board

Flash the Panda (car should be off)

On newer code...

./recover_h7.sh  # for Panda Red
./recover.sh     # for all other Pandas

On older code...

pkill -f boardd; cd /data/openpilot/panda/board; make; reboot

Note: C2's (Comma Two) built-in Panda requires 12V over "OBD-C" (ie. USB-C).

Doing this a few times may unstick a Panda that isn't flashing properly.

Alternative command

This alternative command can be ran if flashing the Panda via the standard process proves unsuccessful.

cd /data/openpilot/panda ; pkill -f boardd ; PYTHONPATH=.. python -c "from panda import Panda; Panda().flash()"
